Global Research News

Selected Articles: Video: Criminalization of War, Israel’s Biggest Concentration Camp By Global Research News, July 19 2018

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Global Research strives for peace, and we have but one mandate: to share timely, independent and vital information to readers across the globe. We act as a global platform to let

Climb Down From the Summit of Hostile Propaganda By Norman Solomon, July 19 2018

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Featured image: First Lady Melania Trump during a joint press conference between President Donald J. Trump and President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation | July 16, 2018 (Official White House

Video: From the Freedom Flotilla, Former Israeli Air Force Pilot Calls for a Boycott of Israel By Yonatan Shapira and Dimitri Lascaris, July 19 2018

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Featured image: Yonatan Shapira (Source: The Electronic Intifada)

Yonatan Shapira says Israel’s ‘democracy’ is in fact an apartheid state led by fascist Jewish supremacists.

Watch the video below.



Donald Trump – Despised by Europe, Despises Europe By Andre Vltchek, July 19 2018

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Why is Europe full of hate for Donald Trump?

Is it, perhaps, because millions could soon die in yet another of the senseless and horrible wars unleashed by the Western

Gaza Patients Appeal to the World to Save Their Lives By Middle East Monitor, July 19 2018

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Patients in Gaza’s hospital’s organised a sit-in in central Gaza City to appeal to the international community, Quds Press reported, Tuesday.

The sit-in included those wounded by Israel as well as …

Global Jewish Groups Issue Joint Statement in Support of BDS Movement By Telesur, July 19 2018

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An unprecedented joint statement has been issued by dozens of Jewish groups in several countries offering their support to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. They affirmed that their condemnation

The Russian US Election Meddling Big Lie Won’t Die By Stephen Lendman, July 19 2018

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Propaganda works, proved effective time and again – why it’s a key tool in America’s deep state playbook. 

Virtually anything repeated enough, especially through the major media megaphone, gets most people

The ‘eBus or bust’ Approach Ignores Damning LA Times Report By Rosemary Frei, July 19 2018

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Nine hundred and seven.

That’s how many battery-electric buses  the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) is planning to purchase over the next nine years. They will cost many billions of scarce

Mainstream Media Silent as the Church of England Fails to Bless the Bomb By Political Concern, July 19 2018

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Featured image: Survivors of the Nagasaki bomb walk through the destruction as fire rages in the background. (Source: Political Concern)

The third clause in the Bishop of Chelmsford’s motion at the

Apartheid Rule Over Palestinians Enacted Into Israeli Basic Law By Stephen Lendman, July 19 2018

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From inception, democracy in Israel was pure fantasy. Now rights for Jews alone is official with Knesset enactment of apartheid rule over Palestinian citizens.

The new Basic Law, the equivalent of …

The Great Dollar Dump: Russia Liquidates US Treasury Holdings By RT News, July 19 2018

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Russia is continuing to diversify state reserves away from US debt. The latest data from the US Treasury shows that Russia’s share hit an 11-year minimum and totaled only $14.9 billion.

The Real Problem with Palm Oil By Tim Hunt and Mackenzie Denyer, July 19 2018

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As post-war Britain escaped from rationing in the 1950s a new ingredient arrived from the rainforests in Malaysia. This versatile, solid fat would provide an alternative to more expensive butter.

It …

Indictment of 12 Russians: Under the Shiny Wrapping, a Political Act By Scott Ritter, July 19 2018

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Featured image: U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, above, released the 29-page indictment of 12 Russians days before President Trump was due to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin. (Internet

Russia Just Dumped $80 Billion in US Debt By Paul Goncharoff, July 19 2018

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Russia has stopped “inching towards de-dollarization” as I wrote about on July 3rd, and has now energetically walked out of the list of largest holders of US

The Establishment Strikes Back By Philip Giraldi, July 19 2018

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There are a number of elements in the recent release of an indictment of twelve named alleged Russian military intelligence GRU officers by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein looking into possible

Conspiracy Theory
America Overrules Trump: No Peace with Russia By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 19 2018

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The governments of Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, if their countries are to survive, must give up their deluded hopes of reaching agreements with the United States.  No such possibility

A Walk on the Wild Side as Trump Meets Putin at Finland Station By Pepe Escobar, July 19 2018

