Global Research News

Diplomatic Madness: The Expulsion of Russian Diplomats By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 28 2018

How gloriously brave it seemed, some 23 nations coming together like a zombie collective to initiate a fairly ineffectual action in of itself: the expulsion of Russian diplomats or, as they preferred to term it, intelligence operatives. 

It all began …

The Struggle to Defeat Austerity in Detroit and the World By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 28 2018

Featured image: Abayomi Azikiwe addresses the National Conference to Defeat Austerity, March 24, 2018

Note: This is the text of an address delivered during the opening plenary of the National Conference to Defeat Austerity held on Sat. March 24, 2018

Syrian women
Syrians Defy Fabricated War Propaganda Narratives By Mark Taliano, March 28 2018
The West’s intentions in Syria are not noble or humanitarian. All of the militarized groups in Syria are supported by the West, and they all exist because of the West. “Moderate terrorists” never existed. ISIS, al Qaeda et al. are ALL Western proxy forces.
Let Our Teachers Teach, and Insist Our Leaders Lead By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 28 2018

Will Saturday’s astounding March for Our Lives become the defining protest of our time? Some say it’s comparable to Vietnam War era anti-war marches. Not actually comparable, I hope. Because it took daily news of American deaths month after month

The “Taiwan Travel Act” Is a Psy-Op Against China with Economic Dimensions By Andrew Korybko, March 28 2018

The US recently passed the so-called “Taiwan Travel Act”.

This piece of legislation decrees that the American government should encourage bilateral visits between its officials and their Taiwanese counterparts, essentially formalizing a policy that has been unofficial for

Killing Diplomacy By Dmitry Orlov, March 28 2018

There is the famous aphorism by Karl von Clausewitz: “War is the continuation of politics by other means.” This may be true, in many cases, but it is rarely a happy outcome. Not everybody likes politics, but when given

Theresa May Playing a Reckless Game of Nuclear Roulette By Colin Todhunter, March 28 2018

Back in May 2017, just prior to the British general election, I wrote a piece arguing that a victory for Theresa May would see Britain dragged further towards war with Russia. While Britain is militarily weak compared to Russia, the

The Best Armed Forces on the Planet: America or Russia? By The Saker, March 28 2018

Relevant article selected from the GR archive, first crossposted on GR in January 2017.

In my recent article “Risks and Opportunities for 2017” I made a statement which shocked many readers. I wrote:

Russia is now the most

The Globalists’ New World Order: Soft and Hard Kill Methods. An Unknown and Uncertain Future By Joachim Hagopian, March 28 2018

Relevant article selected from the GR archive, first published in May 2015.

We’re living in some exciting yet scary times now. An unknown and uncertain future awaits us as today’s events and developments unravel revealing a myriad of warning signs

Reparations for Colonialism and Genocide By Colonialism Reparation, March 27 2018

The theme of reparations at the 2018 World Social Forum in Salvador de Bahia was treated in the workshop Repairs to Colonialism (page 113), in the World Assembly of Resistance Peoples, Movements and Territories and in the Agora of futures

What Russia Needs to Learn From Gaddafi’s Mistakes By Lyuba Lulko, March 27 2018

To understand why the French authorities decided to hold ex-president of France Nicolas Sarkozy accountable for his election campaign of the past, one must try to find out who profits from finishing off with the “dead” politician from a ruined

Trump and Tehran: This Is Not 2003 and Iran Is Not Iraq By Prof. Seyed Mohammad Marandi, March 27 2018

Narrative-building is an art and former US President Barack Obama was a master charmer. Hence, maintaining the image of the United States as the exceptional and indispensable nation that promotes freedom and equality, particularly after eight long years of George

Trump, 14 EU Nations Expel Russian Diplomats and Recall Ambassadors By Major Danny Sjursen, March 27 2018

