Global Research News

“War is Good for Business”: Defense Stocks Jump as Israel Puts Troops on “High Alert for an Attack” By silveristhenew, May 10 2018

The Israeli Defense Force says it has identified “unusual movements of Iranian forces in Syria” and has responded by ordering the opening of shelters along the Golan Heights – its border area with Syria – and ordering its troops to

Black Alliance for Peace Says No to “War with Iran”! By Ajamu Baraka, May 10 2018

The decision by the Trump administration to breach the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action—better known as the Iranian nuclear agreement—moves the United States once again into a dangerous situation in which the United States might directly or indirectly be involved

Where Syria’s Government Sends “Conquered Terrorists” By Eric Zuesse, May 10 2018

On May 8th, Syria’s Government bannered, “6th batch of terrorists leave southern Damascus for northern Syria” and reported that “During the past five days, 218 buses carrying … terrorists with their families exited from the three towns to Jarablos and

Will a Torturer Become CIA Director? By Ray McGovern, May 10 2018
So how does President Donald Trump think he can get this nomination approved? It is a sad story. Polling shows that most Americans have been persuaded by Hollywood films and TV series, other media, and Trump himself that torture works.
War is Good for Business: US Weapons Manufacturers’ Share Prices Soar on NYSE as Trump Pulls Out of Iran Deal By RT News, May 10 2018

While President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the Iran nuclear deal has been negatively criticized by most of the international community it has brought good news for some. Weapons manufacturers.

The stock price of all

In Provoking Iran and Allies Alike to Please Netanyahu, Donald Trump has become the Most-Pro-Zionist American President Ever By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, May 10 2018

Our position is straightforward. This is a bad deal [Iran Nuclear Deal]. Either fix it — or cancel it. This is Israel’s position. Binyamin Netanyahu (1949- ), Israel Prime minister, (comment made on Tues. Sept. 12, 2017).


NATO’s Secret Transatlantic Bond: Nuclear Weapons In Europe By Rick Rozoff, May 10 2018

This article was first published by Global Research in December 2009.

“Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Dutch, Belgian, Italian and German pilots remain ready to engage in nuclear war.”

“Nuclear forces based in Europe and committed

A Passing Thought in the Age of Terror By Edward Curtin, May 10 2018

Featured image: Sophie Scholl

“Those with no sides and no causes.  Those who won’t take measure of their own strength, for fear of antagonizing their own weakness.  Those who don’t like to make waves – or enemies.  Those for whom

Mali: Ethnically Driven Terrorist Murders Might Spark a Regional Meltdown By Andrew Korybko, May 10 2018

40 members of the Tuareg minority that’s indigenous to the sparsely populated but geographically grand two-thirds of Mali were killed near the Nigerien border by what are suspected to be Fulani members of Daesh’s regional franchise of the so-called “Islamic

For Economic Truth Turn to Michael Hudson By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 10 2018

Readers ask me how they can learn economics, what books to read, what university economics departments to trust. I receive so many requests that it is impossible to reply individually. Here is my answer.

There is only one way to …

Has Europe Rebelled? By Oriental Review, May 10 2018

Washington’s current foreign-policy practice is a bit reminiscent of the golden era of the Ottoman Sublime Porte, in the sense that any visit by a leader of a vassal state is seen as nothing more than an opportunity for a

America’s Drive towards Global Hegemony, Economic Warfare and Regime Change. Malaysia’s PM Tun Dr. Mahathir By Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, May 10 2018

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has been elected Prime Minister of Malaysia.

This article and video was first published  in May 2015

The New World Order is a big threat to sovereign states, speakers at an international conference say.

The anti-war

“Creating Wealth” Through Debt: The West’s Finance-Capitalist Road By Prof Michael Hudson, May 09 2018

Volumes II and III of Marx’s Capital describe how debt grows exponentially, burdening the economy with carrying charges. This overhead is subjecting today’s Western finance-capitalist economies to austerity, shrinking living standards and capital investment while increasing their cost of living

Malaysia Elections: Tun Mahathir Next Prime Minister of Malaysia. By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 09 2018


Dear friends,

Tun will be sworn in tomorrow.

