Global Research News

The Road to Food Sovereignty. Peasant Farming, Not Industrial Food Production By New Internationalist, December 15 2017

Time is running out if the world is going to …

Trump’s Illegal Syrian Mission Creep By Paul R. Pillar, December 15 2017

Featured image: Defense Secretary Jim Mattis meets with troops stationed at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, April 21, 2017. (DoD photo by Air Force Tech. Sgt. Brigitte N. Brantley)

The other day we learned that there are four times more

World’s Richest One Percent Capture Twice as Much Income Growth as the Bottom Half By Niles Niemuth, December 15 2017

The inaugural World Inequality Report published on Thursday by economists Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, Gabriel Zucman, Facundo Alvaredo and Lucas Chancel documents the rise in global income and wealth inequality since 1980.

The report covers up to 2016, leaving out …

Net Neutrality Foregone? FCC Votes to Kill Digital Democracy. Towards a Corporate Swamp of Media Disinformation? By Stephen Lendman, December 15 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

That’s what Net Neutrality is all about – the principle that ISPs must treat online content equally, the essence of a free and open

Aleppo’s Liberation One Year Ago – Anybody Ashamed Today? By Jan Oberg, December 15 2017

December 12, 2017, marks the anniversary of the liberation – the West called it fall – of Aleppo in Syria. What happened is conveniently forgotten today by the West.

Some of us can’t and won’t forget what was both world, …

The “Me Too Movement”, Sexual Politics and Unnatural Justice By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 15 2017

The overthrow of iniquitous power relations is a point many would celebrate. But such overthrows are themselves marked by the contradiction of their origins. Any revolution must, by its very nature, suffer inconsistency, defeats and weaknesses.

In the United States,

We Saved Net Neutrality Once. We Can Do It Again By Frances Moore Lappé, December 14 2017

Democracy lives or dies on the quality of public conversation. “Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government,” Thomas Jefferson wrote, “I should not hesitate a moment to

Sex, Drugs, Rollickin’ Roles, Trees… : Christmas and Our Ever-Changing Relationship with Nature By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, December 14 2017

Christmas is an ancient feast that has many positive associations for people around the world. While the bible places the birth of Christ in Bethlehem it does not say when, but by the 4th century the Churches in the East

The Hague Tribunal Exonerates Slobodan Milosevic Again By Andy Wilcoxson, December 14 2017

Eleven years after his death, a second trial chamber at the UN War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague has concluded that Slobodan Milosevic was not responsible for war crimes committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

More than eleven years after his

Foreign Influence in Australia: Is the China Lobby Edging out U.S.? The Fall of Senator Sam Dastyari By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 14 2017

Gazing at the politics of a vassal state is interesting in one acute, and jarring sense.  Voices of presumed independence are often bought; political opinions that seem well informed are, in fact, ventriloquised.  The origin is always elsewhere. 

Australia’s politicians

Why Expanding Nuclear Power Generation Capacity Is High on the South African Government’s Christmas Wish-List This Year By Prof Gerard Boyce, December 14 2017

Recent developments in South African politics; such as the unexpected second cabinet reshuffle this year in which Former State Security Minister David Mhlobo was moved to the energy portfolio and his ever more strident pro-nuclear announcements amongst others; have fuelled

Bad Moon Rising: A New Cabinet Will Mark Neocon Ascendancy. “Tillerson Will be Gone Sooner or Later” By Philip Giraldi, December 14 2017

Back during the admittedly brief shock and awe period that immediately followed on the Trump electoral victory, it appeared that there might be an actual realignment of American foreign policy. The neoconservatives virtually unanimously had opposed Donald Trump in the

Gas Explosion in Austria, Crack in North Sea Pipeline – UK Gas and Oil Price Jumps By True Publica, December 14 2017

An explosion yesterday forced operator Gas Connect Austria to shut down a major European gas hub at Baumgarten, taking one life and injuring 21 others. Italy depends on gas deliveries via Baumgarten and declared a state of emergency – although

Financial Asset Bubbles: From Subprimes and Credit Default Swaps (CDS) in 2008 to Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in 2018 By Dr. Jack Rasmus, December 14 2017

Here’s a thought on the financial asset bubbles and Bitcoin-Exchange Traded Funds toxic derivatives today in historical context to 2008 events:

