Global Research News

Negotiations? Third World Nations be Aware! Americans Napalmed and Bombed Out All 38 North Korean Cities! By Jay Janson, June 13 2018

Featured image: US B-26 Invaders bomb logistics depots in Wonsan, North Korea, 1951. (USAF photo/National Archives)

Faked and baked ‘news’ promoting mainstream American media has maximized world attention on the ongoing negotiations between American President Donald Trump and Supreme Leader

Meeting on Sentosa: “the Island of Death from Behind”. The Kim-Trump Singapore Summit By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 13 2018

Everything about this summit is in the showy warm-up run.  “I am on my way to Singapore,” tweets US President Donald J. Trump, “where we have a chance to achieve a truly wonderful result for North Korea and the

The Trump-Kim Deal Is the First Example of the “New Washington Consensus” By Andrew Korybko, June 13 2018

The US is rolling out a new approach for managing the emerging Multipolar World Order, and the Trump-Kim deal is expected to be its centerpiece in showing other countries what the New Washington Consensus entails.

America’s Response To Multipolarity

The …

I Use Chemicals? Prove It! Syrian President Assad Brands Gas Attacks ‘Fake News’ and Calls Theresa May a ‘Colonialist and a Liar’ in Face to Face Interview By Hala Jaber, June 13 2018

Excerpts from a Daily Mail interview with President Bashar

President Bashar al-Assad has launched a furious attack on Britain, America and their allies, accusing them of deliberately prolonging the civil war in Syria.

Dismissing Theresa May as a colonialist …

Video: President Trump Press Conference, Singapore Summit By Global Research News, June 12 2018

Quotable Quotes About Psychiatric Pseudoscience By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, June 12 2018

Most of the following quotes come from the thorough, extended article entitled “Psychiatry: Science or Fraud?” from

“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” — Thomas Jefferson

“Bad men

UK Worst of G7 Countries for ‘Hiding’ Fossil Fuel Subsidies. “Fudging” How Much Money Spent on Subsidizing Coal and Fossil Fuel Use By Chloe Farand, June 12 2018

The UK has been accused of trying to “fudge” how much money it spends on subsidising coal mining and fossil fuel use despite its pledge to phase out environmentally harmful subsidies by 2020. 

The country ranked first on its commitment …

MSF Ceases Activities in Northwestern Yemen After Saudi Airstrike Hit Medical Center By Press TV, June 12 2018

Featured image: This photo shows the aftermath of a Saudi-led airstrike against an MSF-supported cholera treatment center in Yemen’s northwestern province of Hajjah, on June 11, 2018. (Photo by MSF)

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) says it has “temporarily frozen” its

Understanding Jewish Power By Philip Giraldi, June 12 2018

I recently was asked to speak at an online conference entitled Deep Truth: Encountering Deep State Lies. My panel addressed Understanding Zionism: Deconstructing the Power Paradigm and my own topic was How Jewish Power Sustains the Israel Narrative.

Canada’s Parliament Rejects Trump’s Agenda on Trade By Jim Miles, June 12 2018

Canada’s parliament has unanimously rejected the Trump agenda on trade and the Trump reaction on his departure from the G7 meeting recently held in Charlevoix, Quebec.

The motion contained six items:

  • recognition of strong trade ties between the U.S. and
Historic Kim Jong-un/Trump Agreement? Hold the Cheers! By Stephen Lendman, June 12 2018

Featured image: President Donald J. Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, walk together to their expanded bilateral meeting, Tuesday, June 12, 2018, at the Capella Hotel in Singapore. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

On June 12,

Full Text of Trump-Kim Joint Statement at Historic Summit in Singapore By The White House, June 12 2018

Featured image: President Donald J. Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, walk together to their expanded bilateral meeting, Tuesday, June 12, 2018, at the Capella Hotel in Singapore. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Below is the …

International Fight for the Right to Self-Determination of the Palestinian People By Ken Stone, June 12 2018

Greetings, Brother and Sisters, and Ramadan Mubarak!

On behalf of the Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War, I would like to thank the organizers for this opportunity to speak.

