Global Research News

Philip May, Husband of Prime Minister May: Yet Another Example of the ‘Cosy Relationship’ Between Government and the Arms Industry By Political Concern, April 23 2018

A Liverpool reader draws attention to the news that Philip May, husband of the UK prime minister, works for Capital Group, the largest shareholder in arms manufacturer, BAE Systems, whose share price has soared since the recent airstrikes in

The Origins of Violence? Slavery, Extractivism and War By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, April 23 2018

Featured image: Jan van Eyck (before c. 1390 – 9 July 1441) Crucifixion and Last Judgement diptych, c. 1430–1440. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

“And the land, hitherto a common possession like the light of the sun and the

Earth Day: Conflict over the Future of the Planet By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, April 23 2018

Featured image: Photograph from climate march in Washington, DC, Union of Concerned Scientists.

On this Earth Day, it is difficult to look at the state of the planet and the current political leadership and see much hope. In “Junk

Will Congress Write the President a “Blank Check for War”? By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 23 2018

This coming Monday, April 23, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is set to review a bill that would virtually give President Donald J. Trump a blank check to wage war anywhere in the world any time he pleases.

The Constitution …

“Modernizing Saudi Arabia” and the Middle East Geopolitical Chessboard By Sami Karimi, April 22 2018

Saudi Arabia is undergoing a dramatic shift in decades. Saudi Arabia’s crown prince Mohammad bin Salman made  unexpectedly a  gigantic leap into becoming potential successor of Salman bin Abdulaziz. This Arab state is the dearest ally of the West

Lies and Deception in the Failed US Strike on Syria By Federico Pieraccini, April 22 2018

At 4am on April 14, the United States, France and the United Kingdom executed a strike on Syria. The Syrian Free Press reported:

US Navy warships in the Red Sea and Air Force B-1B bombers and F-15 and F-16 aircraft

A Shocking Lack of “Intelligence” in Our Missile Strike on Syria By Scott Ritter, April 22 2018

It was a scene that has played out before the American public on multiple occasions in recent history: Representatives of the American defense establishment walked out onto a stage backed by light-blue drapery sporting an oval-shaped sign containing the words

Selected Articles: Airstrikes and Lawsuits: Cui Bono? By Global Research News, April 22 2018

Global Research is a small team that believes in the power of information and analysis to bring about far-reaching societal change including a world without war.

Truth in media is a powerful instrument. As long as we keep probing, asking

Top Six Reasons Pompeo Should Not be Secretary of State By Prof. Juan Cole, April 22 2018

NBC is reporting that Mike Pompeo lacks the votes in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to have his nomination to be Secretary of State be favorably reported out of committee on Monday night. Democrats on the committee have expressed fears

Democrats Escalate Anti-Russia Witch Hunt with Lawsuit Linking Trump and Assange as Russian Agents By Barry Grey, April 22 2018

In a major escalation of the anti-Russia campaign targeting both Moscow and the Trump administration, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Friday filed a lawsuit charging the Russian government, the Trump election campaign and top Trump aides, and WikiLeaks and

‘Incredible’ News as Banking Giant HSBC Ditches New Coal, Tar Sands, and Offshore Arctic Drilling Projects By Andrea Germanos, April 22 2018

In another signal that “the era of fossil fuels is coming to a close,” Europe’s biggest bank, HSBC, announced Friday that it will no longer fund oil or gas projects in the Arctic, tar sands projects, or most coal projects.

Evidence – Novichok Delivery System Patented in the US By True Publica, April 22 2018

Featured image: Main Image – Patent Powder Dispersal Device – filed 2013, patent pending for the delivery of nerve agents, specifically, Novichok and sarin: Examples of nerve agents may include G series such as Tabun (GA), Sarin (GB), Soman (GD),

Alleged Syria Chemical Weapons Attack: OPCW to Rubber-Stamp Official Falsified Douma Narrative? By Stephen Lendman, April 22 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The alleged Douma CW incident never happened. The official narrative was fabricated as documented by Robert Fisk. 

Residents and medical personnel were unanimous

The Globalization Phenomenon: Different Perspectives of Analysis By Mario D’Andreta, April 22 2018

An overview of the literature on globalization shows the presence of four great waves of theoretical approaches to the analysis of this social phenomena (Martell 2010, Berry 2011).

