Global Research News

Criminal Propaganda of Omission. The West and its Terrorist Proxies do not Seek Peace in Syria By Mark Taliano, March 03 2018

Criminal Propaganda of Omission seeks to conceal the fact that the West and its terrorist proxies do not seek peace in Syria, nor do they seek to safeguard civilians.

Agencies such as Amnesty International[1], and all of Western mainstream …

9/11 and the WTC Towers: Why Do Self-styled “Skeptics” Believe in Their Own Brand of Miracles? By Petra Liverani, March 03 2018

I find it such an interesting phenomenon that of all the self-styled skeptics I have corresponded with or whose opinions are aired online, every single one swallows the miracles, told to us by NIST, of the three high rise steel

Yemen: Peace on the Horizon? By Andrew Korybko, March 03 2018

Featured image: Ali Naser Mohamad

The Houthis and the former President of South Yemen introduced somewhat similar peace proposals for ending the War on Yemen.

The first move in this direction was made during last week’s Valdai Conference on Russia’s …

Illegal US Sanctions Extended on Russia and Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, March 03 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Unilaterally imposed US sanctions on other countries are flagrantly illegal.

Citing the 1976 National Emergencies Act, Trump on Friday extended illegal US sanctions …

Israel Is Now Arming Seven Rebel Groups in Syria By Asa Winstanley, March 03 2018

Featured image: Israeli forces at the Golan Heights border [Source: Escla/Wikipedia]

The illegal Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights has now been in place for more than 50 years. This substantial territory, part of southern Syria, was conquered by

Syria’s New Srebrenica in the Making By Stephen Karganovic, March 03 2018

Does the comical gullibility of the Western public have any bounds? Disregarding all the previous false alarms and thoroughly debunked psyop false flag operations designed to pin genocidal misconduct on the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Asad in order to

Missile-gate: U.S. Intel Misses Russia’s Big Advances in Nuclear Parity By Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, March 03 2018

President Vladimir Putin’s two-hour long address yesterday to the Federal Assembly, a joint session of both houses of Russia’s bicameral legislature – plus large numbers of Russia’s cultural, business and other elites – constituted his platform for the upcoming

‘Nuclear War Between Russia and US Will Bring End to Civilization’ By RT News, March 03 2018

By training its European allies to use their nuclear arms, the US is moving towards an atomic war with Russia, forgetting that it would mean the end of the human civilization, retired Lieutenant General Evgeny Buzhinsky told RT.

The US …

Is MSNBC Now the Most Dangerous Warmonger Network? By Norman Solomon, March 03 2018

The evidence is damning. And the silence underscores the arrogance.

More than seven weeks after a devastating report from the media watch group FAIR, top executives and prime-time anchors at MSNBC still refuse to discuss how the network’s obsession with

Southeast Asia Getting Killed by Logging and Mining By Andre Vltchek, March 03 2018
No Matter What the Western Propaganda Says, Chinese Democracy Is Alive and Well! By Andre Vltchek, March 03 2018
Where Is Ukraine? By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, March 03 2018

The German occupation forces were those who have been the first to create and recognise a short-lived state’s independence of Ukraine in January 1918 during the time of their-own inspired and supported anti-Russian Bolshevik Revolution of 1917−1921. As reoccupied by

Fluoride: Killing Us Softly By Dr. Gary Null, March 03 2018
This lie is called fluoridation. A process we were led to believe was a safe and effective method of protecting teeth from decay is in fact a fraud.
US Propaganda Collapses in Syria, But Threats Remain. US Continues to Support ISIS and Al Qaeda in Violation of UN Resolution By Tony Cartalucci, March 03 2018

Propaganda used by the United States and its partners amid its destructive campaign of regime change aimed at the Syrian government has collapsed. Western media platforms find themselves relying on increasingly absurd narratives told to an increasingly smaller audience. They

Trump and Assad Are on the Same Side in Afrin, Against Turkey? By Andrew Korybko, March 02 2018

The independent convergence of American and Syrian interests against Turkey’s anti-terrorist campaign is coincidental and doesn’t imply a “conspiracy”, but it’s also instructive in the sense that it proves that it’s possible for the most unlikely pair of countries to

Arab Daily: British Diplomatic Cable Unveils US Plots to Disintegrate Syria By Fars News Agency, March 02 2018

A Lebanese newspaper wrote that it has gained access to an email from the British embassy in the US which reveals Washington’s 5-paragraph plan to disintegrate Syria.

