Global Research News

“Scandinavian Noir”, Kim Wall and Murder By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 02 2018

Finland, a country noted for deep felt suicides executed during long dark winter months, has become the happiest nation on earth.  This statistical superstition, contrived to feed a social-media diet free of substance and light on evidence, belies one fundamental

Ghana Opposition Parties Form United Front Against U.S. Military Deal By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 02 2018

A leader of the second largest political party in the West African state of Ghana, the Deputy Secretary General of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Koku Anyidoho, was arrested on March 27 after making comments about the New Patriotic

Israel Waives Building Permit Requirements for U.S. State Department While Palestinians Are Refused, Homes Demolished By Scott Roth and Philip Weiss, April 02 2018

Featured image: Demolished house in Silwan, occupied East Jerusalem, November 2014 (Source:

The news from Israel Tuesday was that the finance minister had waived all building permit and rezoning requirements so as to allow the U.S. State Department to

The Jewish State Itself Is Unjustifiable and Inexcusable – Not Just What’s Happening in Gaza Now By Rima Najjar, April 02 2018

You can justify what’s happening now to Palestinians in Gaza only if you can justify our Nakba – the violent establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine in 1948 against the will of Palestinian non-Jewish Arabs, the vast majority at

No Small Victory: Kim Dotcom and New Zealand’s Human Rights Review Tribunal By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 02 2018
The Isolation of Julian Assange Must Stop By John Pilger, April 02 2018

If it was ever clear that the case of Julian Assange was never just a legal case, but a struggle for the protection of basic human rights, it is now.

Citing his critical tweets about the recent detention of Catalan

Ghana Is Getting Nothing for Being the Pentagon’s Puppet in West Africa By Andrew Korybko, April 02 2018

Ghana recently ratified a military agreement with the US.

The deal essentially turns the West African country into an American military garrison because it allows the Pentagon full transit and basing rights for its troops and contractors, protects them with …

Elections and Democracy in Revolutionary Cuba: Canada National Speaking Tour, March 21-April 4 By Global Research News, April 01 2018

Meet with Juan Carlos Rodriguez Diaz, a distinguished Cuban professor, researcher, historian and politician, a member of the National Assembly of People’s Power.

Also meet Yamil Martinez Marrero, the senior official of the Canada Desk of ICAP, the …

While In Coma: Yulia Skripal Logged Into Her VKontakte Page? (Russian Version of Facebook) By Joaquin Flores, April 01 2018
Trapped “From Fence to Fence” in Gaza. The World’s Largest Open Air Prison By Jehad Abu Salim, April 01 2018

This article was first published by Global Research in October 2016. This is the historical context of the recent Israeli massacres, which is rarely the object of media coverage.

Not only are these borders artificially drawn, they highlight the utter 

Not An April Fool’s Joke: Osama bin Laden’s Second Death By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 01 2018
If today were April 1 and not May 2, we could dismiss as an April fool’s joke this morning’s headline that Osama bin Laden was killed in a firefight in Pakistan and quickly buried at sea....
An “April Fool” in Bagdhad? John McCain By Felicity Arbuthnot, April 01 2018

From our archives. This article was first published by Global Research in April 2007

[Eleven years ago] On April Fool’s Day, 1st April, [2007] Senator John McCain went for a stroll in Baghdad’s central, sprawling Shorja Market. There were …

Gaza Mass Murder Postmortems By Stephen Lendman, April 01 2018

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

On Friday, Israeli soldiers killed 16 unarmed Gazans in cold blood, wounding over 1,400 others, some with life-threatening injuries, the death toll sure to rise – another 49 Palestinians

Trump Finds Fellow Bully in Bolton By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 01 2018

Nothing Donald Trump has done since his inauguration 14 months ago is more dangerous – to the United States, and indeed, to the world – than his selection of John Bolton for National Security Adviser. It is not surprising the

UN Secretary General’s Hollow Response to Israeli Mass Murder in Gaza By Stephen Lendman, April 01 2018

stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman

Antonio Guterres disgraces the office he holds, appointed to serve US-led Western interests. 

