Global Research News

How the £1.3 Billion EIB Loan Uses Public Money to Muddy Democracy, the Environment and Climate Change Targets By Katie Hodgetts, February 11 2018

If you listen carefully on a quiet day, you can hear the gasps of future generations. They are looking back into a distant past where the decisions are being made that will erode any fair or equitable future.

This gasp …

In Libya, ISIS Is Using Human Trafficking to Finance Its Activities By Al Shahid, February 11 2018

A new UN report has warned of potential collusion between human traffickers and state institutions in Libya, amidst further concerns that groups such as ISIS are exploiting these processes.

The 150-page report, which was collated by UN officials, was sent …

Media Ignoring Puerto Rico’s ‘Shock Doctrine’ Makeover By Reed Richardson, February 11 2018

Nearly five months after Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico, more than a hundred thousand US citizens there still lack clean drinking water, and almost one-third of the island has no reliable electric power. As initial life-sustaining recovery efforts still

The Rule of Law in Jeopardy By Paul R. Pillar, February 11 2018

After more than a year of excesses by a president whom not only centrists and progressives but also a thinking conservative such as George Will can aptly assess to be the worst U.S. president ever, outrage fatigue has set in

Downed Russian Warplane Illustrates Enduring Danger of US-Backed Terrorism By Tony Cartalucci, February 11 2018

A Russian ground-attack aircraft – a Sukhoi-25 – was shot down using an anti-aircraft missile over the northern Syrian province of Idlib by Al Qaeda affiliates. The pilot was reportedly killed by militants according to the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Israel Escalates Aggression on Syria By Stephen Lendman, February 11 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

In cahoots with Washington, Israel wants Syria’s government toppled, pro-Western puppet rule replacing it – tyranny instead of Assad, ignoring his overwhelming popular

Don’t be Cynical about an Olympics Detente with North Korea By Peter Van Buren, February 11 2018

Featured image: The torch of the 2018 Olympic Games. (Source: Ververididis Vasilis/Shutterstock)

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has left open the possibility of Vice President Mike Pence meeting with North Korean officials during his trip to the Winter Olympic

Israel Attacks Air Defences, Iranian Targets in Syria After Its F-16 Is Downed By Middle East Eye, February 11 2018

Featured image: The remains of the F-16 jet that crashed in northern Israel (Source: RTE)

Israel said it launched multiple air strikes against air defences and Iranian targets in Syria on Saturday after the Syrian army shot down an Israeli

Global Financial Turmoil: A Severe Worldwide Economic Recession By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, February 11 2018
The first month of 2016 has witnessed the most severe drop in financial stocks ever, with the MSCI All-Country World Stock Index, dropping more than 20 percent, as compare to early 2015.
The Demolition of U.S. Global Power. The Accelerated Collapse of American Global Hegemony By Prof Alfred McCoy, February 11 2018

This article was first published by award winning author Professor Alfred McCoy in July 2017

The superhighway to disaster is already being paved.

From Donald Trump’s first days in office, news of the damage to America’s international stature has

The Nunes Memo and the Role of the FBI: Will Christopher Steele be Charged in the UK as a Spy? By Colonel W. Patrick Lang, February 11 2018

Do you want to know why the FBI continued to insist that the Nunes’ memo not be declassified and released to the public? The answer is right there on page 2, (see 1b) in the discussion about what was excluded

Amerika, the Cartoon: The “Good Guys”, The “Bad Guys”… Reality TV Becomes President By Philip A Farruggio, February 11 2018

Many baby boomers remember the original MAD Magazine, which was founded in 1952. MAD reached its apex during the mid to late 60s, when there was so much to satirize about. The Cold War, The Vietnam debacle, the Civil Rights

America’s Forgotten War with Mexico By Shane Quinn, February 10 2018

Reflecting on his life while dying of throat cancer in 1885, the former US President Ulysses S. Grant said the Mexican-American War was, “the most wicked war in history. I thought so at the time, when I was a youngster,

Plummeting Stock Markets: The Dow in “Correction Mode” By Stephen Lendman, February 10 2018


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At Thursday’s close, it was down 10% from its all-time high.

On Tuesday, longtime market analyst Art Cashin told CNBC:

“I’ve been on

US Misses Opportunity for Peace Progress at Olympics By Kevin Zeese, February 10 2018

At a carefully planned dinner to honor Kim Yong Nam, the head of the North Korean delegation and Vice President Mike Pence, South Korean President Moon said that he hoped the Winter Olympics would be remembered as the “

Syrian National Dialogue Congress Is A Decisive Step Towards Peace By Firas Samuri, February 10 2018

A short while ago, the Syrian National Dialogue Congress was finished in Russia’s Sochi. The innovative format of the negotiations has become unique and unprecedented among all the sectors of  Syrian society. In the conflict’s history, no one has been

The Colossal Russian US Election Meddling Hoax By Stephen Lendman, February 10 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Phony accusations persist – never backed by evidence because none exists.

