Global Research News

Prime Minister Mahathir Will Continue Malaysia’s Multipolar Course By Andrew Korybko, May 23 2018
Pompeo Might Have Pulled the Plug on Armenian-Iranian Trade By Andrew Korybko, May 22 2018

These two long-running civilizational allies might abruptly see their age-old economic relations disappear after Pompeo threatened to sanction anyone who defies the US’ unilaterally implemented punitive measures against the Islamic Republic, and the long-term geostrategic implications of this move could

The “Libya Model” Is a Distraction. John Bolton’s Template for Threatening North Korea By Kim Petersen, May 22 2018

On Fox News Sunday, United States national security advisor John Bolton brought up the Libya model as a template for the denuclearization of North Korea.

Following up, president Donald Trump noted,

“In Libya, we decimated that country. That country was

Conspiracy Theory
Can We Call It a Coup Now? By Mike Whitney, May 22 2018

After 18 months of withering attacks and accusations, Donald Trump has decided to get up off the canvas and fight back. In a series of tweets stretching from Sunday night to early Monday morning, Trump announced that he would launch

The Monsanto Papers: Roundup (Glyphosate) Cancer Case Key Documents & Analysis By U.S. Right to Know, May 22 2018

More than 400 lawsuits are pending against Monsanto Co. in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, filed by people alleging that exposure to Roundup herbicide caused them or their loved ones to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and that Monsanto covered

Trump, the NRA, Mass Shootings and the American Culture of Death By Bill Blum, May 22 2018

A fish rots from the head down.” Ancient proverb of disputed origin

Another week has come and gone, and with it, another mass shooting. The American culture of death marches on, fueled by our obscene stockpiles of lethal

At the U.N., Trudeau Opposes an Investigation into Israel’s Shooting of Unarmed Civilians – Including a Canadian Doctor By Dimitri Lascaris, May 22 2018

On May 16, 2018, Canada’s Prime Minister issued a statement calling for an “immediate independent investigation” into the “tragic” killing and wounding of “countless” protesters in Gaza. Trudeau professed in his statement to be “appalled that Dr. Tarek Loubani,

Report Exposes UK Role in Saudi Arabia’s War on Yemen By Barry Mason, May 22 2018

Thousands of UK personnel are intimately involved in maintaining the military war machine of Saudi Arabia, enabling it to carry out its one-sided slaughter in Yemen.

A recent report, “UK Personnel Supporting the Saudi Armed Forces–Risk, Knowledge and Accountability”, by

Haspel Is Not the Problem. The CIA Is the Problem. By Rep. Ron Paul, May 22 2018

As a general rule, when Dick Cheney favors a foreign policy position it’s best to be on the opposite side if you value liberty over war and authoritarianism. The former vice president’s enthusiastic endorsement of not only Gina Haspel as

Letter from Iran: Mr. Trump, You Have Been Served By Pepe Escobar, May 22 2018

Featured image: President visit the Western Wall, Jerusalem, May 22, 2017. (Photo credit: Matty Stern/U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv)

In a letter addressed to President Donald Trump, with copies to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the UN Security Council,

Law Society Lauds South Africa Encouraging Peace in Israel By Ettiene Barnard, May 22 2018

The Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) joins the call by human rights organisations across the world in demanding that the international community take strong measures against Israel to put an end to the ongoing international human rights and humanitarian

Pompeo Threatens Toughest Ever US Actions on Iran By Stephen Lendman, May 22 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Trump’s hardened war cabinet is in charge of geopolitical policymaking, more wars of aggression likely on its agenda – Iran perhaps a prime

Tom Wolfe the Parajournalist By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 22 2018

As is the nature of his creepy totality, President Donald Trump has a habit of suffusing the obituaries of the famous and pampered.  Tom Wolfe, it is said by such figures as Maggie Haberman in The New York Times,

How the “Skripal Effect” Was Stopped By Ulson Gunnar, May 22 2018

A few years ago the story of former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal allegedly being poisoned with a deadly nerve agent in the UK supposedly by the Russian state, would have shook geopolitics and placed immense pressure on Moscow.

