Global Research News

Amazon Workers Organize. Inhumane Work Hours in Italy By UNI Global Union, June 04 2018

First-ever Agreement Between Amazon and Unions Halts Inhumane Work Hours in Italy

by UNI Global Union

Amazon employees in Italy have made history. Workers announced on May 23rd the first-ever direct agreement between unions and the company anywhere in the

America’s Barbaric Policies Against Migrants and Their Children By Massoud Nayeri, June 04 2018
Light needs to be shed on the horrifying conditions of asylum seekers and the issue of “missing” immigrant children who are in custody of the U.S. government. The dire situation of a desperate people who have escaped gang violence in their home countries...
Italy: The Center Cannot Hold By Diana Johnstone, June 04 2018

The traditional governing parties, center “left” and center “right” all follow the same neoliberal policies and constitute the self-designated “center.” Mainstream media enforce center right claims to authority on the base of orthodox economic expertise, while the center left derives

Politics and History of U.S.-DPRK Relations By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 04 2018

In order to acquire an appreciation of the events surrounding United States-DPRK relations it is first necessary to place the upcoming summit meeting between Marshall Kim Jong un and President Donald Trump in Singapore within a politico-historical context.

There has …

Which Is the Greater Threat? Non-Nuclear Iran or Israeli F-35s and Their Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction? By Hans Stehling, June 04 2018

EU NATO chiefs are now increasingly concerned about their level of military co-operation with the only nuclear state in the world that is outside both the nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty and the Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions. (NPT)/ (CWC)/ (BWC).

The Indian Illusion: Denying Anti-Iranian Sanctions While Implementing Them By Andrew Korybko, June 04 2018

India is misleading the world by saying that it will only adhere to UNSC sanctions and not unilaterally imposed US ones because this only reflects the state’s official intent and doesn’t account for why two of its Iranian-linked banks are

India, Iran and the Strategic Implications of the US Pull Out from the Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA) By K M Seethi, June 04 2018

The decision of the Trump administration to pull out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)—a major international agreement to address the Iranian nuclear programme—set in motion a wave of reactions across the world. President Trump terminated the US

Killing the Dream 50 Years On. April-June 1968, the Murder of MLK and RFK By Philip A Farruggio, June 04 2018

Being a politically, among other things, naive young man circa 1968, this writer did not understand what in the hell was going on that year. Having read the Playboy interview with Jim Garrison in ’67, before of course I got

Does Anybody Really Believe that Iran’s “Advisors” in Syria Are Unarmed Non-Combatants? By Andrew Korybko, June 04 2018

The US, “Israel”, and even Russia have called for the withdrawal of Iranian troops from Syria, albeit for different reasons and expressed in different ways, though Damascus and Tehran have responded by insisting that no such troop deployment ever happened

China’s Dream of Hegemony? By Kim Petersen, June 04 2018

On 30 May, United States Admiral Harry Harris, slated to become the next US ambassador to South Korea, said: “China remains our biggest long-term challenge. Without focused involvement and engagement by the United States and our allies and partners

Is Donald Trump a New Herbert Hoover, With His Policy of Isolationism and Protectionism? By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, June 04 2018

“To treat [U.S.] auto imports like a national security threat would be a self-inflicted economic disaster for American consumers, dealers, and dealership employees,” Cody Lusk, president of the American International Automobile Dealers Association, Wednesday, on May 23, 2018.


