Global Research News

9/11 Inquiry: Lawyers and Victims’ Families File Petition for Federal Grand Jury Investigation By Ted Walter, April 12 2018

Yesterday morning, attorneys from the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, together with more than a dozen family members of 9/11 victims, filed a petition with the interim U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Geoffrey S. Berman,

Lavrov, Erdogan, and Afrin: Masterful Perception Management in Action By Andrew Korybko, April 12 2018

The curious episode earlier this week of President Erdogan rebuffing Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov’s request to return Afrin to Damascus’ control was nothing more than a brilliant display of perception management by the Moscow diplomat and confirms his reputation as

“Ground Control to Major Trump”: America’s Attacks and Invasions. “War is Good for Business” By Philip A Farruggio, April 12 2018

Those who remember the late David Bowies 1969 song Space Oddity can recall the lyrics ‘Ground Control to Major Tom’. Well, almost 50 years later we have what this writer refers to as a ‘War Oddity’.

L. Fletcher Prouty wrote …

Strategy of U.S. Anti-Russia Sanctions Becomes Clearer: Serving American Billionaires By Eric Zuesse, April 12 2018

On Friday, April 6th, Reuters headlined “Russian businessmen, officials on new U.S. sanctions list”, and opened: “The United States on Friday imposed major sanctions against 24 Russians, striking at allies of President Vladimir Putin over Moscow’s alleged meddling in

Iraqis’ Diet Fifteen Years After the Invasion. Travelling Through Baghdad By Barbara Nimri Aziz, April 12 2018

Some Iraqis might assert that today everything is available in their country. That’s true to a degree; if you exclude self-sufficiency. And trust.

Traveling throughout Baghdad and into the south I recognized the same models of vehicles one finds in …

Washington’s False Flag: United Nations Confirmed that US Supported Syrian “Rebels” Were Using Chemical Weapons By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 12 2018

Image Head of UN Mission Carla del Ponte

This article was first published in April 2017

Washington is Lying.

The Media is Lying.

The Chemical Weapons Attack is being used as a “False Flag”, a pretext and a justification to

Germany Together with 190 Other UN Member States, Have No Intention of Attacking Syria. Why Has Britain? By Hans Stehling, April 12 2018

Does the Conservative government of Theresa May imagine that Britain, in 2018, with just one tenth the armed forces of America, is still a global military power?

Does it imagine that the UK has millions to throwaway on a military

US Attack on Syria Is Futile but Serves a Purpose By M. K. Bhadrakumar, April 12 2018

The United Nations Security Council turned down a compromise resolution on Syria, proposed by Sweden and seconded by Russia seeking investigation on the alleged chemical attack in Douma. Five countries supported the resolution with two permanent members – United States

Poison Gas – Weapon of Choice for “False News” By Peter Koenig, April 12 2018

Featured image: Photograph of men in Khan Sheikdoun in Syria, allegedly inside a crater where a sarin-gas bomb landed. (Source: Consortiumnews)

Poison gas is not only deadly, it often provokes a slow suffocating death. That, perpetrated on innocent children, is

Syrian Army Captures British Military Men in Eastern Ghouta. Failed US-Israeli Plot to Launch Ground Assault on Damascus By Fars News Agency, April 12 2018

We bring to the attention of our readers this report by Fars News largely based on Middle East news sources, which remain to be fully corroborated.

A number of British military men were held captive by the Syrian army in

False Flag in Syria Sets Stage for Wider War By Tony Cartalucci, April 12 2018

The US threatened war within hours of an alleged chemical weapons attack taking place in Douma, northeast of Damascus.

The US rush to conflict attempts to sidestep any meaningful investigation into the attack, fitting a larger pattern of Washington and …

Is the US Trying to Turn Zambia into the “African Sri Lanka”? By Andrew Korybko, April 12 2018

The recent Mainstream Media speculation about the true state of Zambia’s debt might be manipulated by the US to craft the weaponized infowar narrative that the country’s becoming the “African Sri Lanka”, a misleading perception that would be designed to

An Appeal to James Mattis on the Supposed Chlorine Attack in Syria By Colonel W. Patrick Lang, April 12 2018

I beseech you, sir, to consider the possibility that the supposed chlorine gas attack at Douma, Syria may have been a carefully constructed propaganda fraud on the part of the rebels encircled in Douma.  Such a fraud would have as