Today, …

The Orwellian Climate and Faustian Bargain By Dr. Andrew Glikson, May 22 2018

“Two plus two is five – if the party says so” (George Orwell)

Should anyone record the history of the 20th and 21st centuries, they may report that, while temperatures and sea levels were rising, the human sense

Trump-Pompeo’s Twelve “Idiotic-Insulting” Demands Upon Iran By Eric Zuesse, May 22 2018

On Monday, May 21st, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo laid out a dozen demands upon Iran’s Government — demands which insult the sovereignty of Iran and dictate terms to its Government, as if the U.S. Government weren’t the one

Canada’s Adventures in Neoliberal Imperialism Continue By Jim Miles, May 22 2018

Not a month goes by without Canada demonstrating in many ways that it is a strong supporter of the neoliberal imperial agenda of the – take your choice – one percenters, military-industrial-financial complex, the deep state.  Since the last report,

In Blow to Monsanto, India’s Top Court Upholds Decision that Seeds Cannot be Patented By Lorraine Chow, May 22 2018
Swaths of Native Forest Near Great Barrier Reef Set to be Bulldozed By Nicole Hasham, May 22 2018
The Commercial Heavens: The New Australian Space Agency By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 22 2018
Bulgarian Government Thinks that Reviving the South Stream Pipeline Will Make It More Strategic By Andrew Korybko, May 21 2018

Sofia is proceeding from the assumption that any de-facto revival of the South Stream pipeline would make it a pivotal player in the New Cold War, and contrary to most people’s initial reactions, Moscow might actually be interested.

Bulgarian President

Selected Articles: The Bayer-Monsanto: Merger Made in Hell By Global Research News, May 21 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


US Embassy Move Tears “Last Fig Leaf” off from Long-Standing US-Israeli Designs for Palestine By Steven Chovanec, May 21 2018

It is our right to transfer the Arabs … The Arabs should go!”  Yosef Weitz, leading Zionist figure, director of the Land and Afforestation Department of the Jewish National Fund (JNF), 1940

The Arabs will have to go,

Hebron: “The Occupation Crosses Moral Red Lines”. Israeli Settlers, Freedom of Movement, Military Checkpoints By EA Miles, May 21 2018

Featured image: The hills above Hebron. (Photo EAPPI/Alex)

Hebron is the largest city in the West Bank and perhaps one of the most unique. About 800 Israeli settlers live in its centre, under the protection of a similar number of

The Mind-boggling Corruption of Trump Inc. By Ryan Cooper, May 21 2018

Another week in the Donald Trump presidency, another handful of days so stuffed full of sordid and highly complicated stories that even journalists have trouble keeping track of what’s going on.

But the thread tying all the latest news together …

Europe Must Now Show Solidarity with an Iranian Government that Faithfully Obeyed All the Rules We Drafted. By Rory Wood, May 21 2018

It wasn’t just the news that the US had pulled out of the Iran Deal – that died when the White House opened its doors once again to John Bolton, a challenger to Kissinger’s status as the most unhinged sociopath

New Armed Drone Operators: A Large Number of Countries are Now Deploying Armed Drones By Joanna Frew, May 21 2018

A new report published by Drone Wars UK reveals that over the last five years the number of countries actively using armed drones has quadrupled. Drone Wars: The Next Generation demonstrates that from just three states (US, UK and Israel)

Long-time CIA Asset Named as FBI’s Spy on Trump Campaign By Bill Van Auken, May 21 2018

Featured image: Stefan Halper

The naming of Stefan Halper as the individual sent by the FBI to spy on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election campaign has further inflamed the political warfare raging within the US state apparatus and

Back to the Future? Bolton, Trump and Iranian “Regime Change”: “Splinter the Iranian State into Component Parts” By Gareth Porter, May 21 2018

Now that the Trump administration has derailed the Iran nuclear deal, the old issue of regime change in Iran is back again. National Security Advisor John Bolton is obviously the chief regime-change advocate in the administration, and there is every

Facebook and The Atlantic Council Unite: Now Social Media Giant Serves NATO’s Agenda By Bryan Macdonald, May 21 2018

Facebook has engaged a think tank funded by weapons manufacturers, branches of the US military and Middle-Eastern monarchies to safeguard the democratic process. It’s akin to hiring arsonists to run the fire brigade.

