Global Research News

The Gatekeepers for Empire? “Independent Media” Failed Coverage of Syria By Michael Welch, Daniel Borgstrom, and Vanessa Beeley, December 24 2017

Democracy Now! is funded entirely through contributions from listeners, viewers, and foundations. We do not accept advertisers, corporate underwriting, or government funding. This allows us to maintain our independence.” – from the Democracy Now website. (emphasis added)…

Facebook Handing over More Info to US Government: ‘This Is What Facebook Was Designed to Do’ By Mac Slavo, December 24 2017

Every year, Facebook gets thousands of requests for data from governments worldwide, including search warrants, subpoenas, or calls to restrict certain kinds of content. And, according to a new report, those requests are increasing at an alarming rate.

According to 

Global Research – A Christmas Stocking? By Global Research and Global Research, December 23 2017

Whether your concerns are current affairs, foreign affairs, Trump or Togo, Panama or pacifism, nuclear’s nightmares and global myriad complexities, Global Research strives to shine light on the under-reported, less known injustices ignored or buried.

Our “stocking” for readers is

War Propaganda, Media Censorship and the “Conspiracy Theory” Meme. Project Censored 2016 By Michael Welch, Abby Martin, Mnar Muhawesh, Prof Mark Crispin Miller, and David Talbot, December 23 2017

“Telling the truth is always difficult….It’s extremely difficult in conditions of empire. And it’s extremely difficult in conditions of empire threatened, which is basically what we have today.”

– Professor Mark Crispin Miller (October 2016)

Click to download the audio

Iraq Redux in the Making? US Rhetoric on Iran Brings Back Memories of 2003 By Philip Giraldi, December 23 2017

Sometimes you wake up in the morning and it’s 2003 all over again. That was the year when the United States embarked on its catastrophic course of intervention in Asia. It was at least somewhat justified in invading Afghanistan to

Neoliberalism and The Globalization of War. US-NATO Forces on Russia’s Doorstep By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and James Corbett, December 23 2017
America’s hegemonic project is to destabilize and destroy countries through acts of war, covert operations in support of terrorist organizations, regime change and economic warfare.
Pentagon Admits Presence of US Troops in Yemen as Cholera Cases Top One Million By Bill Van Auken, December 23 2017

The Pentagon admitted for the first time this week that it has “conducted multiple ground operations” in Yemen, the impoverished and war-ravaged country on the Arabian Peninsula, while conducting more than 120 air strikes there this year, triple the number

The Productive Base as the Ground of Society and History. Marx’s Base-Superstructure Theory By Prof. John McMurtry, December 23 2017

“One basis for life and another basis for science is an a-priori lie” –Karl Marx, Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, 1845.

Base-Superstructure Theory (BST) is Marx’s guiding general theory, but is long misunderstood.  Deeply embedded in a monumental corpus

America’s Sanctions Regime: The “Carrot and Stick” Concept By Marwan Salamah, December 23 2017

US foreign policy is ever so clever. It uses only two simple tools to achieve its commendable goals of spreading peace, prosperity and democracy throughout the World.  

These two tools are derived from the “Carrot and Stick” concept, which was

Former President Manuel Zelaya and Honduras’ Alliance against the Dictatorship: Open Letter to the American People By Manuel Zelaya, December 23 2017

People of the United States:

For the past century, the owners of the fruit companies called our country “Banana Republic” and characterized our politicians as “cheaper than a mule” (as in the infamous Rolston letter).

Honduras, a dignified nation, has

Sanctions Fever: The Trump Administration and Human Rights By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 23 2017

It’s the season to be jolly, and the Trump administration has been busy doling out gifts.  Sanctions seem to be top of the pile, derived from that trove of options outlined in the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act.  The

New Sanctions Imposed on North Korea. Both Beijing and Moscow Cave In to U.S. Demands By Stephen Lendman, December 23 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Despite opposing harsh sanctions on North Korea, calling them counterproductive and ineffective, Russia and China bowed to US interests, piling on the DPRK again.

