Global Research News

U.S. Empire Still Incoherent After All These Years By Nicolas J. S. Davies, February 21 2018

I recently reread Michael Mann’s book, Incoherent Empire, which he wrote in 2003, soon after the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Mann is a sociology professor at UCLA and the author of a four-volume series called The Sources of

Frontiersman of the Internet: John Perry Barlow By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 21 2018

He may have been a lyricist for the Grateful Dead, but a component of John Perry Barlow‘s activism and corpus will forever be associated with a concept fast losing its gloss: internet freedom.

“A Declaration of the Independence of

Syria’s Afrin Move: “Artful Assistance to Allies” or “Armageddon in the Making”? By Andrew Korybko, February 21 2018

Syria reportedly agreed to the Kurdish PYD-YPG “federalist” militia’s request to enter Afrin and stop the Turks’ military advance, though it still remains to be seen whether Damascus will actually carry through on this decision or not.

There have been …

The Palestinian People Are Not Fooled Anymore By Rima Najjar, February 21 2018

As a Palestinian, I am skeptical about Mahmoud Abbas’s address, billed by the press as “Abbas delivers rare address at UNSC meeting, which calls for two states.

Whereas I believe that BDS goals can be achieved …

The Crisis of Social Democracy: From Norway to Europe By Asbjørn Wahl, February 21 2018

The crisis of social democracy is being debated throughout Europe. Several of the historically strong labour parties have almost been wiped out in elections while others seem unable to recover from defeat. In the last few years, a number of

Russiagate Suddenly Becomes Bigger By Philip Giraldi, February 21 2018

It’s hard to know where to begin. Last Friday’s indictment of 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies by Special Counsel Robert Mueller was detailed in a 37 page document that provided a great deal of specific evidence claiming that

Trump’s First Year Ends in Twice as Many Mass Shootings Than Obama’s! By Andre Bermont, February 21 2018

Over the course of Trump’s first year in office a total of 112 people died in 10 separate mass shooting events. The list includes the nation’s deadliest attack in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017 which claimed 58 lives and

The Coming Wars to End All Wars By Edward Curtin, February 21 2018

“The compulsive hatred of Putin by many who have almost zero idea about Putin or Russian history is disproportionate to any rational analysis, but not surprising. Trump and Putin are like weird doppelgangers in the liberal imagination.” – John Steppling,

Cancer and Autism: Mysterious Deaths of Alternative Health Doctors Who Have Real Cures Not Approved by the FDA By John P. Thomas, February 21 2018

This article was originally published on July 31, 2015.

How are autism and cancer related? Two internationally known doctors may have lost their lives, because they knew about the connection between these two diseases.

Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet, MD, an alternative

World Bank Whistleblower Reveals How the Global Elite Rules the World By Michael Snyder, February 21 2018

This article was first published on September 30, 2013.

Karen Hudes is a graduate of Yale Law School and she worked in the legal department of the World Bank for more than 20 years.  In fact, when she was fired

Washington Delivers New Ultimatum on Iran By Bill Van Auken, February 21 2018

The US State Department has issued a fresh ultimatum on the Iran nuclear deal to Washington’s ostensible major allies in Europe, demanding that Germany, Britain and France commit themselves to altering the agreement along the lines demanded by President Donald

Video: Turkey Threatens to Strike Syrian Army By South Front, February 21 2018

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies continue preparations for a ground operation against militants in Damascus’ Eastern Ghouta. Now, government forces and warplanes target fortified positions, HQs and weapon depots belonging to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, Ahrar al-Sham and

Dancing to US Tune: NATO Creates Military Schengen and Launches Iraq Mission By Alex Gorka, February 21 2018

The NATO defense chiefs’ meeting on February 14-15 was mainly devoted to sharing the defense burden and other issues routinely discussed at any event. As usual, there were turgid speeches with opaque meaning to leave one guessing what’s really behind

Eastern European Oligarchs Are Gambling with Their Captive Countries’ Future By Stephen Karganovic, February 21 2018

Featured image: Plahotniuk visiting Uncle Sam

A few days ago, former Romanian President Traian Basescu unveiled some explosive border-changing designs that the mainstream press has completely ignored. Known for his penchant for making bombastic statements, this time around Basescu literally

