Global Research News

Commemorating The Odessa Massacre of 2 May 2014 By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, May 03 2018

WARNING: This post includes documentation of most gruesome scenes at the crime scene. First published in May 2014, updated in February 2015 

New update 20 February 2015

First-hand information on how the Odessa operation was organized and executed (+18 GRAPHIC)

Europe’s Balancing Act on the Nuclear Deal: Wooing Trump Without Losing Iran By Ellie Geranmayeh, May 03 2018

For much of Iran’s political elite, and its overwhelmingly young population, the nuclear deal is becoming a story of failure. This situation risks impacting on Tehran’s willingness to engage politically and to reach diplomatic compromises with Western powers. Last week

The US Doesn’t Want to be the “World’s Policeman”, but Its “Marshal” By Andrew Korybko, May 03 2018

Trump drew the mockery of many when he said that the US doesn’t want to be the “world’s policeman”, but what people don’t realize is that cops handle small-time activities such as what in this context would be “peacekeeping”, while

War on Iran Coming? By Stephen Lendman, May 03 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

If launched, war on Iran could threaten world peace more than any other post-9/11 conflict.

The Islamic Republic is far stronger militarily than

Trump “All but Decided to Withdraw” from Iran Deal as IAEA Refutes Netanyahu Speech By Zero Hedge, May 03 2018

Soon after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a televised address in which he unveiled a cache of 55,000 pages of documents and 183 CDs that he claimed comprised Iran’s alleged “atomic archive” of documents on its nuclear program, supposedly

Trump’s Phony Trade War By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 03 2018

Trump’s trade team heads off to Beijing this week of May 2018 to attempt to negotiate terms of a new US-China trade deal.  The US decision whether to continue the exemptions on Steel and Aluminum tariffs with the European Union

Has Critical Thinking Become Extinct? Washington’s War on Western Minds By Mark Taliano, May 03 2018

The late Zbigniew Brzezinski was an architect in the use of fanatical terrorists to invade and destroy countries.  Washington used the tactic in Afghanistan, and Washington is still using so-called “jihadi” terrorists to destroy non-compliant countries.  Washington has been destroying

Albania Must Choose Between the EU and Turkey By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir and Arbana Xharra, May 03 2018

The ‘Sultan’ of an illusionary Ottoman Empire—Turkey’s President Erdogan—is pressuring submissive politicians throughout the Balkan countries to do his bidding to restore the glory of the Ottoman period. For Erdogan, this is not simply an unfulfilled quest; he has been

‘A Dangerous Low’: Trump Ignores Deadline for Reporting Civilians Killed by US Drone Attacks By Jessica Corbett, May 03 2018

Featured image: Anti-drone demonstrators march in 2013.  (Photo: Debra Sweet/flickr/cc)

The Trump administration on Tuesday flouted two major deadlines for disclosing the number of civilians killed by U.S. military forces: one public report that was mandated by an Obama-era

Aboriginal Rights and the Proposed Pipeline Corridor: Why Are Canadian Governments Doing the Kinder Morgan Kowtow? By David Orchard, May 03 2018

Featured image: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, centre, speaks before a meeting about the deadlock over Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline expansion with B.C. Premier John Horgan and Alberta Premier Rachel Notley, in Trudeau’s on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on April

The Koreas Unified and at Peace? – How About Syria, Iran and Venezuela? By Peter Koenig, May 03 2018

Peace – in the Koreas, is what the world expects; and Peace in the world is what humanity expects, the vast majority – 99.9% of the world population wants peace, but it’s the 0.1% that commands war and destruction, since

The Saudi Prince and the Palestinian Paupers By Rima Najjar, May 03 2018

As a Palestinian, I barely raise an eyebrow when I hear Mohammed bin Salman say things like, Palestinians “must accept what US offers or stop complaining.”

That’s because I don’t make the mistaken assumption (as many people do) that the …

Gallup: Job-Satisfaction Is Highest in UAE, Russia, and U.S. By Eric Zuesse, May 03 2018

The Gallup World Poll, released on May 1st, surveyed over 1,000 people in each of 128 countries, and found that the three nations with the highest percentage of employees satisfied with their jobs, were UAE, Russia, and U.S. 


