Global Research News

US, Allies Use Fake Evidence to Blame Chemical Attacks on Syria Government: Russia By Press TV, June 24 2018

Featured image: Maj. Gen. Igor Kirillov, the chief of the Russian military’s radiation, chemical and biological protection unit (file photo)

Russia says the United States and its allies have relied on fabricated evidence to accuse the Syrian government of conducting

Israel Protects the Islamic State, Targets Iraqi Militias Fighting ISIS in Eastern Syria. 20-50 Dead By Marko Marjanović, June 24 2018

ISIS remains a threat in eastern Syria. It holds a stretch of land on the eastern bank of the Euphrates which the US has appropriated for itself and the Kurdish-dominated SDF coalition yet refuses to clear. The group also has

Malaysian-Saudi Relations: A Lesson in the Pitfalls of Authoritarianism and Autocracy By James M. Dorsey, June 24 2018

Embattled former Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak was the main loser in last month’s election upset that returned Mahathir Mohamad to power as his country’s anti-corruption crusader. Yet, Mr. Razak is not the only one who may be paying the

So What’s with the US’s Vaunted ‘Free’ Press? Journalists Denied Access to the ‘Holding Centers’ where Latino Children are being Detained By Deena Stryker, June 24 2018

In times of war, correspondents are routinely ‘embedded’ with fighting forces in order to be able to document the latest battles up close. Since last week, America’s most respected journalists are being denied access to the ‘holding centers’ where young

Kim 10, Trump 0 By Eric Margolis, June 24 2018

Last week’s Economist Magazine won the day with the best-ever headline about the Trump-Kim Jong-un summit: `Kim Jong Won!’ 

That said it all.   Just out of hospital, I was in no shape to compete with the great Economist or its …

Video: The National Debt Scam By Comprehensive Research, Inc., June 24 2018

Watch the video below to understand the “artificial economy”.

This was originally published on May 8, 2015.




The Senate Just Gave the Pentagon an $82 Billion Boost. That’s More Money Than Russia’s Entire Military Budget. By Eric Boehm, June 24 2018

There are few bipartisan projects in Congress these days, but Republicans and Democrats have no trouble joining together to feed more money into the Pentagon’s gaping maw.

By a vote of 85-10 on Thursday morning, the Senate approved the annual …

The Persecution of Julian Assange Proves that Western Values No Longer Exist By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 24 2018

The Western world never ceases to speak of its “democratic values.” In Western political theory, the way democracy works is by free speech and a free press. By speaking out, citizens and media keep the government accountable.

This liberal tradition …

Video: Truth About $21 Trillion Missing at the Pentagon By David DeGraw and Lee Camp, June 24 2018

First video below is a 20 minute interview David DeGraw had with Lee Camp.

They discussed the latest news on the unaccounted for $21 Trillion and the insanity of dropping 121 bombs a day by the US.

Scroll down for …

President Trump’s Muslim Ban. “Islam Hates Us” By Sirine Shebaya and Johnathan Smith, June 24 2018

In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, several commentators wrote about the Court’s reasoning in that case and its possible implications for President Trump’s Muslim Ban—the legality of which is set

Survivors Guide to Prison: The American Nightmare By Joanne Laurier, June 24 2018

“I got what I asked for—the first two symbols that were waiting to meet me were precisely the two most revolting objects on earth: a church and a prison.”—Paul Nizan, Aden Arabie

The American prison and criminal justice system

Video: The 1985 Bombing of West Philly By fzappa711, June 24 2018

On May 13, 1985, after complaints from neighbors, as well as indictments of numerous MOVE members for crimes including parole violation, contempt of court, illegal possession of firearms, and making terrorist threats, the Philadelphia Police Department attempted to clear MOVE

New Video and Audio Captures ‘Horrifying’ Reality of Children Taken from Parents as GOP Pressed to ‘Find Their Conscience’ By Jake Johnson, June 24 2018

As newly published images, videos, and audio provided brief and “horrifying” glimpses inside America’s child detention facilities in the midst of President Donald Trump‘s massive attack on immigrant families, all 49 members of the Senate

Video: The Forgotten 1985 Police Bombing of a Philadelphia African-American Community By The Guardian, June 24 2018

On 13 May 1985, Philadelphia police bombed the Move compound, killing 11 people, including five children, and destroying an entire neighborhood. 

