Global Research News

Aftermath of the Trump-Kim Summit: Unilateral Denuclearization, Continued US Military Threats, Economic Sanctions By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 17 2018

Michel Chossudovsky reporting from Seoul, South Korea, June 16, 2018


The Trump-Kim Summit Joint Statement includes an unwavering commitment on the part of the DPRK to carry out a complete denuclearization namely the abandonment of North Korea’s nuclear weapons

Trump Approves $50 Billion in Tariffs on Chinese Goods By Stephen Lendman, June 16 2018

Reportedly Trump met with his trade officials on Thursday, a decision reached to impose around $50 billion in tariffs on a range of Chinese goods – an announcement of the move expected on Friday or early next week.

According to

Flashpoints Radio Voices By Ann Garrison, June 16 2018

Robert DeNiro just fired off an f-bomb at Donald Trump, but where were he and his grandstanding, liberal friends when Obama was dropping more drone bombs and “removing” more immigrants than any president preceding him? Where were they when the

Europe Faces Crossroads as Atlantic System Crumbles By F. William Engdahl, June 16 2018

The world events of the past days are significant far beyond the apparent divide within the G7 industrial nations. If we imagine the planet as a giant electric force field, the lines of flux are in dramatic reordering as the

Britain Needs a Full Public Inquiry into Libya War By Mark Curtis, June 16 2018

Seven years on from the British-led NATO war in Libya in 2011 to remove leader Muammar Gaddafi, the country remains riddled with conflict and lacks effective governance. And one year on from terrorist attacks in the UK whose perpetrators

Damning Hillary Emails Probe Report By Stephen Lendman, June 16 2018

Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz investigated Hillary Clinton’s unsecured private server use for official State Department business – including easily hacked documents marked “classified,” “secret” and “top secret.”

She’s criminally culpable for violating State Department …

Tales of North Korean Abuses: No Facts, All Fiction By Tony Cartalucci, June 16 2018

Claims of North Korean human rights abuses spearheaded attempts to undermine US-North Korean negotiations in Singapore. While the talks are unlikely to change the long-laid agendas of special interests across the West who have cultivated and profit from the ongoing

Reclaiming the UN’s Radical Vision of Global Economic Justice By Adam Parsons, June 16 2018

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is one of the most translated and celebrated documents in the world, marking its 70th anniversary this year. But relatively few people are aware of the significance of its 25th Article, which proclaims

Hewlett Packard to Lose Millions as India’s Student Federation Endorses Pro-Palestinian BDS By Telesur, June 16 2018

The Student Federation of India (SFI), a four-million-strong national organization, joined the global campaign to boycott Hewlett Packard over its record of complicity in Israel’s violation of human rights against Palestinians. 

Apoorva Gautam, coordinator for the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment …

White Helmets: A Tool for ‘Regime Change’ in Syria that’s Too Important to Stop Funding? By RT News, June 16 2018

Washington’s decision to resume funding for White Helmets after a brief freeze highlights how important the controversial group is for the US-promoted regime-change agenda, journalists and Syrian conflict observers have told RT.

“The Pentagon planners have probably finally realized just

Drivers Behind the War on Syria and the Impoverishment of Us All By Mark Taliano, June 16 2018

We know that the Western narratives about the war on Syria are entirely false, so what are some of the real reasons that are driving this overseas holocaust, and who is benefiting from it?

To be blunt, Western policymakers seek …

Catastrophic Risk of Death for 300,000 Yemeni Children Trapped by Attack on Hodeidah By Yemenpress, June 16 2018

300,000 children risk death, injury and starvation as they are trapped in Yemen’s main port city which is under assault from Saudi-led Arab states, aid groups said on Wednesday.

The biggest battle in a three-year war, which has already created …

What’s in Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’? The Answers Are in Plain Sight By Jonathan Cook, June 16 2018

There are mounting signals that Donald Trump’s much-delayed Middle East peace plan – billed as the “deal of the century” – is about to be unveiled.

