Global Research News

Neocon Takeover of Washington Completed By Stephen Lendman, March 24 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Pompeo at State and Bolton as Trump’s national security advisor completed the neocon takeover of Trump’s geopolitical agenda – Wall Street running domestic

How Lobbyists Have Subverted and Damaged Democratic Government in Both Westminster and Washington By Hans Stehling, March 24 2018

“Congress shall make no law … prohibiting … or abridging …. the right of the people peaceably … to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

Lobbying has become the (paid) act of advocacy of a vested interest of …

Nuclear weapon
Korea: Diplomacy for Peace or Preparations for War? By Federico Pieraccini, March 24 2018

After a series of high-level meetings between officials from Seoul and Pyongyang, the proposal for a face-to-face meeting between the American and North Korean leaders appeared before President Trump, who without much hesitation accepted, upsetting the last 50 years of

Calling for Arms Talks with Russia, Is the U.S. Raising a White Flag? By Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, March 24 2018

Vladimir Putin’s presentation of Russia’s new weapons systems during his address to the Federal Assembly on March 1 seems to have finally elicited the desired response from its target audience in Washington, D.C. In that presentation, Putin spoke about

The Propaganda War Against Russia: What Is to be Done? By Christopher Black, March 24 2018

I tried to view the RT video of President Putin’s meeting with the opposition candidates that took place the morning after the elections in Russia. There was a short clip of his introductory remarks available and the full video running

Inglorious Snitching: Adrián Lamo, Chelsea Manning and Patriotism By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 24 2018

The hacking community, like poets, tend to be irritable tribesmen and women.  Their modus operandi functions on the stab, the enthusiastic penetration of insecure computer systems and mockery.  Their role is as much to instruct as it is to disrupt.

Trump Cuts Off U.S. Humanitarian Aid to Palestine By Press TV, March 24 2018

US President Donald Trump has signed into law legislation that halts some aid to the Palestinian Authority until it stops paying Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and the families of those killed by Israeli forces.

Trump cut the Palestinian aid

John Bolton and America’s “Unelected Officials” By Jim Miles, March 24 2018

This article reviews John Bolton’s role at the United Nations. It was first published on December 12 2006

American democracy is truly a wonder, not because of its own self-inflated glory and rhetoric of its greatness, but because, contrary to

The Untold Story of John Bolton’s Campaign for War with Iran By Gareth Porter, March 24 2018

In my reporting on U.S.-Israeli policy, I have tracked numerous episodes in which the United States and/or Israel made moves that seemed to indicate preparations for war against Iran. Each time—in 2007, in 2008, and again in 2011—those

A Truly Historical Month for the Future of Our Planet By The Saker, March 24 2018

March 2018 will go down in history as a truly historical month.

March 1st, Vladimir Putin makes his historical address to the Russian Federal Assembly.
March 4thSergei Skripal, a former UK spy, is allegedly poisoned in the

Palestine Sovereignty and the “Peace Process”. What is the End Game? “A Nation is not Defeated Until its Will to Resist is Completely Snuffed” By Rima Najjar, March 23 2018

Mahmoud Abbas today is in the terrible grip of the second phase of the Oslo accord of 1993, also known as “the peace process”. Many, including myself, have written about the death of this agonizing process, but in reality, it

Russia and Britain: An Enduring But Fruitless Rivalry By Adeyinka Makinde, March 23 2018

The ongoing crisis between Britain and the Russian Federation over the poisoning of a former GRU colonel on British soil is the latest episode in what for a number of years has effectively been a ‘Cold War’ between Russia on

Selected Articles: Iraq 15 Years After the US-led Invasion By Global Research News, March 23 2018

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War Criminals
Hawks Resurgent in Washington By Philip Giraldi, March 23 2018

One of the most discouraging aspects of the musical chairs being played among the members of the White House inner circle is that every change reflects an inexorable move to the right in foreign policy, which means that the interventionists

The U.S.- Mexico Environmentally Destructive Border Wall By Center For Biological Diversity, March 23 2018

