Global Research News

China’s “Xi Silk Road” Is Here to Stay By Pepe Escobar, March 13 2018
“Fear Has Large Eyes”: The Sergei Skripal Affair By Adeyinka Makinde, March 13 2018

Featured image: Vladimir Putin Painting by Siegfried Woldhek (2014)

“We did not reject our past. We said honestly: ‘The history of the Lubyanka in the twentieth century is our history…’ – Nikolai Patrushev, director of the FSB, Excerpt from

Putin’s Missiles: Deterring an American Attack? By Israel Shamir, March 13 2018

Putin’s March 1st presentation of new Russian weapons has been greatly misunderstood as a declaration of strategic parity or triumphalism. There was a much more urgent need, namely, to prevent an imminent strike. This danger is not over yet, for

How Israel and Its Partisans Work to Censor the Internet By Alison Weir, March 13 2018

Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes.

The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube.

Historic Victory for Farmers of Maharashtra By, March 13 2018
Iraq Outside History By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 12 2018

Featured image: Mustansirya University Baghdad

“Scientists Outside History” was published in the September 1996 issue of Natural History, the popular educational journal of the American Museum of Natural History. Authored by me, “Scientists Outside History” was based on research

Greece and the Syriza Government: Varoufakis Surrounded Himself with Defenders of the Establishment By Eric Toussaint, March 12 2018

If you haven’t yet read Adults in the Room by Yanis Varoufakis, |1| order it from your bookseller. It has all the ingredients of a political thriller – suspense, plot twists and turns, betrayals and more. But what is interesting

Climate Change
Global Warming and Climate Instability: One Last Chance to Save Ourselves By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, March 12 2018

The year 2017 was a record-breaking year for extreme weather and environmental catastrophes since records started to be kept in the 19th century.  The Arctic experienced temperatures up to 70 degree F above normal.  

Many countries were baked in unusual

US Supported Trade in Heroin: One Million Women, 100,000 Children Drug Addicts in Afghanistan By Edu Montesanti and Malalai Joya, March 12 2018

At least one million women and 100,000 children are drug addicts in Afghanistan, said on Sunday (March 11) the head of the anti-drug department at the public health ministry of the Central Asian nation, Shahpor Yusuf, at an event at

Malaysia: Banks Collude with Speculators to Force House Sales By Mark Johnson, March 12 2018
Russia and the Middle East Conflict. The Meaning of Russian Influence in the Region By Marcus Papadopoulos, March 12 2018

Below is an interview of Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos by Iran’s Quds newspaper on Russia’s military standpoint on the crisis in the Middle East.

Q: How extensive are the changes in Russia’s approach towards the Middle East in light of the

Towards the Liberation of East Ghouta by Syrian Forces? By Stephen Lendman, March 12 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Syria’s battle strategy is working – the way East Aleppo was liberated from US-supported terrorists in December 2016.

These elements are clearly on …

US-backed Militants Are Planning to Attack Syrian Army in Daraa – Report By South Front, March 12 2018

Jaysh al-Islam along with several US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups are preparing to launch a new military operation against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies in the southern governorate of Daraa, the Syrian pro-opposition news outlet Enab

Decades of Needless Dolphin Deaths in the Northeast Atlantic By Sarah Dolman, March 12 2018

No-one knows how many common dolphins die each year in fishing gear in the Northeast Atlantic. From strandings data, French and UK scientists have calculated that it’s thousands. These deaths have been recorded each year for the last 30 years

Double Agent Sergei Skripal – There’s More to This Story Than Meets the Eye By True Publica, March 12 2018

As we mentioned in our report last week “What You Are NOT being Told About Russian Spy Sergei Skripal” – it should not be forgotten that Skripal is a traitor who sold the identities of dozens of Russian

Trump-Kim Talks in Sweden? North Korea May Release American Detainees as a “Gift”? Wants U.S. Embassy in Pyongyang By Zero Hedge, March 12 2018

But, as more details emerge from last week’s stunning announcement that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump have agreed to discuss North Korea’s denuclearization before May, South Korean news agency DongA reports that the North Korean

The Death of Milosevic and NATO’s Responsibility. Was He Assassinated? By Christopher Black, March 12 2018

On March 11, 2006, President Slobodan Milosevic died in a NATO prison. No one has been held accountable for his death. In the 12 years since the end of his lonely struggle to defend himself and his country against the

Is US/China Trade War Looming? By Stephen Lendman, March 12 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Trade wars assure losers, not winners.

