Global Research News

Deal with US-Supported Terrorists to Surrender. Symbolic Flag Raising in Daraa, Syria By Stephen Lendman, July 14 2018

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AMN News reported the important news.

Following a deal reached by Syrian forces with US-supported terrorists in Daraa to surrender their heavy weapons in return for safe passage to Idlib province,

Indictment of 12 Russian Military Intelligence Officers: Trump Should Fire Rosenstein Immediately By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 14 2018

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Does Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s indictment of 12 Russian military intelligence officers for allegedly hacking Hillary’s emails and interfering in the US election have any purpose other than to

The Media’s Brazen Dishonesty About North Korean Nuclear Violations By Gareth Porter, July 14 2018

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Featured image: President Trump and North Korean President Kim Jong Un shake hands in summit room, June 12, 2018. (Office of the President of the United States/Public Domain)

In late June

Tariq Ramadan: Oxford Professor, Detention Without Trial By Elma Berisha, July 14 2018

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When Tariq Ramadan, the respected Oxford Professor of Islamic Studies, voluntarily flew from London to Paris to be questioned over rape allegations, which he vehemently denied and for which evidence is

China’s Military Interests Along the Silk Road Stretch From Sea To Shining Sea By Andrew Korybko, July 14 2018

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Leaked Chinese military documents purport that the People’s Liberation Army will seek to expand its presence across the world in order to defend its Silk Road interests.

The Japan Times was …

Video: Syrian Army Liberated Daraa City By South Front, July 14 2018

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In the evening of July 12th, units of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Russian Military Police entered the southern, militant-held part of Daraa city de-facto restoring the

The Callousness of the Corporate Military Empire By Philip A Farruggio, July 14 2018

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Sharon Lerner recently did a great piece for The Intercept Website on a DuPont Corporation armaments factory in southern New Jersey. This location had been contaminating the area around it since

Selected Articles: Global Economic and Geopolitical Crisis By Global Research News, July 13 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Trump Regime 10% Tariffs on $200 Billion Worth of Chinese Goods By Stephen Lendman, July 13 2018

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On Tuesday, his trade representative Robert Lighthizer released a list of $10% tariffs to be imposed on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods.

A senior Trump regime official falsely said it’s

Falling Short: An Analysis of the Reporting of UK Drone Strikes by the MoD By Chris Cole, July 13 2018

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Drone Wars is today publishing ‘Falling Short: An analysis of the reporting of UK drone strikes by the MoD‘. Since the beginning of air attacks against ISIS in Iraq

Trump Is Seeding War Clouds Over Iran By Michael S. Rozeff, July 13 2018

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Trump and Pompeo are squeezing Iran where it hurts. They are trying to prevent Iran from selling oil internationally. They are applying maximum pressure upon Iran. This is overt. It is

The Holes in the Official Skripal Story By Craig Murray, July 13 2018

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In my last post I set out the official Government account of the events in the Skripal Case. Here I examine the credibility of this story. Next week I shall look

Trump’s Trying to Save Brexit by Provoking a “Deep State” Coup Against May By Andrew Korybko, July 13 2018

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Trump’s direct intervention in the domestic political affairs of the UK is as naked, obnoxious, and unavoidable as the Trump baby balloon that Sadiq Khan allowed to fly over the city

The Globalist Elite Fears Peace, Wants War By Federico Pieraccini, July 13 2018

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The announced meeting between Trump and Putin has already produced a good result by revealing the hypocrisy of the media and politicians. The meeting has been branded as the greatest danger

EU Not Ending Greek Crisis, They End Greece By F. William Engdahl, July 13 2018

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With great fanfare at the end of June, the 19 EU Eurozone finance ministers announced the end to the eight-year-long Greek debt crisis that brought the entire Euro structure into its

Empire of Misery: America Sees War as the Solution By Hugo Turner, July 13 2018

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The empire of Chaos (America) is in full advance across the globe but has suffered yet another humiliating defeat in Syria along with its criminal ally Israel whose endless threats and

Optogenetics: A New Technology To Control The Human Brain. Will People Prevent the Rise of A “New Totality”? By Mojmir Babacek, July 13 2018

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The USA and the European Union invested in the past years billions of dollars and euros in brain research. Perfect maps of the brain were developed thanks to this research, including

Haiti Fights On. Rising Fuel Prices Trigger Mass Poverty By Philip Linder, July 13 2018

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Media blackout?

As much as the Mainstream Media (MSM) loves to feast upon sensational stories of chaos and unrest, little coverage has been allotted to the ongoing crisis in Haiti except

Confronting the Global Power Elite By Thomas H. Greco, Jr., July 13 2018

The world today is controlled by a small elite group that has been increasingly concentrating power and wealth in their own hands. There are many observable facets to this power structure, including the military security complex that president Eisenhower warned

Trade War
What’s Behind the Trade War? Lashing Out At Allies, Confronting China By Prof. David Kotz, July 13 2018

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President Trump slaps tariffs on imports from many of the US’s traditional allies, condemning their leaders for unfair treatment. The mainstream media warns of the erosion of the global order.

President …
The Srebrenica Massacre was a Gigantic Political Fraud By Edward S. Herman and John Robles, July 13 2018

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23 Years ago: 11 July 1995, The Srebrenica Massacre

First published by GR in February 2013.

Renowned author Dr. Edward Herman spoke with John Robles of the Voice of Russia regarding

Today’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, July 13 2018
Israel Is Bulldozing Khan Al Ahmar – and with It the Two-State Solution By Jonathan Cook, July 13 2018

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Israel finally built an access road to the West Bank village of Khan Al Ahmar last week, after half a century of delays. But the only vehicles allowed along it are

Stomping in Britain: Donald Trump and May’s Brexit By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 13 2018

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What a rotten guest, but then again, that was to be expected.  Ahead of his visit to Britain, there was some indignation that US President Donald Trump should even be visiting

Video: Syrian Army Retakes More Villages in Southern Syria By South Front, July 13 2018

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies regained the areas of Tafas, Yadudah and Tal Ashary in the northwestern countryside of Daraa after militants there had surrendered. Units of the

Delivering the Facts on the Unreported, Under-reported or Downright Manipulated By The Global Research Team, July 12 2018

Time and again, we have seen how deceptive reports have sent the West headlong into conflict after conflict: Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, … the list is long and growing.

Many media portals exist proclaiming

Selected Articles: Ireland in Solidarity with Palestine By Global Research News, July 12 2018

For almost seventeen years, Global Research, together with partner independent media organizations, has sought Truth in Media with a view to eventually “disarming” the corporate media’s disinformation crusade.

To reverse the tide, we call upon our readers to participate in

The War on Syria: Driving Home the Truth and the Need to Act Now By Mark Taliano, July 12 2018
The war on Syria is remarkable on many levels. One of these levels is the success of Western propagandists to prevent the truth from attaining widespread acceptance. The truth is rarely accepted, even when admissions of culpability in the highest of crimes comes from credible Western sources
NATO: Trudeau Will Have to Put Canada’s Military Where His Mouth Is By Nino Pagliccia, July 12 2018

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At the NATO meeting going on in Brussels (July 11-12), Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tries to outsmart the US master of deception, Donald Trump, with old-fashioned Canadian rhetoric. [1]

British Collusion and Criminality. Triggering Anti-Russian Sentiment. Creating a Pretext for War? By Margaret Kimberley, July 12 2018

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“Collusion continues not between Trump and Russians, but between intelligence agencies, the media and American politicians with hidden agendas.”

Most people believe that Donald Trump owes his presidency to Russian activity …

July 2018 Sets the Scene for the World in the 21st Century? By Richard Galustian, July 12 2018

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Historians may say in the future that July 2018 was one of the most significant months, not only the fact that 2018, the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1, being

NATO Is a Con Game By Raúl Ilargi Meijer, July 12 2018

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Okay, well, Trump did it again. Antagonizing allies. This time it was Germany that took the main hit, over the fact that it pays Russia billions of dollars for oil and

NATO Summit Declaration. Hostile to Russia, Signed by All Member States By Stephen Lendman, July 12 2018

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Following day-one of July 11 and 12 summit talks in Brussels, NATO issued a declaration, signed by all member state leaders, including Trump and Turkey’s Erdogan.

