Global Research News

Capitalism Straight-Up By Antony C. Black, December 29 2017

Following the meltdown of the global economy in 2008/9 it was almost inevitable that the capitalist elite who had engineered the crisis would place, not merely the burden of paying for, but the ideological blame for the crisis on its

Palestinian Christians and Muslims living in the Holy Land. A Christmas Message to Vice-President Mike Pence By James J. Zogby, December 29 2017

Mr. Vice President:

As you celebrate Christmas with your family and listen to the gospel story of the birth of Jesus, I hope you will read and reflect on the following piece I wrote a few years back.

I …

Over 700 Yemeni Civilians Killed and Wounded by US-backed Saudi Airstrikes in December By Bill Van Auken, December 29 2017

The US-backed Saudi monarchy and its allied Gulf oil sheikdoms have dramatically escalated their bombing campaign against Yemen, the poorest nation in the Middle East, killing scores of civilians within the last few days.

In the bloodiest of the airstrikes, …

Africa in Review 2017: Reconstruction and the Impediments of Imperialism By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 29 2017

Featured image: Pentagon drones striking areas around the world including Somalia

Coal mining had been a lucrative business in the northeastern Oriental region of Morocco for many decades where in the city of Jerada thousands of workers were employed in

Vermont’s Progressive Candidates Blur Party Lines to Win By Greg Guma, December 29 2017

Rather than nominate a candidate for mayor, Burlington’s Progressive Party decided in early December to endorse Carina Driscoll, who had announced in advance her intention to run as an Independent. This is the second time since 2012 that the Party

Propaganda Aiming to Prove Iran Supplied Missiles Backfires By Scott Ritter, December 29 2017

Featured image: U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley supplies what she says is Iran’s destabilizing influence in Yemen during a news conference at Joint Base Anacostia-Boling in Washington, D.C., Dec. 14. (Source: DoD photo by EJ Hersom)


Cost and Indulgence: Gloating over New Year’s Celebrations By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 29 2017

The gloating over the forthcoming New Year celebrations has already commenced.  The first big city to feature on the roundups in each news segment as the year is ushered in tends to be Sydney, self-proclaimed global city in the antipodes,

Who Are the Leading State Sponsors of Terrorism? By Philip Giraldi, December 29 2017

As 2017 draws to a close, it is difficult to be optimistic about what will be coming in the new year. The American President, whose margin of victory was certainly based on his pledge to avoid unnecessary wars, has doubled

Pharmaceutical Firm Makes Billions by Fueling Opioid Crisis By Mark Karlin, December 28 2017

Featured image: OxyContin is a derivative of opium from poppies. (Photo: Rach)

First published by Global Research on October 26, 2017

In the October 30 edition of the New Yorker, reporter Patrick Radden Keefe writes a thorough examination of

China Shifts Course, Is A Global Financial Crisis Brewing? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, December 28 2017

First published by GR on October 29, 2017

The past year the US and global ‘real’ economies have enjoyed a moderate recovery. Much of that has been due to China stimulating its economy to ensure real growth in anticipation of

South Korea: The Movement to RELEASE All Prisoners of Conscience! By The Korean Committee to Save the Victims of ‘Lawmaker Lee Seok-ki Insurrection Conspiracy Case', December 28 2017

Ahn Jin-geol, the Secretary General of People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, participated in the “Companion”, the walking march for the release of all prisoners of conscience in Korea. He said he had a heavy heart and was sick at heart

Selected Articles: US-North Korea Nuclear War: One Million Deaths on the First Day By Global Research News, December 28 2017

Global Research’s work is critical in the face of mainstream media disinformation. See our selection below. 