Even though Trump’s officials have given away nothing publicly, the plan’s contours are …

US Military Involvement in Ukraine: NATO Expansion Through Proxy War By Brian Kalman, June 16 2018


Although the U.S. State Department’s direct role in stoking the Maidan conflagration and toppling a democratically elected president is widely accepted as part of the historical record of the political and civil upheaval in Ukraine, little is reported about

How Bulldozers, Bedouin and Ethnic Cleansing Herald the Death of the Two-state Solution By Peter Oborne, June 16 2018

Featured image: Ibrahim Jahalin, a Bedouin shepherd, has vowed to stay in Khan al-Ahmar “whatever happens” (MEE/Peter Oborne)

It takes barely 30 minutes to drive from Jerusalem to the doomed Bedouin community of Khan al-Ahmar, situated on the main road

Military Industrial
Video: The Military Industrial Drain By Robert Reich, June 16 2018

As Trump stokes tensions around the world, he’s adding fuel to the fire by demanding even more Pentagon spending. It’s a dangerous military buildup intended to underwrite endless wars and enrich defense contractors, while draining money from investment in the

Raising the Flag of False Flags By Philip A Farruggio, June 16 2018

This article was first published in April 2015.

Each morning I walk throughout my quiet neighborhood here in Central Florida noticing more and more homes with giant U.S. flags hanging from the garage tops.

Occasionally, if I know the neighbor

Germany Was Defeated on the Eastern Front, Not Normandy By Eric Margolis, June 16 2018

On my many walking visits to the vast Normandy battlefield in France, I kept recalling the ever so wise dictum of Prussia’s great monarch, Frederick the Great:  ‘he who defends everything, defends nothing.’  On this 74th anniversary of

Is Washington “False Flagging” The New Russia-Iran-Syria-China “Axis of Evil”, into Nuclear War? By Peter Koenig, June 16 2018

Relevant article selected from the GR archive, first published in October 2016.

False flagging has hundreds of years of history; successful history that is. Otherwise the method of lying and bullying people into false beliefs would not have survived the

The Protest Movement in Nicaragua: Manipulated and Manufactured Evidence By Camilo Mejia, June 16 2018

Through this letter I express my unequivocal condemnation of Amnesty International with regards to the destabilizing role it has played in Nicaragua, my country of birth. 

I open this letter quoting Donatella Rovera, who at the time this quote …

Empowerment Now Means Peace for the Future By Global Research News, June 15 2018

It is no easy task to run an independent online media, relentlessly working around the clock with limited resources. Our ultimate objective has been to contribute to promoting “real” anti-war activism, confronting corrupt and criminal politicians in high office, while …

Selected Articles: The US and EU Quarrel, But Remain United Against Russia and China By Global Research News, June 15 2018

The situation for independent media has changed significantly over the past year. In the face of large corporations attempting to censor our content and curtail our traffic and revenue, we are still here – largely thanks to you, our core

Funding for the US Military: Public Barred from National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Senate Committee Markup By Renee Parsons, June 15 2018

It appears to have been no coincidence that when President John F. Kennedy’s spoke to the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27,1961, ten days after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, he tacitly referred to the Joint

Dark Precedents: Matteo Salvini, the MV Tampa and Refugees By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 15 2018

In August 2001, Australia’s dour Prime Minister John Howard demonstrated to the world what his country’s elite soldiers could do. Desperate, close to starvation and having been rescued at sea from the Palapa I in the Indian Ocean, refugees and

Trump Confounds the Media Pundits By Philip Giraldi, June 15 2018

What will come out of this week’s summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un of North Korea remains to be seen, and one must hope for the best, but the bullets are already beginning to fly in the US media

Erdogan’s “Trojan Horse” in Macedonia By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir and Arbana Xharra, June 15 2018

Turkey’s President Erdogan makes no secret of his ambition to spread his neo-Ottoman wings all over the Balkans. He views Macedonia as another Turkish satellite in the making, which sadly the Macedonian government seems to have embraced without carefully assessing

Still Here: Samos Refugees from Turkey. Humanitarian Crisis Triggered by Frontex, the EU Border Force By Chris Jones, June 15 2018

Lunacy and Profits

It is difficult to describe adequately the cruelties and inhumanities embedded in the reception and detention systems based on the frontier islands. The fact that refugees have to risk their lives and spend vast amounts to make

The Deployment of U.S. Marines to Norway Is an Anti-Chinese Power Play By Andrew Korybko, June 15 2018

It might seem like Norway’s request for a doubling of US Marines on its territory and their relocation closer to the country’s Arctic border with Russia is obviously aimed against Moscow, and while that’s definitely the implied short-term military reason,

Israel’s Environmental Colonialism and Eco-Apartheid By Ben Lorber, June 15 2018

This article was originally published in July 2012.