The morning paper.

Not all results are in but the party has reached a simple majority.
God bless for your support.

now official, Mahathir will be the next Prime Minister of
Selected Articles: The US-Israel Alliance Is a Threat to World Peace By Global Research News, May 09 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Military Incompetence? Failed Performance of April 14th US-UK-France Missile Attack against Syria By Brian Kalman, May 09 2018

Like so many others that watched the unfolding U.S.-led cruise missile strike on Syria in the early morning hours of April 14th, I was amazed by the brazen and ill-conceived nature of such an undertaking. Not only was

Trump Breaks Landmark Iran Nuclear Deal By Jamie Merrill, May 09 2018

Donald Trump has announced that the US will withdraw from the landmark Iran nuclear deal, in the most significant foreign policy move of his presidency so far.

In a blow to US allies who support the deal, Trump said:


Trump Pulls US Out of “Unacceptable, Defective” Iran Deal; Obama Slams Decision as “So Misguided” By Zero Hedge, May 09 2018


  • President Trump is withdrawing the U.S. from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran
  • Trump is reinstating sanctions on Iran, but didn’t explain how that will play out
  • The deal “should have never never been made,” the president says
  • Trump
Video: The Art of War: The B61-12, America’s New “Nuclear Parcel Bomb” By Manlio Dinucci, May 09 2018

The new B61-12 nuclear bomb – which the US is preparing to send to Italy, Germany, Belgium, Holland and probably other European countries – is now in its final stages of development.

This was announced by General Jack Weinstein, …

Trump’s Act of American Hubris. EU Opposition to Repeal of Iran Nuclear Agreement By Craig Murray, May 09 2018

The United States is so far doing virtually no trade with Iran anyway. In 2017 total US exports to Iran were just 138 million dollars, and total imports a mere 63 million dollars, figures entirely insignificant to the US economy.

Press Freedom in Britain: Getting Darker By Katharine Quarmby, May 09 2018

Britain leads the way in Europe – but not in a good way. It has a worse record on press freedom than all other European nation states except Italy, trailing others such as Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands. 

In the …

China-DPRK Relations: Kim Jong-un and Xi Jinping Meet in Dalian By Telesur, May 09 2018

Chinese President Xi Jinping held a meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Dalian, China on Monday and Tuesday.

The two leaders, along with several officials from each country, held a luncheon and discussed pressing issues on China-North

Trump’s Decision on Iran Deal Spells Disaster for the Middle East By Dr. Cesar Chelala, May 09 2018

President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the deal with Iran creates, unnecessarily, a new source of tension in a region besieged by conflicts. This move was heartily supported by Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and opposed

Israel Will Assassinate Syria’s Assad if He Allows Iran to Operate in Syria? Israeli Minister of Energy By The New Arab, May 09 2018

Featured image: Yuval Steinitz

Israel will assassinate Syrian President Bashar al-Assad if he continues to allow close ally Iran to operate in Syria, the Israeli energy minister has warned.

Yuval Steinitz made the warning to Israeli news website Ynet on …

The Family-Party-State Nexus in Nicaragua By Trevor Evans, May 09 2018

In 1979 a popular uprising led by the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) overthrew the U.S.-backed Somoza-family dictatorship which had ruled Nicaragua since the 1930s, and in 1984 the Sandinistas and their presidential candidate, Daniel Ortega, decisively won the

Trump and Israeli Collusion By Margaret Kimberley, May 09 2018

Donald Trump’s decision to exit from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement on Iranian nuclear capability is in keeping with his doctrine of joining Israel at the hip of the United States. Fealty to the state of