We invite you to subscribe to our free newsletter if you have not already done so, and also to forward our articles and videos

How It Could Finally be Possible to Prosecute War as a Crime By David Swanson, December 28 2017

War is a crime. The International Criminal Court has just announced that it will finally treat it as a crime, sort-of, kind-of. But how can war’s status as a crime effectively deter the world’s leading war-maker from threatening and launching

Preparing for the Coming Transformation. Power of the People By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, December 28 2017

The year 2017 has been another active year for people fighting on a wide range of fronts. The Trump administration has brought many issues that have existed for years out into the open where they are more difficult to deny

Trump: Agent of Chaos (a.k.a. “The Kraken”) By Andrew Korybko, December 28 2017

Most people don’t understand Trump’s domestic and international intentions, believing that he and his team are “ruining everything” because they’re “hopelessly incompetent”, though the fact of the matter is that the President is an Agent of Chaos (a.k.a. “The

Student Debt Slavery: Bankrolling Financiers on the Backs of the Young By Ellen Brown, December 28 2017

The advantages of slavery by debt over “chattel” slavery – ownership of humans as a property right – were set out in an infamous document called the Hazard Circular, reportedly circulated by British banking interests among their American banking 

The Quad: US Searches Edge of Asia for Allies to Contain Beijing By Tony Cartalucci, December 28 2017

There has been a recent buzz promoted around the so-called Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) – a coalition of sorts counting the United States, India, Australia, and Japan as members. Promoted by familiar corporate-financier funded policy think thanks, the Quad is

Socialism and the Problem of the Super-rich: The Bloomberg Billionaires Index By Barry Grey, December 28 2017

Nearly one hundred and fifty years ago, Karl Marx, citing the early 19th century French economist Jean Charles Léonard de Sismondi, observed that “the Roman proletariat lived at the expense of society, while modern society lives at the

Day of Infamy for the UN Security Council: Triggering a Devastating Humanitarian Crisis in North Korea By Carla Stea, December 28 2017
Many of these Security Council diplomats who voted “yes” professed ignorance of the human suffering these new sanctions make inevitable. The ultimate question remains why China and Russia failed to veto these sanctions, while they have the power to prevent this catastrophe.
Israel Should be Suspended from the UN Until It Complies with UNSCR 2334 By Hans Stehling, December 28 2017

Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of

Catalonia: The Independence Movement Resists, But Without Clarifying Its Strategy By Marti Caussa and Richard Fidler, December 28 2017

The December 21 election (21-D) reconfirmed the absolute majority of pro-independence members in the Catalan Parlement. It marked the political defeat of article 155, although that article and its consequences are still in force. On the other hand, the “unionist”

Russia Charges Pentagon with Training Ex-ISIS Fighters By Bill Van Auken, December 28 2017

Featured image: General of the Army Valery Gerasimov (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

US special operations troops are secretly harboring and training former fighters of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) at the remote American base in Al Tanf,

Will a War with North Korea be Our Political Leaders’ Greatest Regret? “Could Escalate into a World War, One Million Deaths in the First Day” By Lisa Fuller, December 28 2017

Featured image: “Government officials should follow the leads of lawmakers like Sen. Chris Murphy and Rep. Ted Lieu and speak out frequently and loudly to mobilize public opposition to a potential war.” (Source: Richard Engel/Twitter)

President Bill Clinton’s 

Whither the Anti-war Movement? By Daniel Martin, December 28 2017

Featured image: Veterans For Peace rally in Washington, less than a month after 9/11. (Source: Elvert Barnes/Flickr)

“Imagine there’s no heaven…and no religion too.”

A more useful line when it comes to our current wars may be “Imagine there’s

Homeland Security’s Multibillion Dollar Comedy Show By James Bovard, December 28 2017

After the 9/11 attacks, Congress and the Bush administration pretended that unlimited federal spending was one of the best ways to thwart terrorist threats. In 2002, Congress created the Homeland Security Department (DHS), sweeping some of the most inept federal

Under Trump, US Doubles Drone Strikes in Somalia By Telesur, December 28 2017

The United States said Wednesday it had carried out a new drone strike in Somalia, killing 13 extremist al-Shabab militants, bringing the number of drone strikes on the country to 34 this year, more than double the number the previous

Letter on Jerusalem by HE Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad By Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, December 28 2017

President Trump’s announcement that the US now recognises Jerusalem as the Israeli capital has sent shock waves across, not only in the Middle East, but throughout the world.

Obviously the decision is cause for a major concern, as apart from …

Aggressive and Ugly Behaviour of Britain’s Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson in Moscow – Agony of A Rotting Empire By Andre Vltchek, December 27 2017

It has been all very ugly, aggressive and often distinctly vulgar: the way the British Foreign Secretary has behaved before and during his official visit to Moscow.

Mr. Johnson described Russia as “closed, nasty, militaristic and anti-democratic” concluding that it …

The Child Who Knows Too Much About Cruelty in this World By Yvonne Ridley, December 27 2017

Featured image: Yvonne Ridley [right] with Mohammed Shofique, 11 year old Rohingya refugee currently residing at the Thainkhali Camp in Bangladesh

Millions of children around the world will wake up on Christmas Day and rip open their presents and parcels

Deep Sea Mining. Environmental Impacts on the Sea Floor By Elaine Maslin, December 27 2017

Featured image: Nautilus’ sea floor production tools, made by Soil Machine Dynamics (Source: SMD)

Many are looking to a new resource, deep sea minerals, thanks to growth in demand from emerging economies and the development of new technologies that require

Trump Retaliates: Punitive Measures against Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority By Middle East Monitor, December 27 2017

Debkafile, an Israeli website close to the military intelligence, has reported that the Trump administration has decided to take a series of punitive measures against the Palestinian Authority (PA) after its successful campaign on Jerusalem in the UN General Assembly.

U.S. National Security Searches for a Strategy. Proliferating Enemies with no End in Sight By Philip Giraldi, December 27 2017

The end of the year is full of goodies. I watched with glee the 128 to 9 vote at the United Nations condemning the Trump Administration decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and was even more amused when

Extraterrestrial Fascinations: The Pentagon and UFOs By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 27 2017

Conspiracies in the extraterrestrial department have always constituted the residue of superstition in a secular age.  Chase away a Christ figure, or ward off God, and the mind still wanders, hoping to be bewitched.  If something cannot be explained, ignorance

The Saudi Palace Coup, the Oil Market, China and the US By Dr. Ali Kadri, December 27 2017

Trouble has been brewing in Saudi Arabia, the jewel of the US empire, under the very eyes of the imperialists. Since circa 1980, the socially stabilising economic redistribution mechanisms, the objective pillars holding society together, were neoliberally eroded. As for

Shades of Suez and “Greater Israel” as Theresa May and Netanyahu Ignore UNSCR 2334 Pertaining to the Territorial Rights of Palestinians By Hans Stehling, December 27 2017

The collusion between Theresa May’s Conservative administration, in the UK, and the Israeli government of Binyamin Netanyahu, in issuing export licences for British arms and military equipment to support WMD, to be used in the continuing dispossession and

Retrenchment, Robotization and Crypto-Currencies: The Runaway Train Towards Full Digitization of Money and Labor By Peter Koenig, December 27 2017

The other day I was in a shopping mall looking for an ATM to get some cash. There was no ATM. A week ago, there was still a branch office of a local bank – no more, gone. A Starbucks

The Militarization of North East Asia: Japan Acquires US Aegis Ashore BMD Missile Defense System, Bonanza for US Weapons Industry By Andrei Akulov, December 27 2017

Japan’s Cabinet on Dec.19 approved a plan to purchase two Aegis Ashore ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems to add to Japan’s current two-step missile defense consisting of Patriot Advanced Capability-batteries and Aegis-equipped destroyers. The government’s decision is explained by the

Syrians Are Human Beings. “The West Seeks to Fabricate Sectarianism in Syria” By Mark Taliano, December 27 2017

Syrians are, first and foremost, human beings. The notion that they can be accurately described as Sunnis, or Shias, or Muslims or Christians is misleading. It is a form of xenophobic “Orientalism” that obliterates their humanity. Labelling people according their

Selected Articles: Currency Warfare, the Inception of China’s Petro-Yuan? By Global Research News, December 27 2017

China is strengthening its role in the world order. From its inclusive economic policy through The Belt and Road Initiative, China is  challenging US hegemony by replacing the US petrodollar with its own currency in 2018. What will likely spring

Africa in Review 2017: Reinforced Neo-colonialism and the Imperative of Continental Unity By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 27 2017

Featured image: Democratic Republic of Congo President Joseph Kabila

A monumental democratic movement demanding inclusion in the future of the West African state of Togo thrust the former German and French colony into the forefront news coverage this past year

Could the Trump Presidency Prove to be a Godsend for the Palestinian People? By William Hanna, December 27 2017

“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” –President Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address.

