Global Research News

Macron’s Mission to Washington: Protect French Business Interests With Iran? Trump’s Intent to Jeopardize the Iran Nuclear Deal? By Adam Garrie, April 26 2018

In July of 2017, the French energy giant Total signed a $5 billion deal with Iran to develop the South Pars off-shore oil field. At the time, Total executives acknowledged the fact that they could lose all of their investments

Trump-Macron: Europe Is Doing a One-Eighty. Major Transformation of the Atlantic Alliance? By Deena Stryker, April 26 2018

Emanuel Macron’s visit to the US illustrates a major transformation pf the Atlantic Alliance. Since the end of World War II in 1945, Europe has been beholden to the US, due to the major role it played in defeating

Israel: Condemned by Their Own Words By Craig Murray, April 26 2018

This transcript of an Israeli General on an Israeli radio station (begins 6.52 in) defending the latest killing by Israeli army snipers of a 14 year old boy who posed no threat of any kind, is much more powerful if

Is U.S. Policy in Syria in “America’s Interest” or Just In Some Americans’ Interests? By Abdo Haddad, April 26 2018

Is it about America’s Interests or some American’s interest?

The military operation launched by the United States, France and Britain against Syria has achieved little to no gains unlike what was promoted by the United States and the West. The

What Yemen War? Saudi King Salman Awarded ‘Personality of the Year’ By The New Arab, April 26 2018

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdelaziz was declared the “Islamic World’s Personality of the Year” by a group of religious scholars in Pakistan, honouring the royal for his apparent services to the Muslim world.

Scholars at the Message of Islam

The US-UK-France Strikes on Syria Didn’t Ignite World War III, but They Did Confirm the “New Cold War” By Andrew Korybko, April 26 2018

There are differing motivations that drove the US, UK, and France to bomb Syria.

Most people have already heard a lot of commentary about the US’ reasons for doing so, which were mostly to send a signal to Iran &

More Psychiatry and More Psychiatric Medications Means More Mass Shootings By Dr. Peter R. Breggin, April 26 2018

In late September 2016, a few days after Nikolas Cruz (Parkland, Florida shootout) turned 18 and became old enough to buy a gun, the Department of Children and Families sent one or more investigators to Cruz’s home. The Department had

What Was the “Success Rate” of the US-UK-France April 14th Missiles Against Syria? By Eric Zuesse, April 26 2018

The U.S. and Russia provide diametrically opposite accounts of the percentages of U.S.-and-allied missiles that hit their targets in Syria on the night of April 13th-14th.

On the 14th, Russia’s military said that 71 of the 103 U.S.-and-allied missiles were

Canada Fuels Assault on Syria, but Syrians Are Resilient By Mark Taliano and Phil Taylor, April 26 2018

Mark Taliano just got back from Syria.

He was there right in time to hear the cruise missiles, which exploded 5 km from his hotel. Taliano tells us what Syrians think of the war, and the role of Canada as

Addressing US Congress, Macron Backs Neocolonial Carve-up of Middle East By Alex Lantier, April 26 2018

Emmanuel Macron’s address to a joint session of the US Congress on Wednesday was one of the most belligerent public statements ever made by a French president. Hailing the unprovoked bombing of Syria on April 14 by Washington, London

The Moment of Truth Has Come! What Now? Threat to Life on Planet Earth: Ozone Dying and the Deadly Ultraviolet Cosmic Radiation By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, April 26 2018
The real threat to life is the deadly ultraviolet cosmic radiation that reaches the Earth’s surface because the ozone layer can no longer stop it. That means, that a part of the atmosphere, the famous and unique Blue of the planet Earth is in is in the process of dissolution.
Gold Leaving US Vaults: Signs of Upcoming Currency War and Armed Conflict? By Peter Korzun, April 26 2018

The Turkish government has made the decision to repatriate all of its gold reserves that are currently housed in the US Federal Reserve System (FRS). Overall Turkey was storing 220 tonnes, valued at $25.3 billion, in the US, which

Threat to “Real Journalism” Worldwide and What It Means By Eresh Omar Jamal, April 26 2018

“If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by truth.” — Julian Assange

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world has witnessed one war after another, started by the US and its NATO allies, some

Putin’s “Chaos” Warning Should be Taken Very Seriously By Andrew Korybko, April 26 2018

President Putin warned that any further strikes on Syria will “lead to chaos in International Relations”.

