Global Research News

Voices of the Syrian People By Andre Vltchek, April 16 2018

The attack against Syria – this proud and independent country -has just taken place.

Three countries with zero moral mandate to judge or punish anybody; three countries, already responsible for hundreds of millions of human lives lost on all continents

Independent Swiss Lab Says ‘BZ Toxin’ Used in Skripal Poisoning; US/UK-Produced, Not Russian By Zero Hedge, April 16 2018

Somebody has some explaining to do… or did the Syrian airstrikes just ‘distract’ the citizenry from the reality surrounding the Skripal poisoning.

Remember how we were told my the politicians (not the scientists) that a deadly Novichok nerve agent – …

The New York Times: Imperial Mouthpiece. Accepts Pentagon Report on Syria at Face Value By Stephen Lendman, April 16 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The Times makes painful reading, consistently featuring disinformation on major geopolitical issues – supporting the official US narrative, cheerleading its wars of aggression,

Syrian Strike Is Not Conflict Between Superpowers, Russia Was Warned Ahead – US Envoy to Moscow By RT News, April 16 2018

The US warned Russia ahead of the overnight strikes on Syria, US Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman said, adding that the military action was not “about the conflict between superpowers.”

“Before we took the action, the United States communicated with

Iraq, Then; Syria Today – A Strategy Remix. Bombed and Bombed Again By Barbara Nimri Aziz, April 16 2018

When will you get the message? Comply, as Jordan, Egypt and others did and we’ll protect your leaders, ensure favorable press, shore up your economy, secure energy needs, and engage your businessmen. In short: abide by our imperial diktat.

Alternative …

Missile Attacks on Syria: Why Do They Tell Us Transparent Lies? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 16 2018

US officials and the presstitutes tell us that the illegal US missile attack on Syria destroyed chemical weapons sites where chlorine and sarin are stored/manufactured.  If this were true, would not a lethal cloud have been released that would have

Nikki Haley Is Tempting Russia to “Disrespect Her” at the United Nations By Andrew Korybko, April 16 2018

US Representative to the UN Nikki Haley undiplomatically threatened to “slap” Russia while speaking at a university late last week, reinforcing the impression that she’s cultivated over the past year of being an iconoclastic figure just like her boss in

US-UK-France Strike on Syria, The Chain of Events: Statements, Facts and Speculations By South Front, April 16 2018

Featured image: The guided missile cruiser USS Monterey fires a Tomahawk missile in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations, April 14, 2018. (Navy photo by Lt. j.g Matthew Daniels)


1. Early on April 14, the …

Former Head of Britain’s Special Forces says Assad “Doesn’t Need to Use Gas” because He’s “Already Won the war” but gives May “Benefit of the Doubt” over Intelligence By Mark Nichol, April 16 2018

According to a report published by the Daily Mail:

A former head of Britain’s Special Forces has challenged Theresa May‘s claim that President Assad was behind the chemical attack in Douma.

Major General Jonathan Shaw said: ‘Why would Assad …

War on Syria: Disappeared Miseries. The Tentacles of This War of Aggression By Mark Taliano, April 16 2018

Mark Taliano. Reporting from Damascus.

The war on Syria has exacted a tremendous toll on all aspects of life in Syria. The bullets and bombs kill, but so do the hidden tentacles of this War of Aggression.

Numerous war-impacted health …

Russia’s Red Lines in Relations with America? By Stephen Lendman, April 16 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

How much more US hostility toward Russia will it tolerate before declaring unacceptable red lines were crossed?

Washington and Moscow are on opposite

Prisoner of Pinochet: No Triumph of the Human Spirit By Prof Susan Babbitt, April 16 2018

Sergio Bitar’s Prisoner of Pinochet has been released in English.[i] It claims to show the “triumph of the human spirit”. The cliché is misapplied. There are lessons for those remembering 1968, as we approach May Day. No human spirit triumphs

Syria’s Victory – The Failed Attack by War Criminals Trump, May and Macron By Peter Koenig, April 16 2018

April 14, 2018 – hours before the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the UN chemical weapons watch dog – was to arrive in Damascus to investigate the alleged poison gas attacks in Douma – with horrifying false

Pseudo-left Parties Promote US-French-British Bombing of Syria By Will Morrow, April 16 2018

A number of political parties that call themselves socialist proved they are nothing of the sort by lending support to Friday night’s illegal US, French and British bombing of Syria.