War Codes in Trump’s Iran Proclamation By Daniel McAdams, May 09 2018

Today President Trump announced that he was canceling US participation in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JPCOA) otherwise known as the Iran nuclear deal. The president’s assertions were ludicrous and factually incorrect, but the neocons who were no doubt

America Planned to Break “Iran Nuclear Deal” Years Before Signing It By Tony Cartalucci, May 09 2018

The so-called “Iran Nuclear Deal,” officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) signed on 2015 now under threat by a backtracking US – was billed at the time of its signing as a historic agreement that provided

Trump Withdraws from Iran Nuclear Deal By Stephen Lendman, May 09 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

There’s nothing “horrible” about the JCPOA deal, plenty awful about Trump pulling out.

His deplorable action came as expected – added proof that

U.S. Secret Military Operation in Yemen: A Perfect War Crime! By Massoud Nayeri, May 09 2018

After the tragedy of 9/11, the question of the U.S. military response to win the “War on Terror” in the Middle East and beyond was publicly discussed and justified by the elite in Washington. After the occupation of Afghanistan in

Trump, The “Billionaire Good Guy”, an Embarrassment as President, a Threat to World Peace By Stephen Lendman, May 09 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

It was foolhardy to expect positive change under his leadership. Whoever heard of a billionaire good guy, amassing wealth the old-fashioned way.


Trump and Netanyahu Collude to Damage NATO, Risk Middle East Instability and Nuclear War By Hans Stehling, May 09 2018

Donald Trump’s White House default on the politically vital Iran deal, that was so painstakingly negotiated in conjunction with Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China in order to preserve world peace, has been done on the instructions of, and

John Bolton Has Advocated the “Libyan Model” for North Korea’s Denuclearization. Is Pyongyang Surrendering its Deterrence Capabilities? By Andrew Korybko, May 09 2018

The new US National Security Advisor John Bolton controversially advocated the so-called “Libyan model” for North Korea’s denuclearization.

While he was indeed speaking about the technical aspect of this example in having the North African country completely surrender all of …

Russia’s Grand Strategy in Afro-Eurasia. Skillful Diplomacy. What Could Go Wrong? By Andrew Korybko, May 09 2018

Russia’s 21st-century grand strategy is all about becoming the supreme “balancing” force in Afro-Eurasia through the skillful diplomatic management of the hemisphere’s multiple conflicts, though the greatest danger to this vision comes not from the US’ Hybrid Wars,

America’s Word Is Worthless By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 09 2018

We can now dismiss all hope that Trump’s campaign promises to pull out of Syria, normalize relations with Russia and stop the offshoring of American jobs will ever become US policies. By dishonoring the US government’s word and pulling out

The Irony of Election Fraud in Lebanon. Staggering Loss for Western Influence By Brett Redmayne-Titley, May 09 2018

In what can only be considered a staggering loss for western influence in Lebanon, Hizbullah doubled its seats in the new Lebanese parliament as a result of the first election in nine years…and its own, far too obvious, attempt to

Withdrawal Symptoms: Trump and the Iran Nuclear Deal By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 09 2018

Hot on the heels of the Benjamin Netanyahu “nuclear archive” show supposedly revealing Iranian perfidy, US President Donald Trump added succour to the Israeli cause by promising to withdraw from the Iran Nuclear deal, more lengthily known as the Joint

Revisiting “Love Serenade” in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 09 2018
Confronting Global Agribusiness: Natural Farming Is the Future By Prof. Devinder Sharma, May 09 2018
The Greening of China’s Energy System Outpaces Its Further Blackening: A 2017 update By John A. Mathews, Xin Huang, and Prof. Mark Selden, May 09 2018
Lebanon Elections: Hezbollah and Allies Gain a Parliamentary Majority By Stephen Lendman, May 08 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Lebanese parliamentary elections didn’t turn out the way Washington and Israel wanted.

The May 6 general election was the first in nine years.

