Global Research News

Art and Culture: The Oppression of Bleakness. Ilya and Emilia Kababov at London’s Tate Modern By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 03 2018

Featured image: Ilya Kabakov The Man Who Flew Into Space From His Apartment 1985 Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris. Musée national d’art moderne/Centre de Création industrielle. Purchase, 1990 (Source: Ilya & Emilia Kabakov)

Installation art deserves its reputation in many

US-based Human Rights Foundation’s Ultimate Aim: To Use ‘Soft Power’ to Bring Down the North Korean Regime By Civilisation 3000, January 03 2018

The USA’s use of soft power has been effective with many worldwide, presenting an illusion of a free society (‘liberating minds’) and reinforcing a consumerist culture and the political regimes which collude with it.

On this site in 2015 there …

Syria Redux in Iran? By Mark Taliano, January 03 2018

The external expressions of Western-orchestrated Regime Change War are now surfacing in Iran. None of this is surprising since the war plans have been publicly available for years.[1]

Peaceful protests are being co-opted, and now displaced by violent actors. No …

The Imperialist Logic of Trump’s Tax Bill. The Economic-Military Agenda By Raymond Lotta, January 03 2018

The new tax law is NOT principally a handout, motivated by corporate greed—although greedy hands are seeking to maximize and game its benefits, which are utterly skewed to the wealthy. This tax bill is a conscious and strategic move to

North and South Korea Propose to Hold Talks. DPRK To Participate in Olympic Games? By Peter Symonds, January 03 2018

The two Koreas have agreed to hold talks next Tuesday after North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said in a New Year’s speech his country could send a team to the Winter Olympics, due to be held in South Korea next

Selected Articles: Iran War: “Color Revolution” as First Step? By Global Research News, January 03 2018

You can help Global Research by forwarding this selection of articles on US-Israel war plans directed against Iran.

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Trumpeting Hostility Toward Pakistan By Stephen Lendman, January 03 2018

Featured image: Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi (Source: India Today)


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Post-9/11, Bush/Cheney deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage warned then-Pakistani president Musharraf

As North and South Korea Reciprocate Offers of Talks, Trump Responds: “I Too Have a Nuclear Button” By Telesur, January 03 2018

South Korea has responded to North Korean leader Kim Jong- un‘s diplomatic overture with an offer Tuesday to hold high-level talks between the countries on the border next week.

On New Year’s Day, North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un …

Trump Threatens to Cut US Funding for Palestinian Refugees By Stephen Lendman, January 03 2018


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On Tuesday, US neocon UN envoy Nikki Haley said Trump “doesn’t want to give any additional funding until the Palestinians agree to come back

Dispelling the Iranian Terrorism Myth By Dr. M. Reza Behnam, January 03 2018

Some ideas take on a character akin to sacred texts whose validity is rarely questioned. One such belief is that the Islamic Republic of Iran is the biggest threat to the Middle East and the United States. The threat narrative

Trump to Move US Embassy in 2018 By IMEMC, January 03 2018

Hebrew “0404” website, on Tuesday, said that US President Donald Trump has confirmed, to Israel, his intention to transfer the embassy of his country from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as soon as possible, and will begin the transfer this year.

Gangs, Race and Melbourne By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 03 2018

Two’s a company; three’s a crowd.  More?  This issue is preoccupying political and policing figures in the city considered by the Economist Intelligence Unit the most liveable in the world, bettering a whole host of other seemingly more appropriate candidates. 

Ana Belén Montes at Year’s End. 16 Years in a US Jail. Silenced for Saying the Truth about US Foreign Policy By Prof Susan Babbitt, January 03 2018

A friend asked “Why write for the left? It’s preaching to the converted”. The question reflects an error. The appeal of wide reach. It is why friends of Cuba despair. They say Cuba should abandon socialism because the world’s not

Israel Seized 2,500 Acres of Palestinian Land in 2017 By Days of Palestine, January 03 2018

Featured image: Constructions of the Israeli settlement Ramot continues on Palestinian lands on 22 November 2017 (Source: Mahmoud Ibrahim/Anadolu Agency)

Israel has seized around 2,500 acres of Palestinian land, destroyed 500 buildings and constructed eight new Jewish settlement units in

Israeli Raids and Violence: Crowded West Bank Refugee Camp Is the Most Tear-gassed Place in the World By Sheren Khalel, January 03 2018

UC Berkeley School of Law released a study that named Aida refugee camp in the occupied West Bank the most tear gassed community in the world. For anyone who has spent time in Aida, the findings are not so surprising.