If Facebook truly wanted to “protect democracy

Hypersonic Technology: How Russia and China Gained a Strategic Advantage By Federico Pieraccini, May 21 2018

A hot topic in military prognostications regarding China, Russia and the United States revolves around the development and use of hypersonic technology for missiles or UAVs as an invulnerable means of attack. As we will see, not all three countries

Nicolas Maduro Reelected President of Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, May 21 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Nicolas Maduro won another six-year term overwhelmingly by a two-thirds majority – far greater than polls predicted, turnout disappointing at less than 50%.

War Authorization on a Silver Platter: The “Authority for the Use of Military Force 2018” (AUMF), A “Forever Vote” Is on the Move By Renee Parsons, May 21 2018

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing on May 16th regarding the authorization of a new Authority for the Use of Military Force 2018 (AUMF).  Despite a current lack of unanimity on the committee, the draft authorization (

The Great March of Return and Israel’s Attack on Gaza: Canadian Opposition By Socialist Project and Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, May 21 2018

The Canadian BDS Coalition and many of its member groups and friends are among the more than 50 signatories to this open letter sent on May 16th to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland.


Unsettling the Kim-Trump Summit: John Bolton’s “Libya Solution” for North Korea By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 21 2018

The inevitable stop, start and stuttering of the Korean peace process was bound to manifest itself soon after the hugs, expansive smiles and sympathetic back rubs.  Dates have been set – the Kim-Trump summit is slated to take place in

What is The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)? Tectonic Shift in Global Geopolitics, Strategic Agreement between Russia and China By Rick Rowden, May 21 2018

Think of international organizations and groups like the UN, World Bank and the IMF might come to mind. The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) likely doesn’t make most people’s lists. The SCO is probably the biggest international organization that you’ve never

Donald Trump Junior Met with Gulf Emissary Offering Saudi and UAE Help to Win Presidency: Report By Middle East Eye, May 21 2018

Before the 2016 election, a small group gathered at Trump Tower to meet with Donald Trump Jr, the president’s eldest son, the New York Times reported on Saturday.

The meeting included an Israeli specialist in social media manipulation, …

The Path to Victory on Net Neutrality in the House of Representatives and How You Can Help By Ernesto Falcon, May 21 2018

The United States Senate has voted to overturn the FCC and restore net neutrality protections, the fate of that measure currently rests in the House of Representatives. While many will think that the uphill battle there makes it a lost

Debunking 18 Claims Justifying the Gaza Massacre By Riham Darwish, May 21 2018

After spending a great deal of time online, I read and watched endless virtual conversations about who’s at fault and who’s not in the wake of the over 60 casualties in Gaza on Monday. Discussions varied from whether Israel is

What’s Making Our Children Sick? Food Loaded with Chemical Ingredients. GM Foods By Vincanne Adams and Dr. Michelle Perro, May 21 2018

Featured image: GM protest in Montpellier, 2015 (Source: Flickr)

There is increasing concern about the health of our children among some parents, and our new book explores the perfect storm we have created that may be the culprit. 