So far, Trump announced tariffs on imported solar panels and modules, washing machines and parts, steel and

The CIA Democrats. Former Intelligence Operatives Seek Nomination as Democrats in U.S. Midterm Elections By Patrick Martin, March 12 2018

Featured image: Elissa Slotkin

An extraordinary number of former intelligence and military operatives from the CIA, Pentagon, National Security Council and State Department are seeking nomination as Democratic candidates for Congress in the 2018 midterm elections. The potential influx of

Gang of Four: Senators Call for Tillerson to Enter Into Arms Control Talks with the Kremlin By Dr. Gilbert Doctorow and Ray McGovern, March 12 2018

In a sad commentary on the parlous state of the U.S. media, a letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson from four United States Senators dated March 8 calling for opening arms control talks with the Kremlin ASAP is nowhere

Hague Tribunal Exonerates Slobodan Milosevic Again By Andy Wilcoxson, March 12 2018

GR Editor’s Note

There is evidence that Milosevic was assassinated. He was poisoned in The Hague prison (managed under the auspices of the UN Tribunal). There was no investigation into the underlying causes of his death.


Eleven years after

Are Nuclear Weapons in a Multipolar World Order a Guarantee for Peace? By Federico Pieraccini, March 12 2018

In the previous article I explained how the invention of the nuclear device altered the balance of power after WWII and during the cold war era. In this second article I intend to explain why nuclear-armed powers decrease the likelihood

Begin New Strategic Talks with Russia! By Defend Democracy Press, March 12 2018

Amid heightened tension with Russia, U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and Edward J. Markey (D-MA) today urged Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to begin a new round of strategic talks with Russia without delay.

Open Letter in Support of Mediation Not Sanctions on Venezuela By Raul Burbano, March 12 2018

We urge the United States and Canadian governments to immediately remove their illegal* sanctions against Venezuela and to support efforts at mediation between the government of Venezuela and the nonviolent segments of the political opposition.

We, the undersigned organizations and …

Water Fluoridation and Hypothyroidism: Research Exposes How Water is Making us Depressed, Sick By Mike Barrett, March 12 2018

This article from our archives, first published by Natural News and Global Research in February 2015 addresses the ongoing debate on the dangers of water fluoridation.


Adding to the evidence that backs many U.S. communities’ decisions to end

The Role of the UN in the Unending Korean War. “United Nations Command” as Camouflage By Ronda Hauben, March 12 2018

Relevant article selected from the GR archive, first published on Global Research and Ronda Hauben’s blogsite in  September 2013.

Some Background

The story of the Korean War is a story not often told. Yet sixty years after the agreement to

America’s Role in the Creation of the State of Israel By Karin Brothers, March 12 2018

Relevant to recent developments pertaining to the US-Israel alliance is this article first published on GR in May 2014.

Weir’s fascinating history focuses on how the State of Israel came into existence through a cynical using of the United States

Belgium: 10 Billion Euros of Frozen Libya Assets Disappeared From Euroclear Bank By Libyan Express, March 11 2018

Le Vif magazine said these funds were controlled by the inner circle of ousted and killed Muammar Gaddafi.

Over 16 billion euros were located in four accounts opened for the Libyan Investment Authority and Libyan Foreign Investment Company.


