Global Research News

Leaked Draft of Trump’s Nuclear Posture Review By Global Zero, January 14 2018

Last night, The Huffington Post released a pre-decisional draft of the Trump administration’s Nuclear Posture Review. The document outlined a strategy that includes the development of new, so-called “low-yield” nuclear weapons — expanding the number of scenarios in which

Trump’s Iran Statement: A View From Europe By Peter Jenkins, January 14 2018

Featured image: The European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini (Source: LobeLog)

It is with some reluctance that I write about President Donald Trump’s latest statement on Iran, because the statement is so full

Draft of Trump’s Nuclear Review. He Wants a Lot More Nukes By Ashley Feinberg, January 14 2018

In his first year in office, President Barack Obama gave a landmark address in Prague in which he famously affirmed “clearly and with conviction America’s commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.” The commitment

Trump “Shitholes,” and White Supremacy: Building Resistance on 8th Anniversary of the Haiti Earthquake. My Family and I Survived. By Jesse Hagopian, January 14 2018

Eight years ago today, my family and I survived the earthquake in Haiti. I had been laid off from my teaching job that year in the wake of the great recession and so I had joined my wife, with our

Swiss Newspaper Reveals: Secret Military Cooperation Between Saudi Arabia and Israel By Middle East Monitor, January 14 2018

The Swiss newspaper Basler Zeitung revealed the fact that there exists a “secret alliance” between Saudi Arabia and Israel, intended “to restrain Iran’s expansion in the region, despite the absence of any official relations between the two countries.”

“For the

Close Camp Bondsteel: America’s Military Base in Kosovo and Metohija By Živadin Jovanović, January 13 2018

Rising tensions in the global relations and hot beds of old and new crisis call for unity and efforts of all peace forces for closing foreign military bases, particularly U.S. and NATO foreign military bases, around the globe. The peace

Congo: A Neocolonial Project Managed by the UN Security Council By Ann Garrison and Dr. Jean-Claude Maswana, January 13 2018

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is the heart of Black Africa. Millions of Congolese have been murdered, massacred, enslaved, robbed of their resources, and driven from their homes since the Berlin Conference gave the “Congo Free State” to

Israel Keeps Bombing Syria and Nobody Is Doing Anything About It By Darius Shahtahmasebi, January 13 2018

The Syrian Army is alleging that Israeli jets struck positions dozens of times within Syria early Tuesday morning in the al-Qutayfa area east of Damascus.

According to a statement by Syria’s General Command, the Syrian government’s air defenses not only …

UK Conservatives Seek Closer Economic Ties with China By Jean Shaoul, January 13 2018

Featured image: British prime minister David Cameron walks with Chinese president Xi Jinping outside his Chequers country residence in Buckinghamshire, England, October 22, 2015 (Source: The Prime Minister’s Office)

Prime Minister Theresa May’s Conservative government is establishing a $1

War Pay: Another Good Year for Weapons Makers Is Guaranteed By William D. Hartung, January 13 2018

As Donald Trump might put it, major weapons contractors like Boeing, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin cashed in “bigly” in his first year in office. They raked in tens of billions of dollars in Pentagon contracts, while posting sharp 

The Strange Fate of Those Who Saw JFK Shot By William Penn Jones Jr. and True Publica, January 13 2018

William Penn Jones Jr. was an American journalist, the editor of the Midlothian Mirror and author. He was also one of the earliest John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theorists. Jones attended the University of Texas at Austin and was a

Horrific Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza By Stephen Lendman, January 13 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Gazans are a forgotten people, suffocating under illegal Israeli blockade for over 10 years – solely for political reasons, not security as falsely

Who or What Is Feeding the Unrest in Iran? By Philip Giraldi, January 13 2018

There are two general theories about the protests that are taking place in Iran. One, unfavorable to the Iranian government and establishment, is that the widespread discontent and rioting is over mismanagement of the economy that has particularly hurt poorer

Political Insanity By Mark Taliano, January 13 2018

If there is such a thing as “Political Islam”, then, by the same logic there are many other “politicals”.  Some of these would include “Political Christianity”, “Political Humanitarianism”, and “Political Feminism”.

