Global Research News

Debunking Ten Lies About Syria and Assad By Chris Kanthan, April 19 2018

When I wrote the article about the “Most Dangerous Decade” two weeks ago, I didn’t realize that my time frame was too optimistic. What’s happening now in Syria has the potential to start WW III. Don’t believe for

Of Animals and Bees and Flowers Wild as Earth Day Nears By Dr. Arshad M. Khan, April 19 2018

Nature cheers us.  Animals can be powerful, beautiful, sleek, graceful.  A field of wild flowers chanced upon can take our breath away.  Wordsworth so moved by ‘a host of golden daffodils’ put pen to paper, and we are richer for

Protecting Urban “Green Space”, Animal Habitats and Our Countryside: The Case for Environmentally Friendly Construction By Roof Stores, April 19 2018

It’s becoming increasingly clear that we need to adapt our construction methods to be more environmentally friendly. However, this isn’t just a case of green energy and sustainable materials, plans must also account for the local ecosystem.

The construction of

Selected Articles: Media Lies and Gas Attacks By Global Research News, April 19 2018

Thanks to the contributions of our readers, we have been able to maintain complete independence. You can help Global Research make information available to the widest possible readership.  

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Peace on the Korean Peninsula at Last? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, April 19 2018

One of the unexpected events that happened during the PyongChang Olympics was the remarkable diplomatic manoeuvre of the three stars: Moon Jae-in, Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump.

Moon Jae-in convinced Kim Jong-un to send a large delegation to PyomgChang

Syria Douma “Chemical Attack”: “It was Hypoxia [Lack of Oxygen] Not a Gas Attack.” Al Qaeda “Rebels” in Possession of Chemical Weapons By Rodney Atkinson, April 19 2018

The American online network “One America Network” committed the unpardonable sin for the mainstream media and actually went to the site of the alleged chemical attack in Syria which prompted the bomb and missile attack by France, the UK and

The Dirty War on Syria and The Globalization of War: Special Offer By Prof. Tim Anderson and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 19 2018

Global Research Publishers brings you a combined special offer on two important books. Order Tim Anderson’s “The Dirty War on Syria” and Michel Chossudovsky’s “The Globalization of War” at a discounted price. 

Click here to order

“The Dirty War on

On the Reaction to the U.S. Strike in Syria. Imperative of an Anti-War Movement. What Comes Next? By Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, April 19 2018

The arguments between Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford before the Syrian air strikes, and between them and President Donald Trump and his ultra-hawk national security adviser, John Bolton, ended

About those ‘Nice, New, Smart’ Missiles and the ‘Chemical Weapons’ Sites in Syria By Joe Quinn, April 19 2018

Throughout the 20th century, the US ability to project power and dominate global geopolitics was, to a large extent, based on the general perception that the US was the most powerful military force in the world. In most cases, the

Poll Shows Americans Support the Invasion of Syria, Reveals What Americans Misunderstand About that War By Eric Zuesse, April 19 2018

The first even marginally trustworthy poll of American “registered voters” regarding the April 14th U.S.-and-allied missiles-invasion of Syria, shows an overwhelming 66% supporting the invasion (36% “Strongly” and 30% “Somewhat), and only 23% opposing (8% “Strongly” and 11% “Somewhat”). 


As Lies on Syrian Gas Attack Unravel, US and UK Shift to Claims of Russian “Cyber War” By Will Morrow, April 19 2018

On Monday, the US and British intelligence agencies released a joint report charging Moscow with unspecified “cyber warfare” against the West. The American media was filled with hysterical warnings that Russia may have hacked “millions” of personal devices as well

The Victims in Syria, Gaza and Yemen. U.S. “Outrage” versus U.S. “Crimes against Humanity” By David William Pear, April 19 2018

In their book Manufacturing Consent, Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky distinguished between two kinds of victims:  the worthy victims and the unworthy victims.  The “worthy victims” are the victims (real and alleged) of leaders on the U.S. enemies list,

Cuba Chooses a New President By Stephen Lendman, April 19 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

At age-86, Raul Castro is stepping down as Cuba’s leader, serving as its president since February 2008.

