Global Research News

How the War Industry Corrupts the U.S. Congress By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, June 08 2018

Former President Jimmy Carter has called U.S. politics a system of “legalized bribery” in which powerful interests spend billions of dollars on lobbying and campaign funding to ensure that members of Congress pay more attention to them than to the

Venezuela: Vanguard of a New World. Iran to Follow in the Same Footsteps? By Peter Koenig, June 08 2018

Venezuela is a champion in democracy, in democratic elections, as proven twice within the last twelve months and more than a dozen times since 1999. Never mind that the lunatic west doesn’t want to accept it – simply because the

Dems Put Finishing Touches on America’s One-Party ‘Surveillance Superstate’ By Mike Whitney, June 08 2018

The Democratic Party has made a strategic decision to bypass candidates from its progressive wing and recruit former members of the military and intelligence agencies to compete with Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections. The shift away from liberal politicians

“Appeasement” as Global Policy. Trump’s “Will to Power”. America’s Drive for World Domination By Prof. James Petras, June 08 2018
EU kowtowing to President Trump’s grab for global power, has only aroused his desire to dominate their markets, dictate their trade relations and defense spending. Trump tells the EU that his enemies are theirs. Trump believes in the doctrine of unilateral trade and ‘deals’ based on the principle that the US decides
US Military
How Washington Has Lost Its Way By Philip Giraldi, June 08 2018

One might well think that the only serious foreign policy imperative of the Donald Trump administration is to defend Israel. A president elected because he promised to put United States’ interests first has turned out to be little different than

Trump’s Withdrawal from the Iran Deal Is Partially a Power Play Against the EU By Andrew Korybko, June 07 2018

Instead of looking at Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran deal as being solely motivated against the US’ top Mideast foe, it’s worthwhile to consider whether it was also a preplanned power play against the EU.

There’s been plenty of analysis …

Apartheid in Action: Israeli Parliament Blocks Vote on “Equal Rights for All” By Richard Becker, June 07 2018

Featured image: Yuli-Yoel Edelstein and Benjamin Netanyahu (Source: Liberation News)

Israeli leaders and their supporters in the U.S. never tire of proclaiming Israel to be the “only democracy in the Middle East,” while vehemently denying that it is an apartheid

Video: Kurdish Leadership Declares Readiness for Direct Negotiations with Damascus By South Front, June 07 2018

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have reportedly started deploying forces for a military operation against ISIS in eastern al-Suwayda. The villages of Tell Sa’d, Tamutha, Ashrfya and Aura are the target of the expected advance.

At the …

US War Crimes in Syria Exposed By Niles Niemuth, June 07 2018

The United States committed war crimes of staggering proportions last year during its four-month-long siege of the Syrian city of Raqqa, demolishing up to 80 percent of the city with an unrelenting blitzkrieg of bombs and artillery shells that killed

Video: Vladimir Putin and Accusations of Russia’s “Election Meddling” By Pres. Vladimir Putin and RT, June 07 2018

Ahead of his visit to Vienna, President Putin spoke to an Austrian TV channel.

Despite the tone of the interview, Putin did manage to touch on important topics like the North Korea crisis.

And he gave a detailed reply to

Voices from Syria. Baroness Cox and Revd David Thomas By Baroness Caroline Cox and Revd David Thomas, June 07 2018


There are no easy solutions to the problems in Syria. This is partly because there are many different layers to the conflict: the fighting between Government forces and Islamist militias; struggles between Kurds and Turks; and the proxy wars

Selected Articles: In Unanimous Vote, House Says No Legal Right to Attack Iran By Global Research News, June 07 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Human Rights Defenders and the Threat of “Criminalization”. By Hannah Storey, June 07 2018

2017 saw the highest-ever number of murders of human rights defenders. Following the death of Berta Caceres in March 2016,(1) there has been heightened awareness of the plight of human rights defenders. Front Line Defenders recorded reports of 312 killings,

Net Neutrality Advocates to Congress: Sign the CRA Petition Before the FCC Repeal Takes Effect or Face the Internet’s Wrath By Free Press, June 07 2018

Today, Demand Progress, Fight for the Future and Free Press Action Fund announced plans for mass online actions on June 11, the day the FCC’s resoundingly unpopular repeal will go into effect.