This storm …

The War the National Rifle Association (NRA) Is Waging against American Kids By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, May 21 2018

“It’s like the front lines of a war.” A student at the Texas Santa Fe High School, where 8 students and 2 teachers were shot and killed on Friday May 18, 2018, (less than two weeks to go before the

American Foreign Policy Infuriates Everyone By Christopher Black, May 21 2018

American foreign policy seems to be designed to infuriate everyone, friend and foe alike, though we realise the word “friend” is a euphemism for “useful for American interests.” In a futile attempt to reassert its world hegemony the American ruling

Pyongyang’s “Brushback Pitch”. Discontinue Nuclear War Drills directed against North Korea By Leon Sigal, May 21 2018

North Korea has just delivered a brushback pitch, warning the United States and South Korea that inclusion of nuclear assets like the B-52s in joint military exercises—not the exercises themselves—is inconsistent with President Trump’s pledge at President Moon’s urging

Canada’s NDP MPs Must Stop Being ‘Friends’ with Israel By Yves Engler, May 21 2018

Featured image: MP Randall Garrison

Is it appropriate for NDP Members of Parliament to be working for “greater friendship” with a country that is killing and maiming thousands of non-violent protestors?

Would it have been appropriate for any elected member …

Predicting What a Syrian Peace Deal Would Look Like By Andrew Korybko, May 20 2018

For the first time since the Hybrid War of Terror on Syria started, the country finally appears to be nearing a “political settlement” to the conflict.

The Meaning Of True Friendship

Syria might very well see the conclusion of a …

Is Russia About to Abandon the OPEC Deal? By Irina Slav, May 20 2018

OPEC and Russia are meeting in a little more than a month to discuss the progress of their oil production deal and what’s next. On the face of things, there will be no surprises: every country taking part in the

US Navy Reserve Doctor on Gina Haspel Torture Victim: “One of the Most Severely Traumatized Individuals I Have Ever Seen” By Jeremy Scahill, May 20 2018

An American Doctor and Naval reserve officer who has done extensive medical evaluation of a high-profile prisoner who was tortured under the supervision of Gina Haspel privately urged Sen. Mark Warner, the vice chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, to

Sino/US Trade War Averted? By Stephen Lendman, May 20 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Following May 17 and 18 trade talks in Washington, a joint statement said the following:

“To meet the growing consumption needs of the

Selected Articles: The Pentagon Can’t Account for $21 Trillion By Global Research News, May 20 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Will Oil End the American Century? By F. William Engdahl, May 20 2018

The American Century, so triumphantly proclaimed in a 1941 Life magazine editorial by US establishment insider Henry Luce, was built on the control of oil and on an endless succession of wars for that control of global oil. Now,

Dialogue on Culture and Society. The Voice of a Brazilian Artist By Marcela Florido and Abayomi Azikiwe, May 20 2018

Featured image: Marcela Florido in her New York City Studio

Marcela Florido is a young woman visual artist who was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She has been living and working in New York City for several years. At

The Pentagon Can’t Account for $21 Trillion (That’s Not a Typo) By Lee Camp, May 20 2018

Featured image: Then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates during a 2008 visit to Kosovo with U.S. Army troops on foot patrol in the town of Gnjilane. (The U.S. Army / CC BY 2.0)

Twenty-one trillion dollars.

The Pentagon’s own

Democrats Confirm Torturer as Director of CIA By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 20 2018

How did a person who should be in the criminal dock both in the US and in the International Criminal Court for running a torture prison get appointed Director of the US Central Intelligence Agency? What is all the Washington

A Very Republican Sickness: Loving Royal Weddings By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 20 2018

“Thinking that you actually know a public figure – in the intimate, best-friend kind of way – is not healthy.” – Katie StowHarper’s Bazaar, Oct 17, 2017.

The citizenry of the US Republic might well insist on …

The Dispossession of Canada’s First Nations and the Kinder Morgan Pipeline By Kim Petersen, May 20 2018

Imagine that a group of bandits entered your house without permission and booted you and your family members out. Afterwards the bandits continue to occupy the house, but they graciously allow you and your family to stay in the cellar.

Venezuela’s Highly Unusual Presidential Election By Gregory Wilpert, May 20 2018

Venezuela will hold its 24th electoral event in 20 years this Sunday, 20 May. The path to this election was perhaps one of the most convoluted and difficult of Venezuela’s now nearly 20-year Bolivarian Revolution.