Meeting on Wednesday, Cuba’s National Assembly

The Skripals Have Survived but They Are Not Safe: The Novichok Fraud Should Bring Down the UK Government By Karin Brothers, April 19 2018

Interviewer: “If it is proven that the British allegations about Russia poisoning the Skripals are not true, should the Prime Minister resign? 

Craig Murray: Certainly. And Boris Johnson should resign, the whole Cabinet should resign, and we

Viktor Orbán, Photo by European People's Party (CC BY 2.0)
The Hungarian Revolution Rolls On By Andrew Korybko, April 19 2018

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Fidesz party won a 2/3 supermajority in parliament.

This stunning victory proves that the Soros-led anti-government campaign was woefully ineffective and may have actually been counterproductive by strengthening Orban’s appeal by reinforcing the country’s …

The British Are Driving the West’s War Agenda—But Why? By Richard C. Cook, April 19 2018

Over the past two months the news has been dominated by two bizarre but related events:

1) the alleged nerve agent poisoning of the exchanged Russian dual-agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury, England; and

2) the supposed

The March to War: Iran and the Strategic Encirclement of Syria and Lebanon By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, April 19 2018
Since 2001, Washington and NATO have started the process of cordoning off Lebanon and Syria. This initiative was supported by Israel with a view to weakening Syria and curtailing Iranian power and influence in the Middle East.
“Soft Power” in Thailand: US Gives Award to US-Funded Agitator By Tony Cartalucci, April 19 2018
Out of 26 Major Editorials on Trump’s Syria Strikes, Zero Opposed By Adam Johnson, April 19 2018

A survey by FAIR of the top 100 papers in the US by circulation found not a single editorial board opposed to Trump’s April 13 airstrikes on Syria. Twenty supported the strikes, while six were ambiguous as to whether or

The Painful Truth About Last Year’s Failed Flu Vaccine By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, April 18 2018

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” – Mark Twain

“…most ‘flu’ appears to have nothing to do with influenza. Every year, hundreds of thousands of respiratory specimens are tested across the US. Of those tested,

Falsified Official Narrative. Concealing the True Targets of US-Led Aggression in Syria By Stephen Lendman, April 18 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

With rare exceptions, virtually everything reported by major Western media about Syria follows the falsified official narrative – concealing US-led aggression on a

Fake News Is Fake Amerika By Philip A Farruggio, April 18 2018

As a columnist I must get to the point on key events that have shaped our future as a republic. Let it be known that what I am about to share with you, my readers, are things I cannot prove,

Media Blackout on Eye-witness Denials of Alleged Douma Gas Attacks By Political Concern, April 18 2018

Instead of considering Fisk’s account, said to have been ‘seized on by opponents of western military action in Syria’, the Times’ focus was on damaging Fisk’s reputation; though winner of several international wards and seven times Press Awards Foreign Reporter

US Wants OPCW to Rubber-Stamp Official Falsified Douma Narrative By Stephen Lendman, April 18 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The chemical weapons watchdog is notoriously pro-Western. Its year ago fact-finding mission on the alleged Khan Sheikhoun CW incident falsified results.

Will its …

The Aims of the Criminal Bombing of Syria by the Transnational Elite. Economic and Military Violence By Takis Fotopoulos, April 18 2018

The dramatic events of the past weeks and days, which came to a head with the criminal NATO bombing of Syria during the early hours of Saturday 14th April (so as not to create unwanted disturbances in the stock

The Libyan Scenario for North Korea By Dr. Konstantin Asmolov, April 18 2018

On March 23, 2018, the US media published an interview with the newly-appointed National Security Advisor John R. Bolton, where he stated that the only solution for North Korea is complete disarmament – following the example of Libya under

Once Upon a Time Long Ago Truth Was Important. A Propaganda Ministry that Lies for a Living By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 18 2018

I wonder how many people, not just Americans but those in other countries, have come to the conclusion that the United States today is a less free and less aware society than the societies in the dystopian novels of the