While the

Ottawa’s Attitude Towards Venezuela: “The Venezuelan Ambassador is No longer Welcome in Canada” By Nino Pagliccia, December 27 2017

On Christmas day of 2017 the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chrystia Freeland, released a statement “announcing that the Venezuelan Ambassador to Canada … is no longer welcome in Canada.” She continued, “I am also declaring the Venezuelan chargé

Digital Capitalism and Workers’ Rights: ‘Workers Are the Heart of the Algorithm’ By Prof. Antonio Casilli and Roberto Ciccarelli, December 27 2017

Interview. We spoke with Antonio Casilli, author of pioneering research on the new digital capitalism. “We continue to work more and more, and the platforms are fragmenting and rendering invisible the labor that is necessary to make the algorithms

Battle for Mosul, Defeat of the ISIS Caliphate, A Year of Brutal War, Crimes against Humanity By Middle East Eye, December 27 2017

The Islamic State (IS) group shocked the world when, in 2014, it walked a few hundred men into Iraq’s second city and took it from 30,000 fleeing Iraqi troops. Days later, IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared a caliphate from

“Big Bipartisan Lies”: Intelligence Veterans Tell Trump Iran Is Not “Top Terror Sponsor” By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, December 27 2017


FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

SUBJECT: Is Iran the “World’s Leading Sponsor of Terrorism?”


We are concerned by recent strident and stark public statements from key members of your Administration that paint Iran

What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About “Russian Hacking” By Jackson Lears, December 27 2017

American politics have rarely presented a more disheartening spectacle. The repellent and dangerous antics of Donald Trump are troubling enough, but so is the Democratic Party leadership’s failure to take in the significance of the 2016 election campaign. Bernie Sanders

In Bid to Save Big Oil $900M, Trump Moves to Scrap Offshore Drilling Safety Rules By Julia Conley, December 27 2017

Featured image: The Deepwater Horizon oil spill, found to be partially caused by lax safety regulations, killed 11 people and injured 16. (Photo: Florida Sea Grant/Flickr/cc)

The oil and gas industry is poised to save hundreds of millions of dollars …

Civil Servants Are Deliberately Destroying Documents from the UK’s National Archive By Zero Hedge, December 27 2017

In yet another galling example of historical revisionism put into practice, the Guardian reported Tuesday that thousands of documents from the National Archives have gone missing in recent years – and some may have been deliberately destroyed by civil servants

China Plans to Break Petrodollar Stranglehold By Pepe Escobar, December 27 2017

Petrodollars have dominated the global energy markets for more than 40 years. But now, China is looking to change that by replacing the word dollars for yuan.

Nations, of course, have tried this before since the system was set up

How Trump Ruined Christmas for Palestinian Christians By Alex Shams, December 27 2017

Christmas is a special time of the year in Palestine. From the beginning of December, Palestinian Christians and Muslims gather in town squares across the country to light Christmas trees and mark the advent of the holiday season.

Palestinian children …

The Situation in North Korea is Terrifying: US-ROK Military Threats Are Provocations for Nuclear War By Carla Stea, December 26 2017
Any attempt to accuse the DPRK of “provocation”is flagrant prevarication, as the threats to the survival of North Korea described in this appeal to the Secretary-General reveal the US-ROK preparation for imminent attack and obliteration of North Korea.
Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War By Amy Worthington, December 26 2017

From our archives, this carefully researched article was first published by GR on Jun 1, 2004.

North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by the U.S. government under the guise

Polls Increasingly Confirming that America Is a Dictatorship By Eric Zuesse, December 26 2017

Gallup headlined on December 18th, “Americans View Government as Nation’s Top Problem in 2017”. Their report made clear that though this finding was unprecedented, it’s part of a longer-term trend, toward Americans naming America’s own “government as the most

UN Vote: Middle East Christians Blast US Decision on Jerusalem By Joyce Chediac, December 26 2017

Featured image: Palestinians burn picture of U.S. Vice President Mike Pence during a protest against Trump decision to announce Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and “pilgrimage” of Pence to Bethlehem.