He consistently fails to observe UN Charter principles he’s sworn to uphold – notably preserving and protecting human rights, supporting

The British (Western) “Novichok” Plot against Russia. Fabricating a Pretext to Wage War? By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, April 01 2018

The West is doing everything to fabricate a cause of war against or to isolate Russia further internationally. So far, ‘Novichok’ rests on rumors.

The affair was made up the British and the French intelligence agencies without having presented any …

Trump Appoints Endangered Species Foe to Oversee Protection of America’s Most Imperiled Wildlife By Center For Biological Diversity, April 01 2018

The Trump administration has quietly named Susan Combs — an outspoken foe of endangered species and a climate change denier — as acting assistant secretary for fish, wildlife and parks. She now oversees the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and

Media Coverage of the Gaza Massacre: Had the Dead Been Israeli then VOA, CNN, NBC, ABC & CBS Would No Doubt Have Interrupted Their Schedule By Hans Stehling, April 01 2018

17 unarmed civilian refugees murdered in one day and 1400 protesters injured, by Israeli state-armed snipers. Had the dead and injured been Israeli then VOA, CNN, NBC, ABC & CBS would, no doubt, have interrupted schedules and programs within minutes. 

The Culture of Racism in America By Rev. Richard Skaff, April 01 2018
James Q Whitman the Ford Foundation Professor of Comparative and Foreign Law at Yale Law School has written a timely book about American racism and its influence on Adolf Hitler, the Nazi party, and the Nuremberg laws.
The author uses
New Poll Shows Republicans Losing Voter-Base By Eric Zuesse, March 31 2018
The Morning Consult poll released on March 30th headlines “Republicans Drive Biggest Decline in Voter Optimism Since Trump Took Office: Record drop isn’t matched by a similar decrease in president’s approval rating.”
The U.S. budget-bill and its soaring federal
The End Game! Those Who Speak against War and Tell the Truth are Targeted By Massoud Nayeri, March 31 2018

The most powerful military forces of NATO have engaged in a pre-war blame game against Russia.  The official story is that Mr. Putin personally ordered the death of a former British spy (Sergei Skripal) and his daughter by poisoning them

Faking it and Fakery in Malaysia: Prime Minister Najib and Censorship By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 31 2018

Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad, a figure who served as Prime Minister for 21 years

Fake news has not merely become a business but a designation.  It is a way of silencing dissent, and questioning accounts. For the authoritarian, this is

Israel Kills or Injures Hundreds of Palestinian Refugees: Britain and America Watch in Silence By Hans Stehling, March 31 2018

The United Nations is held in contempt, by Israel, as Resolution 2334 of the UNSC is rejected: Trump and May actively supporting the criminal conduct of the Netanyahu government whose military action flagrantly violates international law and the express provisions

US National Security Advisor John Bolton Backs MEK Terrorists By Tony Cartalucci, March 31 2018

Talk surrounding US President Donald Trump’s move to appoint John Bolton as his new National Security Advisor has focused on Bolton’s role in promoting the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq and the profound contrast his appointment signifies in light of

Warfare Tools
Venezuela Raises the Minimum Wage. “It’s an Offense” Says the ILO, It Goes against the Rights of Corporations By Nino Pagliccia, March 31 2018

It is not news that Venezuela is being ostracized in any conceivable form short of an actual military invasion, although threats to that effect have also been made by the US government. Other governments and institutions like the Organization of

NATO’s 1999 “Humanitarian Bombing” of Yugoslavia, Month Two By David Orchard, March 31 2018

March 2018  marks the 19th anniversary of  NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia

This article by David Orchard who relentlessly led Canada’s antiwar movement against NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia was published as a widely distributed leaflet and on the Internet on April …

Emergency U.N. Security Council Session on Bloodbath in Gaza By Stephen Lendman, March 31 2018

Late Friday, Security Council members met in emergency session – in response to Israeli violence in Gaza.

Nearly all SC members called on both sides to show restraint, ignoring Israeli mass murder, the session lasting a scant 66 minutes –

For the World Community, Palestinian Lives Don’t Matter By Stephen Lendman, March 31 2018

(stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Throughout its sordid history, Israel turned the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and especially Gaza into free-fire zones – killing, injuring, maiming, and otherwise brutalizing Palestinians with impunity.