The Arabic-language al-Akhbar newspaper wrote on Saturday that the US officials along with

US Established Up to 20 Military Bases in Syria’s Kurdistan – Russian Security Council By RT News, March 02 2018

The US has established as many as 20 military bases in the part of Kurdistan that lies within Syria, the Russian National Security Council has stated according to Russian media.

The establishment of peace in war-torn Syria is impeded by …

Putin’s State of the Union Reveals Russian Superiority in Nuclear Weapons Technology By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 02 2018

Putin has given a remarkable address to the Federal Assembly, the Russian People, and the peoples of the world. 

In his speech Putin revealed the existence of new Russian nuclear weapons that make it indisputably clear that Russia has vast

Water Fluoridation: Victory in Legal Case to Force the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to End the Addition of Fluoride to the Public Water Supply By Coalition Preparing Federal Lawsuit to End Fluoridation, March 02 2018

Lawsuit Update

More exciting news for the concerned citizens around the world working tirelessly to educate Municipal Councillors and Government officials on the dangers of ingested fluoride aka Hydrofluorosilicic Acid added to the drinking water supply.

FAN (Fluoride Action Network)

Syrian women
A New “Left” Appeal for Imperialist Intervention in Syria By Bill Van Auken, March 02 2018

On February 27, the New York Review of Books published an open letter signed by some 200 people, many of them identifying themselves as activists, academics, journalists, writers and journalists. Originally titled “Stop pretending that you can’t do anything to

Experts for the People—Shut Out by the Mass Media By Ralph Nader, March 02 2018

Ever wonder how the television, radio and newspaper people select whom they are going to interview or get quotes from when they are reporting the news or producing a feature? I do. What I’ve learned is that they go to

Iran Bans US Dollar in Trade Activities to Beat Sanctions By Telesur, March 02 2018

Iran has banned the use of the U.S. dollar in all trade transactions, prohibiting businesses from registering import orders using the currency.

The Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trademade the announcement Wednesday, following an official request by the Central

Melting the Ice in the Human Heart By Robert C. Koehler, March 02 2018

How close, how intimate, have you ever gotten with Greenland?

new documentary called Stella Polaris, directed by Yatri Niehaus — part of Chicago’s tenth annual Peace on Earth Film Festival — takes you on a meditative journey to this

Mocking Ceasefire and Humanitarian Pause in Syria By Stephen Lendman, March 02 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Excluded from Security Council Resolution 2401 are military operations against ISIS, al-Nusra, al-Qaeda and elements connected to them.

US-led terror-bombing continues, massacring defenseless

A civil defense member carries an injured baby who was pulled out from under debris in Syria. | Photo: Reuters This content was originally published by teleSUR at the following address: "". If you intend to use it, please cite the source and provide a link to the original article.
The Children of Syria. The West in Highly Complicit in War Crimes By Peter Koenig, March 02 2018
The US are setting up permanent illegal bases in northern Syria, deploying some 30,000 mercenaries, commanding the US armed 50,000 strong Kurdish so-called People’s Protection Unit, or YPG, as well as newly trained ISIS fighters – all aiming at taking over one third of Syrian territory
The Secret Stupid Saudi-US Deal on Syria. Oil Gas Pipeline War By F. William Engdahl, March 02 2018

Relevant article selected from the GR archive, first published by GR in October 2014 sheds light on the unfolding war in Syria, the crisis in the Gulf states and the confrontation between Russia and the US.