Syrian Trappist Nuns Say Western Powers and Factional Media Fuel War Propaganda By AsiaNews, March 11 2018

In a written appeal, the religious systematically take apart the version of the conflict touted by governments, NGOs and international news organizations. In Ghouta east, jihadists attack the capital and use civilians as human shields. The Syrian government and people

Human Trafficking from Haiti to Chile By Dady Chery, March 11 2018

In Chile, as in 0ther Latin American countries, there are numerous racists. It is equally fair to say that, like all countries with a similar history, the fraction of those who are appalled by the persistence of slavery in their

US Meddling in Foreign Elections: A CIA Tradition Since 1948 By Wayne Madsen, March 11 2018

In a shocking display of relative independence from the post-Operation Mockingbird control of the media by the Central Intelligence Agency, a recent article in The New York Times broke with current conventional pack journalism and covered the long history of

The Handlers of “Regime Change” Against Vladimir Putin? Russia’s Upcoming Presidential Elections By Stephen Karganovic, March 11 2018

After Wayne Madsen’s comprehensive catalog of imperialist interventions , executed without the slightest hint of subtlety, to undermine and “change” displeasing regimes in every corner of the world, going back decades, the topic seemed all but exhausted.  But that turned

The Health Impacts of Hydrofluorosilicic Acid. Ontario Health Minister Avoids Water Fluoridation Issue By David Green, March 11 2018

When Ontario Health Minister Eric Hoskins announced his resignation on February 26th, he found a final way to avoid further requests, from Peel Councillors and residents, for evidence that Hydrofluorosilicic Acid has been shown to be safe for ingestion by

Playing with Fire: Britain and Its Craven Support for Saudi’s Crown Prince Bin Salman By David Hearst, March 11 2018

For three bewildering days, London is getting a glimpse of what it will feel like to live in post-Brexit, or shrinking, Britain.

In scenes similar to Pyongyang or Bishek, the Great Leader’s portrait has appeared on billboards all over the …

Why Russia’s New Strategic Capabilities Come as a Shock to the US Intelligence Community By Philip Giraldi, March 11 2018

The United States of America spends something like $80 billion annually on intelligence gathering and analysis. When the CIA was founded by the National Security Act in 1947 the intention was to create a mechanism that would warn about an

Vietnam, An “Unofficial Ally” of the U.S. against China? By Andrew Korybko, March 11 2018

US aircraft carrier recently docked in Vietnam for the first time since the American military withdrawal in 1975.

This hitherto unprecedented move in the post-war relations between the US and the ASEAN-member state is clearly intended as a signal …

More Non-existent U.S. Job Growth Reported, “Fake” BDS Employment Statistics By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler, March 11 2018

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the US economy added 313,000 jobs in the 28 days of February, causing a big jump in the Dow Jones average.  Where does BLS find these jobs?

The BLS finds 61,000 in construction,

NBA Star Kevin Love: Making a Hole in Denial. Love and Death. “This is an Everyone Thing.” By Edward Curtin, March 11 2018

“For behind the sense of insecurity in the face of danger, behind the sense of discouragement and depression, there always lurks the basic fear of death, a fear which undergoes most complex elaborations and manifests itself in many indirect ways….No

Putin Says US Cannot be Trusted in Any Political Negotiations By Macedonian International News Agency, March 11 2018

The US used Russia to prevent Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovich from using his military against rioters in Kiev, and then ‘cheated’ Moscow by supporting an armed coup, President Vladimir Putin said.

The accusation refers to events that happened in February …

Selected Articles: Militarization and the Global Crisis By Global Research News, March 11 2018

We thank readers who have contributed to Global Research. If you have the means to make a small or large donation in support of our fight for truth, peace and justice around the world, your gesture will be much appreciated.