A constant thread running through all of these “politicals” …

The IMF and Public Sector Wage Negotiations in Jamaica By Tina Renier, January 13 2018

With the emergence of international organizations (IO) in international relations, the discourse on the sovereignty of states especially small states has become increasingly relevant. Globalization is a process that facilitates interdependence and co-operation among states and non-state actors through negotiations

The Persecution of Julian Assange By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 13 2018

“We need a political intervention to make this situation end. He (Assange) is the only political prisoner in Western Europe.” Juan Braco

The persecution of Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, is now seven years old. Ecuador has protected

Canada Should Play Conscientious Role in Korea By Prof. Graeme MacQueen and Christopher Black, January 13 2018

Featured image: A family eats ice cream in North Korea (Source: Eva Bartlett)

Lawyer Chris Black and Prof. Graeme MacQueen are helping build a revitalized peace movement. Part of that involves standing up to the barrage of propaganda on North

The French Plan to Recognize “Rojava” By Thierry Meyssan, January 13 2018

The discussion in France on where the French jihadists captured in Syria would be judged, is a clear example of a false debate. It is animated by a television presenter and journalist that hide their links to their listeners. The

Rex Tillerson’s Korea Summit in Vancouver Should be Met with Protest By Derrick O'Keefe, January 13 2018

On the weekend before launching the Iraq War in 2003, U.S. President George W. Bush met with key war allies on Terceira, one of Portugal’s Azores islands in the North Atlantic. At their remote retreat, Bush, the UK’s Tony Blair

Is Trump Afghan Policy Aimed at Taliban or at China? By F. William Engdahl, January 13 2018

In recent months the US President has reversed yet another campaign pledge to pull out of Afghanistan, America’s longest war, and instead has begun to deploy an added 3,000 troops there. At the same time he has lashed out at

North and South Discuss Olympic Cooperation; U.S. Considers “Limited Strike” on North Korea By Zoom in Korea, January 13 2018

On January 9, high-level officials from North and South Korea met to discuss the North’s participation in the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea in February. The inter-Korean meeting was held in the village of Panmunjom at the border

Working for Peace on the Korean Peninsula: Information Pickets and Petition By Asia-Pacific Research, January 12 2018

Canadians want their government to be a factor for peace and justice in the world and make a positive contribution to diplomacy and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. We have a duty to ourselves and the Korean people to ensure

Dr. Hassan Diab Set to be Released from Prison: French Investigative Judges Dismiss Allegations; By Hassan Diab Support Committee, January 12 2018

Global Research has supported the release of  Hassan Diab. He will shortly be returning to Canada. 

He has unequivocally stated that:

“my life has been turned upside down because of unfounded allegations and suspicions. I am innocent of the accusations

Why ‘Coercive Diplomacy’ Is a Dangerous Farce: “My (Nuclear) Button is Bigger than Yours” By Gareth Porter, January 12 2018

Featured image: A North Korean soldier looks in through the window of the T2 building as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates tour the Demilitarized Zone in Korea on July 21, 2010.(U.S. Department of

Fukushima Darkness: Radiation of Triple Meltdowns Felt Worldwide By Robert Hunziker, January 12 2018

The radiation effects of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant triple meltdowns are felt worldwide, whether lodged in sea life or in humans, it cumulates over time. The impact is now slowly grinding away only to show its true colors

US Deployed Nuke-Capable Bombers to Guam During Korea Talks By Jason Ditz, January 12 2018

During the bilateral talks between North and South Korea this week, the US Air Force deployed three nuclear-capable B-2 Spirit bombers to Guam, along with some 200 airmen. The Guam base has long been seen as the likely staging

Iraq Historical Overview, Photographic Evidence: “I Never Thought Iraq Would Arrive at What It Is Today” By Angeria Rigamonti di Cuto and Latif Al Ani, January 12 2018

In 1957, the historian Hugh Trevor-Roper described Iraq as “efficient, energetic, prosperous, complacent: a Levantine Switzerland”, a description that is now almost impossible to fathom given the later succession of atrocities beleaguering the country – sectarian violence, chemical warfare, a

The British Empire in Yemen By Jacob G. Hornberger, January 12 2018

Over the holidays, I began watching a BBC series entitled The Last Post, which revolves around a contingent of British troops in the early 1960s stationed in Aden, a port city in Yemen, the Arabian country today that Saudi

The Role of The Pro-Israel Lobby in US Politics By Hans Stehling, January 12 2018

Oprah Winfrey in her powerful speech at the 2018 Golden Globes awards said that ‘Speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have’.

