Global Research News

Three Neonicotinoids Down, More Bee-killing Pesticides to Go By Greenpeace, April 30 2018

Four countries opposed the ban and eight abstained. The countries supporting the ban were: France, Germany, Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Slovenia, Estonia, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta, representing 76.1 per cent of the EU

Iraq’s Sacred Assemblies. Survival of Iraq’s Culture and Intellectual Standards By Barbara Nimri Aziz, April 30 2018

Featured image: Kerbala Medical College Students

Classrooms are not normally perceived as a backdrop for cultural exchange, a setting vital to preserving tradition. If they are not, what is an assembly of fourteen twenty-year olds doing, Iraqi in this case,

Escaping Violence and Poverty: Trump Administration Turns Away Immigrant Caravan Requesting Asylum at US-Mexico Border By A R Jerral, April 30 2018

On Sunday, US immigration authorities turned away some 200 Central American immigrants seeking to apply for asylum at the US-Mexico border. As the workers and youth fleeing murderous repression in countries long dominated by US imperialism chanted, “Why do they

Social Science and the Question of Korea. The True Desire to Move Forward Under one Flag as one Nation By Massoud Nayeri, April 30 2018

It is not an exaggeration to say that there are already thousands upon thousands of articles/interviews available on the internet, in newspapers and on TV channels about the recent developments between North and South Korea. The majority of these political

Syrian Military Facilities Terror-Bombed Overnight By Stephen Lendman, April 30 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

According to Syrian and Lebanese media, multiple military sites were struck Sunday night.

Hezbollah’s Al Ahbar accused Israel for the attacks. A Syrian

Young Hive Bees Poisoned by Insecticides By Brandon Turbeville, April 30 2018

New research in both Europe and the United States has demonstrated yet another disturbing link between insecticides known as neonicotinoids and their adverse effects on honey bees. Prior to the research, which was conducted at the University of Buenos Aires

The Korean Summit. The Liberation of the Peninsula By Israel Shamir, April 30 2018

A wonderful, joyful day, a jubilant summit! On the bloody 38th parallel, for the first time in many years, the two Koreans met, the leaders of the two Korean states. There were affable smiles and a spontaneous brief and unscripted

Trump to Meet North Korean Leader in “Three or Four Weeks” By James Cogan, April 30 2018

At a campaign rally in Michigan yesterday, US President Donald Trump indicated that he would meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in the next “three or four weeks,” at a still undisclosed location. His supporters chanted “Nobel,” Nobel,” echoing

Without a US Ambassador: Australia Awaits By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 30 2018

Featured image: Vice Adm. Harry Harris, Jr. (US Navy Photo)

It was cheered and embraced with enthusiasm bordering on self-praise: Admiral Harry B. Harris, Jr. of the Pacific Fleet would be making his way to Canberra to assume the post

Peaceful Protests in Armenia Bringing Democracy or East vs. West Showdown? By Joachim Hagopian, April 30 2018

On April 23rd, 2018, the eve of the 103rd anniversary of Armenian Remembrance Day, Armenia’s president recently turned Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan resigned from his newly created post after over a decade in control leading the Yerevan

Nothing Exceeds Like Excess: U.S Military Bases Worldwide, Spiralling Defense Budget. 682 Military Bases in 63 Countries By Jeff Thomas, April 29 2018

First published on March 27, 2018

The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and

The US Military Is the Biggest “Big Government” Entitlement Program on the Planet. The Recipients are Lockheed Et Al. By JP Sottile, April 29 2018

First published in December 2017

The US economy is caught in a trap. That trap is the Department of Defense: an increasingly sticky wicket that relies on an annual, trillion-dollar redistribution of government-collected wealth. In fact, it’s the biggest “big

The US Nuclear Option and the “War on Terrorism” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 29 2018

The following text was presented at the opening plenary of the European IPPNW Conference: “Nuclear Weapons and Energy in an Unstable World – Analysis and Solutions”, Berlin, 7-9 May 2004.  

The US continues threatening the World with nuclear war.