The world community doesn’t care …

Russian Exodus from the West By Peter Koenig, March 30 2018

By now the West – the US, Canada, Australia and the super-puppets of Europe, overall more than 25 countries – has expelled more than 130 Russian diplomats. All as punishment for Russia’s alleged nerve gas poisoning of a former Russian

Escalating Economic Warfare: Theresa May to Ban Russian Sovereign Debt Sales in UK? By Stephen Lendman, March 30 2018

Is this the next shoe to drop? Will the Trump administration follow suit, officials of both countries pressuring others to impose a similar ban?

Theresa May reportedly is considering a UK ban on Russian sovereign debt, escalated economic war if …

Russia-Trump Probe: Special Prosecutor to Investigate Alleged FBI/DOJ FISA Abuses By Stephen Lendman, March 30 2018

In mid-March, GOP House and Senate members called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a special prosecutor to work jointly with Justice Department inspector general Michael Horowitz in investigating alleged FBI and DOJ Trump/Russia probe abuses.

House Judiciary chairman …

Selected Articles: Facebook Listening through Your Smartphone, Britain’s “Patriot Act”, Why America Isn’t Great Anymore By Global Research News, March 30 2018

Global Research is a small team that believes in the power of information and analysis to bring about far-reaching societal change including a world without war.

Truth in media is a powerful instrument. As long as we keep probing, asking

Donald Trump’s War Cabinet. Will Rising Military Spending Trigger A Fiscal Meltdown? By David Stockman, March 30 2018

Last week the Donald’s incipient trade war got Wall Street’s nerves jangling, but that wasn’t the half of what’s coming.

To wit, Trump has now essentially formed a War Cabinet and signed a Horribus spending bill that is a warrant …

State Sponsorship of Terrorism? US Judge Allows 9/11 Lawsuits against Saudi Arabia to Proceed By Middle East Eye, March 30 2018

A US judge in New York on Wednesday rejected Saudi Arabia’s request to dismiss lawsuits accusing it of helping in the 9/11 attacks.

The cases are based on the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (Jasta), a 2016 law that …

Melting Arctic and Antarctic Ice Sheets, Rising Oceans: The High Price of Delayed Action on Climate Change By Dan Drollette Jr, March 30 2018

New research (February 20, 2018) in Nature Communications found that in the 168 years that have passed since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the world’s oceans have risen a total of about 8 inches. The study also found that

Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un Historic Meeting in Beijing: Make Korea United Again! By Federico Pieraccini, March 30 2018

Kim Jong-un’s visit reveals much about the tactics that will be used in the negotiations between the Korean leader and the American president; it also consolidates a historical relationship between Pyongyang and Beijing

The recent meeting in Beijing between the …

Israel Puts 100 Snipers on Gaza Border to Face “Right of Return” Protests By Middle East Eye, March 30 2018

The Israeli military has sent more than 100 snipers to the Gaza border in preparation for a planned mass Palestinian demonstration near the frontier of the besieged enclave, Israel’s top general said on Wednesday.

Organisers hope thousands in Gaza will …

Russia Responds Weakly to Expulsion of Its Diplomats By Stephen Lendman, March 30 2018

As expected, the response was tit-for-tat – 60 US diplomats expelled, as well as closure of Washington’s St. Petersburg consulate, along with a mirror response to staff deported by other countries.

Days earlier, Moscow expelled 23 UK diplomats, responding in …

March for Eight Billion Lives. “US Wars and Domestic Gun Violence are Intertwined.” Interview with Riva Enteen By Ann Garrison, March 30 2018

Organizers of the upcoming Women’s March on the Pentagon are calling on the Democratic Party-sponsored Women’s March and March for Our Lives to expand their message to include the eight billion lives on the planet, all of which are imperiled

The Twilight of the Empire Age: Whose World Will It Be? Why America Isn’t Great Anymore By Amir Nour, March 30 2018

We can bomb the world to pieces, but we can’t bomb it into peace

-Michael Franti[2]

David and Goliath in an upside-down world

President Donald Trump doesn’t seem to share Georges Clemenceau’s view that “war is too …

Obama’s Trojan Horse: America’s Cuban Soft Coup By Michael Welch and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 30 2018

This program was originally broadcast January 12th 2018.

Please note, Cuban Parliamentarian Juan Carlos Rodriguez Diaz is touring Canadian cities until April 5th to talk about elections and democracy in modern day Cuba.

