Global Research News

Yemeni Rebels Begin Attacking Saudi Oil Infrastructure. Will the War in Yemen “Spiral Out of Control” By Darius Shahtahmasebi, May 06 2018

The Houthi rebels in Yemen, officially known as Ansurallah, have vowed to intensify rocket attacks on Saudi Arabia’s critical oil infrastructure, warning that they are now manufacturing their own ballistic missiles to achieve those aims, the Financial Times reports.

Dial T for Tyranny: While America Feuds, the Police State Shifts Into High Gear By John W. Whitehead, May 06 2018

“Big Brother does not watch us, by his choice. We watch him, by ours. There is no need for wardens or gates or Ministries of Truth. When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a

Russia: Washington’s Next Vassal? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 06 2018

Featured image: Alexei Kudrin

If reports coming out of Russia are true, Vladimir Putin is considering appointing Washington’s agent, Alexei Kudrin, to negotiate Russia’s surrender to Washington. See this and this.

In checking out this story with well-informed

The U.S. Is Playing with Fire if It Walks Away from the Iran Nuclear Deal on May 12 By Peter Van Buren, May 06 2018

A foreign policy crisis is coming May 12. President Donald Trump’s likely decision on that day to not continue waiving sanctions on Iran under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action will significantly increase the chances of war.

The 2015 Joint

Journalists in Syria on the US Drone ‘Kill List’ By Middle East Monitor, May 06 2018

Featured image: Bilal Abdul Kareem, an American citizen and journalist working in Syria (Source: Twitter)

Two journalists have today filed federal court cases in the United States to challenge their inclusion on a classified US “Kill List”, Reprieve said in

The Myth of Low US Unemployment. Twisting the Definition, Manipulating the Data By Stephen Lendman, May 06 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

“Prominent” economic analysts maintain the myth, including a NYT report in its latest edition, saying:

An “unemployment rate (was achieved) below the 4

Selected Articles: Global Geopolitical Rundown By Global Research News, May 06 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Putin Has Shown Weakness in Armenia and Syria – Is His Credibility Collapsing? By Srdja Trifkovic, May 06 2018

“Since the Ukrainian crisis of 2013-2014, to many observers of the Russian scene it was clear that Putin was not a master strategist who plots his moves well ahead of his opponents. …  At best he is a manager who

Papua New Guinea’s Liquid Natural Gas Industry: The Social and Economic Impacts of Exxon Mobil’s PNG-LNG Project By Jubilee Australia, May 06 2018
Climate Disruption: ‘Billions of People Displaced by Sea Level Rise’ By Dahr Jamail and Janine Jackson, May 06 2018

Janine Jackson interview Dahr Jamail about melting Antarctic ice for the April 27, 2018, episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript.

Link to the audio.

Janine Jackson: Antarctic glaciers are melting at dramatic rates, scientists are …

Who Is Buying Votes at the Lebanon Election? By Brett Redmayne-Titley, May 06 2018

Featured image: Campaign Posters Adorn Concrete Wall

Brett Redmayne-Tittley reporting from Beirut

Beirut, Lebanon: Sat, May 5, 2018- On this lovely morning here on the coast of the Mediterranean there is not a cloud in the sky. In less than

Israel Bans Jordanian, Arab Publishers from Palestine Book Fair By The Palestinian Information Center, May 06 2018

The Israeli occupation forces have barred Jordanian and Arab publishers from entering the Palestine International Book Fair, held in the West Bank city of Ramallah, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported on Saturday.

The Jordanian Publishers Association (JPA) denounced the …

For His 200th Birthday, Honoring Karl Marx as an Activist By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, May 06 2018

In 1888, Marx wrote, “philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point, however, is to change it.”

On this 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx we focus on Marx as a political activist, rather …

The War on Iran Has Begun. Russia Must End It By Dan Glazebrook, May 06 2018

Things are escalating again in one of Syria’s many wars. On 29 April, two massive strikes – presumed to be Israeli – reportedly hit the Syrian Arab Army’s 47th Brigade military base and arms depots near Hama, as well as

A Time of Chaos By Boaventura de Sousa Santos, May 06 2018

The bombing of Syrian sites where chemical weapons are allegedly being manufactured or stocked, allegedly to be used by the Bashar al-Assad government against the rebels, has left citizens all over the world in a state of confusion, filled with

Global Geopolitical Rundown: Syria, Armenia, North Korea and Beyond. Mahdi Nazemroaya By Michael Welch and Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, May 06 2018

“So the Saudis want to get back at the Iranians by fighting in Lebanon because they don’t like the support that Iran gives to Ansarullah … in Yemen…They’re called the Houthis.