North and South Korea: A Handshake that Shook the World By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, May 03 2018

Featured image: South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un embrace each other after releasing a joint statement at the truce village of Panmunjeom, Friday. (Source: Korea Summit Press Pool)

One of the memorable events of the

Videos: From Rallies to Riots: May Day Across the World By RT News, May 03 2018

Workers across the globe took to the streets for Labor Day celebrations, in numbers ranging from hundreds to tens of thousands.

May Day is a public holiday in many countries, used by labor unions to voice their concerns and demands

American Jews Have Abandoned Gaza — And the Truth. The Struggle for Human Decency By Prof. Peter Beinart, May 03 2018

“In our time,” wrote George Orwell in 1946, “political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible.” British colonialism, the Soviet gulag and America’s dropping of an atomic bomb, he argued, “can indeed be defended, but only by

Rio Olympics 2016 – The Mainstream Media Con About Russian Athletes By True Publica, May 03 2018

Before anyone shouts us out for being a Russian supporting apologist Putinbot, it is important to get some facts right. Our position is that there’s no doubting that Russia has been undermining Western democracies with “active measures” such as propaganda

Video: The Art of War: US Fleet with 1000 Missiles in the Mediterranean By Manlio Dinucci, May 03 2018
The fleet, with more than 8,000 men on board, has an enormous firepower. The Truman – a supercarrier 300 meters long, equipped with two nuclear reactors - can launch 90 fighters and helicopters in consecutive waves.
Flashback 2005: Watch CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Tell Syria’s Assad ‘US Is Coming for You’ By Niall Bradley, May 03 2018

In late 2005 CNN’s Christiane Amanpour interviewed Syrian president Bashar al-Assad ahead of the publication of a UN report on an investigation into the assassination of Rafik Hariri, the former prime minster of Lebanon, on Valentine’s Day that year. Syria’s

Syrian Military Intelligence Seizes Weapons and Israeli Medicine Shipment Heading to Rebels in Northern Homs (Photos) By South Front, May 03 2018

On May 2, the Syrian Military Intelligence detected and seized a weapon shipment, which was on its way from southern Syria to the besieged militants in the northern Homs countryside, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).

The shipment …

Global Military Spending Remains High at $1.7 Trillion. US’ Increases, Russia’s Declines By SIPRI, May 03 2018

Total world military expenditure rose to $1739 billion in 2017, a marginal increase of 1.1 per cent in real terms from 2016, according to new figures from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). China’s military expenditure rose again in

Italy: Requiem for the Second Republic By Prof. Steve Hellman, May 02 2018

The writing had been on the wall for some time, but the outcome of the Italian election of March 4 shocked almost everyone by the extent to which the status quo was upended. The governing center-left Partito Democratico (PD, Democratic

The UK Signed Up in Secret to Support Saudi Military Action against Yemen. New Documents By Mike Lewis, May 02 2018

Featured image: Royal Saudi Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon (by RA.AZ, CC BY-ND-SA 2.0)

Some birthdays are not for celebrating. Last month Yemen’s civil war slipped into its fourth year. It’s a war without obvious good or bad guys: Security

Iran Accused of Providing Support to 9/11 Al Qaeda Operatives: US Judge Orders Tehran to Pay Billions to Families of 9/11 Victims By Middle East Eye, May 02 2018

A US federal judge in New York ordered Iran to pay billions of dollars in damages to families affected by 9/11, ABC news reported on Tuesday.

Judge George B Daniels found the country liable to more than 1,000 “parents, spouses, …

Video: The North-South Korean Peace Agreement. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Michael Welch, May 02 2018

Friday April 27th, 2018 a ‘historic’ meeting between South Korean leader Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un took place in the demilitarized zone between the two countries.

Both leaders signed onto a joint declaration to cease hostile acts, …

Selected Articles: Western Aggression and the Complicity of the Corporate Media By Global Research News, May 02 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Liberia: The Promise of “Sustainable Palm Oil” Sows Anger and Doubt By Gaurav Madan, May 02 2018

For many residents of Sinoe County, Liberia, the experiences of Golden Veroleum (GVL) – a palm oil company that arrived in 2010 – have been disappointing and detrimental to their way of life. 