Review details of the visit…

Bolton: Another War Criminal Joins Trump’s Gangster Regime By Richard Becker, March 30 2018

The appointment of the notorious warmonger John Bolton as National Security Advisor is the latest move in reorganizing the Trump inner circle as a war cabinet. The Bolton announcement came just days after the naming of Central Intelligence Agency director

DPRK Leader Kim Jong-un Will Meet South Korean President Moon Jae-in on 27 April By Adam Garrie, March 29 2018

After returning from China where he had a successful meeting with President Xi Jinping, the DPRK’s head of state Kim Jong-un is set to hold his first face-to-face meeting with his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in. This will only be

Russian Tensions Risk European Energy Crisis By The Energy Advocate, March 29 2018

Rising political tensions between Russia and the West could cause an energy crisis for Europe, which continues to be heavily reliant on Moscow for its energy resources, leaving the sector vulnerable to increasingly tense standoff between the Kremlin and the

UK Fusion Doctrine: Britain’s USA Patriot Act By Stephen Lendman, March 29 2018

Principles of both differ, their aims are similar.

The USA Patriot Act – aka Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act – purportedly aimed to combat Islamic terrorism Washington created and supports

China’s Gold Backed Petro-Yuan Challenges US Dollar Hegemony By Stephen Lendman, March 29 2018

Its introduction poses the first ever challenge to petro-dollar dominance.

China is the world’s largest oil importing/consuming nation. Gold-backed petro-yuan futures trading began Monday on the Shanghai International Energy Exchange, part of the Shanghai Futures Exchange – letting Chinese and

Trump’s Trade War: US Demands China Keep Importing American Garbage By Zero Hedge, March 29 2018

As it tries to strike an agreement with the US to avert a trade war that economists fear could destabilize global markets, China has an ace up its sleeve that it’s just about ready to play: The Communist Party last

The Washington Based “Arabia Foundation”: U.S. Media Boosts Obvious Saudi Front Group as Neutral “Think Tank” By Adam Johnson, March 29 2018

The Arabia Foundation appeared in spring 2016, seemingly out of nowhere, as a Saudi-focused think tank with “ties to Riyadh,” but vaguely independent of the regime. Or at least independent enough so that media wouldn’t represent it as an extension

France’s Political Landscape: Trade Unions and Left Parties Confront Macron’s Attacks on Rail Services and Jobs By Dick Nichols, March 29 2018

France is once again on the brink of an all-out industrial war – and its outcome could transform the country’s political landscape. The showdown is over the plans that President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Edouard Philippe have for the

President Trump is “Not Above the Law”: In Historic Ruling, Federal Judge Rules Corruption Suit Against The President of the United States Can Proceed By Julia Conley, March 29 2018

A lawsuit alleging that President Donald Trump has violated constitutional law by profiting from his Washington, D.C. hotel will proceed, after a federal judge in Maryland rejected the Trump administration’s bid to have the case thrown out on Wednesday.

The …

Is Facebook Listening through Your Smartphone Microphone? Whistleblower Says Yes By True Publica, March 29 2018

A couple of years ago I had a pair of sunglasses stolen from my car when I forgot to take them with me when the car was being serviced. I complained to the garage and indignantly reported this important event

US Sells Poland Patriot Anti-Missile System amid Continued Campaign against Russia By Bill Van Auken, March 29 2018

The Pentagon and Poland Wednesday signed a $4.75 billion deal to sell the eastern European country the Patriot anti-missile system.

While Poland’s extreme right-wing government hailed the arms deal, the largest in the country’s history, it will undoubtedly further stoke …

Donald Trump’s Appointment of John Bolton Means “Regime Change is Coming to Iran”? By Derrick Broze, March 29 2018

The latest neo-conservative warmonger to join the Trump Administration does not bode well for the people of Iran.

On Thursday Donald Trump announced that John Bolton, a former official in George W. Bush’s administration and former ambassador to the UN, …

Theresa May’s “Propaganda Machine”: The Salisbury Incident Report. “Hard Evidence” For Soft Minds By Oriental Review, March 29 2018

The UK government’s presentation on the Salisbury incident, which was repeatedly cited in recent days as an “ultimate proof” of Russia’s involvement into Skripal’s assassination attempt, was made public earlier today.