Free and Accessible Transit in Toronto. Towards the Transformation of Urban Life and the Social System By Free Transit Toronto, May 08 2018

Toward A Red-Green Vision for Toronto

Transit is a critical issue for many people in Toronto, as in all major urban areas. More is at stake than reducing traffic congestion and gridlock. Transit and general mobility are intimately related to

No Breakthroughs in US-China Trade Negotiations. Imperial Showdown? By Stephen Lendman, May 08 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Two days of talks between Chinese and US delegations last week ended with diplomatic language alone, indicating failure to accomplish anything significant, both

Venezuela and Palestine Start Bi-National Bank with Petros By Telesur, May 08 2018

Featured image: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (l) and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro meet today to sign accords, among them an agreement to start a bi-national initiated with Petros (Source: @NicolasMaduro)

Venezuela y Palestinian leaders agreed to start a binational bank 

China’s Determined March Towards the “Ecological Civilization” By John Cobb Jr. and Andre Vltchek, May 08 2018

Featured image: Ancient Xidi Village in China

There is no time for long introductions. The world is, possibly heading for yet another catastrophe. This one, if we, human beings will not manage to prevent it, could become our final.

The …

Selected Articles: Will Trump End the Iran Nuclear Deal? By Global Research News, May 08 2018

US President Donald Trump is set to declare his decision on the Iran Nuclear Deal before the deadline on May 12. Should Trump decertify the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), he is not only compromising the possibility of dialogue

Big Pharma Wants People on Antidepressants for Years and It’s Working By Martha Rosenberg, May 08 2018

Antidepressants were once considered a short-term therapy to help people get over a troubled time. All that changed with the debut of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants, drug ads on TV and the promotion of the “chemical imbalance” theory

Iran Under Renewed and Enormous Threats By Shane Quinn, May 08 2018

A neutral bystander might question why Iran is not permitted to explore nuclear capabilities, especially as the country has long been under the shadow of possible attack. One need only examine the fate of past American victims like Afghanistan, Iraq

The Danger of Leadership Cults By Chris Hedges, May 08 2018

No leader, no matter how talented and visionary, effectively defies power without a disciplined organizational foundation. The civil rights movement was no more embodied in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. than the socialist movement was embodied in Eugene V. Debs

Syrian women
Syrian Civilization Confronts Western Barbarism By Mark Taliano, May 08 2018

The White Helmets are al Qaeda auxiliaries.  They are misogynist, sectarian, anti-Christian terrorists.

Canada supports them and all of the sectarian, anti-Christian, misogynist terrorists invading, destroying, and occupying parts of secular, pro-Christian, pluralist, pro-equal rights, civilized Syria.

Pictured below we …

Judge Rules Non-Profits Can Sue Monsanto for Misleading Safety Labeling of Popular Herbicide Roundup By Beyond Pesticides, May 08 2018

Beyond Pesticides and The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) today responded to a federal judge’s ruling against Monsanto Co.’s motion to dismiss the groups’ lawsuit, filed in April, 2017. The lawsuit challenged Monsanto’s safety claim on its Roundup (glyphosate) products

Slickly Packaged Anti-Russian US Media Propaganda By Michael Averko, May 08 2018

Rachel Maddow‘s May 2 MSNBC show, highlighted Andrew Kramer‘s same day New York Times (NYT) article, saying the Kiev regime has decided to limit its cooperation with the Robert Mueller led FBI investigation on an alleged

Pompeo Rocks the Middle East: Lessons from a Former CIA Officer for the Secretary of State By Philip Giraldi, May 08 2018

Featured image: Mike Pompeo meets with Israeli Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv, April 2018. (Source: U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv/ flickr)

Former Central Intelligence Agency Director Mike Pompeo has recently completed his first trip to the Middle East as

American Journalist Killed in Turkey for Revealing the Truth Regarding ISIS-Daesh By Eva Bartlett, May 08 2018

Killing the Truth: In this article, first published by the Duran and GR in October 2016, the journalist who exposed the truth regarding the State sponsors of ISIS-Daesh is killed. Who are the state sponsors of ISIS-Daesh.