And the truth for America today is that our legislative assembly, the Congress of the …

US Forces to Remain Indefinitely in Syria Illegally By Stephen Lendman, January 12 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Russia intervened in Syria at the request of its government – to combat US-supported terrorists.

They continue pouring into the country cross-border, replacing

Trump Moves Toward Requiring Medicaid Recipients to Work By Stephen Lendman, January 12 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Medicaid is a jointly administered federal/state program, providing medical care for poor and low-income people.

The Health Insurance Association of America calls Medicaid

Another Step Toward Armageddon. Smaller “Usable” Nuclear Weapons By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 12 2018

GR Editor’s Note

Mini-nukes (B61-11 bunker buster bombs with a nuclear warhead) have been on the drawing board of the Pentagon since the 1990s, for use in the conventional war theater was put forth in the 2001 Nuclear Posture Review.

Gallup: U.S. “Well-Being” Declines Under Trump, Especially for the Poor By Eric Zuesse, January 12 2018

On January 10th, Gallup listed their “Top Well-Being Findings of 2017”, and three findings pertained to the entire U.S. (the others pertained only to sub-populations):

Americans’ well-being declines in 2017

U.S. uninsured rate rises

Exchange purchasers rate their health

Selected Articles: US – More Hawkish Than Ever? Building an Empire, Fomenting a Unipolar World By Global Research News, January 12 2018

Global Research is a small team that believes in the power of information and analysis to bring about far-reaching societal change including a world without war.

Truth in media is a powerful instrument. As long as we keep probing, asking

Staff and Global Partner of United Church Join Peacemakers to Encourage Peaceful Dialogue on Korean Peninsula By Women Cross DMZ, January 12 2018

Featured image: The candlelight movement in Seoul, South Korea, mobilized for change of government (Source: Women Cross DMZ)

When foreign ministers from 20 nations meet in Vancouver on January 16, 2018, to discuss security and stability on the Korean Peninsula

Still More Austerity Imposed in Greece By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 12 2018

Public demonstrations and opposition arising once again in Greece, as the Troika (European Commission, European Central Bank, IMF) demand still more austerity measures (pension cuts, privatizations, tax hikes) as part of the latest maneuvering by the Troika and its Syriza

Russia’s “Threat to US National Security” Ignored by Trump. America Remains “Vulnerable to the Kremlin’s Aggressive Influence Operations”. Senate Foreign Relations Committee By Stephen Lendman, January 11 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

A disinformation Senate Foreign Relations Committee report was commissioned and published by Russophobic undemocratic Dem Ben Cardin, supported by other committee Dems,

It’s Nato that’s Empire-building, not Putin By Peter Hitchins and True Publica, January 11 2018

Propaganda is information that is not objective and is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather

Sudan- Egypt Relations Further Strained over Territorial Dispute. The Hala’ib Triangle By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 11 2018

Two leading African states, Egypt and Sudan, are maintaining their historical claims over sovereignty of the Hala’ib Triangle.

Both nations have argued about whether the area belonged to either of them at least since 1958. On January 8, the Sudanese …

Opening India’s Economy to Corporate America: “Retail Apocalypse” to Save the American Dream? By Shelley Kasli, January 11 2018

Recently the Indian Cabinet approved key changes in India’s foreign direct investment (FDI) policy by allowing 100 percent FDI (from current 49%) under automatic route for single brand retail trading and construction development paving the way for global players. During

America’s Republicans: A Party That Has Lost Its Soul By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, January 11 2018

As the mid-term political campaigns begin, perhaps we should pause and think where this country is headed under the leadership of Trump, with the House and Senate in control of the Republican party—a party that has lost its soul and