White House Intel: John McCain Expected to Retire from U.S. Senate By Investigative Bureau, April 29 2018

White House officials are saying the administration expects John McCain to step down from the U.S. Senate in ‘the coming weeks.” 

“A replacement is being negotiated now,” a White House insider said.

True Pundit reported on March 8 that McCain …

Trump Orders Release of JFK Assassination Files — But Many Redactions Remain By Jimmy Falls, April 29 2018

The National Archives just released 19,045 JFK files. Today was the deadline for President Donald Trump to announce whether files previously either partially redacted or withheld from the public would remain hidden.

In a press release from this morning, NARA …

Selected Articles: Racism, Russophobia and the Western Media By Global Research News, April 29 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Cutting Through the War Propaganda. Listen to What Syrians are Saying By Mark Taliano, April 29 2018
The chemical weapon attack in Douma, Syria, did not happen. If Western audiences weren’t so ridiculously indoctrinated, it would be obvious. A child could figure it out. But Westerners have been infantilized by the totalitarian blanket of mind-numbing propaganda. The propagandists are monsters, just like the terrorists that they support.
I Want to Ride My Bicycle: Urban Planning and the Danish Concept of ‘Hygge’ By Colin Todhunter, April 29 2018

Indian cities are in crisis. Spend any length of time in a large city there and you will notice the overcrowding, the power and water shortages and, during monsoon, the streets that transform into stinking, litter-strewn rivers. At times, these

70 Years of Nakba: Palestinian Refugees and the Right of Return, Stand Up for Gaza, Stop the Killing By Palestine Solidarity Campaign, April 29 2018

Join PSC as we mark 70 years of Nakba with a series of events beginning on May 11th.

Between 1947 and 1949, Zionist paramilitary forces ethnically cleansed and eradicated over 500 villages and cities in Palestine, displacing 750,000

Full-Scale US War in Syria Coming? By Stephen Lendman, April 29 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected]

Since Obama launched war on Syria in March 2011, Washington’s goal was and remains regime change, pro-Western governance installed, partitioning the country, looting its

Whether It’s Russiagate, Skripal or Syria, the Media Have Lost Their Grip on Reality By Paul Mansfield, April 29 2018

The “Blame Russia” for absolutely everything world we currently occupy has reached a point almost beyond return and is scaling heights that would turn Joseph McCarthy green with envy. Whether it is internally produced political turmoil and scandal, or because

New Group of JFK Assassination Documents Available to the Public By National Archives, April 29 2018

In accordance with President Trump’s direction on October 26, 2017, the National Archives today posted 19,045 documents subject to the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (JFK Act).   Released documents are available for download.  The

Spy University: How Intelligence Agencies Recruit Their Next Generation By Jeff Schechtman, April 29 2018

Featured image: Spy Schools: How the CIA, FBI, and Foreign Intelligence Secretly Exploit America’s Universities by Daniel Golden. Photo credit: Daniel Golden / Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0) and Henry Holt and Co.

During the Cold War, our elite universities were

Calls for Arms Embargo Against Israel: Jewish State Atrocities in Gaza By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, April 29 2018

Palestinians participating on Gaza’s non-violent Great March of Return have called for an arms embargo  against Israel. This has been  backed by the Amnesty International statement; Israel: Arms embargo needed as military unlawfully kills and maims Gaza protesters.


Numbers of Casualties Resulting from America’s Post 9/11 Wars of Aggression By True Publica, April 29 2018

Consortium News publishes three reports into the numbers of casualties, that is, actual fatalities, the U.S. is responsible for since September 11th, 2001. At TruePublica we conducted a study in 2015 and arrived at similar figures. However, we included all

Bots, Hashtags and Fake Social Media: How Facebook Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Divide and Conquer America By David DeGraw, April 29 2018

“Analytica’s personality model has allowed it to create a personality profile for every adult in the U.S. – 220 million of them, each with up to 5,000 data points.”