The spending plan introduced in Congress Wednesday includes $641 million for border wall construction in the Rio Grande Valley and $1.6 billion for border enforcement. While the proposed budget prohibits funding new border wall designs, such as Trump’s prototypes, it

What the Death of the Last White Rhino Should Teach Us By Abdul Rahim Mydin, March 23 2018

Featured image: Sudan, the last male northern white rhino, has died in Kenya at the age of 45, after becoming a symbol of efforts to save his subspecies from extinction, a fate that only science can now prevent. (FIle pix)

Iraq’s US-led “Illegal” Invasion Brought Nothing But Disaster By Tallha Abdulrazaq, March 23 2018

15 years ago, the United States and its allies launched the opening salvos of a devastating military campaign against Iraq that would forever change the face of the Middle East, and have reverberating effects that would affect the entire world.

US Threatens Trade War Against China By Nick Beams, March 23 2018

The Trump administration has opened a trade war against China by announcing that tariffs will be imposed on up to $60 billion worth of Chinese exports to the United States. It has also launched a treasury investigation to devise measures

John Bolton: “Hello America, I’m Back”. “Filling the Swamp with Blood Thirsty Vultures” By Massoud Nayeri, March 23 2018

John Bolton is known as the most “undiplomatic” warmonger in Washington. 

Today he is advising President Trump on US National Security.

In March 2015, Bolton wrote an article in the New York Times in which he candidly stated:

 “To Stop

Trump Presidency = “Bush’s Third Term”. Who is John Bolton By Washington's Blog, March 23 2018

Trump rightly criticized George W. Bush for getting us into the disastrous Iraq war.

But now Trump’s presidency is turning into Bush’s third term …

Trump is appointing John Bolton as his National Security Adviser.

Who’s Bolton?

He’s one of …

Raging Hawk John Bolton: Trump’s New National Security Advisor By Stephen Lendman, March 23 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

John Bolton replacing HR McMaster as Trump’s national security advisor (effective April 9) likely means more war and greater world instability, not less.

US Sponsored “Regime Change” in Asia and Africa: Five Things that Ethiopia and Myanmar’s Leadership Changes Have in Common By Andrew Korybko, March 23 2018

An ordinary person might not think that Ethiopia and Myanmar have anything in common, but an analysis of their latest leadership changes shows that these two Chinese Silk Road partners actually share five structural vulnerabilities with one another, and identifying

Response to Trump’s “Protectionist Measures”: “Workers Need an Industrial Policy Not Tariffs” By UE, March 23 2018

Meeting in Chicago on Friday, March 9, the UE General Executive Board issued the following statement on President Trump’s announcement about steel and aluminum tariffs.

Workers Need an Industrial Policy Not Tariffs

President Trump’s recent announcement that he intends to …

Islamophobia and Religious Discrimination in Canada By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, March 23 2018

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) urges the government to move promptly on the recommendations from the M-103 report put forth last month by Parliament’s Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage. The government announced Tuesday that it

Video: Blaming Russia: “No Proof Needed, We Did It!” By In the Now, March 23 2018

Below is a satirical video on blaming Russia for the alleged poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter without hard evidence.


Death and Destruction: Fifteen Years in Iraq By Black Alliance for Peace, March 23 2018

Monday marked the 15th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. “Humanitarian intervention” to depose a “dictator” was the excuse. Now Iraq—home to a major civilization—is littered with military waste that has caused birth defects in Iraqi infants and has

How Secular Is the West? The U.S., Britain, Australia… Secular Nation States, “So Help Me God”?? By Shenali D Waduge, March 23 2018

Of late there have been quite a number of know-it-all ‘academics’ ‘political analysts’ dollar earning civil society coming forward promoting the displacement of Buddhism enshrined in Article 9 to be replaced with a ‘secular’ constitution in Sri Lanka. They love

Psychiatric Drugs: Create Violence and Suicide, School Shootings and Other Acts of Senseless Violence By Citizens Commission on Human Rights and Dr. Gary G. Kohls, March 23 2018

De-mystifying the uniquely American epidemic of mass shootings:

This extensive CCHR report is the very best I have read concerning psychoactive drugs and drug-induced violence, suicidality and irrational behaviors.