So Iran supports the Houthis, not just the Houthis,

Israel’s Murderous Strikes on Syria, Via ‘Pacified’ Lebanon By Andre Vltchek, May 06 2018

Featured image: Horrid border at Majdal al-Shams

On April 9, 2018 at least 14 people were killed during the murderous strike by the Israeli air force on the Syrian T-4 airfield at Homs.

Israeli F-15 fighter jets flew over Lebanese …

The “Arab NATO” to Make Syria’s “Internal Partition” a Reality By Andrew Korybko, May 06 2018

The possible deployment of Saudi-led GCC and other fellow “coalition” troops to northeastern Syria would formalize the de-facto “internal partition” of the Arab Republic and represent the fulfillment of the RAND Corporation’s plans to “contain” Iranian influence in the region,

Global Warfare, US-NATO Military Escalation, Looming Dangers By Peter Korzun, May 06 2018

The month of May is always associated with V-E Day. The sentiments of “never again” were strong 73 years ago, in 1945 when the UN was founded. Since then Europe has put a huge amount of effort into creating a

Trump Hurtles Toward Three Nuclear Crises By Daryl G. Kimball, May 06 2018

One year into the unorthodox presidency of Donald Trump, the United States faces an array of complex and dangerous foreign policy challenges that require principled leadership, pragmatism, patience, and smart diplomacy.

So far, Trump has not exhibited any of …

Israel’s Racist Nation-State: Codifying Apartheid into Basic Law By Stephen Lendman, May 05 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

A nation affording rights to its favored people over others is profoundly hostile to democratic values – what apartheid is all about.


Militarization on Russia’s Doorstep: Washington Confirms Delivery of Javelin Anti-tank Missiles to Ukraine By South Front, May 05 2018

The US State Department has confirmed the delivery of anti-tank missile systems Javelin to Ukraine.

“They have already been delivered,” a US State Department official said on April 30 in response to an RFE/RL query on the handover of Javelins.…

The Hassan Diab Extradition: Calling for a Public Inquiry, Reforming Canada’s Extradition Law By Hassan Diab Support Committee, May 05 2018

You may be aware of the recent CBC coverage of Dr. Hassan Diab’s ordeal and the role the Canadian Department of Justice played in facilitating his extradition to France. When the case against Hassan was falling apart, after the

New York City’s “Shelter-industrial Complex”: Makes Money over Rising Homelessness By Michael Kowalchuk, May 05 2018

Featured image: A woman living in the New York City subway. Liberation News photo.

Picture the Homeless, a NYC-based organization that advocates for the rights of homeless people and affordable housing solutions, recently published a report that highlights the inadequacy

Freedom No More. England’s Local Elections By Craig Murray, May 05 2018

As I write, with over 75% of all yesterday’s English local election results in, Labour has a net gain of 55 councillors compared to the high water mark of the 2014 result in these wards, while the Tories have a

De-Briefing Academics: Unpaid Intelligence Informants By Prof. James Petras, May 05 2018
US empire builders whether engaged in political or military activities depend on information especially regarding who to back and who to subvert; who should receive diplomatic support and who to receive financial and to military resources.
Five Questions and Answers Concerning the Presidential Elections in Cuba By Salim Lamrani, May 05 2018

1. Who is the new Cuban President and how was he elected?

The new Cuban President is 58 year-old Miguel Díaz-Canel. He was born on April 20th, 1960, one year after the advent of the Cuban Revolution. After graduating …

The Maiming Fields of Gaza By Dr. Derek A Summerfield, Dr. David Halpin, and Dr Ang Swee Chai, May 05 2018

Since 30 March 2018, Palestinians civilians living as refugees and exiles in Gaza ever since they were driven out from Palestine have been gathering in mass, unarmed demonstration about their right of return to the homeland they lost in 1948.

Western Chauvinism Against Russia Gone Berserk By Michael Averko, May 05 2018

For you non-sports minded Russia watchers, the ethically flawed antics of the IOC (International Olympic Committee), WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) and Western mass media at large, highlight a predominating anti-Russian bias that have a definite bigoted aspect. Having personally penned

Trotskyist Delusions. Split into Rival Tendencies By Diana Johnstone, May 05 2018

I first encountered Trotskyists in Minnesota half a century ago during the movement against the Vietnam War.  I appreciated their skill in organizing anti-war demonstrations and their courage in daring to call themselves “communists” in the United States of America

U.S. Senators Have a New Plan to Expand Indefinite Detention and Endless Global War By Christopher Anders, May 05 2018

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse with this Congress, a bipartisan pair of senators have teamed up to write the single most dangerous piece of unconstitutional legislation of this Congress. 