As the DNC wraps up in Philadelphia, the Guardian takes a look at this largely forgotten event in the

Washington Is Using Proxies to Terrorize Syria By Vladimir Kozin, June 24 2018

The reports from Syria indicate that Washington still intends to provide extensive military support, as well as other types of assistance, to the terrorist groups that yet remain in the southern part of that country, apparently wanting to use them

The American Gulag: US Navy Planning to Build Military Camps to Jail 120,000 Immigrants By Alec Andersen, June 24 2018

A draft memo leaked to Time magazine Friday reveals preparations by the United States Navy to build sprawling internment camps to house over 120,000 undocumented immigrants. Massive camps housing nearly 50,000 each are being proposed in Northern and Southern California,

Canada’s Secret Government: Who is the Power Behind the Throne? By Michael Welch and Yves Engler, June 24 2018
We often hear about the American Deep State undermining the will of the electorate and influencing policy in ways that favour for-profit interests. We rarely hear about a Canadian Deep State. Are there power players driving the decision-making in Ottawa behind the scenes?
Gaza: The World’s Largest Prison By Ghali Hassan, June 24 2018
The Israeli Army (IA) is building the most impenetrable barrier, which will include fences with electronic sensors, watchtowers mounted with remote control machineguns, and hundreds of videos and night vision cameras.
“The Israeli Dream”: The Criminal Roadmap Towards “Greater Israel”? By Felicity Arbuthnot, June 24 2018
The concept of a “Greater Israel” according to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, is a Jewish State stretching “'From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates. The Yinon plan is an Israeli strategic plan which seeks the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.
Refugee Crisis: Manufactured Migrants Are Tools in U.S. Empire’s ‘Grand Chessboard’ By Barrie Zwicker, June 24 2018

First published in June 2017

The refugee crisis in Europe, the largest seen since World War 2, is no accident.

Former U.S. State Department official J. Michael Springmann addresses this verboten subject in his just-released second book Goodbye Europe? Hello,

War and the Refugee Crisis: The Western Powers Which Bomb Enemy Nations Are Rejecting Their Refugees By Sami Karimi, June 24 2018

The very giants that bomb and reduce alleged enemy nations to rubble are unfortunately the major destinations for the refugees fleeing wars. With the facts behind global aggressions unfolding, the incursions and preemptive strikes under different pretexts are no longer

Crisis of the U.S. Dollar System By F. William Engdahl, June 24 2018
US military threats are required to sustain the continued hegemony of the US Dollar System
Iraqi Children: Deprived Rights, Stolen Future By Bie Kentane, June 24 2018
For more than two decades of war, foreign occupation and economic sanctions, Iraqi children have been subjected to grave violations of human rights.
GOP Farm Bill Supports Hunger, Agribusiness and Ecocide By Stephen Lendman, June 24 2018

By a narrow 213 – 211 margin, including all undemocratic Dems and 20 Republicans, House members passed a deplorable $867 billion farm bill – a measure only agribusiness, opponents of ecosanity, and anti-social justice advocates could love.

According to House

Felicia Langer, A Great German-Israeli Human Rights Lawyer, Passed Away By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, June 23 2018

A great Israeli-German Jew passed away. Her death represents a significant loss to the Palestinian people’s struggle for justice, human rights, and self-determination. She and her late husband Mieciu, who died in 2015, stood for the other, the better Israel

An Elite Coalition Emerges Against a Trump-Kim Agreement By Gareth Porter, June 23 2018

An implicit coalition of corporate media, Democratic partisans and others loyal to the national security state are actively hostile to any agreement that would endanger the continuation of the 70-year-old Cold War between the United States and North Korea.