How to Avoid World War III. Repeal the Lies By Helen Buyniski, April 18 2018

The US strike against Syria, launched on Friday with the complicity of the UK and France, was a war crime executed in service to foreign policy objectives that run counter to US interests. As the Organization for the Prohibition of

Syrian ‘Rebels’ Used Sarin Nerve Gas Sold by Britain By True Publica, April 18 2018

The British government, like many others around the world, have been developing chemical weapons since the First World War – and continue to do so from Porton Down. However, unlike others, the Conservative government were complicit in the sale of

Behind Theresa May’s ‘Humanitarian Hysterics’: The Ideology of Empire and Conquest By Colin Todhunter, April 18 2018

Until the 17th century, India was the richest country in the world and had controlled a third of global wealth. Political unity and military security helped evolve a uniform economic system, increased trade and enhanced agricultural productivity. Once the British

How the United States Has Virtually Destroyed the United Nations By Eric Zuesse, April 18 2018

Under President Donald Trump, the U.S. has basically eliminated the only real international authority the U.N. used to have. Here is how this was done:

The equivalent, in international law, to a domestic-law crime involving murder, rape, and theft,

Video: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Condemns US Led Air Strikes, “White Helmets are A Fake Organization” By Roger Waters, April 18 2018

Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters stood up against war propaganda and media disinformation, condemning the US-NATO bombing of Syria following the alleged chemical attack in Douma.

According to Waters,

“The White Helmets are a fake organization that exists only to create

Western Powers Have Long Been the Biggest Users of Chemical Weapons By Shane Quinn, April 18 2018

A few days ago, Britain’s leader Theresa May said chemical weapons had been used “all too often” recently, insisting that “the international community [the West]… will not accept this”. May was of course referring to Bashar al-Assad‘s Syrian government,

White Phosphorous, Daisy Cutters, Depleted Uranium, Thermobaric bombs, Clusterbombs, Napalm…The US uses WMD against civilians. By Dirk Adriaensens, April 18 2018

This carefully researched article by Dirk Andriensens was first  published on on November 13, 2005

“Injuries to everyone involved in war – civilians and troops of all sides – shown supreme contempt for international humanitarian law ever since WW2. If

The Final War Has Begun! By Massoud Nayeri, April 18 2018

It is just matter of time before the major military powers begin to unleash their nuclear might. They are preparing for the final confrontation. Recent military strikes against Syria by U.S., U.K. and France, based on spurious “evidence” of an

Khan Sheikhoun vs. Douma: A New Hole in Syria-Sarin Certainty. Staged Event by Al Qaeda? By Robert Parry, April 18 2018

Relevant to the ongoing investigation on the alleged chemical attack in Douma on April 7, 2018, this article by the late Robert Parry examines the  the 2017 chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun.

Deja Vu: It happened exactly one year ago

Fake News: “Fake Realities” and “Lying by Omission” By Gideon Polya, April 18 2018
Fake news is simply a new, Trump-popularized descriptive for media lying that occurs in 2 basic forms, lying by omission and lying by commission. Lying by omission is far, far worse than lying by commission because the latter can at least admit refutation and public debate.
Abuses and Failures of U.S. Correctional Institutions: South Carolina’s Lethal Prison Riot that Left Seven Dead By Steve Horn, April 18 2018

Photos obtained by Prison Legal News appear to reveal the bloody aftermath of a riot that occurred at the Lee Correctional Institution in South Carolina around 7:15 p.m. on April 15. The violence, which culminated in the deaths of seven

Jewish ‘Settlements Have No Legal Validity, Constitute Flagrant Violation of International Law’. (UNSCR 2334) By Hans Stehling, April 17 2018

Proposed Draft UN General Assembly Resolution:

‘The United Nations in General Assembly herewith condemns without reservation the unwarranted killing of unarmed Palestinian civilians’

Reaffirming the obligation of Israel, the Occupying Power, to abide scrupulously by its legal obligations and responsibilities

The Crisis Is Only in Its Beginning Stages By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 17 2018

Many, including Russia’s President Putin, have asked why the US launched an illegal attack on Syria prior to the chemical weapons inspectors examining the site of the alleged chemical attack.