Why an Iraq War Inquiry Is More Necessary Than Ever By James ONeill, February 21 2018

There has been a flurry of activity caused by the comments made by Green’s parliamentarians Adam Bandt and Richard di Natale over recently installed Liberal Senator Jim Molan. The facts relate to the Australian situation, but the issue has wider

Academic Freedom at Alberta’s Universities: Open Letter to Premier Rachel Notley By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, February 20 2018

Dear Premier Rachel Notley:

I am writing you this open letter to defend myself against your attack on me personally and professionally. What is the evidentiary basis behind your characterization of my academic work as “repulsive, offensive and not reflective

The Three Global Super-Powers. China, Russia and the U.S. By Eric Zuesse, February 20 2018

There are currently three global super-powers, three nations that lead the world: China, Russia, and U.S.

After World War II, until recently, the U.S. clearly dominated the world, not only culturally, with more influence over the world’s other cultures

Israel’s Lobby Groups Seek Closer Political Ties with EU, De Facto Acceptance of Illegal Settlements By Hans Stehling, February 20 2018

European Israel Public Affairs (EIPA) is a grand-sounding title for yet another pro-Israel lobbying group in the same general category as AIPAC in the US or CFI and BICOM in London.

This particular group of lobbyists for nuclear Israel is …

PyeongChang ‘Peace Olympics’: The Initiatives of the DPRK for Peace and Korean Reunification Over the Years By An Amateur Sport Website, February 20 2018

Featured image: Monument to the Three Charters for National Reunification (or Reunification Arch), Pyongyang, DPRK

The PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics, which will go down in history as the “Peace Olympics”, has marked an important step forward in the Korean nation’s

Munich Conference: “For the First Time in Decades We Are Facing Threat of Nuclear Conflict” By Zero Hedge, February 20 2018

Over the past fifty years, the Munich Security Conference (MSC) has traditionally reflected the current state of world military affairs. Each February, more than 450 senior decision-makers from around the globe descend into Munich, Germany, to discuss current and future

‘Virus’ of Nationalism Has Been Smashed Repeatedly with Dictatorships Installed by the US By Shane Quinn, February 20 2018

Among the more significant cases of United States’ determination in preventing independent nationalism, is with regard to Chile.

The Chilean example, starting under its 1970 democratically elected president Salvador Allende, was a telling one. Firstly, it lies in the

The US-UK Deep State Empire Strikes Back: ‘It’s Russia! Russia! Russia!’ By James George Jatras, February 20 2018

There’s no defense like a good offense.

For weeks the unfolding story in Washington has been how a cabal of conspirators in the heart of the American federal law enforcement and intelligence apparatus colluded to ensure the election of Hillary

The History of Religious Intolerance By Luke Eastwood, February 20 2018

In the world before Christianity and Islam took hold far more religions and philosophies existed than do now. Around the middle of the first millennium BCE Daoism, Buddhism and Zoroastrianism began to become established and quickly spread in Asia, no

Selected Articles: Heightened Muslim Intolerance By Global Research News, February 20 2018

We thank readers who have contributed to Global Research. If you have the means to make a small or large donation in support of our fight for truth, peace and justice around the world, your gesture will be much appreciated.

Mapping Trump’s Empire: Assets and Liabilities By Prof. James Petras, February 20 2018
The US empire spans the globe; it expands and contracts, according to its ability to secure strategic assets, willing and able to further military and economic power to counter emerging adversaries.
How Climate Change Could Intensify Plague Among Black-tailed Prairie Dogs in the American West By Justice Burnaugh, February 20 2018

Featured image: A black-tail prairie dogs during the drought in New Mexico. (Source: David Eads)

Mention the plague and people naturally think of the Black Death during the 14th Century. Antibiotics have since made the plague a curable disease. But

North Korea: The Grand Deception Revealed By National Lawyers Guild International, February 20 2018

The Report of the October 2003 National Lawyers Guild/American Association of Jurists Delegation to the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea

I. The Delegation and its Purpose
II. First Impressions
III. The Role of Lawyers
IV. War Crimes
V. The Demilitarized …

Venezuelan Constituent Assembly Approves Workers’ Councils Law By Paul Dobson, February 20 2018

Venezuela’s National Constituent Assembly (ANC) passed a new law aimed at empowering the organised working class this past Tuesday. The Constitutional Law of Workers’ Productive Councils (CPTT) was a product of the ANC’s Workers’ Commission and was drawn up as

Meddling for Empire: The CIA Comes Clean By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 20 2018

“We’ve been doing this kind of thing [electoral meddling] since the CIA was created in 1947.” Loch K. Johnson, New York Times, Feb 17, 2018

Electoral meddling has become the gruel of US politics for months, and more servings

Goofy Indictments Divert Attention from Criminal Abuses at the FBI and DOJ By Mike Whitney, February 20 2018

“If the election is ‘disrupted’ by voters changing their votes due to Russians posting on Facebook, then the problem is not that Russians are posting on Facebook, the problem is that voters are changing their votes based on posts they

Mass Incarceration for Profit: The Dual Impact of the Thirteenth Amendment and the Unresolved Question of National Oppression in the United States By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 20 2018

Note: This is a lecture which was delivered at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Detroit on Sunday February 18, 2018. Abayomi Azikiwe presented the sermon or message for the day on the history and contemporary significance of mass incarceration

US-UK Accuse Russia of “NotPetya” Cyberattack, Offer Zero Evidence By Ulson Gunnar, February 19 2018

The US and European press have both published stories accusing the Russian government, and in particular, the Russian military, of the so-called “NotPetya” cyberattack which targeted information technology infrastructure in Ukraine.

The Washington Post in an article titled, “UK

ISIS Beheadings of Journalists: CIA Admitted to Staging Fake Jihadist Videos in 2010 By Mikael Thalen, February 19 2018

This article was first published by Global Research on September 4, 2014. It sheds light on the role of US intelligence in “war on terrorism” propaganda and the hate campaign against Muslims. 


A 2010 Washington Post article authored by …

Hillary Clinton: “If I’m President, We Will Attack Iran… We Would be Able to Totally Obliterate Them.” By Stephen Lendman, February 19 2018
She endorses using cluster bombs, toxic agents and nuclear weapons in US war theaters. She calls them deterrents that "keep the peace." She is opposed to blocking deployment of untested missiles and first-strike weapons.
Vaccine McCarthyism. What If the Vaccine Paradigm Itself Is Deliberately Flawed? By Dr. Gary Null and Richard Gale, February 19 2018
The vaccine establishment is desperate. The ghosts of their fraudulent science, manipulated research, misleading propaganda across mainstream media and in the blogosphere are returning to haunt them. The pro-vaccine pundits are rapidly losing credibility....
The AR-15: Weapon of Choice for Mass Shooters By Claire Wang, February 19 2018

Featured image: Vigil at Tam High School in Mill Valley for the victims of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Photo credit: Fabrice Florin / Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

When news broke Wednesday of yet another horrific mass shooting on

Muslims Face Increasing Discrimination, State Surveillance Under Trump By Ali Mohsin, February 19 2018

US President Donald Trump received another setback last week when the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, located in Richmond, Virginia, ruled against the latest version of his Muslim ban. In its ruling, the court stated that the ban is “unconstitutionally

What’s Brewing? British, American, Canadian Advisers Arrive in Donbass By RT News, February 19 2018

Citing intelligence sources, the representative of Donetsk, Eduard Basurin, has stated that British instructors have arrived in the Donbass, at the locations of the Ukrainian Forces.

“In the area of 93rd separate mechanized brigade in the vicinity of the …

Women’s Rights in Syria By Mark Taliano, February 19 2018

 Syrian women are helping to save Syria and all of humanity against the scourge of Western-supported terrorism.