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Featured image: President Donald J. Trump and President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation hold a joint press conference | July 16, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)


Commandos Sans Frontières By Nick Turse, July 19 2018

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Early last month, at a tiny military post near the tumbledown town of Jamaame in Somalia, small arms fire began to ring out as mortar shells crashed down. When the attack

Challenging Mass Media: It’s Time for the Truth By Global Research, July 18 2018

“Global Research is the leading research source on the fundamental issues of war and peace, imperialism and resistance, on the financial crises and the alternatives… Prof Chossudovsky has provided a forum for cutting edge critical essays which challenge the principle

Israeli Minister: Israeli Jets Should Drop Bombs Over the Heads of Gaza Children By Middle East Monitor, July 18 2018

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Featured image: Israeli Education Minister, Naftali Bennett [Solidarity with Palestine Walter Herrman/Facebook]

Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennet has insisted that Israeli warplanes should drop bombs over the heads of Palestinian children

Manufacturing the Drones Above Gaza By Marigold Warner, July 18 2018

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“Talking to people in Gaza, you realise how much the drones are burrowed into their daily lives,” says Daniel Tepper, an American photographer who has been researching and documenting the

Oil-rich Neuquén, Argentina – Site of a New U.S. Military Base By W.T. Whitney Jr., July 18 2018

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Obsessive media focus on President Trump’s personal indecencies undoubtedly contributes to important news stories not seeing the light of day. In that regard, it’s no wonder the U.S. public is generally

No Nerve Agents Found – The OPCW Interim Report on Douma By Media Lens, July 18 2018

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In terms of suffering caused, there is often not, in fact, much to choose between dismembering and burning people alive with high explosives, shredding them with shrapnel, and choking them with

Africa: Contradictions between Regional Security and Imperialist Interventions By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 18 2018

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Featured image: French President Emmanual Macron meets with African leaders at AU summit in Mauritania, July 2, 2018

On July 1-2, 2018, the 31st Ordinary Summit of the African Union

India: The Assault on Scholar and Social Activist Swami Agnivesh By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, July 18 2018

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The International Movement for a Just World (JUST) is shocked to learn that the prominent Indian social activist, Swami Agnivesh, was assaulted on the 17th of July 2018 in

Is Canada on the Verge of Decriminalizing Drugs? By Vember, July 18 2018

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This week in Toronto the largest health board in Canada which consists of local city councilors and pubic health officials voted ten to zero to decriminalize all drugs. They’re fed up.

Russian-Croatian Soft Power Bond Grows Stronger By Andrew Korybko, July 18 2018

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Sometimes the eyes don’t lie and what people see in front them is actually what’s happening, which in this case is the extremely unlikely partners of Russia and Croatia entering into

Russiagate: A CIA Concocted Hoax. Trump Knows It. By Stephen Lendman, July 18 2018

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No Russian interference in America’s political process occurred in 2016, earlier, or is being cooked up for the nation’s November midterm elections.

Trump knows it and said so in Helsinki. When

Under Massive Pressure, Trump Backpedals on Russia “Meddling” By Andre Damon, July 18 2018

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Speaking at the White House Tuesday, US President Donald Trump attempted to walk back statements he made just 24 hours earlier at his summit in Helsinki, Finland with Russian President Vladimir

A Short History of the Costs of Military Air Shows By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, July 18 2018

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Featured image: The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds perform the “Diamond pass and review” at Travis AFB, California on July 30, 2011.   (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt Richard Rose Jr.)

“Knowledge is

As Saudi-Led Attack on Hodeidah Escalates, Yemeni Tribes Bolster Resistance By Ahmed AbdulKareem, July 18 2018

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The attack on Hodeidah — Yemen’s fourth largest city and predominant port on the Red Sea, responsible for providing over 70 percent of Yemenis’ food, aid and medicine — has gained

Helsinki – Trump and Putin – a Showdown for Summer Doldrums or a Genuine Attempt Towards Peace? By Peter Koenig, July 18 2018

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The Helsinki Summit – or the Treason Summit, as some call it – of the 16th of July, has come and gone. It left a smell of burning hot air

India Ranked at Top as the Most Dangerous Country for Women By Shirin Gul, July 18 2018

Thomson Reuters Foundation in its recent survey released on June 26, 2018 ranked India as the most dangerous country in the world for women.