Featured image: A Palestinian man walks front of graffiti that reads “Returning” as palestinians attend “camp of return” to mark refugees’ ties to lands lost on May 14, 2011 in Rafah, southern

War of Annihilation: Amnesty’s Investigation into the Siege of Raqqa: US, UK and France Committed War Crimes By Dr. Leon Tressell and Rosa Tressell, June 15 2018

“If you stayed you died and if you tried to escape you died  … [I escaped by] walking over the blood of those who were blown up as they tried to flee ahead of us’’. Munira Hashish, air strike

Expanded War, Hunger, Disease, Death in Yemen. No Big Deal to US By William Boardman, June 15 2018

The United States is closely following developments in Hudaydah, Yemen. I have spoken with Emirati leaders and made clear our desire to address their security concerns while preserving the free flow of humanitarian aid and life-saving commercial imports. We expect

Video: Russia, Turkey Reportedly Reach Agreement on Tell Rifaat By South Front, June 15 2018

Russia and Turkey have reached an agreement on the situation in the town of Tell Rifaat in the province of Aleppo, the London-based newspaper al-Araby al-Jadeed reported on June 14.

Under the agreement, units of the Turkish military will allegedly

Why Isn’t Anyone Talking About the Israeli Military Coming to Alaska? By The Peace Report, June 15 2018

Israel will be testing their Arrow 3 weapons system from the island of Kodiak, just off the coast of Alaska. 62 shipping containers that have been renovated into sleeping quarters for the Israeli troops and have already been shipped to

Decolonize Korea and Take Down the Imperialists! By Black Alliance for Peace, June 15 2018

Folks, it’s really telling where you are in the fight for human liberation based on who attacks you.

A few weeks ago, a group of “leftists”—who comrade Danny Haiphong refers to as “fake leftists” in his latest piece—attacked BAP

The World Cup Has Political Dimensions, and They’re All to Russia’s Benefit By Andrew Korybko, June 15 2018

The act of playing and watching football should always remain apolitical, but it’s impossible not to notice the political dimensions of hosting the World Cup, all of which decisively play to Russia’s favor.

It was a very prudent move for …

Did Hillary Clinton Violate Any of These Six Criminal Statutes? By Eric Zuesse, June 15 2018

On 14 June 2018, the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Justice ruled that the FBI was correct to have recommended that the U.S. Department of Justice not prosecute, nor even investigate and place before a grand jury for

Humanitarian Snapshot: Casualties in the Context of Demonstrations and Hostilities in Gaza, 30 March – 12 June 2018 By UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, June 15 2018


Since 30 March 2018, the Gaza Strip has witnessed a large increase in Palestinian casualties in the context of mass demonstrations taking place along Israel’s perimeter fence with Gaza. The demonstrations have occurred as part of the ‘Great March

Antarctic Melt Holds Coastal Cities Hostage. Here’s the Way Out. By Eric Holthaus, June 15 2018

After a quarter-century of intense study, we now know the unequivocal truth: Antarctica is losing ice to the oceans, and that ice loss is picking up speed.

Forty percent of sea level rise since 1992 has happened in just the …

Bipartisan Letter Calling on Pentagon to Withhold US Support for Disastrous Assault on Yemen’s Major Port By Eric Garris, June 15 2018

US Representatives Mark Pocan (D-WI), Justin Amash (R-MI), Ro Khanna (D-CA), Thomas Massie (R-KY), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Walter Jones (R-NC), and Ted Lieu (D-CA) this week led a bipartisan letter calling on Secretary of Defense James Mattis to stop a

UK – Building a Nuclear Nightmare on ‘Technology Far from Proven’ By Simon Roach, June 15 2018

Hitachi is seeking billions of pounds from the British government to help build a new nuclear power plant at Anglesey in Wales – but experts say the technology being used is far from proven.

