Global Research News

Hey Landlord… Take a Hike! The Housing Crisis in Dreamland America By Philip A Farruggio, November 29 2017

In 2016, the last time accurate statistics were given, there were over 43 million housing units in America occupied by renters, up from 38 million in 2010.

One would surmise that the great housing bubble burst of 2008-09 pushed millions

North Korean ICBM Able to Strike America? How to Avoid a Catastrophic Nuclear War By Stephen Lendman, November 29 2017


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According to Pyongyang’s KCNA news agency, “(t)he ICBM Hwasong-15 type weaponry system (test-fired Tuesday) is an intercontinental ballistic rocket tipped with super-large heavy warhead

The Mladic NATO-Style Trial at the ICTY: A Stain on Civilization By Christopher Black, November 29 2017

All that is a lie. This is a NATO-style trial.”

The defiant words of General Mladic to the judges of the NATO controlled ad hoc war crimes tribunal for Yugoslavia rang out loud and clear the day they pretended

Movie Review: Kenneth Branagh Recreates Hercule Poirot and “Murder on the Orient Express” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 29 2017

Few could have colonised a role as comprehensively as David Suchet playing Hercule Poirot, that pedantic, fastidious figure of sleuthing fame created by Agatha Christie. Manner, affectation, and delivery all seemed immaculate, read, and even delightful. Invariably, this sort of

Israel to Coordinate with Google, YouTube, to Censor Palestinian Videos of Conflict By IMEMC, November 29 2017

The Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister, Member of Knesset Tzipi Hotovely, held meetings this week with representatives of YouTube and Google, to find ways of cooperating to censor Palestinian videos from occupied Palestine, videos she dubbed as “inciting violence and

Oil and Gas Drilling in The Arctic? Undermining the Ecosystem and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge By Alaska Wilderness League, November 29 2017

Open Letter to Members of the United States Congress:

In the next few weeks, the US Congress will decide whether or not to mandate oil and gas drilling in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as part …

Israel Plans to Block Arabs from Living in 1,000 Neighbourhoods By Middle East Monitor, November 29 2017

Israel is planning to block its Arab citizens from living in almost 1,000 neighbourhoods and villages under the pretext that they were built for Jews only, Quds Press reported on Tuesday. According to a report in Haaretz, the Knesset (Israeli

Waiting for the American Dream By Edward Curtin, November 29 2017

“All good things arrive for them that wait – and don’t die in the meantime.” – Mark Twain

It is damp, drizzly November once again, the grim grey in-between month, a time for dying and a time, above all, for

Gold, Cryptocurrency and the Illusive “Bitcoin Bubble”: The Silver and Gold Summit By Jeff Clark, November 29 2017

I attended the Silver & Gold Summit in San Francisco November 20 and 21. It was great connecting with the many people I know in the industry, but I will tell you that a) attendance was low, and b) crypto

Donald in Command of Nuclear Weapons: Reconsidering the “Nuclear Demigod” Called “Mr. President” By John Mecklin, November 29 2017

The simmer of unease prompted by the prospect of Donald Trump in command of nuclear weapons—initially highlighted during last year’s presidential campaign—reached full boil last week. A Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on nuclear use authority included clear expressions

Video: Israel Was Pushing Us to Bomb Iran before Nuclear Deal – John Kerry By South Front, November 29 2017

According to former US Secretary of State John Kerry Israel and Egypt were pushing the US to “bomb Iran” before the nuclear deal was struck in 2015. He added that a number of kings and presidents told the US that

Media Erase NATO Role in Bringing Slave Markets to Libya By Ben Norton, November 29 2017

Twenty-first century slave markets. Human beings sold for a few hundred dollars. Massive protests throughout the world.

The American and British media have awakened to the grim reality in Libya, where African refugees are for sale in open-air slave markets.

Unprecedented Wealth Inequality in America: The Hundred Billion Dollar Man By Stephen Lendman, November 29 2017


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It’s an obscenity, not a mark of distinction or impressive achievement – symbolic of unprecedented wealth inequality in a nation obsessed with super-wealth and

Former Joint Chiefs Chairman: Likelihood of Nuclear War Is Rising By Dave Lawler and Mike Mullen, November 29 2017

Retired Adm. Mike Mullen, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs, said on ABC’S “This Week” that nuclear war has become “more probable than it used to be. And it scares me to death, quite frankly.”