The Canadian government, on the other hand, is destroying women’s rights (and all human rights) in Syria and beyond.  If the truth were

West Asia in Flux, Resistance and Liberation: Palestine, Syria, Iran By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, February 19 2018

A series of events linked to West Asia in the last nine months has brought to the surface the under-currents and cross-currents in the region’s perennial struggle between occupation and hegemony, on the one hand, and resistance and liberation,

The Colombian and Venezuelan Refugee Crisis: Mainstream Media Distortion By Joe Emersberger, February 19 2018

Wall Street Journal article by Juan Forero (2/13/18) ran with the headline “Venezuela’s Misery Fuels Migration on Epic Scale.” The subhead stated, “Residents Flee Crumbling Economy in Numbers That Echo Syrians to Europe, Rohingya to

American Violence: Disorganized and Organized By Frank Scott, February 19 2018

“The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do”: Samuel P. Huntington 

The latest American slaughter …

The Obnoxious Pence Shows Why Korea Must End US Occupation By Mike Whitney, February 19 2018

Mike Pence’s boorish and disgraceful behavior at the Pyeongchang Olympics illustrates why the United States can play no constructive role in the easing of tensions on the Korean Peninsula.  In just 48 hours, the overbearing Vice President managed to

Trump Creates, Then Exacerbates, Crisis for Palestinian Refugees By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 19 2018

One of the most consequential actions Donald Trump took during the first year of his presidency was to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in December 2017. When the Palestinians predictably responded by pulling out of the US-led “

Selected Articles: Russiagate Is a Sham By Global Research News, February 18 2018

Global Research is a small team that believes in the power of information and analysis to bring about far-reaching societal change including a world without war. 

Truth in media is a powerful instrument. As long as we all keep probing,

Imperialist War, the Dignity of Work and the Ultimate Objective of Total Freedom. Reflections on 1968 and Its Implications for Today By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 18 2018

Note: These remarks were delivered at the Wayne State University Labor Studies Center gathering entitled: “The Building Bridges Conference—Connecting Our Struggles and Identifying Strategies to Build Strength and Solidarity.” The event was held at the Westin Hotel in Southfield, Michigan

Russians Spooked by Nukes-Against-Cyber-Attack Policy By Ray McGovern and Bill Binney, February 18 2018

Moscow is showing understandable concern over the lowering of the threshold for employing nuclear weapons to include retaliation for cyber-attacks, a change announced on Feb. 2 in the U.S. Nuclear Posture Review (NPR).

Explaining the shift in U.S. doctrine on …

Venezuela Decides to Hold Presidential Elections. The Opposition Chooses to Boycott Democracy By Nino Pagliccia, February 18 2018

The President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro gave a media conference on February 15 that brought us to date on the Venezuelan government’s position to several important events that have occurred recently. The openness of the media conference could be inferred

Are Dead Children the Price of Freedom? By Christian Christensen, February 18 2018

Featured image: A scene from the Houston gun show in 2007. (Photo: M&R Glasgow/flickr/cc)

There is a sickness eating at the body and soul of my home country, and it is on full view for the world to see.

There Is No Justice in Our World By Eric Margolis, February 18 2018

A gathering of rich oil Arabs pledged $30 billion this week at a meeting in Kuwait to start rebuilding war-shattered Iraq.  Sounds nice but these kinds of conclaves are notorious for offering big but delivering little.

The event was billed …

War Clouds Gather Over Munich Security Conference By Peter Schwarz, February 18 2018

“One of the most curious features” of the last two years before the first World War, writes Christopher Clark in his book The Sleepwalkers, was “that even as the stockpiling of arms continued to gain momentum and the attitudes of

How Damaged Is Chancellor Angela Merkel by the Supply of German Submarines to Israel? By Hans Stehling, February 18 2018

Israel is a political entity created in 1948 in the predominately Muslim Middle East. Its Prime Minister since 2009 has been Likud Zionist, Binyamin Netanyahu; born in 1949 and now a lame-duck politician the subject of investigation on allegations

Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein and Former FBI Director Mueller “Running for Cover” Leaving Former CIA Director Brennan Exposed By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 18 2018

Now the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein confirms what I told you in my previous post.  Mueller found no evidence that Russia had any impact on the outcome of the 2016 election.  

So what was Russiagate all about?