First, there was a snap …

Blaming the Victims of Israel’s Gaza Massacre By Gregory Shupak, May 20 2018

Israel massacred 60 Palestinians on Monday, including seven children, bringing to 101 the total number of Palestinians Israel has killed since Palestinians began the Great March on March 30. In that period, Israel has killed 11 Palestinian children, two journalists,

Israeli Government ‘Justifies’ Killings of Palestinians Saying ‘We Can’t Put All of These People in Jail’ By Daily Sabah, May 20 2018

An Israeli government spokeswoman has come under fire for her comments on the situation in Gaza and trying to justify Israeli forces’ use of live fire and the shooting dead of Palestinian protesters.

Speaking to RTÉ’s Morning Ireland on Monday, …

US-Korea Relations: Stop Kicking Sand in Kim’s Face By Eric Margolis, May 20 2018

It’s got to be either one of the stupidest acts that I can recall or a very wicked plan by Washington neocons to sabotage Korean peace talks.

How else to describe the decision by Big Brother USA and junior sidekick …

Gina Haspel Confirmed as CIA Director. Torture: “The New Face of America’s Intelligence Community” By Stephen Lendman, May 20 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Once a torturer, always one, the high crime an indelible stain on Gina Haspel’s despicable record.

Confirming her as CIA director assures

Russia’s Relationship with Israel and the S-300 Controversy By Brandon Turbeville, May 20 2018

Ever since the Israeli-Syrian skirmish (falsely reported as an Israeli-Iranian clash in Syria by the mainstream press), questions have been circulating about what this means for Syria, Israel, Iran and the region, even the rest of the world. Was the

Trump Threatens to ‘Decimate’ North Korea as US Did in “Iraq, Libya and Syria”. By Richard Galustian, May 20 2018

A little reported fact at the time, of an outburst by President Trump, last Thursday in the presence of the NATO’s Secretary General who looked and listened to the tirade of mixed subjects with what appeared to be bemusement.

Before …

Will Trump’s Pyrrhic Victory End with America’s Role as Global Bully? By Philip Giraldi, May 20 2018

I am in Iran speaking at a conference on the future of the Middle East. The timing for the meeting is particularly appropriate due to the recent American withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which limited the

The Bayer-Monsanto Merger: Empowering a Life-Destroying Cartel By Michael Welch, Dr. Vandana Shiva, Nick Meyer, and Ellen Brown, May 20 2018
This merger has implications not only for what goes on our dinner plate. The power of these economic giants is such that they have 'captured' regulatory agencies. Limitless financial resources permit them to buy off academics, media & politicians.
Serbs, Listen Up! Here’s Why Russia’s Getting Chummy with Croatia By Andrew Korybko, May 19 2018

The Russian-Croatian rapprochement might have understandably taken a lot of Serbs by surprise, partly because Moscow hasn’t invested the proper resources into explaining it to the country’s population, but this multidimensional outreach strategy to their regional rival is part of

U.S. Nationwide Elections: “Swing Status”, be Gone By Barbara Nimri Aziz, May 19 2018

During the last nationwide election, the one before that, and the preceding one as well, I was led to believe my vote really doesn’t count. Why? Because I don’t live in what our political parties define as a “swing state”,

Europe: National Sovereignty versus Partners of the American Empire. Conquest, at Stake over Iran By Eric Zuesse, May 19 2018

Europe now faces its ultimate ideological fork-in-the-road, which it has thus far ignored but can no longer ignore: They need to decide whether they seek a world of nations that each is sovereign over its own territory but over no

Wall street
Video: The 2008-2009 US Treasury Fraud and the Wall Street Banker Bailouts By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 19 2018

Published in September 2009

Michel Chossudovsky, the director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, sits down with The Corbett Report to discuss the real meaning of the banker bailouts.