The Red Cross Recognizes Israel’s “Legitimate Security Concerns” to Keep the Gaza Concentration Camp Sealed By Norman Finkelstein, April 12 2018

Featured image: The ICRC in Gaza. (Source: CC BY-NC-ND / ICRC / Mohamed Zarandah)

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is concerned about the human toll of the violence on the border of Gaza and Israel, in particular,

Trigger-Happy Trump and Syria: “The Worst Case Scenario Is Now Our Reality.” By Felicity Arbuthnot, April 12 2018
Draft Dodger in Chief might trigger a world war, over an incident in Syria which is entirely evidence free. Pictures of first responders with no protective clothing, gloves, but of the White Helmets in flip flops and casual clothing “gathering soil samples” from areas allegedly hit by deadly chemical weapons
The Most Important U.N. Security Council Vote Ever? Alleged Syria Chemical Weapons Attack and US-NATO Plans to Invade Syria By Eric Zuesse, April 12 2018

On Tuesday, April 10th, the U.S. and France were sending missiles, ships, planes and soldiers for an invasion of Syria, which is defended by Russia; and two alternative draft proposals were presented to the U.N. Security Council for authorizing

US Government Backs Dangerous New Genetic Manipulation of Plants and Animals By F. William Engdahl, April 12 2018

The Trump Administration is backing a new technology for the genetic manipulation of plants and even animals with no intend to supervise or regulate against possible dangers. If left unchecked, it could open a Pandora’s Box of dangers to human

International Law Experts Say Military Attack on Syria Would be Illegal By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, Ramsey Clark, Inder Comar, and Jeanne Mirer, April 12 2018

We are practitioners and professors of international law. Under international law, military strikes by the United States of America and its allies against the Syrian Arab Republic, unless conducted in self-defense or with United Nations Security Council approval, are illegal

When Your Bank Fails, Don’t Walk… Run! By Brett Redmayne-Titley, April 12 2018

So. The US economy is just fine. The post-recession 2010 Dodd-Frank legislation has cured all. Banks have lots of cash. Congress is your friend and that certain-to-pass Tax Cut and Jobs bill will finally allow you, your family and America

Lights, Action and War Propaganda: Al-Jazeera Releases White Helmets Video on Alleged Chemical Attack in Douma After Trump Says “It’s Time” for U.S. Forces to Leave Syria By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 12 2018

Al-Jazeera (who was recently forced to register as a propaganda agent of the Qatari government under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) in the U.S.) looks like they want to get on the good side of the Washington establishment has

Syria Chemical Weapons False Flag: Repeating Baseless Claims Is Not “Mounting Evidence” By Tony Cartalucci, April 12 2018

To date, all supposed evidence regarding recent allegations of a chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria, northeast of the capital Damascus, comes from Western-funded militants and their auxiliaries including the US-European government-funded front, the so-called “Syria Civil Defense,” better known

Trump’s Rush to Judgment on Syria Chemical Attack By Scott Ritter, April 12 2018

On Sunday, President Trump announced his intention to make those responsible for an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma, including the Syrian government and its Russian and Iranian allies, pay a “big price” for their continued disregard for international law.

“There Wasn’t a Single Corpse”: Russia Claims ‘White Helmets’ Staged Syria Chemical Attack By Zero Hedge, April 12 2018

Featured image: Vladimir Chizov

Russia claims that the reported chemical attack in Syria last Sunday was staged by the “white helmets,” a US-funded NGO lauded by mainstream media for their humanitarian work, while long-suspected of performing less-than humanitarian

Yulia Skripal Is Plainly Incommunicado and Under Duress By Craig Murray, April 12 2018

Only the Russians have allowed us to hear the actual voice of Yulia Skripal, in that recorded conversation with her cousin. So the one thing we know for certain is that, at the very first opportunity she had, she

Admiring Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg Goes Before Congress By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 12 2018

This is a dance of confused ends and mistrustful glances, mixed with occasional moments of misplaced adoration. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fame has never been an empathetic sort and his testifying before the US Congress has done nothing to dispel

Video: Experts Skeptical of Claim that Syria Carried Out Chemical Weapons Attack By Washington's Blog, April 12 2018

Numerous experts have expressed doubt that the Syrian government carried out a chemical weapons attack.