Why a new Cold War? Why now? This morning, Americans awoke to news that the supposedly Russia-supplicant Trump administration, along with 14 other EU nations, will expel scores of Russian diplomats. The announcement, which Russia called a “provocative

Trump Should Withdraw Haspel CIA Nomination, Memorandum To President by Intelligence Vets By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, March 27 2018


FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

SUBJECT: Request to Withdraw Nomination of Gina Haspel


With respect, we veteran intelligence officers from CIA and other agencies urge you to withdraw the nomination of Gina Haspel …

Video: Syrian Army Is About to Get Full Control Over Eastern Ghouta By South Front, March 27 2018

The situation is rapidly developing in the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta where the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies are on the verge of liberating the entire area from militants.

Following the evacuation agreement in Harasta, government forces …

Selected Articles: The U.S. Relationship to Jihadists and al-Qaeda Across the World By Global Research News, March 27 2018

We thank readers who have contributed to Global Research. If you have the means to make a small or large donation in support of our fight for truth, peace and justice around the world, your gesture will be much appreciated.

What Has Become of the “400 000 Moderate Rebels in the Ghouta”? By Voltaire Network, March 27 2018

“Eastern Ghouta was sheltering “400 000 moderate rebels””. This is what the press and Western governments asserted.

However, the military operation of the Syrian forces undertaken with the support of Russian military units, in the context of the cessation of

Israeli Ex-defense Minister Says Trump’s New NSC Adviser Bolton Was Pushing Him to Strike Iran By RT News, March 27 2018

The newly appointed US National Security Adviser, John Bolton, tried to persuade Israel to conduct a pre-emptive strike against Iran before it achieved nuclear weapons capability, Israel’s ex-Defense Minister has revealed.

“I got to know John Bolton when he was

Antisemitism: The Questions that Require Urgent Answers By Hans Stehling, March 27 2018

Below are questions that require urgent answers:

1. As a Member of the British (or American/Canadian) Jewish community, do you support the actions of the Israel government including the illegal settlement of over 600,000 of its own citizens in the

Putin and the Skripal Affair – Cui Bono? By Adeyinka Makinde, March 27 2018

So let’s run through it again.

‘Evil’ Vladimir Putin suddenly gets the bright idea to get rid of a Russian former MI6 double agent who was pardoned by the Russian state and involved in a Russia-West spy swap deal.

He …

Is Trump Trying to Fire Mueller or Preemptively Discredit His Findings? By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 27 2018

Over the past week, nearly a year after he tried to have Robert Mueller fired, Donald Trump went on a tweeting rampage against the special counsel. Trump’s escalating Twitter attacks may be a harbinger of Mueller’s impending dismissal — or

Integrity Has Vanished From the West. “Western Democracy is a Hoax” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 27 2018

Among Western political leaders there is not an ounce of integrity or morality. The Western print and TV media is dishonest and corrupt beyond repair.  Yet the Russian government persists in its fantasy of “working with Russia’s Western partners.”  The

Neocons Are Back with a Big War Budget and Big War Plans By Rep. Ron Paul, March 27 2018

On Friday, President Trump signed the omnibus spending bill for 2018. The $1.3 trillion bill was so monstrous that it would have made the biggest spender in the Obama Administration blush. The image of leading Congressional Democrats Pelosi and Schumer

Western Day of the Long Knives By Stephen Lendman, March 27 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

In mid-1934, Hitler’s night and day of the long knives, Operation Hummingbird purge, eliminated regime enemies, executing them to solidify power, Ernst Rohm

Is Albania a Partner of the US In Supporting International Terrorism? By Olsi Jazexhi, March 27 2018

On March 22, 2018 the former Mayor of New York and adviser to President Trump, Rudy Giuliani was in Tirana. He was invited to Albania’s capital by Maryam Rajavi, the head of the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) organization, to

Selected Articles: Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen. When Will It End? By Global Research News, March 27 2018

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Below is a selection of articles on the complicity of the US and the UK in the …

