Global Research News

Biden Election Strategy: ‘Let’s Fight Three Wars at Once!’ By Rep. Ron Paul, October 24 2023

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Biden Gives Booster Dose to the Faltering Ukraine War By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 24 2023

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Ukraine Mobilization: New “Recruits”, Forced and “Dragged Off The Streets to Fight”: Former Ukrainian PM By Ahmed Adel, October 24 2023

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Israel’s Unfolding Crime of Genocide of the Palestinian People and U.S. Failure to Prevent and Complicity in Genocide By Center for Constitutional Rights, October 24 2023

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US Sending More Weapons to the Middle East By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 24 2023

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Canada Freedom Convoy Ottawa Court Case: Why Are Increasing Covid-19 Vaccine Mortality and Serious Injuries Not Being Used as Evidence in Support of the Protest Movement? By Brian Burchill, October 24 2023

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Israel Is Caught Lying Time and Again. And Yet We Never Learn By Jonathan Cook, October 24 2023

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Labour and Civil Society Organizations Press Trudeau for Gaza Ceasefire By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, October 24 2023

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Justifying Collective Punishment: Israel’s Assault on Gaza By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 24 2023

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Cultural Cover-Up: The Sydney Opera House Turns 50 By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 24 2023
Britain’s “Blueprint” Regarding Israel: “The Right to Commit Crimes”. UK Political Leaders Bring Shame on Our Country By Hamza Ali Shah, October 23 2023

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Video: Mask Mandates Are Back, Nipah Virus. Guide to Deciphering Future Pandemics. Dr. William Makis By Dr. William Makis and Unscrew the News, October 23 2023

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Wiping Palestinians Off the Map Is Prepping for Armageddon: Netanyahu’s False Flag Exposed By Joachim Hagopian, October 23 2023

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Assisted Suicide for Babies Demanded by Quebec College of Physicians By Igor Chudov, October 23 2023

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Nuclear Attack Rehearsal: NATO’s “Steadfast Noon” Is “Ready-made Doom” By John LaForge, October 23 2023

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Is America Preparing for Nuclear War? Explosion at Nevada Nuclear Test Site By Jack Phillips, October 23 2023

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Biden Will Not Escape History’s Judgement for Failure to Stop Gaza Assault. Ralph Nader By Ralph Nader, October 23 2023

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The Gathering Storm of Rage: “Hamas was the Brainchild of Netanyahu … We have a President who cannot put two Sentences together”. Judge Napolitano By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, October 23 2023

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Biden’s Dangerous World War III Innuendo, Aims to Maintain the Military-Industrial Complex’s Profits By Andrew Korybko, October 23 2023

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U.K. Prime Minister Sunak’s Message to Israel: Carry On with the Slaughter By Peter Oborne, October 23 2023

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A “McCarthyite Backlash” Against Pro-Palestine Speech By Alex Kane, October 23 2023

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Western Universities Sold Their Souls During an Engineered Covid Pandemic By Prof. Bill Willers, October 23 2023

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Going All-in for Israel May Make Biden Complicit in Genocide By Alice Speri, October 23 2023

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Israel Demands Evacuation of 20 Hospitals in Northern Gaza By Ikram Kouachi, October 23 2023

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Renewed Farmer Agitation in India Amid Brutal Crackdown on Press Freedom By Colin Todhunter, October 23 2023

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Turbo Cancer in Children: Ages 10-19: Sarcoma Link to Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine By Dr. William Makis, October 23 2023

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What Is Biden Telling Bibi? Seymour Hersh By Seymour M. Hersh, October 23 2023

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Israel’s Culture of Deceit. Chris Hedges By Chris Hedges, October 23 2023

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The Damage Israel Does. Constitutional Rights and Genuine National Interests Are Ignored as Governments Surrender to Jewish Power. Philip Giraldi By Philip Giraldi, October 23 2023

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31 Mosques Destroyed in Israeli Airstrikes on Gaza Since Oct. 7 By Daily Sabah, October 23 2023

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Millions Demonstrate Around the World in Solidarity with Palestine By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 23 2023

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Video: Israel Is a Terrorist State By Matt Kennard, October 23 2023

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EU Staff Members Express Fury Over von der Leyen Stance on Israel-Hamas Conflict By Naomi O’Leary, October 23 2023

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Israel-Palestine War: Is the US Complicit in Israel’s Alleged Use of White Phosphorous in Gaza? By Umar A Farooq, October 23 2023

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Rambo’s Pacific Peace Zone By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 22 2023

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Video: Archbishop Viganò: “Wake Up From Your Slumber” By His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, October 22 2023

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Israel-Palestine War: Israel’s Urge for Revenge Is Aimed at All Palestinians By Lubna Masarwa, October 22 2023

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Israeli Airstrike on Church in Gaza Continues the Attack on Christians By Steven Sahiounie, October 22 2023

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Western Media Bias Against Palestine Reaches Unprecedented Heights By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 22 2023

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Israel: An Apartheid Nation By Chaitanya Davé, October 22 2023

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We Humans Continue to Indifferently Massacre the Earth and One Another By Jerome Irwin, October 22 2023

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The “Air Vaccine” Is Here, No Needle Necessary to Get mRNA Technology Into Humans By Mac Slavo, October 21 2023

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Declaration of a Planetary Emergency to Begin “the Long Term Reduction of Global Population” By Jacob Nordangard, October 21 2023

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UN General Assembly Head Approves Declaration to Form a Global Pandemic Authority with Lockdown Enforcement Powers By Cassie B., October 21 2023