The former UK Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford, told BBC Radio Scotland regarding the alleged Douma chemical weapons attack:

  • The Syrian government is probably
Social Media War Hype: Apocalypse Now or Apocalypse Never? By Andrew Korybko, April 12 2018

The following is the article-amended version of Andrew Korybko’s Facebook post on why the hype about “World War III” is overblown and unfounded.

Many people on Facebook have fallen victim to the collective psychosis that’s sweeping social media and being …

The Art of War: The Western American Empire in Crisis By Manlio Dinucci, April 11 2018

The US tariff war against China and the new sanctions against Russia are signs of a trend that goes beyond current events.

To understand what it is, we should go back about thirty years ago. In 1991 the United States,

Dangerous Crossroads: Russian Naval Exercises Off the Syrian Coast. U.S. Military Deployment in the East Mediterranean By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 11 2018
These war games are conducted in response to ongoing US military threats directed against Syria, as well as the deployment of US naval power in the Eastern Mediterranean. Russia’s has announced that it will shoot down U.S. missiles if the U.S. attacks Syria.
Failed Diplomacy, Empty Threats of War, Corruption: The US Fading into Irrelevance – A Good Thing for the World By Federico Pieraccini, April 11 2018

Chaos reigns in the United States, spreading to its closest allies. The war amongst Western elites is in full swing, manifesting itself from commercial wars to failed diplomacy, empty threats of war, corruption, and announced military withdrawals and attacks.

To …

Trump’s Bellicose Statements Regarding the Use of Nuclear Weapons: Seeking Clarity on U.S Position By Nuclear Industries, April 11 2018

Other listeners were not so sure. But In November, the Los Angeles Times editorial board, after expressing alarm at President  Trump’s bellicose statements and impulsive governing style, reminded readers that in a pre-election televised debate with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump

The World War III Media Hype is Misplaced: The US-Russian Arms Competition Might Stabilize Their Standoff in Syria By Andrew Korybko, April 11 2018

Lost amidst the Alt-Media hysteria about the supposedly imminent commencement of World War III is the fact that any potential Russian military response to the US would show the world whether the S-400s can really stop Washington’s missiles, a “proof

The Russians Are Flabbergasted. The Syrian Hot Potato and the Poisoning of Sergey Skripal By Israel Shamir, April 11 2018

President Trump is so pissed off by the Stormy affair that he is likely to prefer a good old war to another humiliation. This suits his enemies and friends (though not his voters) to a tee. He has a choice

Trump Threatening World War III in Syria By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, April 11 2018

Historically this latest eruption of American militarism at the start of the 21st Century is akin to that of America opening the 20th Century by means of the U.S.-instigated Spanish-American War in 1898. Then the Republican administration of President William

On the Brink of a Full Blown War? Reports of Nuclear Submarines on the Way to Syria By True Publica, April 11 2018

Unbelievably, it is not an exaggeration to say we stand on the brink of a full-blown war between East and West. It appears that America has finally decided that no matter what, Syria, backed by Russia either packs up and

Syria’s Chemical Weapons – Lawbreakers Rule Supreme By Felicity Arbuthnot, April 11 2018

Featured image: A field deployable hydrolysis system, designed to neutralize chemical weapons aboard the container ship MV Cape Ray, Jan. 2, 2014. (Source: US Department of Defense)

This article was originally published by the Ecologist on March 13, 2014.


The Syria Chemical Weapons Saga: The Staging of a US-NATO Sponsored Humanitarian Disaster By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 11 2018
The West claims that it is coming to the rescue of the Syrian people, whose lives are allegedly threatened by Bashar Al Assad. The truth of the matter is that the Western military alliance is making chemical weapons available to its proxy "opposition" rebel forces.
The Canadian Government’s Silence on the Israeli Massacre in Gaza By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, April 11 2018

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) condemns the Canadian government’s silence on the Israeli massacres unfolding in Gaza. Since March 30th, Palestinians have held a series of peaceful demonstrations at Gaza’s border with Israel, calling for

Propaganda, Disinformation and Dirty Tricks: James Earl Ray Was Innocent of the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, April 11 2018

The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media…We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American people believe is false.” – William Colby, Ronald Reagan’s Director of the CIA (1981)