Video: “9/11 Justice: Every Nation, Every Citizen”. Lawyer’s Committee for 9/11 Inquiry Reinforced by 3000 Architects and Engineers By Dr. Eric Beeth, June 04 2018

Richard Gage and Barbara Honegger were recently on a European tour entitled “9/11 Justice: Every Nation, Every Citizen”. Driving into Brussels, they passed by the $ 1.4 Billion new NATO HQ, and Barbara discovered that on May 25th 2017,

Today’s Most Popular Global Research Articles By Global Research News, June 03 2018
The Empire Strikes Back: Leaving Indian Farmers in the Dirt By Colin Todhunter, June 03 2018
China’s Petro-yuan “Becomes Real”: India Joins International Group Dumping US Dollars in Oil Trades to Bypass US Sanctions By True Publica, June 03 2018

When Donald Trump’s administration decided to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, the goal was to partner with allies to push Iran to negotiate a new agreement through even tougher sanctions. The new agreement would cover nuclear activities

Understanding the U.S. War State By Prof. John McMurtry, June 03 2018

This incisive article by Professor John McMurtry was first published by Science for Peace and Global Research fifteen years ago in May 2003


“It is easy. All you have to do is tell the people they are being attacked,

States of Cruelty: The Dead Refugees of Manus Island. Australia’s Detention of Asylum Seekers By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 03 2018
What Was “The 1968 Movement”? Japan’s Experience in A Global Perspective By Prof. Oguma Eiji, June 03 2018
Nuclear Hawks in Tokyo Call for Stronger US Nuclear Posture in Japan and Okinawa By Gregory Kulacki and Steve Rabson, June 03 2018

Donald Trump’s plan for a more muscular US nuclear posture got a ringing endorsement from the increasingly right-wing government of Japan. Not long after the Trump administration released its Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) in early February, Foreign

War is Impossible Where There is Love: When the Minds and Hearts of Youth Are Programmed to be Killers By Van Robison, June 03 2018

War is impossible where there is love, therefore war is not love.

Every baby on earth is born helpless, innocent and without knowledge. Who programs and indoctrinates innocent minds to become killers? Children are like sponges and all parents know

America’s Trade War with China: Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in Beijing By Stephen Lendman, June 03 2018


Sino/US trade disputes remain far from resolved. Trade war neither country wants remains a possibility, assuring losers, not winners if launched by Trump.

A US delegation headed by Wilbur Ross is in Beijing, meeting with their counterparts led by

Iraq’s Water Crisis Traced Upstream to Turkish, Iranian Dams By Rudaw, June 03 2018

Featured image: Iran has restricted the flow of the cross-border Little Zab River. Photo: Rudaw video

The water crisis has spread in southern and central provinces of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region as dams built by Turkey and Iran, irrespective

Selected Articles: Peace Is a Cliché By Global Research News, June 03 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Pro-Israeli Groups “Weaponize” Jewish Cultural Initiatives to Amplify Their Campaign against Palestinians By Yves Engler, June 03 2018

Should “Jewish Heritage Month” be used as a cover for Israeli nationalism and to suppress Palestinian protest?

A recent incident at a Toronto high school demonstrates the depravity of the pro-Israel lobby. It also illustrates their use of Canadian cultural

Trudeau Endorses Trump: Canadian Sanctions against Venezuela Violate ‘International Law’ By Telesur, June 03 2018

Venezuela has condemned the latest round of sanctions imposed by the Canadian government against several members of the Bolivarian government, calling them a “blatant violation of the most fundamental rules of International Law.”

A statement issued by the Venezuelan foreign …

Video: Fundamental Human Rights, OAS Hypocrisy Exposed By Max Blumenthal, June 03 2018
Medical Despotism: The American Medical Association (AMA) Offensive Against Chiropractic By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, June 03 2018

“Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine mostly concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine. Proponents claim that such disorders affect general health via the nervous system, claims which are demonstrably

Peace Is a Cliché: When the West Cannot Control the World Unopposed It Means War By Andre Vltchek, June 03 2018

Featured image: Kibera Slum in Nairobi with over 1 million inhabitants

The West likes to think of itself as a truly “peace-loving part of the world”. But is it? You hear it everywhere, from Europe to North America, then to

Russian Journalist’s Babchenko’s Stunt Torpedoes Western Media By Tony Cartalucci, June 03 2018

Some of the most prominent newspapers across the Western World spent much of the end of May editing or deleting humiliating headlines and articles falsely announcing the supposed death of Russian media figure Arkady Babchenko – who turned up very