Although all signs

US to Separate All Families Charged with Illegal Border Crossing By Patrick Martin, May 08 2018

The Trump administration announced a policy of unprecedented cruelty in its persecution of immigrant families Monday. Family groups caught crossing the U.S. border without authorization will be immediately broken up, with the parents detained and prosecuted for illegal entry while

Trump’s Shameful Choice of Gina Haspel to Head the CIA By Robert Scheer, May 08 2018

Leave it to Donald Trump, besieged by denunciations of his torturous behavior toward women, to have nominated a female torturer to head the Central Intelligence Agency. It was a move clearly designed to prove that a woman can be

NATO: A Promoter of Colonialism in the 21st Century By Wayne Madsen, May 08 2018

Five NATO members continue to possess colonies. These NATO states have no intention of granting their territories independence any time soon. Not only does France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Denmark, and the United States insist on maintaining vestiges of

Netanyahu’s “Nuclear Chutzpah” By Eric Margolis, May 07 2018

‘Chutzpah’ is a wonderful Yiddish word that means outrageous nerve, or unmitigated gall. 

This week’s Chutzpah Award goes to Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  Standing in front of props of data files and cd’s, Netanyahu claimed Israel’s renowned Mossad

Twilight Zone America: Woody Allen Meets Rod Serling By Philip A Farruggio, May 07 2018

Baby boomers should recall the cutting edge television series ( 1959-64) The Twilight Zone. Creator Rod Serling, who wrote many episodes himself, was a genius! The shows had this surreal and fantasy aspect to them, revealing all the flaws

Selected Articles: Militarization, “War is Good for Business” By Global Research News, May 07 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Idaho State University Lost a Dirty Bomb’s Worth of Plutonium By Andrew Tarantola, May 07 2018

Well this isn’t good. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the federal agency tasked with administering the nation’s supply of fissile materials, announced on Friday that Idaho State University may be subject to fine for losing a gram of weapons-grade plutonium. While

Scheme to Let OPCW Name Perpetrators of Alleged Syria Chemical Attacks By Stephen Lendman, May 07 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The OPCW is untrustworthy, its findings notoriously serving Western interests, functioning as an imperial agent.

Last October, Russia blasted the OPCW-UN Joint Investigative

The Blurred Line Between War and Business By Julian Vigo, May 07 2018

Featured image: Then-Vice President Dick Cheney introduces President George W. Bush at the Black Tie and Boots Inaugural Ball in Washington in 2005. (David Bohrer / White House)

In 2009, Rand Paul called out Dick Cheney for supporting the invasion

Planning for Aggression: Netanyahu’s Nuclear Archive By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 07 2018

It all seems like an effort to confirm offensiveness and instability, to be appalling in order to be relevant.  The Israeli prime minister, handicapped by domestic travails and a watchful Knesset, is very keen to push the Iranian demon into

NATO in Afghanistan: A Dagger Struck Into the Heart of Asia By Christopher Black, May 07 2018

On April 27 the NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg issued an ultimatum to the Taliban fighting the US and NATO allied forces that have invaded and occupied Afghanistan; negotiate–meaning surrender-or be destroyed. Taking his cue from the Nazi diktats in the

US Navy Resurrects Its Cold War-Era Atlantic Fleet to Counter Russia By Zero Hedge, May 07 2018

In a stunning surprise, the United States Navy announced Friday that it would reactivate its Second Fleet to counter the increasing threat from Russia.

Admiral John Richardson, chief of naval operations, said the fleet, deactivated in 2011, could oversee …

A Quantum Dialogue on the Meaning and Purpose of Existence By Julian Rose, May 07 2018

Dialogue between a master (A) and his pupil (B):

B: The Universe, or what is referred to as ‘space’, seems to be a kind of ethereal void, populated here and there by stars, planets, occasional meteors, comets and such like.