The …

Reflections on the Poor People’s Campaign in Michigan By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 23 2018

Featured image: Poor People’s Campaign of Michigan rally outside the Department of Treasury on June 11, 2018

Six weeks of rallies, mass demonstrations and civil disobedience concluded in Michigan on Monday June 18 when hundreds of participants in the Poor

Donald Trump Is No Friend to the North Country By Mike Mullen, June 23 2018

This past weekend, a taconite ship ran aground in Duluth Harbor, nearly crashing right into the Canal Park seawall. The name of this ill-fated ship? American Spirit.

The symbolism was hard to miss, for, the same week, the Lake Superior

A Call for the NDP to Withdraw from the Canada-Israel Interparliamentary Group By Yves Engler, June 23 2018

The undersigned are appalled by the recent deaths in Gaza. At least 110 Palestinians have been killed and thousands injured by sniper fire and noxious gas used by the Israeli military. The recent violence takes place alongside ongoing land theft,

Trump Regime Plans New Concentration Camps for Unwanted Aliens By Stephen Lendman, June 23 2018

Hundreds of thousands of unwanted immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers are arrested and detained under horrific conditions in America annually.

Trump escalated what he predecessors began. 

Mistreatment of unwanted aliens intensified after the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs …

Chinese-Owned Company Forges Ahead with US Lithium Mine in Former Supervolcano By Sputnik, June 23 2018

A Canadian company, whose major shareholder is a Chinese firm, plans to move ahead with plans for a huge mine in Nevada to produce lithium for electric batteries. Sputnik looks at the significance of the Thacker Pass project.

The demand

The Persistent Myth of US Precision Bombing By Nicolas J. S. Davies, June 23 2018

In my recent report on the death toll in America’s post-9/11 wars, I estimated that about 2.4 million Iraqis have been killed as a result of the U.S. invasion and hostile military occupation of their country. But opinion polls in

The World Transformed and No One in America Noticed By Martin Sieff, June 23 2018

The world transformed and nobody in the West noticed. India and Pakistan have joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The 17 year-old body since its founding on June 15, 2001 has quietly established itself as the main alliance and grouping of

The Kim-Trump Summit: Why Now? Why Not Before? Why Not Later? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, June 23 2018

Early in the morning of June 12, 2018, the world watched Kim Jong-un, supreme leader of North Korea and Donald Trump, president of the United States shaking hands in front of the main entrance of Hotel Capella in

The Douma Gas Attack: A False Flag Operation By Mark Taliano and Fars News Agency, June 23 2018

Political analyst Mark Taliano says that there is no evidence of a chemical attack in Douma and the alleged gas attack was only a false flag operation by the White Helmets.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with FNA, Taliano said

Yemen War: Iranian Navy Dispatches Warships to Gulf of Aden By South Front, June 23 2018

On June 21, the Iranian Navy dispatched two warships to the Gulf of Aden, where a fierce battle is ongoing between the Ansar Allah movement (also known as the Houthis) and the Saudi-led coalition for the port city of al-Hudaydah.

Google Says It Will Not Renew Project Maven—but Collaboration with Pentagon Will Continue By Will Morrow, June 23 2018

In early June, Google Cloud CEO Diane Greene announced at a meeting with employees that the company will not renew its contract with the Pentagon for Project Maven following its expiry in 2019. Under the program, which Google entered in

Militarization of the African Continent: The U.S. Is Building a Massive $110 Million Drone Base in the Sahara By Haye Kesteloo, June 23 2018

Right outside of Agadez, Niger, in the scrublands of the Sahara, the U.S. airforce is building a massive 2,200-acre drone base, costing $110 million according to the Associated Press. The base should be completed in the next couple of month

The Diseased, Lying, Condition of America’s ‘News’ Media By Eric Zuesse, June 23 2018

Both President Trump and former President Obama are commonly said in America’s ‘news’ media to be or to have been “ceding Syria to Russia” or “ceding Syria to Russia and Iran,” or similar allegations. They imply that ‘we’ own (or

U.S. Double Standards in the Middle East. Washington Backs Terrorists and Extremists By Adel Karim, June 23 2018

It doesn’t matter who works in the Oval Office, the U.S. Middle East policy hasn’t been changing for decades. Whether it is George Bush, Barak Obama or Donald Trump the key idea is the same – Iraq\Syria\Libya constitutes an imminent

Pipeline Geopolitics: Russia Takes Gas to South Asia By Andrew Korybko, June 22 2018

Russia is adroitly using the prospect of large-scale transnational energy investments in South Asia in order to acquire leverage for “balancing” the region and counteracting American influence there.