Much of this is done through Facebook dark posts, which are

The Korean Promise: The Meeting in Panmunjom By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 29 2018

It seems, and certainly feels like a distant number of months since a panel of experts noshed and chatted over how best to overcome the nuclear impasse that pitted North Korea against its southern neighbour and allies.  Held in Seoul

The Methane Time Bomb and the Future of the Biosphere By Dr. Andrew Glikson, April 29 2018

The extraction and transfer from the earth crust to the atmosphere of every economically available molecule of carbon, including coal,oil, tar sand oil, shale oil, methane gas, coal seam gas and other forms of hydrocarbon, constitutes the most significant shift

Protests Force Starbucks to Ditch the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) from Leading Anti-Racism Training By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 29 2018

After a video of the arrest of two African-American men sitting in Starbucks without buying anything went viral, Starbucks scheduled anti-racism training. But their inclusion of the Anti-Defamation League in the training provoked another outcry and Starbucks capitulated.

On April …

Migrant Crisis 2.0 Might Come from Africa By Andrew Korybko, April 29 2018

A prominent UN official warned earlier this week that the next Migrant Crisis to crash into Europe might come from Africa and not the Mideast, and that its second iteration might be much more devastating than the first due to

Why the U.S. Regime Hates Vladimir Putin By Eric Zuesse, April 29 2018

Here is Putin in extemporaneous discussion and interview (translated into English): See this and this.

The second of those videos shows Putin offering Russia’s billionaires the choice between being dispossessed of their companies by the Government, or else signing

America’s Trade War with China By Stephen Lendman, April 29 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Aiming to avoid a trade war, Trump is sending a quartet of trade hawks to Beijing on May 3 and 4 to meet

Frightening Scenario: Israel Has the WMD Capability to Start an International Nuclear Conflict By Hans Stehling, April 29 2018

There are, of course, differences in the order of magnitude.  Whilst North Korea has maybe 25 nuclear missiles, Israel is estimated to have constructed a nuclear arsenal of up to 400 nuclear warheads – enough to destroy at least the

9/11 and the Rise of Fascism in America. Smitten Gate: The First Antiwar Novel By Michael Welch, Jonathan WIlson, and Stan Goff, April 29 2018

Did I just shoot one of my former comrades for f___in’ AT&T?”                   – Excerpt from Smitten Gate [1]

The true nature of 9/11 means that many of the events that followed are based on one very big

The Unwitting Agents of the Imperial Order: “The Wishful Thinking Left” By Jean Bricmont, April 28 2018

Commemorating the May 1968 civil rights movement, reflecting upon the “progressive Left”. This article was first published in August 2013

Once upon a time, in the early 1970′s, many people, including myself, thought that all the “struggles” of that period

America’s 1.2 Trillion Dollar Nuclear Weapons Project. Are Nuclear Weapons Immoral? By Matt Brown, April 28 2018

When I first heard Matt Brown was considering a run for Rhode Island governor, the first thing that struck me was how he’s spent the last decade since leaving office as secretary of state: first founding and then running Global

Forests and The Migration Crisis : Belgian Authorities Slash Trees ‘To Stop Migrants Hiding’ By Nick Meynen, April 28 2018

Featured image: Trees cut next to a highway in Belgium – to stop migrants from hiding in between them (Source)

There’s so much wrong with this story, it’s difficult to know where to start. So let’s begin with

Latin America vs. Israel: Paraguay Announces Plans to Move Tel-Aviv Embassy to Jerusalem By Telesur, April 28 2018

Paraguay has become the latest nation in Latin America to follow in U.S. President Donald Trump‘s inflammatory footsteps by announcing plans to relocate its embassy in Israel from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem.

President Horacio Cartes defended the move during a …

Will the EU Block China’s Economic Silk Road? Two Models of Global Development By F. William Engdahl, April 28 2018

In the clearest sign to date, EU Ambassadors to Beijing have just released a document critical of China’s vast Belt, Road Initiative or New Economic Silk Road infrastructure project. All EU ambassadors excepting Hungary signed off on the paper in

Korea’s Panmunjom Declaration: A Glimmer of Hope By Askiah Adam, April 28 2018

Taken pleasantly by surprise, not least because of the speed at which the joint Panmunjom Declaration has materialised, the world cannot but rejoice. In the few months from the recent Winter Olympics in South Korea when the buds of peace

Egypt ‘Asks Israel to Mediate’ in Ethiopia Nile Dam Dispute By The New Arab, April 28 2018

Egypt has asked Israel officials to mediate in a dispute over a controversial Ethiopian dam that will drastically impact Cairo’s share of the Nile’s waters, sources have told The New Arab‘s sister publication.