The status of Jerusalem/Al Quds will not be determined by the …

Dilma Rousseff
Lula’s Manifesto to the People of Brazil By Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, June 12 2018

For two months now, I have been unjustly incarcerated without having committed any crime. For two months I have been unable to travel the country I love, bringing the message of hope of a better and more just Brazil, with

After Trumps Solar Panel Tariffs – $2.5 Billion in Renewable Energy Projects Shelved By True Publica, June 12 2018

Renewable energy companies have decided to cancel or freeze $2.5 billion in investments on large solar panel projects following President Trump‘s decision to impose tariffs on imported panels, Reuters reported Thursday.

In an own goal for America – …

Trump/Kim Meeting Shows Value of Policy over Politics By Rep. Ron Paul, June 12 2018

Featured image: President Donald J. Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, walk together to their one-on-one bilateral meeting, Tuesday, June 12, 2018, at the Capella Hotel in Singapore. (Official White House Photo by Stephanie Chasez)

When President Reagan

Why Venezuela and Syria Cannot Fall By Andre Vltchek, June 12 2018

Despite tremendous hardship which the Venezuelan people are having to face, despite the sanctions and intimidation from abroad, President Nicolás Maduro has won a second six-year term.

Two weeks ago, at the Venezuelan embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, where I addressed …

The Democrats Out-Right the Right on North Korean Summit By Ajamu Baraka, June 12 2018

If more proof was needed to persuade anyone that the Democrats are indeed a war party, it was provided when Senator Chuck Schumer and other Democrat leaders in the Senate engaged in a cynical stunt to stake out a position

How Corporate Media Got the Trump-Kim Summit All Wrong By Gareth Porter, June 12 2018

For weeks, the corporate media have been saying that the Trump-Kim summit could have only two possible results: Either Trump will walk away angrily or Kim Jong Un will trick him into a deal in which he extracts concessions from

As the G-7 Implodes, SCO Meeting Confirms the New Century of Multipolarity By Federico Pieraccini, June 12 2018

The historical changes we are witnessing have never been so evident as in the last few days. The G7 summit highlighted the limits of the Atlantic alliance, while the SCO meeting opens up unprecedented possibilities for Eurasian integration.

At the …

Knesset Foils Efforts to End Israeli Apartheid By Jonathan Cook, June 12 2018

For most of the seven decades after its establishment, Israel went to extraordinary lengths to craft an image of itself as a “light unto the nations”. 

It claimed to have “made the desert bloom” by planting forests over the razed

Net Neutrality Ends, Battle to Save It Continues. The FCC’s “Restoring Internet Freedom Order” By Stephen Lendman, June 12 2018

The battle for digital democracy, the last frontier of press freedom crucial to preserve, continues on a day that will live infamy.

On June 11, the FCC’s Orwellian-named Restoring Internet Freedom Order took effect, giving predatory telecom and cable giants

The “Manbij Model”, Turkey-US Deal for Northeastern Syria By Andrew Korybko, June 11 2018

The so-called “Manbij Model” that the US and Turkey agreed to in jointly administering the strategic city following the YPG’s withdrawal is promising but nevertheless imperfect because it fails to address the Kurdish-led “deep state” that controls the SDF’s political

New Governments in Both Spain and Catalonia: Will the Impasse Persist? By Richard Fidler and Iolanda Fresnillo, June 11 2018

Introduction by Richard Fidler

On June 1, less than three weeks after a new government was finally allowed to take office in Catalonia,1 the Spanish government of Mariano Rajoy‘s People’s Party (PP) – which had headed the central

Selected Articles: G7 Summit – Another Trump Reality Shows? By Global Research News, June 11 2018

Global Research is a small team that believes in the power of information and analysis to bring about far-reaching societal change including a world without war.

Truth in media is a powerful instrument. As long as we keep probing, asking

Israel and Its Spokespeople Can “Justify” Only Through Lies and Deflections By Rima Najjar, June 11 2018

Chris Hayes’ incredulous tweet on the killing of Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar in Gaza is being echoed everywhere it seems on social media.  Hayes hosts All In with Chris Hayes, a weekday news and opinion television show on MSNBC.