Groups like the American International Socialist Organization (ISO), Democratic Socialists …

The U.S. and Europe Must Step Back from the Brink. Insane Governments and the Danger of Nuclear War By John Scales Avery, April 16 2018

Several alarming recent events ought to awaken citizens of Europe and the United States to the fact that their insane governments have driven the world to the brink of an all-destroying thermonuclear war.

Recently Donald Trump has made three highly …

Evo Morales: “The Greatest Threat Against Freedom, Against Democracy, Against Mother Earth and Against Multilateralism Is the United States” By Internationalist 360, April 16 2018

Bolivia’s President Evo Morales has warned that the United States is the greatest threat to democracy, and that Latin America mustn’t serve its agenda, following the attacks waged by the United States, France and the United Kingdom against Syria.


War Propaganda and the Fundamentalism of Western Media Control By Andre Vltchek, April 16 2018

There is nothing sadder and more pathetic, than a notorious liar insulting normal people left and right, while terrorizing those who are telling the truth.

Lately, the West has gone clearly berserk. The more it is scared of losing control …

Poking the Russian Bear. NATO’s Vendetta against Vladimir Putin By Julian Rose, April 15 2018

As the Project for the New American Century is further knocked off course by Russia’s military presence in Syria, hackles are up and the dogs of war are once again straining at their leashes; with the by now infamous ‘chemical

Ex-ambassador’s Freudian Slip on Syria Attack: ‘Saddam’s Weapons’.Déjà Vu All Over Again By RT News, April 15 2018

It’s déjà vu all over again. In an extraordinary tweet, former US Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, wrote of how he approved of the non-UN sanctioned attack on Syria by the aptly named FUKUS alliance (France, UK, US) and

Selected Articles: Attacking Syria. Trump’s “Dirty Game” By Global Research News, April 15 2018

We thank readers who have contributed to Global Research. If you have the means to make a small or large donation in support of our fight for truth, peace and justice around the world, your gesture will be much appreciated.

Air and Naval Task Force Assembling to Attack Syria By Stephen Lendman, April 15 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Syrian sovereign independence impedes Washington’s objective for regional dominance along with Israel – why Obama launched naked aggression on the country in March

Is Trump’s Broader War against Syria on Hold? A Member State of NATO is “Sleeping with the Enemy”: America is at War with both Syria and Turkey By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 15 2018
You do not wage a major war when one of your key allies is "sleeping with the enemy". So-called "enduring alliances" in support of America's "Long War" can no longer be relied upon. NATO is in crisis.
Attacking Syria: Thumbing Noses at Constitution and Law By Ray McGovern, April 15 2018

The U.S. Constitution and international law suffered a stinging blow last night at the hands of an odd coalition that might be called Goldilocks and two moral dwarfs posing as Marine generals, together with a “Right Dishonorable” harridan and a

US Attacks Syria: Disregards Evidence and International Law By James ONeill, April 15 2018

On 13 April 2018 the United States, the United Kingdom and France carried out military strikes against Syrian government positions. This was claimed by the United States Government and its allies, including Australia, to be in response to the use

Who Is the Real Culprit Behind the Chemical Attacks in Syria? A Brief History By Prof. Muhammad Sahimi, April 15 2018

Last Friday night, the United States launched a series of missile strikes on Syria in retaliation for the alleged chemical attacks by the Syrian army in Douma, a town in northeast suburb of Damascus. Douma, which is part of the

The US-led Air Strikes on Syria. Why Theresa May Must be Impeached By Rob Slane, April 15 2018

So the moment we’ve been holding our breaths for a week finally came. In the end, I am mighty glad that this particular strike seems more like the impotent thrashing of the neocon snake that didn’t dare to attack places

Donald Trump Ordered Syria Strike Based on a Secret Legal Justification Even Congress Can’t See By Jon Schwarz, April 15 2018

On Friday night, President Trump ordered the U.S. military to conduct a bombing attack against the government of Syria without congressional authorization. How can this be constitutional, given the fact that Article I, Section 8 of America’s founding document declares

The War in Syria Was a US Intervention Since “Day One″ By Tony Cartalucci, April 15 2018

In the aftermath of US-led missile strikes on Syria, the Western media has attempted to continue building the case for “US intervention.”