The Egyptian government has requested Israel …

More Than 100 Mayors Sign Open Internet Pledge as FCC’s Net Neutrality Repeal Set to Take Effect By Jessica Corbett, April 28 2018

Featured image: The Republican-controlled FCC’s vote to repeal net neutrality protections prompted nationwide protests. (Photo: Tim Carter/Flickr/cc)

In direct response to the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) December voteto repeal net neutrality protections, more than 100 mayors nationwide have

The Balfour Declaration Was NOT Written by Arthur Balfour By Hans Stehling, April 28 2018

In November 1917, Arthur Balfour, was Foreign Secretary in the British government of Prime Minister David Lloyd George.

‘At a meeting on 19 June, Balfour asked Lord Rothschild and Chaim Weizmann to submit a formula for a declaration.

U.S. Chemical Warfare: Agent Orange in Vietnam By Jeanne Mirer and Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 28 2018

On April 30th 2018, we will be commemorating the 43d anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War. US war crimes prevail. America used chemical weapons against an entire nation.  This article was first published by GR in August 2012…

Saudi Crown Prince Salman Is Not a Reformer, Just Another Despot By Will Tomer, April 28 2018

As Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, continues what Time Magazine described earlier this month as his “charm offensive,” Saudi-led airstrikes killed more than 20 people last week at a wedding party in northern Yemen. Women, including

The Growing Threat of an Israeli War Against Iran By Bill Van Auken, April 28 2018

With the world media focused on the discussions in Washington between US President Donald Trump and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron concerning the Iranian nuclear agreement, the Israeli government has adopted an increasingly provocative posture toward Iran while carrying out

Riot Police Force Dispersal of Anti-THAAD Protest Days Before North-South Summit By Zoom in Korea, April 28 2018

It has been nearly one year since the United States Forces Korea and the South Korean Defense Ministry first forced in key parts of the THAAD missile system using brute force against the residents who were peacefully blocking the road

South and North Korea Prepare to Discuss an End to the Korean War By Tim Shorrock, April 28 2018

On Friday (Korea Time), the leaders of North and South Korea, Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in, met at the truce village of Panmunjom for a historic summit that many Koreans believe could end the war and state of

Mainstream Media – Losing the Informational War By True Publica, April 28 2018

Adam Parsons, Business Correspondent for Sky News complains that the profession of journalism has never faced greater scrutiny. He blames first of all “fake news”. “It’s an expression that started life as a principled investigation into websites that peddled lies

Gaza Hospitals Face Biggest Drug Shortage in 11 Years By The Palestinian Information Center, April 28 2018

Gaza’s Ministry of Health on Saturday warned that it is suffering from an unprecedented medical deficit.

Spokesman for the Ministry Ashraf al-Qedra said that the Ministry is facing the biggest drug shortage in 11 years after Gaza hospitals and medical

Chomsky Among “Progressives” Calling for US Military Involvement in Syria By Whitney Webb, April 28 2018

On Monday, the New York Review of Books published an open letter and petition aimed at securing Western support for putting pressure on Turkey to end its occupation of Afrin, opposing further Turkish incursions into Syria, and backing autonomy for

The News that Russia Won’t Intervene in Armenia Is an Infowar in and of Itself By Andrew Korybko, April 27 2018

Russia was never going to “intervene” in stopping the Armenian Color Revolution (or “people’s revolution” as its supporters at home and abroad are referring to it as), and manufacturing a news event out of this non-existent issue is useful only

Capitalism Works for Capitalists By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 27 2018

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep . . . It starts at 6:30 AM and, together with numerous other stressful construction noises, goes through breakfast, lunch, cocktail hour and dinner. In south Walton county, construction crews are permitted to work from

North Korean Leader’s Cross-Border Walk for Peace By Stephen Lendman, April 27 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

It was a historic gesture for ending decades of uneasy armistice conditions, as well as attempting to ease longstanding Korean peninsula tensions.