He made his remarks while speaking to his Iranian counterpart in a telephone conversation over the weekend, and his vague words have led to …

Video: The Art of War: Seventy Years of Subjection to the US and NATO By Manlio Dinucci, April 26 2018

Luigi Di Maio: “If someone thinks about disengaging Italy from our historical allies, who are the West and NATO countries, he will always find me against it. Italy, and especially the 5 Star Movement, has never said that it

The Resumption of Russia-Israel Free Trade Talks Proves “Ties Are Fantastic”. Implications for Syria? By Andrew Korybko, April 25 2018

No, Russian-“Israeli” ties aren’t in a state of “crisis” after the latter bombed Syria earlier this month, but are actually enjoying an unprecedented flourishment that won’t be offset by whatever happens in the Arab Republic, and Moscow might even tie

The Border Fetish. The Militarization of the U.S. Mexico Border By Todd Miller, April 25 2018

At first, I thought I had inadvertently entered an active war zone. I was on a lonely two-lane road in southern New Mexico heading for El Paso, Texas. Off to the side of the road, hardly concealed behind some desert

Nikki Haley
Nikki Haley: Scarier than John Bolton? By Philip Giraldi, April 25 2018

The musical chairs playing out among the senior officials that make up the President Donald Trump White House team would be amusing to watch but for the genuine damage that it is doing to the United States. The lack of

Anti-Syrian Propaganda Based on False Images of Torture: Danish State TV By Balder Blog, April 25 2018

This article was originally published in May 2011 at the very outset of the war on Syria. It demonstrates unequivocally the use of fake images as an instrument of war propaganda.


Shocking Images of Torture

The images are from 

Selected Articles: Let’s See Who Pushes War for “Peace” By Global Research News, April 25 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


A Furtive Glance at America’s Ongoing War Preparations Against Russia By Arkady Savitsky, April 25 2018

While the world’s attention is riveted on Syria, the US is significantly boosting its forces in Europe. And these are not just divisions streaming in to take part in some exercises that will leave once those are over. This is

South Korea Government: “…We Got a Call from Our Next-door Neighbor” By Massoud Nayeri, April 25 2018

The desperate airstrikes (on April 13) on already evacuated buildings in Syria by the U.S., U.K. and France based on bogus “intelligence” reports of an alleged “Chemical Attack” showed nothing but the helplessness of the Imperial powers. While the most

Turkey’s Military Offensive in Afrin By Nagapushpa Devendra, April 25 2018

In late January, Turkey launched a ground incursion named Operation Olive Branch in the Afrin canton of northern Syria. The offensive is directed against the Kurdish-led Democratic Union Party in Syria (PYD), particularly its armed wing named People’s Protection Units

The Democratic Party’s War History and the U.S. Congress’ 2018 Authority for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) By Renee Parsons, April 25 2018

If there is any surprise that Senate Democrats, most of whom are virtually indistinguishable from pro-war Republicans, are about to coalesce in support of the newest version of the Authority for the Use of Military Force of 2018 (AUMF),

Why Did Turkey Support the US Missile Strike on Syria? By Salman Rafi Sheikh, April 25 2018

Turkey’s role in the on-going war of Syria has been a subject of controversy from the beginning. From initially supporting the US and NATO to clashing with Russia, the ‘sick man of Europe’ has recently been seen making a dramatic

UK Sells $445 Million of Arms to Israel, Including Sniper Rifles By Jamie Merrill, April 25 2018

Britain has approved the sale of arms to Israel worth $445m since the 2014 Gaza war, including components for drones, combat aircraft and helicopters along with spare parts for sniper rifles, according to figures seen by Middle East Eye.

The …

War Criminals
John Bolton, the Anti-Muslim Think Tank and Brexit By True Publica, April 25 2018

President Donald Trump’s new national security adviser chaired a nonprofit that has promoted misleading and false anti-Muslim news, an NBC News review found.