However, before the first agitators took to the streets in Syria in 2011, the US was already involved.…

What Just Happened in Syria. Momentous Implications Far Bigger than the Attacks Themselves By Eric Zuesse, April 15 2018

What happened right after the second direct U.S.-missiles invasion of Syria, which had occurred on the night of April 13th, could turn out to have momentous implications — far bigger than the attacks themselves.

The Organisation for the Prohibition of …

Russia’s Humanity and Moral Conscience Are Leading to War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 15 2018

It speaks to the humanity and moral greatness of the Russian government led by Vladimir Putin that Russia consented to a pretend attack in order that Donald Trump could save face. Unfortunately for us all, the consequences of Russia’s generosity

An Empire Built on Fear at Home and Abroad. War Fever is Everywhere By Prof. James Petras, April 15 2018
Political leaders and the mass media deluge the public with a constant stream of frightening incidents caused by the enemy-of-the-week: nerve gas killing dozens of little babies in Syria, Russian-directed poison assassination attempts in England and terror incidents throughout Europe
Syrian women
A Wish Not Granted. “I Wish that my Country Would Never again Attack Syria or Any Other Country” By Edward Curtin, April 15 2018

Depressed by the United States’ and its French and British lackeys’ war crimes attack on Syria, I took a walk in the woods on this beautiful spring morning.  Deep up on a mountainside, I almost tripped over an old oil

Trump’s Rush to Judgment on Syrian Chemical Attack: Illegal and Deadly By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 15 2018

Donald Trump says the United States is about to bomb Syria, and Russia has vowed to shoot down US aircraft with missile defenses in response. With John Bolton, the new national security adviser and infamous enemy of the United Nations

Escalating Aggression in Syria. Trump’s Punitive Strike Prelude to Broader War? By Stephen Lendman, April 15 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Was US-led terror-bombing of Syrian sites overnight Friday, based on a Big Lie, prelude to greater aggression coming – Israel involved along with

Trump is Playing a “Dirty Game”? Report from Damascus at 4am at the Height of the Bombings By Mark Taliano, April 14 2018
According to Syrian reports 103 missiles were launched, of which Syrian forces destroyed 71. Bombs landed in about four different locations, including Homs, Mesyaf, and Damascus. Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah assets were not targeted. Significantly, the attacks occurred BEFORE the OPCW examined the alleged “chemical weapons” crime scene.
Syria: UN Mission Report Confirms that “Opposition” Rebels Used Chemical Weapons against Civilians and Government Forces By Carla Stea, April 14 2018

First published on GR in April 2017, this article by GR’s UN correspondent Carla Stea  is relevant to recent developments in Syria regarding the alleged chemical weapons attack.


There is no basis to the Trump Administration’s accusations that the

Trump’s Exit Door Is Open on Syrian Attack By M. K. Bhadrakumar, April 14 2018

This article was published on April 13, prior to the airstrikes directed against Syria

The US President Donald Trump’s fateful decision on a military strike against Syria is imminent and it will impact not only Syria’s future and Middle

The Chemical Attack in Syria’s Douma Is Just Another “Fake News” from the “White Helmets” By Inside Syria Media Center, April 14 2018

Not much time has elapsed since the tragedy in Syria’s Douma, which was the last stronghold of Jaish al-Islam militants.

Several videos with the testimony of participants of the so-called chemical attack started to appear on the Internet.

See below…

OPCW Rubber-Stamps UK Skripal Incident Findings. Coopted by British Government? By Stephen Lendman, April 14 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The Skripal Incident Big Lie unravelled earlier. It’s unclear what harmed Sergey and Yulia, clearly not a military-grade nerve agent.