Mullen also said he has

Failure to End Use of Toxic Herbicide Glyphosate ‘Nothing Short of Scandalous’ By Molly Scott Cato MEP, November 29 2017

A qualified majority of EU countries agreed the reauthorisation of Europe’s most used weedkiller, glyphosate, this week. After months of wrangling and a failure by EU nations to agree its fate, the Appeal Committee, consisting of experts from EU countries

No Need to Wait – Dystopia Is Almost Upon Us By True Publica, November 29 2017

Microsoft’s CEO has warned the technology industry against creating a dystopian future, the likes of which have been predicted by authors including George Orwell and Aldous Huxley. Satya Nadella kicked off the the company’s 2017 Build conference with a

Tensions Rise Again as North Korea Tests Missile By Peter Symonds, November 29 2017

North Korea test fired a long-range missile today that appears to have the range to potentially hit most parts of continental United States, including its capital Washington DC. The test took place amid high tensions on the Korean Peninsula stoked

Turning the Corner in Afghanistan By Moon of Alabama, November 29 2017

The news about the wars the U.S. is waging all over the world is unreliable. The same statements of progress are repeated year after year. The official numbers, be they of civilian casualties or deployed troops, are mere lies. Every

The Nightmare Aftermath of a Nuclear Bomb By Joan Wickersham, November 29 2017

On Aug. 6, 1945, the United States dropped a nuclear weapon on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. In the spring of 1946, writer John Hersey went to Japan to interview some survivors. The result was one of the most powerful

The Relentless Decline of US Imperialism: At the UN, America’s Inability to Admit Reality. Four Successive Vetoes on the Lies about Khan Shaykhun By Thierry Meyssan, November 29 2017

Featured image: Rehashing the posturing of her long-departed predecessor, Adlai Stevenson during the Cuban missile crisis, Nikki Haley denounced the incident at Khan Shaykhun by displaying a number of terrible photographs. However, the UNO-OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism refused to authenticate

Leadership Change Underway in Zimbabwe after Resignation of President Robert Mugabe By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 29 2017

A factional struggle inside the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) party has created the conditions for the resignation of longtime leader President Robert Gabriel Mugabe on November 21.

Through a project entitled “Operation Restore Legacy”, the president

Is the Israeli-Saudi Alliance Planning to Wage War On Iran? By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, November 29 2017

Israel, the USA, and Saudi Arabia are doing everything to lay the foundations for war against Iran.

That is why Iran and its people must be demonized and dehumanized. The Israeli government has  been doing this since the Shah of

Video: Syrian Army Eliminated ISIS-held Pocket in Euphrates Valley By South Front, November 29 2017

The ISIS-held pocket on the western bank of the Euphrates River is close to a full collapse as the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces are advancing on the last ISIS-held points there.

On November 27 and 28,

Farmers Storm India’s National Capital, Demanding Freedom from Debt and Better Price for Their Produce By Via Campesina, November 29 2017

Several thousand small-holder farmers from across India held a massive demonstration in New Delhi, from 20-21 November to draw attention to the acute agrarian distress plaguing the countryside and seeking immediate intervention by the Union Government.

Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha

Why Does the U.S. Support Saudi Arabia, A Country Which Hosts and Finances Islamic Terrorism? On Behalf of Washington? By Washington's Blog, November 29 2017

First published in August 2014, this essay brings to the forefront Washington’s relentless support for Saudi Arabia, a State sponsor of terror, which has been waging since 2015 a war on the people of Yemen, tantamount to genocide.   

America Has

Earth as Weapon, Geo-engineering as War By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, November 28 2017

This book is a globally unique documentation by Dr. Rosalie Bertell. I think it is one of the most important books of the 21st century. In addition to the author’s original text from the year 2000 there are various

Grand Renaissance Dam
For 70 Years, the New York Times Has Heralded Saudi Leaders as “Reformers” By Washington's Blog, November 28 2017

Assistant Professor of History at Georgetown University Abdullah Al-Arian has written an epic tweetstorm showing that the “paper of record” has long pretended that the leaders of our close “friends” (cough … radical head-choppers) the Saudis are on the verge

Subverting Authoritarianism by Empowering Learners and Democratizing Education By Anthony C. Clemons, November 28 2017

Authoritarianism can be subverted if learning environments on college campuses are democratized to meet learner needs.