The Hidden Truth About Glyphosate Exposed, According to Undeniable Scientific Evidence By Jonathan Landsman, March 11 2018

According to research scientist Stephanie Seneff, PhD, autism – which she calls “the most pressing disease in the world today” – could affect 50 percent of the children born in the United States by the year 2025. And,

The Illusion of War Without Casualties By Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 11 2018

Featured image: Coffins of dead U.S. soldiers arriving at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware in 2006. (U.S. government photo)

Last Sunday’s Oscar Awards were interrupted by an incongruous propaganda exercise featuring a Native American actor and Vietnam vet, featuring

British Media Restarts Push for Regime Change in Russia By Kit, March 11 2018

sky news screenshot

The alleged poisoning of ex-MI6 agent Sergei Skripal has caused the Russophobic MSM to go into overdrive. Nowhere is the desperation with which the Skripal case has been seized more obvious than the Guardian. Luke Harding is

The British Government is “Talking War With Russia”: The Mysterious Skripal Incident-Another Anti-Russian Provocation By Christopher Black, March 11 2018

The British government is talking war with Russia over a mysterious incident that is claimed to have taken place on Sunday March 4, just a few kilometres from the secrecy shrouded British biological and chemical warfare research and development facility

Russia Bashing Over Poisoning of Former Intelligence Official By Stephen Lendman, March 11 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

On March 4, former Russian General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate official Sergey Skripal/turned double agent for Britain and his daughter Yulia were

Putin Explains Why Russia’s New Weapons Can’t be Stopped by ABMs By Eric Zuesse, March 11 2018

In a “Russia Insight” TV interview of Russian President Vladimir Putin that was uploaded to youtube with English subtitles on March 10th, NBC’s Megyn Kelly asked him why America’s ABMs wouldn’t be able to knock out Russia’s new missiles.

Truth and Lies of the Syrian Conflict By Michael Welch, Eva Bartlett, Patrick Henningsen, and Tom Duggan, March 11 2018

“If it isn’t already clear, UNICEF is participating in war propaganda against Syria, reporting and endorsing one very exaggerated and not substantiated side of the story, disappearing another very real side.”

– Eva Bartlett [1]



Trust in China Remains Top; Trust in U.S. Plunges By Eric Zuesse, March 10 2018

The 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer survey, which is the latest in the annual Edelman series taken in 28 countries, shows that the people of China have the highest trust in their country’s institutions, and that the people of U.S. recorded

Newly Revealed Russian Weapons Systems: Political Implications By The Saker, March 10 2018

For those interested in the military implications of the recent revelations by Vladimir Putin about new Russian weapon systems I would recommend the excellent article entitled “The Implications of Russia’s New Weapon Systems” by Andrei Martyanov who offers

Trump’s “Spontaneous” Decision to Meet Kim Jong-un, Or was it the CIA’s Decision? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 10 2018

According to the US media (in chorus) it was president Trump who took the decision (without prior consultation with his Cabinet, national security and intelligence advisors) to meet face to face North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at a US-DPRK Summit.

Fake News Storm Clouds Gather Over Southeast Asia By Joseph Thomas, March 10 2018
Trump Agrees to Meet with North Korean Leader “Face to Face”: Hold the Cheers By Stephen Lendman, March 10 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Kim Jong-un invited Trump to meet face-to-face “as soon as possible,” according to South Korean National Security Adviser Chung Eui-yong, saying:


The Legacy of Hugo Chavez: The “Somos Todos Venezuela” Meeting in Caracas By Nino Pagliccia, March 10 2018

March 5 marked the fifth anniversary of the death of Hugo Chavez, which was the underlying occasion for the International Solidarity meeting “Todos Somos Venezuela” (We are all Venezuelans) in Caracas, March 5-7, 2018.