Pipeline Geopolitics: The US is Against Russia’s Nord Stream II Because of the “Three Seas Initiative” By Andrew Korybko, June 03 2018

The second direct underwater pipeline between Russia and Germany is continuing to come under heavy pressure from the US, which is completely against its construction and even threatened to sanction those who are involved with it. Germany is the EU’s

Permanent State Versus The People. The Regime Change War against Syria By Mark Taliano, June 03 2018

Any Canadian who still thinks that our Regime Change efforts against Syria are bringing democracy, freedom, or anything beneficial to Syrians or anyone else is certainly not trying to find the truth.

All Canadians who understand the truth about this

The Canadian Pension Plan: The Deadly Hand of the Market. Investing in Weapons and Fossil Fuel By Judith Deutsch, June 03 2018

recent article in the Toronto Star and its accompanying photo bear comment. The reaching hands are not of rioting, starving people grasping for food but of stockbrokers on the trading floor. The article, about protecting individual portfolios, counsels people

The Globalization of War: America’s “Long War” against Humanity By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 03 2018

America’s hegemonic project in the post 9/11 era is the “Globalization of War” whereby the U.S.-NATO military machine –coupled with covert intelligence operations, economic sanctions and the thrust of “regime change”— is deployed in all major regions of the world.

The American Military Empire: Is Trump Its Would-be Emperor? By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, June 03 2018
By now, most observers have realized who President Trump really is. After close to 8 months in the White House, Trump has clearly demonstrated that he has serious character defects in his public role as an American “showman” president. His behavior, so far, has been more than bizarre. It has been clearly aberrant and frightening.
Neoliberalism and the Dynamics of Capitalist Development in Latin America By Prof. James Petras and Prof. Henry Veltmeyer, June 02 2018
“Neoliberalism” historically denotes a national policy which undermines an existing policy of state-led development.
America’s “Deep State”: Unaccountable Shadow Government By Mark Taliano, June 02 2018

First published by Global Research in December 2014

Author, poet, and former Canadian diplomat Peter Dale Scott describes the Deep State in an interview for the Voltaire network, as

“the wider interface in America between the public, the constitutionally established

Sirhan Sirhan DID NOT Kill Bobby Kennedy! By Stephen Lendman, June 02 2018

Bobby Kennedy, brother Jack, and Martin Luther King were victims of state-sponsored terrorism – Sirhan, Lee Harvey Oswald, and James Earl Ray falsely blamed for assassinations they had nothing to do with.

June 5 marks the 50th anniversary of RFK’s …

Israeli Terror Against Gaza: Solidarity and Activism in an Age of Imperial Decline By Junaid S. Ahmad and Zehra Yilmaz, June 02 2018

One of the most spectacular series to come out recently was based on a novel by the greatest spy thriller of our time, John Le Carre (hence, we shouldn’t be surprised of the novel’s adaptation in TV/movie form). It’s called

America is In a Debt Trap Death Spiral By F. William Engdahl, June 02 2018
So long as the world needed US dollars, Washington could run government deficits without end. Foreign central banks, especially the Bank of Japan in the 1980’s and since the turn of the century, the Peoples’ Bank of China, would have little choice but to reinvest their surplus trade dollar earnings in interest-bearing AAA-rated US Treasury securities.
Italian Debt Crisis Erupts: Is this a Greek Debt Crisis Writ Large? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, June 02 2018

This past week, as the Italian populist party, ‘5-Star’, began to form a government, suddenly the realities of the Italian debt (government and bank) and the 7 year stagnating Italian economy got the attention of media, investors and politicians. 5-Star

Poland’s US Military Base Is More About China than Russia By Andrew Korybko, June 02 2018

Poland is proposing to host a permanent US military base on its territory.

Poland wants to replace Germany as the US’ preferred partner in Europe, taking advantage of American distrust with Berlin over Nord Stream II and trade disagreements while

The Problem with Capitalist “Democracy”: Italy, France, U.K., The U.S. Descent into “Cartoon Democracy” By Christopher Black, June 02 2018

The elections in Italy have pulled the veil back from the face of capitalist democracy and shown it to be a sham, a con game run by capital, with the stronger capitalists ever plotting the demise of the smaller

US Exempts Israeli and Its Own High Crimes from Accountability By Stephen Lendman, June 02 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Throughout their history, Washington and Israel were never held accountable for endless high crimes of war, against humanity and genocide.

Hegemons make their

NATO Advances on Russia’s Border Under the Cover of Western Media Propaganda By Robert Bridge, June 02 2018

If anyone needed proof as to the power of mainstream media they need look no further than Eastern Europe, where cash-strapped nations are militarizing over the phantom threat of ‘Russian aggression.’

The Western media’s ongoing campaign to demonize Russia appears

Tony Blair Should be Prosecuted over Iraq By Jonathan Power, June 02 2018

President Barack Obama was not [?] a war criminal despite US involvement in wars in Iraq, Somalia, and Afghanistan and against Daesh.  His predecessor George W. Bush was. Apart from anything else, his administration tortured captives. Was the former

Trade War Between the US and Germany? By Oriental Review, June 02 2018

First published in April 2018.

Trump is engaged in a trade war not only with China, but also against many of America’s closest allies and trading partners including Canada, Mexico, South Korea, France and Germany.


The heat has been

Bill Browder Escapes Again By Philip Giraldi, June 02 2018

There was some good and bad news last week. The good news was that William Browder, a London-based investor and dedicated foe of Russian President Vladimir V. Putin was arrested by the Spanish police on Wednesday. The bad news is

WaPo Editors: We Have to Help Destroy Yemen to Save It By Adam Johnson, June 02 2018

Over the past year, the Washington Post editorial board has routinely ignored the US’s involvement in the siege of Yemen—a bombing and starvation campaign that has killed over 15,000 civilians and left roughly a million with cholera. As FAIR noted

A Courtroom Appeal for Yemen By Kathy Kelly, June 02 2018

In a Washington, D.C. courtroom this past Tuesday, Voices’ Kathy Kelly and her fellow activist Richard Ochs accepted guilty pleas for their part in a January 2018 action at the D.C. office of House Minority Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer

U.S. Border Patrol Murders Young Guatemalan Woman: Justice for Claudia González! By Revolution Newspaper, June 02 2018

Up and down the Rio Grande
A thousand footprints in the sand

Claudia Gómez González had studied to be an accountant. But she was unable to earn a living in her homeland, a country wracked by extreme poverty and

Rebellion or Counter-Revolution: Made in US in Nicaragua? By Achim Rödner, June 02 2018

Many wonder if the United States is involved in the student protests of the past month in Nicaragua which attempted to destabilize the country. Western media writes nothing about the issue, while at the same time similar scenarios have played

Big Oil and the Arctic: Chevron Pressured to Stay Away from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge By Sierra Club, June 02 2018

Today, as Chevron executives and shareholders meet for their annual meeting, the company is under increasing pressure to pledge not to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Earlier this month, a group of institutional investors totaling $2.52 trillion in …

Judicial Reform in Poland & Hungary: “Disease” or Remedy? By Andrew Korybko, June 02 2018

The judicial reform processes underway in Poland and Hungary are being derided by the EU as a “disease” that could “spread to the neighboring countries”, though they’re actually a liberating remedy from liberal totalitarianism and that’s why Brussels is so

Video: Rising US-Turkish Tensions Over Manbij Issue: Clash Between Two NATO Member States in Northern Syria? By South Front, June 02 2018

The US-Turkish tensions continue to grow over the so-called Manbij issue in northern Syria.

On May 30, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Davutoglu said that a roadmap for cooperation on Manbij had been reached by Ankara and Washington. He said that

Democracy Is Fighting to Survive the Rise of Western Authoritarianism By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 02 2018

The European peoples whose governments were paid to sell out the sovereignty of their nations to the EU are experiencing great difficulties in being permitted to govern themselves.