Last week, Sens. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and …

Israeli Society very much Needs Remembrance Days. Peace and Reconciliation By Rami Elhanan, May 05 2018

This article was published on April 24, 2010 by Occupation Magazine.

Shalom and good evening,

My name is Rami Elhanan. Thirteen years ago, on the afternoon of Thursday the fourth of September 1997, I lost my daughter, my Smadar, in

How Did Benghazi Become a Ruin? NYT Ignores US Role—in Multiple Media By Jim Naureckas, May 05 2018

New York Times Cairo bureau chief Declan Walsh went to Benghazi, Libya, which is in ruins, to find out how it got that way.

“When I went to Benghazi, I was guided by one main question: How did the city …

UK Media Told to Conceal Connections Between Sergei Skripal and MI6 By Thomas Scripps, May 05 2018

Craig Murray, the former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, has published evidence suggesting that a D-notice has been issued to the press to protect MI6, hiding its connections to the Russian double-agent, Sergei Skripal. According to the Conservative government

May 20 Elections: The Structure of Venezuela’s Electoral System By Wilfredo Perez Bianco and Nino Pagliccia, May 05 2018

On May 20th Venezuelans will exert their right to elect their president and other local officials. It will be the 25th time that election of any type, and the fifth presidential election to take place since 1999 when

The Israeli Nuclear Elephant in the Room By Stephen Lendman, May 05 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Iran and Israel are polar opposites on the nuclear issue – what’s rarely acknowledged in Western capitals or publicly discussed.

The Islamic Republic …

Take Your Pick: Chinese or American Missiles in the South China Sea? By Andrew Korybko, May 05 2018

China’s reported deployment of anti-ship and cruise missiles to its reclaimed islands in the South China Sea was the inevitable action of a country that chose to act first in order to thwart its American adversary from doing the same

2018: When Orwell’s 1984 Stopped Being Fiction By Jonathan Cook, May 05 2018

This is the moment when a newspaper claiming to uphold that most essential function in a liberal democracy – acting as a watchdog on power – formally abandons the task. This is the moment when it positively embraces the role

Religion and Geopolitical Strife Helped Create the World Crisis; Spirituality Shows the Way Out By Richard C. Cook, May 05 2018

The world is in a depth of crisis that extends well beyond the more obvious outbreaks of geopolitical strife.

Regardless of who, if anyone, is a “good guy” or a “bad guy,” science and technology have allowed collective humanity to

Florida’s Senate Race: Does It Matter? By Renee Parsons, May 05 2018

In recognition that the two party system is little more than an innocuous venue for the election of empty vessels on both sides of the political spectrum, the 2018 Senate race in Florida is one such prime example.

Florida print …

Agrochemicals and Institutional Corruption: Pleading with the Slave Master Will Not Set You Free By Colin Todhunter, May 05 2018

Environmental campaigner Dr Rosemary Mason has just written to the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, Vice President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans and Health Commissioner Vytenis Andruikaitis. As set out below, she asks these top

U.S. and Korean Workers Call for Lasting Peace in Korea and End to U.S. Militarism in East Asia By Wol-san Liem and Jason Roe, May 05 2018

Report by Wol-san Liem

After a hassle with cancelled flights, a US Labor Against the War delegation arrived in Seoul May 1. They will spend a week in Korea showing solidarity for Korean workers and peace-loving people’s fight for peace

Mainstream Media Coverage of Humanitarian Crises Falls Short, New Survey Finds By IRIN, May 05 2018

Respondents indicated widespread dissatisfaction with the quantity and quality of mainstream news coverage and highlighted a desire for more investigative reporting and scrutiny of the aid sector itself.

The in-depth survey was conducted before the widely reported Oxfam UK sexual …

Selected Articles: Washington’s War on Western Minds By Global Research News, May 04 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Species at Risk: Canada’s Boreal Caribou Habitat Unprotected By Greenpeace, May 04 2018

On April 30th, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada released the first ever section 63 report under the Species at Risk Act, (SARA), where the Minister found that outside of protected areas, provinces and territories have

Does Russia Know What’s Up? Trump Has Invited Putin to the White House By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 04 2018

I find myself wondering if Russia understands the Washington criminal with whom Russia is so desperate to negotiate peace and understanding.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov is excited that Trump has invited Putin to the White House “to jointly curb the …

As US Military Effectiveness and Diplomatic Efforts Fade into Irrelevance Many Countries Start Ignoring Washington By Federico Pieraccini, May 04 2018