Note especially the latter pages that will enforce the notion that

Death and Impunity: Iraq Fifteen Years After By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 23 2018

Featured image: At the start of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, President George W. Bush ordered the U.S. military to conduct a devastating aerial assault on Baghdad, known as “shock and awe.” (Source: Consortiumnews)

It might have made

Selected Articles: America’s Search for the “Big War” By Global Research News, March 22 2018

We thank readers who have contributed to Global Research. If you have the means to make a small or large donation in support of our fight for truth, peace and justice around the world, your gesture will be much appreciated.

Donald Trump on Violence in Video Games: “This Is Violent, Isn’t It?” Is There a Connection Between “Video Game Violence” and “Real Violence”? By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, March 22 2018

On March 8, 2018, President Trump invited top executives from the gaming industry, some of their critics, and members of Congress for a meeting to discuss violence in video games. Since the president’s comments on the questionable products of the

The Political Vulnerability and Impunity of the Israel Lobby. The Intellectual Advocates of “Greater Israel” By Diana Johnstone, March 22 2018

This paper was written in response to certain persons whose strict “Marxist” interpretation of the world – seeing imperialism as caused solely by capitalist economic interests – can prevent them from fully recognizing important ideological factors of political causality.

Marx …

Pentagon Officials Searching for a “Big War” against Russia and China. A World War Might Sound Crazy, But It Could be America’s Last Act of Desperation By Darius Shahtahmasebi, March 22 2018

Though some have been warning about the catastrophic potential for a third global conflict for years, it wasn’t until recently that these warnings became more mainstream. The calamitous nature of the violence in Syria — which has one nuclear

US Is Stepping on the Cuban Rake Again By Dmitry Bokarev, March 22 2018

The relations with the Republic of Cuba have long been one of the most painful problems of the United States. Even after the withdrawal of its main ally – the USSR – from the global stage, all the US attempts

When They Lie, Millions of People Die By Massoud Nayeri, March 22 2018

Under a False Flag, UK Attempts Three Chemical Attacks in the Ghouta By Voltaire Network, March 22 2018

On 17 March 2018, the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov denounced the presence of the US, British and French Special Forces in Syria; this is something that both London and Paris deny. He drove home the point, insisting:

What You Really Need to Know About the Scandal Engulfing Cambridge Analytica By True Publica, March 22 2018

It’s not just Conservative party donors who are among the investors in the company that spawned the election consultancy at the centre of a storm about use of data from Facebook, embroiled in a scandal over elections and a referendum.

Elections in Russia, 2018: Managed Democracy? By David Mandel, March 22 2018

This article examines the bases of popular support for recently re-elected Russian president Vladimir Putin. Although this support is strenuously “cultivated” by the regime by various illicit means, it nevertheless has a genuine basis that needs to be understood

EU Money for Military Research? By Researchers for Peace, March 22 2018

The EU has set up a military research programme for the first time this year, with the objective of helping to preserve the competitiveness of the arms industry. The so-called Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR) allocates a total sum

U.S. “Soft Power”: How to Dominate Without the Use of Force or Coercion By Joseph Thomas, March 22 2018

US soft power is included in US policy papers and promoted by US politicians and diplomats on a regular basis. It is also included as the admitted purpose of US, UK and European international programmes like Chevening and Fulbright scholarships.