This 6-paged PDF is a powerful evidence of another …

Trump’s “End-Game” Could Become Ours. “The President Cannot Find a Lawyer”. “They Want Trump Out” By Eric Zuesse, March 29 2018

On March 28th, CNN headlined “An unheard-of problem: The President can’t find a lawyer” and reported that: 

Five large law firms are passing on the opportunity to represent the President after a shakeup last week on his private defense team

US-EU Economic Sanctions Inflict Suffering on War Battered Syrian Children By Sarah Abed, March 29 2018

The US and EU economic sanctions on Syria are inflicting suffering upon ordinary Syrians and preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid, according to a leaked UN internal report. Embargoes supposed to target President Bashar al-Assad to contribute to his removal

Marching for the Democrats: Another Farce on Washington? By Ajamu Baraka, March 29 2018

“They called in [Roy] Wilkins; they called in [A. Philip] Randolph; they called in these national Negro leaders that you respect and told them, ‘Call it off.’ Kennedy said, ‘Look, you all are letting this thing go too far.’ And

Will Turkey Withdraw From NATO? Shift in Military Alliances. Ankara Realigns with Moscow? By Sputnik, March 29 2018

Commenting on President Putin recently touting advanced Russian weapons and lawmaker Alexander Sherin signaling Moscow’s readiness to stand up for its partners, including Ankara, Turkish military expert Beyazit Karatas told Sputnik that these statements indicate that Ankara does not need

Towards the Creation of “Greater Albania”. Historical Roots, Imperial Ambitions By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, March 29 2018


Today it is quite obvious that Western-backed process of creation of a Greater Albania is not any propaganda myth but rather visible reality. South Serbia’s province of Kosovo-Metochia is already, de facto, a part of “united” Albania from June

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un: Sailing on Uncharted Waters By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, March 29 2018

The prospective meeting between President Trump and North Korea’s Chairman Kim Jong Un would be historic, and regardless of the outcome it will have major implications for years to come. The conflict over North Korea’s nuclear arsenals and ballistic missiles

Monetary Policy, Money Supply and The Bank of Canada By Prof. John Ryan, March 29 2018

Note: This article was revised on April 9, 2018 to add some additional material and to correct some inadvertent errors in the previous version.

Few people understand the Canadian government’s relationship with the Bank of Canada or the nature of …

Canada at War: NATO’s March 1999 Military Assault on Yugoslavia By David Orchard, March 29 2018

David Orchard led the anti-war campaign across Canada relentlessly mobilizing support against NATO’s war on Yugoslavia.

March 24, 2018 commemorates the 19th anniversary of  NATO’s war on Yugoslavia.

This article was originally published on Globe and Mail on March 26, …

Social Activism Funded by Global Capitalism, Serves the Neoliberal World Order. The 2018 World Social Forum (WSF) in Salvador, Brazil By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 28 2018

At the World Social Forum in Salvador de Bahia, thousands of people took to the streets “in the name of democracy”: the women’s movement, Black Lives Matter, Environmentalists, Indigenous People’s Organizations, the Landless Farmers Movement, Youth Organizations, Students, LGBT, among

Selected Articles: “Nuclear Roulette” and the Doomsday Clock… By Global Research News, March 28 2018

Thanks to the contributions of our readers, we have been able to maintain complete independence. You can help Global Research make information available to the widest possible readership.  

We ask that you consider making a donation to Global Research in

U.S. Officials Demand Al Jazeera Register as Propaganda ‘Agent’ By Peter Van Buren, March 28 2018

A bipartisan group of lawmakers has called for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate whether Al Jazeera, the news outlet connected to the Qatari government, should register with the Justice Department as an agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act

Teachers’ Rebellion Spreads on Four Continents By Eric London, March 28 2018

Teachers across the world are leading a global wave of worker militancy as strikes and protests spread across North and South America, Europe, and Africa.