Is Bitcoin the new ‘Subprime Mortgage Bomb’? Just as subprime mortgage bonds precipitated a crash in the derivative, Credit …

Zambia Must Clarify Whether it Will Host an Israel-Africa Summit By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 14 2017

Several news articles were published in early December indicating that Zambian President Edgar Lungu has agreed to host a summit meeting between African Union (AU) member-states and the State of Israel. (See Jerusalem Post, Dec. 3, 2017)

These reports first …

US Ready for Talks with North Korea? Without Preconditions says Tillerson By Stephen Lendman, December 14 2017

Trump threatened to “totally destroy” the country, unleashing “fire and fury like the world has never seen.” 

He called diplomacy a waste of time, rejecting it while holding provocative military exercises with South Korea and Japan – Pyongyang calls rehearsing

Israel Invites Saudis to Broker Peace While Terror-Bombing Gaza By Stephen Lendman, December 14 2017

Truth is stranger than fiction. Israel and Saudi Arabia deplore peace and stability – perhaps a tie that binds them, along with uniting against Iran, the main reason for their alliance.

According to Saudi state-run media, Israel invited militant crown

Iran to Join Eurasian Economic Union – Diplomatic Sources By Adam Garrie, December 14 2017

Iranian media has cited a statement from Behrouz Hassanolfat, the director of Europe and Americas Department of Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization, indicating that Iran will formally join the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in early 2018.

The EAEU was formed …

Middle East In Turmoil: Trump, Netanyahu and Mohammad Bin Salman, Destroyers of the Neoliberal World Order By Federico Pieraccini, December 14 2017

The neoliberal world order has been in crisis for some years now, with no signs of recovery. Trump’s victory is an expression of a breach of trust between the American people and the national elites.

The perfect storm. This is …

Peace Action Applauds Proposal for North Korea Talks without Preconditions By Jon Rainwater, December 14 2017

In response to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson proposing direct talks with North Korea without preconditions, Jon Rainwater, Executive Director of Peace Action, released the following statement:

“At long last, the administration has dropped the unattainable precondition that North

The Inner Management Structure of the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh): Fatally Wounded ISIS Attempts to Redeploy Resources and Killer Personnel By Sophie Mangal, December 14 2017

Inside Syria Media Center’ sources report on personnel changes and on the renewal of ISIS leadership. Senior officials in hiding are trying to optimize the management of their structure and continue to carry out illegal subversive activities in a number

Istanbul Summit, More Bark Than Bite. Meeting of Top Officials from Islamic Countries By Stephen Lendman, December 14 2017

Leaders and/or other top officials from Islamic countries met in Istanbul, Turkey – invited by President Erdogan for an emergency session on Trump’s unilateral declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Erdogan called East Jerusalem the “occupied capital of the State

What is “Concert of Powers” in International Relations? By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, December 14 2017

After the first decade after the Cold War, it became obvious that an idea of global governance is going to be impossible primarily due to an aggressive US foreign policy as Washington intended to become the world hegemon and global

Haider_al-Abadi, Photo by Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Will Iraq’s PM Embrace a Trump-Inspired Saudi-Sponsored Drive to Curb Iranian Influence? By Zayd Alisa, December 14 2017

With ISIL reeling in the decisive battle to recapture Mosul – ISIL’s biggest urban stronghold –, Masoud Barzani president of the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) declared, on June 7, that the KRG would hold an independence referendum on Sept 25.

Selected Articles: US Promotes War and Regime Change By Global Research News, December 13 2017

Global Research acts as a platform to let the voices of dissent, protest, and expert witnesses and academics be heard and disseminated internationally. 

We need to stand together to continuously question politics, false statements, and the suppression of independent thought. 

