Global Research News

Murder on the Beach: British-backed Wars Helped Create Tunisian Killer By Mark Curtis, July 10 2018

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Three years ago on 26 June, a 23-year-old Tunisian armed with a machine gun mowed down 38 tourists at a beach hotel in the resort of Port El Kantaoui. Thirty British

A Neoconservative Plan for Punishing Iran By Philip Giraldi, July 10 2018

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President Donald Trump makes a point of insisting that he has nothing against the Iranian people and is only interested in opposing what he regards as the dangerous activities of their

Soft Brexits and Hard Realities: The Tory Revolt By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 10 2018

It was meant to be an away day at Chequers in total hermetic isolation, an effort on the part of UK Prime Minister Theresa May to sketch some common ground in a cabinet that has struggled to agree on much

Nuclear Weapons Have Been Used Quite Regularly By Shane Quinn, July 10 2018

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The world famous American outlaws, John Dillinger and Alphonse Capone, would have quickly understood the thinking behind their country’s nuclear weapons policy. In the post-World War II era, successive United

Secret US 2006 Government Document Reveals Plan to Destabilize Syria by Using Extremists, Muslim Brotherhood, Elections By Brandon Turbeville, July 10 2018

As the Syrian government makes massive gains across the country, many are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel for the Western destabilization and attempt to destroy the secular government of Syria by the United States

Video: Eva Bartlett on Syria, Israeli violence in Gaza By Eva Bartlett and Michael Welch, July 09 2018

Award-winning Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett has visited Syria eight times since April 2014, her most recent visit occurring in late April and May of 2018, following the alleged chemical weapons attacks by Syrian forces against civilians in Douma, and reprisals

Ethnic Cleansing at the Khan Al-Ahmar Palestinian Community By Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, July 09 2018

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It breaks my heart to think that Khan Al-Ahmar Palestinian community will likely be ethnically cleansed in two days. Today we went there and also demonstrated at Al-Eizariya where Israel wants

Selected Articles: The Demonization of Iran at the UN Security Council By Global Research News, July 09 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


America’s Muslim Ban Is Still Not Enough Bigotry for the Roberts Court By Ryan Suto, July 09 2018

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Yesterday the Supreme Court ruled in Trump v. Hawai’i, the Muslim Ban case. By a vote of 5-4 the Court handed a significant victory to the Trump Administration. The decision

Balfour’s Britain and the Gaza Internment Camp in This Summer By Dr. David Halpin, July 09 2018

Britain has been baking in an unusual heat wave for some weeks.  32 Celsius is forecast today.  The pastures are brown but the reservoirs still healthy from a wet winter.  Carbon dioxide for the large variety of drinks has almost

Fighting for Survival: Whither Modern Civilization? By Amir Nour, July 09 2018

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones” – (Albert Einstein) 

A red alert in an age of fear, anger and extremes

In anticipation of

Hundreds More Immigrant Children Detained Than Previously Reported By Eric London, July 09 2018

On Thursday, Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Alex Azar told reporters that the number of immigrant children separated from their parents was around 3,000—50 percent higher than the 2,000 previously reported. Many of these children have been separated

Reporting Hate Crimes: The Arab American Experience By James J. Zogby, July 09 2018

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Next week, the Arab American Institute Foundation will release a comprehensive study on anti-Arab hate crimes in the US. The result of eight months of work, “Underreported, Under Threat: Hate Crime

The Stain of Britain’s Part in Torture and Rendition Will Never Wash Away By Sam Raphael and Prof. Ruth Blakeley, July 09 2018

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The long-awaited reports of the investigation by the UK Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) into Detainee Mistreatment and Rendition between 2001 and 2010 have finally been published. We ourselves have

“An Absolute Bombshell”: Brexit Ministers Davis, Baker & Braverman Quit in Blow to Theresa May By Zero Hedge, July 09 2018

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Update 4: A second junior Brexit minister has resigned – Suella Bravermanm MP for Fareham. This leaves just two of the five person Brexit team remaining.