The details are emerging

Peace IS Possible If We Remain Committed to the Truth By Global Research, March 01 2018

In these turbulent times, we believe in using every possible means to bring accurate and timely information to our readers. With increased global militarization and disinformation in the press, it is more important than ever to have a reliable news …

Israeli Weapons of Mass Destruction: Birth of the Israeli Bomb. The World’s Fifth Nuclear Power By John Steinbach, March 01 2018

Featured image: Ernst David Bergmann, first chairman of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission, Speaking at the opening of “Atoms for Peace” exhibition in Israel, 1956 (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

This carefully documented report on Israel’s nuclear weapons arsenal, first published …

“A Humanitarian Catastrophe”: The Five Countries Enabling Saudi’s War in Yemen By Al Bawaba, March 01 2018

Relevant article selected from the GR archive, first published in November 2017.

“This is not the first time that the ports have been closed…And every time they close the ports, the situation gets worse and food prices increase to the

Yemen, The Risks of Famine and Disease. New UN Humanitarian Response Plan Paints Dire Picture of Impact of US-UK-Saudi War By Stop Starving Yemen, March 01 2018

Yemenis are facing multiple crises, including armed conflict, displacement, risk of famine and disease outbreaks that have created the worst man-made humanitarian crisis. Some 75 per cent of the population – 22.2 million people – are in need of humanitarian

Blundering into Iran By Philip Giraldi, March 01 2018

The deluge of recent reporting regarding possible conflict with nuclear armed North Korea has somewhat obscured consideration of the much higher probability that Israel or even Saudi Arabia will take steps that will lead to a war with Iran that

China Seeks Global Leadership Through Economic Means, Rather than Through War and Conquest By Sami Karimi, March 01 2018

China is clearly on the way to regaining its historic position as the world’s largest economy, displacing the US. With a population of 1.3 billion, more than four times as much as the population of the US, China has over

Police State Supreme Court Ruling on Immigrants By Stephen Lendman, March 01 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The US Supreme Court is stacked with right-wing extremists – progressive voices for social justice entirely absent.

The words “Equal Justice Under Law”

Activist ‘Raising Awareness’ for Syria on Twitter Used Photos from Gaza and Mosul By RT News, March 01 2018

A US-based activist’s post, ostensibly meant to “raise awareness” about Syrian civilians, turned out to be a complete fabrication. Twitterati found the photos he used were actually from Gaza and Mosul.

A Cleveland-based user who goes by the name of

Video: Escalation in Syria – How Far Can the Russians be Pushed? By South Front, March 01 2018

Events in Syria have recently clearly taken a turn for the worse and there is an increasing amount of evidence that the Russian task force in Syria is being targeted by a systematic campaign of “harassing attacks”.

The recent incident, …

Video: US Strikes Government Forces, Syrian Army Responds. Reports By South Front, March 01 2018

Early on February 27, reports appeared that aircraft of the US-led coalition had carried out strikes on government forces at the village of Salhiya in the province of Deir Ezzor. According to pro-government sources, the SAA responded by launching anti-aircraft

Paying Tribute: Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in the US By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 01 2018

Vassals rarely question. If they do, criticism is limited and usually restrained behind closed doors.  The Australian Prime Minister’s visit to Washington during February was marked by the usual and expected kowtows, blessings and awkward acceptances. 

The visit was also

The Shadow of an Israeli/US Attack on Lebanon and Syria Grows Larger by the Day By Edward Curtin, March 01 2018

Last week I wrote that “all signs point toward an upcoming large-scale Israeli/U.S. attack on Lebanon and Syria, and all the sycophantic mainstream media are in the kitchen prepping for the feast.  Russia and Iran are the main course, with

What the Oxfam ‘Sex Scandal’ Should Teach Us About NGO Imperialism: Haiti, the “Republic of NGOs” By Yves Engler, March 01 2018

Imagine living in a country where the entire social services sector is privatized, run by “charities” that are based in other countries and staffed by foreigners who get to decide whether or not you qualify for assistance.