Ahed Tamimi Is Part of the Palestinian Generations R – for Return By Rima Najjar, December 23 2017

Featured image: Ahed Tamimi (Source: RT News)

The detention of Ahed Tamimi of the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, along with her human rights activist mother Nariman Tamimi, for “lightly slapping” an Israeli soldier, as Amira Hass

Western Media Consumed by Myanmar Monster of Their Own Creation By Tony Cartalucci, December 23 2017

Years ago, those confronting and questioning the Western media’s “pro-democracy” narrative regarding Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, her National League for Democracy (NLD) political party and her supporters including saffron-clad supposed “Buddhist monks,” were ridiculed and dismissed.

Will Washington’s Veiled NSS Threats against Pakistan Contribute to Consolidating Its Economic Alignment with China, Iran and Turkey By Andrew Korybko, December 23 2017

The American Vice President said that Trump had “put Pakistan on notice” with his recently unveiled National Security Strategy, employing the exact same language that had earlier been used against the US’ hated Iranian rival and strongly implying that Islamabad

Spanish Options to Thaw a Frozen Conflict in Catalonia By Adam Garrie, December 23 2017

Catalonia has held its first elections since Madrid disbanded the old parliament in Barcelona and deposed the leaders of the Generalitat de Catalunya, including Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont who remains in Belgium even though the Spanish National Court in Madrid

Treason: Presidential Candidates Successfully Conspired with Foreign Leaders to Thwart Official U.S. Policy and Drag Out War By Washington's Blog, December 23 2017

Long-time rumors about presidential candidate Nixon conspiring to delay the ending of the Vietnam War were recently confirmed.

A year ago, historian and journalist John A Farrell wrote in the New York Times:

A newfound cache of notes left by

Video: OVERCAST: An Investigation into Climate Engineering, Chemtrails and Weather Warfare By Matthias Hancke, December 23 2017
OVERCAST is a groundbreaking documentary about a phenomenon that most of us would consider normal: Jet contrails that spread into clouds, covering the sky and blocking the sun. For some people however, these trails are the biggest environmental crime in the history of mankind.
Drug Deaths Drive Down US Life Expectancy for Second Year By Eric London, December 23 2017

Two reports published yesterday by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveal that the life expectancy of the American working class is declining due to an increase in drug overdoses and suicides.

The data reflects, in empirical terms, the social …

Dickens’ Christmas Carol: Where Is Marley’s Ghost… This Christmas, When We Really Need Him? By Philip A Farruggio, December 23 2017

It is yuletide season once again. What better book to read or film to watch than Dickens’ A Christmas Carol? This writer watches that movie every December and always takes more out of it each year. It took me perhaps

Understanding North Korea By Dr. Robert Rennebohm, December 23 2017

When there is conflict between two parties, it is best if each party tries to understand and think from the other’s point of view, as opposed to thinking only from their own point of view and perpetuating misconceptions regarding the

Normalising Uber, Misleading Practice. Ruling of the EU Court of Justice (CJEU) By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 23 2017

It was something of a clanger for the ride hailing service that has made authorities across the globe sceptical and stroppy.  Uber has lobbied, cajoled, and bullied its way into the transport markets of the globe, while still claiming to

Saudi-US Aggression Targets and Destroys Yemen’s Cultural Heritage By Yemenpress, December 23 2017

The American-Saudi aggression targeted the culture and heritage sector in Yemen, causing huge and varied damages, including historic cities, monuments, property and cultural facilities within 1000 days of systematic targeting of identity, memory and Yemeni cultural heritage.

On the level …

US Suspends Support for Free Syrian Army, Shuts Down Operation Rooms in Turkey and Jordan: Report By South Front, December 23 2017

On December 18, a Free Syrian Army (FSA) commander revealed to the Syrian opposition news outlet Enab Baladi that the US had fully suspended its support for all FSA groups in northern and southern Syria. FSA groups were allegedly informed

Release Political Prisoners in South Korea By The Korean Committee to Save the Victims of ‘Lawmaker Lee Seok-ki Insurrection Conspiracy Case', December 23 2017

Thank you for your generous interest, support and encouragement for the release of all the prisoners of conscience in Korea.