The groups behind, a site millions have …

Tanzanian Tribe Says Luxury Safari Companies Are Burning Down Their Homes and Stealing Their Land By Ashleigh Atwell, June 07 2018

Luxury safaris favored by wealthy foreigners have prompted the Tanzanian government to seize land promised to the Maasai people in previous government agreements, The Guardian reports.

The global elite favors the safaris and often pay large sums of money for …

Ex-CIA Officer Lists Three Reasons Why Netanyahu’s EU Charm Offensive Failed By Philip Giraldi and Sputnik, June 07 2018

European leaders would significantly benefit if they oppose Washington’s sanctions, re-imposed following Donald Trump‘s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, former CIA officer Philip Giraldi told Sputnik, commenting on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent European tour.


America’s Endless Wars and the New Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) By Stephen Lendman, June 07 2018

On Wednesday, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management members held a hearing on US “War Powers and the Effects of Unauthorized Military Engagements on Federal Spending.”

It addressed a new Authorization for …

He Lives! Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s First Foreign Trip Since His Disappearance Will be to Moscow By Andrew Korybko, June 07 2018

Exposing the rumors about his supposed “death” as nothing more than fake news spread by his fearful enemies in the region, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s first foreign trip since emerging from his suspicious disappearance will be to

Argentinian Footballers Cancel Match with Israel, Infuriating Netanyahu By Stephen Lendman, June 07 2018

Responding to campaigning by BDS activists, Palestinian human rights supporters, its footballers and others, highlighting  Israeli high crimes against peaceful Gazan demonstrators, Argentina’s national football team cancelled what was billed as a friendly match with Israel.

Originally scheduled in Haifa, …

“We Cannot Defy the US”: EU Oil Refiners Fold to Trump, Will Stop Buying Iran Crude By Zero Hedge, June 07 2018

For all of Europe’s bluster, and increasingly vocal “resistance” to Trump unique approach to international politics, especially when it comes to Iran when Brussels swore it would defy the US president and continue business as usual with Tehran, it took

Did Fracking Cause the Hawaii Volcanic Eruption? By Jon Rappoport, June 07 2018

On the Big Island of Hawaii, where the Kilauea volcano has explosively erupted, there is a geothermal energy plant. It is the Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) Plant, in Puna.

There is a long-running debate about whether PGV is fracking. The …

The Slavo-Macedonians as a Tool for the Creation of Tito’s Greater Yugoslavia By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, June 07 2018

These coming days, the final result of the inter-state negotiations between the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and Greece about the official and internationally used state’s name of the former is to be announced. According to many unofficial sources,

US Trade War with the European Union By Peter Koenig and Press TV, June 07 2018

According to an AFP Report “The EU is envisaging “a raft of retaliatory tariffs, including on whiskey and motorcycles, against painful metals duties imposed by the US” 

The European Commission, which handles trade matters for the 28-country bloc, “expects

Dazzled by Tech: Robotic Universities, Googlification and Microsoft By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 07 2018

The mechanical, robotic striving of university politburos and their jack boot managers have always been interesting when it comes to one particular topic: the role of technology and its adoption.  For it is in technology that the mediocre paper clip

Israel Scores Painful Own Goal in Run-up to the World Cup. Argentina Cancels “Friendly” Match with Israel By James M. Dorsey, June 07 2018

Argentina’s cancellation of a friendly against Israel because of Israeli attempts to exploit the match politically is likely to reverberate far beyond the world of soccer and spotlights the risks of Israeli efforts to persuade the international community to recognize

The China-US Trade Dispute: Will It Escalate into a “Global Trade War” By Roy Morrison, June 07 2018

The headlines are filled with news of China – United States trade disputes and imposition of damaging tariffs on steel and aluminum by the U.S.and countervailing tariffs by China on U.S. agricultural and other exports.