It was recently announced that Russia and Pakistan agreed to conduct a …

Devastating Humanitarian Crisis: Update on the Situation in Hodeidah, Yemen By Norwegian Refugee Council, June 22 2018

“I have friends who can’t leave their homes because they don’t have the means to travel. They are scared for their safety. They might be left in the crossfire without any water, food or way to escape.”

Quote from NRC’s …

Trump Regime Endangers World Community. “The Strongest Sanctions in History” against Iran By Stephen Lendman, June 22 2018

America’s rage for global dominance is longstanding, aggressive wars and color revolutions its favored strategies.

Hawkish neocon surrounding Trump pose a greater threat to world peace and stability than their earlier counterparts, Iran a prime target for regime change, global

Assange and Truth: The Deeper (Harder) Issue By Prof Susan Babbitt, June 22 2018

When Harold Pinter got the Nobel Prize (2005), he described “a vast tapestry of lies upon which we feed”. He asked why “systematic brutality, widespread atrocities, ruthless suppression of independent thought” were well-known when they occurred in the Soviet Union.

‘Safe Third Country’ Eh: Canada’s Treatment of Refugees By J. B. Gerald, June 22 2018

Canada’s “Safe Third Country” agreement regulates Canada’s treatment of refugees entering Canada from the States. It’s currently under review. There’s not much need to ask why.

Initial reports that nearly 1500 among the unaccompanied migrant children detained after entering the …

US Indicted for Global Nuclear Terror By William Boardman, June 22 2018

Featured image: Kings Bay Plowshares before their action April 4. (photo: Kings Bay Plowshares)

The Nuremberg Principles not only prohibit such crimes but oblige those of us aware of the crime to act against it. “Complicity in the commission of

Video: French General: Germans Wanted to Punish Serbs for Their Resistance to Hitler By Pierre Marie Gallois, June 22 2018

Introduction by Defend Democracy Press

A retired Brigadier-General Pierre Marie Gallois of French army testifies in the front of a camera of his involvment in a secret meetings held in Germany. He explains the long existed plan for destruction of

‘Occupied’ East Jerusalem: Prince William Infuriates Israel with Statement on Royal Visit By RT News, June 22 2018

Prince William has angered Israel’s Jerusalem Affairs Minister Zeev Elkin (image below) by referring to East Jerusalem as part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), in a statement detailing his upcoming trip to the Middle East.

In a facebook post,

Selected Articles: World at a Crossroads: Refugees, Trade War, US-NATO Encirclement of Russia By Global Research News, June 22 2018

Global Research is independent in the true sense of the word. We don’t receive funding from war-makers and “banksters”, therefore our news is free of corporate agendas. This is only possible thanks to our readers who show their commitment to

Doug Ford – Ontario’s Donald Trump? By Prof. Todd Gordon and Ashley Smith, June 22 2018

Featured image: Ontario’s conservative Premier-designate Doug Ford speaks to a crowd of supporters in Sudbury

Canadians are dealing with their own election aftermath after Doug Ford, a leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario and a figure some

The Pro-War Media Deserve Criticism, Not Sainthood By James Bovard, June 22 2018

The media nowadays are busy congratulating themselves for their vigorous criticism of Donald Trump. To exploit that surge of sanctimony, Hollywood producer Steven Spielberg rushed out The Post, a movie depicting an epic press battle with the Nixon administration.

US Dollar Sell-Off Continues as Trade Wars Intensify By True Publica, June 22 2018

At the beginning of this year, The DXY U.S. dollar index ended January with losses of 3 percent, its worst drop in nearly 2 years, and its third straight month in negative territory. And for all the stimulus from

US State Department ‘Concerned’ Over Syrian Government Operations in…Syria! Against ISIS and Al Qaeda By Daniel McAdams, June 22 2018

State Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert released a statement today warning the Syrian government to cease and desist from its final military push against ISIS and al-Qaeda groups in southwest Syria. The United States is “deeply troubled by reports of increasing

Look Deeper: Child Detention and the US’s Paramilitary Politics Abroad By Dr. John Buell, June 22 2018

Attorney General Jeff Sessions didn’t lose any sleep over those children forcibly separated from their parents. He maintained most of the asylum seekers will be denied because “many of them . . . like to make more money . .