Social Crisis in Gaza: Bartlett Pierces the Fog of War Lies and Omissions By Mark Taliano, June 11 2018

Controlled media frames what Canadians think, hear, say, and do.  An important component of controlling the message is omission.  Major media outlets, for example, were conspicuously absent from yesterday’s (June 9, 2018) Al-Quds rally in Toronto, ON.

Consequently, the evidence-based …

“American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family” by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. By Edward Curtin, June 11 2018

When a book as fascinating, truthful, beautifully written, and politically significant as American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family, written by a very well-known author by the name of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and published by a prominent publisher

Video: Syrian Army Repels Series of ISIS Attacks on Syrian-Iraqi Border By South Front, June 11 2018

Last weekend, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies repelled another series of ISIS attacks on the town of al-Bukamal at the Syrian-Iraqi border. ISIS used several suicide bombers and car bombs to break the SAA defense but failed

The Geostrategy that Guides Trump’s Foreign Policies By Eric Zuesse, June 11 2018

According to Alastair Crooke, writing at Strategic Culture, on June 5th

“Trump’s US aims for ‘domination’, not through the globalists’ permanent infrastructure of the US defence umbrella, but through the smart leveraging of the US dollar and financial

Trade and Protectionism: Is Trump Trying to Destroy the Western Alliance? By Stephen Lendman, June 11 2018

What a glorious idea. The Trumpophobic NYT ignored reality claiming it, referring to the Quebec, Canada G7 summit ending acrimoniously, the US president refusing to sign a concluding statement over trade issues.

Post-WW II, Washington constructed a Western alliance, NATO …

A Weak and Divided Iraq Is Stumbling Towards an Unbalanced Future By Elijah J. Magnier, June 11 2018

The US, Iran and Saudi Arabia have each sent their respective representatives to Iraq to support the re-election of Haidar al-Abadi. This aim, far from achieving a stable Iraq,  will rather keep the country weak and politically divided between

G7 vs. G6+1 – The War of Words By Peter Koenig and Press TV, June 11 2018


The war of words has intensified between the U-S and G-7 allies after President Donald Trump retracted his endorsement of the communiqué of the once-united group.

The German chancellor called Trump’s abrupt revocation of support for a joint communiqué

British Medical Journal Editorial By Ruth Hayhurst, June 11 2018

Featured image: Cuadrilla’s Preston New Road fracking site near Blackpool, 1 May 2018. Photo: Ros Wills

The scale of harm from shale gas to health is uncertain, but the danger of exacerbating climate change is not, two professors of public

The Foundation for International Justice Is Anti-Imperialism By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, June 11 2018

The United States has had a policy of imperialism beginning after the Civil War. The US way of war, developed against Indigenous peoples, spread worldwide as the US sought to extend its power through military force, economic dominance and

G7 Summit, Working People and Trumped-up “Peace” By Massoud Nayeri, June 11 2018

What is the significance of G7 summit for hard working families in the U.S. and around the world? The conclusive answer is absolutely nothing!

Would a successful G8 (with Russia) or G6 (without Russia and the U.S.) summit make the

The UK’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund By True Publica, June 11 2018

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office website page makes clear what the objectives of the ‘Conflict, Stability and Security Fund’ are. It states that it: “provides development and security support to countries which are at risk of conflict or instability. It’s

In China the SCO Is Conducting a Productive and Civilised Summit While the G7 Is One Big Argument Inside a Political Circus By Adam Garrie, June 11 2018

The sun rising in the east 

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Qingdao has not formally begun and already the Presidents of China and Kazakhstan have met to discuss deepening trade ties with a particular emphasis on Astana’s participation

From the Ghettoes, Reservations and Backwoods of America By Don North, June 11 2018

Standing here at the base of the Grecian columns on the south side of the Lincoln Memorial there will be a very striking view of the funeral procession of Senator Robert Kennedy.