The banks lend money to the government and with …

Video: $21 Trillion! Blowing the Whistle on the Largest Pentagon Theft Ever By David DeGraw, May 19 2018

According to the United States Office of the Inspector General, $21 Trillion in taxpayer money is unaccounted for.

As unbelievable and absurd as that sounds, the actual total of unaccounted for taxpayer money at the Pentagon is most likely significantly

IDF Snipers Ordered to Shoot Palestinian Children, Threat to Security of Israel, according to Israeli General By Ali Abunimah, May 19 2018

GR Editor’s Note

Lets be clear as to the implications.

When they ” shoot at children, they are doing so deliberately, under clear and specific orders.” 

What this means is that the Netanyahu government ordered the killing of Palestinian children.

France Wants the Future to be Eurasia vs. Eurafrica By Andrew Korybko, May 19 2018

A former French Prime Minister unveiled a detailed and very ambitious plan to form a Eurafrican Axis in the New Cold War as a means of “balancing” between East and West, but what he’s really calling for is a policy

The Kiev Regime: Derogation of Freedoms of Speech By Mark Taliano, May 19 2018

On Tuesday, May 15, Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) raided the RIA Novosti news agency’s Kiev offices and detained the outlet’s local bureau chief, Kirill Vyshinsky, ostensibly for acts of “treason.”[1]

International criminal lawyer Chris C. Black explains that this …

Selected Articles: Our History Haunts Our Future – Where Is the UN? By Global Research News, May 18 2018

Global Research is a small team that believes in the power of information and analysis to bring about far-reaching societal change including a world without war.

Truth in media is a powerful instrument. As long as we keep probing, asking

Foreign Policy Insiders Try to Scuttle Trump-Kim Nukes Deal By Mike Whitney, May 18 2018

The biggest obstacle Donald Trump is going to face in his upcoming negotiations with Kim Jong-un, is not Kim’s unwillingness to abandon his nuclear weapons program, but resistance from powerful elements in the foreign policy establishment who will do

The Putin-Assad Summit in Sochi Proved that “Balancing” Yields Results By Andrew Korybko, May 18 2018

Russia’s “balancing” strategy was vindicated yesterday after the Syrian President came to Sochi and announced his country’s full participation in the post-Daesh constitutional revisionism process.

Restoring The “Balance”

President Putin’s feting of “Israeli” “Prime Minister” Benjamin Netanyahu as his guest …

On Board British Airways – ‘Enjoy’ Anti-Russian Propaganda and Glorification of Churchill By Andre Vltchek, May 18 2018

First of all, the British Airways is not in the league of airlines such as Singapore Airlines or Cathay Pacific. Many of its intercontinental planes are old and unkempt; monitors are only bit bigger than a pack of cigarettes, and

Israel, Egypt ‘Block Turkey from Airlifting Gaza Wounded Protesters for Emergency Treatment’ By The New Arab, May 18 2018

Egypt and Israel have blocked Turkish aircraft from using their airports to transport thousands of Palestinians wounded by Israeli troops during protests in Gaza, Turkey’s deputy prime minister has said.

Recep Akdag made the announcement on Wednesday, state-run Anadolu Agency

Our History Haunts Our Future By Samah Jabr, May 18 2018

A French colleague once asked me, “Why are the Palestinians stuck in the Nakba? They commemorate villages no longer present on any map and bequeath to their children the keys to homes that have been long abandoned. Why don’t they

© Lucy Nicholson / Reuters
Back to the Future with Empire Oil By Mike Small, May 18 2018

“I want the Britain of the future to be a truly Global Britain, which is a force for good in the world. Steadfast in upholding our values – not least our fierce commitment to protecting the natural environment.” PM Theresa

Confirmation of Gina Haspel, Supervisor of Torture, as CIA Director Is Unconscionable By Physicians for Human Rights, May 18 2018

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) today is deeply disappointed and concerned at the U.S. Senate’s confirmation of Gina Haspel as CIA director. Haspel, who helped manage the CIA torture program, and who oversaw the waterboarding of detainee Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri