Global Research News

Trump’s War on Migrants Lands Toddlers in Court to Plead Their Cases Alone By Elliott Gabriel, July 02 2018

Children as young as three years old are being forced to hold their own in deportation proceedings in federal court, judges have reported, further confirming how the cruelties of the U.S. immigrant enforcement regime have been largely unhindered by the

Bayer-Monsanto Partnership Signals Death Knell for Humanity By Robert Bridge, July 02 2018

On what plane of reality is it possible that two of the world’s most morally bankrupt corporations, Bayer and Monsanto, can be permitted to join forces in what promises to be the next stage in the takeover of the world’s

Trump’s Lawyer Rudy Giuliani: Iran’s “Regime” to Collapse Soon, US-backed ‘Democratic’ Force Has to Take Power By South Front, July 02 2018

The US President’s personal lawyer and ex-New York mayor Rudy Giuliani visited a rally held by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in Paris where he said that Iran’s “regime” will collapse soon and “democratic” representatives of the

Nature Retention, Not Just Protection, Crucial to Maintaining Biodiversity and Ecosystems: Scientists By Mike Gaworecki, July 02 2018

Is it time to completely rethink how we design the goals of conservation programs? Some scientists say it is.

In a paper published last week in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution, a team of Australian researchers argue that

GMO Agriculture and the Narrative of Choice By Colin Todhunter, July 02 2018

The pro-GMO lobby claim critics of the technology ‘deny farmers choice’. They say that farmers should have access to a range of tools and technologies. It is all about maximising choice and options. Taken at face value, who would want

NATO’s Secret Armies. Operation GLADIO and the Strategy of Tension By Dr. Daniele Ganser, July 01 2018

This article was first posted on GR in January 2016

Our guest this week is Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser, author of the seminal book NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe, who joins us for

The Empty Brain By Robert Epstein, July 01 2018

No matter how hard they try, brain scientists and cognitive psychologists will never find a copy of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony in the brain – or copies of words, pictures, grammatical rules or any other kinds of environmental stimuli. The human

Rethinking Europe’s Migrant Crisis: Weapons of Mass Movement? By Michael Welch, J. Michael Springmann, and Barrie Zwicker, July 01 2018

“In Goodbye, Europe? Michael Springmann shows his grasp of how American military, economic, diplomatic, cultural, surveillance, technological, and vast “intelligence” resources comprise an integrated colossus using false flag ops, Trojan Horse fronts, incessant propaganda campaigns, and overt strong-arming.” – Barrie …

Becoming a Democracy—The Example of Nepal By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 01 2018
Libya Has Reached Its Turning Point. The Battle for Oil, “US-NATO Go Home” By Richard Galustian, July 01 2018

The UN Security Council selected, unelected but anointed Libyan government in Tripoli (the GNA) rejects the elected parliament in Tobruk’s decision announced by Field Marshall Haftar, to now keep funds of oil sales and not send such funds to

MEXICO Elections, July 1: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), Window of Opportunity Against 40 Years of Neoliberalism in Mexico? By Telesur, July 01 2018

While Mexico’s romance with neoliberalism has lasted for almost 40 years, some think Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, better known as AMLO for his initials, who will very likely win Mexico’s upcoming presidential elections on July 1, represents the possibility for

The Two “Superpowers”: Who Really Controls the Two Countries? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 01 2018

Among the ruling interests in the US, one interest even more powerful than the Israel Lobby—the Deep State of the military/security complex— there is enormous fear that an uncontrollable President Trump at the upcoming Putin/Trump summit will make an agreement

Obsessed With Regime Change: Trump’s Iran Gambit Won’t Pay Off By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, July 01 2018

It is as clear as day that President Trump is obsessed with regime change in Iran.  What is not made clear is how much his gambit is damaging to Americans and American interests.

Without cause or justification, Mr. Trump  pulled

The Assassination Attempt Against Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy By Andrew Korybko, July 01 2018

A grenade went off shortly after Prime Minister Abiy was done addressing a huge crowd of supporters in central Addis Ababa, killing at least two people and injuring dozens. The country’s leader sharply condemned the attack and vowed that the

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Continues to Disrupt Marine Life By Steve Hanley, June 30 2018

Featured image: The Deepwater Horizon oil spill, found to be partially caused by lax safety regulations, killed 11 people and injured 16. (Photo: Florida Sea Grant/Flickr/cc)

Researchers at the University of Southern Mississippi have studied the microbes found on several

Why Palestine Matters By Sheldon Richman, June 30 2018

Why does Palestine matter? It’s a question I ask myself nearly every day. Another way to put it is, “Is the devotion of major attention to the plight of the Palestinians an obsession worthy of suspicion or an appropriate response

The Supreme Court’s Deference to the Pentagon By Jacob G. Hornberger, June 30 2018

Imagine a county sheriff that took a suspected drug-law violator into custody more than 10 years ago. Since then, the man has been held in jail without being accorded a trial. The district attorney and the sheriff promise to give

The President Shouldn’t Act as an Arms Dealer to the Saudis By Dr. Veronique de Rugy, June 30 2018

In May 2017, President Donald Trump visited Saudi Arabia to finalize a massive $110 billion sale of “American-made” weapons. The deal was part of his America First initiative. “That was a tremendous day,” Trump said. “Hundreds of billions of dollars

GM Crops in India: Approval by Contamination? By Colin Todhunter, June 30 2018
US Sanctions Against Iran Aimed at Regime Change By Peter Symonds, June 30 2018

The Trump administration further spelled out this week the draconian sanctions it intends to enforce on Iran. A senior State Department official told the media the US would take measures against any country that failed to reduce its oil imports

Global Affairs Canada Statement: Disconnect From Realities on the Ground in Syria, Tacit Endorsement of Al Qaeda By Mark Taliano, June 30 2018
The statement speaks volumes. It says that Canada supports the most extreme form of sectarianism. The terrorists in southwest Syria include al Qaeda and ISIS. They destroy Christian churches and Shia mosques. Christians are killed or they flee.
How the Military Industrial Complex Controls America By Eric Zuesse, June 30 2018

Unlike corporations that sell to consumers, Lockheed Martin and the other top contractors to the U.S. Government are highly if not totally dependent upon sales to governments, for their profits, especially sales to their own government, which they control —

The Arctic Climate Tipping Points: Methane and the Future of the Biosphere By Dr. Andrew Glikson, June 30 2018

Arctic ice breakdown

As extreme temperatures, the rate of sea ice melt, the collapse of Greenland glaciers, the thawing of Siberian and Canadian permafrost and increased evaporation in the Arctic drive cold snow storms into Europe and North America, and

Hijacking My Flag! “Save our Nation from Fiscal and Moral Bankruptcy” By Philip A Farruggio, June 30 2018

Well, as a baby boomer who has seen lots of instances of the empire using MY flag as their own private property, this newest one ‘takes the cake’. I mean, my generation went through the whole ‘America, love it or

The Battle of the Three Seas. Geopolitics of Central and Eastern Europe, US-Russia Confrontation By Andrew Korybko, June 30 2018

The vast expanse of Central and Eastern Europe stretching between the Adriatic, Baltic, and Black Seas has turned into a massive zone of serious competition for the US and Russia. 

 The “Intermarium” 

Most observers missed it, but one of the …

Merck Receives FDA Priority Review to Expand Dangerous Gardasil Vaccine to Women and Men Ages 27 to 45 By Brian Shilhavy, June 30 2018

Gardasil vaccine manufacturer, Merck, announced earlier this month (June, 2018) that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted them a “Priority Review” to approve the dangerous and controversial Gardasil 9 vaccine to women and men, ages 27 to

Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Threat to World Peace By John Steinbach, June 30 2018

This carefully researched article by John Steinbach on Israel’s nuclear arsenal was first published by Global Research in March 2002.

“Should war break out in the Middle East again,… or should any Arab nation fire missiles against Israel, as the

Family of Man? Building Global Awareness By Jim Miles, June 30 2018

I frequently write about global politics following an interest in US foreign policy as it tends to strive towards global hegemony by one means or another.  Included in that are commentaries on Canada, my home country, and how we run

That Time the Media Cheered for Gestapo Immigration Tactics By James Bovard, June 30 2018
The Peril on Your Plate: the Human Health Effects of Genetic Engineering and Chemical Agriculture By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 30 2018

After being told by her doctor that genetically engineered (GE) food and pesticides could be responsible for her son’s food allergies, Ekaterina Yakovleva set out to investigate. Her quest for answers was captured by the Russian Times in the featured

Enforcing Dollar Hegemony: Only Thing New About Trump’s Economic Wars Are Tweets By F. William Engdahl, June 30 2018
The US economy since 1971 has been turned into a financial revenue source, in effect turning the US from a nation primarily producing industrial goods to one in which the sole aim of all investment is to make money from money.
America’s National Defense Strategy: U.S. Defense Secretary Mattis “Hawks Weapons and Hegemony” By Tony Cartalucci, June 30 2018

The International Institute for Strategic Studies’s (IISS) annual Shangri-La Dialogue brings together diplomats, ministers, and representatives from around the world to discuss Asian security.

Researchers at Western think tanks including from the IISS itself have been promoting this year’s forum …

Obrador and Mexico’s Watershed Election By Richard Roman and Edur Velasco Arregui, June 30 2018

Uncertainties, Contradictions and Struggle

The July 1 national election in Mexico is likely to be a watershed in Mexican history. The splintering of the three old parties, their unprincipled tactical electoral alliances across party boundaries, the rapid movement of key

“Trumpet to War”: Spectators and Pragmatists… at Their Own Execution By Philip A Farruggio, June 29 2018

The Military Industrial Empire has succeeded, ever since WW2. Our education system has incrementally been ‘dumbed down’ over these past decades. Our mainstream media is now a colorful prism of those terrible times during the Nazi and Stalinist eras. The

Voice Recognition Technology: U.K. Revenue and Customs (HMRC) Has Taken 5.1 Million Taxpayers’ Biometric Voiceprints Without Consent By True Publica, June 29 2018

Big Brother Watch has been investigating the collection of sensitive personal data by HM Revenue and Customs. Their investigation revealed that HMRC has taken 5.1 million taxpayers’ biometric voiceprints without their consent.

What is a ‘Voice ID’?

Voice ID …

Video: Government Forces Liberate Multiple Settlements in Southern Syria By South Front, June 29 2018

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the Tiger Forces and their allies have continued their successful operation against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the province of Daraa. They have liberated the town of al-Hirak, the villages

Did Sen. Warner and FBI Director Comey ‘Collude’ on Russia-gate? By Ray McGovern, June 29 2018

An explosive report by investigative journalist John Solomon on the opinion page of Monday’s edition of The Hill sheds a bright light on how Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) and then-FBI Director James Comey collaborated to prevent WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange

Australia, The Catholic Church in Resistance: Priests, Child Abuse, and Breaking the Seal of the Confessional By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 29 2018
Hong Kong’s Paradoxical “Independence” Movement By Tony Cartalucci, June 29 2018
India’s “Playing Hard to Get” with America by Letting the AIIB Fund China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) By Andrew Korybko, June 29 2018
The Philippines Tax Reform Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law Triggers Mass Poverty. A Calamity Worse Than Yolanda By Prof. Phoebe Zoe Maria Sanchez, June 29 2018
Borneo – Not Just Nature, But Also Great Ancient Culture Has Been Destroyed By Andre Vltchek, June 29 2018
Blair and Brown Governments Gory with Torture By Craig Murray, June 29 2018