The first sight of the procession will …

The Eerie Silence Surrounding the Assange Case By John Pilger and Dennis J Bernstein, June 11 2018

In a recent communication between Randy Credico, an Assange supporter, comic and radio producer, and Adam Schiff, the ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, Assange’s fear of arrest and extradition to the US was confirmed by the

Trump EPA to Shred Rules on Toxic Pollution By Patrick Martin, June 11 2018

Featured image: Houston, Texas pollution [Photo: Michelle Rivera]

At the direction of the Trump administration, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is radically revising its method for determining health and safety risks associated with toxic chemicals, considering only the impact of

Korea, Russia, China: The Neocon-Trump’s Strategy By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, June 11 2018

More than 15 years ago, while I was covering one of the annual Munich Forums on Security, as a journalist, I asked Brent Scawcroft, former US National Security Advisor, what should be the relations of the West with China and

G6+1 on Russia By Stephen Lendman, June 11 2018

Following G6+1 talks, Trump left early for a Tuesday Singapore summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un – without signing the forum’s eight-page communique, released on Saturday.

It was unjustifiably tough on Russia. In response to Trump’s call for readmitting the …

Nuclear weapon
Trump Brings Sticks, Not Carrots, to Summit with Kim Jong-un By Stephen Lendman, June 11 2018

US administrations don’t negotiate. They demand, wanting other nations subservient to their interests.

US global political influence is waning, not growing. Yet its military strength is an ominous force to be reckoned with – armed with super-weapons, willing to do

North Korea and the Dangers of Nuclear War. The Demilitarization of the Korean Peninsula. Towards a Peace Agreement. By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 10 2018
We are at a dangerous crossroads. Foreign policy miscalculation could lead to the unthinkable. “MISTAKES” are often what determine the course of World History. Insanity in US foreign policy, not to mention the fiction that nuclear weapons are an “instrument of peace” as formulated by the Trump administration could lead to the unthinkable.
ISIS Toyotas
Is Uncle Sam Funding the Islamic State? Where Does ISIS Get All Those Tanks, Weapons And Shiny New Toyota Trucks? By Elizabeth Parker, June 10 2018

First published by Reverb Press and Global Research in November 2015, Is Uncle Sam funding the Islamic State?

Toyota trucks aren’t all ISIS has managed to buy, capture or scavenge from us. In June, CNBC reported that so far we’ve

The Nuances of Qatar’s Interest in NATO By Andrew Korybko, June 10 2018

The announcement by Qatar’s Defense Minister that his tiny but strategically positioned country is considering membership in NATO shouldn’t be taken at face value but instead analyzed for its symbolism in the tense context of contemporary Gulf geopolitics.

The Qatari …

G7 Follies, Police Apparatus “Protects the Summit” By Jim Miles, June 10 2018

The police are wonderful when they control traffic, or rescue a cat from a tree, when they talk to school kids about catching criminals and locking them up, when they talk to teens about the dangers of drunk driving and

Selected Articles: U.S. Covert Support to ISIS Terrorists By Global Research News, June 10 2018

Since 2001, Global Research has been delivering critical analysis to its readers as well as direction for the questions we should be asking.

If you look to our website as a resource for information and understanding, to stay current on

Helen Caldicott: The Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown Continues Unabated. Radioactive Waste into the Pacific Ocean By Dr. Helen Caldicott, June 10 2018

This article was first published by Global Research in May 2017.

Global Research Editor’s Note

In 2011, with foresight and scientific analysis Dr. Helen Caldicott focused on the implications of the Fukushima disaster at a Press Conference in Montreal organized

Breaking: ISIS Terrorists Are Only Present in US-controlled Areas in Syria – Russian MoD By Leith Aboufadel, June 10 2018

Featured image: Major General Igor Konashenkov (Source: author)

The Islamic State’s (ISIS) last pockets of resistance are located inside areas controlled by the U.S. forces, the Russian Ministry of Defense Spokesperson Major General Igor Konashenkov said this morning.

“As for

Elite Atrocities: Australia’s Special Forces in Afghanistan By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 10 2018
The Food of Movement: Anthony Bourdain’s Universal Eater By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 10 2018

Bruce Chatwin considered movement the indispensable feature of the human species.  Sedentary natures killed through asphyxiation; a refusal to move suggested an acceptance of death.  Walking he considered a virtue; tourism the ultimate sin.  For the late Anthony Bourdain,

The Next US President Will “Save Europe” from “Russia’s Secret Plot”? By Oriental Review, June 10 2018

Featured image: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron at the G-20 leaders summit in Hamburg, Germany, on July 8, 2017