Will trade disputes escalate into …

They Disagree on Everything but Israel By Philip Giraldi, June 07 2018

There is currently considerable agitation in Congress over what is loosely being referred to as “free speech.” The crux of the matter appears to be that many self-identified conservatives appear to believe that rules put in place by many college

Latin America and the Globalization of NATO: Colombia’s Presidential Run-off Will Decide Its “Global Partnership” with NATO By Andrew Korybko, June 07 2018

The Transatlantic bloc sees in the South American country a formidable ally with impressive economic, military, and altogether, strategic potential. Colombia’s economy is one of the best-performing in the hemisphere, and it’s also part of the “Pacific Alliance” trading bloc

Huge Carbon Debt and Intergenerational Injustice: CO2 Drawdown Necessity By Gideon Polya, June 07 2018

We need to urgently cut carbon emissions and eventually cease greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution in coming decades. Ignored by Mainstream media is the need to drawdown atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) from the present dangerous and damaging 410 parts per million

The West Is Turning a Blind Eye to the Gaza Massacre By Jeremy Corbyn, June 07 2018

I have asked for this statement to be read out at this evening’s Right of Return demonstration in London for justice for the Palestinian people:

In recent weeks, scores of unarmed Palestinian civilians have been killed in Gaza by Israeli …

In Unanimous Vote, House Says No Legal Right to Attack Iran By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, June 07 2018

Featured image: Rep. Keith Ellison

In a little noticed but potentially monumental development, the House of Representatives voted unanimously for an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2019 (H.R. 5515) that says no statute authorizes the use of

Is There an Alternative to Global Capitalism? By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, June 06 2018

First published by Global Research on October 11, 2017

It never ceases to surprise me how merely the suggestion that our current global capitalistic system is not the best humanity can do for itself, is so often met with virulent

Renewables ‘Revolution’ Well Under Way – but Governments Must Do Better By Oliver Tickell, June 06 2018

Featured image: Mulan is located approximately 170km north east of Harbin City in Heilongiang, China’s northenmost province. (Flickr/Land Rover Our Planet, Creative Commons)

The increasingly dynamic renewable power sector is enjoying “falling costs, increased investment, record-setting installation and new, innovative

What’s at Stake in the Ontario Election? By David Bush, June 06 2018

With just days to go until Ontario voters go to the polls it is worth remembering what is at stake in this election.

The Ontario Liberals have been in power since 2003. It is clear their government is well

Video: The US-Turkey Roadmap for Northern Syria. Kurdish YPG Forces Withdraw from Manbij By South Front, June 06 2018

Units of the Syrian Army’s 11th Armoured Division have been deployed in the northern part of the Syrian-Lebanese border where they are set to replace Hezbollah fighters. The area of Qusayr has been one of the key Hezbollah footholds in

Will US Agree to What North Korea Wants Most? By Stephen Lendman, June 06 2018

It’s clear what both countries want. For Washington it’s “complete, verifiable, irreversible (DPRK) denuclearization.”

Pyongyang’s willingness to comply depends on assured security guarantees – what Washington rejected for seven decades, including under less belligerent administrations than Trump’s.


Under both …

Russia Bashing: Will the West Secretly Try to “Embarrass” Russia During the World Cup? By Richard Galustian, June 06 2018

Featured image: The Russian President Vladimir Putin and FIFA President Gianni Infantino attend a meeting in Sochi on 31 May (Photo: Sputnik/Aleksey Nikolskyi)

“I can assure you that all aspects have been taken into account and we have taken note

All Gazan Casualties Are Intentional, Not Accidental By Stephen Lendman, June 06 2018

On June 1, Israeli snipers murdered 21-year-old voluntary Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar in cold blood – threatening no one, shot in the neck and back, an exploding dum dum bullet destroying her heart, killing her instantly.

Clearly identified as a …

U.S. “Fingerprints” Are All Over Nicaragua’s Bloody Civil Unrest By Mac Slavo, June 06 2018

Bloody protests against Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega’s government have the United State’s fingerprints all over it.  Over 100 people have been killed since the civil unrest broke out in mid-April and it doesn’t take much to realize the US

Putin’s Endgame in Syria: Victory or Stalemate? By Adeyinka Makinde, June 06 2018

In a recent article for Foreign Policy magazine, Jonathan Spyer, a research fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Strategic Studies, argued that Russian President Vladimir Putin was content with what Spyer perceives to be the current situation in Syria:

The Raw Truth About the UK’s Special Relationship with Israel By Mark Curtis, June 06 2018

Britain has a special relationship with Israel that is little recognised in the mainstream media but unmissable in light of the killings in Gaza. With more than 110 protesters dead, Britain is in effect defending Israeli actions. The British government

Trump’s Trade War Throws Traditionally Unified G7 into Chaos By True Publica, June 06 2018

It is not enough that Donald Trump has destroyed some of the most important international agreements in the democratised West. Trump is now moving on to the next stage of his grand plan.