Diplomatic work continues in some of the areas with the highest geopolitical tensions in the world. In recent days there have been high-level meetings and contacts between Turkey, Iran and Russia over the situation in Syria; meetings between Modi and

The US/UK Anti-Russia Conspiracy and the Skripal Affair By Stephen Lendman, May 04 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The Skripal incident was likely hatched by both countries, one episode among numerous longstanding efforts to demonize Russia – improved relations ruled out

U.K. Ministry of Defense Accidentally Reveals British Reaper Drones Firing Thermobaric Missiles into Syria By Chris Cole, May 04 2018

The Ministry of Defence has revealed for the first time – seemingly accidentally – that British drones are firing thermobaric weapons in Syria.  The disclosure comes in an Freedom of Information (FoI) response to Drone Wars detailing the use of

The “Japanese Village” at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah: An Unexamined Context to the Firebombing of Japan By Dylan J. Plung, May 04 2018
Iran Isn’t Violating the JCPOA Nuclear Agreement — America Is By Darius Shahtahmasebi, May 04 2018

On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave his most grandiose anti-Iranian performance to date, revealing what he believed was direct proof that Iran “lied” about its nuclear program. This isn’t the first time Netanyahu has overhyped the threat of

Sugar Demons, Sweet Lobbies and Taxes in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 04 2018
Medical Assistance for Korean Atomic Bomb Survivors in Japan: (Belated) Japanese Grassroots Collaboration to Secure the Rights of Former Colonial Victims By Dr. Ágota Duró, May 04 2018
May Day 2018 and the Escalating Struggle to Defeat Austerity By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 04 2018

Despite the propaganda of the ruling class in the United States and the entire capitalist world suggesting that the impact of the Great Recession of 2007-2010 has been completely reversed, poor and working people are still suffering from the lack

Video: Who’s Funding the White Helmets? By Ben Swann, May 04 2018
And yet our media and government act as if the information coming from the White Helmets is coming from an impartial observer. When in fact, it appears to actually be coming from an organization that is being funded with an agenda to see the Syrian government overthrown.
Pakistan: Missing Persons Issue Swept Under Rug as Pashtun Anti-war Movement Spreads By Ali Mohsin, May 04 2018
US Stresses Interventionist Plan in Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela By Telesur, May 04 2018

“We will stay by the side of those who long for freedom and we will confront their oppressors,” Vice President Mike Pence

Ramping up interventionist rhetoric and policy against progressive governments in the region, United States Vice President Mike

Irresistible Urges: Surveilling Australia’s Citizens By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 04 2018
US Commandos Deployed on Yemen Border to “Help Saudis Against Houthis” By The New Arab, May 04 2018

A team of elite US Green Beret commandos deployed to the Saudi border of Yemen last year to help find and destroy Houthi rebel missile caches, the New York Times reported on Thursday.

The Army special operations soldiers arrived in

Japan to Build Roads Out of Radioactive Fukushima Dirt By Vicki Batts, May 04 2018
Democracy Now’s “Alt Media” Platform for Humanitarian Imperialism in Syria By Elliott Gabriel, May 04 2018

Featured image: Democract Now! host and producer, Amy Goodman. (Source: Flickr/Aditya Ganapathiraju)

The dust had barely settled after last weekend’s U.S.-led bombing of Syria before a split in the political class developed. While some Beltway figures, media personalities and

Remembering Samuel Epstein, Pioneer in the Struggle against Cancer By Stephen Lendman, May 04 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

On March 18, physician, University of Illinois Chicago Professor Emeritus of Environmental and Occupational Health, Cancer Prevention Coalition chairman Samuel Epstein passed away

Cognitive-Behavioral Workforce Conditioning through Online Adaptive-Learning Technetronics By John Klyczek, May 04 2018

Seven years before he was appointed as US National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski published Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. In this 1970 futurist treatise on American political science, Brzezinski forecasts how “[t]he

Did the Cold War Ever Really End? By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, May 04 2018

The official end of the Cold War era in 1989 brought during the first coming years a kind of international optimism that the idea of the “end of history“ really could be realized as it was a belief in no

Netanyahu’s Iran Speech in Context: Irony, Hypocrisy and the Undeclared Hijacking of U.S. Foreign Policy By Adeyinka Makinde, May 04 2018

The recent presentation made by Binyamin Netanyahu purportedly detailing a secret Iranian programme aimed at acquiring a nuclear weapons capability is the latest in a long-term effort on his part to obtain United States assistance in destroying Iran. But the