Twice in one week, the United Nations slapped the

$21 Trillion of Unauthorized Spending by US Government Discovered by Economics Professor By RT News, December 26 2017

The US government may have misspent $21 trillion, a professor at Michigan State University has found. Papers supporting the study briefly went missing just as an audit was announced.

Two departments of the US federal government may have spent as

US Coalition Out of Syria Now! By Syria Solidarity Movement, December 26 2017

Both great powers, Russia and the USA, recently claimed victory over the Islamic State (aka Daesh, ISIS, ISIL) in Syria, but only one did the right thing in response.

President Putin of the Russian Federation flew to Syria to announce

Canada’s Aboriginal Children: “The Little Matter of Genocide” By Dr. Gary G. Kohls and Rev. Kevin D. Annett, December 26 2017

“A good and decent man, who saw wrong and tried to right it, saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war and tried to stop it.” – Ted Kennedy, eulogizing his assassinated brother Bobby in 1968

“The problem

Timeline of Trump’s Path to Nuclear War By Walt Gelles, December 26 2017

Donald Trump’s reckless policies, belligerence, volatile personality, and rejection of diplomacy have brought the world to the brink of war in Korea.  Such a war could rapidly turn nuclear, killing hundreds of thousands or millions of people, spreading deadly

Imminent Dangers to Humanity: The Social Psychological Factor “Permitting” Nuclear War and Climate Change By Prof. Marc Pilisuk, December 26 2017

During  time of mourning or fear of grave existential threats, the human psyche is quite capable of denying and ignoring likely and imminent dangers. President Trump raised the prospect of venturing into a nuclear war with North Korea.  It is

Australia’s Refugee Hub and the Politics of Manus Island: Responsibilities and Contracts By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 26 2017

In what has been a nightmare at Christmas, the plight of refugees relocated to other sites on Manus Island after the closure of the facility at Lombrum Naval Base has worsened.  The latest scenes at East Lorengau Transit Centre, where

Ascent of the Petro-Yuan: Russia and China to Kneecap Petrodollar in 2018? By RT News, December 26 2017

The world’s largest crude oil importer China is likely to roll out the petro-yuan next year predicts Saxo Bank. Beijing’s largest oil supplier Russia would gladly accept the yuan to phase out the dollar in trade with China.

“China is

NATO Rolls Out Offensive Cyberweapons By Ulson Gunnar, December 26 2017

NATO members including the US, UK, Germany, Norway, Spain, Denmark and the Netherlands have begun taking public steps in defining guidelines regarding the deployment of offensive cyberweapons.

Reuters in its article, “NATO mulls ‘offensive defense’ with cyber warfare rules

The Year the Open Internet Came Under Siege: 2017 Year in Review By Katharine Trendacosta, Jeremy Gillula, and Ernesto Falcon, December 26 2017

The fight between the Federal Communications Commission’s choice to abandon the principles of net neutrality and the majority of Americans started early in 2017 and continued into the very last month of the year. But even with the FCC’s bad

France and the UN on Peace Talks in Libya By Richard Galustian, December 26 2017

The current situation in Libya shows that the processes that the UN and the West tried to implement still are failing. Nevertheless, there is a new tendency to look at Libya in terms of settling disputes on the ground by

Nuclear Weapons, an Absolute Evil By John Scales Avery, December 26 2017

The following are excerpts from the introduction to the book NUCLEAR WEAPONS: AN ABSOLUTE EVIL that can be downloaded here.

Today, because of the possibility that U.S. President Donald Trump might initiate a nuclear war against Iran or North

US Heavy Weapons to Ukraine. Does Trump have Another War in Mind, on Russia’s Doorstep? By Stephen Lendman, December 26 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Shipments of arms and munitions to Ukraine began after the February 2014 coup.