Setting the Record Straight on Israel’s 2007 Bombing of an Alleged Syrian Nuclear Reactor By Stephen Lendman, March 22 2018

Featured image: Before and after picture of building struck during Operation Orchard in Syria (Source: Wikimedia Commons)


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

After saying nothing about the incident

Has Russia Had Enough? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 22 2018

This morning I watched a briefing the Russian Foreign Ministry provided for the diplomatic community where international toxic substances experts presented information concerning the alleged nerve agent used in the alleged attack on Skripal and his daughter. This information has

Novichok Nerve Agent Histrionics By Ann Garrison, March 22 2018

Most national and international news reported in the US is now an extended Red Scare narrative punctuated by stories about Trump’s unparalleled boorishness and recklessness, which can of course be blamed on Russia since Trump never would have been elected

Google Sets up “News Initiative” to Censor Political Opposition and Promote Mainstream Media By Andre Damon, March 22 2018

Google announced Wednesday that it is partnering with the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Financial Times and other major news outlets to reinforce their monopoly over news coverage by blocking independent news organizations.

The New York Times, …

Why America’s Major News-Media Must Change Their Thinking By Eric Zuesse, March 22 2018

America’s ‘news’-media possess the mentality that characterizes a dictatorship, not a democracy. This will be documented in the linked-to empirical data which will be subsequently discussed. But, first, here is what will be documented by those data, and which will

Gaddafi’s Son, Saif al Islam Welcomes Sarkozy Arrest, Offers Evidence By Daniel Mumbere, March 22 2018

Saif al-Islam alluded to the evidence he gave to European media channel, Euronews in Tripoli in 2011, and lamented that it had taken the French justice system seven years to act on the matter.

An official of the French Judiciary …

Artificial Intelligence and Sensor Systems: Uber Halts Nationwide Testing of Self-Driving Vehicles Following Death of Pedestrian By Nicholas West, March 22 2018

Even as robotics experts, universities and tech luminaries sound the alarm about the potential for a future filled with killer robots powered by artificial intelligence, this technology already has arrived … minus the stringent ethics.

Fox News is reporting that …

Facebook, Cambridge Analytica and “Surveillance Capitalism” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 22 2018

Whether it creeps into politics, marketing, or simple profiling, the nature of surveillance as totality has been affirmed by certain events this decade.  The Edward Snowden disclosures of 2013 demonstrated the complicity and collusion between Silicon Valley and the technological

Four Days to Declare a Cold War By Thierry Meyssan, March 22 2018

The week that has just ended was exceptionally rich in events. But no media were able to report it, because they had all deliberately masked certain dimensions in order to protect the story that was being woven by their government.

Russia Denied the “Right of Discovery” in Skripal Affair. Moscow Demands Release of Relevant Documents By Stephen Lendman, March 22 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Pre-trial judicial proceedings in America and elsewhere afford all parties the right to as much information as possible – so nothing is kept

Pentagon Admits Missile Defenses Powerless in Face of Russian Hypersonic Weapons By Sputnik, March 22 2018

In testimony before the US Senate Armed Services Committee, StratCom commander Gen. John Hyten struggled to find the right words before admitting that there is nothing in the US arsenal that could stop Russia’s new hypersonic weapons.

“We have a

Calm Down, Turkey Is Not Going to Invade the Balkans By Andrew Korybko, March 22 2018

President Erdogan’s regular addresses to the Muslim and Turkish people of the Balkans are a soft power tactic that isn’t any functionally different from the transnational outreach attempts that other forces engage in elsewhere across the world and on different

A World War Has Begun. Break the Silence By John Pilger, March 22 2018

Below is a relevant article selected from the GR archive, first published in March 2016.

This is an edited version of an address by John Pilger at the University of Sydney, entitled A World War Has Begun:

I have been …

For These Children of Iraq, Help Did Not Arrive By Claudia Lefko, March 22 2018

Featured image: Dr. Hasanein Ghali takes temperature of a critically ill boy in Iraq. (Photo: Courtesy of the author)

In the end, help did not arrive.