Even I was taken aback by the sheer scale of British active involvement in extraordinary rendition revealed by yesterday’s report of the parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee. Dominic Grieve and the committee deserve congratulations for their honesty, integrity and above

Hassan al-Tamimi: Sightless Freedom By The Palestinian Information Center, June 29 2018

A few days ago, the inhabitants of Deir Nizam village, north of Ramallah, were shocked when they heard the news that one of the children of the village, Hassan al-Tamimi, 17, had lost his sight in Israeli jails as a

New House Bill Would Empower Donald Trump to Punish U.S. Companies that Boycott Israel By Alex Emmons, June 29 2018

The House Committee on Foreign Affairs unanimously passed a measure on Thursday that would give the Trump administration power to decide how to punish U.S. companies that engage in or promote boycotts of Israel — including through criminal penalties.

The …

Trump Administration’s Anti-Venezuela Crusade Meets Fresh Obstacles in Brazil By Cira Pascual Marquina, June 29 2018

As part of a tour of several Latin American countries, US Vice President Mike Pence visited Brazil on Tuesday and Wednesday seeking “stronger action” against Venezuela. However, in bilateral meetings with de facto President Michel Temer and other Brazilian officials,

Two Views of the Putin/Trump Summit By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 29 2018

The meeting that the Deep State strived to make impossible with fabricated “Russiagate” assertions and an orchestrated “investigation” by Mueller has now been set in place by no less that Deep State neocon operative John Bolton. Patrick Lang explains

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: No Deal, Mr. Trump By Gershon Baskin, June 29 2018

The Trump administration is preparing itself to present “the deal of the century” to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Trump emissaries Jared Kushner (Trump’s son-in-law) and Jason Greenblatt (one of Trump’s former business lawyers) recently visited the region and held high-level

Video: Mass Protests in Georgia, Geopolitical Standoff in Caucasus By J. Hawk, June 29 2018

NATO outpost in the Caucasus?

Georgia’s pro-Western course is in many respects a left-over from the 1990s, when alignment with the West and membership in its institutions was actively promoted as a cure-all for every problem ailing the country. Georgia’s

Venezuela – Towards an Economy of Resistance By Peter Koenig, June 29 2018

The Government of Venezuela called an international Presidential Economic Advisory Commission, 14-16 June, 2018 – to debate the current foreign injected economic disturbances and seeking solutions to overcome them. I was privileged and honored to be part of this commission.

Why No Outrage Over US Killing of Children? By Jacob G. Hornberger, June 29 2018

National outrage over President Trump’s policy of separating immigrant children from their parents as a way to deter illegal immigration into the United States has forced the president to abandon the policy. The outrage came from all sides of the

Suffer the Little Children By George Capaccio, June 29 2018

In the Gospels, the disciples of Jesus complain about folks who bring their kids with them to receive his blessings. But Jesus is not somebody who shuns the company of children. In response to his followers’ disapproval, he says, perhaps

Amid Trump’s War on Immigrants and Social Programs, Democrats Back Massive Pentagon Budget for War and Repression By Andre Damon, June 29 2018

Senate Democrats joined Republicans this week to approve a massive expansion of the US military as demanded by President Donald Trump. Congressional action on the near-record Pentagon budget is taking place behind a veil of silence, with no public

Video: The “New World Order”, A Recipe for War or Peace! By Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, and Yoichi Shimatsu, June 29 2018

The conference on The New World Order, A Recipe for War or Peace was held on March 9, 2015 at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC), Malaysia.

This event was organized by the Perdana Global Peace Foundation which is headed …

U.S. Militarization of the Indo-Pacific: The Expansion of Geopolitical Presence By Leonid Savin, June 29 2018

On May 30, US Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis announced that the Pacific Command was being renamed as the Indo-Pacific Command.