Despite your solidarity, Lee Seok-ki (Former lawmaker of the UPP), Han Sang-gyun (Chairperson of the KCTU) and other victims are

US Intimidating UN Member States, “Al Capone Style” By Vladimir Odintsov, December 23 2017

The White House’s commitment to spreading chaos across the world, bringing people of various religions and beliefs misery and suffering is hardly a secret to anyone at this point. After Afghanistan and Iraq, the latest instances of this American obsession

Selected Articles: The Future of Palestine in the Aftermath of the UN Resolution? By Global Research News, December 22 2017

We thank all the readers who have contributed to our work. If you have the means to make a small or substantial donation to contribute to our fight for truth, peace and justice around the world, your gesture would be

Pro-Independence Parties Keep Majority Control over Catalan Parliament By Stephen Lendman, December 22 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Spanish fascists revoked Catalan autonomy in October, imposing Madrid rule – wanting regime-controlled puppet governance replacing regional democracy.

Catalonia’s parliament was dissolved, snap elections

Nations of the World at UN Humiliate Trump with Massive Vote for Palestinians By Prof. Juan Cole, December 22 2017

The Arab and Muslim worlds exulted Thursday over their massive victory at the United Nations General Assembly, which passed a resolution condemning the Trump administration’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Despite his crude threats to cut off …

U.S. Lifts the Ban on Funding “The Creation of Lethal Viruses” By Elisabeth Eaves, December 22 2017

“Gain-of-function research” sounds so innocuous. Who wouldn’t want to gain some function? Opinions differ, though, when the “function” in question is lethality. Some researchers believe it is important to experiment with disease-causing pathogens, creating deadlier versions than those found in

US Carrier Strike Groups Locations Map By South Front, December 22 2017

This is the newest update of the ‘U.S. Carrier Strike Groups Locations Map’ exclusive series showing the approximate locations of U.S. Carrier Strike Groups on a weekly basis. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence tracks locations of U.S. aircraft carriers using the

Pakistan Plans Replacing U.S. Dollar with Yuan in Trade with China By Zero Hedge, December 22 2017

Pakistan is considering replacing the U.S. dollar with the Chinese yuan for bilateral trade between Pakistan and China, Pakistan’s Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal said according to Dawn Online and The Economic Times. Interior Minister Iqbal, who

A History of UN General Assembly Resolutions on Israel-Palestine By Alex McDonald, December 22 2017

Since the creation of the UN on 24 October 1945, the General Assembly has passed scores of resolutions pertaining to Israel-Palestine – arguably to little effect.

With yet another vote in the assembly scheduled today – this time over

Iran and Turkey: Not an Alliance but an Incredibly Meaningful Partnership By Adam Garrie, December 22 2017

The two greatest Imperial foes of the Ottoman Empire were Russia and Iran (Persia). While the Russian Empire collapsed in 1917, the Ottoman Empire in 1922 and the Iranian in 1979, the modern successor states of the Russian Federation, Republic

How the US Swindled Russia in the Early 1990s By Eric Zuesse, December 22 2017

Due to a historic data-dump on December 10th, the biggest swindle that occurred in the 20th Century (or perhaps ever) is now proven as a historical fact; and this swindle was done by the U.S. Government, against the Government and

Canada’s UN General Assembly Vote on Jerusalem. Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, December 22 2017

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) condemns the Trudeau government’s decision to abstain in today’s UN General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution A/ES-10/L.22. The resolution demanded that “all States comply with Security Council resolutions regarding the Holy City

UN Jerusalem Vote Postmortems. US Bullying and Threats By Stephen Lendman, December 22 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Though symbolic only, rejection of Trump’s Jerusalem declaration by an overwhelming majority of UN member states gave his administration and Israel a black eye

Draining Ottawa’s Foreign Policy Swamp By Yves Engler, December 22 2017

‘Drain the swamp’ was a popular Donald Trump campaign slogan that referred to reducing the influence of Washington lobbyists. While the three words reflect an extreme lack of ecological consciousness — wetlands need to be protected and recreated, not destroyed

The Trump National Security Doctrine in a Regional Context By Andrew Korybko, December 22 2017

The last section of the new US National Security Strategy (NSS) describes the envisaged application of the Trump Doctrine in a regional context all across the world, and it’s worthwhile to examine what storylines will most likely be advanced by