This popular question completely misses the point. The US

‘Absolutely Earth-Shaking’: North and South Korea Reportedly in Talks to Officially End Korean War By Jake Johnson, April 17 2018

Technically, North and South Korea are still at war, and have been for more than six decades—but an “absolutely earth-shaking” new report on Tuesday indicates the conflict may soon be coming to an end.

Citing an anonymous South Korean …

The Latest Atlanticist Tough Guy Act. Western Media in Crisis. The Syria Gas Attack Saga By Michael Averko, April 17 2018

The limited Trump administration-led strikes against the Syrian government included a statement by the US, UK and French governments, saying that the action wasn’t intended to overthrow the Syrian government. This trio went out to warn against any future use

Selected Articles: Who “Staged” the Syria Gas Attack? By Global Research News, April 17 2018

Global Research is an independent media funded exclusively through the support of its readers. Every contribution helps us continue to bring you the up-to-date, incisive information that you can count on.

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Russia Reveals Who “Staged” Syria Gas Attack, As US Claims Moscow “May Have Tampered” with Douma Site By Zero Hedge, April 17 2018

The Russian envoy to the chemical weapons watchdog group, OPCW, said that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) funded by the UK and US carried out the April 7 chemical attack in the Damascus, Syria suburb of Douma.

Russia’s permanent representative to the …

War, Abuse and Other Peoples: Why Support Other Peoples, Especially during Conflict? By Prof. Tim Anderson, April 17 2018

Featured image: A row of craters from exploded mines, left by DAESH throughout Palmyra. (Image credit: Prof. Tim Anderson)

Why support other peoples, especially during conflict? Some explanation seems necessary because wartime debates often degenerate into simplistic clichés, personal abuse

Former FBI Director James Comey: Morally, Ethically and Legally Challenged By Stephen Lendman, April 17 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Last May, Trump fired FBI director Comey, saying he lost confidence in his ability to manage the agency – at the time calling

How the US Has Illegally Occupied 30% of Syria Containing Most of Its Oil, Water and Gas By Whitney Webb, April 17 2018

After the U.S. launched “limited” airstrikes on Friday April 14, 2018, against Syria, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley announced that the U.S. will maintain its illegal presence in Syria until U.S. goals in the area are fulfilled,

Syrian Regime Change: A 70-Year Project By Washington's Blog, April 17 2018

You may assume that the idea of kicking out Syrian dictator Assad is a recent idea stemming from his brutal crackdowns on protestors starting in March 2011.

But the truth is that it is a 70-year old project ……

“Oh to be in England, Now Its Bombs Away.” Questionable Legality of the “Legal Position” of The British Government By Dr. David Halpin, April 17 2018

Dear Prime Minister,

As a healer for these past 50 years, I wish you and your cabinet to note this analysis.  It is obvious to a child that your order to bomb three sites in Syria had no basis in

The Yerevan Protests Might End Armenia’s Unconvincing “Balancing” Act between Russia and the West By Andrew Korybko, April 17 2018

Armenia’s unconvincing attempts to “balance” between Russia and the West as it moves ever-closer to the pro-American EU might end in failure as the Yerevan protests put pressure on the country’s leadership to more decisively move westward.

The Roots Of

The Smoking Gun Evidence in Douma, Syria that Should Bring the British Government Down By True Publica, April 17 2018

Today I was going to write about how mainstream media propaganda over the use of chemical weapons in Douma, Syria – had reached hysteria mode two days ago and then suddenly today, stopped. The silence was both abrupt and stunning.

Another Overnight Missile Attack on Syrian Military Bases By Stephen Lendman, April 17 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

An earlier article said US-led overnight Friday aggression on Syrian targets wasn’t the end of it.