Thus the Pentagon’s largest (in a geographical sense) command has grown even more gigantic.

The new designation is …

The Crimean Tatar Card Is Being Played Again By Stephen Karganovic, June 28 2018

The Crimean Tatar writer and artist Diana Kadi recently wrote an open letter to Angela Merkel:

“I am the author of a novel about the Crimea. Since an information war is being waged of such intensity that propaganda and

No Migration Without Economic Exploitation. Why are Thousands of Central Americans Fleeing Violence and Economic Devastation? By Black Alliance for Peace, June 28 2018

Why are thousands of Central Americans fleeing violence and economic devastation and flocking to the United States? Because of the American dream? Because the streets are paved in gold?

If you’ve been following us over the past year, you know

Canadian Diplomat Launches Bold Attack on Trump and His Family Daring to Take Action No Other Country Has Dared By Samuel Warde, June 28 2018

Scott Gilmore has an extensive resume working as a diplomat, having served as a political officer for Global Affairs Canada, for the United Nations’ Office of the National Security Advisor, and as the Deputy Director for Asia for Canada’s Department

US Freezes Aid Funds to West Bank and Gaza By Maan News Agency, June 28 2018

The United States has frozen aid funds to the Palestinian Authority on Tuesday morning, according to Israeli Walla news.

The Hebrew language news outlet reporter that the aid has been suspended under the “Taylor Force Law,” which was passed in

The Seventh Exclusion and the “Muslim Ban”: Great Moments in American Racist Immigration History By Prof. Juan Cole, June 28 2018

Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – I had predicted after Trump’s announcement that he wanted to try to keep Muslims out of the United States that he might well have some success in that endeavor. Courts, as SCOTUS just showed once

As in India, US Farmers Caught in Crushing Agribusiness Debt Trap Turn to Suicide in Spiking Numbers By Whitney Webb, June 28 2018

Over a decade ago, a disturbing trend among farmers in India captured headlines, as suicides among Indian farmers began to spiral out of control. Many of those farmers were indebted to giant agribusiness corporations like Monsanto, which – after

Sergev Lavrov
‘We Don’t Need the West’: Assad to Ban Foreign Money from Syria Reconstruction By RT News, June 28 2018

Syria will not allow Western investors to step into the rebuilding of war-damaged country as they only come to “take” from foreign economies, Syria’s Bashar Assad told Russian media, adding he will seek friendly aid instead.

The US and its

Help Us Redress the Balance: Keep World News Unchained By Global Research News, June 28 2018

Dear Readers,

We are raising money in order to cover our monthly operational costs. We want to continue to bring you cutting edge independent research and analysis, but we can’t do it without your help. We are currently facing …

The United States Withdraws from the World By Philip Giraldi, June 28 2018

The United States has decided to no longer participate in the United Nations 47-member Human Rights Council (UNHRC). The number one reason cited by U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley was that the council is unfairly critically focused on Israel. The United

Federal Judge Orders Unwanted Alien Families Reunited By Stephen Lendman, June 28 2018

The order reflects a window of justice, perhaps a pyrrhic triumph – way overshadowed by Trump regime, congressional hardliners, and Supreme Court harshness, hostile to unwanted aliens, uncaring about constitutionally guaranteed due process and equal protection rights – mandated for

Video: Syrian Army Clears 5,200km2 of ISIS Cells By South Front, June 28 2018

Syrian government forces have cleared over 5,200km2 of the Deir Ezzor desert of ISIS cells, the Syrian General Command said on June 27.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies launched a military operation in the area on June …

Jeremy Corbyn: A Devil in Israel, a Hero to the Arabs By Ali Saadah, June 28 2018

Featured image: UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn visits Baqa’a, the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Jordan, on 23 June 2018 [File photo]

Israel is seeking with all its weight and supportive lobby to demonise Jeremy Corbyn. He is

Nakba, The “Palestinian Catastrophe”: May 15, 1948 By Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh and Massoud Nayeri, June 28 2018

2018 is the 70th anniversary of the Nakba (Palestinian catastrophe) which started before the state of Israel was created and continues today.