Orchestrated by Obama’s administration, it replaced democratic governance with fascist putschists

The Hidden Structure of Violence: Who Benefits from Global Violence and War By Prof. Marc Pilisuk and Dr. Jennifer Rountree, December 26 2017

Acts of violence assume many forms: they may travel by the arc of a guided missile or in the language of an economic policy decision that contaminates drinking water, and they may leave behind a smoldering village or a starved

The Jerusalem UN Vote and the US-Israel Link By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, December 26 2017

One hopes that the overwhelming rejection of the Trump Administration’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) on the 21st of December 2017 will compel Washington DC to rescind its decision. Given Trump’s

‘Must be the Season of the RICH’ By Philip A Farruggio, December 25 2017

Many thanks to singer/songwriter Donovan’s Season of the Witch for inspiration. As New Year 2018 is  before us, we are truly in a ‘ Season of the RICH’. One need not be an accountant or financial whiz to know that

North Korea – UN Security Council’s “Killer Resolution”,15 to 0: Choking a Country into Submission By Peter Koenig, December 25 2017
That everything coming out of Washington is a lie, or untruth, or omission of facts – is well known. But in this case, where Russia and China have the veto right to say NO to these illegal sanctions, it begs the question, why’ didn’t they use their veto?
Christmas: A Visit From Saint Donald By Klaus Marre, December 25 2017

T’was the week before Christmas and up and down K Street lobbyists wept

Because after a year of chaos, the GOP one promise had kept.

They rewarded the Koch brothers and

Put the Dickens Back in Christmas! In late 1600’s in Colonial Boston Celebrating Christmas was Illegal By Father Stephen Freeman, December 25 2017

In the late 1600’s in colonial Boston, the celebration of Christmas was against the law. Indeed, anyone evidencing the “spirit of Christmas” could be fined five shillings. In the early 1800’s, Christmas was better known as a season for rioting

The Israeli Government Is Paying for Anti-BDS Journalism By Itamar Benzaquen, December 24 2017

Featured image: Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan and Chief of Police Roni Alsheikh attend a ceremony for Israeli police at the Police National College, Bet Shemesh, September 22, 2016. (Hadas Parush/Flash90)

The Israeli ministry tasked with fighting the BDS Movement

Cultural Diplomacy in a World of Conflict. The Relationship Between Culture and Empire By Dr. Hans Köchler, December 24 2017

“Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed.” This is how UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, defines its mission in the

Who Can Clean Up the FCC’s “Net Neutrality” Mess? By Michael Macleod-Ball, December 24 2017

Last week, the Federal Communications Commission took the long anticipated, widely disparaged step of doing away with net neutrality protections, over the objections of roughly 80 percent of Americans who support a level online playing field. Net neutrality is

The Refugee Crisis in Europe: Unfolding Right-wing Politics, Racism and Anti-Immigration Political Parties By Dr. Birsen Filip, December 24 2017

In 2015, Europe experienced its largest inflow of refugees since World War II, with 1,015,078 people reaching the continent, which put considerable strain on a number of countries that were forced to allocate sufficient resources to accommodate them. After gaining

China’s Flawed Reasoning Behind New North Korea Sanctions By Stephen Lendman, December 24 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Sanctions don’t work. They’re counterproductive and ineffective. They’re imposed for punitive reasons, yet accomplish nothing other than harming ordinary people in targeted nations.

US …

Protecting the Sex Abusers: U.S. Congress in Search of an Unspoken Bordello By Prof. James Petras, December 24 2017
Serial sexual abusers and uncontrolled bullies, have shielded themselves from public exposure, so they could continue preying on their employees with impunity and without any personal material loss or humiliating exposure to their families.
Trump’s “Bi-Partisan Tax Cut” By Masoud, December 24 2017

President Trump after a year in office has succeeded in rounding up the Republican representatives around his “Tax Cut” Shenanigans to deceive the American people. Democrats, who are also in support of tax cuts for the rich, cautioned that this

Democratic Party Witch-hunters Target Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein By World Socialist Web Site, December 24 2017

The Socialist Equality Party condemns the targeting of Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate in the 2016 election, by the neo-McCarthyite witch-hunters on the Senate Intelligence Committee.

The SEP has fundamental political differences with the Green Party. However, we …