The first wave is represented by the hyperglobalist approach, which is …

North Korea Extends a Good Faith “Olive Branch”. Kim-Trump Summit in June? By Stephen Lendman, April 22 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Days ahead of an April 27 inter-Korean summit, seen as prelude to DPRK leader Kim Jong-un and Trump meeting in May or June

The Struggle for Liberation in Southern Africa. Cuba and the Future of Pan-Africanism By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 22 2018

Two important commemorations related to the struggle for the liberation of Southern Africa and the culmination of the political phase of the independence movement on the continent, have been marked recently through acknowledgements of the 40th year since the

Trump to “Counter” DNC Lawsuit Alleging “A Far-reaching Conspiracy to …Tilt the 2016 Election to Donald Trump” By Zero Hedge, April 22 2018

President Trump is eager to go head-to-head with the DNC which filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit on Friday against several parties, including the Russian government, the Trump campaign and the WikiLeaks organization – alleging a “far-reaching conspiracy to disrupt the

A New African Country: Everything You Need to Know About “eSwatini” By Andrew Korybko, April 22 2018

Featured image: King Mswati III (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The tiny African monarchy formerly known as Swaziland officially changed its name to “eSwatini” earlier this week in order to indigenize its identity and – in the words of King Mswati III

Syria’s Children: “Condemned to Live”, Shackled by the Scars of US-NATO Terrorism By Mark Taliano, April 22 2018

Mark Taliano reporting from Aleppo

During the Western-supported terrorists’ reign of Death and Terror over Aleppo, children felt “condemned to die”. They had no possibility of escape. They were ready to die. For years, terrorists were killing and crippling their

Antisemitism in British Politics Is Dependent on UK Foreign Policy By Hans Stehling, April 22 2018

If the May Government will order an immediate embargo on UK arms sales that are used to oppress and kill Palestinians; and if those pro-Israel British citizens will stop sending millions of pounds of tax-exempt charitable funds in a national

Don’t Count on Belize Giving up Its Land to Guatemala Anytime Soon By Andrew Korybko, April 22 2018

Guatemalans voted in a referendum to take their 19th-century territorial dispute with Belize to the UN for final adjudication.

The core of the issue boils down to imperial-era agreements between the Spanish and British Empires whereby Guatemala became …

Swallows are Filling the Skies of Damascus… By Mark Taliano, April 22 2018

Mark Taliano reporting from Damascus

Swallows are filling the Damascene skies. Darting, climbing, rolling, they’re a frenzy of Life amidst the spires, the minarets, and the sky-scraping buildings.

The terrorists, their rifles, their bombs, their bullets, their executions have all …

Washington Using Currency War to Destabilize Iran By F. William Engdahl, April 22 2018

The neoconservative hawks around the US President, notably new National Security head John Bolton and designated Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, are on record that Iran is in Washington’s sights for regime change or at a minimum, economic sanctions and

How Wikipedia Lies. The “United Airlines Flight 93” Article By Eric Zuesse, April 22 2018

Did you know that Vice President Dick Cheney admitted that on 11 September 2001 he, as President George W. Bush’s brief stand-in during the 9/11 attacks that hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, issued an order (and

To Save the Iran Deal, the EU Should Adjust Its Strategy By Eldar Mamedov, April 21 2018

With the May 12 deadline set by U.S. President Donald Trump to “fix” the Iran nuclear deal (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or JCPOA) approaching, European Union foreign ministers failed to agree on new sanctions against Iran at their meeting

Who Benefits from the Syrian Airstrikes? By Michael Welch, Vanessa Beeley, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 21 2018

“So the story of Douma is thus not just a story of gas – or no gas, as the case may be. It’s about thousands of people who did not opt for evacuation from Douma on buses that left last

An Irish Singer who Railed against Indignities and Atrocities Cozying up with George W. Bush By Philip A Farruggio, April 21 2018

Channel surfing last night I came across something on C-Span that caught my attention. I saw the famous Irish singer, Bono, from U-2, sitting with none other than Junior Bush. What gives I asked myself? Then I did some research