As the result of Italians’ frustration with the self-serving elite who have …

Election Meddling, Funding NGOs and Stirring Dissent in Russia By RT, June 02 2018

A special commission report on foreign meddling in the 2018 presidential election has been unveiled in Russia’s Upper House. The document highlighted the main methods of the elaborate campaign, spearheaded by the US.

The report, presented on Wednesday in Russia’s …

Kim’s Letter to Trump. The Singapore Summit Is On, Without the Signing of a Formal Peace Agreement? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 01 2018
It is highly unlikely that Pyongyang will cave in to US demands which require a unilateral process of "denuclearization" on the part of the DPRK. Meanwhile, Donald Trump remains committed to his 1.3 trillion dollar nuclear weapons program, heralded as a means to ensure America's national security, at tax payers expense.
Syria Is the Next Step in the Russian-Saudi Rapprochement By Andrew Korybko, June 01 2018

The Saudi Ambassador to Russia gave an exclusive interview to Sputnik where he revealed that the two Great Powers are working more closely together in Syria than had previously been acknowledged.

Up until this point, it was recognized that there

From Bernays to Trump: Manipulating Perceptions, “Hooked and Oblivious to What is Really Happening” By Colin Todhunter, June 01 2018

The father of modern public relations and spin, Edward Bernays was a cold, cynical manipulator of mass perception. He knew that by shaping people’s desires in a certain way, governments and corporations could sell just about any notion to the

Video: 9,200 Locals from Eastern Ghouta Join Syrian Army By South Front, June 01 2018

More than 9,200 local volunteers from the Eastern Ghouta region near Damascus have joined the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and several pro-government groups since the liberation of the area on April 14, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on

Trumpism and the Value of Truth. Donald Trump’s “Addiction to Lying”. The Onslaught of “Post Truth” By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, June 01 2018

From the day he announced his candidacy for president of the United States – with his talk of Mexican rapists illegally crossing the border – it has been clear that Mr. Trump has no regard for truth, evidence, or any

Stolen Homes: Kosovo Struggles with Wartime Property Seizures By Balkan Insight, June 01 2018

At midnight on June 19, 1999, Nusret Ajdezi was woken up by a loud knocking on his door. Four armed people entered his home in a central Pristina neighbourhood and said that he and his family had until morning to

Ben Gurion’s “Plan D”: Massacres of Palestinians Were “Indispensable” to the Creation of the State of Israel By Richard Becker, June 01 2018

As Israeli leaders and the Trump regime grotesquely celebrated the moving of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem on the 70th anniversary of Israel’s declaration of independence, May 14, just 40 miles away Israeli troops were massacring unarmed Palestinians trapped inside

Divide and Rule: Balkanizing the Democratic Republic of Congo By Boniface Musavuli and Ann Garrison, June 01 2018

Syria has long dominated international headlines while the big powers discuss the possibility of dividing it into smaller, more homogeneous states along ethnic or religious lines. The Democratic Republic of Congo is rarely if ever at the top of the

Ukraine: A Country of Miracles, Where People Rise from the Dead. The Staged “Assassination” of Russian Journalist Arkady Babchenko By Dmitriy Sudakov, June 01 2018

The operation, Ukrainian officials said, helped to capture the person, who initiated the upcoming attempted assassination.

On May 29, it became known that journalist Arkady Babchenko was shot in the back in his apartment building. It was reported that Babchenko

Useless Protests in Gaza? “Human Solidarity Around the World” By Prof Susan Babbitt, June 01 2018

Some say protests in Gaza are useless: No tangible results. Then, there are silly discussions about biased reporting, 1 as if “balance”, representing two sides equally, leads to truth.  It doesn’t, at least not for questions that matter.