What happens to a nation when non-conformists are labeled as “enemies of the people” and their counter-views are described as “alternative facts?”

What happens …

Who’s in the Pocket of the Russians? Why Prosecutor Robert Mueller Is Really Indicting Trump’s One Time Foreign Policy Adviser Michael Flynn By Washington's Blog, November 28 2017

The mainstream narrative is that squeaky-clean special prosecutor Robert Mueller is going to indict Trump’s one-time foreign policy advisor Michael Flynn because Flynn is in the pocket of the Russians and the Turks.

But the truth might be totally different

The Responsibility of Freedom. Block the Despots. Turn the Tide of History By Julian Rose, November 28 2017

A lot of people are writing and talking about spirit, higher self, personal enlightenment, shining health, transformation and the attainment of the Godly. A lot of people are following the words of those who proclaim knowledge of the above.

It …

Macroeconomics and Social Inequality: A Thanksgiving Letter to Our Wealthiest 1% Americans By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 28 2017

As this Thanksgiving holiday comes to an end and the Xmas season approaches, let’s not forget to give thanks to our richest 1% fellow Americans and their corporations. Thanks to all 1.25 million of you from the 130 million of

Borneo – Island Devastated, People Oblivious, Neocolonialist Nightmare By Andre Vltchek and Mira Lubis, November 28 2017

She was just standing there, in the middle of burning land, surrounded by stumps of trees, fire everywhere, smoke rising towards hopelessly gray sky. The expression on her face was mischievous, almost girlish. I had no idea how old she

Kurdish Intentions to Join SAA? Secret Deal Against the US? By Sophie Mangal, November 28 2017

According to Inside Syria Media Center military sources [yet to be confirmed, GR Ed.] in Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), SDF-Kurds will join the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) as “Northern Syria Protection units” after the establishment of the federal system

Selected Articles: U.S. “Humanitarian Negligence” Extends Beyond Terrorism By Global Research News, November 28 2017

Global Research is an independent organization that is funded exclusively through the support of its readers. Every contribution helps us continue to bring you the up-to-date, incisive information that you count on.

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Washington’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Donald’s Interim Appointee Wants to Abolish It? By Stephen Lendman, November 28 2017


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Created in the wake of the 2008-09 financial crisis, the CFPB has been more bark than bite.

In September 2010, Obama appointed Elizabeth Warren

Arrogant Overreach: FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s Plan to Totally Destroy Net Neutrality May Doom Him in Court By Cory Doctorow, November 28 2017

If Trump FCC chairman Ajit Pai had confined his attack on Net Neutrality to merely rolling back the 2015 Title II rules, he might have gotten away with it; but like the Republican plan to kill Obamacare, the Republican plan

Kurdish YPG Fighters Willing to Join Syrian Army? What Prospects of Geneva Peace Talks By Stephen Lendman, November 28 2017

Featured image: Rezan Gilo


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According to YPG-led Syrian Kurdistan defense chief Rezan Gilo, “(t)here is no problem for our forces to join the

“Dirty Geopolitics” and America’s “Triangulation Strategy” in Syria By Stephen Lendman, November 28 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

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The idea involves playing both sides against the middle, keeping options open, promising support for both sides, a strategy to benefit the manipulator –

The End of the Syrian War Is the Beginning of a New Middle Eastern Order By Federico Pieraccini, November 28 2017

In the Middle East and beyond, we are witnessing a series of high-level political meetings between dozens of nations involved directly or indirectly in the Syrian situation. It is crucial to understand all this in order to understand the direction

Fidel Castro: The Danger of Nuclear War. We Have an Obligation to Prevent a War against Korea By Fidel Castro Ruz, November 28 2017

This article was published in April 2013. Fidel Castro Ruz was a contributor as well as a reader of Global Research.

