Global Research News

A Less than Modest Proposal to End the War in Yemen. “I am Writing This on Thanksgiving Eve” By George Capaccio, November 26 2017

“I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled …”

US-DPRK: The Second Phase of the Nuclear Crisis, or “Who Started What” By Dr. Konstantin Asmolov, November 26 2017

The accepted American version of the story about the start of the second phase of the nuclear crisis, and which is customary for audiences of non-Korea experts, usually goes something like this: “in 2003, against the background of the success

James Mattis Allowed the ISIS Terrorists to Escape from Raqqa, Smuggled Out of Syria By Eric Zuesse, November 26 2017

The U.S. Secretary of Defense, General James Mattis, made a secret decision to place the safety and welfare of some foreigners higher than the welfare and safety of the American people.

His number-one concern turned out to be the

ISIS Last Stand; End Times for the Caliphate By Mike Whitney, November 26 2017

“There can be no doubt about it, the ISIS of just two years ago was the most powerful, well-led, generously-armed and resource-efficient paramilitary force in modern history, having carved out for itself an empire between two sovereign states and devastating

Israel Responds to Defeat of Islamist Rebels in Syria with Threat of Wider Regional War By Jean Shaoul, November 26 2017

Israel’s Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman has asked for an immediate US$1.4 billion increase in the Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) budget, citing the “new threats” developing along its northern border with Syria.

This is a reference to the Syrian government forces, …

Terror Attack on Egyptian Mosque Kills at Least 235 Worshippers By Niles Niemuth, November 26 2017

At least 235 worshippers were killed Friday in an attack by Islamist militants on a Sufi mosque in the town of Bir al-Abed in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. Another 109 people were injured in what the Egyptian government has declared to

Foreign Policy Blues: The Australian Foreign Policy White Paper By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 26 2017

The Australian Foreign Policy White paper was touted as a main course for consumers of policy, a document that revealed the inner workings of those creatures working for the Department of Trade and Foreign Affairs. Its temper is predictable, its

Syria War, Sochi Peace By Pepe Escobar, November 26 2017

The main take away of the trilateral, two hour-long Russia-Iran-Turkey summit in Sochi on the future of Syria was expressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin:

“The presidents of Iran and Turkey supported the initiative to convene an All-Syrian Congress …

PLO Office in Washington to Remain Open if Palestinians Engage in ‘Meaningful Negotiations with Israel,’ US Sources By Ahram Online, November 26 2017

The Palestine Liberation Organization office in Washington can remain open to discuss peace with Israel and may be able to resume full operations soon, the State Department said Friday.

The comment came one week after US officials said the diplomatic

Egypt Has Enemies. Massacre at Bir al-Abed Mosque By Steven Sahiounie, November 26 2017

235 people have been killed, according to a statement by the Egyptian Attorney General. The massacre was carried out at al-Rawdah mosque in Bir al-Abed, west of Arish city. According to eye witnesses, there was a huge explosion, and then

Russia Responds: Putin Signs ‘Foreign Agents’ Media Bill into Law By Zero Hedge, November 26 2017

Nearly two weeks after the Duma, the lower house of Russia’s parliament, approved legislation allowing authorities to designate US-backed media organizations as foreign agents, Russian President Vladimir Putin has officially signed the bill into law.

The law allows Moscow to …

Pentagon to Admit to 2,000 Troops in Syria, Number Likely Far Higher By Jason Ditz, November 26 2017

US officials said on Friday that the Pentagon is expected to concern confirm that there are “about 2,000” US ground troops in Syria, a major increase from the roughly 500 that they officially claim is the case.