Most Americans are none the wiser, bombarded endlessly with false claims, too

The FBI and the President – Mutual Manipulation By Prof. James Petras, February 10 2018

Few government organizations have been engaged in violation of the US citizens’ constitutional rights for as long a time and against as many individuals as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Seldom has there been greater collusion in the perpetration

Does the Venezuelan Democracy, Peace and Constitutional Process Fit in the Corporate Mindset of US Secretary of State Tillerson? By Nino Pagliccia, February 10 2018

U.S. Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, has returned to Washington from his tour of Mexico, Argentina, Peru and Colombia, and a final stop in Jamaica on February 7. He must have surely reported back about his trip to his handlers.

Wild Swings on Wall Street at End of Turbulent Week By Nick Beams, February 10 2018

The US stock market closed up yesterday, with the Dow index rising 330 points in a day of wild swings at the end of the most turbulent week since the 2008 global financial crisis.

In an indication of the market …

What U.S. News Reports Hide on Syria’s War By Eric Zuesse, February 10 2018
Keeping an Eye on Australia: Admiral Harry Harris Goes to Canberra By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 10 2018

Imperial arrangements require decent overseer of subjects.  In the Pax Americana, which is, in fact, rather violent, Australia is indispensable in the Pacific theatre.  It offers land, facilities, and the means to eye future enemies and keep allies in check.  

Russians Reported Killed in US Strikes in Syria By Bill Van Auken, February 10 2018

Multiple reports indicate that Russian military contractors were among the dead in air and artillery strikes launched Wednesday by the US military in the northeastern Syrian province of Deir Ezzor against forces loyal to the government of President Bashar al-Assad

Democrats and Republicans Pass Budget to Prepare US for War By Eric London, February 10 2018

The bipartisan budget bill passed by Congress and signed into law by President Trump Friday morning marks a new stage in the American ruling class’ drive for social counterrevolution and world military domination.

The deal, which reached Trump’s desk only …

North Korea: Science and Technology as the Path to Economic Progress By Zoom in Korea, February 10 2018

North Korea is arguably the most sanctioned country on earth. U.S. sanctions against North Korea have been in place since the 1950s, and a series of UN resolutions in the past decade have forbidden, among others, the export of coal,

Fabricated Reality: Lobbying for GMO Agriculture in India By Colin Todhunter, February 10 2018
Templates of Denial: Selective History and Poland’s Holocaust Law By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 10 2018

Featured image: Polish President Andrzej Duda

Holocaust history has never been far away from political manipulation.  The deaths of millions tends to supply various causes: for those who survive, radicalisation can be imminent.  For those who participated in the killings,

President Warmonger: Trump Administration Build Up for War with North Korea By Jeff Williams, February 10 2018

On the eve of the Winter Olympics Warmongering USA: Vice President Pence: “The United States of America will soon unveil the toughest and most aggressive round of economic sanctions on North Korea ever — and we will continue to isolate

The Balfour Declaration – Empire, the Mandate and Resistance in Palestine By Jim Miles, February 10 2018

With the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, a number of books have been published covering the topic in different ways. Bernard Regan’s The Balfour Declaration adds to this library, tending to be within an academic political presentation.  In

© Flickr/ Morning Calm Weekly Newspaper Installation
A Constant Reminder to a Constant War. Militarism in American Society By Andre Bermont, February 10 2018

The wars in the Middle East continue to rage unabated. Over the weekend a Russian war plane was struck down by an Al Qaeda affiliated group, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, and once again stoked fears of widening the struggle in Syria

Western Chauvinism Against Russia Gone Berserk. The Winter Olympics By Michael Averko, February 10 2018

For you non-sports minded Russia watchers, the ethically flawed antics of the IOC (International Olympic Committee), WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) and Western mass media at large, highlight a predominating anti-Russian bias that have a definite bigoted aspect. Having personally penned

Trump’s Nuclear Policy Review: “The World Is Our Enemy” By Christopher Black, February 10 2018

The world is our enemy and we reserve the right to destroy part or all of it at our discretion. That is the essence of the United States Nuclear Policy Review that was recently released; a document of a criminal

How “America First” Became the Presidency of the Pentagon By Whitney Webb, February 10 2018

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump won over many American voters by his promise to put “America First.” Though this catchphrase was thought – at the time — to imply a populist message of putting the American people first,

US Evacuates ISIS Militants from Syria and Iraq to Afghanistan By Sophie Mangal, February 10 2018

On Sunday, February 4, 2018, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami stated that the U.S. is transferring ISIS to Afghanistan to justify its presence in the Central Asian region.