Israel Amps Up Ethnic Cleansing in Order to Further Judaize Jerusalem By Jonathan Cook, December 13 2017

Featured image: The West Bank village of Walaja with its agricultural terraces. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Israel will soon bar all access to a Palestinian village whose farmers have continued a tradition stretching back thousands of years of tending stone terraces

Destruction of Black Wealth During the Obama Presidency By Ryan Cooper and Matt Bruenig, December 13 2017

The People’s Policy Project is proud to release its first formal paper. Co-authored by Ryan Cooper and Matt Bruenig and designed by Jon White, it uses data from the Survey of Consumer Finances to track the evolution of African-American

German Politicians Condemn Anti-Israel Protest as “Anti-Semitism” By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, December 13 2017

President Trump’s unilateral decision to declare Jerusalem as Israel’s capital earned him worldwide criticism and condemnation, except for Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu‘s so-called charm offensive in Brussels, where he wanted to convince the EU to follow Trump’s example, was shunt

Trump Declaration on Jerusalem Unleashes Palestine Solidarity Demonstrations Worldwide By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 13 2017

Under the tremendous weight of domestic scrutiny and criticisms of his policies, President Donald Trump issued yet another executive order mandating the transferal of Washington’s embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Trump was following the sentiments of many within the …

Russia Ready to Help Japan Clean Up Fukushima Disaster By RT News, December 13 2017

Russia’s state nuclear corporation Rosatom is ready to take defective fuel from the Fukushima-1 Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), said Rosatom department’s director Andrei Ivanov on Friday.

“Different options of such cooperation were discussed,” he said, adding that no specific decisions …

Québec Solidaire Clarifies Its Support for Quebec Independence, But New Debates Lie Ahead By Richard Fidler, December 13 2017

There were two main tasks on the agenda at the congress of the left party Québec solidaire (QS), meeting in Longueuil December 1-3. One was the adoption of the party’s platform for the next Quebec general election, to be held

The Alabama Elections: Roy Moore and the “Rage of Decency” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 13 2017

It all seemed to be the rage of decency.  Everywhere, moral indignation was on the rise. Since the election of Donald Trump to the White House, advocates, activists and arm chair commentators have been subjecting the Trump administration to every

Thailand: US Creating “Space” for Destabilisation By Joseph Thomas, December 13 2017

In late November, the US, Canadian and British embassies along with several other European partners as well as the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and Amnesty International, organised what they called the “Isaan Human Rights Festival” in northeast Thailand.

Corporate Democrat Doug Jones Defeats Far-right Evangelical Roy Moore in Alabama Senate Race By Barry Grey, December 13 2017

In a special election Wednesday to fill the US Senate seat from Alabama vacated by President Trump’s attorney general Jeff Sessions, conservative Democrat Doug Jones defeated ultra-right former state Supreme Court chief judge Roy Moore.

It was the first …

Poll: By 2-to-1, Americans Oppose Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem By Eric Zuesse, December 13 2017

A reliable scientific poll of 2,000 Americans taken during 1-6 November 2017 — just a month before US President Donald Trump announced that America’s Embassy will move to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv — showed that 63% of Americans were opposed

US Secrecy on Military Operations. Trump Claims It’s to Maintain an “Element of Surprise.” By Stephen Lendman, December 13 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

America’s only enemies are invented ones to maintain a permanent state of war – so war-profiteers can gorge at the public trough, a deplorable

A Man Turns By Edward Curtin, December 13 2017

Hush! She called him,
Dusk and the first snow
Are falling, come, join me
On the deserted lake road
For a twilight rendezvous
Destined for us.

Never one to refuse her siren call,
He dressed and headed up,
Silent in

The Death Toll Behind Corporate America’s Record Profits By Jerry White, December 13 2017

Featured image: Ivan Bridgewater (Source: Facebook / WSWS)

On Saturday, December 9, Ivan Bridgewater III, a 41-year-old electrician, was killed in an industrial accident at Ford’s Kentucky Truck Plant (KTP) in Louisville. The company has denied initial police reports

Doug Jones vs. Roy Moore in Alabama Senate Race: Establishment Candidate Defeats Right-Wing Extremist By Stephen Lendman, December 13 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Democracy in America is farcical, illegitimate, more fantasy than real. Voting is an exercise in futility. Dirty business as usual always wins.