More than 500 global experts on women’s issues took part in a survey covering areas such …

Imperial Conquest: America’s “Long War” against Humanity By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 18 2018
The U.S. and its NATO allies have embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity. This “war without borders” is intimately related to a worldwide process of economic restructuring, which has been conducive to the the impoverishment of large sectors of the World population.
Putin Confronts the American Dystopia By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 18 2018

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We have to hand it to Putin. He is the best that there is. Note the ease with which he mopped up the floor with Fox News’  Chris Wallace.


Video: Criminalization of War, Israel’s Biggest Concentration Camp. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 18 2018

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Watch the interview of Prof. Michel Chossudovsky with Malaysia’s Astro Awani on the Criminalization of War, focus on Israel’s massacre in Gaza.

According to Prof. Chossudovsky,

“… the problem is in

Video: Militants Are on Full Retreat in Southern Syria By South Front, July 18 2018

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have liberated the settlements of Al-Harra, Nimer, Umm al-Awsaj and the hills of Harra and Ahmar as well as some other points in

It’s Official, “Israel” Is Now a Joint Russian-American Protectorate By Andrew Korybko, July 18 2018

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Far from the seemingly “invincible” player that the Western Mainstream Media has propagandistically portrayed it as for years, “Israel” is actually so weak right now and extra vulnerable to Iranian-initiated destabilization

UK and Ecuador Conspiring to Extradite Assange to US By Stephen Lendman, July 17 2018

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President Lenin Moreno betrayed his supporters by transforming Ecuador into a US vassal state, reversing Rafeal Correa’s more progressive agenda.

In cahoots with Washington and Britain, Moreno appears headed toward …

Trump and Putin’s Responses to Mueller’s Russiagate Indictments By Eric Zuesse, July 17 2018

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In the July 16th joint press conference between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the question arose of U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s recent indictment of

Rod Rosenstein
Helsinki Summit: Road to World Peace? By Richard Galustian, July 17 2018

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Featured image: President Donald J. Trump and President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation | July 16, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

The summit started with Vladimir Putin

Video: West’s War Against Syria Is Packed in Lies and Deceptions By Mark Taliano and Tate Ulsaker, July 17 2018

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The West’s “Regime Change” war against the legitimate government in Syria, based upon fake humanitarian pretexts, is a war of Supreme International War Crimes, packed in lies and deceptions. 

Mark Taliano

Video: Militants Hand Over Dozens Units of Military Equipment to Syrian Army By South Front, July 17 2018

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A reconciliation process is developing in the areas recently liberated by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in southern Syria.

According to the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria, since the start of

The Mainstream Media, The Consequences of Nuclear War and the Drive Toward WW III By Dr. Andrew Glikson, July 17 2018

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For many weeks much of the mainstream media world-wide, including broadcasters, been warning of potential concessions in the negotiations between the US and North Korea and between Donald Trump and Vladimir

Refiner in China Replacing US Imports with Iranian Crude. Beijing Slaps Tariffs on American Crude Oil By Financial Tribune, July 17 2018

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An independent Chinese refiner has suspended crude oil purchases from the United States and has now turned to Iran as one of its sources of crude, media reports cited an

Situation in Gaza Strip Remains Tense with Little Chances of De-escalation Soon By South Front, July 17 2018

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Protests have been happening for more than two months by Palestinians along the Gaza Strips. Their demands: to be allowed to return home and to have their lands returned after the

Nicaragua: Terrorism as an Art of Demonstrating By Alex Anfruns, July 17 2018

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For two months, Nicaragua has been through a major political crisis, fueled by clashes between law enforcement and an insurgency. Humanitarian organizations report a terrifying record of nearly 200 deaths. This

Helsinki Theatrics: Trump Meets Putin By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 17 2018

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The first official meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his counterpart Donald Trump was a fairly casual, unpeopled affair, absent bureaucrats and note takers.  This was what both wanted in

Giants: The Global Power Elite By Peter Phillips, July 17 2018

Who holds the purse strings to the majority of the world’s wealth? There is a new global elite at the controls of our economic future, and here former Project Censored director and media monitoring sociologist Peter Phillips unveils for the