Communities say their land was taken without …

James Comey’s Forgotten Rescue of Bush-Era Torture By James Bovard, May 02 2018

Here I stand, I can do no other,” James Comey told President George W. Bush in 2004 when Bush pressured Comey – who was then Deputy Attorney General – to approve an unlawful antiterrorist policy. Comey, who was FBI

The Facebook Data Scandal: How Protected Are Canadians? By Victoria Henry, May 02 2018

“We are sorry.”

This is what the head of public policy for Facebook in Canada has said in regards to the revelation that over 600,000 Canadians have had their privacy compromised and their data used by Cambridge Analytica.

When whistleblower …

International Criminal Court
Did John Bolton Leak Intelligence to Sabotage a Trump-Kim Deal? By Gareth Porter, May 02 2018

The still-unscheduled Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un summit offers the opportunity for a denuclearization deal that would avoid a possible nuclear war, but that potential deal remains vulnerable to a hostile corporate media sector and political elites in the United States.

Iran’s Secret Nukes? Scaremongering Netanyahu Strikes Again By Scott Ritter, May 02 2018

On Monday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered an alarming presentation, allegedly based upon hundreds of thousands of pages of documents and files, detailing an undeclared Iranian nuclear weapons program that Netanyahu claimed to have been recently acquired by

RussiaPhobia and the Skripal Affair: Where They Tell You Not to Look By Craig Murray, May 02 2018

At the very beginning of the Skripal incident, the security services blocked by D(SMA) notice any media mention of Pablo Miller and told the media not to look at Orbis and the Steele dossier on Trump, acting immediately to get

How Facebook, Etc., Suppress Key Truths By Eric Zuesse, May 02 2018

On April 23rd, the great independent investigative journalist, Craig Murray — a former British diplomat — headlined at his blog, “Condemned By Their Own Words”, and he posted there the translated-to-English transcript (excerpted below) to this Israeli radio Hebrew

Armenian Anarchy Is Only Good for America By Andrew Korybko, May 02 2018

Thousands of people protested in the capital of Yerevan, some of them rather violently, to oppose former President Serzh Sargsyan’s appointment as Prime Minister following the implementation of the 2015 constitutional reforms that make the premier the most

Though Invisible to Us, Our Dead Are Not Absent By Edward Curtin, May 02 2018

Those titular words were sent to me by Fr. Daniel Berrigan shortly before he died.

It is a glorious spring day as I write.  The day my father died was also glorious, and I cried like a baby. It was …

Netanyahu: The Dangerous Prankster By Massoud Nayeri, May 02 2018

A novice prankster stood at the corner of a street and shouted; “The new restaurant on the next block is giving FREE LUNCH today!” A few curious people start running toward the imaginary restaurant. Soon a crowd of people were

US Claims of “Russian Meddling” Exposes Its Own Global Meddling By Tony Cartalucci, May 02 2018

The 13 Russians indicted allegedly represent  the “Internet Research Agency” merely referred to as “the organization” throughout the FBI’s highly publicized indictment (PDF). The Internet Research Agency was allegedly run by Concord Management and Consulting.

However, the FBI failed …

Iran Nuclear Deal: Would You Trust Germany, France and Britain, or Israel’s Netanyahu Currently under Investigation for Fraud By Hans Stehling, May 02 2018

The 2015 Iran nuclear deal was entered into, after many long months of hard negotiation, between Iran and six world powers – America, Britain, Germany, Russia, France and China – and was the crowning foreign policy achievement of President Barack

Wikipedia: Our New Technological McCarthyism By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, May 02 2018


Today, the internet, often thought of as our world’s “final frontier” for free thinkers and the flow and exchange of ideas and information, is seriously ill. It has been systemically infected by ideological viruses, memes of information intent on

Bronze Age Redux: On Debt, Clean Slates and What the Ancients Have to Teach Us By Prof Michael Hudson and Harold Crooks, May 02 2018

One of the most compelling sequences in the Oscar-winning Inside Job, Charles Ferguson’s indictment of Wall Street’s role in the 2008 global financial meltdown, involved not the banker culprits but their supporting cast. These were the Ivy League accomplices. Ferguson

Macron’s Travels in Trumpland By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 02 2018

All smiles and hugs is the current French President, Emmanuel Macron.  In the White House, there seemed to be an emotional equation generated by the supposedly warm relationship between President Donald Trump and his guest. In entertainment vision, substance

Commemorating The May 2nd 2014 Odessa Massacre: Why the U.S. Coup-Regime Still Runs Ukraine By Eric Zuesse, May 02 2018

First published on May 1, 2015

The Ukrainian massacre of anti-regime pamphleteers on May 2, 2014 at the Odessa Trade Unions Building, burning these pamphleteers alive there, was crucial to the Obama Administration’s solidification of its control over Ukraine. That

What Can be Done? Europe’s Acceptance of Washington’s Vassalage By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 02 2018

It is up to Europe whether or not the Earth dies in nuclear Armageddon.