It’s unacceptably hostile to Russia

As Trump Threatens End of NATO Alliance, UK Defence and Security at Risk Given Israeli Involvement? By Hans Stehling, July 12 2018

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The British government, having ignored warnings about the wisdom of allowing the non-EU, non-NATO member, Israel, to be a contractor to the UK Ministry of Defence, now faces the possibility of

Seanad Éireann in Solidarity with Palestine: Irish Senate Votes in Favour of Occupied Territories Bill By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, July 12 2018

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Yesterday the Irish Seanad voted in favour of the Occupied Territories Bill which will prohibit the importation of goods or services from illegal settlements in occupied territories, including Israel’s settlements in

Harvard’s Discriminatory Admissions Practices By Stephen Lendman, July 12 2018

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A personal note. I attended Harvard College, receiving a BA degree in 1956.

In March 2017, my alma mater unwittingly honored me by inclusion in its University Library fake guide to

It’s the Wrong Park! How the Ducks Raise Some Serious Questions in the Skripals Salisbury Poisonings By Rob Slane, July 12 2018

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According to the Metropolitan Police investigation into the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal, here is a timeline of events on 4th March:

  • 13:40: Sergei and Yulia arrived
Make NATO Civilian and Civilized By Jan Oberg, July 12 2018

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This is the second of two articles about the coming end of NATO as we know it and what can be done. The first you find here. It may be

European Powers Prepare to Scrap Dollar in Iran Trade as Disgust with “America First” Policies Mount By Elliott Gabriel, July 12 2018

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Featured image: German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas

While the White House’s frenzied anti-Iran campaign has entailed unprecedented attempts to twist the arms of the United States’ traditional European allies, the pressure

German Parliament: US Presence in Syria Is Illegal By Worlds Truth, July 12 2018

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Featured image: Alexander Neu

Members of Parliament in Germany have concluded that the presence of the United States military in Syria is illegal. 

Alexander Neu, a Member of Parliament for …

Human Psychology: The Delusion ‘I Am Not Responsible’ By Robert J. Burrowes, July 12 2018

One of the many interesting details to be learned by understanding human psychology is how a person’s unconscious fear works in a myriad of ways to make them believe that they bear no responsibility for a particular problem.

This psychological …

Double Standards? Europe’s Five “Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States”. Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Turkey By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 12 2018
Are Turkey, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands & Italy Nuclear Powers? These nuclear B61 could be launched “against targets in Russia or countries in the Middle East such as Syria and Iran”
China’s Botanical Medicine. The Reality of Natural Medicine. China’s Traditional Herbology By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, July 12 2018

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Modern conventional medicine has increasingly become a culture of scientific and historical denialism. Although portending to be an objective discipline of consistent progress, the medical establishment more often than not denies

An Artist for Dark Times: Giacometti at New York’s Guggenheim Museum By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, July 12 2018

From the beginning, Donald Trump’s administration has been marred by corruption and outright contempt for the rule of law – with the president’s firing of FBI Director James Comey “because of the whole Russia thing” and persistent efforts to

North Korea Advances in Sustainable Farming and Renewable Energy By Kim Soobok, July 12 2018

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Read earlier installments here: Part I, II, III.

On my visit to the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex in 2012, I learned about the place as merely a production

In Wake of AMLO Victory, US Media Fear Chavismo and Hope for ‘Business-Friendly’ Change By Gregory Shupak, July 12 2018

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Neoliberal capitalist dogma pervades mainstream media. A case in point is coverage of Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s resounding victory in Mexico’s presidential election.

Referring to the president-elect by his commonly used …

Who Are Washington’s “Revolutionaries” in Iran? The Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) Terror Group By Tony Cartalucci, July 12 2018

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The US backed Iranian opposition are neither “revolutionary,” nor even “in” Iran. Yet they have been designated as Washington’s proxies of choice, and an alternative government they seek to place into

Making Heavy Weather: Boris Johnson the Despoiler By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 12 2018

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There is a certain haunting similarity between the President of the United States and the now former foreign secretary of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson.  This does not merely extend to

With “Mountainous” Evidence on Plaintiffs’ Side, Hundreds of Cancer Cases Against Monsanto Get Green Light By Jessica Corbett, July 12 2018

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After opening arguments kicked off in California state court on Monday for a Bay Area man’s landmark lawsuit alleging that Monsanto’s popular weedkiller Roundup caused him to develop cancer, a federal

The Starving Children of Yemen By Daniel Larison, July 12 2018

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Henrietta Fore of UNICEF reports on the appalling conditions in Yemen:

Further north, a similar scene is unfolding at the Al Sabeen hospital in Sanaa. Up to 30 new young patients

Understanding the US/NATO Profit-Driven Military Agenda By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 11 2018

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research in print AND pdf formats!