The US has …

CNN Breaks Story on Slave Trade in Libya; French Government Voices Concern for African Migrants By Gerald A. Perreira, November 26 2017

The world we find ourselves in is complex and full of contradictions. It is easy to fall for rudimentary textbook propaganda based on simplistic dichotomies, such as ‘the good guys versus the bad guys’. If we are not aware of

Libya: A New False Dawn By Richard Galustian, November 26 2017

Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. That quote is worth bearing in mind when assessing the chances of the latest United Nations peace plan

Twenty-two Reasons Why UK Prime Minister Theresa May Should Not be a Lobbyist for a State [ Israel ] Which Rejects UNSC Resolutions By Hans Stehling, November 26 2017

This particular state:

1. Treats the UN Security Council with contempt as it continues to openly breach UNSC Resolution 2334 adopted in December 2016 that demands that all settlement activity stop and that the state fulfills its obligations as an

The Duty to Disobey a Nuclear Launch Order By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, November 26 2017

On November 19, Air Force Gen. John Hyten, commander of the US Strategic Command, declared he would refuse to follow an illegal presidential order to launch a nuclear attack. “If you execute an unlawful order, you will go to jail,”

Russia’s Foreign Agent Media Law By Stephen Lendman, November 26 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

In May 2015, Vladimir Putin signed Russia’s Law on Undesirable Organizations.

It targets foreign organizations posing a “threat to the constitutional order and defense

Trump and Erdogan Spoke by Phone: US to Stop Arming Syria YPG Kurds? By Stephen Lendman, November 26 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Washington has been supplying Kurdish fighters in northern Syria with heavy weapons and other material support for many months, ignoring Turkish criticism.

On Friday,

Global Politics, Global Security and the History of International Relations (IR). The Role of the Peace Treaty of Westphalia (1648) By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, November 25 2017

What is global politics?

It is when a white man sends a black man 20.000 km. far away from home to kill a yellow man, while at home this white man is living on the land occupied from a red

US-DPRK: How the US “Observed” the 1994 “Agreed Framework” By Dr. Konstantin Asmolov, November 25 2017

Let us start with the fact that the Agreed Framework was not an official form of diplomatic treaty and it would be more appropriate to name it a Framework Arrangement (this is also suggested by the word Framework in it),

One Year Later, Fidel’s Thinking on Cuba-U.S. Relations Still Principal Guide By Arnold August, November 25 2017

On Dec. 17, 2014, the world witnessed the simultaneous surprise announcements by presidents Raul Castro and Barack Obama to re-establish diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States after more than five decades. However, the fallacy was floated that this

Survival? Symptoms of Breakdown By Media Lens, November 25 2017

If the human species survives long enough, future historians might well marvel at what passed for ‘mainstream’ media and politics in the early 21st century.

They will see that a UK Defence Secretary had to resign because of serious allegations …

Remembering Fidel a Year after His Passing By Stephen Lendman, November 25 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Gone at age-90, his revolutionary spirit is eternal, the most redoubtable figure of the last century, successfully resisting yankee imperialism for 50 years, surviving

Balkanization. The Nation-State: Post-Mortem By Andrew Korybko, November 25 2017

“Balkanization” is the weaponized perversion of anti-colonialism taken to its ultimate extreme, and it’s being wielded by the declining Unipolar World Order to divide and conquer the Eastern Hemisphere in order to prevent the natural emergence of multipolar civilizational blocs

Video: ISIS Defeated? US Forces Remain “Illegally” in Syria to Oppose Iran By South Front, November 25 2017

On November 23, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the Tiger Forces and their allies continued their operation against ISIS on the western bank of the Euphrates. Pro-government forces have established control over the villages of Mahkan, Quriyah, Subaykhan, Kashma and

White House Support for Aggression and Blockade of Yemen. Unprecedented Humanitarian Crisis. The International Community Remains Silent By Stephen Lendman, November 25 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Humanitarian conditions in the country are dire. International Rescue Committee in Yemen country director Paolo Cernuschi called world community “silence” on what’s going on

US and South Korea Announce Plans for Massive Air Force Exercise Aimed at North Korea By Common Dreams, November 25 2017

Featured image: A Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor fighter takes flight at a Joint Services Open House airshow at Andrews Air Force Base. (Photo: Rob Shenk/Flickr/cc)

The U.S. and South Korea announced Friday they will conduct a massive air force

Wall Street’s Border Wall. How Five Firms Stand to Benefit Financially from Anti-Immigrant Policy By, November 25 2017

We bring to the attention of  Global Research readers an important study entitled Wall Street’s Border Wall. How Five Firms Stand to Benefit Financially from Anti-Immigrant Policy

The following excerpts include the Executive Summary and the Introduction.