European governments do not realize their potential to save the world from Washington’s aggression, because the western Europeans are accustomed to being Washington’s vassal states since

No More Crimes Against Peace: Why Canada Must Leave NATO Now By Prof. John McMurtry, May 01 2018

The multi-imperial NATO war machine now hides behind a Liberal Trudeau smile, but not so long ago Tory Harper sent Canadian bombing jets to the front of the laying waste of Libya, an eco-genocidal bombing far more ruinous than any

Yemen: First Bomb the Wedding, then Bomb the Rescue Workers By William Boardman, May 01 2018

Textbook terrorist tactic and war crime – who cares?

In an impoverished, remote mountain village in northwest Yemen, the wedding celebration was still going strong when the first airstrike hit around 11 p.m. on April 22. The Saudi attacks killed

Red Alert for Net Neutrality By Fight for the Future, May 01 2018

Internet activists, major web companies, online forums, and small businesses are preparing to “go red” as part of a Red Alert for Net Neutrality campaign to drive constituent calls and emails to lawmakers ahead of an imminent Senate vote to

Trump, North Korea, Iran. Some Facts and “The Instinct to Attack.” By Felicity Arbuthnot, May 01 2018
When the UN was established on 24th October 1945, little over 5 months after the end of World War II, the organization’s stated aims were to prevent further devastating conflicts.The US alone has been involved, since the UN’s founding, in 57 overt murderous meddlings, government overthrows, bloody invasions and/or occupations.
World War Three Is Near? The West Wants to Bypass Russia’s Veto at UN Security Council By Dmitriy Sudakov, May 01 2018

A Russian perspective published by Pravda on the crisis affecting the UN Security Council in relation to the Syria chemical weapon’s saga


It goes about the UN resolution that will make it possible to submit the question of the

Only IAEA Can Assess Any Claim on Iranian Nuclear Program: Mogherini By Press TV, May 01 2018

This report by Press TV responds to Netanyahu’s accusations directed against Tehran.

The EU foreign policy chief says what the Israeli premier tried to present as documents on Iran’s “secret” nuclear work fails to question Tehran’s compliance with the 2015

U.K. Scandal Revealed: Secret Deportations of “Windrush Generation” Immigrants from the Caribbean Continue By Ben Gelblum and True Publica, May 01 2018

Theresa May and Amber Rudd have clearly lied about the scandalous deportations of the Windrush citizens – British grandmothers and grandfathers (immigrants from the Caribbean) who have worked and paid taxes all their lives in Britain. They have been treated

Hezbollah Has Accomplished Its Mission in Syria, Preparing to Respond to Israel’s War on Lebanon By Elijah J. Magnier, May 01 2018

Hezbollah has accomplished its mission in Syria and its presence on the battlefield is no longer necessary. Thus, in coordination with the Syrian government, Hezbollah has moved the majority of its forces into Lebanon, particularly as the Syrian army has

Selected Articles: Military Escalation in Syria. Israel’s Expansion? By Global Research News, May 01 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Turning on Russia. Is the U.S. Losing its Status as a Global Hegemonic Power? By Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, May 01 2018

The German newsmagazine Der Spiegel last September reported that, “Stanley Fischer, the 73–year-old vice chair of the U.S. Federal Reserve, is familiar with the decline of the world’s rich. He spent his childhood and youth in the British

UK Moves to Ban Knives—As They Simultaneously Sell Israel Sniper Rifles to Kill Palestinians By Jay Syrmopoulos, May 01 2018

While British politicians have increasingly “declared war on knives,” recently moving to ban the kitchen utensil in the name of keeping citizens safe from knife violence, since the 2014 war in Gaza, the UK government has approved the sale of