Assessing the Trump-Kim Singapore Summit By David Krieger, July 17 2018

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Featured image: President Donald J. Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, walk together to their one-on-one bilateral meeting, Tuesday, June 12, 2018, at the Capella Hotel in Singapore. (Official

At Home and Abroad, Trump Tramples Human Rights By Prof. Mel Gurtov, July 17 2018

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In January 1941, with the prospect looming of US involvement in another European war, President Franklin Roosevelt spoke of America’s purpose in the world: to protect and promote “four freedoms.” FDR

Independent Media: Providing the Truth about Empire and Repression By Global Research, July 16 2018

Many media outlets claim to be “independent” and therefore different in their coverage from well-funded corporate media, but what does this truly mean?

To maintain our independence, Global Research does not seek financial support from any private or public foundations. …

Undocumented Myanmar Migrants in Thailand: Border Capitalism, Disrupted By Prof. Stephen Campbell, July 16 2018

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Through to the back of the cremation grounds where the fields of sugarcane begin, Ko Soe and I coast our bicycles to a stop. It is mid-December, and the sugarcane stocks

The Farnborough International Arms Fair: Bringing Arms Dealers and Human Right Abusers to the UK By CAAT - Campaign Against Arms Trade, July 16 2018

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Featured image: Human rights campaigners protest against Farnborough International arms fair (by Campaign Against Arms Trade)

Farnborough International arms fair to take place from 16-22 July

93 military delegations attended in

US Message to Assad: “We Will Pull Out of Al-Tanf and the North If Iran Withdraws From Syria” By Elijah J. Magnier, July 16 2018

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A top decision maker in Syria has said “the US has sent a message to the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad that expresses the US establishment’s wishes. Under these wishes there is

The Skripal Affair: Time to Invite Russian Diplomats Back with an Apology By James ONeill, July 16 2018

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On 4th of March 2018 former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were discovered on a park bench in Salisbury England in a distressed state. They were treated

US Military
Selected Articles: Trump Is Israel’s “Useful Idiot” By Global Research News, July 16 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Russia-US Summit Should Lead to Action on Earth-defining Issues. Disarming Their Respective Doomsday Machines By Shane Quinn, July 16 2018

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In an ideal world, the Russia-United States summit in Helsinki would have focused primarily on taking concrete steps towards disarming their respective Doomsday Machines. That is, Russia and America’s thousands of

Trump Is Israel’s “Useful Idiot” By Philip Giraldi, July 16 2018

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Featured image: Benjamin Netanyahu, Reuven Rivlin and Donald Trump at the Ben Gurion airport. Image credit: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affair/ flickr

The claim made by many neoconservatives that Israel and

NATO Used Depleted Uranium Munitions in 2011 Libya Airstrikes – Report By Sputnik, July 16 2018

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A military operation against the government of Muammar Gaddafi, conducted by NATO in 2011, led to a civil war and split the country into three parts with different governments and various

Mass Protests Greet Trump as He Lands in Helsinki for Summit By Telesur, July 16 2018

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About 2,500 protesters demonstrated in support of human rights, democracy and the environment in Helsinki on Sunday, a day before U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin hold a

History, The Red Giant: Rise and Fall of the USSR By Julien Paolantoni, July 16 2018

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Related: From the Early East Slavs to the Grand Duchy of Moscow (part 1); The Rise of a Superpower, Foundation of the Russian Empire (part 2); The Road to the Revolutions

Chaos at the NATO Summit Benefits Eurasian Integration By Federico Pieraccini, July 16 2018

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The chaos that has engulfed the NATO summit is yet further confirmation of the world’s transition from a unipolar to a multipolar order, with the return of great-power competition and different

Weapons “Made in Russia”: NATO Summit Tells Member States to Get Rid of Russian Weapons By Alex Gorka, July 16 2018

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The final declaration of the recent NATO summit in Brussels says that the allies are committed to “working to address, as appropriate, existing dependencies on Russian-sourced legacy military equipment through national

‘You Shall Not Pass’: Why Scotland Stands Against Trump By Richard Leonard, July 16 2018

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The following are the remarks, as prepared for delivery, of the speech Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard gave in Glasgow, Scotland on Saturday, July 14, 2018.