It was likely prelude for further aggression

Macron’s Syria Game By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 17 2018

There is a certain bullishness in French circles these days, even if there was an initial attempt, with the Macron government, to calm matters down.  The need to assert Gallic might in the face of brutality has again surfaced; and

The US Secret Plan on Damascus Foiled: The Russian Role Before and After the US-US-France Attack Revealed By Elijah J. Magnier, April 17 2018

Donald Trump has climbed down from the tree he climbed up a few days ago when he gathered a large military force and firepower similar to “operation desert storm” (but without ground forces).  “Plan A” consisted of a destructive attack

Why the April 14th Missiles Invasion of Syria Was a Historic Downward Turning Point for American Hegemony By Eric Zuesse, April 17 2018

The April 14th invasion was the apogee, the turning-point downward, for American hegemony, the end of the mono-polar world or U.S. dictatorship that ever since 24 February 1990 the U.S. Government has imposed on all of its foreign allies for

Climate Change Brings Transformations in Cuba By Yisell Rodríguez Milán and Danae González Del Toro, April 17 2018

Featured image: Replenishment of sand on beaches in Ciego de Avila to mitigate the effects of erosion. (Photo: Ernesto Tristá)

“An important biological species is facing the risk of extinction given the rapid and progressive elimination of its natural conditions

Does It Matter that the Strikes Against Syria Violate International Law? By Prof. William Partlett, April 17 2018

Leading legal experts and former US officials have almost universally stated that the recent airstrikes in Syria carried out by the United States, France, and the UK – three permanent members of the United Nations – were illegal under international

Robert Fisk’s Douma Report Rips Away Excuses for Air Strike on Syria By Jonathan Cook, April 17 2018

Featured image: Robert Fisk

It seems that many who supported the weekend’s air strikes on Syria are overlooking the significance of Robert Fisk’s report today from Douma, the site of a supposed chemical weapons attack last week.

Fisk is

The Skripal Affair: Cui Bono? Hysteria Before Multi-polarity By Prof. Ivaylo Grouev, April 17 2018

We bring to the attention of our readers this article by Ivalyo Grouev, Professor of Political Science, University of Ottawa. Dr. Ivaylo has carefully articulated what seems to be going on in this tangled mess in the Middle East.

Syrian Strikes Are ‘Legal’ – but Only According to the ‘Law of the Jungle’ By Jim Jatras, April 17 2018

The full extent of the damage to international peace and security caused by the US-led Syrian strikes will take some time to become clear. But its impact on the very concept of legality in international affairs is already evident.


British Propaganda and Disinformation: An Imperial and Colonial Tradition By Wayne Madsen, April 17 2018

When it comes to creating bogus news stories and advancing false narratives, the British intelligence services have few peers. In fact, the Secret Intelligence Service (MI-6) has led the way for its American “cousins” and Britain’s Commonwealth partners – from

John Bolton Coordinated the US led Attack on Syria with Israel By Renee Parsons, April 17 2018

While Defense Secretary James Mattis and newly appointed National Security Advisor John Bolton disagreed on aspects of the Syrian strike, (“we are looking for the actual evidence”) it is generally acknowledged in the MSM that Trump agreed with Mattis

If Ottawa Rams Through Trans Mountain Pipeline, It Could Trigger an Oka-like Crisis By Stewart Phillip and Serge Simon, April 17 2018

As the federal and Alberta governments continue to pull their hair out over the B.C. government’s stand against Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline expansion and tanker project, it’s important to point out, as we’ve been doing for years, that the

Canada’s First Nations Leaders Pledge to Block Trans-Mountain Pipeline Expansion By Richard Fidler, April 17 2018

At the 2015 Paris COP 21 climate conference Justin Trudeau pledged his newly-elected government would help “to limit global average temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius as well as pursue efforts to limit the increase to 1.5 degrees.”

