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Selected Articles: Novichok Myth Debunked; How Will Russia Respond? By Global Research News, April 05 2018

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Poverty Alleviation and “Basic Income”: Progressive Cloak and Neoliberal Dagger By John Clarke, April 05 2018

For almost three decades, the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) has been fighting against neoliberal austerity, especially that aspect of it that has involved systematically degrading systems of income support. The underlying motive in this attack has been to render

Israel Vows No Change in Free-Fire Policy against Palestinians By Stephen Lendman, April 05 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Throughout the Occupied Territories, Palestinian lives and welfare are threatened daily – Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem virtual free-fire zones.


Citing ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Motto, 3,000+ Google Employees Demand Company End Work on Pentagon Drone Project By Julia Conley, April 05 2018

More than 3,000 Google employees have signed a letter that’s circulating in the company demanding that the tech giant end its involvement in Project Maven, a Pentagon program that could be used to develop drone technology.

The project, the workers

Oil Firms’ Multimillion-dollar Bribery Racket Bringing Death to the Streets of Iraq’s Basra By Suadad al-Salhy, April 05 2018

Driving pick-up trucks, the hit squad prowled the streets of Basra in southern Iraq, searching for the oil contractor it had been sent to kill. When the gunmen finally cornered Kadhim Wattban near his home, just before midnight, the married

Britain’s Not So Distant History of State Sponsored Assassinations By Gavin OReilly, April 05 2018

With the eyes of the world focused on the alleged nerve agent attack on Sergei Skripal, the Russian who worked as a British double-agent before being exiled to the UK in 2010, since he and his daughter were found slumped

Raging US/UK Political Assault on Russia By Stephen Lendman, April 05 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

There’s no likely positive resolution to dangerously escalating US/UK-led Russia bashing – eerily similar to the run-up to earlier US-led NATO imperial wars.

The Deadly Legacy of Landmines in Angola By Giles Duley, April 05 2018

Featured image: Minga, Moxico province. Dec 2017

Over its 27-year duration, the [US sponsored] Angolan war led to the death of an estimated two million people – making it one of the deadliest of the 20th century. But nearly two

Venezuela Rejects Swiss Sanctions and Panama Accusations of Funding WMD and Terrorism By Paul Dobson, April 05 2018

Venezuelan authorities hit back at their counterparts in Panama and Switzerland this week after they approved new measures targeting Caracas.

Panama’s Economic and Finance Ministry announced this past March 27 that a warning was being issued to the Central American …

Coming Attraction: Lunatic Loose in the White House’s “West Wing”. Making US Foreign Policy Worse than it Is By Ray McGovern, April 05 2018

John Bolton’s March 22 appointment-by-tweet as President Donald Trump’s national security adviser has given “March Madness” a new and ominous meaning.  There is less that a week left to batten down the hatches before Bolton makes U.S. foreign

Boycott, Divest and Sanction Israel. The Geopolitical Construct that Terrorizes Gaza By Askiah Adam, April 05 2018

PALESTINE, that enclave of humanity occupied, brutalised and totally without any form of military defence against any and all aggressors is conveniently perceived as a threat by the Jewish state, Israel, the undeclared, sole nuclear power in West Asia and

East Ghouta Liberated. Free of Occupying Forces and Al Qaeda Terrorists By Syria Solidarity Movement, April 05 2018

The Damascus suburb of East Ghouta is free of occupying forces for the first time in six years, but western media refuse to tell the whole story. During the six years, for example, the militants occupying East Ghouta shelled Damascus

France: Student Strikers Attacked; ‘Fascist’ Dean Jailed By Richard Greeman, April 05 2018

Eight days ago (on March 29), the ultra-conservative Dean of the Montpellier University Law School was summoned to police headquarters, interrogated, hauled into court, and held over in jail for arraignment by the Chief Prosecutor – all on the complaint

The Militarization of the European Union: Schengen Area Handed Over to US-NATO Forces By Manlio Dinucci, April 05 2018
In 2015, General Ben Hodges, commander of US Army Europe, called for the establishment of a “military Schengen Area” so that, to face “Russian aggression”, US forces could move quickly throughout Europe.
Doubts About Novichok By Professor Paul Mckeigue, Professor Piers Robinson, and Jake Mason, April 05 2018


In view of the seriousness of the rapidly worsening relations between the West and Russia, and the quickly evolving military events in the Middle East, especially Syria, we have taken the step to publish relevant evidence-based analysis with respect

A Special Relationship Born in Hell: The US Should Cut all Ties with War Criminal Israel By Philip Giraldi, April 05 2018

If you want to understand what the “special relationship” between Israel and the United States really means consider the fact that Israeli Army snipers shot dead seventeen unarmed and largely peaceful Gazan demonstrators on Good Friday without a squeak coming

Video: Truth At Last: The Assassination of Martin Luther King By James Corbett, April 05 2018

Martin Luther King was assassinated on April 4th, 1968. The official story finds a lone gunman, James Earl Ray, bears the entire responsibility for the death. However, a 1999 civil court ruling found that the death resulted from a conspiracy …

Skripal-Novichok Case: Hiding UK-U.S. Lies Gets Top Priority By Eric Zuesse, April 05 2018

The U.S. and its allies have been successful in hiding the basis on which Russian diplomats were expelled from their countries — expelled on still-undocumented accusations that Russia’s Government was behind the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury

Psych Drugs and Guns Don’t Mix By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, April 05 2018

“Violence and other potentially criminal behaviors caused by prescription drugs are medicine’s best kept secret.” — David Healy, UK psychiatrist and author (and co-founder of

“The establishment media ignores the scientific evidence linking psychiatric medications and violent behavior

The Bayer-Monsanto Merger Is Bad News for the Planet By Ellen Brown, April 05 2018

Two new studies from Europe have found that the number of farm birds in France has crashed by a third in just 15 years, with some species being almost eradicated. The collapse in the bird population mirrors the discovery last

Lies Are Washington’s Chosen Path to Dominance By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 05 2018

I have been waiting to see how long the British Prime Minister, the British Foreign Secretary, and the British Defense Secretary could continue to lie through their teeth before it caught up with them.

The liars got away with their

April 4th, 1984 and April 4th, 1968: The Legacies of George Orwell and Martin Luther King By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, April 05 2018

This article was originally published on GR in October 2017.

I recently went to a theater production of George Orwell’s ”1984” and also recently viewed the Ken Burns 10 episode documentary “The Vietnam War”on PBS. Although the Burns documentary

Fight the Mainstream Media Silence! By Global Research and Global Research, April 04 2018

While the mainstream media rely on funding from major corporations to keep you misinformed, Global Research relies on you to look beyond the headlines and give you the essential information you need. For free.

Can you help us keep up …

Selected Articles: Martin Luther King’s Struggle: 50 Years Later By Global Research News, April 04 2018

We should carefully reflect on Martin Luther King’s  message to the World.

MLK understood the relationship between America’s war agenda and social justice and civil rights in America. “No one who has any concern for the integrity and life of …

US/China Trade War Escalates By Stephen Lendman, April 04 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

US Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer accused China of US Trade Act of 1974 violations, stating:

“1. China uses foreign ownership restrictions, such

Gaza Doctor Accuses Israel of Using Exploding Bullets, Israeli Ambassador Calls Norwegians ‘Nazis’ for Denouncing Gaza Massacre By Richard Silverstein, April 04 2018

UPDATE: I consulted a number of munitions experts before publishing this post. None responded till after it was published. An anthropologist specializing in guerrilla conflicts said he believed the bullets used in the massacre were high velocity munitions used normally

Court Orders Trump Administration to Release Public Records on Wildlife Imports By Center For Biological Diversity, April 04 2018

A federal court in Arizona has ordered the Trump administration to release public records about how much wildlife is being imported into the United States, including live animals for the pet trade and dead animals destined for clothing and biomedical