Why Is Professor Tariq Ramadan Imprisoned? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 22 2018

Harvey Weinstein isn’t in jail; neither is actor Kevin Spacey, chef Mario Batali, TV host Matt Lauer, nor New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman. Although some might like to see them behind bars. Even convicted felon Bill Cosby

300,000 Vote for Socialists in California Primary By Richard Becker, June 22 2018

Featured image: Peace and Freedom Party campaign launch at State Capitol. Liberation Photo.

In yet another California election dominated by tech, developer, banking and other corporate money, the capitalists won again. And thanks to the corrupt and anti-democratic “top-two” system,

Is this the Real Culture War? Art Movements and the People’s Movement By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, June 22 2018


Ever since the achievements of Renaissance humanism with the triumph of art over nature, with the development of new artistic techniques (the optics of perspective, the structure of anatomy, the mixing of pigments, and the development of movement) art

Is the United States on a Road to Becoming Ungovernable? By Michael Snyder, June 22 2018

For a long time I have observed the rancor in modern American political discourse, and I have become concerned about where all of this anger and frustration is taking us.  In order for any society to function, there must be

Slow Suicide and the Abandonment of the World By Edward Curtin, June 22 2018

“The condition of alienation, of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one’s mind, is the condition of the normal man.  Society highly values its normal man.  It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and

India: Communalism and Development. Religious Identity politics By Irfan Engineer, June 22 2018
Video: Syria Government Forces Pressure ISIS Cells on Multiple Fronts By South Front, June 22 2018

Fighters of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces have liberated the villages of Musaykah and al-Dallafa from militant groups in northeastern Daraa. Thus, they de-facto besieged the militant-held are of al-Lajat and cut off supply lines to

Spoiled Latvia’s Image in the International Arena. The Rights of the Ethnic Russian Minority By Viktors Domburs, June 21 2018

Latvia is actively preparing for one of the most important political events of the year. Parliamentary elections will take place on October 6, 2018. Submission of the lists of candidates for the 13th Saeima elections will take place very soon

With Help from Their Jewish Israeli Friends: A Palestinian Political Initiative (In the Making) By Rima Najjar, June 21 2018

Featured image: First large meeting of One Democratic State Campaign (ODSC) with Israeli Jews in Jaffa: Awad Abdel Fattah, Jeff Halpern, Ilan Pappe and Yoav Haifawi [Jeff Halper]

A Trump political initiative for peace is looming on the

Biased UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria By Stephen Lendman, June 21 2018

There’s nothing fair and balanced about the Commission of Inquiry (COI) on Syria since established in August 2011 – around four months after the Obama regime launched war on the country for regime change, conflict in its 8th year, resolution

Global Refugees Reaches New Peak: What the World Has Forgotten By True Publica, June 21 2018

Featured image: European refugee camps, Syria 1945 (Source: TruePublica)

Wars, violence and conflict were the main drivers that uprooted record numbers of men, women and children worldwide last year, making a new global refugees crisis more critical than ever, according

Yemen: Al-Hudaydah Airport Still Remains Contested By South Front, June 21 2018

Fierce clashes between the Saudi-led coalition’s forces and the Houthis are ongoing near the port city of al-Hudaydah in western Yemen.

On June 19, the coalition’s forces once again entered the al-Hudaydah airport claiming that this time they really captured …

The Entire Western World Lives in Cognitive Dissonance By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 21 2018

In this column I am going to use three of the current top news stories to illustrate the disconnect that is everywhere in the Western mind.