The Liberation of Eastern Ghouta, The Gaza Massacre, Revenge of the Empire By Hugo Turner, April 17 2018

 The madness of the west is ever increasing as anti-Russian hysteria has spread from America to Europe in the wake of the farcical  Skripal affair. The alternative media is under attack, journalists are being slandered, social media is being censored,

Salisbury Nerve Agent Attack Reveals $70 Million Pentagon Program at Porton Down By Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, April 17 2018

The Pentagon has spent at least $70 million on military experiments involving tests with deadly viruses and chemical agents at Porton Down – the UK military laboratory near the city of Salisbury. The secretive biological and chemical research facility is

Striking Syria: U.S. Shameless Violation of International Law. Fabricating Evidence and False Flag Operations By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, April 17 2018

The United States government has once again shamelessly violated international law. There was no legal or moral justification for launching more than a 100 missile strikes against so-called chemical weapons’ sites in Syria on the 14th of April 2018.

Timeline of CIA Interventions in Syria By Michael S. Rozeff, April 17 2018

Understanding the US led war on Syria. It started in the late 1940s. This article was first published by Lew Rockwell and Global Research in October 2015


This partial timeline provides evidence that the U.S. government and Obama in

The Skripal Incident: Should We Hope for an Apology from Britain? By Oriental Review, April 17 2018

An increasing number of voices are being heard demanding that Britain apologize for the unprecedented witch hunt being conducted against Russia under the utterly false pretext of the “Skripal incident.” However, Russian President Vladimir Putin has bluntly stated:

“We do

Vietnam Locks Up US-funded Agitators By Joseph Thomas, April 17 2018
Could Student Protests Break the Back of Bangladesh’s Ruling Party? By Andrew Korybko, April 17 2018
Fascistic Politics in India and the Left By Raju Das, April 17 2018
SYRIA: NATO's "Humanitarian" War? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 17 2018
ONLINE INTERACTIVE I-BOOK. The insurgency in Syria is based on the "Libya Model": it is integrated by mercenaries and Al Qaeda affiliated paramilitary brigades supported by British, French and Turkish Special Forces...
The Impacts of Vaccines: Aluminum, Autoimmunity, Autism and Alzheimer’s By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, April 17 2018

First published by Global Research on June 24, 2017

I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine…has absolutely

BREAKING: The Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria Did Not Occur. It was a Hoax, a False Flag To Justify the US-led Air Strikes, Staged by The Rebels By Pearson Sharp and Mark Taliano, April 16 2018

Mark Taliano reporting from Damascus

BREAKING: Pearson Sharp of One America News was on-the-ground in Douma, Eastern Ghouta today. What he discovered should not be a surprise to any informed audience, since we have seen this all before:

The “chemical …

First Western Journalist In Syrian Hospital Which Treated “Chemical Weapons” Victims Explains What REALLY Happened By Robert Fisk and Washington's Blog, April 16 2018

Forget what the Syrian government or the Ruskies say.

The first Western journalist has interviewed doctors at the hospital in Douma, Syria which supposedly treated chemical weapons victims and is announcing what really happened.

In the following 1-minute clip, award-winning

Video: TV Censorship, Sky News Experience “Technical Trouble” that Silences Expert Doubting Pro-war Syria Narrative By OffGuardian, April 16 2018

This report was first published on March 23, shortly before the bombing commenced. The “Big Lie” narrative is collapsing. Spread the word. Both Trump and May should be impeached and indicted for having committed war crimes. (Michel Chossudovsky, GR Editor)…

Trump: A Geopolitical Know-Nothing Endangering Humanity. America’s first Reality TV President By Stephen Lendman, April 16 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

He’s a real estate businessman/television personality, America’s first Reality TV president.

A geopolitical know-thing, he largely knows rubbish fed him in daily briefings,

Selected Articles: Syria: The Tentacles of This War of Aggression By Global Research News, April 16 2018

Global Research shares timely, independent and vital information to readers across the globe.

We act as a global platform to let the voices of dissent, protest, and expert witnesses and academics be heard and disseminated internationally.

To sustain our goal, …

“God is With The People of Syria”, Condemnation of U.S. -U.K. -France Bombing of Syria by Patriarchates of Antioch for the Greek Orthodox, Syrian Orthodox, and Greek-Melkite Catholic By Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch, April 16 2018

God is with us; Understand all ye nations and submit yourselves!

We, the Patriarchs: John X, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, Ignatius Aphrem II, Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, and Joseph Absi,