The U.S. Relationship to Jihadists and al-Qaeda Across the World By Brandon Turbeville, March 27 2018

Major hat tip to Washington’s Blog for its article ““Sleeping With the Devil: How U.S. And Saudi Backing Of Al-Qaeda Led Directly To 9/11,” Tony Cartalucci of Land Destroyer Report

To many Americans who pay only a small …

The Skripal Incident: A Diabolical Plot to Demonize Russia By Stephen Lendman, March 27 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Likely cooked up by dark forces in London and Washington, the Skripal incident escalated a long-running campaign to politically and economically marginalize, weaken,

On the Verge of Nuclear War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 27 2018

One wonders if this latest extremely provocative and hostile accusation against Russia, supported by Washington’s empire, is the prelude to war.  There is no basis whatsoever for the statement of the US Department of State that “on March 4, Russia

‘The Gig Economy’ Is the New Term for Serfdom By Chris Hedges, March 27 2018

A 65-year-old New York City cab driver from Queens, Nicanor Ochisor, hanged himself in his garage March 16, saying in a note he left behind that the ride-hailing companies Uber and Lyft had made it impossible for him to make

Why 55 U.S. Senators Voted for Genocide in Yemen By David Swanson, March 27 2018

Tuesday’s debate and vote in the U.S. Senate on whether to end (technically whether or not to vote on whether to end) U.S. participation in the war on Yemen can certainly be presented as a step forward. While 55 U.S.

Russia Has Been Repeatedly Cheated by America and Its Allies By Shane Quinn, March 26 2018

Exactly four years ago, the United States and its allies were bitterly rebuked by Vladimir Putin when he said, “They have cheated us again and again, made decisions behind our backs, presenting us with completed facts”. The Russian president’s comments

Renaming the 1948 War against Palestine: Partition, Dispossession, and Fragmentation By Prof. Richard Falk, March 26 2018

Controlling the Discourse

Israel has been brilliant over the years in shaping and misdirecting the public discourse on the future of Palestine. Among its earliest achievement along these lines was the crucial propaganda victory by having the 1948 War known

Three Years of Saudi Bombings: Let’s Call An End to War Profiteering in Yemen By Catherine Shakdam, March 26 2018

Coming March 26, 2018 Saudi Arabia will have been at war with impoverished Yemen for a punitive 3 years.

Three years of an implacable and murderous military campaign that witnessed the death of over 15,000 people – of which mostly

UK Complicit in the Destruction of Yemen. £4.6 billion of UK Weapons to Saudi Arabia Since Beginning of Bombing Campaign By Andrew Smith, March 26 2018

It has been three years since the Saudi-led coalition began its brutal bombardment of Yemen.

The situation has been described by UN agencies as ‘the worst humanitarian crisis in the world’ with over 22 million people in need

Video: Thousands of US-Supported “Rebels” and Family Members Leave Eastern Ghouta By South Front, March 26 2018

About 5,500 members of Faylaq ar-Rahman and their family members left the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta on March 25 and were taken to the Idlib province, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

The militants left the settlement …

Google and Corporate News Giants Forge New Alliance to Defeat Independent Journalism By Elliott Gabriel, March 26 2018

Search engine and advertising monolith Google continued to press its offensive against alternative media this week with an announcement unveiling a new $300 million project called the Google News Initiative.

The initiative encompasses a range of new projects announced by …

Farmers Around the World: Nature Can Reduce Pesticide Use, Environment Impact By Michigan State University, March 26 2018

Featured image: Kestrel. Attracting birds and bats to farms and orchards help reduce pests and increase yields. (Credit: Megan Shave)

Farmers around the world are turning to nature to help them reduce pesticide use, environmental impact and, subsequently, and in

Florida School Teachers Organizing Gun Control Campaign, Role of Democratic Party Operatives. Media Blackout By James F. Tracy, March 26 2018

Following the February 14, 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman High School a seemingly spontaneous student movement against gun control emerged from Broward County Florida. The students involved in this movement received widespread coverage via major US media outlets. A

6,700 More U.S. Missiles for Saudi Arabia to Shoot at Yemeni Kids By Colonel Ann Wright, March 26 2018

How much more slaughter in Yemen is the United State government willing to help with?