A few days ago I mentioned the great challenges humanity is currently facing. Intelligent life emerged on our planet

Is North Korea Really a ‘State Sponsor of Terrorism’? By Rep. Ron Paul, November 28 2017

President Trump announced last week that he was returning North Korea to the US list of “state sponsors of terrorism” after having been off the list for the past nine years. Americans may wonder what dramatic event led the US

Fidel, a Year Later: Fidel Castro’s Insistence on Ideas, “Media Lies and How We Accept Them” By Prof Susan Babbitt, November 28 2017

Nicolas Maduro is a dictator although he was fairly elected. He has improved the situation of the poor and for this alone should be considered democratic.  Saudi Arabia’s Muhammad Bin-Salman, on the other hand, sacked scores of his opponents,

How Far Will the ‘Friendship’ of Israel and Saudi Arabia Go? By Valeriy Kulikov, November 28 2017

Recently, Israel and Saudi Arabia began to demonstrate their mutual readiness for proximity or even collaboration based on the joint opposition to Iran. So far, these two ferocious geopolitical enemies of Tehran are trying to stick to the policy of

Political Turmoil over Ireland’s Post-Brexit Status Escalates By Steve James, November 28 2017

Bitter negotiations over post-Brexit arrangements with the European Union threaten to destabilise governments in the UK, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

Britain is due to exit the European Union in March 2019, raising the possibility that the border …

Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes to be Released in 20 States By Derrick Broze, November 28 2017

The US Environmental Protection Agency has approved the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes in 20 US states and Washington D.C – what are the implications of this mass experiment?

In early November the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved the …

EU Renews Use of Likely Carcinogenic Glyphosate Herbicide By Stephen Lendman, November 28 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

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Monsanto has been selling glyphosate to farmers since 1974 – under the trade name Roundup, used to kill weeds without killing crops.

It’s currently

Canada’s Unraveling Web of Deceit. Terrorism and War Propaganda By Mark Taliano, November 28 2017

Now that Syria and its allies in the Axis of Resistance have done the world a favour by destroying most of the West’s terror proxies in Syria, the Canadian narrative is falling apart.

In 2016, Prime Minister Trudeau described the …

Poland’s Patriot Missile Purchase Is a Paid Bribe to America By Andrew Korybko, November 28 2017

Poland announced that it will purchase $10.5 billion worth of anti-air Patriot missiles from the US.

Technically, the official news event is that the State Department approved the possible sale and that Congress has 30 days to block it, but …

Can’t You See War on the Horizon? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 28 2017

According to news reports in the British press, Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed Russia’s industries to prepare themselves to be able to make a quick switch to war production.   

Clearly, the Russian government would not make such an

Britain: Toward a New Model Young Labour By Max Shanly, November 27 2017

Preface to Proposal

Following decades of neoliberalism, where a massive redistribution of wealth and power has taken place in favour of the rich, the capitalist system now finds itself in serious crisis.

The preceding epoch, characterised primarily by a slavish

The Dark Inevitability of Zionism By Prof. Lawrence Davidson, November 27 2017

We know where Zionism has taken Israel. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 led the way. In that imperial and colonial document, the British promised the World Zionist Organization a “Jewish National Home” in Palestine. They did so, as Edward Said

Massive Citizen Initiative Demands Ban of Monsanto’s Glyphosate in All 50 States By Marcus Dorsum, November 27 2017

In early November, the organization Moms Across America launched a nationwide campaign to finally ban glyphosate herbicides in every state in America.

With the formidable support of millions of people collectively, the Organic Consumers Association, the Institute for Responsible Technology, …

Saudi Arabia’s Phony “War on Terror”, Leading State Sponsor of ISIS, al-Qaeda, et al By Stephen Lendman, November 27 2017


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Saudi Arabia is the Arab world’s leading state sponsor of terror. It backs ISIS, al-Qaeda, its al-Nusra offshoot and other terrorist groups – supplying

Taking Stock: One Year after Trump. “What is the Root Cause of this Unexpected Political Swing” By Prof. Richard Falk, November 27 2017

Prefatory Note:

This post addresses the need for dialogue with the political, economic, and cultural ‘other,’ that is, those multitudes acutely alienated from and angry with secular globalism and the Enlightenment legacy often equated with ‘modernity’ and ‘modernization.’ At the

The American Dream Has Been Irreparably Broken By William Hanna, November 27 2017

“There are many respects in which America, if it can bring itself to act with the magnanimity and the empathy appropriate to its size and power, can be an intelligent example to the world. We have the opportunity to set

Protests in Pakistan Turn Violent, Emerging Role of “Other Forces” By Prof. Vivek Kumar Srivastava, November 27 2017

Featured image: Zahid Amid (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

In Pakistan Street protests have affected cities like Imamabad, and is spreading in other cities as well. About six persons have died and more than two hundred have been injured. PTI has reported

Combating Terrorism and the Barbaric Egypt Rawda Mosque Attack By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, November 27 2017

The barbaric attack that killed 305 worshippers including 27 children during Friday prayers (24 November 2017) at the Rawda mosque in North Sinai, Egypt is a tragic reminder to the entire human family that the threat of terrorism is as

Is the Islamic State a “Geopolitical Tool”? US Looks to Southeast Asia to Unleash Its ISIS-Daesh Hordes By Tony Cartalucci, November 27 2017

Western think tanks have been increasingly busy cultivating a narrative to explain the sudden and spreading presence of militants linked or fighting under the banner of the self-proclaimed “Islamic State” (ISIS) across Southeast Asia.

This narrative – these think tanks …

Israel Threatens War on Syria By Stephen Lendman, November 27 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Washington and Israel demand regime change in Syria, along with removal of Iranian and Hezbollah forces involved in combating ISIS and other terrorists.


Canada’s Sanctions Law against Moscow: Adopts Anti-Russia Magnitsky Act By Laurent Lafrance, November 27 2017

With all-party support, Canada’s Parliament adopted in late October a new sanctions law patterned after the US Magnitsky Act. Under the pretext of targeting so-called human rights violators, the legislation provides a ready mechanism for Ottawa to sanction leaders of,

IMF Lays Down the Law for Zimbabwe Post-Mugabe By Chris Marsden, November 27 2017

Even before Emmerson Mnangagwa was inaugurated as president Friday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued a list of demands post-Mugabe Zimbabwe must meet before being reconsidered for financial aid packages.

The demands make a nonsense of Mnangagwa’s platitudes and bromides

Will Trump’s Telecom Deregulation & NAFTA Talks Undermine Net Neutrality in Canada? By Brent Patterson, November 27 2017

Featured image: Karunananthan at net neutrality rally, May 2008 (Source: The Council of Canadians)

The renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) poses a threat to net neutrality in Canada.

The Toronto Star reports, “U.S. telecom regulators have

Trump Would be a Fool to Arm Ukraine By Daniel Larison, November 27 2017

John Hudson reports on the push to get Trump to approve sending arms to Ukraine:

President Donald Trump’s top advisers are closer now to achieving what seemed unthinkable at the start of his presidency: Shipping millions of dollars of

United States
The Rhetorical Trap: North Korea as “State Sponsor of Terrorism” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 27 2017

Are such designations ever useful? At the stroke of a pen, an entire state is designated “terrorist” or a seemingly milder sponsor of terrorism, its name finding a way onto a list of supposed unmentionables and moral inverts. Obscure groups

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Promise to Join the “Syrian Army” if Syria Becomes A Federal State By South Front, November 27 2017

Featured image: Riad Darar, co-chairman of Syrian Democratic Council

On November 25, Co-chairman of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) Riad Darar told the pro-Kurdish media network Rudaw that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) will join the “Syrian Army” if a

Syria: This U.S. Occupation – Or “Presence” – Is Unsustainable By Moon of Alabama, November 27 2017

The U.S. is now occupying north-east Syria. It wants to blackmail the Syrian government into “regime change”. The occupation is unsustainable, its aim is unattainable. The generals who devised these plans lack strategic insight. They listen to the wrong people.