To consult the

The Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV): Another Case for Adopting the Precautionary Principle By Chemical Concern, November 25 2017

According to a paper in the Annals of Medicine, Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine policy and evidence-based medicine: Are they at odds?: “At present there are no significant data showing that either Gardasil or Cervarix (GlaxoSmithKline) can prevent any type

The “Snipers’ Massacre” on the Maidan in Ukraine By Oriental Review, November 25 2017

In December 2015, Oriental Review published  the research paper of Prof. Ivan Katchanovski from Ottawa University at the Annual Meeting of American Political Science Association in San Francisco, September 3-6, 2015.

Professor Katchanovski’s analysis is now fully confirmed following the …

The FCC’s Order Is Out: It Will End Net Neutrality and Break the Internet. We’ve Read It, and Here’s What You Need to Know By Matt Wood and Gaurav Laroia, November 25 2017

You can read the full text here. The short version is that Pai’s order takes the Net Neutrality rules off the books and abandons the court-approved Title II legal framework that served as the basis for the successful 2015 

Violence against Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Manus Island and the Clearing of Lombrom Naval Base By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 25 2017

Featured image: PNG Defence Force Base Lombrum is located in Papua New Guinea (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

It was another etching in a chronicle of extended violence. For days, resistance by refugees and asylum seekers against forced removal from the

Sudan Is Indispensable to China’s Silk Road Vision for Africa By Andrew Korybko, November 25 2017

The news that China will build a railway from the Red Sea city of Port Sudan to the Chadian capital of N’Djamena proves just how serious Beijing is about pioneering a transcontinental Sahelian-Saharan Silk Road to more easily connect Africa’s

“Colonial Reparations” to the Caribbean. Plunder, Slavery and Genocide of the Native People By Colonialism Reparation, November 25 2017

Colonialism Reparation supports the request for reparations of the members of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) for the genocide of the native people and the slavery and calls on the former colonizers (United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, etc.) to apologize and pay

Video. 9/11 Truth: A Government Researcher Speaks Out, 9/11 Evidence and NIST By AE911Truth, November 25 2017

In August 2016, Peter Michael Ketcham, a former employee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), began looking into the reports his agency had released years earlier on the collapse of the World Trade Center. What he

Who Rigs Elections? Russia or the USA? By John W. Warnock, November 25 2017

Turn on the news these days and all you can find are reports of how Vladimir Putin and the Russians were responsible for the defeat of Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in the US election last November. Endless allegations but

Quebec Independence: National Struggle and Class Struggle, Complementary or Contradictory? By André Frappier and Richard Fidler, November 24 2017

A major item on the agenda of the upcoming convention of Québec solidaire (QS), to be held in the Montréal suburb of Longueuil December 1-3, will be a proposal for fusion with another pro-independence party, Option nationale (ON). This will

Winning the Peace in Syria: The Nation’s Greatest Challenge By Stephen Lendman, November 24 2017

Progress toward defeating US-supported terrorists has been significant, most territory held by ISIS liberated.

Al-Nusra and other terrorist groups remain to be eliminated. Syrian and allied forces are up to the challenge.

A far greater one awaits once war ends …

Devastation of Ancestral Lands in Peru’s Amazon. 6000 Hectares of Forests Destroyed, Converted to Palm Oil Plantations By Forest Peoples Programme, November 24 2017

On the eve of the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil’s (RSPO) annual meeting the Shipibo Konibo community of Santa Clara de Uchunya and its representative organisation FECONAU has condemned the failure of the organisation’s complaints mechanism to secure justice for

Kremlin Instructs Russian Industry to Prepare for War Mobilization By Alex Lantier, November 24 2017

Reports emerged yesterday in the British press that Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian industry to be prepared to divert all its efforts into war production. After Germany’s formal re-militarization of its foreign policy in 2014 and Sweden’s reintroduction

Is Trump Rehearsing for War on North Korea? Given His “Rage for War”, Even the Unthinkable is Possible By Stephen Lendman, November 24 2017

US vilification of North Korea is intense, ominously ongoing since Trump took office, already involved in multiple wars of aggression.

Is attacking the DPRK next?