Brigadier General Amir Hatami emphasized that U.S. had created ISIS …

World in Crisis: Help Protect Independent Media By Global Research and Global Research, February 09 2018

Dear Global Research Readers,

There’s a new war now. A war of words. A war for information. A war for truth. Politicians skew reality to emerge in more favourable lights, mainstream news media are conflicted by their growing conglomerate backing, …

“Save the Town”: Radioactive Contamination, The Insolvable Dilemmas of Fukushima’s “Return Policy” By Baba Tamotsu, Prof. Katsuya Hirano, Prof. Yoshihiro Amaya, and Yoh Kawano, February 09 2018
Total Collapse of Gaza Healthcare ‘Imminent,’ Warns Medical Charity By The New Arab, February 09 2018

The healthcare system in the Gaza Strip is on the brink of “total collapse” and needs urgent action from the international community if it is to survive its current crises, medical charity Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) warned on Tuesday.

The Illegality of Trump’s Threats Against North Korea By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, February 09 2018

1. The US government threats of “preventive warfare” against DPRK are illegal and criminal. The Nuremberg Tribunal in their Judgment of 1946, which the US helped organize, condemned “preventive war” when the lawyers for the Nazis made the argument on

African Americans Still Subjected to National Oppression: 150 Years Since the Passage of the Fourteenth Amendment By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 09 2018

Featured image: Detroit Livernois Rebellion in 1975

After the conclusion of the United States Civil War and the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, the question of the social status of Africans was a subject of sharp debate and political struggle.

Hedge Funds, the Unacceptable Face of Capitalism: Their Role in Precipitating the Collapse of Financial Markets By Hans Stehling, February 09 2018

In 1992, acting virtually alone, an individual hedge fund operator used the international monetary system to bet against the Pound Sterling thereby forcing the United Kingdom government to withdraw from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. That operator reputedly profited personally

Russia Blasts US Attack on Syrian and Allied Forces By Stephen Lendman, February 09 2018

Featured image: Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova


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Contact at [email protected].

US-led aggression was discussed in a same day article. CENTCOM’s pretext rang hollow.

Conflicting explanations …

What ‘News’ Media in the U.S. and Allied Countries Never Report By Eric Zuesse, February 09 2018

Newsmedia effectively ban reporting corruptness of newsmedia — even of media that stand on the opposite side of the political divide.

The ‘news’media in the U.S. and allied countries never report the corruption (including lying) perpetrated by any except the

Selected Articles: The Threat of Nuclear War By Global Research News, February 09 2018

Amid the ongoing political crisis in the US, the collapse of financial markets, is the world slowly inching toward nuclear war?

How to reverse the tide of war? 

Let us fight media disinformation which upholds America’s nuclear Blitzkrieg.

Read our

Trump’s Nuclear Doctrine Is a Threat to Strategic Stability By Vladimir Kozin, February 09 2018

On Feb. 2, 2018, the US finally released its Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), the leaked draft of which we already analyzed last month.

As expected, compared with the previous “Obama” version, the new doctrine greatly elevates the role and significance …

Making America Great Through Exploitation, Servitude and Abuse By Prof. James Petras, February 09 2018
US capitalism thrives on and requires unlimited power and the capacity to have the public treasury pay for its untrammeled pillage of land, labor, transport systems and technological development. Capitalist power, in the US has no counterpart; there are few if any countervailing forces...
Is the Stock Market Rigged? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler, February 09 2018

On February 6,  I  (PCR) asked if the Plunge Protection Team had stepped in and prevented a stock market correction by purchasing equity index futures. Sure enough, the daily exchange volume chart shows an increase in futures activity

America’s “Humanitarian War” against the World By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 09 2018
The world is at a dangerous crossroads. The U.S and its allies have launched a military adventure which threatens the future of humanity. Major military and covert intelligence operations are being undertaken simultaneously in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and the Asia Pacific region.
US Stocks’ ‘Dead Cat Bounce’ and Second 1,000 Point Drop By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 09 2018

Today the US stock market plummeted another 1,000 points. As this writer forewarned after last Monday’s 1175 pt. fall, the recovery would be a classic ‘dead cat bounce’. Well, the cat bounced the past two days–just not very high or