Most federal,

Venezuelan Municipal Elections: Chavistas Score Overwhelming Triumph By Stephen Lendman, December 13 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

On Sunday, President Maduro’s United Venezuelan Socialist Party (PSUV) candidates won 308 of 335 municipal elections, a 92% triumph, including 21 of 23 state

US Cuba flags
Unilateral Measures by Washington Hamper Relations with Cuba By Granma, December 13 2017

A new round of migration talks between Cuban and U.S. delegations was held December 11, 2017, in Washington, presided by Director General for the United States at the Cuban Foreign Ministry, Josefina Vidal Ferreiro, and U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of

Appeals Court Upholds Grand Canyon Uranium Mining Ban By Center For Biological Diversity, December 13 2017

The Havasupai Tribe and a coalition of conservation groups praised today’s decision by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upholding the Department of the Interior’s 20-year ban on new uranium mining claims across 1 million acres of public lands

Washington’s Secret Wars By Bill Van Auken, December 13 2017

The Trump White House Monday issued a so-called “War Powers” letter addressed to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and the president pro tempore of the Senate, Orin Hatch, to “keep the Congress informed about deployments of United States

Global Conflict and Terrorism Are a Prerequisite for Lucrative Arms Deals. The World’s Major Arms Exporters By Sami Karimi, December 12 2017

This article was originally published by GR on November 8, 2017

The powerful countries’ economy is now leaning to a great extent on manufacturing and exports of diverse military weapons. A government’s global status and might is now measured by

Why the Documentary Must Not be Allowed to Die By John Pilger, December 12 2017

I first understood the power of the documentary during the editing of my first film, The Quiet Mutiny.

In the commentary, I make reference to a chicken, which my crew and I encountered while on patrol with American soldiers in

Grenfell Tower: Worst Example of Criminal Negligence in Modern British History By Hans Stehling, December 12 2017

More than 70 residents of Grenfell Tower flats in London’s North Kensington were burnt to death and/or asphyxiated by deadly cyanide gas, six months ago, as a result of the gross criminal negligence of officials and professionals who deliberately ignored

Human Rights’ Day Double Standards: Shameful U.N. Security Council North Korea Bashing Session By Stephen Lendman, December 12 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Sunday, December 10, was Human Rights Day, commemorating the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly in Paris.

Its …

Appeal for the Release of Prisoners of Conscience in South Korea: Lee Seok-ki and Han Sang-gyun! By The Korean Committee to Save the Victims of ‘Lawmaker Lee Seok-ki Insurrection Conspiracy Case', December 12 2017

Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), one of the most prominent human rights organizations, announced the open letter to the government of the Republic of Korea to grant pardon to all prisoners of conscience including Lee Seok-ki, former

Records of Jerusalem Deeds Found in Ottoman Archives: The Deeds Prove that Palestine Belongs to Palestinians. By Yeni Safak, December 12 2017

Featured image: Sultan Abdul Hamid II (Source: Pinterest)

There are 171,306 deeds recorded in 46 registries of Jerusalem in Ottoman archive records. Of these, 133,365 are private property and 37,671 belong to foundations. In addition to this, Turkey’s archives

It’s Not Simply Jerusalem, It’s All of Palestine By Rima Najjar, December 12 2017

What’s going on in Jerusalem is what has always been going on in Palestine since 1948 –the forced dispossession of Palestinian Arabs of their identity, land and heritage.

Because of Donald Trump’s declaration to move the US embassy to …

Russia’s Military Withdrawal Will Prompt President Assad to “Compromise”? By Andrew Korybko, December 12 2017

Featured image: Vladimir Putin meeting with Bashar Assad at the Hmeimim airbase, Dec 11 2017 (Source: Oriental Review)

Russia has every right to withdraw most of its Aerospace Forces from Syria following ISIS-Daesh’s defeat, with one of the most immediate

Trump’s Doomsday Jerusalem Speech By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, December 12 2017

In 1995, a few short years after the official end of the Cold War when hope-filled nations were focusing on peace and prosperity, the United States Congress unanimously passed the “Jerusalem Embassy Act” into law. The law recognized

A Christian Christmas? The West Supported Al Qaeda Terrorists Who Killed Christians in Syria By Mark Taliano, December 12 2017

Soon Americans and Canadians will be going to Christian churches to celebrate Christmas as they and their churches support their governments’ on-going policy of support for sectarian terrorists in Syria who slaughter Christians.