In the United States, protests sparked by the rebellion of West Virginia teachers continued this …

Bolton’s Past Advocacy for Israel at US Expense Heralds Dangerous New Era in Geopolitics By Whitney Webb, March 28 2018

This article is Part I of a series exploring the past of soon-to-be National Security Adviser John Bolton and what his recent appointment will mean for U.S. foreign policy, with a focus on the Middle East, Latin America, and the

The Liberation of Eastern Ghouta. Statement of Syria Solidarity Movement By Syria Solidarity Movement, March 28 2018

The complete liberation of Eastern Ghouta is imminent.

Just as during the liberation of Aleppo, western governments and mainstream media inflated the numbers of trapped civilians and accused Syrian government forces of deliberately targeting them, failing to provide them with

Largest Military Aid in Israel’s History: $705 Million for Missile “Defence” Programmes By Middle East Monitor, March 28 2018

Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that the US Congress had approved the largest defence aid contribution for Israel since it was created in 1948, Quds Press reported yesterday.

On Twitter, he wrote:

“I am pleased to announce that the

40 Tons of Chemical Weapons Found in Areas Liberated from Militants in Syria By South Front, March 28 2018

Chemical weapon production facilities and 40 tons of poisonous substances have been found in areas liberated from militants in Syria.

“The Syrian Foreign Ministry pointed out that more than 40 tons of poisonous substances were found on the territories, liberated

Caught on Camera: Israel Targets Civilians with a Chemical Weapon Drone By Zero Hedge, March 28 2018

For the first time, Lebanon-based Al-Mayadeen TV released new dramatic footage showing Israeli forces using a weaponized unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) against a Hamas rally in the Gaza Strip, according to the Times of Israel.

The short video …

What Does Pompeo’s Rise Mean for the Middle East? By Salman Rafi Sheikh, March 28 2018

Replacement of Rex Tillerson with Mike Pompeo in the US government doesn’t simply mean a simple replacement of one secretary of state with another; it illustrates, in significant ways, a subtle yet certain change in the US policy with regard

Mass Expulsion of Russian Diplomats, Prelude for “Worse to Come”? By Stephen Lendman, March 28 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Out-of-control Western hostility toward Russia ominously resembles earlier events preceding world wars I and II.

History doesn’t repeat. It rhymes, Mark Twain once

Old Pretexts for Mass-Murderous Aggression: A New War Against Russia in Ukraine Unfolding Before Our Eyes? By Prof. John McMurtry, March 28 2018
We are now entering yet another US-UK led war build-up against the cornerstone of Western ideology, the designated Enemy Russia. As usual there is amnesia to keep the two-billion-dollar a day NATO war machine going,
Diplomatic Madness: The Expulsion of Russian Diplomats By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 28 2018

How gloriously brave it seemed, some 23 nations coming together like a zombie collective to initiate a fairly ineffectual action in of itself: the expulsion of Russian diplomats or, as they preferred to term it, intelligence operatives. 

It all began …

The Struggle to Defeat Austerity in Detroit and the World By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 28 2018

Featured image: Abayomi Azikiwe addresses the National Conference to Defeat Austerity, March 24, 2018

Note: This is the text of an address delivered during the opening plenary of the National Conference to Defeat Austerity held on Sat. March 24, 2018

Syrian women
Syrians Defy Fabricated War Propaganda Narratives By Mark Taliano, March 28 2018
The West’s intentions in Syria are not noble or humanitarian. All of the militarized groups in Syria are supported by the West, and they all exist because of the West. “Moderate terrorists” never existed. ISIS, al Qaeda et al. are ALL Western proxy forces.
Let Our Teachers Teach, and Insist Our Leaders Lead By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 28 2018

Will Saturday’s astounding March for Our Lives become the defining protest of our time? Some say it’s comparable to Vietnam War era anti-war marches. Not actually comparable, I hope. Because it took daily news of American deaths month after month

The “Taiwan Travel Act” Is a Psy-Op Against China with Economic Dimensions By Andrew Korybko, March 28 2018

The US recently passed the so-called “Taiwan Travel Act”.

This piece of legislation decrees that the American government should encourage bilateral visits between its officials and their Taiwanese counterparts, essentially formalizing a policy that has been unofficial for

Killing Diplomacy By Dmitry Orlov, March 28 2018

There is the famous aphorism by Karl von Clausewitz: “War is the continuation of politics by other means.” This may be true, in many cases, but it is rarely a happy outcome. Not everybody likes politics, but when given