With just a few days to go

Russia Building the Trans-Arabian Railway Will Make the Saudis More Multipolar By Andrew Korybko, June 06 2018

The CEO of Russian Railways, the state-backed leader in this industry, announced his company’s intent in participating in the Trans-Arabian Railway during last week’s Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), thus drawing attention to a project that’s been on the

Video: Roadmap for Manbij, Explosion Near US-French Military Base in Northern Syria By South Front, June 06 2018

On June 4, the US State Department officially acknowledged that Turkey and the US had endorsed a roadmap for the northern town of Manbij. The announcement came after a meeting between Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu and U.S. State Secretary

Canadian News Fabricators regarding the So-called “Syrian Opposition” By Mark Taliano, June 06 2018

Canadian government News Fabricators would have us believe that the so-called “Syrian opposition” and its “peace negotiations” will benefit from a continued growth in the participation of Syrian women in the peace process.  The picture below projects perceptions of equal

Tribute to the Last Honorable US Senator: The Story of Paul Wellstone’s Suspected Assassination By Joachim Hagopian, June 06 2018

On October 25th, 2002 the last great hero of the common people in the US Senate was very likely murdered by agents of the shadow US crime cabal government otherwise known as the Bush-Cheney regime. His wife and

The Absence of Diplomacy Is Isolating Washington By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 06 2018

The dissolution of the Soviet Union removed the constraint on Washington’s unilateralism. The neoconservatives, who had just risen to power, seized the opportunity and replaced diplomacy with threat and coercion. One infamous example is from the George W. Bush regime

Russia’s Putin and Israel’s Netanyahu Negotiate… About What? By Rick Sterling and Ann Garrison, June 06 2018

Last week major state and corporate news outlets reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had met and agreed on removing Iranian troops from Syria and/or Iran’s border with Syria. Then, on June 3rd, Haaretz

The Power of Self-Pardon: Trump’s Novel View By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 06 2018

“If a president was dumb enough to pardon himself that would be such an arrogant statement of power that the House would probably impeach him in a week and the Senate would convict him.” – Newt Gingrich, Jun 5, 2018

Palestinian Courage Should Spur International Action By Rick Sterling, June 06 2018

After 70 years, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is still unresolved. The conflict simmers for a few years, then erupts again with new massacres and violence. This article describes recent events, the failure of the “two state solution” and need for a

Amnesty Report: US-Led Coalition Killed Hundreds of Civilians in Syria’s Raqqa By Prof. Scott Lucas, June 05 2018

Featured image: A destroyed house where 28 members of the Badran family and five neighbors were killed in a US-led coalition airstrike on August 20, 2017, Raqqa, Syria (Amnesty International)

While the Amnesty Report confirms that the US-led coalition violated

Twats and Tweets: Roseanne Barr and the Issue of Proportion By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 05 2018

Can anything be said that doesn’t warrant an empaneled jury of twitting twats to determine the fate of an individual?  It is evident that branding, marketing and selling can only be done in a context of controlled hypocrisy.  Companies long

Video: Syrian Government, SDF Reach Agreement on Omar Oil Field By South Front, June 05 2018

On June 3, Syrian government forces repelled an ISIS attack on their positions east of the town of Hasrat in southeastern Deir Ezzor. According to reports, ISIS used small boats to cross the Euphrates to its western bank and then

Humanitarian Crisis: Thousands of Hurricane Maria Deaths in Puerto Rico. New Study By Stephen Lendman, June 05 2018

Puerto Rico is America’s Okinawa, Japan’s poorest prefecture – the rights, needs and welfare of people on both islands largely ignored.

Okinawans are harmed by America’s presence, including rapes, murders, and other crimes committed by US military personnel, unacceptable noise,

Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula: A Blessing for South Korean People By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, June 05 2018

We have gone through, for the last three months, unusual experiences.