Going After the “Russian Bots”: British News Team Promote Fake News About Fake News By True Publica, April 27 2018

This story should make all our readers pretty angry. It’s about how the government picked on two Twitter accounts to help prove the story that automated Putin-bots are wrecking the Skripal/Novichok/Douma gas attack story, about how the Guardian newspaper is

Selected Articles: A Lasting Peace on the Korean Peninsula? Will the US Comply? By Global Research News, April 27 2018
The historic meeting between Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un has set the stage for future negotiations. Will the Kim-Trump Summit take place? According to US president, it's "up in the air". “It could be that maybe the meeting doesn’t even take place. Who knows?”
Speaking the Unspeakable: The Assassination and Martyrdom of Thomas Merton By Edward Curtin, April 27 2018

“Killing a man who says ‘No!’ is a risky business,” the priest replied, “because even a corpse can go on whispering ‘No! No! No! with a persistence and obstinacy that only certain corpses are capable of.  And how can you

The Perpetual Business of War By Leonid Savin, April 27 2018

Shortly before its attack on Syria, the US declassified its “Report on the Legal and Policy Frameworks Guiding the United States’ Use of Military Force and Related National Security Operations.” As its name implies, this paper concerns itself with US

Israel Defense Minister Threatens Iran: “The Iranian Regime Is in Its Final Days” By South Front, April 27 2018

“They know that the Iranian regime is in its final days and will soon collapse,” Israel Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman told Elaph, an Arab-language publication, in an interview covered by Israeli media on April 26.

Lieberman further threatened …

Asia Shutting Down US-Turkish Ugyhur Terror Pipeline By Tony Cartalucci, April 27 2018

The US government and organizations it funds posing as “human rights advocates” have decried Malaysia’s recent decision to deport 11 Uyghurs suspected of links to terrorism back to China.

The US State Department’s Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in its article …

Douma Eyewitnesses Debunk Fake Chemical Weapons Incident Narrative By Stephen Lendman, April 27 2018

Featured image: Alexander Shulgin (Source: OPCW)


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

On Wednesday, Russia and Syria brought 17 Douma false flag CW incident eyewitnesses to OPCW headquarters in

Video: On a Korean Peace Plan, The Role of the CIA. The Kim-Trump Summit, Will it Take Place? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Michael Welch, April 27 2018

What happened in the days leading up to the historic Kim-Moon summit on April 27th on the South side of at the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)? 

A future meeting between Kim and Trump had been envisaged. But Trump now seems to

Why Europe Is Afraid of China’s New Silk Roads By Pepe Escobar, April 27 2018

It came out as a sort of minor scandal – considering the ’24/7 post-truth news cycle.’ Of the 28 EU ambassadors in Beijing, 27, with the exception of Hungary’s, signed an internal report criticizing the New Silk Roads as a

Koreas Agree to Call for Formal End to War This Year By Kim Rahn, April 27 2018

Featured image: South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un embrace each other after releasing a joint statement at the truce village of Panmunjeom, Friday. (Source: Korea Summit Press Pool)

South and North Korea will seek to

Video: No Attack, No Victims, No Chemical Weapons: Douma Witnesses Speak at OPCW Briefing at The Hague By RT News, April 27 2018

Witnesses of the alleged chemical attack in Douma, including 11-year-old Hassan Diab and hospital staff, told reporters at The Hague that the White Helmets video used as a pretext for a US-led strike on Syria was, in fact, staged.