Mexico’s Standing Rock? Sempra, TransCanada Pipeline Face Indigenous Resistance South of Border By Steve Horn, January 03 2018

Featured image: Yaqui community gathering (Source: Andrea Arzaba, CC BYSA 4.0)

Since Mexico privatized its oil and gas resources in 2013, border-crossing pipelines including those owned by Sempra Energy and TransCanada have come under intense scrutiny and

‘The Battle of Brexit’ and the Globalist Agenda. What’s Actually Going On? By Julian Rose, January 03 2018

In 2016, under Prime Minister David Cameron, UK citizens were offered a referendum in order to decide whether or not the UK should stay in the European Union, and continue to have most of its affairs run from Brussels.

Ensuring Justice in the Era of Transformation By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, January 03 2018

In our last article, we predicted that the 2020’s will be an era of transformation. We focused on the development of the movement since the “Take-Off” phase of the 2011 Occupy encampments, followed by Black Lives Matter, Fight for

Prospects for Cuba’s Revolution in 2018 By Arnold August, January 03 2018

Telesur: Marking 59 years since the triumph of the revolution, do you think there is something particular this year about the celebration given the looming elections and Raul Castro’s impending retirement?

Arnold August: Basing oneself on Cuban press publications in …

political sanctions
Trump and Netanyahu Walk in Lockstep on Iran By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 03 2018

This article first appeared on GR in October 2017.

During his presidential campaign and throughout his nine-month presidency, Donald Trump has been fixated on ending the Iran nuclear deal, which he called “one of the worst and most one-sided transactions

Selected Articles: Trump “Fire and Fury” in 2018? By Global Research News, January 02 2018

Global Research is an independent media funded exclusively through the support of its readers. Every contribution helps us continue to bring you the up-to-date, incisive information that you can count on.

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2018: British Armed Drone Operations Reach a Crossroads By Chris Cole, January 02 2018

In December 2017 the RAF announced that British Reaper drones had reached the significant milestone of flying 100,000 hours of combat operations. First deployed in Afghanistan in 2007 and, on operations against ISIS in Iraq and Syria since 2014,

Of Billionaires, Fiscal Paradises, the World’s Debt, and the Victims By Roberto Savio, January 02 2018

Among Bloomberg’s many profitable activities there is a convenient Bloomberg Billionaires Index, which has just published its findings for 2017.

It covers only the 500 richest people, and it proudly announces that they have increased their wealth by 1 …

The US and Israel’s New “Secret” Anti-Iran Plans By Abdel Bari Atwan, January 02 2018

While Russia strives to move Syria on from a stage of war and bloody anarchy to one of peace, stability and reconstruction — by inviting all parties to next month’s Sochi conference to agree a roadmap including a new constitution

Foreign Intervention Behind Iran Protests. CIA Instigated Street Violence? By Stephen Lendman, January 02 2018


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Iranian President Hassan Rouhani attributes days of violence to foreign intervention, saying:

“The enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran are angry with the

President Trump’s Jerusalem Decision: The End of Hegemony? By Prof. James Petras, January 02 2018


The Trump regime proclaimed that the vote in the General Assembly of the United Nations regarding the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was a strategic US decision.

Both President Trump and his bombastic UN Ambassador Nikki

36,898 Killed in Iraq During 2017 By Margaret Griffis, January 02 2018

At least 36,898 people were killed, and 8,753 were wounded in Iraq during 2017. These figures should be considered lowball estimates, especially considering that the number of casualties being reported publicly was reduced. During 2016, 52,369 people were killed

George Orwell and Trump’s “Seven Forbidden Words” By Prof. Lawrence Davidson, January 02 2018

There is a scene in George Orwell’s famous dystopian novel 1984, where the protagonist, Winston Smith, is having a conversation with a philologist by the name of Syme. Syme is involved in a government effort to restructure the language

Nuclear Weapons: Tool for Perpetual Peace or Threat of Global Annihilation? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 01 2018

ICAN’s campaign to prohibit nuclear weapons was conducive to the historic October 2016 UN General Assembly Resolution L.41 to convene negotiations on a “legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading towards their total elimination”.