North Korea Is Not a Threat to Humanity. The US and Its Allies Are Infinitely More Dangerous. By Mark Taliano, December 22 2017

North Korea, notes Prof. Michel Chossudovsky,[1] “was the only declared nuclear weapons state which voted YES at the UN General Assembly, in favor of the prohibition of nuclear weapons under Resolution L.41[2]”

Whereas North Korea is a non-belligerent country, …

Video: Syrian Government Forces Besiege Key Al Qaeda Strongpoint in Southern Idlib By South Front, December 22 2017

On December 20, Syrian government forces liberated the villages of Musheirifat Abu Dali and Tall al-Maqta in southern Idlib from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda).

Thus, troops of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and …

The ABCs of Trump’s Political Demise By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, December 22 2017

As we approach the end of Trump’s first year in office, it seems appropriate to survey his performance and his outlook for the future. But right at the onset, one cannot escape the conclusion that, unlike any other of his

The Pentagon Black Budget: $21 Trillion Dollars Gone Missing By Catherine Austin Fitts, December 22 2017

“No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.” ~ Article I,

When Police Kill White People By Margaret Kimberley, December 22 2017

“Are whites so committed to the modern day slave patrol that they will allow no one justice, even those who look like them?”

On rare occasions there is some justice in this country. The white South Carolina police officer who …

The Witch Hunt against “Russia Collaborators” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 22 2017

Green Party presidential Candidate Jill Stein is being investigated by the Senate Intelligence (sic) Committee for “Russian connections.”  

What has brought Russiagate to Jill Stein?  The answer is that she attended the 10th Anniversary RT dinner in Moscow as

Mattis: North Korean Missiles Not a ‘Capable Threat’ Against US By Jason Ditz, December 22 2017

Most reports have presented North Korea’s nuclear retaliatory capabilities as a rapidly advancing part of their military, and one which may preclude a unilateral US attack against them. Secretary of Defense James Mattis has rejected that idea.

On Friday, Mattis …

UN General Assembly Rejects Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration By Stephen Lendman, December 22 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The vote should have been near-unanimous – every nation except rogue states America and Israel, complicit in Trump’s Jerusalem declaration.

UN member states overwhelmingly

The Death of Academic Freedom: Prof James Tracy Denied First Amendment Rights by Federal Court By Vivian Lee, December 21 2017

Global Research brings to the attention of its readers this review article pertaining to the West Palm Beach court decision regarding Prof. James Tracy’s dismissal from Florida Atlantic University (FAU). Whilst opinions may diverge regarding the events at Sandy Hook, …

“Russiagate” Is Actually “Israelgate”: Trump as “Agent of Israel”, Not of Russia? By Eric Zuesse, December 21 2017

The Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s main evidence thus far in his “Russiagate” probe is not actually about possible Russian collusion with Trump to win the Presidency, but instead about definite Israeli collusion with Trump after Trump had already won

US and Israel versus the World on Jerusalem By Stephen Lendman, December 21 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Jerusalem is an international city – the capital of none. Neither Trump, Netanyahu or anyone else can change what UN Resolution 181 established in

EU “Restoring” Ties with Thailand Symbolic, Foreign Interference Will Continue By Joseph Thomas, December 21 2017

A mid-December announcement by the European Union was made stating that the EU had agreed to restore ties with the Southeast Asian Kingdom of Thailand “at all levels” after suspending them in 2014 in the wake of a military coup

Pyongyang Rejects Biological Weapons Rumors, Accuses US of Fabricating Pretext for Attack By RT News, December 21 2017

North Korea has rejected media speculation, fuelled by the US National Security Strategy, that it’s preparing for chemical warfare. Pyongyang accused Washington of fabricating yet another “false pretext” for a surprise attack.