The Tragedy of the Cheminots: The Deep Meaning of the French Railroad Strikes By Diana Johnstone, April 21 2018

The current series of railroad strikes in France are portrayed in the media as “labor unrest”, a conflict between the government and trade union leaders, or as a temporary nuisance to travelers caused by the self-interest of a privileged category

Dolphins or LNG Tankers in the Shannon Estuary? The Processing of U.S. Fracked Hydrocarbons in the Republic of Ireland By True Publica, April 21 2018

Ireland banned fracking but Sambolo Resources wants to open one of Europe’s biggest projects to process fracked material in a Shannon Estuary nature reserve where whales and dolphins swim. Right now, they’re trying to renew planning permission with An

Demonization of Assad and His Government. Syrians living in Syria know that President Assad is not a “Monster” By Mark Taliano, April 21 2018

Mark Taliano, reporting from Aleppo, Syria.

Corporate media channels have a global reach that vaults over sovereign boundaries to make Western propaganda almost ubiquitous.  Consequently, toxic messaging – even as it contradicts the most elementary critical reasoning – prevails.

Not …

Future of Asia: China’s Economic Opportunities or America’s Perpetual Conflict? By Joseph Thomas, April 21 2018

The US recently announced possible plans to deploy thousands of additional US Marines to East Asia as part of the recently revealed 2018 National Security Strategy which designates China along with Russia as the US Department of Defence’s “principal priorities.”

Senior Civil Servants Still Deeply Sceptical of Russian Responsibility for Skripal Poisoning By Craig Murray, April 21 2018

Well-placed FCO sources tell me it remains the case that senior civil servants in both the FCO and Home Office remain very sceptical of Russian guilt in the Skripal case. It remains the case that Porton Down scientists have identified

The Stench of Imperialism: The Statement of Theresa May, Blatant War Propaganda By Christopher Black, April 21 2018

On April 16 the British prime minister, Theresa May made a speech to parliament setting out the “justifications” for Britain’s participation on the aggression against Syria in the dead-of-night missile attack of April 14. Throughout her speech she dramatically referred

The European Parliament Calls for Immediate End to Blockade on Gaza By The Palestinian Information Center, April 21 2018

The European Parliament (EP) on Thursday called for an immediate and unconditional end to the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip and condemned the Israeli killing of peaceful protesters near Gaza’s eastern border over the past three weeks.

The Parliament …

We are Living in an Age of War Profiteers: Crimes of a “Monster”, Your Tax Dollars at Work By John W. Whitehead, April 21 2018

Let us not mince words.

We are living in an age of war profiteers.

We are living in an age of scoundrels, liars, brutes and thugs. Many of them work for the U.S. government.

We are living in an age …

Scary Scenario: California’s Hayward Bay Earthquake Fault Line Is More Dangerous Than San Andreas: It’s a ‘Ticking Time Bomb’ By Mac Slavo, April 21 2018

Scientists are now saying that the “Big One” in California may not be caused by the San Andreas fault line, but by the Hayward Bay fault line. It is now thought to be the “ticking time bomb” fault line and

Actress Natalie Portman Boycotts Israeli Award Ceremony By Stephen Lendman, April 21 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Many more like her are needed – prominent individuals and others unwilling to support a nation responsible for decades of unaccountable high crimes

German Parliament Says US-led Syria Strike Violated International Law By Frank Sellers, April 21 2018

In launching airstrikes against Syria, over the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, an independent German Parliamentary report has declared that the US, Britain, and France have breached international law.

The grounds for the finding are that the prohibition of

Achieving 100% Renewable Energy. Conversion to Clean Energy: Wind, Water and Sun By Bill McKibben, April 21 2018

We watch in horror as the damages from climate change continue to mount.

Last year, Hurricane Harvey dropped more rain on Houston than any storm has ever dropped on any American city, ever. Hurricane Maria set back development in Puerto …

On the Criminal Referral of Comey, Clinton et al: Will the Constitution Hold and the Media Continue to Suppress the Story? By Ray McGovern, April 21 2018

Wednesday’s criminal referral by 11 House Republicans of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as well as several former and serving top FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) officials is a giant step toward a Constitutional crisis.