We could admire the humanism in sports; we were touched by the beauty, the elegance and the professionalism of North Korean singers and dancers.

We saw, through the Kim-Moon

The Agents of the Nevermind: Interview with Psychological Suspense Author Tantra Bensko By Tantra Bensko and Sarah Abed, June 05 2018

I would like to let Global Research readers know that there is fiction out there written for them. In a world full of books, movies and TV that perpetuates the myths, we normally have to dumb down what we

Selected Articles: The UN Is Silent Amid Israeli Aggression in Gaza; Is It a Defunct Agency? By Global Research News, June 05 2018

Thanks to the contributions of our readers, we have been able to maintain complete independence. You can help Global Research make information available to the widest possible readership.  

We ask that you consider making a donation to Global Research in

“Abraham, Martin and John”… And Bobby. Political Assassinations in America By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, June 05 2018

Every spring, as the calendar ticks off the two month span between April 4th (the assassination anniversary date of anti-war, anti-racist, anti-poverty activist Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr) and June 5th (the assassination anniversary date of anti-war

Forever AUMF 2018 (SJRes 59) (Authority for the Use of Military Force) Stalls at Senate Foreign Relations Committee By Renee Parsons, June 05 2018

As the Forever AUMF 2018 (SJRes 59) (Authority for the Use of Military Force) continues to await action by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, one can only imagine the extent of the behind-the-scene efforts underway to sway those few

Robert F. Kennedy and Paul Schrade Photo credit: MALDEF / YouTube
The Boston Globe’s Hit Piece on the Assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy By Edward Curtin, June 05 2018

The counterattack on those, including Senator Robert Kennedy’s children, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, claiming that Senator Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy involving at least a second gunman, has

Virginia Institute for Curriculum Services (ICI) and Israel Advocacy Groups Pressure University Textbook Publishers By Virginia Coalition for Human Rights, June 05 2018

The Virginia Coalition for Human Rights (VCHR) and prominent Virginia college and university professors on May 30 demanded publishers protect the quality and accuracy of history and social studies textbooks used in K-12 classrooms across the commonwealth. The VCHR letter

War on Syria
Syria’s Upcoming Constitutional Commission Will be About “Decentralization” By Andrew Korybko, June 05 2018

Syria recently announced that it has handed over to its Russian and Iranian Astana partners a list of experts to participate in the upcoming UN-supervised “constitutional commission”.

This is an important milestone in the peace process because it proves that …

What the ‘Doomsday Brexit Plan’ Document Says Should Frighten Us All By True Publica, June 05 2018

This is the first paragraph of The Times article (paywall) regarding Britain’s now famous Doomsday Brexit plan:

“Britain would be hit with shortages of medicine, fuel and food within a fortnight if the UK tries to leave the European Union

IDF on Murder of Razan al-Najjar: She Was Killed “in Accordance with Standard Operating Procedures.” (True Enough) By Norman Finkelstein, June 05 2018

Thousands attend the funeral for Razan al-Najjar, the 21-year-old medic shot and killed near the Gaza border with Israel June 1. (Reuters)

Thousands of people gathered in Gaza on Saturday for the funeral of Razan al-Najjar, a 21-year-old Palestinian

Hating Russia Is a Full-Time Job.“Who is Driving the Hostility towards Russia?” By Philip Giraldi, June 05 2018
Having just returned from a trip to Russia, I am pleased to report that the Russian people and the officialdom displayed none of the vitriol towards Americans that I half expected as a response to the vilifying of Moscow by the U.S. media and Establishment.
‘Very, Very Disturbing’: Trump Asserts ‘Absolute Right’ to Pardon Himself By Common Dreams, June 05 2018

Echoing the tyrannical claim of his lawyer Rudy Giuliani in a Twitter outburst on Monday, President Donald Trump asserted that he has the “absolute right” to pardon himself—a statement legal experts said is both factually inaccurate and dangerous.


Can Trump Legally Pardon Himself? The Constitution’s So-called “Take Care Clause” By Stephen Lendman, June 05 2018

No constitutional provision prohibits presidential self-pardons.

Article II, Section 3 states the president “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” – the Constitution’s so-called Take Care Clause.