On the eve of his visit to Austria, President Vladimir Putin told the

Violence with Impunity: The Unending Tragedy of the Israeli Occupation of Palestine By Michael Welch, Sean Clinton, and Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin, June 10 2018

The conflation of Jews with Israel, and of Judaism with Zionism, is not only intellectually incorrect, but it is politically incorrect, undermining liberal democracy by treating Jewish citizens as though they belong to a different body politic and a

America’s Economy Has been Hijacked: Righting the Wrongs By Philip A Farruggio, June 10 2018

This article was first published in 2016

You don’t have to be a financial genius or have a doctorate in philosophy to know when things are not right. As working stiffs nationwide tightrope on the strings of economic solvency, it

Setting the Stage for the Kim-Trump Singapore Summit: The White House Meeting of Donald Trump with Kim Yong-chol By Dr. Konstantin Asmolov, June 09 2018
  • On June 1, 2018 the President of the USA Donald Trump had a meeting with Kim Yong-chol, the Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the head of the United Front Work Department.
International Law
US Media Urge Coup d’Etat in Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, June 09 2018

US and other Western media violate core principles of what journalism is supposed to be – displaying shocking contempt for truth-telling.

Major media press freedom in America and other Western nations is pure fantasy. Journalist AJ Liebling once said it’s

Hawaii Hit by More than 12,000 Earthquakes over the Last 30 Days. U.S Geological Survey By Michael Snyder, June 09 2018

We haven’t seen anything like this since Hawaii first became a state back in 1959. Kilauea began erupting on May 3rd, and it hasn’t stopped rumbling yet. In fact, authorities are telling us that Hawaii has been struck by “over

Still Waiting for Evidence of a Russian Hack into U.S. Election By Ray McGovern, June 09 2018

If you are wondering why so little is heard these days of accusations that Russia hacked into the U.S. election in 2016, it could be because those charges could not withstand close scrutiny. It could also be because special

For Lasting Peace, President Moon Must Lead South Korea Out of America’s Orbit By Stuart Smallwood, June 09 2018

Featured image: South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un embrace each other after releasing a joint statement at the truce village of Panmunjeom, Friday. / Korea Summit Press Pool

It didn’t take much for the leaders

Motion in British Parliament to Condemn the Slaughter of Palestinian Civilians Receives Fewer Signatures than Motion to ‘Cherish British Hedgehogs’ in the Same Week By Rory Wood, June 09 2018

An Early Day Motion to condemn the slaughter of 63 Palestinian civilians at the hands of the British-equipped Israeli Defence Force received only 28 signatures in the House of Commons, 3 fewer than a motion to ‘cherish Hedgehogs as a

Al Shabaab and ISIS-Daesh: Why Did an American Sacrifice His Life for AFRICOM in Somalia? By Andrew Korybko, June 09 2018

Al Shabaab’s killing of an American soldier in southern Somalia brings AFRICOM back into the limelight and restarts the conversation about why US troops are even still there in the first place.

The news came in on Friday that Al

US Challenges Russia to Nuclear War By Eric Zuesse, June 09 2018

Now that the United States (with the cooperation of its NATO partners) has turned the former Soviet Union’s states other than Russia into NATO allies, and has likewise turned the Soviet Union’s Warsaw Pact allies into America’s own military allies

A Better Idea than Russia Returning to the G7 By Stephen Lendman, June 09 2018

It’s now more a G6+1, Trump’s America first rage increasingly isolating America.

Before heading to La Malbaie, Quebec, Canada for this year’s G7 summit, he called for Russia’s inclusion again, restoring the G8.

“(W)e should have Russia at the negotiating

Fifty Years Ago: The Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 09 2018

Fifty-one years ago today Israeli fighter aircraft and torpedo boats tried to sink the USS Liberty, a surveillance ship stationed off the coast of Egypt during Israel’s attack on Egypt and Syria. Israel was unable to sink the USS Liberty,

Geopolitics of the Mediterranean Sea Area During and After the Cold War (1949-1989) By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, June 09 2018

The current war conflict in Syria and constant warfare between the Israeli state and the Palestinians which recently erupted once again in Gaza strip brought the region of the Middle East to the world attention once again. However, the Middle