You don’t …

The Illegal Israeli Blockade of Gaza: An Insult to All Civilised People Everywhere By Hans Stehling, June 01 2018

The Israeli blockade of Gaza’s 1.8 million residents from essential supplies of food, medicine, power and goods has now continued for 11 years! 

This blockade is illegal, inhuman and an atrocity against a civilian population, the likes of which has

Poland to Host US Military Bases on Its Territory, Intrigue to Provoke Russia and Break Russia-Belarus Relationship By Andrew Korybko, June 01 2018

Featured image: A U.S. Army infantryman waits atop an M2 Bradley fighting vehicle for the start of a live fire training exercise at Presidenski Range in Trzebian, Poland, March 26, 2018. (Spc. Dustin Biven/Army)

Poland made the news this week

Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival By Charlie Smith, June 01 2018

Nobody in the mainstream media ever asks Prime Minister Justin Trudeau or Finance Minister Bill Morneau if they’re perpetrating an unprecedented crime on future generations.

Even after the Liberal government announced its intention to pay a Texas oil company $4.5

Leading Brexiteer Abandons Britain …. for France By True Publica, June 01 2018

Nigel Lawson, Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1983-89 said in a speech that: “Most of the world is not in the EU and … most of these countries are doing better economically than most of the European Union’.

Exposing a Chemical Company: Monsanto, “A Hundred Years of Chemical Harm” By Dr. Thom Davies, June 01 2018

Featured image: Thuy` Linh, 21 years old. Third generation Agent Orange victim genetic malformation, born without arms. Thuy` Linh finished high school 2 years ago. She applied to many universities to study but most of them didn’t accept her because

Israel Funnels Millions to Erase Palestinian History By Corey Sherman, June 01 2018

Featured image: Silwan/City of David. Photo credit: Emek Shaveh.

This month, the Israeli minister of culture Miri Regev (MK Jewish Home) announced plans to funnel $17 million toward archaeological excavations in East Jerusalem.

Regev announced the project to commemorate the …

Selected Articles: Humanity Is Buried in Israel By Global Research News, June 01 2018

Since 2001, Global Research has been delivering critical analysis to its readers as well as direction for the questions we should be asking.

If you look to our website as a resource for information and understanding, to stay current on

US Trade War with China Back On? By Stephen Lendman, June 01 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

In early April, the Trump regime appeared heading toward trade war with China – a scheme aiming to harm Beijing economically, unrelated to

The Belgian organisations described what is happening in Jerusalem as part of the persecution suffered by four million Palestinians due to the Israeli occupation including the war on Gaza in 2014
US Opposes Protecting Gazans from Excessive Israeli Force By Stephen Lendman, June 01 2018


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Since mid-2007, Gazans have been besieged under suffocating/illegal blockade – imposed for political reasons, unrelated to security, as Israel falsely claims.

Its action …

Freedom Flotilla Statement on Israeli Interception of Gaza Flotilla By Freedom Flotilla Coalition, June 01 2018

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC) condemns Israel’s brutal act of state piracy in attacking the aptly named Hurriya (Liberty) vessel which attempted to leave the port of Gaza today filled with people needing urgent medical assistance as well as students

After Greece, Now a Coup d’Etat in Italy! By Giulietto Chiesa, June 01 2018

This opens an unprecedented crisis in post-WWII political history in Italy. A crisis that can be defined as “European”, because it says something unequivocal: that the majority of the Italian electorate deems it necessary to change the politics of Europe,

Gaza Massacre Update: “Decent Humanity” Will Boycott Apartheid Israel and All Its Supporters By Gideon Polya, June 01 2018

The latest Israeli Gaza Massacre in which Apartheid Israeli soldiers shot and killed 116 unarmed Palestinian protesters and wounded 13,000, has divided the world into 2 camps, (1) the Good,those who have variously reacted with horror, condemnation and demands for

Local Autonomy: A Key to Protection of the Ecosystem. The Philippines Apo Island By Kim Petersen, June 01 2018
Australia’s China Syndrome By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 01 2018