From 2013 until last month, John Bolton was the chairman of the Gatestone Institute, a New …

“Iraq’s Sacred Assemblies”. The Joy of Cultural Discourse By Barbara Nimri Aziz, April 25 2018

If there’s any argument against our excessive reliance on digital platforms to maintain social fabric, it is surely found inside Iraq today. Forced into long stays indoors, behind walls and gates, checked a dozen times between home, office and school,

History of the Palestinian Nation: Why Oranges Stick in My Throat By Rima Najjar, April 25 2018

During the time that Palestinians call The Great Rebellion, or Revolt against British pro-Zionist policies in Palestine, 1936 – 1939, things began to go seriously wrong for Palestinian Arabs living in Jaffa and have continued to deteriorate with no reprieve

What “Moral Obligation” Did Russia Have to Not Sell S-300s to Syria? Moscow-Tel Aviv’s Unspoken Relationship By Andrew Korybko, April 25 2018

Lavrov’s remark about how Russia no longer has a “moral obligation” to refrain from selling its S-300 anti-air defense systems to Syria has caused serious confusion among the ranks of the Alt-Media Community who don’t quite understand what he meant. 

War Profiteers vs. The People of the United States By David DeGraw, April 25 2018

We bring to the attention of our readers an important report on the billions of dollars of unaccounted U.S. taxpayers money which have served to line the pockets of war profiteers.

“The fact that this mind-blowing amount of missing tax

America’s Totalitarian Dream: Fatherland/Homeland By Philip A Farruggio, April 25 2018

If one recalls, the Nazi regime running Germany in the 1930s and 40s came up with the word Fatherland for their nation.

As many should know, words and phrases can have deepest meaning in the worlds of both advertising and

Where Is the Shame? Why is the World Silent? Acceptance of the West’s War Crimes is the “New Normal” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 25 2018

Now that the Trump, May, and Macron regimes have proven beyond all doubt that they are lawless war criminal regimes, what is next?

Will the Russian president and foreign minister continue to speak of “our Western partners” and seek common …

Carnage Unleashed: The 2018 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) “Will Amp Up War Everywhere” By Prof. William A. Cohn, April 25 2018

As Congress pretends to restrain the already vast powers to wage war acceded to the executive branch we see further dereliction of duty resulting in shameful sorrows of empire and untold suffering abroad. A draft bill touted as reigning in

“Political Correctness” and The Surveillance State: Diagnosing the West with “Sadistic Personality Disorder” (SPD) By Andre Vltchek, April 25 2018

Featured image: Brits enjoying Africa

“This disorder is characterized by cruel, aggressive, manipulative, and demeaning behavior directed towards others.” Psycho-Net. UK

Western culture is clearly obsessed with rules, guilt, submissiveness and punishment.

By now it is clear that the West

American Arcadia: Thomas Cole at the NY Metropolitan Museum of Art. Vanishing Beauty of Untrammeled Wilderness By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, April 25 2018

The English-born Thomas Cole (1801-1848) is arguably America’s first great landscape painter – the founder of the Hudson River School, the painter who brought a romantic sensibility to the American landscape, and sought to preserve the rapidly disappearing scenery with

The CIA’s Dirty War in Nicaragua By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 24 2018

Relevant to unfolding events, this carefully documented article by Timothy Alexander Guzman was first published by GR in February 2018

What is happening in Syria is a reminder of what happened in Nicaragua during the U.S. supported Contra war against

The Russia-India Cruise Missile S-400 Deal: Will the Threat of U.S. CATSA Sanctions Make Delhi Say Bye-Bye to the “Brahmos” Project with Moscow? By Andrew Korybko, April 24 2018

The joint supersonic cruise missile cooperation between India and Russia is endangered by the US’ wielding of CAATSA sanctions against New Delhi, and there’s a chance that this groundbreaking partnership might end sooner than later unless the South Asian state

Net Neutrality’s “Slow and Insidious” Death Begins. Urgent Demands for U.S. Congress to Act By Jake Johnson, April 24 2018

Today is the day that net neutrality’s “slow and insidious” death at the hands of the Republican-controlled FCC officially begins, and Congress is facing urgent pressure to save the open internet before it’s too late.

With Monday …

How Yulia and Sergei Skripal (and Their Cat) Saved the World! By Brett Redmayne-Titley, April 24 2018

Ah, the “Sorrows of Empire.” Its lies these days so easily exposed. Yet, too often ignored.