Welcome to Haiti, …

Media, Democrats Silent as US Supreme Court Rules Immigrants Can be Indefinitely Detained By Eric London, March 01 2018

In a 5-3 decision handed down on Tuesday, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Jennings v. Rodriguez that the government can arrest and indefinitely detain immigrants, depriving them of the fundamental right to bail.

As a result, hundreds of …

A Message to Washington: Don’t Blow The Third Chance of Peace in the Korean Peninsula! By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, March 01 2018

Pyeongchang Olympics might be able to offer the third chance of peace in the Korean peninsula. In fact, there were two chances of peace in the past, one in 1994 and the other in 2005. Both could have led to

The Russia Indictment: A Danger to Peace and Democracy By Christopher Black, March 01 2018

The Indictment issued by the US Department of Justice on February 16, against Russians alleged to have “defrauded the United States government” and a wave of “sanctions” imposed or threatened against the Russian government and individuals the past few weeks

NATO’s ‘Unfinished Business’ in the Balkans Now Targeting Bosnia’s Serbs By Aleksandar Pavic, March 01 2018

The crumbling “liberal” West is in a desperate hurry in the Balkans. More than a quarter century since the first Western states, pushed by Germany, unilaterally recognized the secession of the former Yugoslav federal republics of Slovenia, Croatia and

Selected Articles: Western Propaganda to Foment Violence By Global Research News, March 01 2018

Global Research is an independent media funded exclusively through the support of its readers. Every contribution helps us continue to bring you the up-to-date, incisive information that you can count on.

If you are unable to make a donation,

What Could a Left Presidency Look Like in Mexico? By Ryan Mallett-Outtrim, February 28 2018

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) could become Mexico’s first progressive president in generations, but what would such a presidency actually look like? It is not an easy question to answer, though his time as leader of Mexico’s largest city could

Mainstream Media Disinformation on Syria By Inside Syria Media Center, February 28 2018

The Guardian article from February 6, 2018, titled “Biggest airstrikes in a year hit Syria after rebels shoot down Russian jet” claims that “Russian and Syrian jets have bombed up to 18 towns across north-west Syria, devastating civilian

Lawmakers Introduce Resolution to Reject the FCC’s Unpopular Net Neutrality Repeal By Free Press, February 28 2018

Lawmakers on Tuesday introduced a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act, which would reverse the Federal Communications Commission’s unpopular repeal of Net Neutrality protections.

Led by Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts, the Senate version of the resolution has …

Prostituting Charity: The Oxfam Debate By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 28 2018

Featured image: Roland van Hauwermeiren

Oxfam has outdone itself.  In the murky, squalid business where charity seems to chase, then embed itself in disaster zones like a dedicated virus, Oxfam ranks highly.  In terms of a tally, the number of

Russiagate and the Neo McCarthyite War on Alternative Media and Political Dissent By Jonathan Sigrist, February 28 2018
McCarthyism can be described as “the vociferous campaign against alleged communists in the US government and other institutions carried out under Senator Joseph McCarthy (1950–54). Many of the accused were blacklisted or lost their jobs, though most did not in fact belong to the Communist Party”
Ecuador Headwater Ecosystems and Biodiversity Endangered By John Seed, February 28 2018

The tropical Andes of Ecuador are at the top of the world list of biodiversity hotspots in terms of vertebrate species, endemic vertebrates, and endemic plants. Ecuador has more orchid and hummingbird species than Brazil, which is 32 times larger,

Why One War When We Can Have Two! By Eric Margolis, February 28 2018

Featured image: Defense Secretary Jim Mattis meets with troops stationed at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, April 21, 2017. (DoD photo by Air Force Tech. Sgt. Brigitte N. Brantley)

`We will continue to prosecute the campaign against terrorists, but great-power

The Authoritarians Who Silence Syria Questions By Jonathan Cook, February 28 2018

I am loath to draw more attention to the kind of idiocy that passes for informed comment nowadays from academics and mainstream journalists. Recently I lambasted Prof Richard Carver for his arguments against BDS that should have gained him an

Mueller’s Comic Book Indictment Is a Threat to All of Us. “Controlled Explanations” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 28 2018

We continue to hear from a variety of uninformed or corrupt people that there is “clear evidence” that Russia interfered in the US presidential election.  We hear it from the Atlantic Council, a mouthpiece for the military/security complex. 