If exposed, they’d …

Video: Senator Exposes Syrian WMD False Flag By Alexandra Bruce, April 14 2018

Listening to Virginia Senator Richard Black talk realpolitik with zero BS gives me hope for the world! I didn’t know there was a serving Senator who speaks freely, like this! The 31-year military veteran who has spent a lot of

Virginia State Senator: Syrian President Assad Was Framed with Suspected Chemical Attack. WP Report By Global Research News, April 14 2018

A report by the Lora Vozella of the Washington Post acknowledges that Senator Richard H. Black‘s statement on the floor of Virginia’s State Senate

A state legislator who once flew to Damascus for a two-hour sit-down with Bashar al-Assad

Cruising for a Bruising with Russia By Michael Averko, April 14 2018

Aired in the US, the April 10 BBC World News telecasts, repeatedly opened with the claim that Russia vetoed a proposed UN resolution to inspect the area of an alleged chemical attack in Syria. Later on, in the same telecasts,

Italy Rejects War. No War No Nato. By Comité No Guerra no Nato, April 14 2018

This text was released prior to the April 13, 2018 bombing of Syria.

The announced US missile attack on Syria is likely to blow up a conflict of unpredictable outcomes.

The Syrian Arab Republic, a sovereign State member of the …

Few to No Anti-Bombing Voices as Trump Prepares to Escalate Syria War By Adam Johnson, April 14 2018

The curators of American public opinion at the three most influential broadsheets in the United States have decided that dissent from the build-up to new airstrikes on Syria is not really an opinion worth hearing. Of 16 columns leveling an

Are We Over the US/UK Fomented Crisis in Syria? Air Strikes Were a “Face Saver” for Trump? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 14 2018

It appears from the very limited US missile attack, most of which were intercepted and destroyed by Syrian air defenses, that the US military prevailed over the crazed John Bolton and carefully avoided a strike that would have resulted in

Trump’s Air Strikes against Syria. The More They Explain, the Less They Make Any Sense! By Massoud Nayeri, April 14 2018

The night before the UN experts (OPCW) were scheduled to travel to Damascus for a fact-finding mission about the alleged chemical attack in Douma, the US launched military strikes against Syria. Apparently President Trump could not wait for the UN …

The Syrian “Show” Must Go On. US-led Strikes against Syria: A Carefully “Choreographed” Dance between US and Russia By Andrew Korybko, April 14 2018

“The Dance”

What just happened this morning in Syria was nothing more than a carefully “choreographed” dance between the US and Russia that allowed both rivals to “save face” and avoid further escalating the situation.

The US launched over 100 …

Major Western News Media Urge Trump to Kill Syrians, Risk World War III By Gregory Shupak, April 14 2018

Western governments accuse the Syrian government of carrying out a chemical weapon attack in Douma, a suburb of Damascus. The World Health Organization says that, of 70 deceased persons they examined in the area, 43 had signs of being exposed

‘Whoever Is Controlling Washington Appears to Want War’ – Mark Taliano By Mark Taliano and Sputnik, April 14 2018

“Smart missiles should fly toward terrorists, not legal governments”: Russia’s foreign ministry spokeswoman said in response to Donald Trump’s tweet. Radio Sputnik discussed Donald Trump’s warning to launch strikes against Syria with Mark Taliano, an independent investigative reporter

Alleged Syria Chemical Weapons Attack: Intelligence Professionals Urge Trump to “Seek Evidence Required for Military Decision on Syria” By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, April 14 2018


FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

SUBJECT:  Evidence Required for Military Decision on Syria

[April 13, 2018]

Mr. President,

We the undersigned Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity join a number of other credible experts including former …

Video: UN Inspector Says Syrian Rebels Used Chemical Weapons, Not Assad. 2013 Attack By Carla del Ponte, April 14 2018

“Testimony from victims now strongly suggests it was the rebels, not the Syrian government, that used Sarin Nerve Gas during a recent incident [2013] in the revolution-wracked nation, a senior UN diplomat said Monday. [May 2013]

Carla del Ponte, …

Russia Says It Has Proof Britain Was Behind Alleged Syria Chemical Attack By AFP, April 14 2018

According to AFP:

The Russian Military today said it had proof that an alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria’s Eastern Ghouta was staged on orders from London.