U.S. and Its Press Lie Americans Into Invasions Routinely By Eric Zuesse, April 04 2018

The 2003 invasion of Iraq is the best-known example of America’s Government and press lying to fool its public to invade a foreign country that actually posed no threat to U.S. national security (so that America’s Defense Department was obviously

US-Dominated NATO Needs Enemies to Justify Its Existence By Stephen Lendman, April 04 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The North Atlantic Alliance functions as an arm of US imperial policy – intended for offense, not defense, especially after Soviet Russia dissolved.

Germ Warfare: U.S. Dropped Plague-infected Fleas on North Korea in March 1952 By Jeffrey Kaye, April 04 2018

There is a great deal of misunderstanding between the people of the United States and North Korea. This is largely due to the lack of information the average U.S. citizen has about the suffering endured by Koreans during the Korean

After the Massacre in Gaza, US Congress Attempts to Outlaw “Opposition to Israel” By David Havranek, April 04 2018

The world watched in anger and horror as Israeli sharp shooters killed 18 Palestinian demonstrators and wounded more than 750 on March 31.  Footage of the blatant murder of civilians, including children shot in the back while running away, can

Is the Eurozone in a Dead End? By F. William Engdahl, April 04 2018

It’s remarkable that the Euro and the Eurozone currency grouping hasn’t fallen apart until now. Greece could have done it in 2010 but it was avoided by extraordinary acts of the Euro governments and European Central Bank. Now those actions

U.K. is Lying: If Skripal was Poisoned at His Home, The Agent Used against Him Cannot be Nerve Gas By Bassim al-Khalili, April 04 2018
If Sergey and Julia Skripal were poisoned in front of their house, then they wouldn’t have been able to walk through Salisbury. Thus, this fact completely excludes the use of nerve agent Novichok.
Palestine – All the Gods Are with You, but None Dares Scream Murder By Peter Koenig, April 04 2018

Imagine! The western monotheistic world worships all these gods – never mind the contradiction in monotheistic –  and variations of gods – the Jewish god, the Muslim god, the variety and shades of Christian gods, stretching from the god substitute

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 50 Years Later: The Struggle Against Racism, War & Poverty Continues By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 04 2018

April 4, 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of MLK in Memphis Tenn.

Featured image: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Dr. Benjamin Spock at UN Demonstration against Vietnam War, April 15, 1967 

This year also marks the

An Oil Price Rally Is Likely? By Nick Cunningham, April 03 2018

Oil prices seesawed at the start of the week before jumping close to multi-year highs on geopolitical concerns, with Brent hitting $70 and WTI at $65. However, geopolitical pressure is only able to influence oil prices to such a degree

Trump Freezing Money for Syria that Nobody Knew About By Miri Wood, April 03 2018

Recent news reports claim that US President Donald J. Trump has frozen more than $200 million in funds “earmarked for Syria recovery efforts” that nobody seems to have known about until this freezing  announcement.  Ostensibly, recently fired SoS Tillerson had

International Criminal Court
National Security Adviser John Bolton: A ‘Bolt’ From the Past By Philip A Farruggio, April 03 2018

As most people now know, Trump picked John Bolton to be his new National Security Advisor. Many progressive and libertarian outlets have already lambasted Bolton for his Neo Con credentials and agenda. With that nasty smirk on his face, Bolton

Americans Trust ‘Our’ Intelligence Agencies. Should We? Government by Deceit Cannot be Democracy By Eric Zuesse, April 03 2018

The record is clear that ‘our’ (that is, the ruling Establishment’s) intelligence agencies, such as the CIA, have lied to the public many times, and actually lie routinely — but these lies are always revealed only decades later, by historians,

Tsarist Russia and the Balkans: A Brief Historical Overview By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, April 03 2018