The voting result was …

Israel Ruling Party Votes for Push to Annex Parts of West Bank By Middle East Eye, January 01 2018

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party unanimously urged legislators in a non-binding resolution on Sunday to effectively annex Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, land that Palestinians want for a future state.

By enacting civilian law over settlements, …

Power to the People! Remember John Lennon By John W. Whitehead, January 01 2018

“You gotta remember, establishment, it’s just a name for evil. The monster doesn’t care whether it kills all the students or whether there’s a revolution. It’s not thinking logically, it’s out of control.”—John Lennon (1969)

Militant nonviolent resistance

Trump’s “America First” National Security Strategy (NSS) Imperils the US and the World By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 01 2018

Last week, with great fanfare, Donald Trump rolled out his new National Security Strategy (NSS). Its guiding theme is “America First.” An analysis of the 55-page document, however, reveals a program that renders the United States more unpopular and vulnerable

“Sellouts in the Room:” The Greek Debt Crisis and SYRIZA Betrayals By Michael Nevradakis, January 01 2018

For years, throughout the severe economic crisis that has plagued Greece over much of the past decade, the international media and financial press have held Greece up as a striking example of financial folly and mismanagement. Greece’s debt, we have

Syria 2011 All Over Again? Watch as Kurdish, Islamist Groups Call for a Violent Uprising in Iran By Paul Antonopoulos, January 01 2018

In scenes reminiscent of Syria 2011, armed groups in Iran have used mostly peaceful protests to call for an armed struggle against the Iranian government.

In Syria in 2011, peaceful protesters calling for economic and political reforms had their peaceful …

What’s Killing the World’s Bees? The Role of Fungicides By RT News, January 01 2018

Scientists have found what they believe to be the strongest factor leading to the worryingly steep decline of bumblebees… fungicides.

The discovery has now been added to the growing list of threats that could potentially lead to the extinction of

How the ‘Neoliberal Thought Collective’ Is Influencing Donald Trump’s Presidency By Graham Readfearn, January 01 2018

After Donald Trump won the US election, analysts, researchers and journalists got to work to track how this apparent political outsider would suddenly gather a team.

Despite promising to “drain the swamp” of vested interests and lobbyists, it became clear …

Africa in Review 2017: AFRICOM, Finance Capital and the Elusive Independent Policy By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 01 2018

Featured image: Niger protest against corruption within the Uranium industry during 2017

A military engagement in the West African state of Niger involving United States Green Berets in an apparent firefight with hostile forces resulted in the deaths of four

Israeli Ruling Party Votes to Annex West Bank and Seize Last Palestinian Lands By Telesur, January 01 2018

The latest radical move by hardline Zionists in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s Likud Party could see Israel´s government annex all of the occupied West Bank, incorporating most of historic Palestine into the Israeli state.

The central committee of …

Working Class Protest, Popular Revolt and Urban Insurrection in Argentina: The 1969 Cordobazo By James P. Brennan, January 01 2018


The working class protest, popular revolt, and urban insurrection which shook Argentina’s second industrial city, Cordoba, on May 29-30, 1969 attracted shortly thereafter the brief but intense interest of scholars, primarily sociologists, who struggled to explain the paradox of

“Don’t Wait too Long”, Listening to Frank Sinatra on New Year’s Day By Edward Curtin, January 01 2018

Like many people, when the New Year rolls around, I think of turning over a new leaf.  The problem with doing that, especially in New England, is that it’s hard to find one.  Nothing grows in this cold climate at

Will 2018 Bring Greater US Fire and Fury? By Stephen Lendman, January 01 2018


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Only Cassandra was good at predicting future events. I dislike predictions, but here goes.