Is Trump willing to risk nuclear war on the peninsula? Given his rage for war,

US Expands Military Offensive in Somalia By Eddie Haywood, November 24 2017

Since the beginning of the year, the US has rapidly expanded its forces and significantly ramped up its military offensive in Somalia, conducting at least 28 air strikes in 2017. By comparison, 13 such air strikes were carried out in

Translated Doc Debunks Narrative of Al Qaeda-Iran ‘Alliance’ By Gareth Porter, November 24 2017

For many years, major U.S. institutions ranging from the Pentagon to the 9/11 Commission have been pushing the line that Iran secretly cooperated with Al Qaeda both before and after the 9/11 terror attacks. But the evidence for those claims
Will the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) Be Kept Beyond Its 30th Anniversary? By Vladimir Kozin, November 24 2017

The 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) constitutes an agreement between the US and the Soviet Union pertaining to the Elimination of Their Intermediate-Range and Shorter- Range Missiles. 

By the summer of 1991, the Soviet Union and US had

The Hidden Truth About Ukraine, Kiev Euromaidan Snipers Kill Demonstrators. Italian Documentary Bombshell Evidence By Oriental Review, November 24 2017
The interviews with three snipers of Georgian nationality, conducted by the Italian journalist Gian Micalessin and aired as a breathtaking documentary on Milan-based Canale 5 (Matrix program) have not paved their way to the international mainstream media.
Selected Articles: Unrelenting Propagation of “Fake News” By Global Research News, November 24 2017

Global Research’s work is critical in the face of mainstream media disinformation. See our selection below. 

We invite you to subscribe to our free newsletter if you have not already done so, and also to forward our articles and videos

A “Peace Train” is Rolling Through Syria… By Mark Taliano, November 24 2017

A Peace Train is rolling through Syria, but Canada and its terrorist-supporting allies are not on it.

If Canada wanted peace, it would be applauding the Axis of Resistance’s victories over terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

But Canada’s silence is

Revolutionary Activist Shakti Yogmaya in Nepal’s Grade Ten Schoolbooks! By Barbara Nimri Aziz, November 24 2017

It was just a local rumor in a remote Himalayan village. Now it’s a history lesson for children across Nepal.

I doubt if an entry in grade 10 English textbooks is what a normal anthropologist aspires to? I certainly never

Misleading Map of Israel Raises Questions About BBC Impartiality, Erases Palestine Completely By Amena Saleem, November 24 2017

Featured image: A map used in BBC’s Hairy Bikers series erases Palestinians completely.

The BBC has admitted to producing a misleading map of Israel in which Jerusalem is included, the occupied West Bank is annexed to Jordan and Gaza no

Fidel Castro: The Eternal Flame, the Most Extraordinary of Revolutionaries By Dr. Birsen Filip, November 24 2017

Castro (far left), Che Guevara (center), and other leading revolutionaries, marching through the streets in protest at the La Coubre explosion, March 5, 1960

On November 25, 2016, Cuban President Raúl Castro appeared on state television to announce the

Video: Syrian Army Liberates Dozen Villages in Euphrates Valley By South Front, November 24 2017

Syrian government forces have liberated a large area from ISIS on the western bank of the Euphrates. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Tiger Forces have captured the villages of Ajrama, al-Safsafah, Ksu Umm Saba, al-Jahlah, al-Dwair, Wadi Abu Jasim, Surat

Unorthodoxy in Russia. The Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church By Marcus Papadopoulos, November 24 2017

The Russian Orthodox Church is as resurgent today in Russia as Russia is, itself, on an international level.  Ever since the collapse of communism and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Russian Orthodox Church, in accordance with an unofficial

‘It Is NATO Court!’ Former Bosnian Serb Commander Mladic Slams UN Court that Gave Him Life Sentence By RT News, November 24 2017

A United Nations tribunal has convicted General Ratko Mladic on 10 out of 11 counts of crimes he was accused of committing during the Balkan Wars of the 1990s. Critics of the prosecution of crimes during the violent collapse of

Venice and Lombardy: Why Is the Request for Independence Growing? By Giulietto Chiesa, November 24 2017

The following article was written before the recent referendum in Venice and Lombardy. It remains relevant as far as, everything happening in Europe those days is becoming, more a more, a manifestation of extreme social “egotism”, of generalized destruction of