Idlib De-Escalation Zone Collapses as Free Syrian Army’s (SFA) “Moderate Opposition” Comes to the Rescue of Its Al-Qaeda Counterparts By South Front, January 11 2018

On January 11, “moderate opposition” groups of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) released an official statement announcing a large counter-offensive against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies in the Abu al-Duhur area in southern Idlib where the “regime

Monsanto, Bayer and Neoliberalism: Towards the Corporate Model of Industrial Agriculture By Colin Todhunter, January 11 2018

A Bayer marketing professional recently stated on Twitter that critics of GMOs deny choice to farmers. It’s a common accusation by the pro-GMO lobby. In a previous article, I noted the idea that GMOs offer increased choice is erroneous

NATO’s Fraudulent War on Behalf of Women By George Szamuely, January 11 2018

In a recent Guardian article titled “Why NATO Must Defend Women’s Rights,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and Hollywood movie star Angelina Jolie assert that “NATO has the responsibility and opportunity to be a leading protector of women’s rights.” NATO, moreover,

Geopolitical Shift: Pakistan Says the US Is No Longer Our Ally. Pakistan’s Realignment with China and Iran? By Darius Shahtahmasebi, January 11 2018

Donald Trump’s decision to ring in the New Year by simultaneously demonizing both Iran and Pakistan on Twitter has already backfired tremendously. Following threats that the U.S. would withhold aid to Pakistan, the U.S. confirmed it would withhold $255

Fuming in the White House: The Bannon-Trump Implosion By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 11 2018

Michael Wolff is laughing, if not gloating, all his way to the bank. Money bags are singing; bank accounts are being filled.  Doubts about the free publicity his work on the Trump White House would receive would have abated with

Social media
2018: The Year Social Media Is Censored By True Publica, January 11 2018

The year 2018 has opened with an international campaign to censor the Internet. It should be of little wonder that this was going to happen. The writing was on the wall. All over the world, the tech giants are now

Surrounded by Neocons By Philip Giraldi, January 11 2018

Award winning journalist James Risen has recently described in some detail his sometimes painful relationship with The New York Times. His lengthy account is well worth reading as it demonstrates how successive editors of the paper frequently cooperated with the

Iatrogenesis and the Poisonous Nature of Fluoroquinolone Antibiotic Drugs By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, January 11 2018

Definition: An iatrogenic disease is an illness that occurs as a result of a therapeutic or diagnostic procedure undertaken on a patient; a healthcare professional-caused disease, usually due to properly-prescribed prescription drugs, vaccines or surgical procedures.


The following information

Invoking the 25th Amendment: A “Constitutional Coup” Provision for Replacing the U.S. President By Greg Guma, January 11 2018

Two-hundred and thirty years after the US system of government was created in Philadelphia, it is slowly unraveling. A recent sign is the growing talk about invoking the 25th Amendment, a “constitutional coup” provision for replacing the president in cases

Trump Administration Prepares More Hawkish Position on Nuclear Arms. The Deployment of Mininukes By Jason Ditz, January 11 2018

With the US forever investing more into their nuclear arsenal, ensuring they have the world’s biggest collection of city destroying arms, the fact that none have been used in over 70 years is a silver lining to many, but within

Uproar over Israeli Settler’s Killing By Stephen Lendman, January 11 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Israeli double standard justice needs no elaboration. Major media ignore cold-blooded killings of Palestinians by soldiers and other security forces.

Israeli acts of …

© Flickr/ Morning Calm Weekly Newspaper Installation
US Military Intelligence Has “Weaponized Democracy” Worldwide By Andrew Korybko, January 11 2018

It doesn’t matter whether it’s the US’ brand of “democracy” for export or the national-specific model of government that strengthens non-Western states, the theoretical concept behind this system has been weaponized by military intelligence agencies worldwide in a back-and-forth competition

US Needs the Taliban to Justify Its Military Presence in Afghanistan By Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan and Edu Montesanti, January 11 2018

“Whoever sits in the White House will continue to serve the 1% and spread wars across the world, to maintain the US hegemony. Many corporations, arms manufacturers and corporate-employed mercenaries, benefit from the war itself, or from extravagant reconstruction opportunities