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Nobel Prize 2023 for Inventors of mRNA Vaccine. Propaganda for a Fake “Vaccine”. Reward for Triggering a Worldwide Upward Trend in Mortality? By Peter Koenig, October 21 2023
The 2023 Nobel Prize for medicine is awarded to two scientists for inventing the mRNA vax containing spike protein – affecting and in many cases annihilating the human immune system. It's almost like Obama getting the Nobel Prize in 2009 for the Peace
Israel’s 9/11: Fighting Terror through NAKBA 2.0 By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, Ken Stone, Robert Inlakesh, and Philip Giraldi, October 21 2023

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World Condemnation of Hamas Ignores Israel’s Criminal Treatment of Palestinians By Karin Brothers, October 20 2023

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Catch-22: How US-NATO Fighter Jet Deliveries Undermine Kiev Regime’s Air Defense Capabilities By Drago Bosnic, October 20 2023

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Mammals, Birds and Fish Plagued Worldwide by Harmful Chemicals : Wildlife Polluted by “Flame Retardants” on Massive Scale By Green Science Policy Institute, October 20 2023

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Video: Is It A False Flag? “Wiping Gaza Off the Map”. The Dangers of Military Escalation By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux, October 20 2023

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Robo-Takeover: Amazon Tests Humanoid Robot in Fulfillment Center By Zero Hedge, October 20 2023

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North Korea and the Kim-Putin Summit: March Toward the Promised Land, the Multipolar World? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, October 20 2023

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Internet Censorship, Everywhere All at Once By Debbie Lerman, October 20 2023

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Echoes of Dr. Strangelove: “Volatile Security Environment”, The last Thing we Need is “a Superpower Nuclear Arms Race” By William D. Hartung, October 20 2023

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Statement on UK Arms Exports to Israel By CAAT - Campaign Against Arms Trade, October 20 2023

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500 Arrested at Capitol as Jewish Activists Demand Gaza Ceasefire By Michael Arria, October 20 2023

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We Need to Disarm the Discourse against China By Cale Holmes and Lawson Adams, October 20 2023

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Biden’s Speech Inflames Republicans. “Asks for no less handout than $100 billion” By Karsten Riise, October 20 2023

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Hamas’ Attack on Israelis Strengthens, Not Weakens, Israel’s Right Wing Political Elite By John Spritzler, October 20 2023

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Dangerous Crossroads: Russia Deploys MiG-31s in Response to USS Gerald Ford Supercarrier as “East Mediterranean Heats Up” By Drago Bosnic, October 20 2023

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Mixing AstraZeneca, Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines: 24-year-old Australian Had 5 COVID-19 Vaccines, Died of Ruptured Brain Aneurysm By Dr. William Makis, October 20 2023

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Beijing’s Third Belt and Road Forum: Projecting a “Human Kind of Community with a Shared Future” By Peter Koenig, October 20 2023

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“On Evil and Beyond Gaza.” Response to President Biden’s Speech in Israel. Emanuel Pastreich By Emanuel Pastreich, October 20 2023

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Video: Israeli Air Burst Bomb Striking al-Ahli Hospital Grounds. New Evidence By Mike Adams and Brighteon Broadcast News, October 20 2023

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Israeli Siege of Gaza: Are Palestinians Not Humans? Then Why Do You Remain Silent with IDF Atrocities? By Hans Stehling, October 20 2023

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Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians by Way of Deception By Mark Taliano, October 20 2023

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Farmers’ Struggle Far from Over — Corporate Capture of India’s Agricultural Sector Continues By Colin Todhunter, October 20 2023

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Zelensky is Desperate: Can Biden Admin Trick GOP-dominated Congress to “Merge Military Aid for Israel and Kiev”? By Drago Bosnic, October 19 2023

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Winston Churchill Sent “Black and Tans” Armed Forces To Palestine. These Same Forces were Used to Fight against Sinn Fein in Ireland in the 1920s By David Cronin, October 19 2023

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Airstrikes Hit Largest US Occupation Base in Syria By The Cradle, October 19 2023

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Central Nervous System (CNS) Vasculitis: Blood Vessel Inflammation in the Brain Caused by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines By Dr. William Makis, October 19 2023

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Burkina Faso’s Nuclear Power Deal with Russia. Is Moscow Displacing Paris and Washington? By Peter Koenig, October 19 2023

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What’s Known About the Gaza Hospital Blast as Hamas Claims Unravel By Tom Ozimek, October 19 2023

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U.S. Prepping to Deploy American Troops to Middle East, Israel Demands $10 Billion More in Subsidy By Ben Bartee, October 19 2023

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US Nuclear Bomber Lands in South Korea for the First Time in 30 Years By Kyle Anzalone, October 19 2023

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Video: Dark Secrets of Globalists, How They “Manipulate and Enslave Humanity”. Dean Henderson By Dean Henderson and Mike Adams, October 19 2023

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Billionaire CEOs Continue Campaign to Blacklist Students for Opposition to Israel’s War Crimes By Emma Arceneaux, October 19 2023

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Israel-Palestine War: Captives’ Families Left Wondering if War Is the Only Priority By Peggy Cidor, October 19 2023

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Scholars Warn of Potential Genocide in Gaza By TWAIL scholars and et al., October 19 2023

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“Peace, War, and 9/11”: A Cinematic Portrait of Graeme MacQueen, A Warrior for Peace By Edward Curtin, October 19 2023

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