This past Saturday morning, April 14, 2018, the world released a collective sigh of relief after a week of collective, anguished hand-wringing at the

Saudi Arabia’s Drone Scare Might Have Really Been a “Coup Attempt” against Crown Prince Bin Salman (MBS) By Andrew Korybko, April 24 2018

Nobody seems to believe Saudi Arabia’s official explanation that the extended gunfire that reportedly took place near the royal palace over the weekend was the result of a single toy drone straying over restricted airspace, with popular sentiment all over

The “New Turkey” By Dr. Önder Kulak and Kansu Yildirim, April 24 2018

Permanent State of Emergency and the Dream of Absolute Power

After declaring a state of emergency in the country, the decree laws of the government have replaced the law and therefore the constitution (already suspended partially) in Turkey.

The main …

Selected Articles: US Destabilization Lineup: Is Nicaragua Next? By Global Research News, April 24 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Reports to the Club of Rome. Global Challenges Facing Humanity By Anthony Judge, April 24 2018

The following text is the Introduction to a review article

A new “Report to the Club of Rome” has been prepared by Ernst von Weizsaecker and Anders Wijkman (Come On! Capitalism, Short-termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet

US Military
Might Trump Ask Israel to Fund America’s Invasion-Occupation of Syria? By Eric Zuesse, April 24 2018

On 16 April 2018, the internationally respected analyst of Middle-Eastern affairs, Abdel Bari Atwan, headlined about Trump’s increasingly overt plan to break Syria up and to establish permanent U.S. control over the parts it wants, “Attempting the Unachievable”.

Enoch Powell and British Politics: Blood Speeches and Anniversaries By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 24 2018

“What struck me re-reading it, and thinking back to how I felt at the time, was how in a way the ghost of Enoch Powell still stalks British politics.” – Lord Hain, BBC, April 15, 2018

Speeches are often

US Decries China’s High-Speed Rail in Laos. Connecting China’s Yunnan to South East Asia By Joseph Thomas, April 24 2018

China’s plans to build high-speed rail connecting Kunming in its Yunnan province with the rest of Southeast Asia are already underway. In the landlocked nation of Laos, tunnels and bridges are already under construction.

The United States has, in general, …

“Were You Sad or Were You Happy?”. The Destruction of Syria’s Industrial Heartland By Mark Taliano, April 24 2018

Mark Taliano reporting from Syria

Sheikh Najjar, an industrial city spanning 4,400 hectares, is part of the Industrial heartland of Syria.  Before the war, it accounted for 40% of the country’s GDP.

Western terrorists have targeted Syria’s industrial base since …

The “Ukraine Issue” and Canada’s “Foreign” Minister Chrystia Freeland By PaulR, April 24 2018

Chrystia Freeland gives a new meaning to the title ‘Foreign Minister’. Normally, it means the person in charge of a state’s dealings with foreign countries. In Canada’s case, however, it sometimes seems to mean something rather different – namely, the

The West’s Trauma of Its Dissolution. Facts fitted Around the Narrative By Alastair Crooke, April 24 2018

The tangled web of deceit: The Pentagon calls out a perfect mission – all 105 missiles struck target; “Mission Accomplished”, announces the Commander-in-Chief.  Chemical warehouses and research centres destroyed: yet no chemicals have been released into the Syrian atmosphere, in

No Restitution, No U.S. Reconstruction Money for Syria By Eric Zuesse, April 24 2018

On April 22nd, an unnamed U.S. “Senior Administration Official” told a press conference in Toronto, that the only possible circumstance under which the U.S. Government will agree to pay anything for the harms (bombings of infrastructure etc.) it’s doing

Hydraulic Failures from the Uncontrolled Flow of Water: A Few Examples of Earthen Dam Failures By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, April 24 2018

The photos below are just logical outcomes that could happen if PolyMet’s lagoon’s earthen dam upstream or Duluth over-tops and/or dissolves after a heavy downpour and then bursts. Such a catastrophe would inevitably destroy St Louis River, all the fish,

US CENTCOM Chief Makes “Secret and Unprecedented” Visit to Israel as Russia Mulls Arming Syria By Zero Hedge, April 24 2018

Increasingly it appears that the recent US coalition missile strikes on Syria have utterly backfired: instead of weakening Syria or degrading its military capabilities, the attack may have actually served to strengthen Syria’s defenses. 