Russian defence ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said the military had “proof that testifies …

Russia Claims to Have Located Witnesses to Staged ‘Chemical’ Event in Douma By Eric Zuesse, April 14 2018

Russia’s Tass news agency claimed early on April 13th, prior to US led Air strikes, that Russian investigators have located and spoken with persons in the Syrian city of Douma who witnessed the staging of the videos that the U.S-and-UK-financed

Condemning the US-led Aggression on Syria: In Support of the Syrian People, International Law and True Peacemaking By Jan Oberg, April 14 2018

1. The US-British-French attack on Syria on April 14, 2018 is a clear and indisputable case of aggression according to international law, and to the UN Charter in particular. And it lacks, like many unilateral wars before it, a UN

US Launches Impotent Attack on Non-existent “Chemical Facilities” By Tony Cartalucci, April 14 2018

The US, UK, and France announced strikes on what they call, “Syria’s chemical weapons program.” 

The use of stand-off weapons such as cruise missiles and air-to-ground missiles reflects the US and its allies’ fear of Syrian and Russia anti-aircraft defense
Blind Assault: Trump Strikes Syria By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 14 2018

Feeling that some display of force was needed, US president Donald Trump issued orders on Friday to demonstrate some form of muscle, albeit exercised some thousands of miles away.  “A short time ago, I ordered the United States Armed Forces

Trump’s Punitive Air Strikes against Syria. No Evidence that Assad was Behind the Alleged Chemical Weapons Attack By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 14 2018

On Friday night ET, in the early hours of the morning in Damascus, the US, UK and France launched airstrikes allegedly (yet to be verified) against three military targets, according to Trump’s TV address.

The attacks were intended to “punish

Breaking: Trump Strikes Syria. Pack of Lies. Killing the Truth. Statements of US President Trump and UK Prime Minister May By Global Research News, April 14 2018

Official statements of President Donald Trump, April 13, 2018

What we are dealing with is a pack of lies.

Blaming the victims of US war crimes

My fellow Americans.

A short time ago I ordered the United States armed forces …

A Likely Path to Nuclear Annihilation? By Eric Zuesse, April 13 2018

U.S. President Donald Trump asserted on the morning of April 12th, “Never said when an attack on Syria would take place. Could be very soon or not so soon at all!” This statement from him is interpreted here as constituting

9/11 Truth and Justice: Petition to Report Federal Crimes Concerning 9/11 to Special Grand Jury By The Lawyers' Committee for 9-11 Inquiry, Inc., April 13 2018
Who’s Who: American “Torture Apologists” Endorse Gina Haspel for CIA Director By Kevin Gosztola, April 13 2018

An array of former intelligence and other government officials signed a letter to the Senate intelligence committee in support of Gina Haspel, the nominee for CIA director.

Haspel, who is currently the deputy CIA director, was briefly in charge …

NATO began enlarging in the early 1950s, producing a militarized domino effect that continues apace to present times. By Shane Quinn, April 13 2018

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), established in 1949 on the pretext of “containing Soviet influence”, has almost doubled in size within the past two decades alone. In 1998, NATO comprised 16 member states, but with repeated expansions up to

The Trump Regime Is Insane By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 13 2018

Is it insane to push for war with Russia, a major nuclear power?

Is it insane to threaten Russia and bring false charges against her?

Is it insane to brag about killing “hundreds of Russians”? 

A normal person …

Tony Blair’s Deplorable Demand for War on Syria Proves We Must Wait for Evidence or End Up Repeating His Iraq Disaster By William J Richardson, April 13 2018

The thunderous rumble of war drums is once more building across the Western world as military action in Syria looks ever more likely. And amid the booming, Tony Blair has once again crawled from the depths, slightly greyer than he

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): Overcoming The Dominance of International Finance Capital By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 13 2018

Featured image: Kwame Nkrumah speaking at podium

On the eve of the 55th anniversary of the formation of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the predecessor of the African Union (AU), a large bloc of nation-states have signed a

Criminally Insane US Government: Ten Days Before the End of the World? Analysis of the Possible Outcomes By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 13 2018

The criminally insane governments of the US, UK, and France are sending a flotilla of missile ships, submarines, and an aircraft carrier to attack Syria in the face of Russian warnings. What is the likely outcome of this outrageous act

Video: There Are Some ‘Problems’ with the Gas Cylinders Videos Used by the White Helmets as “Evidence” of Douma Attack By South Front, April 13 2018

While horrible photos (link 18+) of people allegedly killed in the April 7 Douma attack rapidly became widely known after they had been released by the White Helmets, there was something ignored by the media.