The Kim-Moon DMZ Summit: The Panmunjeom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification of the Korean Peninsula By Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un, April 27 2018

During this momentous period of historical transformation on the Korean Peninsula, reflecting the enduring aspiration of the Korean people for peace, prosperity and unification, President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the State

Is the U.S. Government Evil? You Tell Me By John W. Whitehead, April 27 2018

“The greatest evil is not now done … in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by

The Kim-Moon DMZ Summit: Sophisticated North Korean Diplomacy Rewards Kim Jong-un By Federico Pieraccini, April 27 2018

Preparations for the meeting between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump are for the moment continuing without a hitch. The next step is today’s  historic meeting between Moon Jae-in of South Korea and his North Korean counterpart. On the table are

What’s Driving Trade Tensions Between the U.S. and China By Marty Hart-Landsberg, April 27 2018

There is a lot of concern over the possibility of a trade war between China and the USA. In early April, U.S. President Donald Trump announced that his administration was considering levying $100-billion of additional tariffs on Chinese exports, after

Syria’s Endgame Could “Get Ugly”: Washington’s Balkanization Plan. Turkey’s Military Presence in Northern Syria By Petr Lvov, April 27 2018

While Syrian troops carry on their liberation of Damascus’ suburbs from radical militants with the support of Iranian troops and Shia militia detachments, the United States and Saudi Arabia are planning to take advantage of Ankara’s tacit consent and launch

Landmark Bill Restricting Criticism of Israel Sneaks Through South Carolina Senate By Alison Weir, April 27 2018

South Carolina is poised to be the first state to pass legislation to adopt an Israel-centric definition for “anti-Semitism.” This will then apply to the state’s campuses, potentially limiting discussion of Israel-Palestine to one-sided information that fosters U.S. policies that

Russia and China Slam Trump-Macron Push to Renegotiate Iran Deal By Prof. Juan Cole, April 27 2018

Russia and China are both putting their feet down about the talk in the US and France about renegotiating the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the 2015 agreement on freezing and curtailing Iran’s nuclear enrichment program by the UN

Breaking: Donbass Shelled Under NATO Command. New Offensive to Begin in Early May? By Inessa S, April 27 2018

Earlier today, Fort Russ published an op-ed by Russell Bentley, who revealed that a new offensive is about to begin on the Donbass in early May.

Today, mortar shelling has been carried out on the Yasinovaya town by the Ukrainian …

How False Flag Operations Are Carried Out Today By Philip Giraldi, April 27 2018

False Flag is a concept that goes back centuries. It was considered to be a legitimate ploy by the Greeks and Romans, where a military force would pretend to be friendly to get close to an enemy before dropping the

“Masters of Manipulation”: Psychopaths Rule The World By Joachim Hagopian, April 27 2018

Incisive article by Jaoquin Hagopian first published by Global Research in May 2014. Psychopaths dominate the halls of power in both the United States and throughout the world.


The current economic, political, military and legal system breeds psychopaths, rewarding

“Genocide by Prescription”: Drug Induced Death in America By Prof. James Petras and Robin Eastman-Abaya, April 27 2018

This pathbreaking analysis, which is currently the object of controversy and debate, was first published by Global Research in July 2016

The white working class in the US has been decimated through an epidemic of ‘premature deaths’ – a bland

News Reports Suggest Amman Is Revoking Jordanian Citizenship of Abbas and 30 PA Members By Juliane Helmhold, April 26 2018

According to the Jerusalem Post:

The Kingdom of Jordan began the process of revoking the Jordanian citizenship of about 30 Palestinian Authority and Fatah officials and their families, London-based Arabic language newspaper Raialyoum reported Wednesday.

The officials who are slated …

Trump Lawyer: There’s No Muslim Ban Because Trump Thinks Islam Is ‘One of the Greatest Countries’ By Adrienne Mahsa Varkiani, April 26 2018

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Trump v. Hawaii, the case against President Donald Trump’s executive order banning nationals of several countries, most of which are Muslim-majority.

In his closing arguments, United States Solicitor General Noel Francisco

The Doctrine of “Humanitarian Intervention” and the Legality of the UK’s Air Strikes against the Assad Government in Syria By Prof. Dapo Akande, April 26 2018

1. I have been asked by Tom Watson MP, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, to prepare a brief opinion responding to the UK government’s position on the legality, under international law, of military action taken against the Syrian

DPRK’s Closing the Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site By 38 North, April 26 2018

On April 20, North Korea made the dramatic announcement[1] of several decisions that included suspending further nuclear and missile tests and that its “nuclear test center would be discarded in order to ensure the transparency of the suspension of the