As tensions on the Korean peninsula continue to

Netanyahu’s Failed Project to Build “A Greater Israel” By Hans Stehling, December 21 2017

For five decades, the state of Israel has implemented an overt agenda of ethnic-cleansing in the Occupied Territories of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights where it has induced over 600,000 Israeli citizens to leave their homes

US Congress Passes Tax Windfall for Corporations and the Rich By Barry Grey, December 21 2017

Congress’ passage of the Trump administration’s $1.5 trillion tax cut for corporations and the rich marks a new stage in the decades-long social counterrevolution in the United States. It will make America, already the most unequal advanced economy in the

Will Washington Attack North Korea? By Stephen Lendman, December 21 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

North Korea threatens no one. Yet Trump’s rage for war makes the unthinkable increasingly possible. What’s ongoing in America is similar to what preceded

Bitcoin Speculation Continues to Surge. Chicago CME Exchange Trading in “Bitcoin Futures” By Nick Beams, December 21 2017

The speculative wave in the cryptocurrency bitcoin saw another surge this week when the Chicago-based CME exchange began trading in bitcoin futures. This followed the decision by the smaller Cboe group to initiate futures-trading a week earlier.

Significantly, these decisions …

Brexit Lobby Meetings Dominated by Big Business, Civil Society Marginalised By True Publica, December 21 2017

Updated analysis released by Corporate Europe Observatory and Global Justice Now exposes how official lobby meetings about Brexit and post-Brexit trade are being dominated by big corporate interests at the expense of civil society.

As EU leaders start to gather …

“Build a New Social and Economic System with Human Rights and Justice at its Core”. Jeremy Corbyn By Jeremy Corbyn, December 21 2017

British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn speaking in Geneva in honor of International Human Rights Day cited the need to:

“Build a new social and economic system with human rights and justice at its core. Deliver climate justice and a

Military Investors Await Profits – Canada Pushing Ukraine Toward War By Rusvesna, December 21 2017

If military aid to Kiev increases, then the situation in Eastern Europe will become more heated – with the US and Canada promising to control the situation in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

Ottawa has included Ukraine in the list of …

Journeying to Korea’s Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 21 2017


Atrocity tourism and what might be termed the tourism of divisive obstacles (fences, barbed wire, mine fields) can be great money earners.  Former concentration and extermination camps in Europe bring in currency even as visitors shake with stunned grief

Russia and China Challenge US Dollar Domination By F. William Engdahl, December 21 2017

The Russian government has recently announced it will issue nearly $1 billion equivalent in state bonds, but denominated not in US dollars as is mostly the case. Rather it will be the first sale of Russian bonds in China’s yuan.

Whose and What Agenda does the Russia-gate Yarn Serve? By Phil Rockstroh, December 21 2017

The effects of humankind created Climate Chaos are proving to be more devastating than even the most grim predictions. Wealth inequity is worse than in the Gilded Age. The US empire wages perpetual war, hot and cold, overt and covert,

House Democrats Vote to Block Consideration of Trump Impeachment By William Boardman, December 21 2017

Featured image: President-elect Donald J. Trump and U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi smile for a photo during the 58th Presidential Inauguration in Washington, D.C., Jan. 20, 2017. (DoD photo by U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Marianique Santos)


It’s Time for Pakistan to Join the Eurasian Development Bank By Andrew Korybko, December 21 2017

Joining the Eurasian Development Bank could send the strongest signal yet of Pakistan’s multipolar and friendly intentions towards Russia and dispel the second thoughts that some of Moscow’s Indian-aligned “deep state” elite may have about the sincerity of its motives,

What Is The Guardian Afraid of When Attacking Honest Syria Reporters? By Adam Garrie, December 21 2017

The recent Guardian hit-piece against journalists Vanessa Beeley, Professor Tim Anderson and Eva Bartlett is something far more sinister than most people have yet to realise. The piece which can be read here is a very crude attempt to

Who to Believe on Washington’s Korea Policy, Tillerson or Trump? By Rep. Ron Paul, December 21 2017

President Trump has often said that his foreign policy objective was to keep his enemies guessing. If that’s the goal, you could say that he’s doing a good job. The problem is who does he think his enemies are, because

Trump’s National Security Strategy: The Return of “Great Power” Military Conflict By Bill Van Auken, December 21 2017

The new US National Security Strategy released this week and the speech delivered by President Donald Trump Monday to introduce it constitute a grim warning to humanity that US imperialism is firmly embarked on a road that leads to a