US Issues Trade Ultimatum to China By Nick Beams, May 07 2018

US representatives issued a series of demands in Beijing during talks on May 4, ranging from an insistence that China take no action against US measures undermining its development of high-tech industries to the impossible ultimatum that it cut its

As Russia’s Military Shrinks, US Navy Forms a New Fleet to ‘Counter’ Them By Jason Ditz, May 07 2018

Featured image: A US aircraft carrier in the Atlantic (Source: author)

Russia’s military spending has been declining in recent years, and is expected to shrink even more in the next few years. Despite this, the US seems to have no

The Fate of the Iran Nuclear Agreement. Israel Has Begun the Countdown to May 15 By Norman Finkelstein, May 07 2018

Finkelstein comments:  A few days ago I wrote this to several correspondents:

Trump has to renew/not renew the Iran agreement every 120 days.  It’s true that back in January 2018 he said the next renewal date would be decisive.  But
French Railworkers on Strike. The Role of Intellectuals: Collective Resistance against Social Regression By Étienne Balibar, May 07 2018

The philosopher Étienne Balibar is one of the figures behind the solidarity fund in support of striking railworkers — a fund that now stands close to €1 million. Responding to questions from workers who are taking part in the rolling

Will Turkey Leave NATO? “You Can’t Control Us” – Turkey Threatens to Retaliate if US Blocks Sale of 116 F-35s By Zero Hedge, May 07 2018

Featured image: Turkish Prime Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu

In the latest sign that Turkey is seriously considering leaving NATO as its relationship with the security bloc (and the US in particular) continues to deteriorate, Turkish Prime Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu warned on

Trump Disregards Caravan Migrants’ Legal Right to Apply for Asylum By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 07 2018

The 300 asylum seekers who arrived at the US border on April 29 after a month-long, 2,000-mile journey have another grueling struggle ahead of them, according to the immigration attorneys who are donating their time to represent them.

More than

Malaysia Elections: Saudi Royal Family Gave $681M to Prime Minister Najib Who Banned Shia Islam By Newsrescue, May 07 2018

Of relevance to the upcoming Malaysian elections on May 9 2018, this article first published in Feb 2016, confirms  that the outgoing Prime Minister Najib Razak received close to $700 million dollars in his personal account from the House of …

Malaysian Elections: $681 Million into Prime Minister Najib’s Personal Bank Account by a Mysterious Saudi Prince By Global Research News, May 07 2018

The only way PM Najib Razak could win this election on May 9 is by fraud and manipulation of the elections of results. 

The outgoing PM is desperate. A state of emergency is also contemplated. 

The grassroots support of the

Tun Mahathir for Next Prime Minister of Malaysia By Global Research News, May 06 2018
Malaysia PM Najib Razak Dirty Tricks: Opposition Leader Mahathir under Investigation for Fake News By Global Research News, May 06 2018
Trump Administration Hired Israeli Intelligence Firm to Discredit Obama Officials Who Negotiated the Iran Nuclear Deal: Report By Press TV, May 06 2018

Aides to US President Donald Trump have reportedly hired an Israeli private intelligence agency to devise a “dirty ops” campaign against key Obama administration officials who helped negotiate the Iran nuclear deal in a scheme to discredit the agreement.

Trump …

Only Russia Can De-Escalate the Proxy War Between the West and Iran in Syria By Andrew Korybko, May 06 2018

Some explosions shook Syrian Arab Army positions in Aleppo and Hama provinces early Monday morning in what was widely reported to have either been an American, Israeli, or other Western allied strike on alleged Iranian military positions in the

Recalling Pete Seeger’s Controversial Performance on the Smothers Brothers Show 50 Years Ago By Dreier Peter, May 06 2018

Featured image: Pete Seeger performing in 1986

This was originally published on February 28, 2018 by The American Prospect.

Fifty years ago this week, folk singer Pete Seeger performed the controversial anti-war song “Waist Deep in the Big Muddy” on