Video: No Chemical Weapons Used by Assad in Syria? Reality Check. By Ben Swann, February 28 2018

It was a stunning announcement, stunning because of what was said and maybe equally as stunning because it was honest.

Secretary of Defense James Mattis says there is no evidence that the Syrian government used sarin gas on its own

Guns and Liberty in America By Chris Hedges, February 28 2018

Featured image: A White House protest held by Teens for Gun Reform last week in the wake of the Florida school massacre. (Lorie Shaull / Flickr)

The proliferation of guns in American society is not only profitable for gun

Video: “…And I am a Russian Bot” By Will Markham, February 28 2018

The mainstream media suppress truth defenders and progressives in a form of smear campaign directed against them.

The latest trend in their narrative is #RussianBots or #RussianTrolls.

Jump on the bandwagon and see how far your “trolls” can change the …

obama soldiers
“How Dare you Say Peace is the Answer.” … Fear is a Much Better Alternative By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 28 2018

Relevant article selected from the GR archive, first published by Global Research on February 28, 2015

The following email was sent to me by a Global Research reader, widow of an American serviceman, an unspoken victim of  America’s wars.


US Intends Indefinite Illegal Occupation of Syrian and Iraqi Territory By Stephen Lendman, February 28 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

All US wars and related occupations are flagrantly illegal, Trump continuing what his predecessors began.

Pentagon and State Department officials lied, claiming Washington

A Recurring Nightmare: Deployment of U.S. Ground-based Intermediate Range Nuclear Missiles in Europe against Russia By Manlio Dinucci, February 28 2018

The plan was announced three years ago, during the Obama administration, when Pentagon officials declared: “In front of Russian aggression, the United States is considering the deployment of ground-based missiles in Europe” (the manifesto, 9 June 2015).

Now, with the …

Endgame Russia: NATO Sprawl Invades Eastern Europe, No More Illusions By Robert Bridge, February 28 2018

In the past, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) justified its militarization of large swaths of Eastern Europe by pointing to the omnipresent threat of terrorism, or some ‘rogue’ foreign state, inherently understood to be Iran. Today the mask has

Honeybees, Birds, Butterflies: Neonicotinoid Pesticides Destroy Wildlife, Fail to Increase Crop Yields By Center For Biological Diversity, February 28 2018

The widespread use of wildlife-harming neonicotinoid pesticides is failing to deliver promised benefits to agricultural production, according to a study published today in the academic journal Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

The global assessment of 200 scientific studies by the …

Israel and Palestine: A Very Modern Apartheid By Marienna Pope-Weidemann, February 28 2018

International Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an international series of events that seek to raise awareness of Israel’s apartheid system over the Palestinian people and to build support for the growing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. Many people remember

Who Is Keeping the EU Hostage? By Martin Berger, February 28 2018

Speaking at the security conference in Munich, US President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, H.R. McMaster announced that “we will not allow Russia to hold the nations of Europe hostage.” Apparently, local media sources couldn’t come up with anything more

Military Industrial
Pentagon’s New Nuclear Strategy Is Unsustainable and a Handout to Defense Industry By Tyler Rogoway, February 28 2018

I had high hopes that the Pentagon’s Nuclear Posture Review would lay out a creative new strategy that would save money when it comes to sustaining and modernizing America’s hideously expensive nuclear arsenal. It ended up doing just the opposite. 

Video: What’s Really Going On in East Ghouta? By Sarah Abed, February 28 2018

The video below was created by an amazing team of people that won’t let the voices of innocent civilians who are being killed in Damascus, be silenced by western mainstream media!