This year will likely be more dismal than the last

American Media “Trumpwashes” 70 Years of US Crimes. What is this “Liberal, Rules-based International Order” By Adam Johnson, December 31 2017

Trumpwashing—defined as whitewashing, obscuring or rewriting the broader US record by presenting Donald Trump as an aberration (FAIR.org6/3/16)—was on full display Thursday in a nominally straight news report from the New York TimesMark Landler

A Currency War against Pakistan? The U.S. Puts “Pakistan on Notice” for Harboring Terrorists as Pakistan Considers Using the Yuan to Trade with China By Timothy Alexander Guzman, December 31 2017

The Trump administration sent its U.S. Vice President Mike Pence to Kabul, Afghanistan in what was described as a surprise visit and warned Pakistan that they are “on notice” for being a “safe haven” for the Taliban and other terrorist

political sanctions
Have Trump and Netanyahu Conspired to Topple Iran’s Government? By Stephen Lendman, December 31 2017


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A same day article discussed worrisome signs, perhaps steps to destabilize the country and/or initiate joint US/Israeli military operations to replace its government with

Cops Killing Kids Has Got to Stop! By Dave Lindorff, December 31 2017

Kameron Prescott is dead — the latest in a horrific string of children killed by America’s fearful and quick-to-shoot law enforcement professionals.

Six-year-old Kameron, who was shot in Bexar County outside San Antonio, Texas, wasn’t killed like Tamir Rice in …

All Is Not Quiet on the Syrian Front: US to Launch Another War By Alex Gorka, December 31 2017

This is a classic example of flip-flop policy. In November, the US promised Turkey to stop arming Kurdish militias in Syria after the Islamic State was routed. Brett McGurk, the US Special Presidential Envoy to the Global Coalition to

What Is Happening in Iran? Is Another “Color Revolution” Underway? By Brandon Turbeville, December 31 2017
The plan involves the description of a number of ways to destroy Iran including outright military invasion and occupation. However, the report attempts to outline a number of methods that might be implemented before direct military invasion. The plan included attempting to foment destabilization inside Iran via the color revolution apparatus,
Trump Administration Repeals Obama Rule Designed to Make Fracking Safer By Lorraine Chow, December 31 2017

The Trump administration is rescinding Obama-era rules designed to increase the safety of fracking.

“We believe it imposes administrative burdens and compliance costs that are not justified,” the Interior Department‘s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) wrote in a …

Why Are Trump’s Troops Training ISIS Terrorists? By Eric Zuesse, December 31 2017

When Donald Trump ran for the U.S. Presidency, his biggest foreign-affairs promise (which he copied from Ted Cruz) was to defeat “radical Islamic terrorism”; but, on December 27th, the Russian Government publicly accused Trump’s military of backing ISIS terrorists

Israel, Guatemala and Apartheid By Voltaire, December 31 2017

Guatemala’s President, Jimmy Morales (photo), has announced that his country would move its embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem.

James Morales Cabrera is a professor of Baptist Theology and a huge admirer of the United States. So much so, he changed

Video: Military and Political Trends of 2017 that Will Shape 2018 By South Front, December 31 2017

2017 presented the world with a number of crises, among which were the continued wars in the Middle Ease and the spread of terrorism, the humanitarian crises in Africa and Asia, the rising military tensions over North Korea’s missile and

150 Years After Capital: Reading Marx as Life Grounded By Prof. John McMurtry, December 31 2017

“One basis for life and another basis for science is an a-priori lie” – Karl Marx, Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, 1845.

Marx’s Base-Superstructure Theory (BST) has long been a major object of controversy. It is deeply embedded in a

Latin America in Limbo in 2018: Washington’s “Operation Condor 2.0” By Andrew Korybko, December 31 2017

Latin America is in limbo as the US’ “Operation Condor 2.0” has more or less succeeded in reducing multipolarity in the region, though the upcoming Mexican and Brazilian presidential elections might herald a paradigm shift if leftists win

Trump versus the FBI By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 31 2017

The attempt to tease, weave and develop a narrative against President Donald J. Trump over a Russian connection began almost immediately after his victory in November last year. This was meant to be institutional oversight and probing, but in another

Washington Trembles: The Charge of the Invisible Army of Kremlin Trolls By Diana Johnstone, December 31 2017

Featured image: Alice Donovan’s Twitter profile image

Diana Johnstone explains that President Trump can be excused from being prosecuted as a Russian agent if he will give up his intention of normalizing relations with the necessary enemy of the US

How Much Death, Destruction and “Miscalculation” Awaits Us in 2018? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 31 2017

The New Year is one full of economic, political, and war threats.

Among the economic threats are stock, bond, and real estate markets artificially pumped up by years of central bank money creation and by false reports of full employment.

Israeli Official Reports Increased Cooperation on Removing Content from Social Media By Shahar Ilan, December 31 2017

Social media services like Facebook and Twitter are increasingly likely to remove content from their networks upon request by Israeli Ministry of Justice officials, according to testimony by a government official at a parliamentary committee meeting on Monday.

The head …

U.S. and Israel Sign Secret Plan to Take on Iran. Report By Ali Nejad, December 31 2017

An Israeli TV report details that the U.S. and Israel have signed a far-reaching joint memorandum of understanding to counter Iranian activities across the Middle East. U.S. and Israeli officials said the joint understandings were reached in a secret meeting

The Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown Continues Unabated By Dr. Helen Caldicott, December 31 2017
Bottom line, these reactors will never be cleaned up nor decommissioned because such a task is not humanly possible. Hence, they will continue to pour water into the Pacific for the rest of time and threaten Japan and the northern hemisphere with massive releases of radiation should there be another large earthquake.
UN Decries ‘Deepening Catastrophe’ in Yemen after Milestone 1,000 Days of Bloodshed By RT News, December 31 2017

Three-quarters of Yemenis, including over 11 million children, are in a desperate need of humanitarian aid while over a half are suffering dire food and water shortages, UN agencies are reporting, fearing the worst is yet to come.

The bloody

Records of British Mandate of Palestine: Shimon Peres’ Request to Become Mandatory Palestine Citizen Revealed By Becca Noy, December 30 2017

MyHeritage revealed on December 28 2017 a database that includes the citizenship requests filed by 67,000 people during the British mandate period in the land of Israel. Among those who filed a request was former Israeli President Shimon Peres.

Does Israel Have “A Patagonia Project” in Argentina? By Thierry Meyssan, December 30 2017

The Argentinian authorities are wondering about the massive purchase of land in Patagonia by a British billionaire, and the “holidays” that tens of thousands of Israëli soldiers are enjoying on his property.

In the 19th century, the British government were …

Bassem Tamimi Honors His Courageous Young Daughter Ahed, Imprisoned by Israel’s Rubber Stamp Military Court By Stephen Lendman, December 30 2017


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Later on Friday, Israel’s rubber-stamp military court will likely extend 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi’s illegal detention.

Under military rule, she can be held indefinitely

South Korean President Moon’s Pardon: No “Prisoners of Conscience” Were Included in the Special Pardon By The Korean Committee to Save the Victims of ‘Lawmaker Lee Seok-ki Insurrection Conspiracy Case', December 30 2017

No prisoners of conscience were included in the Special Pardon.

On December 29, 2017, President Moon Jae-in granted a special pardon in his first year in office. Since he left out the chance on the National Liberation Day and Chuseok,

2018 Outlook: Africa By Andrew Korybko, December 30 2017

Africa’s known for its internal divisions and predisposition to conflicts, especially those which are encouraged from abroad, and it’s with this in mind that there are plenty of reasons to worry about its stability in 2018. Proceeding from North Africa

China Slams US Accusation About Selling Oil to North Korea By Stephen Lendman, December 30 2017

Featured image: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying (Source: People’s Daily Online)


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On Thursday, Trump abrasively tweeted: “Caught RED HANDED – very disappointed that

Markets, Monopoly and War By The Socialist Party of Great Britain, December 30 2017

A new edition of Rudolf Hilferding‘s Finance Capital: A Study of the Latest Phase of Capitalist Development has been published in a new translation and with a useful introduction and notes by Tom Bottomore (Routledge and Kegan Paul, £8.95).