Last week Hitachi-rival Toshiba confirmed that …

US to Shell Out $6.6mn for White Helmets ‘Vital Operations’ Weeks after Promising Funding Freeze By RT News, June 15 2018

The United States will resume funding for the controversial, militant-linked White Helmets, a month after the group had its financial support frozen. The State Department also lauded the group for saving “100,000 lives” in Syria.

President Donald Trump has authorized

Most Popular Articles This Month By Global Research News, June 15 2018
Singapore Summit Postmortems By Stephen Lendman, June 15 2018

Whatever happens ahead for good, most likely ill, a US president and North Korean leader meeting for the first time ever was clearly unexpected earlier, notably memorable now.

The problem with achieving a durable bilateral agreement lies in Washington, not

The Kim-Trump Summit. Geopolitical Implications By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Michael Welch, June 15 2018

In this interview recorded the morning after U.S. President Trump’s ‘historic’ meeting with Chairman Kim Jong-Un of the Democratic Republic of Korea, Professor Michel Chossudovsky of the Centre for Research on Globalization gives his assessment of the meeting, outlines the

Rep. Ro Khanna Says Fellow Democrats Should Support Diplomacy with North Korea By Adam Dick, June 14 2018

On Monday, Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA), joined by 14 fellow Democratic United States House of Representatives members, sent a letter to President Donald Trump supporting Trump pursuing diplomacy and “incremental progress” with North Korea. The letter also expresses concern about

UN Condemnation of Israeli Violence Against Palestinians Won’t End It By Stephen Lendman, June 14 2018

On Wednesday, UN General Assembly members overwhelmingly condemned excessive Israeli force against peacefully demonstrating Gazans.

Some 120 nations supported the nonbinding resolution, 45 weak-kneed ones abstained, only 8 against it: the US, Israel, Australia, and five small Pacific Islands virtually

Financial Crisis: “Mother of All Credit Bubbles”: Who’s Listening? By Nancy Spannaus, June 14 2018

An extraordinary article by regular financial columnist Steven Pearlstein in the June 10 Washington Post warned that a surge in corporate debt has created “the mother of all credit bubbles,” and put the U.S. (and world) financial systems on the

Good Bye to All That: Donald Trump and the End of the U.S. Global Empire By Roy Morrison, June 14 2018

What’s startling is how quickly Donald Trump, aided and abetted by a mixture of billionaires, sycophants, and far right ideologues is undermining the basic pillars of a U.S. imperium that emerged in 1945 with the unconditional surrender of Germany

Video: The USA and the EU Quarrel, But Remain United Against Russia and China By Manlio Dinucci, June 14 2018

While the G7 is fissuring over the war on customs duties, the same conflicting actors are regrouping to reinforce NATO and its network of partners.

Trump’s tactical proposal to restore the G8 – aimed at harnessing Russia to a G7 …

Cameroun: The Battle of Languages Serves Colonial Masters By J. B. Gerald, June 14 2018

There is increasing likelihood of a civil war in Cameroun.

Captured from German interests during WWII by the Free French the Camerouns were divided into British Cameroun to the North and French Cameroun to the South. At its Independence from

Saudi Arabia Drags Geopolitical Baggage on to the World Cup Pitch By James M. Dorsey, June 14 2018

Saudi Arabia has much at stake when its national soccer team enters the pitch for the opening match of the 2018 World Cup in Moscow.

With politics a permanent fixture, Saudi Arabia is playing in the World Cup finals …

Trump’s Concessions to North Korea: Empty Promises to be Broken By Stephen Lendman, June 14 2018

True enough, the Kim Jong-un/Trump summit was historic, a first-time ever face-to-face meeting between leaders of both countries.

A few hours of talks, what preceded them, and framework agreement at their conclusion changed nothing about US imperial aims.

US regimes …

Syria’s President Assad Says US, French, Turks, Israeli Troops Are Occupying Forces By Press TV, June 14 2018

Assad made the remarks on Wednesday during an interview with the al-Alam News Network, where he stressed that Syria’s position is to support “any act of resistance, whether against terrorists or against occupying forces regardless of their nationality.”