Named in the …

North Korea to Close Nuclear Testing Site? By Jason Ditz, April 21 2018

North Korea’s official state media has announced that as of Saturday, all nuclear and long-range missile testing in the country are being suspended indefinitely. They also announced they will be closing their nuclear testing site.

The decisions were made …

Fruitless Syrian Peace Process. Saudi Troops to Replace Pentagon Soldiers By Stephen Lendman, April 21 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Years of Geneva and Astana talks (along with one Sochi round) achieved no breakthroughs – nothing toward resolving years of US-launched aggression in

“War is Good for Business”: Insider Trading, Secret Information and the US-led Attack against Syria By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 21 2018
While the broader public was led to believe that a major confrontation between Russia and the US-led coalition was imminent, a handful of officials in the upper echelons of government were privy to the precise details and timing of the bombing operation against Syria
Yemen, The Most Horrific Genocide. A Country without Food, Water, Medicine and Fuel By Mnar Muhawesh, April 21 2018

As the U.S.-Saudi-led war against Yemen enters its third year, the people of this coffin-shaped nation on the Arabian peninsula find themselves struggling not only to survive but to be seen and heard by a mainstream media that is preoccupied

Major Win for BDS as Heavily Jewish US Women’s College Votes for Divestment By Telesur, April 21 2018

In a major win for the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions, BDS movement, students at the Barnard College, an elite women’s liberal arts college in New York City with a high percentage of Jewish students, have voted to divest from

United States
Options for Denuclearising the Korean Peninsula By Morton Halperin, Peter Hayes, and Leon Sigal, April 20 2018

A critically important part of assembling the Korean peninsula-wide denuclearization jigsaw puzzle is the institutional and legal form of North Korean commitments on the one hand, and the nuclear negative security assurances by the NPT-Nuclear Weapons States (NWSs), especially the

The UK Refused to Raid a Company Suspected of Money Laundering, Citing Its Tory Donations By Heidi Blake, Tom Warren, Richard Holmes, and Jane Bradley, April 20 2018

The British government refused to assist a French investigation into suspected money laundering and tax fraud by the UK telecoms giant Lycamobile – citing the fact that the company is the “biggest corporate donor to the Conservative party” and gives

Video: The Art of War: Fake “Made in America” and Lies “Made in Italy” By Manlio Dinucci, April 20 2018


To motivate the 2003 war, the US accused Iraq of possessing weapons of mass destruction: Secretary of State Colin Powell presented to the UN a series of “evidences” that turned out to be false, as he himself had to

Marx’s Theory and Philosophy of Praxis: Between Academia and Ideology By Alex Demirović, April 20 2018

Hungarian writer and historian György Dalos described his relationship to Marx in a short, reflective piece that appeared in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung on 25 October 2017. In it, he claims that Marx drew upon that age-old human ideal of

Theresa May’s Husband’s Capital Group Is Largest Shareholder in BAE, Shares Soar Since Syrian Airstrikes By RT News, April 20 2018

Philip May, husband of the UK prime minister, works for a company that is the largest shareholder in arms manufacturer, BAE Systems, whose share price has soared since the recent airstrikes in Syria.

The company, Capital Group, is also

Homebound: Hardship Awaits Internally Displaced Iraqis By Ann-Kathrin Pohlers, April 20 2018

Featured image: Civilians leaving old Mosul. This boy is going to fall of exhaustion just after this picture is taken. (Credit: Herve Jakubowicz)

With upcoming elections in May, the Iraqi government is urging Internally Displaced People (IDPs) to return home.