Let us begin with the family separation issue. The separation of children from immigrant/refugee/asylum

Breaking In a President By Philip Giraldi, June 21 2018

I recall how a friend of mine who once served as a senior Pentagon intelligence briefer described what he called “breaking in” a new president. Today, incoming presidents receive some intelligence briefings so that they do not land in office

Militarizing Space, Transforming It into a Battleground By Stephen Lendman, June 21 2018

The Outer Space Treaty (1967) bans America, Britain, and other signatories from placing WMDs (not conventional weapons) in earth orbit or otherwise in outer space.

It restricts use of celestial bodies to peaceful purposes, bans space bases and outer space

The Pacific Alliance, Three Seas Initiative, Continental Free Trade Area, Vision 2030, The Asia-Africa Growth Corridor. Five Underreported Initiatives that Change the World By Andrew Korybko, June 21 2018

The Pacific Alliance, Three Seas Initiative, Continental Free Trade Area, Vision 2030, and the Asia-Africa Growth Corridor are changing geopolitics, but comparatively few people have ever heard of these projects, let alone have any idea how Russia could benefit from

Canadian Doctor Shot by Israelis Lobbies Trudeau to Fund Gaza Hospital Project By Jillian D'Amours, June 21 2018

A Canadian doctor who was shot by Israeli forces last month during protests in the Gaza Strip has taken his fight for health-care access for Palestinians to Ottawa, the Canadian capital.

Dr Tarek Loubani is asking the Canadian government for …

Time Magazine on US Diplomacy — and History By Deena Stryker, June 21 2018

Time magazine, founded almost a hundred years ago (in 1923), runs like a well-oiled machine: there are departments and sub-departments for everything; nothing is left to chance. So when, in its latest issue, it publishes a two-page spread of the

The Battle of Daraa against ISIS, Al Qaeda and FSA: Hezbollah Special Forces Will Participate By Elijah J. Magnier, June 21 2018

The battle of Daraa against the “Islamic State” (ISIS) group (known under the name of Jaish Khaled Bin al-Waleed), al-Qaeda and the “Free Syrian Army” is happening without doubt. The Syrian government won’t take into consideration the US menace to

French Beekeepers Sue Bayer/Monsanto on Glyphosate in Honey; U.S. Court Allows Glyphosate Contamination of Honey Labeled “100% Pure” By Beyond Pesticides, June 21 2018

Some 200 members of a French beekeeping cooperative in the northern Aisne region have sued Bayer — on the same day the giant chemical company’s acquisition of Monsanto was finalized — after discovering that their honey was contaminated with toxic

Libya’s Lawless Skies By Samuel Oakford, June 21 2018

A new study of the security situation in Libya between 2012 and 2018 by Airwars and the New America Foundation has identified hundreds of civilians credibly reported killed and injured by domestic and international airstrikes – but with no accountability

Trump’s Military Drops a Bomb Every 12 Minutes, and No One Is Talking About It By Lee Camp, June 21 2018

We live in a state of perpetual war, and we never feel it. While you get your gelato at the hip place where they put those cute little mint leaves on the side, someone is being bombed in your name.

“Where Are the Girls?” Child Trafficking Feared as DHS Can’t Say Where Immigrant Girls Are Being Held By Matt Agorist, June 21 2018

As the debate swarms over illegal immigration, Americans on both the left and the right are at each other’s throats pointing fingers over who’s responsible. In the meantime, what was a “conspiracy theory” a month ago is now being confirmed

Trump Administration Imprisoning 1,500 Immigrant Children in Old Walmart Along Border By Aaron Kesel, June 21 2018

The Trump administration is holding 1,469 teen and pre-teen boys separated from their parents in captivity along the Mexican border at an old abandoned Walmart called Casa Padre, Salt Lake Tribune reported.

The old Walmart has now been renovated …

Israeli-Occupied East Jerusalem to be Visited by Prince William By Hans Stehling, June 21 2018

This will be the first official visit to any part of Israel by a member of the British Royal family since the Jewish state’s establishment in 1948 and which is due to take place next week. It is, of course,

Grieve the Beloved Children: Israel and the War on Children By Judith Deutsch, June 21 2018

The Palestinian Health Ministry reported on June 1st that a beautiful young woman medic, Razan Ashraf Najjar, 21, was the second medic to be killed by Israeli army fire since March 30th. To date, Israel has killed 130 and