5G Health Hazards: Factual Microwave Radiation Research People Need to Know Before Embracing 5G By Catherine J. Frompovich, June 09 2018

Microwave technology seems to have been around ‘forever’, so that’s probably why very few tech consumers question its safety. However, consumers should know the latest and most ‘coveted’ update to technology is the Internet of Things, which will become

Mystery “Grim Reaper” CIA Officer Thrust into Spotlight Ahead of Kim Summit By Zero Hedge, June 09 2018

While President Donald Trump seems intent to make a deal with North Korea seemingly at any cost, the CIA has apparently deployed one of its most hawkish North Korea hands to be at the president’s side during the summit, allowing

Selected Articles: America’s Drive for World Domination By Global Research News, June 08 2018

Since 2001, Global Research has been delivering critical analysis to its readers as well as direction for the questions we should be asking.

If you look to our website as a resource for information and understanding, to stay current on

Russian IL-20
From G8 to G7 to G6+1 By Stephen Lendman, June 08 2018

In March 2014, G8 member states expelled Russia over nonexistent “aggression” in Ukraine, along with Crimea’s reunification with the Russian Federation, correcting a historic mistake.

On Monday, Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said

“this forum has been losing its importance because

Physicians’ Prescription for Action on North Korea. Promote Diplomacy, Prevent War By Physicians for Social Responsibility, June 08 2018

In the run-up to the June 12 summit with North Korea, a group of prominent physicians today urged Congressional leaders to promote diplomacy and prevent a war that could result in massive casualties. In a sign-on letter organized by Physicians

Peace, Social Justice, The Struggle against War and Militarism: Upholding Black Radical Internationalism By Black Alliance for Peace, June 08 2018

A wise person said being attacked by one’s enemies means you have become effective. Events over the last weekend at the Left Forum in New York City prove the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) is now seen as a threat,

One Door Closes, Another Opens: Trump’s Withdrawal from Iran Nuclear Deal Plays to Pakistan’s Strategic Advantage By Andrew Korybko, June 08 2018

Trump’s withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal actually plays to Pakistan’s strategic advantage and should be silently celebrated by its decision makers.

The whole world is wondering what will happen next after Trump pulled the US out of the Iranian …

Running Amok? Donald Trump Facilitates Civilian Drone Deaths, Continues Attacks in Seven Countries ‘and Elsewhere’ By Drone Warfare, June 08 2018

The NGO CAGE, which campaigns against discriminatory state policies and advocates observance of due process and the rule of law, reminds readers that in October 2017, US President Donald Trump replaced the Obama rules pertaining to drone strikes with his

Video: Italy, Behind the Parade. Italy’s Active Involvement in US-NATO led Wars By Manlio Dinucci, June 08 2018

The event on June 2nd (the day in 1946 when Italy became a Republic) was not a military parade, not even a parade, but a “review”, according to the Ministry of Defense that directed it (Minister Pinotti’s final act).

The …

Saudi Effort to Isolate Iran Internationally By James M. Dorsey, June 08 2018

Saudi efforts to isolate Iran internationally are producing results in North Africa and Central Asia. Authorities and religious leaders in Tajikistan and Algeria have in recent weeks accused Iran of subversive activity and propagating Shiism while Morocco last month announced

Video: Syrian Army Carries Out Anti-ISIS Operation in Eastern Al-Suwayda By South Front, June 08 2018

Syrian government forces have launched a military operation against ISIS cells in eastern al-Suwayda and have already established control of the village of Ashrfya and the area of Beir Aura. Battle tanks, artillery units and warplanes actively supported the advance.

The US Government Survey on ‘Precarious’ Jobs By Dr. Jack Rasmus, June 08 2018

The US Government’s Labor Department today, June 7, 2018, released a report on the condition of what’s called ‘precarious’ jobs in the US. The meaning of precarious is generally assumed to be contingent labor, alternative work arrangements, and, most recently,

Facebook Security Officer: Not All Speech Is “Created Equal” By Andre Damon, June 08 2018

Alex Stamos, Facebook’s chief security officer, presented an overview of the Orwellian censorship regime implemented by the world’s largest social media company last week at an annual military conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

Speaking before an audience of generals, intelligence agents …