Update 3: Here is …

Ontario Election 2018: Right-Wing Populism Prevails Over Moderate Social Democracy By Matt Fodor, July 09 2018

In the June 7 provincial election, Ontario politics took a sharp turn to the right as the Progressive Conservatives (PCs), under the leadership of the populist businessman and former Toronto city councillor Doug Ford, steamrolled to a majority government.

Pompeo’s “Unilateral Gangster Mindset”: Transcript of DPRK Statement Regarding North Korea – U.S. High-level Talks in Pyongyang By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 09 2018

The Western media has provided scanty coverage of the DPRK position, upholding the absurd proposition that North Korea rather than the USA is a threat to Global Security. 

The accusation of “Unilateral Gangster Mindset” is not directed against President Trump.

The Demonization of Iran at the UN Security Council By Carla Stea, July 09 2018

On June 27, the Security Council was briefed on the “Fifth report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of Security Council resolution 2231.”  The report, which was short on corroborated fact and long on insinuation  resembled an attempt at demonization

Mexico: AMLO to Seek Negotiated Peace in Drug War By Telesur, July 09 2018

Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador‘s transition team unveiled a plan Friday to shake up the fight against crime, including reduced jail time but stiffer controls on weapons, as the country reels from a militarized drug war.

The concept …

Flashback to the Greek Debt Bailout Referendum: When ‘No’ Became a ‘Yes’ By Tasos Kokkinidis, July 09 2018

On the third anniversary of the referendum to decide whether Greece was to accept the bailout conditions imposed by its creditors, the political landscape of the country looks so much different.

Former firebrands Alexis Tsipras and his SYRIZA-led government which …

Nicaragua, Unraveling a Plot By Francisco Arias Fernández, July 09 2018

AS early as 2016, talk of war against Nicaragua could again be heard in Miami, at a time when the streets of this nation were a regional example of security, peace, and prosperity, where a hardworking, tranquil people proudly enjoyed

The Gaza Blockade Is Illegal– and So Is the Use of Force to Maintain It By Norman Finkelstein, July 09 2018

Featured image: Sari Bashi of Human Rights Watch, from her twitter feed.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) is among the leading guardians of human rights in the world. Sari Bashi is HRW’s Israel/Palestine Advocacy Director. She can lay claim to an

Skripal 2.0: It’s High Time for the British Government to Explain Itself – Here’s 10 Easy Questions to Help Them Out By Rob Slane, July 09 2018

In his statement to the House of Commons on 5th July, the British Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, stated the following:

“The use of chemical weapons anywhere is barbaric and inhumane. The decision taken by the Russian government to deploy

New Poll: Europeans Reject US Nuclear Weapons on Own Soil By International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, July 09 2018

On the first anniversary of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), new YouGov polling commissioned by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) has found an overwhelming rejection of nuclear weapons.  The poll was conducted

How Dangerous Is New EPA Chief Andrew Wheeler? Very. Here’s Why. By Derrick Z. Jackson, July 09 2018

With Scott Pruitt’s resignation as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency amid a slew of ethics scandals, environmentalists who long campaigned for his ouster should be careful what they wished for.

That is because the acting administrator of the …

The UK’s Top 10 Political Scandals Series: The Last 100 Years By True Publica, July 09 2018

The criteria used for this research of political scandals covers a period from 1918 to the present day. In the last 100 years there have been 8 Conservative, 7 Labour and 2 Coalition governments. A period covering 1931 to 1945

Trump Sidelined as UN Security Council Plus Germany Meet Iran’s Rouhani in Vienna By Prof. Juan Cole, July 09 2018

The five foreign ministers, minus US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, of the countries signatory to the 2015 Iran deal on curbing its civilian nuclear enrichment program, will meet in Vienna on Friday to explore ways of preserving the

Agrarian Crisis and Climate Catastrophe: Forged in India, Made in Washington By Colin Todhunter, July 09 2018
Trump Regime Remains Adversarial Toward North Korea By Stephen Lendman, July 09 2018

Washington doesn’t negotiate. It demands, wanting all other nations bowing to its will – Trump and neocons infesting his regime more hardline than their predecessors.