New Year’s Message and Warning from a War Correspondent By Andre Vltchek, December 30 2017

Sometimes it is useful to take a break from news bulletins and newspapers, and even from ‘friendly’ Internet publications.

Occasionally it is good to realize that there are actually two parallel realities that are constantly competing for the ‘hearts and

Syria Eyewitnesses Provide Evidence of US Support of ISIS Terrorists By Stephen Lendman, December 30 2017


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Trump lied claiming his administration’s highest priority is “defeat(ing) and destroy(ing)” ISIS and other terrorist groups.

Washington created and supports them. Trump continues the …

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to be Extended to Afghanistan By Abdus Sattar Ghazali, December 30 2017

In an alarming development for India, after a meeting of foreign ministers of China, Pakistan and Afghanistan, in Beijing on Tuesday (Dec 26), Chinese foreign minister Wang said China and Pakistan are willing to find out ways to extend China-Pakistan

Who Says that a World War Can’t Happen Again? The Spectre of 2018 By Joaquin Flores, December 30 2017

From the systemic madness of Tillerson and Volker, the ongoing conflicts and uprisings in numerous reaches of the empire, to the controversial FIFA ruling, Russia under sanctions and Putin’s coming last presidential term, plus revived ‘popular coup’ technique attempts in

Trump Endorses Criminal Conspiracy to Crush Honduras Vote By William Boardman, December 30 2017

Honduras is bleeding now, and Honduran blood runs from the hands of President Trump and Gen. John Kelly, long a vicar of American violence enforcing the imperial will. In their vicariously murderous way, Trump and Kelly are carrying on

Moving Toward a Police State (or Have We Arrived?) By Michael Ratner, December 30 2017

The late Michel Ratner, passed away in 2016. As an attorney, he was powerful voice on civil rights as well as an analyst of “war on terrorism” and US foreign policy.

With foresight, Ratner formulated Moving Toward a Police State

American workers
Cold Wave Proves Lethal for US Homeless, Poor By Patrick Martin, December 29 2017

A record cold wave extending from the Upper Midwest through the Great Lakes and into New England contributed to numerous deaths across the United States Christmas week. Homeless people and the elderly were particularly at risk, but the greater stress

UN General Assembly Jerusalem Resolution: Vote Exposes 65 Sanctions-Deserving Pro-Apartheid States By Gideon Polya, December 29 2017

Of 193 voting members of the UN,  65 sanctions-deserving, pro-Apartheid states shamefully failed to support the December 2017 UN General Assembly Resolution condemning US-backed Apartheid Israel’s unilateral annexation of Occupied East Jerusalem. While this moral failure is understandable  for serial

Trump Sham “Peace Plan”: Abu Dis Village (Bordering Jerusalem), A Future Palestinian Capital? By Stephen Lendman, December 29 2017


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Reportedly, the idea is part of a Trump administration sham peace plan.

Palestinians won’t ever accept abandoning East Jerusalem as their legitimate capital, a

Senate Witch-Hunt Russiagate Investigation Expands. Where are We Heading?? By Stephen Lendman, December 29 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

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Months of House, Senate and special council Mueller investigations represent exercises in mass deception.

They exposed America’s debauched political system, its rogue governance, its

Anyone of “Russian Descent” Now Targeted in Senate Investigation By Michael Tracey, December 29 2017

The Senate committee probing alleged Russian interference in the U.S. political system has deemed anyone “of Russian nationality or Russian descent” relevant to its investigation, according to a document obtained by TYT.

In an email dated December 19, 2017, April

European Union Building Its Own Army By Darius Shahtahmasebi, December 29 2017

On November 13, 2017, 23 out of 28 European Union (EU) states signed a declaration to create what is expected to form the nucleus of a joint European army. The five countries that won’t be taking part are Great Britain,

Geopolitical Shift in the Middle East: The War on ISIS Has Increased the Influence of Iran By Sami Karimi, December 29 2017

Iran was not in a state to encroach the Middle East before 2003 when the US incursion into Iraq toppled the regime of Saddam Hussein and dissolved the erstwhile army. The invasion involuntarily rolled out new expectations for Iran as