It was exactly,

Indictments by Mueller Very Embarrassing for Democratic Party By Eric Zuesse, February 18 2018

The AP reported on Saturday, February 17th, that the Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, achieved on Friday, indictments of Russian-Government or affiliated organizations that used deceptive practices in order to send out to America’s Blacks and Muslims social-media messages to

Falsehoods and Lies: Inciting War Is a War Crime By Strategic Culture Foundation, February 18 2018

The torrent of reckless false accusations against Russia made by the US and its NATO allies is hitting warp speed.

This week saw more baseless allegations of Russian cyber attacks on American elections and British industries.

There were also crass 

Making Mugs of Voters: Mueller’s Russia Indictments By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 18 2018

Tagged to the Trump presidency like an insistent limpet, the investigation into Russian interference in the US elections of 2016 provides constant fodder for the unimaginative political animals in the United States. But any diet that remains unvaried is bound

Hizbullah Today, In the Wake of the 2006 War on Lebanon By Brett Redmayne-Titley, February 18 2018

With the last shot of the 2006 war fired and the IDF moving back into Israel, Lebanon began to heal its wounds. At the same time, Hizbullah, that had so successfully turned back the tides of war, began to rebuild-

War is Propelled by Propaganda Narratives: The Anti-war Movement Must Break the Media Consensus Which Upholds War as a “Peacemaking Endeavor” By Michael Welch, Robert Parry, and Mnar Muhawesh, February 18 2018

War is propelled by propaganda narratives ranging from the disclosure of weapons of mass destruction, to the mobilization for a humanitarian intervention, to the need to disrupt terrorists who hate us for our freedoms, to the evidence of foreign meddling

Nuclear weapon
Video: North Korea and the Danger of Nuclear War – Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 17 2018

Winnipeg, January 15, 2018: Complete Video Transcript

Among his many accomplishments, Michel Chossudovsky is professor emeritus at the University of Ottawa and founder of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

He spoke at the University of Winnipeg on the history

Hillary’s Crime Sheet: Five Reasons Hillary Clinton Should be in Prison By Adam Garrie, February 17 2018

First published on November 2, 2016

Hillary Clinton is crooked but she is worse.

She is a criminal in more ways than one.

Here is a list of her top five crimes. 

Hillary Clinton’s crime sheet reads like that of

The Making of a Sociopathic Killer: A List of Risk Factors for School Shooters. The FBI’s Deadly, Deceptive Blind Spot) By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, February 17 2018

This article was first published on October 15, 2015, following the mass shooting at an Oregon junior college

“Our hopeless, futureless, jobless, parentless, abused, neglected, over-indulged, unloved, sleep-deprived, mal-nourished, over-vaccinated, over-drugged and bullied “loners” represent what can be considered America’s

The Result of Mueller’s “Investigation”: Nothing By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 17 2018

Robert Mueller discredited himself and his orchestrated Russiagate investigation (February 16, 2018) with his charges that 13 Russians and 3 Russian companies plotted to use social media to influence the 2016 election. Their intent, Mueller says, was to “sow discord

Moon’s Chief of Staff Takes Centre Stage in Inter-Korean Detente By Daily Times, February 17 2018

In 1989, a 22-year-old South Korean student caused an uproar when he sneaked into North Korea and was filmed advocating for unification and meeting then leader Kim Il Sung.

The unauthorised visit was orchestrated by Im Jong-seok, a prominent …

America-Turkey Love-Hate Relationship, Tillerson in Ankara By Stephen Lendman, February 17 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Bilateral relations are the most strained in decades over numerous issues, most notably:

for the July 2016 coup attempt Erdogan blamed on exiled

The Munich Security Report: Once Again, No Solution to Arms-control Issues By Vladimir Kozin, February 17 2018

On the eve of the annual Munich Security Conference, which will be held this year from February 16-18, its organizers have published the traditional Munich Security Report under the very alarmist title: “To the Brink – and Back?” 

Uranium One: The Real ‘Russiagate’ Belongs to the Clintons By Roberto Vivaldelli, February 17 2018

What if Hillary Clinton were really the one who previously had a controversial connection with Russia? As NBC News reported, the Department of Justice questioned several FBI agents a few days ago under orders from Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Sickening Relations: The Royal Society and the GMO-Agrochemical Sector By Colin Todhunter, February 17 2018

The Royal Society in the UK is a self-governing fellowship of distinguished scientists. Its purpose is reflected in its founding charters of the 1660s: to recognise, promote and support excellence in science and to encourage the development and use

Cyanide Gas Can Kill in 50 Seconds: Grenfell Tower, West London, 14th June 2017 By Hans Stehling, February 17 2018

The criminal negligence of local government: the abject failure of central government and the abdication of justice by the judicial system, is an affront to both British democracy and the rule of law.