A rush of emotions was …

Diplomatic Breakthrough between North and South Korea? Open Letter to President Trump By Kevin Martin, March 10 2018

With this week’s tremendous diplomatic breakthrough between North and South Korea, the Korea Peace Network, a grassroots coalition of peace activists, scholars and Korean-American leaders, sent an Open Letter on March 8 to President Donald Trump urging his support for

The National Endowment for (Meddling in) Democracy By Daniel Lazare, March 10 2018

Featured image: Kiev during the NED supported protests that led to the coup of the pro-Russian president, in 2014 (Source: Mstyslav Chernov/Creative Commons)

“They’re meddling in our politics!” That’s the war cry of outraged Clintonites and neocons, who seem

Coverage of Double Agent’s Alleged Poisoning Is Hysterical Propaganda – Lavrov By RT News, March 10 2018

Moscow is prepared to cooperate with a British investigation into the death of ex-spy Sergey Skripal, the Russian foreign minister said. He dismissed rumors of the country’s involvement as “hysteria” and “propaganda.”

Sergey Lavrov said that Russia is blamed

Those Who Controlled the Past Should Not Control the Future By Norman Solomon, March 10 2018

Daniel Ellsberg has a message that managers of the warfare state don’t want people to hear.

“If you have information that bears on deception or illegality in pursuing wrongful policies or an aggressive war,” he said in a statement released

Western Civilization: The Final Crossroads By Richard C. Cook, March 10 2018


What is “Western civilization”? Why might it end soon? What can be done to prevent that?

These are the questions that face both the U.S. and Russia in the current standoff. The stakes could not be higher. Relationships between …

NGOs Push Senators to Support Yemen Resolution By Derek Davison, March 10 2018

A group of over 40 NGOs have signed on to an open letter calling on senators to support SJRes54, a joint resolution introduced last month by Senators Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Chris Murphy (D-CT). The resolution calls

Thousands Oppose Trump Administration’s Attempted Seizure of Nevada’s Desert National Wildlife Refuge for Expanded Bombing Range By Center For Biological Diversity, March 10 2018

More than 32,000 people have submitted comments opposing a military takeover of most of Nevada’s Desert National Wildlife Refuge ahead of a deadline today. The refuge was created more than 80 years ago to protect the largest herd of desert

Anti-Russia Campaign Follows Alleged Poisoning of Former UK/Russian Double Agent and Daughter By Robert Stevens, March 10 2018

The British government and mass media have mounted a hysterical anti-Russian campaign centred on the still unexplained circumstances surrounding the hospitalisation of former British double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, after they were found unconscious on a bench in

Offshoring Indian Agriculture: Is India Becoming a GMO Trash Can? By Colin Todhunter, March 10 2018
Make-Believe America: The US is Said to Have Full Employment, Misleading Statistics By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 09 2018

Americans live a never-never-land existence. The politicians and presstitutes make sure of that. 

Consider something as simple as the unemployment rate.  The US is said to have full employment with a January 2018 unemployment rate of 4.1 percent, down from

Djibouti Is Dangerously Becoming a Trigger for Transregional Destabilization By Andrew Korybko, March 09 2018

The delicate balance of power in the Horn of Africa might soon be broken by the developing situation inside of Djibouti surrounding the future ownership of its main port, with the possible American-Emirati reaction to this potentially serving as a

Viral Apologies and Jeremy Corbyn: Espionage Claims and the Failed Tory Campaign By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 09 2018

It was public, expressive and demanded.  The apology by Ben Bradley, a social media hazard but also Tory member of the UK House of Commons, is something that will put detractors of Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn on notice.  While accusations have

Video: Obama/Clinton to Blame for Slave Trade in Libya? By Ben Swann, March 09 2018

It’s been three months since the media outcry over the open market slave trading in Libya and yet, the problem persists.

And the root cause of how these slave markets were created, thanks to U.S. foreign policy, has been ignored.

Trump Seeks Congressional Funding for 60,000-Man Army to Overthrow Assad By Eric Zuesse, March 09 2018

ISIS, or ISIL, or Islamic State, has been almost completely defeated in Syria, but the U.S. Department of Defense is requesting an increase instead of a decrease in funding to support “Vetted Syrian Opposition,” or fighters in Syria against Syria’s

The “Juniper Cobra” Air Defense Exercise: American and Israeli Forces Prepare for War against Syria, Hezbollah and Palestine By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 09 2018

The Jerusalem Post reported that Juniper Cobra, a joint air defense exercise with U.S. and IDF forces which was announced by the U.S. Department of Defense last month involving simulated missile attacks directed against Israel from multiple fronts has begun.