“You can fool all the

Sleepers Awake, We Are Heading toward Imminent Disaster By Edward Curtin, April 11 2018

April 10, 2018

Donald Trump is preparing to ignite the Middle East and move the world a big step closer to total war.  There is a very good chance the corporate mainstream media, accomplices in massive war crimes, will be

Challenges for Resolving Complex Conflicts By Robert J. Burrowes, April 11 2018

While conflict theories and resolution processes advanced dramatically during the second half of the 20th century, particularly thanks to the important work of several key scholars such as Professor Johan Galtung – see ‘Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means (the

Pacific Moves: China, Vanuatu and Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 11 2018
Video: U.S. Conservatism Slams the Uneasy Bipartisan Consensus in Favor of War with Syria By Global Research News, April 10 2018

Genuine rifts are unfolding within US conservatism regarding the war with Syria, which could potentially lead to a shift in the Trump administration’s policy stance. 

Here’s a nice rant on Fox News by a man who has described himself as

On Universities and NATO War Drums: How Deep Does the Corruption Go? By Prof. John McMurtry, April 10 2018

It is coming clear these days that many university professors are increasingly fat-cat and lazy, not doing any research once they get tenure. It is a system-wide corruption of the academy, so entrenched that central administrations have only led the

American workers
Bob Dylan: It’s All Over Now Baby Red, White and Blue. The Two Party Political Scam and the U.S. Military Industrial Complex By Philip A Farruggio, April 10 2018

Leave your stepping stones behind there, something calls for you
Forget the dead you’ve left, they will not follow you
The vagabond who’s rapping at your door
Is standing in the clothes that you once wore
Strike another match, go

Selected Articles: Syria: Military Escalation? Towards a US-Russia Confrontation? By Global Research News, April 10 2018

Global Research shares timely, independent and vital information to readers across the globe.

We act as a global platform to let the voices of dissent, protest, and expert witnesses and academics be heard and disseminated internationally.

To sustain our goal, …

For London, Propaganda Is an Art. Attributing Imaginary Crimes to Their Enemies By Thierry Meyssan, April 10 2018

No normal human being can accept to see his children suffer – consequently, they make good subjects for war propaganda. Thierry Meyssan takes a look at the use of children by the International Coalition during the war against Syria.


The Nerve Agent Saga: Are the Skripals Being Held Against Their Will in Britain? By Stephen Lendman, April 10 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Britain and Washington bear full responsibility for whatever harmed them – clearly not a military-grade nerve agent, as falsely claimed.

John Helmer calls

The Suspicious Timing of the Latest Provocations in Syria. The U.S. is Planning a Major Strike? Will it Be Carried Out? By Andrew Korybko, April 10 2018
Nobody seems interested in asking why the terrorists didn’t use or allege to have used chemical weapons before they were on the brink of ultimate defeat, nor why “Israel” would wait until this very last moment to carry out a feeble airstrike on a single military base.
Winds of War Heading Toward Syria. Preplanned US Aggression, Confronting Russia By Stephen Lendman, April 10 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Washington and its allies use the Security Council as a sound stage platform for their imperial agenda – rule of law principles ignored,

Only 100 Douma Captives Held by Syria “Opposition” Terror Group Released. Thousands Executed By Zen Adra, April 10 2018

Only 100 captives detained for years by Jaysh al-Islam terror group were released yesterday as per a deal with the Syrian government.

With expectation to free up to 5 thousands captives, it turned out that only 200 of them remained …

Argentine Newspapers Recuperated by Workers’ Cooperatives By Carolina de Assis, April 10 2018

At the end of 2001, Argentina’s political and economic crisis was the main theme in Latin American news coverage. The economic recession that culminated in intense popular protests and the resignation of then-president Fernando de la Rúa also fostered a

White Supremacy Colonialism
Escalation: Is the Conflict in Syria Evolving Towards a Global War? By South Front, April 10 2018

As the situation in Syria continues to escalate, it looks like leaders of “the free world” are more interested in instigating a further escalation rather than to study the Douma “chemical attack” issue in a cool head manner.

On April …

Syrian Doctors Say They Have Treated No One From Duma with Chemical Poisoning By Paul Antonopoulos, April 10 2018

The Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Conflicting Parties told the media on Monday that Syrian doctors have said that they are not dealing with symptoms associated with chemical poisoning on patients.