Serbia’s Sovereignty as a Nation State: “A Policy of Complete Surrender”. Kosovo and EU Integration By Dragana Trifkovic, January 10 2018

Featured image: Italian NATO troops entering Serbian town of Stimje, draped with Albanian flags (Source: Fort Russ)

“Now that the global circumstances have changed, and when the United States and NATO are losing their influence, and while the powers that

President Trump’s Fundamentally Flawed Africa Policy By Lawrence Freeman, January 10 2018

After nearly a year in office, the outline of President Donald Trump’s policy for Africa has emerged as fundamentally and seriously flawed. In a similar manner to his predecessors, Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama, Trump’s African strategy suffers from

“Dishonest” and “Disgraceful” – Monsanto Attempts to Gain Backdoor EU Entry for Genetically Engineered (GE) Foods By Colin Todhunter, January 10 2018

At the recent Codex meeting in Berlin, there was an attempt to define genetically engineered (GE) food ingredients as ‘biofortified’ and therefore mislead consumers. This contravened the original Codex mandate for defining biofortification. That definition is based on improving the

To Liberate Cambodia By Robert J. Burrowes, January 10 2018

A long-standing French protectorate briefly occupied by Japan during World War II, Cambodia became independent in 1953 as the French finally withdrew from Indochina. Under the leadership of Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodia remained officially neutral, including during the subsequent

Corporate Mining in Latin America is the Source of Social Conflict: “The Andes now Resembles a War Zone” By Mario Pérez-Rincón and Nick Meynen, January 10 2018

Featured image: Las Bambas is potentially the second largest mine in the world in terms of copper production. Despite the opposition of communities, the project continues under construction by the MMG company supported by the Peruvian state. (Source: Environmental Justice

History of US-Iran Relations: “Regime Change” and the Islamic State in 1979? Ayatollah Khomeini, an Instrument of the U.S.? By Sami Karimi, January 10 2018

According to Sami Karimi in this timely analysis of Iran’s 1979 Revolution, the US and its European allies favored the creation of an Islamic State headed by Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran’s spiritual leader, with a view to undermining Iran’s leftist-progressive

America Persistently Seeks to Destabilize Iran and Undermine Tehran’s Regional Influence in the Middle East By Farhad Shahabi, January 10 2018
Trump’s National Security Strategy (NSS): War and More War… By Christopher Black, January 10 2018

I have just read through the new United States National Security Strategy released by President Trump in December 2017. There have been many comments on it most of them focusing on the hostility in the document towards Russia and China

War in Syria Rages, Resurgence of ISIS-Daesh By Stephen Lendman, January 10 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

In early December, Putin was way premature claiming ISIS and other (US-supported) terrorists defeated in Syria. He erred in returning most Russian forces

“A Strange Coincidence”: US Spy Plane Circled Near Russian Naval Base in Syria During Massive Drone Attack Launched by Terrorists By Zero Hedge, January 10 2018

Featured image: Boeing P-8 Poseidon (Source: Zero Hedge)

On Tuesday, we reported  that the Russian military in Syria thwarted a massive drone attack at the Khmeimim air base and Russian Naval point in the city of Tartus on January 6,

Israel Bans Members of 20 Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Groups from Entering Israel By 2018 Sail to Gaza, January 10 2018

Israel has published a blacklist of 20 organizations worldwide whose members are banned from entering Israel because of the groups’ support for BDS, the nonviolent Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement targeting Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.

Yousef Munayyer, director of …

French Artists Rebuff #MeToo Witch-hunt By Linda Tenenbaum, January 10 2018

Featured image: Catherine Deneuve

Just one day after the #MeToo movement dominated the Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles, with the full complicity of the Hollywood celebrity audience and corporate-controlled media, its sexual witch-hunt campaign has received a major rebuff.

Selected Articles: Iran, Israel and Palestine By Global Research News, January 10 2018

Global Research’s work is critical in the face of mainstream media disinformation. See our selection below. 