Since the massive strike which involved …

US-Led NATO, Israel Plotting Escalated Aggression in Syria? By Stephen Lendman, April 24 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

April 14 US, UK, French aggression in Syria failed to achieve its objective, despite Pentagon claims otherwise.

It did nothing to weaken Syrian

US Department of Agriculture Killed 1.3 Million Native Animals in 2017 By Center For Biological Diversity, April 24 2018

The arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture known as Wildlife Services killed more than 1.3 million native animals during 2017, according to new data released by the agency last week.

The multimillion-dollar federal wildlife-killing program targets wolves, coyotes, cougars, …

Nicaragua: Next in Line for Regime Change? By Tortilla Con Sal, April 24 2018

Events in Nicaragua over the past week are clearly modeled on the kind of U.S.-led, NATO-driven regime change that succeeded in Libya, Ivory Coast and Ukraine, but has so far failed in Thailand, Syria and Venezuela. At a national level,

U.S. Response to Russia-China Hypersonic Weapons: US Air Force Awards Lockheed Martin $1 Billion Hypersonic Missile Contract By David Szondy, April 24 2018

Featured image: The X-51 hypersonic test vehicle (Source: US Air Force)

It appears that the US Air Force is taking recent reports of Russian and Chinese hypersonic weapon systems seriously, as it’s upped its game by awarding Lockheed Martin a

Lieberman: Body of Slain Hamas Engineer Won’t Reach Gaza By The Palestinian Information Center, April 24 2018

As the Malaysian authorities conduct an autopsy on the body of Dr. Fadi Mohammad al-Batsh, Israel’s War Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that the government will not allow the casualty’s body to reach Gaza through Israel.

“However, if they try

What Will Weapons Inspectors Find in Syria…and Does It Matter? By Rep. Ron Paul, April 24 2018

Inspectors from the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) have finally arrived in Douma, Syria, to assess whether a gas attack took place earlier this month. It has taken a week for the inspectors to begin their work,

Syria Chemical Weapons: Red Flags and False Flags By Mark Taliano, April 24 2018
Does Assad benefit from a chemical weapons attack on innocent people when he is winning the war and a just peace is on the horizon? No. The Assad government in no way benefits. Do imperial terrorist proxies benefit from demonizing Assad and hastily accusing him of “killing his own people”? Yes they do.
Twenty-seven Protesters Dead Amid Sandinista Government Crackdown in Nicaragua By Andrea Lobo, April 24 2018

After the Social Security Institute in Nicaragua (INSS) announced Tuesday a ruthless austerity package directed against the country’s pension system, the largest protests since the Sandinista Front for National Liberation (FSLN) returned to power in 2007 have erupted across the

The Mainstream Media Fueled Military Action in Syria, Reprisals Against Russia over the Skripal Affair By Philip Giraldi, April 23 2018

The complicity of America’s Fourth Estate in the evolution of the national security warfare state is often mentioned in passing but rarely analyzed in any detail. But a recent article on Lobe Log by Adam Johnson is refreshing in that

“Yerevan-Maidan” Protests: What Happened in Armenia Was a Defeat for Democracy By Andrew Korybko, April 23 2018

When 9 legislators out of 105 lead an increasingly violent movement to topple an elected government via what ultimately ended up becoming a low-intensity “military coup”, it’s usually a worrying sign that dictatorship and not democracy is right around the

Selected Articles: How the US Engineers the “Truth” By Global Research News, April 23 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


France’s President Macron Says He Wants to Build “The New Syria” Together with the US By South Front, April 23 2018

On April 22, France’s President Emmanuel Macron said during an interview with Fox News TV that France, the US and their allies should stay in Syria after the defeat of ISIS in order to build what he called “a new

The ‘Mad Dog’ Speaks: Mattis Drops Syria Chemical Weapons Bombshell: “We Have No Evidence” By True Publica, April 23 2018

From Inter Press News Agency comes news that those with a critical and questioning mind, knew all along when it came to the pretext for bombing Syria due to the alleged and suspected use of chemical weapons by the Syrian

A World of Peace? Towards a “Principled Foreign Policy” Based on Cooperation, Mutual Respect, International Law By John McDonnell, April 23 2018

The British and US governments have taken on the role of self-appointed global enforcers of the new world order, or rather disorder, that has emerged since the end of the Cold War. Far from solving issues like terrorism, their approach

Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Record, Raises Number of Beheadings by 70%, Lack of Basic Freedoms for Women and Girls By Press TV, April 23 2018

Featured image: Protesters of the beheading of foreign workers in Saudi Arabia stage a mock beheading. (File photo)

In its latest report published Saturday, the European-Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR) said executions by the Saudi government in the

Video: Asma Al-Assad on Syria’s Children. President’s Wife Slams Western Media Coverage of War By Asma al-Assad, April 23 2018

We bring to the attention of Global Research this interview with Asma Al-Assad, wife of Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad with Russia24, first published in October 2016

“The West is dividing our Children”


uploaded by the Daily Mail


Political Unrest in Saudi Arabia? Gunfire Around Saudi King’s Palace? Unconfirmed Reports By Global Research News, April 23 2018

The Western media has casually dispelled the rumors of  political unrest in Saudi Arabia.

There has been virtually no coverage of these unfolding events by the Western media. According to the National (UAE):

Saudi state media dismissed rumours of political

Video: Douma Chemical Attack Is Staged By Peter Ford and Gary Robertson, April 23 2018

Former UK ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford tells a BBC journalist and Western audiences to use their brains and think critically before falling into the propaganda of the Islamist jihadists.

This interview was conducted prior to Trump’s attack on Syria …

Commemorating the Independence of Venezuela By Nino Pagliccia, April 23 2018

The main reason that brings us here today is to speak about Independence and its related notion of sovereignty. But why are we on the street to speak about such important values?

The reason is that we are speaking of …

History: Was Napoleon The Forerunner of the European Union? By Fr. Andrey Tkachev, April 23 2018

When Napoleon crossed the Neman River and said about Russia, “May its fate come to pass”, could we call it aggression on Russia by a nineteenth-century European Union? Whatever you call it, with the exception of the Balkans, which were

Can an Independent Nationalist Become President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)? By Richard Galustian, April 23 2018

Alain Daniel Shekomba (image on the left) is in his forties, married with three children.  Shekomba’s background: he was president of the student association of the University of Kinshasa. Shekomba holds a master’s degree in physics from the University of

Latin America in the Time of Trump: US Domination and The “Neo-Monroe Doctrine” By Prof. James Petras, April 23 2018

“I think the Monroe Doctrine is as relevant today as it was the day it was written (two centuries ago)”. Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State, February 2, 2017- March 31, 2018.


President Trump cancelled his attendance at the Summit …

Fox in the Hen House: Why Interest Rates Are Rising By Ellen Brown, April 23 2018
The Fed is aggressively raising interest rates, although inflation is contained, private debt is already at 150% of GDP, and rising variable rates could push borrowers into insolvency. So what is driving the Fed’s push to “tighten”?
US Provides Military Assistance to 73 Percent of the World’s Dictatorships By Rich Whitney, April 23 2018

Selected article from the GR archive, first crossposted on GR in September 2017.

For decades, the American people have been repeatedly told by their government and corporate-run media that acts of war ordered by their president have been largely motivated

The JFK Assassination and the Attacks of September 11, 2001 By Edward Curtin and Philip A Farruggio, April 23 2018

Featured image: Picture of President Kennedy in the limousine in Dallas, Texas, on Main Street, minutes before the assassination. Also in the presidential limousine are Jackie Kennedy, Texas Governor John Connally, and his wife, Nellie. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The two

Video: Carla Ortiz Debunks the Alleged “Humanitarian Mandate” of the “White Helmets” in Syria. They Work Hand in Glove with Al Qaeda By Carla Ortiz and Jimmy Dore, April 23 2018
Bolivian actress Carla Ortiz debunks the humanitarian nature of the White Helmets in Syria, which is lauded by the corporate media for their unwavering efforts and determination to help Syrian civilians amid the ongoing crisis. But there is more than meets the eye. They are linked to al Qaeda
Rudy Giuliani and the Collapse of the WTC Towers on 9/11 By David Ray Griffin and Elizabeth Woodworth, April 23 2018

Note: It is well known that Donald Trump as president has made many “excellent appointments” for people to be members of his administration – people such as Michael Flynn, Sean Spicer, Anthony Scaramucci, Steve Bannon, and Rex Tillerson. Now