“Syrian doctors in Douma have dismissed the rumors …

Trump’s Corporate Cursing: The Case of Amazon and Jeff Bezos By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 10 2018

When the President of the United States forgets that he is no longer running the set of The Apprentice, with its faux callousness and elevated brutality, he can prove devastating to certain stocks.  Even in the land of the plutocrat

Could the Cold War Return with a Vengeance? Most Momentous Military Planning on Earth. Invitation to Disaster By Michael T. Klare, April 10 2018

Think of it as the most momentous military planning on Earth right now. Who’s even paying attention, given the eternal changing of the guard at the White House, as well as the latest in tweets, sexual revelations, and investigations

Intra-NATO Conflicts, US-France Confront Turkey: Macron Might Trap France in A Quagmire in Northern Syria By Andrew Korybko, April 10 2018

President Macron announced Paris’ unprecedented decision after meeting with Kurdish leaders in the French capital last week, a move that was summarily denounced by Ankara as “crossing the line” and amounting to the Western European country supporting terrorism through what

Fake Intelligence: No Trace of Chemical Weapons at Alleged Attack Site in Douma – Russian Military By RT News, April 10 2018

As Donald Trump threatens that “Everybody is going to pay a price” for the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, having gathered his Generals, threatened Russia and Syria in the most chilling of terms, Russian military experts, having visited the

Ahed Tamini, Imprisoned for Having Slapped an Israeli Soldier. Calls for Human Solidarity In Support of Palestinian Children By Prof Susan Babbitt, April 10 2018

Ahed Tamimi, 16, slapped an Israeli soldier, in her own yard, after her cousin was shot in the head. She’s detained for eight more months after a closed-door trial.[i] The soldier who shot her cousin, putting him in a coma,

Immigrant Humanism vs. Immigration Capitalism By Frank Scott, April 10 2018

Language has been a concern ever since humans created it and began using words to replace grunting, howling or shrieking. It’s much easier to be clear in communication when speaking, assuming the language is mutually understood, rather than simply gesturing

“Just Shut Up and Die or Disappear”: Reaction of Israelis to the Gaza Massacres By Rima Najjar, April 10 2018

The reaction of Israelis to The Great March of Return depends on the “nationality” of the Israeli being referred to.

In Israel, there are Israeli citizens but no Israeli nationality – only “Jewish nationality” or “Palestinian Arab”, etc. (this is

9/11 Truth: Grand Jury Investigation of Collapse of WTC Twin Towers and Building Seven. Petition By Andrew Kreig, April 10 2018

A federal grand jury should investigate the collapses of the World Trade Center Twin Towers during the 9/11 attacks, as well as WTC 7, according to a petition that an expert lawyers group plans to file on April 10 in

Moscow Calls ‘Chemical Attack’ in Douma ‘Fake News,’ Warns Against Syrian Intervention By RT News, April 10 2018

Featured image: Syrian soldiers are seen in the rebel-held Douma district in the Eastern Ghouta countryside, Syria, on March 28, 2018. (Source: Ammar Safarjalani / Global Look Press)

Reports of an alleged gas attack in the Syrian town of Douma …
On the Threshold of War. “Entirety of Russian Military on High Alert”. Unconfirmed Reports By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 10 2018

Most recent update:

There is no longer any doubt that the criminally insane government in Washington is driving the world to the last war. See this and this.


As Americans we must face the possibility that we have …

The Struggle for Peace on the Korean Peninsula: Perspective on Upcoming Inter-Korean and US-DPRK Summits By Philip Fernandez, April 10 2018

A very lively meeting was held during the afternoon of March 31 in downtown Toronto with Professor Kiyul Chung of the 21st Century Institute based in Washington DC. Prof. Chung is also an Associate Professor at Kim Il Sung University

Truth, Peace, Justice and the War on Syria: Lies, Fake Humanitarians, Fake Covers for War Crimes By Mark Taliano, April 10 2018
The lies about the war on Syria have been unprecedented. Western powers and their agencies have shown complete disdain for the truth, and for evidence-based facts. Despite over 7 years of war, and terrorists from as many as 100 countries arrayed against her, Syria remains strong and ascendant.
Skripal Poisoning Incident: Means to Discredit the Growing Popularity of Corbyn? By Richard Galustian, April 10 2018

So many things unfolded in the last seven or so days that ridiculed almost every vitriolic claim Theresa May’s Government directed against Russia, and Putin personally, over the Skripal case, as well as bring us new information.