The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, …

Trump’s Using Russian Gas Rhetoric to Control Germany and Support Poland By Andrew Korybko, July 11 2018

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German-Polish Rivalry

Trump raised eyebrows this morning when he told NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg during breakfast that

“Germany is captive of Russia because it is getting so much of its

United States
Trump’s Supreme Court Nomination: A Hard-Right Transformational Choice By Stephen Lendman, July 11 2018

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Long gone from the High Court are towering figures like William Brennan and Thurgood Marshall, the Court’s finest hours during their tenure – champions of justice for all.

Law Professor Stephen

Even More US-Made Anti-Tank Weapons Are Turning Up in ISIS Hands By Jared Keller, July 11 2018

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Featured image: Raw footage posted to YouTube by Iraqi television station Al-Mawsleya appears to show an FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile and launcher among a cache of weapons recovered just outside Tal

‘They Bombed Trapped Civilians’: Amnesty’s Damning Report on UK, US, France Destruction in Raqqa By RT News, July 11 2018

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UK, US, and French bombs inflicted mass loss of civilian life in ISIS-held Raqqa, according Amnesty International. A new report has also accused coalition forces of bombing areas where they knew

The Scars of War: Mosul’s Children Haunted a Year After Islamic State Was Routed By Sheeffah Shiraz, July 11 2018

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Featured image: Nine-year-old Rima was deeply affected after the death of her mother [Sam Tarling/Save the Children]

“I wake up and I witness war every day… I don’t want to go

Correcting the Record: What Is Really Happening in Nicaragua? By Kevin Zeese and Nils McCune, July 11 2018

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Featured image: A massive peace march was held on July 8, 2018, in Managua showing support for the Nicaraguan government. (Source: UK Morning Sun)

There is a great deal of false

Hassan Diab: Nothing Less Than a Public Inquiry Will Do. Canada’s Complicity By Michelle Weinroth, July 11 2018

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He has been compared to Alfred Dreyfus, the iconic 19th-century French victim of false accusation and racism. The entire spectrum of the Canadian press has covered his unfolding story since

The View of Russia in the West By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 11 2018

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The upcoming Trump/Putin summit is hampered by the crazed portrait of Russia painted by presstitutes. Jonathan Chait, Amy Knight, Max Bergmann, Yaroslav Trofimov, Roger Cohen, and the rest of the

Trump-Putin Summit: Is the Media Ready? By Deena Stryker, July 11 2018

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As the US-Russia Summit approaches, the media grows positively shrill in its warnings of disaster. Fears that a conversation with no witnesses (not even a translator!) could be fatal to America’s

Giant Killing, Heroes and Teams at the 2018 World Cup By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 11 2018

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They have been falling like ninepins at one of the most unpredictable World Cups in generations.  Even before the kick-off in the tournament, Italy’s absence was conspicuous.  By the time the

Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation to the Supreme Court By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, July 11 2018

Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court would cement a conservative majority for decades. Like Neil Gorsuch, Kavanaugh favors the ”deconstruction of the administrative state.” That’s shorthand for gutting any environmental, labor or consumer protection measure that gets

Freedom Flotilla: A Humanitarian Journey to Gaza By Dr. Swee Ang, July 11 2018

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Below is a statement from Dr. Swee Ang in response to the invitation to join the last leg of Freedom Flotilla from Europe to Gaza.