The Balkan Peninsula, together with the region of South-East Europe, historically has been one of the most important focal points of Russian foreign policy, cultural influences and attempts to spread an ideology of the Orthodox solidarity and the Slavic reciprocity.[1] 

France Risks War with Fellow NATO Member Turkey in Effort to Prop Up Syrian Rebels By Darius Shahtahmasebi, April 03 2018

U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent surprise announcement that he plans to withdraw the United States military from Syria “very soon” and that he will let “the other people take care of it now” may be more telling of what’s

Workers Rights: Major Strikes in France Challenge Macron’s Right-wing Reforms By Peter Schwarz and Eric London, April 03 2018

Many different sectors of the working class in France began massive strikes this morning, after railroad workers stopped work last night. Rail workers opposed to French President Emmanuel Macron’s proposal to privatize the state-owned rail company SNCF are leading

Brexit Talks Turn Ugly on Gibraltar: UK Prepared to “Go to War With Spain”? Former Tory Leader By Andrew Rettman, April 03 2018

Featured image: Royal Gibraltar Regiment on parade outside Buckingham Palace in London (Photo: Defence Images)

Britain has said Spain can have no new powers over Gibraltar, as Brexit prompts hard talk on sovereignty, security, and borders.

“We will never enter

After 15,000 March on Capitol, Oklahoma Teachers’ Strike Enters Second Day By Jerry White, April 03 2018

Featured image: A section of the demonstration in Oklahoma City

Some 15,000 Oklahoma teachers, support staff, students and public employees marched and rallied at the state capitol in Oklahoma City on Monday, the first day of a statewide strike by

Massacre at Gaza’s Borders: We Will Not be Silent – End Israeli Impunity By Freedom Flotilla Coalition, April 03 2018

On Land Day, March 30, thousands of peaceful, hopeful and unarmed Palestinian women, men and children gathered at the borders of Gaza for the Great March of Return. Initial reports indicate that at least 16 Palestinian people have been

Skripal Incident Deception By Stephen Lendman, April 03 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The March 4 incident followed earlier fabricated accusations, falsely blaming Russia for things it had nothing to do with.

No evidence was presented

Sarkozy’s Hand in the French Cookie Jar? By Eric Margolis, April 03 2018

There was something refreshing about watching former French president Nicolas Sarkozy being interrogated in a French jail.   Particularly since he may soon be accused of conspiracy in the murder of my old friend, Col. Muammar Khadaffi of Libya.

Sarkozy and …

Trump Invited Putin to Washington By Stephen Lendman, April 03 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

According to Western media reports (Wash. Post, USA Today, Bloomberg, Reuters, London Guardian, AFP, among others), Trump extended the invitation by phone when

The Israel Massacre Forces By Gideon Levy, April 03 2018

While the Western media fails to condemn the crimes committed by the Netanyahu government, the Israeli media is speaking out. Below are excerpts from Gideon Levy‘s article published by Haaretz.


The death counter ticked away wildly. One death

Martin Luther King, Lesson for Today: Militarism and Economic Exploitation, Blatant Racism at Home and Imperialism Abroad By Peter Ford, April 03 2018

Martin Luther King was not deceived: American militarism and ‘the evils that are rooted deeply in the whole structure of our society’ are closely connected. That is why he came out bravely to express his opposition to the war in

Is France at War with Turkey? By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, April 03 2018

As Russian diplomats are expelled from Europe, bringing the world to the brink of war, the NATO military alliance in Syria appears to be disintegrating. On March 29, French President Emmanuel Macron said France would send troops to help the

Trump Wants Out of Syria? OK! By World Beyond War, April 03 2018

Donald Trump recently told a cheering crowd: “We’ll be coming out of Syria like very soon. Let the other people take care of it now.” In the next breath he claimed that “we” would be “coming out” just after

Websites Being Blocked in the UK – “Is Negative Information about the Conservative Party being Censored?” By True Publica, April 03 2018