Aggression on Syrian Sites Prelude to Something More Serious? By Stephen Lendman, May 01 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

A previous article discussed what happened. Three Syrian military facilities near Hama and Aleppo’s airport were struck, locations where Iranian military advisors are

Netanyahu’s Anti-Iranian Reality-TV Show By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, May 01 2018

With his newest anti-Iranian rant, Netanyahu wanted to impress another braggart of reality-TV, President Donald Trump. This time, Netanyahu got professional, speaking in English, using slides and pictures, not cartoons like in the United Nations where he had ridiculed

US Secretary of State Pompeo Endorses Israeli Murder of Gaza Protesters By Will Morrow, May 01 2018

Recently confirmed US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo capped off his four-day trip to the Middle East on Monday by declaring the administration’s total support for the Israeli military’s ongoing murder of unarmed protesters in Gaza.

Pompeo made his remarks …

Mass Hysteria Grips the United Nations Security Council: Russophobia Is a Dangerous Psychosis By Carla Stea, May 01 2018
The deadly recurrence of Russophobia bears comparison to the psychosis of the Salem witch trials, several centuries ago, and with the pathology of McCarthyism in the USA in the 1950’s. Today the atmosphere at the UN Security Council resembles the insanity of the witch hunts in Salem.
Twin Kabul Bombings: A Dark and Saddening Day in the History of Journalism By Sami Karimi, May 01 2018

Masud Wadan reporting from Kabul

On the morning rush hours of Monday, April 30, a suicide bomber on a motorcycle blew up explosives near an Afghan intelligence unit that left several civilians killed and injured. To maximize the death toll,

Netanyahu’s Fake Claims About Iran’s Nuclear Program By Stephen Lendman, May 01 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Like Trump, Netanyahu is a serial liar. 

Netanyahu’s disinformation on Iran’s nuclear program not coincidentally was announced days ahead of Trump’s decision on

Imperial Road to Conquest: Peace and Disarmament Agreements By Prof. James Petras, May 01 2018
The strategic goal is disarmament in order to facilitate military and political intervention leading up to and beyond defeat, occupation, regime change; the impositions of a ‘client regime’ to facilitate the pillage of economic resources and the securing of military bases, international alignment with the US empire...
Syria: Media Disinformation, War Propaganda and the Corporate Media’s “Independent Bloggers” By Phil Greaves, May 01 2018

Incisive and relevant article first published by Global Research in December 2013.

A glaring example of one of the major pitfalls emerging in supposed “new media” has arisen during the conflict in Syria. Most notably in the form of YouTube

Israel’s Legislature Votes War Against Syria By Eric Zuesse, May 01 2018

The key decision now will be made by Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

On May 1st, Al Masdar News headlined “Netanyahu is granted the ability to wage war without the Knesset”, and reported that Israel’s Knesset or legislature had …

The Syrian Crisis Escalates. U.S. Hegemony and Israel’s Expansion By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 01 2018

As I wrote two weeks ago, the Syrian crisis is only in its beginning stages. The assault on Syrian military positions last night, apparently a US/Israeli operation, is evidence that the crisis continues to develop. 

There are four …

Banking on a ‘Shithole’: US-led Racial Capitalism in Haiti Began Long Before Trump By Prof. Peter James Hudson, May 01 2018

Haiti was ‘truly a virgin territory ready for the white man’s guiding mind.’”

Donald Trump’s recent description of Haiti, El Salvador, and Africa as “shithole countries [sic]” offered an ugly example of how US foreign policy is often …

The European Power Elites By Mario D’Andreta, May 01 2018

The Democratic deficit in Europe

A wide debate is currently ongoing about the problem of democratic deficit in the European Union (Azman 2011), concerning the issue of political representation at the European level.

The problem is generally focused on two …

The Real War for Syria Is Taking Place in Its Skies By Jonathan Cook, May 01 2018

The hidden battle in Syria – the one that rarely appears on our television screens – has been raging for years between Israel and a coalition comprising the Syrian government, Iran and the Lebanese militia Hezbollah.