The Extent of Foreign Interference in the Affairs of the U.K. Government by Lobbyists is not “Democratic Governance” By Hans Stehling, November 24 2017

The current insidious influence in both Houses of the British Parliament, of the agents of foreign states and their meddling, both overt and covert, in the sovereign affairs of the United Kingdom, including the legislature, must be exposed and curtailed

The Objective of the US Is to Weaken and Destroy Syria: Prof. Tim Anderson By Prof. Tim Anderson and Sputnik, November 24 2017

In an interview with Radio Sputnik, Tim Anderson, an academic expert in economics and international politics from the University of Sydney, pondered on the US’ role in the standoff in Syria, saying that America misinterprets the Russian arms’ presence

American Mercenaries Torturing Saudi Elites Rounded Up by Crown Prince, Blackwater Is Allegedly involved? By Daily Mail, November 23 2017

The following report appeared in the Daily Mail, November 22nd, 2017

To Read to Complete Daily Mail article, click here 

” Saudi princes and billionaire businessmen arrested in a power grab earlier this month are being strung up by their

BBC Backs Report that Omitted Killings of Palestinians During Gaza Truce By Amena Saleem, November 23 2017

The BBC’s obliviousness to the reality of Israeli aggression against Gaza has been staggeringly highlighted in a BBC Trust ruling issued at the beginning of October that endorses a report that completely ignored Israeli violence against Palestinians, including multiple killings

Israel’s Military Detention of Palestinian Children. Motion against Israel in Britain’s Parliament By Middle East Monitor, November 23 2017

Half a dozen British parliamentarians have launched a parliamentary Early Day Motion (EDM) condemning the military detention of Palestinian children at the hands of Israeli authorities.

The primary sponsor of the EDM, officially tabled on Monday, is Labour MP Richard

Srebrenica: Ratko Mladic’s Sham Trial and Conviction By Stephen Lendman, November 23 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

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The Western-controlled International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) was charged with delivering victor’s justice, polar opposite the real thing.

In March 2016,

No Thanks for Thanksgiving Under Trump By Stephen Lendman, November 23 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

One day there may be reason to give thanks. How can there be now with endless US wars raging, force-fed austerity on ordinary Americans,

Britain: Industrial Diversification and the Civilian Economy instead of Trident and Arms Exports By, November 23 2017

A growing number are urging Government to move support from the Trident project and arms export industry to other sectors that meet real needs and use highly skilled workers for constructive purposes, designing emission-free rail, road and waterway vehicles, advancing

US Bombing of Afghanistan Up by 300 Percent By Bill Van Auken, November 23 2017

The US media this week broadcast videos provided by the Pentagon purporting to show American airstrikes against Taliban-run “drug labs” in Afghanistan’s Helmand province. Parroting claims by the top US military commander Gen. John Nicholson, television news broadcasters reported that

The History of Yugoslavia: Srebrenica and the Ratko Mladić Verdict By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 23 2017

Featured image: Ratko Mladić (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

While Zimbabwe was changing under various inexorable forces of power, the more sterile surrounds of The Hague and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia offered the scene for a conviction.

Translated Doc Debunks Narrative of Al Qaeda-Iran ‘Alliance’ By Gareth Porter, November 23 2017

Featured image: Imam Khomeini Street in central Tehran, Iran, 2012. Credit: Shutterstock/Mansoreh

For many years, major U.S. institutions ranging from the Pentagon to the 9/11 Commission have been pushing the line that Iran secretly cooperated with Al Qaeda both before

From an Open Internet, Back to the Dark Ages By Jonathan Cook, November 23 2017

Can anyone still doubt that access to a relatively free and open internet is rapidly coming to an end in the west? In China and other autocratic regimes, leaders have simply bent the internet to their will, censoring content that

US Sanctions Against North Korea Target China By Peter Symonds, November 23 2017

The US Treasury announced new sanctions on Tuesday that not only target North Korea, but a number of Chinese companies and individuals. The latest penalties underscore Washington’s determination to exploit the current confrontation with Pyongyang to undermine China economically and