In 2001, a 10-year old boy sketched this image of his sister, Faiza Amir

Albanian Ethnographic Origins and Kosovo-Metochia By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, March 21 2018

The topic to be addressed in this text is the basic misconception on the question of the Balkan Albanian ethnogenesis [formation of an ethnic group] and national identity that was framed by extremely geo-politically coloured German-based “Illyrian” theory of the

Why Are Syrian Refugees Returning to Their Homes? By Inside Syria Media Center, March 21 2018

A study has found that some Syrian refugees are returning to their homes despite the ongoing conflict due to difficult conditions that they have met within bordering nations. However, the returnees have found neither security nor decent living conditions on

Building the Iron Wall: Facebook, Google, Twitter Algorithms That Steer Traffic Away From Progressive Websites By Chris Hedges, March 21 2018

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, along with 18 members of the House of Representatives—15 Republicans and three Democrats—has sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions demanding that the Qatari-run Al-Jazeera television network register as a foreign agent under the

Syrians Have Names and Faces By Mark Taliano, March 21 2018

Feature image: Author Mark Taliano

NATO terrorists have murdered about 10,000[1] civilians in Damascus, in addition to the 40 + civilians that they murdered in SE Damascus on March 20, 2018. Meanwhile, the SAA and allies have lost about 545

Selected Articles: 2016 US Elections: Evidence for “Israelgate”? Russia Was a Scapegoat? By Global Research News, March 21 2018

Global Research is a small team that believes in the power of information and analysis to bring about far-reaching societal change including a world without war.

Truth in media is a powerful instrument. As long as we keep probing, asking

The Cliff of Nuclear Annihilation: Humanity is on the Brink of Extinction! Thirty Seconds to Midnight By Regis Tremblay, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Ray McGovern, David Vine, Chris Hedges, and Colonel Ann Wright, March 21 2018

First published on GR on February 20th, 2017

Filmmaker Regis Tremblay states what few others dare to say. Humanity is on the brink of extinction! Nuclear power is not safe. 48 of America’s nuclear power plants are leaking and there

Information Overload? Don’t Tune Out… Get Informed! By Global Research, March 21 2018

In today’s news: WarPovertyCrimes against humanity… 

To say that the public has become disillusioned and wary of constant doomsday media reports and news coverage that adhere to corporate agendas is a gross understatement — people …

The Cambridge Analytica Scandal Could Provide Hard Evidence of “Israeli” Meddling in Trump Election By Adam Garrie, March 21 2018

During a statement before a hidden camera, the CEO of the data harvesting firm Cambridge Analytica Alexander Nix boasted of his ability to employ “Israeli companies” to gather intelligence on politicians that the firm is paid to slander, defame and

Senate Rejects Ending US Support for Saudi Aggression in Yemen By Stephen Lendman, March 21 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Bush/Cheney began terror-bombing Yemen post-9/11, waging drone warfare – on the phony pretext of combating al-Qaeda Washington created and supports.

In cahoots with …

Mohammad bin Salman
Video: ‘That’s Peanuts For You’: Trump Showcases Weapons US Sold to Yemen-bombing Saudi Prince By RT News, March 21 2018

US President Donald Trump brought several pictures of American weapons to a meeting with visiting Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. He boasted of multibillion-dollar sales of arms to the kingdom.

Showing a sign to journalists at the

Another Reason Why Imperialism Wanted Libya Overthrown By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 21 2018

Featured image: Libya leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi along with former French President Nicolas Sarkozy (Source: the author)

Seven years ago this month, beginning on March 19, 2011, the United States Pentagon and NATO began a massive bombing campaign against the

When I Came to the U.S. from Japan. The Eyes of “Others” for Us All By Hiroyuki Hamada, March 21 2018

For every immigrant, speaking about his or her home country can be somewhat emotional and personal. For us immigrants, the experiences of leaving former identities framed in memories of the land, people, smells, tastes, smiles, laughter, tears and other feelings

Syrian Refugees Are Going Home, the West Ready to Attack By Andre Vltchek, March 21 2018

Featured image: Syrian refugee in Bekaa Valley in Lebanon

“How many years have you been living in Beirut?” I asked my barber, Eyad, after he told me, beaming, that in three months from now, he will be returning home, to

