Global Research News

Why Does Israel Keep Destroying Cultural Heritage Sites in Gaza? By Celine Hagbard, August 15 2018

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On Thursday August 9th, the Israeli airforce dropped ten missiles on a building in Gaza City, turning the five-story building into rubble. Was this a Hamas training center, or

The Rise and Continued Influence of the Neocons. Media Narratives Enabling War, Militarism and the Decline of Civil Liberties By Michael Welch, Scott Price, Robbie Martin, and Robert Parry, August 14 2018

He aired a free block of programming over public airways in 2014 in Eastern Europe. Who does that? Who does that at the very beginning stages of like a new Cold War run up? … And, you know, that sounds

The 73d Anniversary of the Bombing of Nagasaki: Unwelcome Truths for Church and State By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, August 14 2018

Seventy-three years ago (August 9, 1945) an all-Christian bomber crew dropped a plutonium bomb over Nagasaki City, Japan, instantly vaporizing, incinerating or otherwise annihilating tens of thousands of innocent civilians, a disproportionately large number of them Japanese Christians. The explosion

The Iraq Protests and Implications for “Political Stability” By Nagapushpa Devendra, August 14 2018

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Earlier this month, bringing in foreign workers by some oil companies in Iraq was seen by the local labour as a grave threat to their livelihood. Despite the high unemployment rates

Video: Syria, De-escalation and Counter-Terrorism By South Front, August 14 2018

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On August 13, Russian air defense forces intercepted and destroyed 5 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) near Khmeimim Air Base in the province of Latakia. According to the head of the Russian

Syria: The Return of Refugees to Their Homeland By Sophie Mangal, August 14 2018

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For the first time since the beginning of the Syrian crisis in 2011 a significant number of international experts, political analysts, and journalists have reported about the near conclusion of the

Patriotism Has Been Turned Against Patriots By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 14 2018

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To understand how screwed-up America is, consider that patriotism is now associated with the suppression of dissent.

Rich football team owners, who know nothing of the hard lives of most Americans,

A Writer’s Last Port of Call: Nobel Winning Author V. S. Naipaul By Edward Curtin, August 14 2018

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V. S. Naipaul, the Nobel winning author who just died, was, like so many people, an enigma, at least in his writing.  Lauded for his prose style and exquisite way with

America’s Militarized Economy By Eric Zuesse, August 14 2018

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Donald Trump’s biggest success, thus far into his Presidency, has been his sale of $400 billion (originally $350 billion) of U.S.-made weapons to the Saudi Arabian Government, which is owned

Destruction of the Biosphere, Timeframe of Global Climate Change: A Last Ditch Strategy to Fight for Human Survival By Robert J. Burrowes, August 14 2018

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There is almost unanimous agreement among climate scientists and organizations – that is, 97% of over 10,000 climate scientists and the various scientific organizations engaged in climate science research – that

Why Confronting Israel Is Important By Philip Giraldi, August 14 2018

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I am often asked why I have this “thing” about Israel, with friends suggesting that I would be much more respected as a pundit if I were to instead concentrate on

Using the Burka: Boris Johnson’s Bid for Popularity By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 14 2018

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Comedy, Boris Johnson, and the Tories – these three share a certain comforting, if chaotic affinity, lobbed together in some nightmarish union that risks consuming itself.  But times are serious –

America’s War on Yemen Exposed By Tony Cartalucci, August 14 2018

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As atrocities and scandal begin to mount regarding the US-backed Saudi-led war on the impoverished nation of Yemen, the involvement and hypocrisy of the United States and other Western backers is

The US’ Rebuff of Russia’s Cooperation Request in Syria Shows Its Cynicism By Andrew Korybko, August 14 2018

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The head of the Russian Armed Forces General Staff Valery Gerasimov asked his closest American counterpart Joseph Dunford to assist his country in jointly stabilizing Syria.

Reuters reported that the proposal …

U.S. Political Meddling: What Really Happens to Nicaragua, Venezuela and Ecuador By Peter Koenig, August 14 2018

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Stories about corruption and internally government-generated violence concerning most unaligned countries abound in the MSM. These lies fuel hatred. And the public at large start a malicious rumor circuit. Which, in

Is Canada’s Moral Posturing All Just Fluff? Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, Indonesia By Michael Werbowski, August 14 2018

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Who can argue with the merits of defending human rights?

Canada has recently entered into a nasty row over this vaunted universally, or acclaimed value, with the Saudi Kingdom. The officially

Samir Amin: The Workings of Contemporary Capitalism: It Is Imperative to Reconstruct the Internationale of Workers and Peoples By Samir Amin, August 14 2018

Samir Amin passed away on August 12. He will be remembered for his incisive analysis and historical overview of the global capitalist system.

I first met Samir Amin in Dakar in July 1976 upon my departure from the University of …

World Acclaimed Marxist Thinker Samir Amin Dies By Mohammed Saad, August 14 2018

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World acclaimed Egyptian economist and thinker, Samir Amin, has died on Sunday in Paris. He was 86.

Amin was born in Egypt in 1931 to an Egyptian father and French

Maduro Shows His Strength, Looks Death in the Face By Misión Verdad, August 14 2018

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During an event attended by thousands on Bolivar Avenue in the city of Caracas, on the occasion of the 81st anniversary of the Bolivarian National Guard, two drones exploded close to

Israel Is Arming Neo-Nazis in Ukraine By Asa Winstanley, August 14 2018

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Israeli arms are being sent to a heavily armed neo-Nazi militia in Ukraine, The Electronic Intifada has learned.