Watching over the proceedings

US-led NATO Militarization Increases Global Threat By Shane Quinn, May 01 2018

The American academic and author John J. Mearsheimer outlined that “the taproot of the current [Ukrainian] crisis is NATO expansion and Washington’s commitment to move Ukraine out of Moscow’s orbit and integrate it into the West”. Mearsheimer claimed that the

A British Gag Order After the Skripals’ Poisoning Points to UK Government Guilt By Karin Brothers, May 01 2018


Sergei Skripal was a former Russian double agent for Britain. After a high-profile spy swap in 2010, he lived in Salisbury, England, near his former MI6 handler, who he reportedly kept in touch with.

Late in the afternoon of

May Day: Workers’ Struggles, International Solidarity, Political Aspirations By Socialist Project, May 01 2018

For more than 100 years, May Day has symbolized the common struggles of workers around the globe. Why is it largely ignored in North America? The answer lies in part in American labour’s long repression of its own radical past,

The Downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 and the New Cold War with Russia By Prof. Kees van der Pijl, April 30 2018
The alleged gas incident in Douma (Syria), the assault of father and daughter Skripal in Salisbury, as well as the accusations of systematic doping of Russian athletes, confirm one of the book’s basic conclusions: Moscow is being accused of misdeeds of all kinds and subjected to sanctions before any serious investigation.
The Secret August 6-9, 2003 “Hiroshima-Nagasaki Commemoration” Meeting at USSTRATCOM to Plan the Production of a New Generation of “More Usable” Nuclear Weapons By Alice Slater, April 30 2018

This article was first published by Global Research on August 14, 2003.

This August [2003], during the very same week that the world commemorated the 58th anniversary of the only use of nuclear weapons—an act which obliterated the cities of

Why Did the US and Its Allies Bomb Libya? Corruption Case Against Sarkozy Sheds New Light on Ousting of Gaddafi By Joe Penney, April 30 2018

Seven years after the popular uprising against Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi and the NATO intervention that removed him from power, Libya is extremely fractured and a source of regional instability. But while Congress has heavily scrutinized the attack on the

National Security Archive Sues CIA for Gina Haspel Torture Cables By The National Security Archive, April 30 2018

The National Security Archive filed suit under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) against the CIA today in federal district court in Washington. The case seeks 12 specific cables from November and December 2002 that were authored or authorized by

Why Are Palestinians Protesting in Gaza? By Mike Merryman-Lotze, April 30 2018

Once again, the Israeli military has turned its guns on Gaza — this time on unarmed protesters, in a series of shootings over the last few weeks. Gaza’s already under-resourced hospitals are straining to care for the thousands of protesters

Dilma Rousseff
Brazil: Workers’ Party Announces Coordination Team for Lula’s Presidential Campaign By Cristiane Sampaio, April 30 2018

Leaders and directors of Brazil’s Workers’ Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores– PT) announced on Tuesday (24) a dedicated commission and the methodology they will use to draft the platform of government for ex-president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who is 

“Cruise Missile Left” Complicit in American Escalation Toward World War III By Danny Haiphong, April 30 2018

“The cruise missile left has aligned with the Democratic Party and the intelligence agencies against Trump and have dropped any anti-war, anti-imperialist, and anti-capitalist tendencies in the process.”

The US-led alliance of imperial nations has waged war on Syria for …

Israeli Sniper Rifles Made in USA By Joyce Chediac, April 30 2018

The weapon used by Israel soldiers to murder and maim unarmed Palestinians on the Gaza border is the U.S-supplied-and-made Remington M24. In fact, this weapon is the standard sniping rifle of the Israeli army. This makes the U.S. government just

Trump Administration’s Rollback of Offshore-drilling Safety Regulations Enacted after the BP Deepwater Horizon Disaster By Center For Biological Diversity, April 30 2018

The Trump administration today moved to weaken another offshore drilling safety rule enacted after the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster, the worst environmental catastrophe in U.S. history.

Today’s proposed changes to the safety rule known as the “Blowout Preventer Systems …

The US Needs a Strong Iran to “Frighten the Arab World”. Transforming the Middle East into a Huge US Weapons Warehouse By Elijah J. Magnier, April 30 2018

The US needs a strong Iran to use as a continuous scarecrow to frighten Middle Eastern countries, mainly Saudi Arabia, the Emirates and Bahrain. The aim is to blackmail these Gulf countries and sell them US arms, transforming the Middle