We invite you to subscribe to our free newsletter if you have not already done so, and also to forward our articles and videos

Turkey Begs Russia, Iran to Stop the Syrian Army from Smashing Their Proxy Jihadists in Idlib Province By Paul Antonopoulos, January 10 2018

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has demanded that Russia and Iran put pressure on the Syrian Army to stop its offensive against terrorist forces in jihadist-held Idlib province claiming that its in violation of the de-escalation deal. 

“Russia and Iran

Trump Continues Obama-Era Saber Rattling with Russia by Arming Ukraine By Darius Shahtahmasebi, January 10 2018

Despite the mainstream media’s insistence that U.S. President Donald Trump is some sort of compromised Russian lackey, the fact is that at the end of last year, his administration approved the largest U.S. commercial sale of lethal defensive weapons to

Elite Think Tank Admits to Ongoing Climate Engineering Experiments By Nicholas West, January 10 2018

This article first appeared on GR in December 2014.

If we could experiment with the atmosphere and literally play God, it’s very tempting to a scientist – Kenyan earth scientist Richard Odingo

For those who know about the history …

Demonizing Iran: Mainstream Media Madness and US-Israeli-Saudi ‘Behavior’ Problems By Robert Parry, January 10 2018

This article first appeared on GR in July 2015.

There is a madness in how the mainstream U.S. media presents the world to the American people, a delusional perspective that arguably creates an existential threat to humanity’s survival. We have

A Paper Peace and Proxy War With Iran By Shamus Cooke, January 10 2018

This article was originally published by GR in April 2015.

Obama’s foreign policy is bound in a thousand knots, all threatening to unwind. At the same time that the U.S. is engaged in nuclear negotiations with Iran the two are

North Korea and a “Rules-Based Order” for the Indo-Pacific, East Asia, and the World By Gavan McCormack, January 09 2018

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop declared in September 2017 that the emerging US-India-Japan-Australia Indo-Pacific “quadrilateral dialogue” would be founded on “respect for international law and the rules-based order.”1 The reassurance was welcome, but it will mean some big changes,

The Focus Shifts from Trump to Hillary and the Corrupt FBI By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 09 2018

The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and NPR will never tell you, but the criminal is Hillary, not Trump.

It has come to light that the FBI edited down FBI Director Comey’s investigation of Hillary in order to make

Precarious Work, Deregulated Labour Markets, “Poverty Wages”: Europe’s New Reserve Army By Harald Schumann and Elisa Simantke, January 09 2018

Millions of Europeans in temporary, part-time or bogus self-employed contracts can only find insecure and badly paid jobs, despite the healthy economic climate. That is the price of deregulating labour markets, Investigate Europe reports. This precarious set of labour conditions

Operation Blue Flag 2017 Air War Games: Israel’s “Fighter-Jet Diplomacy”. Hooking Up Israeli Forces with NATO By Manlio Dinucci, January 09 2018

European Leaders – from the EU’s foreign representative Mogherini to Premier Gentiloni, from President Macron to Chancellor Merkel – have formally stepped back from both the US and Israel on the status of Jerusalem. Is a rift between the allies

Sixteen Year Old Ahed Tamimi Offers Israelis a Lesson Worthy of Gandhi By Jonathan Cook, January 09 2018
She was charged with assault and incitement after she slapped two heavily armed Israeli soldiers as they refused to leave the courtyard of her family home in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, Her mother, Nariman, is in detention for filming the incident. The video quickly went viral.
Protecting China’s Belt and Road Initiative from US-Led Terrorism By Federico Pieraccini, January 09 2018

An interesting theme concerning Syria is the involvement of the People’s Republic of China in the conflict. While China’s diplomatic and economic assistance has been constant, its military contribution to Syria is less known. It is important for China and

Legitimizing Terrorism: Inviting Al Qaeda “Moderates” to Washington for “Consultations” By Mark Taliano, January 09 2018
The visit serves to legitimize the FSA terrorists in the eyes of the broader public by perpetuating the fiction that they are somehow “moderate”, or that they represent organic opposition to the Syrian government.
Trump’s Nuclear Threat against North Korea Warrants Removal from Office By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 09 2018

Donald Trump‘s veiled threat to use nuclear weapons against North Korea is not only horrifying, but also illegal. It warrants his removal from office.

On New Year’s Day, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un asserted, “The entire area of the