Exclusive Emails Show How the White Helmets Tried to Recruit Roger Waters with Saudi Money By Max Blumenthal, April 20 2018

During a Barcelona concert on April 13, Roger Waters denounced the Syrian White Helmets as “a fake organization that exists only to create propaganda for jihadists and terrorists.” Warning that the groups’ unverified claims about chemical weapons attacks across insurgent-held

Washington Forces Its Allies to Accept a Bipolar World By Thierry Meyssan, April 20 2018

By firing missiles on Syria with its French and British allies, President Donald Trump has managed to force the Western powers to accept the end of their unilateral domination of the world. The insignificant result of this demonstration of force

Israel Supports Syria “Opposition” Terrorists out of the Occupied Golan Heights. Sabotage of the Peace Process By Sophie Mangal, April 20 2018

It is well known that Israel has been supporting the so-called opposition operating in Syria in order to overthrow the legitimate government of Bashar al-Assad since the very beginning of the Syrian crisis in 2011. Another goal of Tel Aviv

Gaza Deserves Our Support. Occupied and Impoverished, The World Must Acknowledge Their Fundamental Rights By James J. Zogby, April 20 2018

Featured image: Protesters near the Gaza border fence (YouTube)

To say that the situation in Gaza is deplorable and desperate is an understatement. That impoverished strip of land on the Eastern Mediterranean has been deplorable and desperate for decades.

I …

France Is America’s New “Special Partner” in Europe, Washington’s Chief Ally on the Continent By Andrew Korybko, April 20 2018

The geopolitical dynamics of the New Cold War have made it so that France – and not the UK or Germany – is the US’ “special partner” in Europe given Paris’ much broader pan-hemispheric influence and its pivotal place in

“The CIA Is Back and I Like It”! Let’s Create a Global Union for Peace By Massoud Nayeri, April 20 2018

Yesterday (4-18-2018) on Fox News, a loyal Democrat, Governor Bill Richardson (in regard to the secret meeting of CIA Director Mike Pompeo with Kim Jong-un, leader of North Korea) said:

“The CIA IS BACK and I like it”!


HillaryGate: Lawmakers Urge Criminal Probe of Senior Obama Officials including Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Lynch By Stephen Lendman, April 20 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Investigative journalist Sara Carter broke the story, saying 11 congressional lawmakers made what’s called a criminal referral to Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

How Western “Journalism” Fulfills George Orwell’s Prediction of “Newspeak” By Eric Zuesse, April 20 2018

On Sunday April 15th, Britain’s Guardian bannered “OPCW inspectors set to investigate site of Douma chemical attack” and pretended that there was no question that a chemical attack in Douma Syria on April 7th had actually occurred, and the

“First Joust” and The Strike on Syria By Israel Shamir, April 20 2018

With slight disappointment the public regarded the field. Just a minute ago, two knights were converging in fearsome joust, their spears pointing forth, plumage blowing, horses galloping, ladies out waving their handkerchiefs to their champions, – and now we see

Video: Interview with Boy from White Helmets Douma Video Raises More Doubts Over ‘Chemical Attack’ By RT News, April 20 2018

Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy By Dr. Larry Souza, April 20 2018

Most major monetary, fiscal, and macroeconomic economists, and financial institution and capital market experts agree, the global economy and financial system is more systemically fragile than ever before: $10 trillion bank NPLs, $13 trillion Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP), rotating

Unpersons By William Blum, April 20 2018

One reason it’s so easy to get an American administration, the mainstream media, and the American people to jump on an anti-Russian bandwagon is of course the legacy of the Soviet Union. To all the real crimes and shortcomings of

After Syria Strikes, Drumbeat Grows for Wider US War By Will Morrow, April 20 2018

In the wake of last weekend’s US-British-French missile strikes on Syria, a campaign is growing in the American political and military/intelligence establishment for a wider war that would threaten a nuclear conflict with Russia.

On Tuesday, Democratic and Republican lawmakers …

Clamouring Against Russia: The Cyber Attack Platform By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 20 2018

In a time when such revelations as those of Edward Snowden pass a person’s lips with ease and awareness, political clamouring for action and measures against Russia on the subject of cyber attack seem risible.  This is not to say

Canada Anti-war Demonstration against US-UK-French Missile Attacks on Syria, Toronto, April 22 By Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, April 20 2018

The Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War is pleased to announce that it will demonstrate against the April 13 missile attacks on the part of the USA, UK, and France on Syria. The Coalition regards those attacks as outrageous and

SYRIA: CIA-MI6 Intel Ops and Sabotage By Felicity Arbuthnot, April 19 2018
DÉJÀ VU? "The CIA is prepared, and MI6 will attempt to mount minor sabotage and coup de main (sic) incidents within Syria,... [using] capabilitites in both psychological and action fields to augment tension.” (Joint US-UK leaked Intelligence Document, London and Washington, 1957)
Journalists Found Boy Filmed in White Helmets’ Douma Alleged “Chemical Attack” Video. He Did It for Food. By South Front, April 19 2018

A group of Russian correspondents led by Evgeny Poddubny has found a boy filmed by the White Helmets in their video showing people “affected” by the alleged chemical attack in Douma on April 7.