Here’s something interesting, possibly a bit amusing and definitely a bit suspicious. OpenRightsGroup is the UK’s only digital campaigning organisation working to protect the rights to privacy and free speech online. We have featured many of their campaigns and opinions

Salisbury Continues to Suffer while Theresa May Plays Novichok Game By Lesley Docksey, April 03 2018

Salisbury is still suffering from the crazy Skripal/nerve agent event that took place on Sunday 4th March.  Four weeks on the picture is still grim despite local efforts to encourage people to come to the city.  It is after

Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murder of Unarmed Palestinians by Israeli Security Forces By Black Alliance for Peace, April 03 2018

A reported 17,000 Palestinians peacefully marched in Gaza on March 30 as they made their historic demand for a right to return to their ancestral lands when they were met by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) snipers who opened fire, killing

Weapons for Anyone: Donald Trump and the Art of the Arms Deal By William D. Hartung, April 03 2018

It’s one of those stories of the century that somehow never gets treated that way. For an astounding 25 of the past 26 years, the United States has been the leading arms dealer on the planet, at some moments in

The Role of the Youth in the Coming Transformation By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, April 03 2018

The eruption of youth protests over gun violence in schools and other issues is another indicator that the 2020s could be a decade of transformation where people demand economic, racial and environmental justice as well as peace. Students who are

Russia Claims Skripal Poisoning Was Staged by the UK Intelligence By Zero Hedge, April 03 2018

Russia’s Ambassador to the UK, Alexander Yakovenko, says that London’s reluctance to share information on the March 4 poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal has led Moscow to suggest that London authorities actually perpetrated the crime.

“We have

Climate Change, Biodiversity, Wildlife and the Ecosystem By Ashley Braun, April 02 2018

Featured image: Sierpe river mangrove in Costa Rica. Credit: Tanguy de Saint-Cyr/, via IPBES

A sweeping new report released today emphasizes just how intertwined the challenges of climate change and loss of biodiversity truly are.

The Paris Climate

The White Helmets are “Black Helmets”, They are Al Qaeda By Mark Taliano, April 02 2018

The White Helmets are Black Helmets.  They are al Qaeda, and the Canadian government supports them financially and politically.[1]

Canadian MP Arif Virani explains on his Facebook page that,

“Today in Parliament, we received a delegation from the White Helmets.

Activists at Tel Aviv Demo Say ‘Gazans Searched for Freedom, Got Shot’. “Not in Our Name” By Itay Blumenthal, April 02 2018

In a bitter irony, while the Western media through deliberate omission provided a biased analysis of  the massacre committed by Israeli forces, in contrast segments of the Israeli media have nonetheless  tacitly acknowledged the crimes committed  by the Netanyahu government.

Jews for Justice By Stephen Lendman, April 02 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Most Israelis either support suppression of Palestinian resistance violently or by other means – or they’re preoccupied with their own lives, indifferent to

The Scourge of War and The Children of Vietnam By David T. Ratcliffe, April 02 2018

This is an exposition of the photographic essay by William Pepper about the children of Vietnam that Martin Luther King first saw on January l4, 1967.

Initially, while he hadn’t had a chance to read the text, it was the

Selected Articles: Mass Deception and the Prelude to World War By Global Research News, April 02 2018

We thank readers who have contributed to Global Research. If you have the means to make a small or large donation in support of our fight for truth, peace and justice around the world, your gesture will be much appreciated.

Why the Nuclear War Is No Longer Unthinkable? By Maxim Nikolenko, April 02 2018

Just a few weeks before his reelection, President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech to the members of the Federal Assembly, setting an agenda for the country’s military and economic development. Internationally, this annual event has gained attention as Russia, apart

Two Minutes to Midnight: The Global Nuclear Suicide Machine By Dr. Andrew Glikson, April 02 2018

“The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save human way of thinking and thus we drift toward unparalleled catastrophes.” Albert Einstein 1946

Daniel Ellsberg, former presidential advisor, who has released the famous top-secret Pentagon Papers related to the

Resisting Israeli Tyranny a Legitimate Palestinian Right By Stephen Lendman, April 02 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Resisting tyranny is a universal right. Thomas Jefferson called it “obedience to God.”