Try Learning Not to Ride a Bicycle So We Can Save the World By Edward Curtin, February 09 2018

“Who would study and describe the living, starts /By driving the spirits out of the parts: /In the palm of his hand he holds all the sections, /Lacks nothing, except the spirit’s connections.” – Mephistopheles warning to the student in

Logistics 101: Where Does ISIS Get Its Guns? By Tony Cartalucci, February 08 2018

Note: This article originally published in June 2015 brings to the forefront the issue of State sponsorship of terrorism. Who has in the course of the last three years contributed to financing the delivery of weapons to the Islamic

US Coalition Kills 100 Pro-Assad Troops After ‘Unprovoked’ Attack on Kurd Allies By Middle East Eye, February 08 2018

The US-led coalition killed at least 100 Syrian government and allied fighters over Wednesday night in response to what it said was an “unprovoked attack” in eastern Syria, a US official said, in one of the deadliest incidents of its

Violence Leaves 750,000 Children in Mosul Struggling to Access Basic Health Services By ReliefWeb, February 08 2018

As many as 750,000 children in Mosul and surrounding areas are struggling to access basic health services. While violence has subsided, less than 10 percent of health facilities in Ninewah governorate are functioning at full capacity. Those that are operational

Afghanistan’s Traumatized Population: The Forgotten Downsides of the US-led Afghan War By Sami Karimi, February 08 2018

In the course of the Afghan war, some die of suicide blasts and armed attacks while others agonize over horror, grief and traumatophobia.

Every time explosives tear apart a pack of people and kill dozens, it hurts the entire 35

Big Pharma Prescribed Drugs’ or Vaccine-Induced Dementia Is Not Alzheimer’s By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, February 08 2018

“More than 50 conditions can cause or mimic the symptoms of dementia.” but “Alzheimer’s (can only be) distinguished from other dementias at autopsy.” — from a Harvard University Health Publication entitled “What’s Causing Your Memory Loss? It Isn’t Necessarily Alzheimer’s”…

The Russians Are Coming! Send Money Quickly! By Tomasz Pierscionek, February 08 2018

Featured image: T-72 B3 tanks during field exercises (Source:Sergey Pivovarov / Sputnik)

What’s behind the latest round of Russia-related scaremongering in the West, relentlessly stirred up by politicians and the mainstream media?

We’ve all had our fill (and then some)

Political Insanity and the Nuclear Posture Review: Washington Threatens America and the World By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 08 2018

When I look at news reports from whichever country, I see no awareness of the two most ominous developments in US history. One is the conspiracy between US security agencies, the US Department of Justice, the Democratic Party and the

Greeks Are Revolting Again By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, February 08 2018

In the beginning, nobody paid much attention. Two activists, ex-members of the Movement of Independent Citizens, which was created back in 2011 following an appeal by Mikis Theodorakis, took the initiative to call for a protest meeting in Salonica. The

The Fear Driving US Nuclear Strategy By Robert J. Burrowes, February 08 2018

The United States Department of Defense released its latest ‘Nuclear Posture Review 2018’ (NPR) on 2 February, updating the last one issued in 2010 during the previous administration. See ‘Nuclear Posture Review 2018’.

The Executive Summary of the NPR …

US and Israel Escalate War on Syria By Stephen Lendman, February 08 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Both countries pursue regime change, wanting pro-Western puppet governance replacing Assad.

Endless war rages despite all-out Russian efforts for diplomatic conflict resolution.

It’s …

No Time for Complacency Over Korea War Threat By Jonathan Marshall, February 08 2018

Like the proverbial calm before the storm, war scares on the Korean peninsula have temporarily gone quiet while its two governments make nice over the 2018 Winter Olympics. But when the games end, count on the Trump administration reviving its

Outing the US Empire: Trump’s Military Parade By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 08 2018

You only had to see him goggle eyed and enthusiastic beside France’s President Emmanuel Macron last Bastille Day.  The tricolours were fluttering, the jets booming above in the manner usual for a lapsed empire, and the President of the United

Phony US Accusations of Syrian Chemical Weapons Attacks By Stephen Lendman, February 08 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Trump escalated Obama’s war on Syria, continuing to use ISIS and other terrorists as imperial foot soldiers he vowed to combat – instead

The Nunes Memo Needs More Work By Philip Giraldi, February 08 2018

The House Intelligence Committee Memo on possible FBI and Justice Department malfeasance relating mostly to the investigation of Donald Trump associate Carter Page is in some ways a bewildering document. As a former intelligence officer, the first thing I noticed