Referring to

Documents Show Private Intelligence Web Behind Global Surveillance Program By Max Blumenthal, June 14 2018

Internal documents exclusively obtained by the Grayzone Project (and embedded after this article) show how Cambridge Analytica’s UK-based parent company, SCL group, conducted a surveillance operation in Yemen called Project Titania. The initiative relied on psychological profiling, “strategic communications campaigns,”

Peace Is “Bad for Business”: Defence Stocks Plummet After Trump-Kim Summit By Jake Johnson, June 14 2018

Featured image: The LAV III armoured vehicle (AV) is the latest in the Generation III Light Armoured Vehicle (LAV) series of armoured cars built by General Dynamics Land Systems, and is the primary mechanized infantry vehicle of the Canadian Army.

Video: The War on Yemen and the Battle for Hudaydah By South Front, June 14 2018

On January 13, the Saudi-led coalition launched a new operation to capture the Yemeni port city of Hudaydah from the Houthis.

“Liberation of the port is the beginning of the fall of the Houthi militias. It will secure navigation in

War on Iran Is Now US Policy, According to Secretary of State Pompeo By William Boardman, June 14 2018

On May 21, in his first formal public address, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (sworn in May 2) effectively declared war on the sovereign nation of Iran. Pompeo has no constitutional authority to declare war on anyone, as he

How ‘Regime Change’ Wars Led to Korea Crisis By Robert Parry, June 14 2018

in relation to the recent Kim-Trump summit, we republish this article on the denuclearization game of the United States by the late Robert Parry first published in September 2017.


It is a popular meme in the U.S. media to

‘Every Bullet Has a Precise Address’ – Another Israeli Journalist Justifies the Massacre By Jonathan Ofir, June 14 2018

Featured image: Dan Margalit

This logic has been uttered by a prominent Israeli journalist: Mass shootings of Palestinians have saved their lives. Reporting from the sniper positions near the Gaza fence, Dan Margalit writes in his Hebrew-only Haaretz opinion (Saturday):

The Real Economic Numbers: 21.5 Percent Unemployment, 10 Percent Inflation and Negative Economic Growth By Michael Snyder, June 14 2018

Every time the mainstream media touts some “wonderful new economic numbers” I just want to cringe.  Yes, it is true that the economic numbers have gotten slightly better since Donald Trump entered the White House, but the rosy economic picture

Pushing China’s Huawei Out: Australia, the Solomon Islands and the Internet By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 14 2018
Monstrous AT&T/Time Warner Merger By Stephen Lendman, June 14 2018

Federal courts are supremely pro-business, including the nation’s highest one throughout its history.

The nation’s first Supreme Court chief justice John Jay arrogantly said America should be run by the people who own it. The nation’s second president John Adams

The Macedonian Name Deal Threatens to Erase European Identity By Andrew Korybko, June 13 2018

The Liberal-Globalists are carrying out another socio-political experiment in the Balkan petri dish, this time using the Macedonians as lab rats for testing how to most effectively erode a people’s identity before rolling out their weaponized model for replicating this

Black Alliance for Peace Welcomes Outcome of Meeting Between the United States and North Korea By Black Alliance for Peace, June 13 2018

Featured image: President Donald J. Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sign a joint statement | June 12, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)

The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) calls on the people of

Video: Italian Troops Deployed in Eastern Syria By South Front, June 13 2018

The Syrian military is deploying additional Pantsir-S1 short to medium range air defense systems in southern and eastern Syria, according to pro-government sources.

Additional Pantsir-S1 systems had been deployed in the area near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, the Hezbollah media …

Fiction and Reality: The Mountain and the Stone By Kersasp D. Shekhdar, June 13 2018

In this Dark Age when already-withering Individual Liberties are under renewed attack, an offering dedicated to Courageous Truth-Tellers and to Stout-Hearted Men and Women who stand resolute before the Forces of Darkness.