At Ma’loula, Syria, for example, where the …

Putin Orders Russian Forces Home from Syria. ISIS is Down and Defeated, But It’s Not Out (Still Supported by America?) By Stephen Lendman, December 12 2017


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Russian aerial operations turned the tide of battle in Syria from defeat to near-triumph, aiding government and allied forces decisively, smashing ISIS Washington supports,

Russia-gate’s Litany of Corrections and “Journalistic Embarrassments” By Robert Parry, December 12 2017

The U.S. mainstream media’s year-long hysteria over Russia’s alleged role in the election of Donald Trump has obliterated normal reporting standards leading to a rash of journalistic embarrassments that have both disgraced the profession and energized Trump’s backers over new

Why Do They Hate Us? America’s Super-rich Have Taken Nearly 70% of the World’s Wealth Gains Since 2012 By Paul Buchheit, December 12 2017

America’s super-rich are taking not only from their own nation, but also from the rest of the world. Data from the 2017 Global Wealth Databook (GWD: Table 2-4) and various war reports help to explain why we’re alienating people outside

Middle East Peacemaking Is No Longer “Made in America”. Defeat of ISIS-Daesh By Sharmine Narwani, December 12 2017

Featured image: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (L), Russian President Vladimir Putin (C) and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) shake hands prior to the Syria talks in Sochi. (Source: CreartiveCommons/

As 2017 comes to a close, the warring parties

Why the Honduran Crisis Matters to Me: “Election Theft” and the People’s Movement By Rick Sterling, December 12 2017

For seven months in 1969 I hitch-hiked around the US, Mexico and Central America with my best friend from high school. Some class-mates from our school in Vancouver Canada saved their money then traveled to Europe or Australia but Ollie

New Venezuelan Oil Woes to Head to Court. China’s Petrochemical Conglomerate Sinopec’s Lawsuit against PDVSA By Jason Unruhe, December 12 2017

Featured image: PDVSA Gas, Isla de Margarita. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The Venezuelan oil industry is currently embattled in two large lawsuits that may have a very serious impact on the future of Venezuelan oil production. The situation for

Canada and Honduras: Election Fraud Is Only the Latest Outrage in an Eight Year Nightmare By Tyler Shipley, December 12 2017

Featured image: Protesters march on the streets of Tegucigalpa against Juan Orlando Hernández.

The dictatorship that rules Honduras is in the process of stealing another election, and the Canadian government is doing precisely what it has done the last two

Crimea: Look How the United Nations Voted By Giulietto Chiesa, December 12 2017

The Third Committee of UN General Assembly voted on a resolution of condemnation about the “violation of human rights in Crimea”, as demanded by the current President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko.

We cannot state that the legal procedure was …

“Net Neutrality”: FCC Chairman Pai Attempts to Rewrite the Legal History of a Bogus Agreement By Free Press, December 12 2017

On Monday, the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission released a draft “Memorandum of Understanding” on the ways the two agencies will allegedly work together to protect internet users after the FCC guts the open-internet protections in a

Video: Washington in a Dead End, Trump Administration Bows to Reality, Accepts Bashar Al Assad’s Government Until 2021 Presidential elections: Media By South Front, December 12 2017

Featured image: Assad and Putin, the Khmeimim airbase, Syria, December 11, 2017 (Source: South Front)

“Despite the deaths of as many as half a million people, dozens by chemical weapons, in the Syrian civil war, the Trump Administration is now

“Sovereign Debt” Is a Determining Factor in History By Eric Toussaint, December 12 2017

Sovereign debt has been a crucial factor in a series of major historical events. From the early 19th century, in Latin American countries such as Colombia, Mexico and Argentina, struggling for independence,as well as Greece when seeking

Farcical Treasury GOP Tax Cut Analysis By Stephen Lendman, December 12 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Willy Sutton once said he robbed banks because “(t)hat’s where the money is.”

For GOP lawmakers, the money is in the pockets of ordinary

Trump White House Preparing Sweeping Attack on the Poor By Patrick Martin, December 12 2017

The Trump administration is preparing a frontal assault on social programs for the poorest Americans, according to a report published Monday by the Politicoweb site. This would involve “the most sweeping changes to federal safety net programs in a generation,

How America Armed Terrorists in Syria By Gareth Porter, December 12 2017

This article was first published by GR in June 2017.