We found out when State Department announced on March 23 the sale of 6,700 anti-tank missiles to Saudi Arabia.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met …

A New Strategy for Higher Education in the U.K. By Hugo Radice, March 26 2018

In the British Labour Party’s 2017 election manifesto, the pledges to abolish university tuition fees and reintroduce maintenance grants were widely seen as vote winners, but that was the extent of the party’s policy commitments toward the sector. Since the

The Truth About Cambridge Analytica-SCL: Psy-ops by UK-US Deep State Actors By Julie Hyland, March 26 2018

The scandal surrounding Facebook’s relationship with Cambridge Analytica, the election data company previously associated with former Trump campaign Chairman Steve Bannon, dominates the media in the US and Britain.

The serious privacy concerns involved in the harvesting of the …

Israel Sentences Palestinian Teenager Ahed Tamimi to Eight Months in Prison, For “Assaulting” Heavily Armed Israeli Soldiers By Tamara Nassar, March 26 2018

Featured image: Ahed Tamimi in Ofer military court on 15 January.  (Source: Oren Ziv/ActiveStills)

An Israeli military court has approved a plea deal which will see Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi serve an eight-month prison sentence on top of a

Trump’s New War Cabinet By Shahed Ghoreishi, March 26 2018

On Thursday, President Trump moved one step closer to completing his preferred cabinet. General H.R. McMaster, whom Trump called boring, was replaced as national security advisor by ultra-hawk John Bolton. This is the same John Bolton who wrote the

Deposed Catalan Regional Premier Carles Puigdemont Arrested in Germany By Alejandro López, March 26 2018

Mass protests have erupted against the arrest by German police of Catalonia’s former regional premier Carles Puigdemont.

The arrest warrant was requested by the Popular Party (PP) government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. But the PP’s repression has …

“Gun Control” and “War Control”. Two Related Objectives. Let’s March Together for “Empire Control” By Philip A Farruggio, March 26 2018

If anyone channel surfed yesterday, well into the evening, ALL the channels covered the massive demonstrations by our youth for gun control. For my activist eyes this was impressive, with tens of thousands of good and decent young folks, in

The Challenge of the American Youth Leadership By Massoud Nayeri, March 26 2018

It is impossible to grasp the historical ramification of the youth march to the U.S. political stage in 2018 without an overall view of the world political situation.

The American youth with their impressive “March for our Lives” in millions- …

Colombia Scraps Amazon Highway Plans Due to Deforestation Concerns By Taran Volckhausen, March 26 2018

Featured image: An aerial photo shows deforestation associated with a roadway in Colombia’s Amazon. Photo courtesy of CDA

Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos declared earlier this month that a controversial highway project that would cut through the Amazon will not

Pre-emptive Triggers: John Bolton Joins Trump By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 26 2018

It has given those in a permanent state of jitters greater reason to jump off the cliff to a certain fate, but John Bolton’s elevation to President Donald J. Trump’s inner circle is predictable and, patterns of employment

Serbia’s President Vucic Favors “Compromise” on Kosovo? Geopolitical “Rebalancing” of the Balkans? By Andrew Korybko, March 25 2018

Featured image: U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Wess Mitchell (left) and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade on March 14.

The Serbian government is contemplating a “compromise” over Kosovo.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told U.S. Assistant Secretary …

International Criminal Court
The Iran Based Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK) Terrorist Organization: Why Bolton’s MEK Connection Matters By Daniel Larison, March 25 2018

Jason Rezaian comments on Bolton’s enthusiasm for the Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK) and what it means for U.S. Iran policy:

The MEK is the type of fringe group that sets up camp across the street from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and hands

Selected Articles: Is There Hope for International Peace and Security? By Global Research News, March 25 2018

Global Research shares timely, independent and vital information to readers across the globe.