Full Disclosure: “US in Grave Danger.” Paul Hellyer By Hon. Paul Hellyer, December 21 2017

The US media has recently confirmed that the “US government had quietly funded a program to study UFOs for years…. The Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, … collected video and audio recordings of reported U.F.O. incidents.” (NYT)

In this video …

Cloaked in Conspiracy: Overview of JFK Files Reopens Door to Coup d’état Claims and Cold War Era False Flag Terror By Shawn Helton, December 20 2017

Since late October, an ongoing release of intelligence files related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy have reignited decades old conspiracy claims. While the material released is reportedly a mix of new and old, some critics have declared

Finance and Business: Enemies of Sustainable Development? By Prof. Jacques Prescott, December 20 2017

The economy is seen by sustainable development theorists as a tool, a means to achieve sustainability. [1] Although all UN Member States have adopted in 2015 twenty global sustainable development goals by 2030 “to ensure peace and prosperity for people

Let’s Unite and Demonstrate the True Meaning of Christmas. Helping the Poor, Healing the Environment By Adam Parsons, December 20 2017

The holiday period provides us with a unique opportunity to express the new awareness that must inform a less commercialised and sharing-oriented world. Rather than spending all our time partaking in conspicuous consumption, why don’t we commemorate Christmas by organising

Questioning the Russia-gate “Motive”. “McCarthyism and Anti-Russian Hysteria” By Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, December 20 2017

Featured image: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the third presidential debate in 2016, during which Clinton called Trump Vladimir Putin’s “puppet.”

The American public is now experiencing mass paranoia over Russia-gate, hysteria about Russia supposedly corrupting and manipulating the

Selected Articles: Swing to the Right in Latin America and South Africa By Global Research News, December 20 2017

In an era of media distortion, our emphasis has been on the “unspoken truth”. As an independent site, it is our mandate to challenge the engineered truth by the corporate media. 

Help us by forwarding our articles far and wide

Urgent: Hassan Diab Needs Your Help! By Hassan Diab Support Committee, December 20 2017

French Prosecutors concede that there is credible evidence pointing to Hassan Diab’s Innocence; however, because of the political climate in France, they still want to proceed with a trial based on anonymous intelligence that French authorities received from a foreign

South Africa’s ANC’s “Internal Presidential Elections”: Ramaphosa Rises as Lonmin Expires; Workers, Women and Communities Prepare to Fight, Not Mourn By Prof. Patrick Bond, December 20 2017

Monday night’s internal African National Congress (ANC) presidential election of Cyril Ramaphosa – with a razor-thin 51% majority of nearly 4800 delegates – displaced but did not resolve a fight between two bitterly-opposed factions. On the one hand are

US Congress Set for Wednesday Passage of Multi-trillion-dollar Tax Cut for the Rich By Barry Grey, December 20 2017

The mad dash of the Republican-controlled Congress to pass a multi-trillion-dollar tax cut for corporations and the wealthy for President Trump’s signature before the Christmas break, hit a speed bump on Tuesday. After the House of Representatives passed the measure

Latin America: The Political Pendulum Swings to the Right By Prof. James Petras, December 20 2017


Clearly the pendulum has swung to the right in the past few years.  Numerous questions arise.  What kind of right?  How far right? How did they gain power?  What is their appeal?  How sustainable are the right wing regimes? 

On Hanukkah 2017, Light a Candle for Palestine! By Rima Najjar, December 20 2017

Featured image: Abu Dis child playing with a spinning top, 2014 (Source: Rima Najjar)

Since 1897, the first Zionist Congress, Judaism has been entangled with Zionism. It’s time to disengage the two – no easy matter.

When Zionist Jewish …

The Bitcoin Bubble By Roy Morrison, December 20 2017

The price of a rare tulip bulb on the futures market in Amsterdam in January 1637 was equal to ten times the annual wage for a skilled crafts worker. A single bulb was reportedly exchanged for 1,000 pounds of cheese

Trump’s National Security Speech By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 20 2017

What do we make of Trump’s national security speech?  First of all, it is the military/security complex’s speech, and it is inconsistent with Trump’s intention of normalizing relations with Russia.

The military/security complex, using Trump’s position as President,  has defined