Besides the photos …

“Wag the Dog”: Who’s the Next Expedient Target For the US War Machine? By Seth Ferris, April 13 2018

As the noose of impeachment closes tighter around Donald Trump neck, he is finding that running his mouth has limitations. Like Nixon before him, he is hoping that the world can be twisted to become what he says it is.

The African Powder Keg: What Does the UAE Stand to Gain by Destabilizing Somalia? By Andrew Korybko, April 13 2018

Recent events suggest that the UAE is trying to destabilize Somalia and throw it back into a multisided security crisis in order to trap Qatar’s Turkish ally in a quagmire and offset the Great Power rise of Egypt’s Ethiopian rival.

Who Wants a Hot War with Syria and Iran? Profits of the War Economy By Philip Giraldi, April 13 2018

There is a vast industry in the United States that wants a hot war with Syria and Iran as well as increased confrontation with Russia and China. It is appropriate to refer to it as an industry because it has

Israel Will ‘Disappear’ Assad if Iran Retaliates to Syria Base Attack By The New Arab, April 13 2018

Tel Aviv will wipe out the Syrian leader and his regime if Iran acts on threats of retaliating against a recent suspected Israeli airstrike in Syria that killed Iranian soldiers.

A senior Israeli security official told local daily Maariv on

Pompeo: Russians ‘Met Their Match,’ US Killed Hundreds of Them in Syria By Jason Ditz, April 13 2018

Is President Trump tough enough on Russia? For Secretary of State-nominee Mike Pompeo, the answer comes down to simple body count, as he bragged up recent killings of Russian citizens inside Syrian territory.

At the Senate Foreign Relations …

Beyond the Bank of Canada. Litigation Directed against Ottawa Regarding the Mandate of the Bank of Canada By James Clayton, April 13 2018

A few determined Canadians may have felt like something big was actually about to happen—before they spent more than five years in litigation with the Government of Canada.

Maybe they were a bit too hopeful.

The plaintiffs were basically claiming

American Officials Continue to Make Laughing Stocks of Themselves By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 13 2018

Here is “Mad Dog” Mattis, the US Secretary of War, stating that he has no evidence that there was a chemical weapons attack in Syria last week, but that he personally believes that there was one.

I remember when a …

U.S Public Furious at ‘Our’ Government’s Intended Invasion of Syria By Eric Zuesse, April 13 2018

The American public — even the strongest supporters of Donald Trump — is outraged that Trump of America, and Macron of France, and May of UK, intend a military invasion of Syria, in order to ‘punish Assad for’ a chemical

Douma “Chemical Attack”: Syrian Government Gives Free Access to OPCW Experts By RT News, April 13 2018

An advance team of four experts from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) have arrived in Syria, at the invitation of the Syrian and Russian governments. A second team arrives today (13th April) and all are

U.S. Walks Back Claim that Syrian Government Carried Out Chemical Weapons Attack By Washington's Blog, April 13 2018

While Trump blamed the Syrian government for the alleged recent chemical weapons attack, U.S. officials made it clear today that we don’t yet know what happened.

The New York Times reports:

We are continuing to assess intelligence and

Video: The 2018 Elections and Democracy in Revolutionary Cuba By Juan Carlos Rodriguez Diaz, Yamil Martinez Marrero, and Michael Welch, April 13 2018

On March 11, 2018, over 7 million Cubans went to the polls to elect a new National Assembly of People’s Power. The election of the National Assembly is one step in the process which will culminate in mid-April with the

Selected Articles: Poison Gas – Weapon of Choice for “False News” By Global Research News, April 12 2018

Global Research is a small team that believes in the power of information and analysis to bring about far-reaching societal change including a world without war.

Truth in media is a powerful instrument. As long as we keep probing, asking

Reversing the Tide: Truth in Media By Global Research News, April 12 2018

Mainstream media fiction has reached new heights.

Public opinion is duped into endorsing the repeal of civil liberties in the name of “national security” as well as the conduct of “humanitarian wars” with a view to promoting “democracy” and achieving