No one is above the law, including US presidents. They can

The Interminable Palestinian Uprising By Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 05 2018

“Naila and the Uprising” is a new film about Palestine—an old story with a new edition. An almost exclusively women’s production “Naila” effectively employs evocative animation alongside compelling personal testimonials of Palestinian resistance 30 years ago.

The “Great March of …

Extensive War Crimes: The U.S. Is Responsible for the Humanitarian Catastrophe in Raqqa By Firas Samuri, June 05 2018

First published in March 2018. See also the recently released Amnesty Report.

Currently, the attention of mainstream media is focused on the situation in the battered enclave of Eastern Ghouta. More than 80,000 civilians have already fled the region via

The Palestinian Struggle: In Memory of Razan al-Najjar By Orly Noy, June 05 2018

Around two weeks ago, a Facebook friend of mine proposed an experiment to a small group of us. Social media has become a boxing ring, she said. The two sides, left and right, dig into their positions and slug it

Washington’s Imperial “Indo-Pacific Agenda”. Pentagon threatens China By Stephen Lendman, June 04 2018

US Pacific Command (PACOM) is now the Pentagon’s Indo-Pacific Command, reflecting “connectivity between the Indian and Pacific oceans,” according to war secretary James Mattis.

US strategy remains unchanged, seeking Indo-Pacific and global dominance, wanting pro-Western puppet regimes replacing all …

While Palestinian Paramedic Razan Lost Her Life, US Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley “Lost Her Humanity” By Prof. Kamel Hawwash, June 04 2018

Last Friday, 1 June, a Palestinian volunteer medic, Razan Al Najar, was fasting and tending to the wounded at Gaza’s artificial fence with Israel. Thousands of miles away, the US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, was scheming

Will the Use of Torture by US Intelligence Extend into Yemen? By CJ Werleman, June 04 2018

Revelations on the use of torture by US intelligence personnel during the George W Bush presidency have been described as one of the “darkest chapters” in US history. 

Not only did it erode whatever moral authority the US claimed to …

Russia Hints ISIS-Linked Militants Operating in US Controlled Zones in Syria By Brandon Turbeville, June 04 2018

Previous reports that the United States is protecting and harboring ISIS near its positions in al-Tanf have been given even more credence with the recent statements of the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov.

“We have plenty of reports about

Israel Bombs Gaza Hours After Funeral of Murdered 21-year-old Paramedic By Morning Star, June 04 2018

Featured image: The body of Razan al-Najjar is carried through to her funeral in Khan Younis, Southern Gaza Strip

Israeli warplanes blitzed the Gaza Strip today as the country continued to punish Palestinians for daring to hold peaceful demonstrations near

Israeli Oncologists’ Letter: Let Gaza Cancer Patients Out! By Physicians For Human Rights In Israel, June 04 2018

Featured image: A Patient at Erez Checkpoint. Photo: ActiveStills

Over the past year, Israel has significantly delayed the urgent treatment of at least 45 cancer patients from the Gaza Strip. On Monday, a special hearing will be held in the

Lockheed Martin Opening Jerusalem Preschool for Israelis By Emma Fiala, June 04 2018

American aerospace contractor and maker of the F-35 stealth fighter jet, Lockheed Martin, is opening a “one of a kind” science-focused preschool in Jerusalem, with plans to serve Israeli children as young as five, according to a press release from

Failures of the Petro-Dollar? Africa Speculates Joining Russia, China, India and EU in the “De-Dollarisation” of Oil Trades By True Publica, June 04 2018

The Mises Institute asked the question last September: “What indications are there that the world is turning its back on the US dollar?” – It did, in fact, answer that question (below), but here are just some of the

Amazon Workers Organize. Inhumane Work Hours in Italy By UNI Global Union, June 04 2018

First-ever Agreement Between Amazon and Unions Halts Inhumane Work Hours in Italy

by UNI Global Union

Amazon employees in Italy have made history. Workers announced on May 23rd the first-ever direct agreement between unions and the company anywhere in the

America’s Barbaric Policies Against Migrants and Their Children By Massoud Nayeri, June 04 2018
Light needs to be shed on the horrifying conditions of asylum seekers and the issue of “missing” immigrant children who are in custody of the U.S. government. The dire situation of a desperate people who have escaped gang violence in their home countries...