Video: Treatment of Native Americans by Colonialists. Marlon Brando Denounces Fake US History By Marlon Brando, November 27 2017

Marlon Brando talks about the treatment of native Americans or Indians at the hands of colonialists and the values of freedom and equality in USA. Please note that this video is not meant to offend anyone and is not against

Libya Slave Trade Shows How Africans Are Treated as Subhuman By Fred Muvunyi, November 27 2017

The slave auctioning of Africa migrants in Libya shows how humans are deprived of all dignity. We should renounce all forms of ideology and prejudice that reduce people to merchandise, writes DW’s Fred Muvunyi.

They are not animals, car spare …

How Will Iran, Russia and Turkey React to US Decision to Stay in Syria after Defeat of ISIS? By South Front, November 27 2017

Following the meeting of Russia, Iran, and Turkey in Sochi, where the end of the war was announced and the beginning of the post-war regulation process meant to decide Syria’s future took place, the US media began reporting on the

Hunting Man By Edward Curtin, November 27 2017

“To find a form that accommodates the mess, that is the task of the artist now.” – Samuel Beckett


Fat Man Little Boy

A new day breaks

The earth forever changed

Turns with an awful ache

And again the …

America and Britain Arm and Train Saudi Arabia’s Military, UK-US Involved in “Dirty War” in Yemen By Stephen Lendman, November 27 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

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Both countries supply Riyadh with billions of dollars worth of weapons and munitions annually – fueling its killing machine, including by training its personnel.

Bitcoin Surges over $9,500 after Korea’s 2nd Largest Bank Tests Crypto Wallet for Customers By Zero Hedge, November 27 2017

Update: Bitcoin’s surge continues as Asia re-opens, pushing the cryptocurrency above $9500 as Korea’s second largest bank tests Bitcoin vault and wallet services for its clients.

As Coinivore reportsShinhan, the second largest commercial bank in South Korea

Selected Articles: Good-bye to Net Neutrality? Act Now To Uphold “Digital Democracy” By Global Research News, November 26 2017

The World is at a dangerous crossroads. I think everybody who reads the independent media knows that. But those who are strung to CNN and Time Magazine might have understood otherwise. Lies by omission: The danger of nuclear annihilation is

Wall Street Stands to Make a Killing from Building Trump’s Border Wall: Report By Ilana Novick, November 26 2017

The border wall with Mexico, Donald Trump‘s proposed monument to nativism and bigotry is, according to an October story from NBC News, at least 10 months away from “meaningful construction.” It currently has no funding from Congress

What’s Wrong with the GOP Tax Cut Plan? Transferring Nation’s Wealth to Corporate Predators By Stephen Lendman, November 26 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The so-called House and Senate Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has everything to do with transferring more of the nation’s wealth from ordinary people

Meet Mae Brussell – Foretelling the ‘War on Terror’ in 1974 By True Publica, November 26 2017

I came across this story whilst investigating something else and thought our readers might like to learn a little more of this interesting individual who became deeply involved in some of America’s biggest conspiracy theories.

Just to be sure …

Will Beijing Really Rename and Reroute the China-Pakistan Economic Corridors (CPEC) to Please India? By Andrew Korybko, November 26 2017

The Chinese Ambassador to India suggested that his country could rename and even reroute the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, popularly known as CPEC, in order to appease New Delhi.

His Excellency Mr. Luo Zhaohui proposed this controversial idea in a …

Trump Wants Welfare in America Ended By Stephen Lendman, November 26 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

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During the Great Depression, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) provided financial help to children of low or no-income families.

The program later

Ukraine’s Plight Four Years after Maidan: Conversations with Ruslan Dzarasov and Roger Annis By Michael Welch and Roger Annis, November 26 2017

(Maidan) Protesters naively believed that if they overthrow current government, which was corrupted and inefficient, they will achieve all their aims. In fact, since the result (comes) from the very foundations of this social system it was impossible by

FCC Commissioner Begs Nation to Stop GOP Colleagues from Killing Net Neutrality By Andrea Germanos, November 26 2017

Featured image: Net neutrality supporters hold signs in front of the White House. (Photo: Joseph Gruber/Flickr/cc)

After one commissioner called the FCC’s newly-released plan to roll back net neutrality “worse than one could imagine,” a second commissioner is now calling