From Truman to Trump, 13 US presidents maintained an uneasy armistice with North Korea instead …

Militants Threaten China’s OBOR Initiative in Myanmar By Tony Cartalucci, July 09 2018
Five Years Since the Suspension of Proactive Recommendation of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine in Japan By National Attorneys Association for the HPV Vaccines Lawsuits in Japan, July 09 2018
The Hidden History of the Women Who Rose Up By John Pilger, July 09 2018
Washington’s Message to North Korea: Denuclearize, Accept Neoliberalism and the “Vietnam Miracle”. Meanwhile Kim Remains on the “CIA Assassination List” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 09 2018
Back in October 2017, Pompeo hinted in no uncertain terms when he was head of the CIA: “If Kim Jong-un suddenly dies, don’t ask me about it … With respect, if Kim Jong-un should vanish, given the history of the CIA, I’m just not going to talk about it"
Football, Politicians, Hypocrisy and Lies By Richard Galustian, July 08 2018

Not one UK official nor anyone from the British Embassy was in the stadium to see England’s decisive win against Sweden on Saturday afternoon. It exemplifies British politicians utter contempt for their public.

I predict if the British Government are …

Ex-CIA Officer: US Sanctions on China Over Trade with Iran May Trigger Chaos By Sputnik, July 08 2018

Any move by US President Donald Trump to threaten economic sanctions on China for its trade with Iran could set off global chaos as support for such moves among US allies in Europe evaporates, former CIA officer Phil Giraldi told

Tribute to Robert Parry: Investigative Journalist and Patriot. Challenging the New McCarthyism By Rick Sterling, July 08 2018

Robert (Bob) Parry was born in 1949 and died suddenly from pancreatic cancer in January 2018. An enthusiastic tribute to him and his work was recently held in Berkeley California. A video of the event is online here. 

Although …

NED Pursues Regime Change by Playing the Long Game By Dr. Edward Hunt, July 08 2018

Featured image: Carl Gershman

During a recent congressional hearing, the heads of three influential non-profit organizations that operate in numerous countries around the world revealed the subtle ways in which the United States meddles in the internal affairs of

Interim OPCW Report on Alleged April 7th Gas Attack in Syria Indicates No Evidence Yet of Any Such Attack By Eric Zuesse, July 08 2018

On Friday July 6th, the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which is tasked to determine whether there was a gas or other chemical attack on April 7th in Douma Syria (and which alleged occurrence the U.S., French

Dubious OPCW Report on Douma False Flag Chemical Weapon Incident By Stephen Lendman, July 08 2018

The OPCW long ago lost credibility, functioning as a pro-Western imperial tool, violating core Chemical Weapons Convention provisions it’s sworn to observe and uphold.

Its reports on Syria have been one-sided, objectivity abandoned, likely on orders from Washington and Brussels.

The “Dirty Work” of the International Monetary Fund, Lays the Groundwork for Worldwide Financial Conquest By Prof. James Petras, July 08 2018
The criminal behavior of IMF executives is not an anomaly or hindrance to their selection. On the contrary, they were selected because they reflect the values, interests and behavior of the global financial elite
Indefinite Detention of Migrants Violates International Law By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, July 08 2018

Pursuant to its “zero-tolerance” policy, the Trump administration separated some 2,300 migrant children from their parents at the US-Mexico border since May 5, 2018. Widespread international condemnation ensued. On June 26, a federal judge in San Diego ordered the government

OPCW Investigating Accusations that Syrian Government Used Nerve Gas or Chemical Weapon in Douma By Eva Bartlett, July 08 2018

On July 6, the OPCW—the body charged with investigating the accusations that Syria had used a nerve agent or other chemical weapon in Douma, Syria—reported that “no organophosphorous nerve agents” were detected in the prioritized samples they had taken, including

Washington’s Latest Myths, Lies and Oil Wars. “A Coherent Strategy to Promote Disruption in Key Oil Flows” By F. William Engdahl, July 08 2018

As American motorists complain of rising gasoline prices, the Trump Administration and the oil and banking interests behind it are smiling on their way to the proverbial bank. If we look at seeming disparate events in Iran, in Venezuela and

North Korea Thinks Pompeo Has Reneged on the Deal By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 08 2018

Pyongyang has voiced its regret over America’s attitude during high-level talks with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and accused Washington of seeking unilateral and forced denuclearization from North Korea.

“We were expecting the US… to come up with

Russia’s Hypersonic Weapons: Dismantles the Myth of the American Navy’s Invincibility By Valentin Vasilescu, July 08 2018

This article first published June 2016 provides an insight into Russia’s military doctrine. It points to the nature of  the weapons systems which would be used by Russia in response to a US-NATO military operation directed against the Russian Federation. …

“Peace Negotiator” Mike Pompeo: There is a CIA Plot to Assassinate Kim Jong-un? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 08 2018
In May 2017, the DPRK accused the CIA (headed by Mike Pompeo) and the ROK's spy agency, of "a failed plot to assassinate Kim Jong-un. Neither the CIA nor the White House responded to these accusations. While press reports acknowledged the CIA's "long history" of political assassinations, the DPRK's accusations were casually dismissed.
Anti-Russian Hysteria and the Collapse of East-West Relations: An Open Letter to the People of Britain By Vasily Livanov, July 08 2018

As with many of my compatriots, there are many things about Britain and the British people that I admire. As someone whose whole life has been linked with literature, cinema and theatre, I have the greatest appreciation for English literature

Venezuela: Was Another World Possible? By Julia Buxton and Michael Welch, July 08 2018

“What we’re seeing is a reversal, complete erosion, of all of the gains that were made during this phase in the mid 2000s. Poverty is up, inequality is up, and these are for me extremely serious concerns which are simply

Why’s Iran so Desperate for Europe to Save the Nuclear Deal? Moscow-Tehran Relations By Andrew Korybko, July 07 2018

Iran’s insistence that Europe do more to preserve the nuclear deal suggests that it’s worried about becoming too strategically dependent on Russia in the coming future and is anxious to find a “balancing” partner before that happens.

Iranian President Rouhani …

The Refugee Crisis and the Mediterranean Sea – The Largest Graveyard in Modern History By Peter Koenig, July 07 2018

In June 2018 alone, more than 500 refugees drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. Their boats were refused access to land in either Malta, or Italy. They were force-driven back by gun-boats to the North African shores they came from, mostly

Pakistan’s Financial Crisis Puts China’s Belt and Road on the Spot By James M. Dorsey, July 07 2018

Increased Pakistani dependence on China to help it avert resorting to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to avoid a financial and economic crisis spotlights fears that the terms of Chinese investment in massive Belt and Road-related projects would not pass

90 Years After Che Guevara’s Birth By Prof Susan Babbitt, July 07 2018

Last week was the 90th anniversary of Che Guevara’s birth. He was a revolutionary and a doctor. Most importantly, he was a philosopher. He had ideas, needed today. Che argued with the Soviets about human motivation. He said

Britain’s Most Censored Stories: Military By True Publica, July 07 2018

In this article, we have attempted to identify the most censored stories of modern times in Britain. We have asked the opinions of one of the most famous and celebrated journalists and documentary film-makers of our time, a high-profile former

NATO’s Dead? By Andrew Korybko, July 07 2018

NATO, as the world knew it, is dead, and the organization’s demise is attributable to the combination of President Putin deft diplomacy in advancing the Russian-Turkish rapprochement and his American counterpart’s revolutionary reconceptualization of the very essence of the alliance,

Video: Syrian Army Retakes Multiple Points on Border with Jordan By South Front, July 07 2018

The military operation of government forces in southern Syria was once again resumed after the Damascus government and local militants groups had failed to reach any kind of fully-fledged reconciliation agreement that would allow to settle the situation in the

Trump Regime’s Trade War with China Heats Up By Stephen Lendman, July 07 2018

Washington demands all other countries bow to its will. That’s how imperialism works, diabolically pursuing what’s harmful to most people worldwide.