Why have there been no prosecutions and …

Another Mass Shooting. Murder by Congress By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, February 17 2018

Once again, we are faced with another mass shooting. This time the cold-blooded killings took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, killing 14 innocent students and three adults. This horrific mass murder of young and old attests to the

American Pharmaceutical Companies Are to Face International Sanctions By FoulPlay, February 17 2018

Doping in sports is widely discussed in mass-media, and necessity of fight against doping is declared almost every day. No one actually doubts that the use of banned substances in sports should be vanished into oblivion, as well as penalties

Iraq’s ‘Liberation Day’ By Nat Parry, February 17 2018

Iraq’s “Day of Liberation” – as George W. Bush calls it – is set to begin with a bombardment of 3,000 U.S. missiles delivered over 48 hours, 10 times the number of bombs dropped during the first two days of

Russia Deploys Missiles on Its Own Territory, NATO Goes Ballistic By Eduard Popov, February 17 2018

Over the past few days, the “dispute” between NATO and Russia over the latter’s deployment of Iskander-M rockets in its own Kaliningrad region has heated up. In particular, on February 14th, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg urged Russia to be

Danger of Mass Deportations Grows as US Senate Refuses to Protect Immigrant Youth By Eric London, February 17 2018

Hundreds of thousands of immigrants brought to the US as children face an increased threat of deportation after the Senate rejected a series of proposals to couple legal status for those covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

Who Is Guilty of Climate Crimes? By Dr. Margaret Klein Salamon, February 17 2018

A fascinating exposé of the climate crisis awaits you in Peter Carter and Elizabeth Woodworth’s, “Unprecedented Crime: Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival.”  It is a comprehensive look at the climate crisis through a legal frame, discussing

Reading Through US’ Geopolitics and Its Afghanistan War Policy By Dr. Ahsan ur Rahman Khan, February 17 2018

Framework of Research/Analysis

US’ President Donald Trump’s US’ Afghanistan War Policy, announced towards the end of August 2017, after much prolonged deliberation, basically had the following main points (1) :

  • The American people are weary of war without victory, and
Lebanon: The Role of Hizbullah By Brett Redmayne-Titley, February 17 2018

Featured image: Approaching The Israeli/ Lebanon Border

“This is not good!” cautions a new Lebanese friend in a stern tone of warning, clutching this reporter’s arm for emphasis. “This, where you are going.. it is their neighbourhood… Hizbullah’s neighbourhood. They

The Incarceration of Tariq Ramadan, a Travesty of Justice By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, February 16 2018

The unjust incarceration of Dr Tariq Ramadan, Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at Oxford University, demeans and disgraces the French legal system.

Tariq has been detained in a solitary cell in the high security wing of Paris’s Fleury-Merogis prison …

From PyeongChang to Lasting Peace on the Korean Peninsula By Hyun Lee, February 16 2018
South Korean k-pop star SeoHyun held hands with North Korean singers as images of tearful North-South family reunions played in the backdrop of the finale of the North Korean Samjiyeon Orchestra’s historic performance in Seoul
Glyphosate from Monsanto’s Roundup Decimates Microbes in Soils and the Human Gut – New Science By Isabelle Z., February 16 2018

Gut bacteria is gaining increasing attention for the role it plays in our overall health. Given its influence on everything from immune function to digestion to brain function, research has been consistently showing the power of healthy gut bacteria –

Video: Michael Welch’s GRNH Radio Program, An Independent Voice Committed to Truth in Media By Michael Welch, February 16 2018

Meet Michael Welch, producer and host of the Global Research News Hour weekly radio news and analysis report out of Winnipeg, Manitoba. 

The GRNH features prominent authors and personalities. With limited resources, the Global Research News Hours is broadcast