“Fake News” and World War III. The Danger of Nuclear Annihilation By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 09 2018
What we are dealing with is a War against the Truth. Objective reporting on the dangers of a Third World war is being suppressed. Why? The future of humanity is at stake. The danger of nuclear annihilation is not front-page news. The unfolding consensus among Pentagon war planners is that a Third World War is “Winnable”.
Selected Articles: Global Warfare By Global Research News, March 08 2018

Global Research is an independent media funded exclusively through the support of its readers. Every contribution helps us continue to bring you the up-to-date, incisive information that you can count on.

If you are unable to make a donation,

US Continues Massive Military Build Up By Shane Quinn, March 08 2018

Less than a year into his second term as president, Barack Obama addressed the nation by saying “for nearly seven decades the United States has been the anchor of global security”. Among his first words, Obama highlighted Syria and “where

U.S. Once Again Discussing “Military Action” Against Syria Over Alleged Chemical Weapons By Brandon Turbeville, March 08 2018

As the Syrian government rapidly gains ground against the terrorists in East Ghouta, the United States is once again considering military action against Syria under the guise of a “response” to alleged but disproven claims that the Syrian military is

Trade Conflict Heats Up, Towards a Full-scale Global Trade War? By Nick Beams, March 08 2018

The Trump administration is expected to announce today how it will apply the tariffs on steel and aluminium outlined last week. While a full-scale global trade war has yet to break out, the major powers are manoeuvring for an

Israel Now Arming Seven Terrorist Groups in Syria, Report By Brandon Turbeville, March 08 2018

Israel has long been known to provide support to terrorists operating in Syria ever since the crisis began in 2011. From providing medical support to terrorist fighters as well as training and intelligence and even some amount of weaponry and

A Stalinist Purge in America? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 08 2018

This year could turn out to be a defining year for the United States. It is clear that the US military/security complex and the Democratic Party aided by their media vassals intend to purge Donald Trump from the presidency.  One

Kosovo’s “Independence”: Dilemmas of NATO’s Aggression in 1999 By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, March 08 2018

Featured image: The ruins of a Serbian Orthodox cathedral in Djakovica (Kosovo), blown up in July 1999.

A ten-years “independence” anniversary of the Republic of Kosovo that was celebrated by Kosovo’s Albanians on February 17th, 2018 again

Coast Guard Responders Harmed by Chemicals Used to Clean Up BP Deepwater Oil Spill, Research Shows By Tristan Baurick, March 08 2018

Featured image: Coast Guard Petty Officer 3rd Class Ryan Leonard watches oil and gas flare during the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster. (Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Matthew Belson)

For thousands of Coast Guard members who

Entering the Ring of War Propaganda By Mark Taliano, March 08 2018

Western populations are inundated with war propaganda, and all of the MSM is guilty.  It serves to promote criminal warfare rather than peace.

Once we enter the ring of propaganda fabricated by western agencies of deception, we start to lose, …

The Italian Job: ‘Unlikely’ Alliance Could Become Reality By Pepe Escobar, March 08 2018

A triumph of “populism.” A hung parliament. “Ungovernable” Italy. Berlusconi’s demise. The latest chapter in a European saga. The “end of socialist parties.” Italy’s latest elections were a roller coaster featuring plenty of thrills. Yet the top political nugget is

Washington Is Intent on Destroying Iran By Brian Cloughley, March 08 2018

On February 18 the leader of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, declared that Iran “is trying to establish this continuous empire surrounding the Middle East from the south in Yemen but also trying to create a land bridge from Iran to Iraq,