When invited to come on …
China’s Human Robot Labor Force: The Highest Rate of Surplus Value in the History of Capitalism! By Massoud Nayeri, July 11 2018

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I’m writing this short communication to share my observations after watching the 2009 Documentary “The Largest Factory in the World and Chinese Labor” as part of informative article “China and

USS Liberty Survivor Named US Delegate on Gaza Flotilla By Joe Lauria, July 11 2018

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Joe Meadors, a survivor of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty,  has joined the 2018 Gaza Freedom Flotilla as the delegate from the United States. He will board

Starving and Bombed Children of Yemen Seek Entrapment in Flooded Thai Cave By Robert J. Burrowes, July 11 2018

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While the world watched and waited with bated breath for the outcome of the substantial global effort – involving over 100 cave divers from various countries, 1,000 members of the Thai

Corporate Media’s About-Face on Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis By Daniel Lazare, July 11 2018

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Last month a freelance journalist named Joshua Cohen published an article in The Washington Post about the Ukraine’s growing neo-Nazi threat.  Despite a gratuitous swipe at Russia for allegedly exaggerating the

The Papua Attacks Prove That Insurgency Is Still Alive in Indonesia By Andrew Korybko, July 11 2018
Trump’s Global Political and Trade Gaffes By Gulam Asgar Mitha, July 11 2018

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Trump’s gaffes are piling up, all within 18 months of his presidency. The tweets are coming at breakneck speeds causing mass confusion.

Trump scrapped the Paris climate accord, then pulled out …

US-Russia Summit. A Manifesto and Roadmap of Global Peacebuilding in the 21st-century By Mairead Maguire, John Scales Avery, and Dr. Leo Semashko, July 10 2018

1. Emergency of “The Great Peace Charter” for the 21st-century 

We, the undersigned 72 peacemakers from 27 countries representing more than 15 international peacemaking and humanitarian organizations, appeal to the leaders of the world’s most powerful nuclear powers

The Rise and Fall of the US Army’s Human Terrain System (HTS) By Prof. Roberto J. González, July 10 2018

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Relevant in relation to the US-led ongoing wars, this article was originally published on June 29, 2015.

The most expensive social science program in history–the US Army’s Human Terrain System

Pay Up You NATO Deadbeats, or Else. NATO to Serve as a US Foreign Legion in Africa and Asia By Eric Margolis, July 10 2018

‘We are the schmucks’ thundered President Donald Trump, using a favorite New York City Yiddish term. The object of Trump’s wrath at his Make America Great Again’  rally in Great Falls, Montana was the craven, stingy European members of

The Gaza Blockade: Humanitarian Emergency By we4Gaza, July 10 2018

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One year ago we issued a call to the European Parliament and to the EU High Representative for foreign affairs to reconsider, actualize and enact the deliberations already previously approved that

The Ethiopian-Eritrean Peace Will Lead to a New Era for the Horn of Africa By Andrew Korybko, July 10 2018

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The official end of hostilities between Ethiopia and Eritrea has the chance of ushering in a new era of peace and prosperity for what has up until this point been one

Selected Articles: Regime Change, Brexit Challenges By Global Research News, July 10 2018

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For almost seventeen years, Global Research, together with partner independent media organizations, has sought Truth in Media with a view to eventually “disarming” the corporate media’s disinformation crusade.

To reverse the

Future of Brexit By Karsten Riise, July 10 2018

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Possible UK scenarios

The weakness of Ms. May and the Conservative party can surely lead to a Labour victory in any snap election – but the UK has no time, not

British MPs Should be Ashamed of Supporting Regime Change in Tehran By Peter Oborne, July 10 2018

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Britain’s prime minister has been fighting a valiant, losing battle to rescue British relations with Iran in the wake of US President Donald Trump’s reckless attempts to wreck them.

But …

Top Israeli Security Expert Warns Against War with Iran By Press TV, July 10 2018

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Featured image: Eran Etzion, a former Israeli deputy national security adviser (Source: PressTV)

Former Israeli deputy national security adviser Eran Etzion has warned Tel Aviv “not to become entangled with Iran

Murder on the Beach: British-backed Wars Helped Create Tunisian Killer By Mark Curtis, July 10 2018

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Three years ago on 26 June, a 23-year-old Tunisian armed with a machine gun mowed down 38 tourists at a beach hotel in the resort of Port El Kantaoui. Thirty British

A Neoconservative Plan for Punishing Iran By Philip Giraldi, July 10 2018

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President Donald Trump makes a point of insisting that he has nothing against the Iranian people and is only interested in opposing what he regards as the dangerous activities of their