We act as a global platform to let the voices of dissent, protest, and expert witnesses and academics be heard and disseminated internationally.

To sustain our goal, …

Competition in the Weapons Industry. Russia’s S-400s Sold to America’s Allies By Andrew Korybko, March 25 2018

The US is threatening to sanction Russia if it sells its S-400 anti-air systems abroad.

Bob Menendez led a group of lawmakers who wrote to the State Department and asked that last year’s “Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act

Video: Turkey’s Victories and Diplomacy. What to Expect Next By South Front, March 25 2018

In recent days, Turkey achieved the most notable military victory since the Greco-Turkish War of 1919-1922. On March 18, the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) captured the city of Afrin from the Kurdish People’s

Reflections on 9/11, Imperialism and U.S War Crimes: Folks Out There Have a “Distaste of Western Civilization and Cultural Values” By Edward S. Herman, March 25 2018

This article by the late Professor Edward Herman was among the first articles published by Global Research on September 15, 2001. The article was written in the immediate wake of the 9/11 attacks


One of the most durable features

End of the Independent Palestinian State Project By Hossam Shaker, March 25 2018

Featured image: Demonstrators shout slogans and hold Palestinian flags during a protest against the US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, on 7 December 2017 in Gaza City, Gaza (Source: Mustafa Hassona/Anadolu Agency)

They do not want

Bloated U.S. Discretionary Spending Bill Mostly for Militarism and Warmaking By Stephen Lendman, March 25 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The discretionary spending bill Trump signed into law on Friday excludes hundreds of billions of dollars in military related spending, enormous classified amounts

Bolivia vs. Chile: The Regional Consequences of Liberalism vs. Realism By Andrew Korybko, March 25 2018

Bolivia’s efforts to reverse the geopolitical results of the 1879-1883 War of the Pacific with Chile are couched in the liberal naiveté that moral arguments in and of themselves can bring about tangible change in the contemporary Neo-Realist international system.

Cold War 2.0 Risks Turning Hot By Stephen Lendman, March 25 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The completed neocon takeover of Washington, discussed in a day earlier article, risks unthinkable war between the world’s dominant nuclear powers.

Businessman Trump

Russia-US Security Dialogue Looming: Time to Address a Broader Security Agenda By Alex Gorka, March 25 2018

A lot of people close to the US president wanted to prevent it at any cost but Donald Trump congratulated President Putin anyway and had a phone conversation with him. The US president said that the two would meet “in

Journalism of, by and for the Elite By Reed Richardson, March 25 2018

American journalism has long maintained a sort of egalitarian myth about itself. While our country’s free press requires no formal training or licensing, an honest history of the profession shows very distinct hierarchies, from the vaunted Runyonesque blue-collar  beat reporter

Net Neutrality: What You Need to Know Now By Free Press, March 25 2018

When you go online you have certain expectations. You expect to be connected to whatever website you want. You expect that your cable or phone company isn’t messing with the data and is connecting you to all websites, applications and

“Codependency” to Conflict? Fragile US-China Economic Relationship By Stephen Roach, March 25 2018
The Temptations of Ball Tampering: Steve Smith’s Australian Team in South Africa By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 25 2018
‘Black 47’: The Irish Famine of 1847 By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, March 25 2018

“Weary men, what reap ye?—Golden corn for the stranger.
What sow ye?— human corpses that wait for the avenger.
Fainting forms, hunger–stricken, what see you in the offing?
Stately ships to bear our food away, amid the stranger’s scoffing.

Washington Has Declared Hegemony or War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 25 2018

I agree with Stephen Lendman  that the Russian government’s efforts to deal with the West on the basis of evidence and law are futile. There is only one Western foreign policy and it is Washington’s.