Created by Carla Ortiz, Jason Clarke, Soraya Tebbani and

For All Practical Purposes, the American System of Government Is Failing. How and Why? By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, February 28 2018

“Unhappy events abroad have retaught us two simple truths about the liberty of a democratic people. The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of a private power to

Funding Infrastructure: Why China Is Running Circles Around America By Ellen Brown, February 28 2018

“One Belt, One Road,” China’s $1 trillion infrastructure initiative, is a massive undertaking of highways, pipelines, transmission lines, ports, power stations, fiber optics, and railroads connecting China to Central Asia, Europe and Africa. According to Dan Slane, a former

Dr. Strangelove in the Pentagon By Prof. Rajan Menon, February 27 2018

If you’re having trouble sleeping thanks to, well, you know who… you’re not alone. But don’t despair. A breakthrough remedy has just gone on the market.  It has no chemically induced side effects and, best of all, will cost

The Status of Kosovo and Metohija: Brussels Unites the Albanians and Divides the Serbs By Živadin Jovanović, February 27 2018

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) guaranteeing sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and the autonomy of Kosovo and Metohija within Serbia, is the highest binding legal document that obliges all UN members, including the member states of the

Terrorists in Eastern Ghouta Breach Ceasefire, Syria Falsely Blamed By Stephen Lendman, February 27 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Security Council Resolution 2401 terms, calling for a 30-day ceasefire, exclude combat operations against ISIS, al-Nusra and al-Qaeda.

All so-called “rebels” in Eastern

Here’s How Syrian “Rebels” Manipulate Information From East Ghouta By Roberto Vivaldelli, February 27 2018

In the Eastern Ghouta in Syria, a war is fought every day without the exclusion of blows: it is the war of information and propaganda, which is consumed by tweets and photographic material on social networks. Objective: to bring public

According to Washington, Crimes against Humanity are Solely Perpetrated by the Victims of US-Led Wars By Shane Quinn, February 27 2018

Responding to Fidel Castro’s death just over a year ago, then president-elect Donald Trump was among the first to attack the Cuban revolutionary’s legacy. Amidst other accusations, Trump charged Castro with having “oppressed his own people for nearly six decades”,

Trump, North Korea and Post-Olympic Angst By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 27 2018

With the icicles still glinting with the closing ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympic games, US President Donald Trump, like any disgruntled child, wanted to reassert his relevance.  Little Rocket Man had assumed diplomatic pose, or at the very

Sexual Despotism: Malcolm Turnbull’s Bonking Ban By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 27 2018
Civil Society in Australia and New Zealand Decries FSANZ Approval of GM “Golden Rice” By Grain, February 27 2018
China’s Strategy to Tackle the Environmental Crisis. The East Is Green? By Martin Empson, February 27 2018
Turkey Threatens to Invade Greece By Uzay Bulut, February 27 2018

In an incident that took place less than two weeks after the Greek Defense Ministry announced that Turkey had violated Greek airspace 138 times in a single day, a Turkish coast guard patrol boat on February 13 rammed a Greek

Ethiopia’s Latest State of Emergency By Andrew Korybko, February 27 2018

Featured image: Resigned Ethiopia premier Hailemariam Desalegn.

The Ethiopian Prime Minister unexpectedly resigned and triggered another state of emergency in Africa’s second-largest country.

Premier Hailemariam Desalegn made the announcement late last week but said that he’ll continue to execute his …

Sign On: Cancel Trump’s War Parade! Militarization and Aggressive US Foreign Policy Trigger Poverty in America By Answer Coalition, February 27 2018

There are 500,000 people who are homeless in the United States, including over 40,000 veterans. 6.5 million children are food insecure. The proposed federal budget includes major reductions to public housing. Puerto Rico, Florida and Texas are still suffering

United Nations Feigns Outrage Over Ghouta While Terrorist Rockets Rain Down on Damascus By Eva Bartlett, February 27 2018

On February 20, from Amman, Jordan, UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa, Geert Cappelaere, issued a statement of “outrage” titled: “The war on children in Syria: Reports of mass casualties among children in Eastern Ghouta and