Dangers for the Entire World: Last-Minute Modifications Improved Trump’s Nuclear Weapons Strategy By Eric Zuesse, February 08 2018

The U.S. Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), a key nuclear-strategy document that was issued on February 2nd by U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis, seems to have benefited from last-minute changes that had been made to it. But it’s still extremely

Pentagon to Allow Nuclear Response to Non-Nuclear Attacks By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 08 2018

Amid the media frenzy surrounding the Nunes-Trump memo, the Pentagon officially released its 2018 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) last week. The NPR calls for the development of leaner, meaner nuclear weapons and lowers the threshold for the use of nukes

Stock Markets Implode Worldwide—What’s Next? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 08 2018

Today, February 5, 2018 the main US stock market, the DOW, fell another 1,175 points, the largest drop in its history. That followed a major decline of 665 points the preceding Friday. The total two day decline amounts to 7.5%. 

For an International Coalition to Fight Internet Censorship By World Socialist Web Site, February 08 2018

Global Research has endorsed the initiative of the World Socialist Web Site to create a Worldwide coalition to fight internet censorship.

The United States government, in the closest collaboration with Google, Facebook, Twitter and other powerful information technology corporations, is …

UK: Nation and State Separated by Suspicion By True Publica, February 08 2018

For clarity, the nation is made up of its people, the state is made up of those who manage it. Today, more than ever, there are tangible signs that the two are diverging as the state views the nation as

If There’s a War in Korea, Blame Trump By Mike Whitney, February 07 2018

Brainwashed Americans believe that Kim Jong-un is responsible for the confrontation between Pyongyang and Washington, but nothing could be further from the truth. The real problem is not Kim’s nuclear weapons but Washington’s 65 year-long military occupation that continues to

Another Arrested Equity Correction? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 07 2018

After the extraordinary sudden loss in equity values, today (February 6, 2018) brought gains back to the stock indices.

What happened? Did the market sneeze, cough, or was something misread and today perceived in a different light?

In my opinion …

Russiagate Should be Called Hillarygate By Stephen Lendman, February 07 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

With considerable media help, the Clinton campaign cooked the books for her to win, losing for failing to cook them enough.

She and …

Wall Street Lays an Egg By Stephen Lendman, February 07 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

What goes up exponentially, comes down harder and faster.

It’s too soon to know if Monday’s near 5% Dow Jones decline, following Friday’s

Will Trump Break International Law Over North Korea? By Jonathan Power and Jan Oberg, February 07 2018

By Jonathan Power

We are soon going to have a clash between President Donald Trump and international law. This is predicable when one examines the presidential discourse over what to do about North Korea and its possession of nuclear-tipped rockets.

Israel Is Militarily, Geostrategically and Culturally Tied to the US By Shane Quinn, February 07 2018

During the early 1960s, apartheid South African diplomats were increasingly concerned their country’s plummeting reputation would affect relations with America. In one notorious incident, of March 1960, South African police shot dead 69 black protesters in Sharpeville, a township about

Genocide Washington Style – Venezuela Next? By Peter Koenig, February 07 2018

Why does nobody dare to pronounce the term “Genocide” in connection with the Washington committed atrocities around the globe? – If there is one nation that is guilty of mass-murder it is the United States of America and her Zionist

Dengvaxia: 700,000 Children in the Philippines Will Suffer This Severe Vaccine Side Effect By Dr. Joseph Mercola, February 07 2018
Poverty in the Philippines: The Official Figures Have Been Manipulated By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 07 2018

Introduction. The World Bank Methodology

The World Bank methodology regarding to measurement of poverty is described in the World Development Report 1990: Poverty?  In this “authoritative” study on global poverty published in 1990, the “upper poverty line” is arbitrarily set

British Army Beefed Up with Counter-Russian Propaganda Unit By Voltaire Network, February 07 2018

On 18 January 2018, the United Kingdom and France held a Defense Summit at Sandhurst revolving around Prime Minister Theresa May and President Emmanuel Macron.

It is noteworthy that these two states have decided to cooperate on two major …

Selected Articles: Trump’s Nuclear Button Entails Genocide By Global Research News, February 06 2018

In an era of media distortion, our emphasis has been on the “unspoken truth”. As an independent site, it is our mandate to challenge the engineered truth by the corporate media. 

Help us by forwarding this selection of articles far

NATO and Nukes are not “Electoral Themes” in Italy By Manlio Dinucci, February 06 2018

During the election period the Italian Government remains in charge only for the «handling of current affairs». Nevertheless it is about to take on other binding commitments in NATO on behalf of Italy.

These commitments will be officialized in the …