Washington’s “diplomacy” consists only of

Ascendancy of The Lie. US-NATO War on Syria Presented as a “Humanitarian Undertaking” By Mark Taliano, March 25 2018

Big Lies become embedded in our collective consciousness, they grow roots, metastasize, and become the hardest to dislodge.

The notion that the war on Syria is “humanitarian” (predicated on fabricated atrocity stories falsely attributed to “Assad” who, propagandists would have …

Towards the Liberation Eastern Ghouta, Opening of the “Humanitarian Corridors”, Withdrawal of Terrorists By Inside Syria Media Center, March 25 2018

According to Inside Syria Media Center military correspondents, another checkpoint was opened yp to allow for the withdrawal of terrorists and their families from the village of Irbin in Eastern Ghouta on March 24, 2018. In addition, there are dozens

Iraq, The Path of Martyrs. En Route from Baghdad to Kerbala By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 25 2018

In the final thirty kilometers’ drive back to my home in the Catskills, along a vacant highway through hills of leafless winter trees colorless and devoid of any sign of life, I inexplicably recall my recent journey in a distant

False Flag Operations Will Start New War? Towards a U.S.-Israeli Attack on Syria and Lebanon? By Edward Curtin and Geopolitics and Empire, March 25 2018

With Trump’s naming of the war lovers John Bolton as National Security Adviser and Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State, he has signaled that he  is eager to shed more blood and wage a wider war in the service of

Poland and Sweden Are Building a “Baltic Ring” By Andrew Korybko, March 25 2018

The global trend of connectivity is moving to Northern and Central-Eastern Europe as these regions’ two former Great Powers join forces to deepen their integration with one another and build a new power bloc in the continent.

Poland and Sweden

Two Criminal Accusations Against Russia. The Skripal Affair and Flight MH 17 By Michael Welch and John Helmer, March 25 2018

“It is a scientific impossibility for Porton Down to have been able to test for Russian novichoks if they have never possessed a Russian sample to compare them to…

If Porton Down can synthesise it, so can many others, not

Breaking: The Russian Military Warns: A Major U.S. Led War in Syria Is Imminent By Arkady Savitsky, March 24 2018

On March 17, the Russian General Staff warned about an imminent attack on Syria. The statement did not elaborate. Of course, some information is classified but an independent and impartial analysis of publicly available information leads one to the same

Continuing Aggression: Nineteen Years Since the Start of the NATO War on Yugoslavia By Živadin Jovanović, March 24 2018

Once again this March, the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia and other independent non-party associations in Serbia pay tribute to the victims of NATO’s 1999 aggression on Serbia (FRY).

This …

Responsibility Deflected, the CLOUD Act Passes. Will Erode Privacy Protections Worldwide By David Ruiz, March 24 2018

UPDATE, March 23, 2018: President Donald Trump signed the $1.3 trillion government spending bill—which includes the CLOUD Act—into law Friday morning.

“People deserve the right to a better process.”

Those are the words of Jim McGovern, representative for Massachusetts …

The Betrayal of the Future. Tipping Points in the Earth’s Climate By Dr. Andrew Glikson, March 24 2018

A species which has invented combustion, electromagnetic radiation and nuclear energy orders of magnitude more powerful than its own physical potential, needs to be perfectly wise and in control lest it is overwhelmed by these powers.

As tipping points in

Inequality and Precarity in Japan: The Sorry Achievements of Abenomics By Inoue Shin and Sachie Mizohata, March 24 2018
Racial Preferences: Peter Dutton and White South African Farmers By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 24 2018
Sri Lanka’s Religious Violence and the US Pivot to Asia By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, March 24 2018
Israel Praised John Bolton’s Appointment By Stephen Lendman, March 24 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Paul Craig Roberts asked: “Is the US Government Criminally Insane?” Judge for yourself from what’s going on.

Trump’s lunatic fringe war cabinet should