First let’s deal …

“Events Today Could Lead to the Last War in the History of Mankind”, Veteran Russian General Warns By Zero Hedge, April 10 2018

The fallout from the Salisbury nerve agent attack reminds us of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which was the most immediate catalyst – of many parallel narrative and sequences of events – that ultimately resulted in World War

Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy By Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 10 2018

To understand how the nine trends contribute to, or are associated with, systemic fragility it is necessary to define further what is meant by contribution. How do the nine trends differently cause fragility and therefore financial instability? What are the

Taking the World to the Brink of Annihilation By Rick Sterling, April 10 2018


Western neoconservatives and hawks are driving the international situation to increasing tension and danger. Not content with the destruction of Iraq and Libya based on false claims, they are now pressing for a direct US attack on Syria.

As …

Trump: Is He Stupid or Dangerously Crazy? By Justin Raimondo, April 10 2018

A child could see through the fake “chemical attack” supposedly launched by Bashar al-Assad just as his troops defeated the jihadists and Trump said he wanted out of Syria. But our President can’t, which raises the question: is he as

Persecution of Whistleblowers Makes a Mockery of Magna Carta By Shane Quinn, April 09 2018

Winston Churchill is perhaps the most famous British Prime Minister of all, remembered best for standing alone against the Nazis as they conquered swathes of Europe in 1940.

Even Churchill’s biggest detractors could not deny his courage in fighting against

Trump’s China Trade War Has Deeper Agenda By F. William Engdahl, April 09 2018
Washington’s trade actions are aimed at China, not at the EU or other trade partners. However, the aim is not to reduce China exports to the US. The aim is a fundamental opening up of the Chinese economy to the Washington free market liberal reforms that China has steadfastly resisted.
Emotional Propaganda 101: Chemical Attack in Syria Appears to be a False Flag to Justify Regime Change By Steven MacMillan, April 09 2018

The alleged chemical attack in Syria is a blatant display of how emotional propaganda is used to try and pull at the heartstrings of the general public in order to garner support for a military attack on Syria by the

US or Israel Terror-Bombing of Syrian Airbase Follows False Flag Chemical Weapons Incident By Stephen Lendman, April 09 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

In the wake of accusing Syria of using CWs in Douma, Russia’s Foreign Ministry called the allegation “fake news,” the latest “fabricated information,” …

DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and President Trump’s Blatant Bigotry against Immigrants By William Boardman, April 09 2018

“You can’t come into court to espouse a position that is heartless.”
Senior US District Judge Nichlas G. Garaufis
US District Court for Eastern District of New York
September 26, 2017

Lawyers in all sorts of courts argue heartless

Dangerous Crossroads: Possibility Now for Nuclear War, Russia vs. U.S.? Credible Evidence. U.S Missile Attack against Syria Contemplated By Eric Zuesse, April 09 2018

Although Russia has warned the U.S. that another U.S. missile-assault against sovereign Syrian territory will be answered not only by Syria’s military but also by Russia’s, Andrew Korybko, who is an expert on geostrategy and especially on Russia’s strategic intentions,

America and Britain Provide the Fuel that Keeps the Engine of the Israeli Occupation Running By Hans Stehling, April 09 2018

The extremist government of Binyamin Netanyahu, (a politician under investigation for fraud and corruption), receives arms and money which total billions of dollars annually from the US, together with millions of pounds from the UK, which is the fuel

How Do You Tell the Kids that Grandma Is in Jail for Resisting Nuclear Weapons? By Frida Berrigan, April 09 2018

“Our grandma is in jail,” Madeline tells a woman wrestling a shopping cart at Target.

“She went over a war fence and tried to make peace,” Seamus adds helpfully. “They arrested her, and she is in jail now.”

“Where?” the

Breaking: Russian Forces in Syria Are on Combat Alert: U.S. Considers Attacks Directed against Syrian Government Forces By South Front, April 09 2018
Russian forces deployed in Syria, including S-400 and Pantsir-S1 air defense systems and Sukhoi Su-30SM multirole fighters, have been put on a combat alert, according to reports. According to US officials the US military is going to provide President Trump with “a set of options for carrying out strikes against the Syrian government”.