We come to the

Europe’s Central Bank (ECB) Failures: From 1999 Origins to 2017 By Dr. Jack Rasmus, July 16 2018

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The European Central Bank, ECB, is at the heart of the failure to stabilize Europe’s economy since the 2008 global crisis. It is a central element as well in the institutional

Don’t Be Deceived – Secret Trade Talks at Heart of Trump Visit to Britain By True Publica, July 16 2018

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I’ve said for some time now that Brexit is largely about America wanting a new country to exploit. It also wants the EU to fall apart, it wants regulations built in

Ireland’s Decision to Advance Boycott Bill Could be the Tipping Point for Justice for Palestine By Prof. Kamel Hawwash, July 16 2018

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The Palestinian people are in need of some good news to boost their morale at an extremely difficult time in their struggle for freedom, justice and equality.

There has been little …

Europe Cringes Before Emperor Trump By Eric Margolis, July 16 2018

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President Donald Trump says most summit meetings are a waste of time.  He’s so right.  Most meetings of every kind are a waste of time and energy. 

The president was certainly …

West Scrambles to Evacuate White Helmets From Syria Amid Assassination Threats By Press TV, July 16 2018

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Featured image: The file photo shows members of the White Helmets volunteer organization walking amid rubble in Syria.

Western countries have reportedly been scrambling to evacuate “volunteer” White Helmets from Syria,

The Shadow of Torture Behind Trump’s Britain Visit By Hina Shamsi, July 16 2018

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As President Trump visits the United Kingdom, the focus has been on strained trans-Atlantic relations, his intervention in domestic politics, and massive public protests.

A different, diplomatically-couched protest has received less …

Virtue or Vice: Do Benefits of Legalized Cannabis Outweigh Risks? By Tomasz Pierscionek, July 15 2018

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While cannabis’ potential for harm has been well-documented and numerous studies show some therapeutic benefits of medicines synthesized from the drug, UK government is pressured to review the law on medicinal

The Rebirth of a Nation: West Germany Versus Hungary, the 1954 World Cup Final By Adeyinka Makinde, July 15 2018

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Throughout its history, the popularity and influence of the game of association football has been consistently subjected to a great deal of assessment and analysis through the respective lenses of culture
FBI Chief Mueller Drops Indictments against Russia Intel Ops. as Deep State Panics Over Trump-Putin Summit By Helen Buyniski, July 15 2018

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On the eve of Trump’s historic meeting with Vladimir Putin – with Russia-US relations at their worst since the fall of the USSR – Grand Inquisitor Robert Mueller handed down 12

The Woes of Luka Modrić: Croatia, Nationalism and Football By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 15 2018

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Juraj Vrdoljak of Telesport was convinced.  “I think half the population didn’t show up to work on the morning after the win against England.” The victory had inspired early shop closures,

Expandable and Increasingly Expensive, NATO Spreads All Over Europe By Manlio Dinucci, July 15 2018

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The NATO Summit took place in Brussels on July 11-12 at the level of Heads of State and Government of the 29 member countries. The summit confirms at the highest level

Video: What Outcome of the Trump-Putin Summit? Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s Interview with Larry King’s “Politicking” Show By Sergey Lavrov and Larry King, July 15 2018

Question: A historic Summit looms between United States President Donald Trump and Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin at a time of increased tensions between their two nations. Mr Trump has signalled that Syria, sanctions, military exercises and elections meddling may be

Why Is Israel Not Being Held to the Same International Standards as All Other UN Member States? By Hans Stehling, July 15 2018

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Why is Israel not subject to the regulation and inspection of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of the United Nations?

Why is Israel not a party to the nuclear Non

Oil Producers and Consumers Are the Final Losers By Marwan Salamah, July 15 2018

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Oil prices have risen rapidly this year and are expected, by some, to head higher – possibly towards US$ 100 per barrel. This is alarming to many, who consider such a

Perspectives on the Russian Revolution (1917), Socialism and Contemporary Revolutions By Michael Welch and Roger Annis, July 15 2018

As discussed on a previous installment of the Global Research News Hour, the Russian Revolution of 1917 proved to be a pivotal moment in history, not only delivering the world’s first constitutional socialist state, but inspired revolts and revolutions to …