44 Senators Made History by Voting to End Illegal US War in Yemen By Kate Gould, March 21 2018

FCNL’s Legislative Director on Middle East Policy Kate Gould has issued the following statement:

“Today, 44 senators made history by supporting the first-ever vote on withdrawing U.S. armed forces from an unauthorized war. While the Senate missed this opportunity to

America Is Losing Its Economy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 21 2018

From John Williams proprietary report:

“Subject to Likely Downside Annual Benchmark Revisions this Coming Friday, February Industrial Production Jumped by 1.1% (0.9% Net of Revisions), Reflecting  improbable Strength in Manufacturing and Mining. 

“Despite this perhaps premature report of industrial production …

The Ease of Accusation: The Skripal Affair By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 21 2018

The policy of responding to assassinations on British soil is a near non-existent one.  Her Majesty’s Government is certainly in the habit of huffing, and steam can issue from deliberations in the House of Commons. But substance is often absent.

Three Attempts by Terrorists to Use Chemical Weapons in Syria Prevented. Russian Defense Minister By South Front, March 21 2018

Three attempts of usage of chemical weapons were prevented in Syria last week, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said during a video conference on March 20.

There is a possibility that terrorists will use poisonous substances in order to

Washington Officials Flock to “Doomsday Camps”: What Do They Know that We Don’t? By Mac Slavo, March 21 2018

Washington D.C. government officials are flocking to doomsday camps around the country.  Which of course begs the question: what do they know that we do not?

According to the Washington Examiner, a building network of backwoods doomsday camps around …

State Power Routinely Shielded From Public Eyes By Shane Quinn, March 21 2018

The American political scientist Samuel Huntington noted that “power remains strong when it remains in the dark; exposed to the sunlight it begins to evaporate”. Huntington further highlighted that “you may have to sell [military intervention] in such a way

“The Personal Information of Millions”: As Facebook Ire Grows, U.S. Senator Says Zuckerberg ‘Ought to be Subpoenaed’ By Jake Johnson, March 21 2018

As the damning details of Facebook’s largest-ever data breach at the hands of pro-Trump data firm Cambridge Analytica continue to pour in—and as the social media giant’s share price continues to plummet as a result—Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.)

New Evidence of Africa’s Systematic Looting, From an Increasingly Schizophrenic World Bank By Prof. Patrick Bond, March 21 2018

Featured image: Nchanga copper mine, Zambia (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Professor Patrick Bond will be speaking at the University of Manitoba on March 23,

Location Information: University of Manitoba – Fort Garry – Tier Building, 173 Dafoe Road, Winnipeg, Room: 306,

The Mysterious Frank Taylor Report: The 9/11 Document that Launched US-NATO’s “War on Terrorism” in the Middle East By Prof. Niels Harrit, March 21 2018
We call them ‘the 9/11 wars’ – the seemingly unending destruction of the Middle East and North Africa which has been going on for the last seventeen years. As revealed by Gen. Wesley Clark, these wars were already anticipated in September 2001.
Mozambique Forced to Restructure After Debt Default. By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 21 2018

Since 2014 many energy producing emerging states in Africa and worldwide have fallen into recession resulting in long term financial implications.

Mozambique was declared in default and plans to work out new terms of payment on at least $2 billion

Capital Punishment. Rising Opposition to the Death Penalty in America By Ali Mohsin, March 21 2018

The US Supreme Court on Monday rejected a direct challenge to the the death penalty, refusing to hear an Arizona death row prisoner’s argument that it amounts to cruel and unusual punishment. The court also refused to consider the constitutionality

Why the UK, the EU and the US Gang-Up on Russia By Prof. James Petras, March 21 2018
For the greater part of a decade the US, the UK and the EU have been carrying out a campaign to undermine and overthrow the Russian government and in particular to oust President Putin. Fundamental issues are at stake including the real possibility of a nuclear war.
Selected Articles: The Geopolitics of Targeting Russia By Global Research News, March 21 2018

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