Endless wars of aggression, financial wars, currency wars, sanctions wars, bloody coups, color revolutions, political assassinations, and other hostile

Khan al-Ahmar: Israel’s Top Court Freezes Demolition of Palestinian Village By Middle East Eye, July 07 2018

Israel’s Supreme Court ordered late on Thursday a pause on the demolition of the Palestinian Bedouin town of Khan al-Ahmar in the occupied West Bank, Israeli media outlets reported.

Israel has faced mounting international condemnation as its security forces continued …

China and the Restoration of Capitalism. The Largest Cheap Labor Factory in the World By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 07 2018
China’s 287 million internal migrant workers are employed in the cheap labor export economy, construction and urban service economy. They are the driving force behind the development of infrastructure, roads and transport network not to mention the PRC’s “Belt and Road” Eurasian trade and investment initiative.
“Imperialism on Trial” in the United Kingdom By Global Research News, July 07 2018

Imperialism will be on Trial in the UK in a series of Conference events in July.  

These events bring together an array of speakers from the world of politics, academia, journalism, former diplomats and clergy to offer their insights and

Biased Algorithms and Online Censorship: Protect the Independent Media By The Global Research Team, July 07 2018

Dear Readers,

“For much of this year, independent media –including Global Research– has felt the sting of increased online censorship”, in the form of a “crackdown on news that challenges official government narratives.”

With mounting time and resources being dedicated

Adam Garrie: The White Helmets and Western Governments’ Effort to Publicly Rehabilitate al-Qaeda By Adam Garrie, July 06 2018

This incisive article by Adam Garrie was first published in September 2017

Adam Garrie will be speaking at a series of events in the UK (10-16 July) together with Peter Ford (former UK Ambassador to Syria and Bahrain), Eva Bartlett

Eva Bartlett: Torture, Starvation, Executions: Eastern Ghouta Civilians Talk of Life Under Terrorist Rule By Eva Bartlett, July 06 2018

Eva Bartlett will be speaking in a series of Conference venues next week in the U.K. alongside several other prominent authors including Peter Ford (former UK Ambassador to Syria and Bahrain),  Professor Peter Kuznick (Co-Author with Oliver Stone, Untold …

Peter Kuznick: The Untold History of US War Crimes By Peter Kuznick and Edu Montesanti, July 06 2018
Prof Peter Kuznick speaks of: the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagazaki; US crimes and lies behind the Vietnam war; why the US engaged a Cold War with the Soviet Union, and how that war and the mainstream media influences the world today
The World Hates Trump – and the US Needs to Know By Salman Shaheen, July 06 2018

This article was published in January 2016, a year before the inauguration of Donald Trump as president of the United States.

Who the US elects is the world’s business, and our people and Parliament have every right to take a

Netanyahu Regime Cuts Off Funds to Palestinians By Stephen Lendman, July 06 2018

When it comes to fundamental Palestinians rights, Netanyahu operates like a tinpot despot.

His hardline coalition partners ruthlessly oppress a long-beleaguered people unaccountably, Gazans suffering most.

Newly enacted Knesset legislation permits withholding millions of dollars of welfare payments made by

Rescues, Caves and Celebrity Salvation By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 06 2018

It all risks becoming pornographic, looped and re-run with an obsessive eye for updates and detail about despair and hope.  The twenty-four hour news cycle tends to encourage this sort of thing, ever desperate for snippets, obsessively chasing the update. 

Selected Articles: UK Russophobia: Novichok 2.0 By Global Research News, July 06 2018

For almost seventeen years, Global Research, together with partner independent media organizations, has sought Truth in Media with a view to eventually “disarming” the corporate media’s disinformation crusade.

To reverse the tide, we call upon our readers to participate in

UK Mounts Fresh Offensive Against Russia Following Second Alleged Novichok Poisoning By Chris Marsden, July 06 2018

Britain’s Conservative government has used a second alleged novichok nerve agent poisoning incident in the Salisbury area of England to launch a fresh provocation against Russia.