How Good Are Competing Palm Oil Certification Systems at Respecting Human Rights and Social Values? By Forest Peoples Programme, November 23 2017

new report from the Forest Peoples Programme assesses six different certification schemes being used by companies to facilitate their access to international markets for edible oils and biofuels. The desk-based study used the same yardstick to assess the various

Pakistan in An Emerging Multipolar World: ASGA Strategy for the Afro-Pacific By Andrew Korybko, November 23 2017

Reconceptualizing the Indian Ocean as an African one can help to craft creative strategies for maximizing Pakistan’s strategic significance in the emerging Multipolar World Order through a reinvigorated naval strategy that capitalizes on China-Pakistan Economic Corridor’s “Global South” connectivity potential

Petroyuan and Saudi Arabia: From the Temptation of US “Military QE” to the Creation of a Middle East 3.0 By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), November 23 2017

End 2017/early 2018, all major Western Central Banks will be putting a final stop to the 2008 crisis-related unconventional monetary policies, namely the famous quantitative easing policies (QEs) which enabled to provide liquidity to those banks which saw their mutual

The US-led Coalition’s Air War in Iraq: Undercounting the Civilian Dead By Paul R. Pillar, November 22 2017

Anyone willing to think carefully and critically about the use of armed force against a target such as Islamic State (ISIS) would do well to read the intensively researched piece in the New York Times by investigative journalist Azmat Khan

Does Hydraulic Fracking Trigger Earthquakes? Officials Caught Forcing Scientist to Alter Findings to Cover Up Earthquake Fracking Link By John Vibes, November 22 2017

Hydraulic fracturing is a natural gas extraction method that has become extremely controversial for its environmental impacts. Fracking is the process of drilling down into the earth before a high-pressure water mixture is directed at the rock to release the

Crimes against Humanity: US-backed Saudi Blockade Deprives 2.5 Million Yemenis of Clean Water By Bill Van Auken, November 22 2017

As a US-backed Saudi tightening of the blockade against the impoverished and war-ravaged country of Yemen enters its third week, the International Committee of the Red Cross has reported that pumping stations and sanitation facilities in both the Yemeni capital

Trump’s FCC Chairman to End “Net Neutrality”. The Plan to “Kill Digital Democracy” By Stephen Lendman, November 22 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Battle lines are drawn. Trump’s FFC chairman Ajit Pai is on record against Net Neutrality, saying its days are numbered.

He took the first

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Only in America… The Media’s Coverage of “Sexual Harassment of Women by Powerful Men” By Deena Stryker, November 22 2017

While the Yemenis wonder whether the Saudi Crown Prince will ever stop bombing them with American weapons, and the President threatens to take on North Korea, the US media mainly talks about the sexual harassment of women by powerful men.

Doomsday Scenarios: The UK’s Hair-Raising Admissions About the Prospect of Nuclear War and Accident By T.J. Coles, November 22 2017

The British Ministry of Defence (MoD) has published several reports over the last few years. They discuss geopolitics and related themes, one of which is the likelihood of nuclear war or accident, including what it means for long-term survival.

Experts …

Peace in Syria? When and Under What Circumstances. Will Washington Admit Defeat? By Stephen Lendman, November 22 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Peace one day will return to Syria. The question is when and under what circumstances.

Will its sovereign independence remain unchanged? Will its territorial

Huge Implications of Russia’s Northern Sea Route. An Alternative to the Suez Canal? By F. William Engdahl, November 22 2017

In terms of dealing with some of the world’s harshest weather conditions no country comes close compared with Russia. Now Russia has made it a highest priority to develop a Northern Sea Route along the Russian Arctic coast to enable

Angela Merkel’s Disastrous Failed Policies for Germany By Hans Stehling, November 22 2017

Chancellor Angela Merkel has thrown the Federal Republic of Germany into the greatest period of political instability since WW2 as the electorate increasingly rejects CDU policies that appear to have now destabilised the country’s economic and social structure, and also

Russia in Syria – Military ‘Failure’ Sets Off Intense Diplomacy By Moon of Alabama, November 22 2017

Western media predicted that the Russian military campaign in Syria would end in ‘failure’. That – presumably – has been achieved (not). Now follows a push of diplomatic efforts to settle the war.

In September 2015 the “west” prepared for …