Is US-North Korea Summit Doomed to Fail? By Stephen Lendman, May 04 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

If past is prologue, things aren’t encouraging. Throughout the entire post-WW II period, Washington has been militantly hostile toward North Korea – for

Lebanon: The Most Important Election in the World! By Brett Redmayne-Titley, May 04 2018

In a matter of mere hours, a new election will take place. Unlike seemingly all other national elections worldwide, this election will bring real “hope” to a needlessly impoverished country. This election will see real “change” come to a country

Nobel Nonsense: Nominating Donald Trump for the Peace Prize By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 04 2018

It seems like rich nonsense, but should peace be attained on the Korean peninsula, with arrangements entrenched to ensure durability as opposed to unconvincing window dressing, President Donald Trump might well join the list of frauds and charlatans who have

What’s Washington Really Doing in Armenia? Color Revolution against Moscow? By F. William Engdahl, May 04 2018

There has been considerable speculation in recent days as to whether the recent and ongoing protests across former Soviet Armenia constitute another Washington Color Revolution destabilization or whether it represents simply the angry revolt of citizens fed up with the

Dark Side of Computers, Smart Phones and Tablets: Blue Light Causes Cancer, Ruins Your Eyes and Makes You Toss and Turn at Night By Washington's Blog, May 04 2018

I use a computer and smart phone for more than 10 hours a day.

So I wasn’t happy to learn that recent scientific studies show the blue light emitted by our computers, tablets and smart phones can cause cancer, ruin

War Is a Working Class Issue. Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) By Black Alliance for Peace, May 04 2018

Workers from around the world took to the streets on May 1—International Workers’ Day, also known as May Day—to proclaim on their day they were not going to surrender to the logic of capitalist dehumanization and plunder that the ruling

One-third of American Households Have Struggled to Afford Either Food, Shelter or Medical Care By Leslie Albrecht, May 04 2018

Nearly half of Americans have a tough time paying their bills, and over one-third have faced hardships such as running out of food, not being able to afford a place to live, or not having enough money to pay for

Syria – A Case Study in Propaganda By Chris Kanthan, May 04 2018

Dear diary, many of my colleagues are unhappy about the recent events in Syria. They are unhappy that Assad is still in power. However, I see the metaphorical glass as being half full. In a recent poll, 58% of

US Troops in Europe to Outnumber all European Troops Combined By Lyuba Lulko, May 04 2018

GR Editor’s Note

First published in April 2015, this article constitutes a “Russian perspective” on the deployment of US-NATO troops in Eastern Europe. The US-NATO militarization of Eastern Europe directed against Russia has been ongoing for several years. The threat …

The Globalization of War. From the End of World War II to the Present By Hon. Paul Hellyer, May 04 2018

Hon. Paul Hellyer

The Globalization of War is an extraordinarily important book. It tags the origin of a long series of wars and conflicts, from the end of World War II to the present, as being direct products of U.S.  …

The Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) Is Unravelling and “It’s All the US’ Fault” By Andrew Korybko, May 03 2018

Half of Unasur’s members suspended their participation in the South American bloc.

The American-friendly governments of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, and Peru coordinated their move just days after Bolivia assumed the rotating presidency of the organization, justifying their decision …

Explosions Rock Tripoli Election Commission: Who’s Trying to Prevent the Vote? By Richard Galustian, May 03 2018

To underscore the dire situation in Libya and the extent to which extremists will go, on Wednesday at around noon two huge explosions occurred at the HNEC, the Higher National Election Commission’s HQ, in Tripoli, killing over 15 people and

Netanyahu: Don’t Look Here Where We’re Shooting Children, Look Over There at Iran By Prof. Juan Cole, May 03 2018

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, a notorious warmonger, serial liar and supremacist racialist who used to lead the closest thing Israel has to a fascist party until parties even more extreme got elected to parliament, is attempting to bamboozle

May Day ‘71: When Bob Parry Went to Jail in the Biggest Mass Arrest in U.S. History By Robert Parry, Stephen Orlov, and Nat Parry, May 03 2018

A note from Nat Parry: 

In the spring of 1971, with war raging in Vietnam, the U.S. peace movement hoped to shut down the federal government in an audacious mass civil disobedience action. Under the slogan “If the government won’t

Haftar’s Return to Libya By Richard Galustian, May 03 2018

Featured image: Haftar last Thursday early evening at Benghazi’s Benina Airport (Source: LNA website & social media)

Field Marshall Khalifa Haftar returned from a Paris hospital, via Cairo, to Libya on a proverbial ‘white horse’.

Recovered after two weeks of …