According to Poddubny:

  • 11-year-old Hassan Diab
The Arab Spring and Regime Change in Libya: An Elaborate Plot by the West By Julian Samboma, April 19 2018

The Arab Spring was an elaborate plot by “imperialist” Western governments, according to a new book by an independent journalist and filmmaker. The book also claims that the Arab Spring was just a smokescreen for the murder of Colonel Gaddafi

New Congressional Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) to Give Trump Greater War Powers. Will It be Adopted? By Stephen Lendman, April 19 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

On September 14, 2001, three days after the mother of all false flags, congressional members near unanimously passed the Authorization for Use of

US Nuclear Submarine that Struck Syria ‘Not Welcome’ Back to Naples, Italy By Darius Shahtahmasebi, April 19 2018

The U.S. nuclear submarine that helped U.S., U.K., and French forces commit an act of war against Syria last week is no longer welcome near the waters of Italy’s largest seaports, Newsweek reports.

Citing Italian newspaper La Repubblica, …

US-North Korea Summit: Hold the Cheers. Inter-Korean Summit to Precede Trump-Kim Meeting? By Stephen Lendman, April 19 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

A US summit meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un may or may not happen, Trump saying:

“If we don’t think it’s going

Debunking Ten Lies About Syria and Assad By Chris Kanthan, April 19 2018

When I wrote the article about the “Most Dangerous Decade” two weeks ago, I didn’t realize that my time frame was too optimistic. What’s happening now in Syria has the potential to start WW III. Don’t believe for

Of Animals and Bees and Flowers Wild as Earth Day Nears By Dr. Arshad M. Khan, April 19 2018

Nature cheers us.  Animals can be powerful, beautiful, sleek, graceful.  A field of wild flowers chanced upon can take our breath away.  Wordsworth so moved by ‘a host of golden daffodils’ put pen to paper, and we are richer for

Protecting Urban “Green Space”, Animal Habitats and Our Countryside: The Case for Environmentally Friendly Construction By Roof Stores, April 19 2018

It’s becoming increasingly clear that we need to adapt our construction methods to be more environmentally friendly. However, this isn’t just a case of green energy and sustainable materials, plans must also account for the local ecosystem.

The construction of

Selected Articles: Media Lies and Gas Attacks By Global Research News, April 19 2018

Thanks to the contributions of our readers, we have been able to maintain complete independence. You can help Global Research make information available to the widest possible readership.  

We ask that you consider making a donation to Global Research in

Peace on the Korean Peninsula at Last? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, April 19 2018

One of the unexpected events that happened during the PyongChang Olympics was the remarkable diplomatic manoeuvre of the three stars: Moon Jae-in, Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump.

Moon Jae-in convinced Kim Jong-un to send a large delegation to PyomgChang

Syria Douma “Chemical Attack”: “It was Hypoxia [Lack of Oxygen] Not a Gas Attack.” Al Qaeda “Rebels” in Possession of Chemical Weapons By Rodney Atkinson, April 19 2018

The American online network “One America Network” committed the unpardonable sin for the mainstream media and actually went to the site of the alleged chemical attack in Syria which prompted the bomb and missile attack by France, the UK and

The Dirty War on Syria and The Globalization of War: Special Offer By Prof. Tim Anderson and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 19 2018

Global Research Publishers brings you a combined special offer on two important books. Order Tim Anderson’s “The Dirty War on Syria” and Michel Chossudovsky’s “The Globalization of War” at a discounted price. 

Click here to order

“The Dirty War on

On the Reaction to the U.S. Strike in Syria. Imperative of an Anti-War Movement. What Comes Next? By Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, April 19 2018

The arguments between Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford before the Syrian air strikes, and between them and President Donald Trump and his ultra-hawk national security adviser, John Bolton, ended