Three-term Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, a member of both the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs committees, has proposed legislation that would prohibit any U.S. assistance to terrorist organizations

All The Countries America Has Invaded… in One Map By Zero Hedge, December 12 2017

This article was first published by GR in August 2017.

From Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, the US has had a military presence across the world, from almost day one of its independence. For those who have ever

United States Coordinated War in Yemen Intensifies After Saleh Assassination By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 12 2017

Former Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh was assassinated outside of the capital of Sana’a on December 4 just days after he had ordered his supporters to refuse any form of cooperation with the Ansurallah (Houthis) movement.

In the immediate aftermath …

The Politics of Military Ascendancy By Prof. James Petras, December 12 2017

First published by GR on September 16, 2017


Clearly the US has escalated the pivotal role of the military in the making of foreign and, by extension, domestic policy. The rise of ‘the Generals’ to strategic positions in the

What Israel Fears Most: An Encroachment to “Greater Israel”? By Stephen Lendman, December 12 2017

Incisive analysis first published by GR on December 27, 2016

Israel has strong US-led Western support. Security Council Resolution 2334, affirming the illegality of its settlements, changed nothing on the ground – nor will it any time ahead as far

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) – Nobel Lecture By International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, December 12 2017

Nobel Lecture given by the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2017, ICAN, delivered by Beatrice Fihn and Setsuko Thurlow, Oslo, 10 December 2017.



[Beatrice Fihn]

Your Majesties,

Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee,
Esteemed guests,

Today, it is …

Rise and Decline of the Welfare State in America By Prof. James Petras, December 11 2017
Gone are the days when social welfare and profitable wars raised US living standards. The war economy no longer fuels social welfare. The military-industrial complex has found new partners on Wall Street. The first trillionaire and multi-billionaire tax evaders rose on the backs of a miserable standing army of tens of millions of low-wage workers, stripped of rights and representation.
The CIA, Fetullah Gülen and Turkey’s Failed July 2016 Coup By F. William Engdahl, December 11 2017

The Office of the Istanbul Prosecutor has issued arrest warrants for two “former” CIA agents, accusing them of involvement in the failed July 2016 coup attempt against the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. US media and various Washington

Anti-Nuclear Coalition Accepts Nobel Peace Prize as Calls for Disarmament Grow By Julia Conley, December 11 2017

Featured image: Beatrice Fihn (Source: Flickr)

Pope Francis made a renewed appeal for nuclear disarmament on Sunday, addressing a crowd at the Vatican’s St. Peter’s Square as the Nobel Committee was awarding one of the world’s foremost anti-nuclear groups

Europe, Wake up and Smell the Coffee: Palestine and “Netanyahu’s Breakfast in Brussels” By Hagai El-Ad, December 11 2017

Featured image: Israeli soldiers arrest a Palestinian boy during protests against Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Hebron, West Bank, December 7, 2017. (Wisam Hashlamoun/Flash90)

European foreign ministers attending Prime Minister Netanyahu’s breakfast in Brussels this Monday may

UN Envoy Warns North Korea “Miscalculation” Could Trigger War By Stephen Lendman, December 11 2017

Featured image: Jeffrey Feltman (Source: Wikimedia Commons)


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UN envoy Jeffrey D. Feltman met with met North Korea’s Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho and Vice-Foreign

Trump Continues Obama’s Wars Against Democracy By Eric Zuesse, December 11 2017

U.S. President Trump’s bold support for the apartheid dictatorship of Israel against the nation’s non-Jews, fits into a larger picture of the supremacist nation that America itself has increasingly become. His immediate predecessor, Barack Obama, had repeatedly referred to

State and Labour During Erdoğan’s AKP Rule in Turkey By Dr. Mehmet Erman Erol, December 11 2017

The AKP (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi-Justice and Development Party) is celebrating 15 years in power in Turkey. The party came to power in November 2002, against the backdrop of the major 2001 crisis and amidst a legitimacy crisis of the

European Development Bank Invests Billions in Fossil Fuels as Paris Prepares for One Planet Climate Summit By Arthur Wyns, December 11 2017

Featured image: Fog Factory: “Just at the cloud line, about 4000 feet up, we passed this cement factory and its smokestack.” (Source: Flickr/Jonathan Kos-Read)

Paris will tomorrow host a climate finance summit called ‘One Planet’. This last-minute gathering of business