A long, long time ago, ages and epochs …

Dissecting Trump’s Efforts to Place Himself Above the Law By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, June 13 2018

“Nobody is above the law,” Donald Trump declared during the 2016 campaign. But as special counsel Robert Mueller zeroes in on him, the president is carving out an exemption for himself. Trump and his attorneys are claiming absolute power for

Animal Rights: British Mammals’ Fight for Survival By The Mammal Society, June 13 2018

Featured image: Red Squirrel by Malcolm Welch

Almost one in five of British mammal species face a high risk of extinction, according to the first comprehensive review of their populations for more than 20 years launched today by The Mammal

They Want to Cut the Main Vein of Yemen. US Supported Naval Blockade, Widespread Famine By Yemenpress, June 13 2018

The Saudi-led coalition is desperate to be able to occupy Hodiedah province, where the main port of Yemen is located, from which all the essentials of life enter Yemen. The blockade has been in force for more than three years,

Truth in Painting: Cezanne’s Portraits at Washington’s National Gallery of Art By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, June 13 2018

One can hardly overstate the significance of Paul Cézanne (1839-1906), an artist who not only transformed French painting, but in many ways invented modern art: “The father of us all,” as Picasso observed. To be a painter in the twentieth

The North Korea Issue Is Not “De-Nuclearization” But “De-Colonization” By Ajamu Baraka, June 13 2018

“The psychopathology of white supremacy invisibilizes the absurdity and illegitimacy of the United States being in a position to negotiate the fate of millions of Koreans.”

The critics had already signaled their strategy for derailing any meaningful move toward normalizing

Trump Suspended “War Games“ against North Korea in Return For Unconditional and Unilateral Denuclearization By Zero Hedge, June 13 2018
Trump said the war games were expensive and “very provocative”, and yet stopping them has been called a "major concession", something the US has previously rejected as non-negotiable...
US-Backed Coalition Bombs Yemen’s New Cholera Treatment Center, After Unleashing World’s Largest Outbreak By Ben Norton, June 13 2018

A military coalition formally led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and supported by the United States and Britain, bombed a newly constructed cholera treatment in Yemen on Monday, June 11.

This attack comes after Yemen, the poorest …

Gaza Strip: Attacks in the Border Areas and Their Consequences By Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, June 13 2018

The term “buffer zone” in land and at sea is used for land and sea areas, which were unilaterally and illegally declared by Israeli forces as areas with no access along the eastern and northern borders and in the sea

The Bombing of Hodeidah, Yemen’s Biggest Port: UK Government Complicit in a Humanitarian Catastrophe By CAAT - Campaign Against Arms Trade, June 13 2018

The ongoing war in Yemen has reached an even more deadly stage, as the Saudi-led coalition begins strikes against Hodeidah. 

The town includes the biggest port in Yemen, and has provided a vital lifeline for many across the country, with 

Trump Will Never Get a Better Deal with Iran By Scott Ritter, June 13 2018

Featured image: President Trump and Supreme Leader Ali Khomeini. CreativeCommons, Shutterstock.

In a span of a little more than five months, North Korea and the United States have gone from trading verbal insults and mobilizing for war to engaging

The View from Singapore: Trump is Erratic, Unpredictable, Contradictory and Disingenuous By Stephen Lendman, June 13 2018

Featured image: President Donald J. Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, walk together to their expanded bilateral meeting, Tuesday, June 12, 2018, at the Capella Hotel in Singapore. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Negative fallout ahead

Selected Articles: Kim-Trump Summit: Genuine Negotiation or Mere Lip Service? By Global Research News, June 13 2018

Since 2001, Global Research has been delivering critical analysis to its readers as well as direction for the questions we should be asking.

If you look to our website as a resource for information and understanding, to stay current on

Time to Take a Stand… For OUR America! By Philip A Farruggio, June 13 2018

There is a wonderful line, from where I do not really know (or care) that says it all: “So much is gained when only one person stands up and says… NO!” For those of us who  see through the hype

Election 2018: You Have Democracy If You Can Keep It By Michael T. Bucci, June 13 2018

Can President Donald Trump’s white, rural and older base in America be ever moved from their granite-like mindset that seedy operatives and duplicitous right-wing spinsters on GOP-controlled media and church pulpits solidified since the days of Goldwater and Nixon?