In 1948, 1.4 million Palestinians lived in 1,300 Palestinian towns and villages all over historical Palestine. More than

What is Political Art? What Makes Art Political? By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, June 28 2018

It is very difficult to define political art. Views on what makes art political can range from the idea that all art is political (i.e. it either implicitly supports or explicitly opposes the status quo) to pointing out, for example,

Attacking the Rights of Workers: The U.S. Supreme Court Hides Behind the First Amendment By Bill Fletcher Jr., June 28 2018

There is nothing about the U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision in Janus v. AFSCME to overturn 41 years of precedent and declare that agency fee/fair share is unconstitutional that surprised me. Watching the tendency of the conservative majority it would

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s 13-year Premiership Now Under Threat By Hans Stehling, June 28 2018

Angela Merkel’s continued position as chancellor now appears untenable as a result of two significant policy failures. 

1. Europe’s migration crisis in which Merkel played a pivotal role by admitting over one million refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, …

Selected Articles: Anti-Muslim Bigotry Is Now US Law By Global Research News, June 28 2018

Global Research is independent in the true sense of the word. We don’t receive funding from war-makers and “banksters”, therefore our news is free of corporate agendas. This is only possible thanks to our readers who show their commitment to

Sanctions Bite, and Iran Hasn’t Forgotten By Andrew Korybko, June 28 2018

Take off the “feel good” Alt-Media glasses and face the facts, sanctions are very successful in inflicting Hybrid War harm against victimized states, which is an “inconvenient reality” that Iran’s being reminded of right now.

Contrary to the “politically correct” …

I Heard the News Today, Oh Boy… Canada’s Military Involvement in “Troubled Areas of the World” By Jim Miles, June 28 2018

Two international items in the news this week highlight, by its absence, an underlying feature of reporting events in ‘troubled’ areas of the world. That absence is simply the historical background of each event.

Canada in Mali

Canada is maintaining …

Iran’s Chabahar Port Is Where Asian and Middle Eastern Rivalries Collide By James M. Dorsey, June 28 2018

Iran’s Indian-back port of Chabahar, inaugurated months before the United States re-imposed sanctions on the Islamic republic, is where Asia and the Middle East’s multiple political conflicts and commercial rivalries collide.

Chabahar was destined to become a player in

Neocolonialism and the “Migrant Crisis” By Manlio Dinucci, June 28 2018
These movements are being represented by a cliché – that of the “rich countries” obliged to suffer the growing migratory pressure of the “poor countries”.
Equal Justice in America: A Meaningless Figure of Speech By Stephen Lendman, June 28 2018

Injustice in America is deep-seated. It’s politicized – the poor, people of color, Muslims and others disadvantaged are denied constitutionally guaranteed due process and equal justice under law with disturbing regularity.

The world’s largest gulag prison system by far is

The U.S. Is a Failed State By Paul Yesse, June 28 2018
Influence on Hollywood by the military exploits and glorifies violence and is a major propaganda tool. Video games, supported by the military and corporate interests, teach young people that killing is fun. A major purpose of the military is to provide the muscle for stealing other nations’ resources.
Supreme Court Upholds Trump’s Travel Ban By Stephen Lendman, June 27 2018

Trump is militantly hostile to Muslims and nations targeted for regime change.

His policies speak for themselves, waging war on multiple Muslim-majority countries, banning entry to America from designated countries.

His policy has nothing to do with protecting national security, …

What’s Really Behind Anti-China Protests in Vietnam? By Joseph Thomas, June 27 2018

US and European media outlets reported anti-Chinese protests across Vietnam. Claims regarding numbers varied greatly from several hundred to others claiming several thousand. The Western media was particularly careful not to mention the names of any of the individuals or