In his second Treatise of Government, John Locke defended the

Was the Alleged Skripal Poisoning Incident an Elaborate Hoax? By Stephen Lendman, April 02 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Was whatever happened on March 4 to father and daughter Skripal something other than what the official narrative reported?

Did anything at all …

Mass Deception and the Prelude to World War By Colin Todhunter, April 02 2018

In Libya, NATO bombed a path to Tripoli to help its proxy forces on the ground oust Gaddafi. Tens of thousands lost their lives and that country’s social fabric and infrastructure now lies in ruins. Gaddafi was murdered and his

Nonviolence or Nonexistence? The Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. By Robert J. Burrowes, April 02 2018

Fifty years ago, on 4 April 1968, the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated.

The night before he died, King gave another of his many evocative speeches; this one at the packed Mason Temple in Memphis. The speech included

It’s Not Russia, America’s Unspoken Program of “Political Assassinations”. By Eric Sommer, April 02 2018

World media has for weeks uncritically accepted British government claims, backed by the U.S., that the Russian government attempted to assassinate  the double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, with a weapons grade” nerve agent. Even a minute

Neoconservative Ideology in the Trump White House. U.S. Military Power, Torture and the Defense of Israel By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 02 2018

One of the most influential neoconservatives in Washington is Robert Kagan, the husband of Victoria Nuland who was the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs under the Obama administration (and one of the architects of the Ukraine’s civil

NATO Aggression Continues: Appeal for Peace By Živadin Jovanović, Milomir Miladinović, and Nićifor Aničić, April 02 2018

We, the participants of the Conference titled “NATO Aggression on Serbia (the FRY), 19 Years On – Aggression Continues“, held on March 21, 2018, in the Serbian Army Home, in Belgrade, co-organized by the Belgrade Forum for a World of

The Growing Threat of War and the Critical State of the Global Financial System By Ernst Wolff, April 02 2018

Three developments are shaping the current world situation: an increase in social tensions, the intensification of international political conflicts and the increasingly undisguised preparation of the Western alliance for war against Iran.

The mainstream media try to miss no opportunity …

Video: Murder in Gaza By Information Clearing House, April 02 2018

Watch Israeli occupation forces shoot and kill unarmed Palestinian protester.




Are the U.S. and Russia “Making Preparations for World War III”? The Role of Israel By Eric Zuesse, April 02 2018

The anti-neoconservative Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who had been the chief aide to U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell and had opposed America’s invading Iraq, spoke on March 2nd explaining how the U.S. and Russia are drifting ever-more-rapidly into World War

Big Guns Destroy U.S. Schools By Sara Flounders, April 02 2018

Bigger guns are destroying children’s lives in U.S. schools than the AR-15 used in the heinous Florida school murders.

Schools across the country are facing untenable choices of what programs to slash and how many teachers to cut, with an

1.8 Million Blockaded and Starved by an Israeli State that Now Shoots to Kill By Hans Stehling, April 02 2018

For 11 years Gaza’s population of 1.8m has been blockaded and starved by Israel – a state whose soldiers now shoot to kill unarmed civilian protesters.  As of today, there are 1,799,983 civilians remaining in Gaza without adequate jobs, food

Trump’s Protectionism and China’s Emergence as a World Economic Power By Prof. James Petras, April 02 2018

US Presidents, European leaders and their academic spokespeople have attributed China’s growing market shares, trade surpluses and technological power to its “theft” of western technology, “unfair” or non-reciprocal trade and restrictive investment practices. President Trump has launched a ‘trade war’,

Trump’s Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital Shatters the International Consensus By John Quigley, April 02 2018

The Trump administration’s plan to move the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem shatters the international consensus and must be viewed against the history of Israel’s ethnic cleansing of the city’s Arab population and Israel’s efforts to