Based solely on previous and unproven accusations that the Putin regime was responsible for …

We’re Protesting Trump’s Visit by Flying an Inflatable Trump Baby Over London By Leo Murray, July 06 2018

We all have the odd laugh-or-cry moment, and nations are no exception. Trump’s visit to the UK this month is just such a moment.

Theresa May practically fell over herself to invite the orange sex pest here, despite nearly two

Blaming Iran for the Sufferings of Yemenis Is Laughable By M.A. Saki, July 06 2018

The new U.S. leadership is resorting to every ploys and lies to demonize Iran. The new project of Iranophobia has intensified since Pompeo confirmed as secretary of state in late April. He seems to be superseding in animosity against Iran

Iran oil, US sanctions
Iran Looks to Barter Oil as U.S. Sanctions Bite By Tsvetana Paraskova, July 06 2018

Faced with the return of U.S. sanctions, Iran is studying a revival of a plan to barter crude oil for goods, possibly resuming the scheme that it used to try to blunt the impact of the previous round of sanctions

A No Man’s Land: Travelling Around the West Bank After Nine Years By CJ Weaver, July 06 2018

Featured image: Palestine’s green spaces are disappearing amid Israel’s settlement expansion and Palestinian construction [CJ Weaver]

It seems the lines of Israeli military occupation in 2018 have blurred across the West Bank to almost a permanent loss of vision for
FBI Goes Trumpian, Hypes Imaginary Terrorism Threat as Fake News By William Boardman, July 06 2018

“Protecting our citizens and our nation remains the Justice Department’s top priority,” U.S. Attorney [Justin] Herdman said. “This defendant plotted and scouted locations in downtown Cleveland for an attack on July 4th, when he knew it would be packed with

The Skripals and a New Novichok Affair: No End in Sight? By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, July 06 2018

There was another Novichok attack on a couple that was found unconsciously at their British home in Amesbury, UK, close to Salisbury where the Skripals were found sleeping on a park bench after being attacked by a nerve agent.

Canadian Student Arrested by Israeli Forces for Protesting Israeli Demolition of Palestinian Village By Independent Jewish Voices, July 06 2018

Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) is dismayed to learn that a Canadian student has been arrested by Israeli forces for protesting the impending demolition of the Palestinian-Bedouin village of Khan Al-Ahmar in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Michaela Lavis, 21, …

It’s Not Just Trump, China’s Also Making the WTO Irrelevant By Andrew Korybko, July 06 2018

China’s pioneering initiative to institutionalize trade rules and dispute mechanisms for its New Silk Road is especially impactful in making the World Trade Organization irrelevant in and of itself, but when combined with Trump’s recent moves away from this globalist

The Balkanization of South America By Peter Koenig, July 06 2018

During the recent meeting in Caracas of the Venezuelan Presidential Economic Advisory Commission, in mid-June 2018, President Maduro said something extremely interesting, but also extremely disturbing – nonetheless highly important for the region to be aware of.

Mr. Maduro mentioned

Russiagate: Senate Intelligence Committee Believes Americans Voted for Trump because Putin influenced them to Vote for “Russia’s Candidate” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 06 2018

Are you stupid enough to believe that American voters elected Trump president because Vladimir Putin influenced them to vote for Russia’s candidate? The US Senate Intelligence (sic) Committee is that stupid. This collection of nitwits actually produced a report that

Novichok Hoax 2.0? By Stephen Lendman, July 06 2018

Another alleged UK novichok poisoning incident is red meat for Russophobic Western officialdom, so-called experts enlisted to serve them, and supportive media pundits, – virtually always going along with the official narrative no matter how outlandish or unlawful.

According to …

The Sports of Kings By Philip A Farruggio, July 05 2018

Being a horseracing aficionado, this writer knows that the title of my column has always pertained to it. They called it the ‘Sport of Kings’ because it was the super rich, especially royalty, that owned (and still do)  most of