Azov Battalion online propaganda shows Israeli-licensed Tavor rifles in the fascist group’s hands,

London’s Grenfell Tower Deaths: Over a Year and Still No Prosecutions for Gross Criminal Negligence By Hans Stehling, August 14 2018

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Those responsible for knowingly turning an essentially fire-safe building into a lethal gas chamber and fire-trap, have no doubt long since liquidated their assets in Britain and moved abroad.

What kind …

US Bomb Pieces Found at Yemen Bus Strike Site as Pentagon Says ‘We May Never Know’ Who Supplied It By RT News, August 14 2018

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A Raytheon Mark 82 general-purpose free-fall bomb was likely used by the Saudi-led coalition to strike a bus full of children in Yemen on Thursday, a local journalist claims, after bomb

Israel Targeting Civilians in Gaza as “Collective Punishment” By Whitney Webb, August 14 2018

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A newspaper article published in the Hebrew-language version of Israeli newspaper Haaretz has stated that the Israeli military (IDF) is intentionally targeting civilians in Gaza as a form of collective punishment

US War
Climate Truth: Seven Key Numbers for Sustainability and Local Action By Roy Morrison, August 14 2018

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Local action on climate is both an essential and available path for ecological transformation. Local action does not require permission from Washington or from Paris. Action overcomes despair. Local action and

Bayer Shares Crash Most on Record After Monsanto Cancer Trial Loss By Zero Hedge, August 14 2018

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Bayer AG shares are down over 12% this morning – the biggest drop ever – to the lowest levels since October 2013, amid investor anxiety over the potential future legal costs

Video: Syria Tiger Forces Are Deploying in Northern Latakia, Final Push against ISIS By South Front, August 14 2018

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Syrian government forces have achieved a series of local successes in the framework of their operation against ISIS cells in the province of al-Suwayda.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the National …

U.S. Is Complicit in Child Slaughter in Yemen By Kathy Kelly, August 13 2018

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On August 9, a U.S.-supported Saudi airstrike bombed a bus carrying schoolchildren in Sa’ada, a city in northern Yemen. The New York Times reported that the students were on a recreational

“All Hands on Deck!”: Global Research In Unstable Waters By The Global Research Team, August 13 2018

Last week a small number of our readers responded to our request to “Help Us Stay Afloat“, we are very grateful to those who took out memberships with us or made a donation. However, the digital waters …

The Corporate-driven Assaults on the Planet. Irreversible Destruction By Shane Quinn, August 13 2018

Mounting evidence suggests the human race may be rapidly reaching its end, taking much else along with it. Every 24 hours, up to 200 species are being exterminated by humans, ranging from insects to birds. The massive rate of animal

The Uyghur Militant Threat: China Cracks Down and Mulls Policy Changes By James M. Dorsey, August 13 2018

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GR Editor’s Note

We bring to your attention this incisive analysis by Prof James Dorsey.

It should be noted that historically the Uyghur affiliates of  Al Qaeda have been covertly supported

The Future of NATO By Prof. Richard Falk and Daniel Falcone, August 13 2018

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An interview of Professor Richard Falk with Daniel Falcone on the future of NATO that considers Trump’s brazen challenges and the tepid responses of European political leaders, and what this interplay

Selected Articles: The US-Turkey Crisis By Global Research News, August 13 2018

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For almost seventeen years, Global Research, together with partner independent media organizations, has sought Truth in Media with a view to eventually “disarming” the corporate media’s disinformation crusade.

To reverse the

Gina Haspel CIA Torture Cables Declassified By The National Security Archive, August 13 2018

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The following text is from the National Security Archive

Current CIA director Gina Haspel described graphic acts of deliberate physical torture including the waterboarding of a suspected Al-Qa’ida terrorist under her

World Markets Brace for Impact of Turkish Lira Crisis By Nick Beams, August 13 2018

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The key question in major financial markets when they open for trading today will be the impact of the ongoing Turkish financial and currency crisis amid warnings that it could have

The US-Turkey Crisis: The NATO Alliance Forged in 1949 Is Today Largely Irrelevant By Philip Giraldi, August 13 2018

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There has been some reporting in the United States mass media about the deteriorating relationship between Washington and Ankara and what it might mean. Such a falling out between NATO members

Our Opponents’ Actions Show We’re Winning By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, August 13 2018

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When in the midst of mass social transformation, it is often hard to see progress until you have the benefit of looking back after success has been achieved. One way we

The Other Hiroshimas: A Review of Napalm: An American Biography By Robert Barsocchini, August 13 2018

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Fire-weapons have been used from ancient times. Napalm-like weapons were used by and against the Romans and Greeks. One term used for them was “wildfire”; another was “Greek fire”, as incendiaries

To Hell with US Jobs, Let’s Get Iran! By Eric Margolis, August 13 2018

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President Trump keeps vowing to create more jobs in America.  But his actions often speak differently.  The most egregious example was Trump’s cancellation of the multi-national Iran nuclear treaty that had

Huge Protests Against Racist ‘Apartheid’ Law Rock Tel Aviv By Steve Sweeney, August 13 2018

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More than 100,000 Arabs and Jews demonstrated in a show of unity against the recently passed “racist” nation state law in Tel Aviv on Saturday, the second large protest in eight

Russia Finance Minister: We May Abandon Dollar in Oil Trade as It Is Becoming “Too Risky” By Zero Hedge, August 13 2018

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One month ago, the bond market and political pundits did a double take when according to the latest Treasury International Capital report, Russia had liquidated virtually all of its US Treasury

Time for Trudeau to Call the Saudi Bluff By Yves Engler, August 12 2018

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As every good poker player knows, sometimes the right move is to go all in.

Given his cards and the obvious over-the-top attempt by his opponent to scare him off a

How the UK Sees Opportunity and Profit in Sisi’s Repressive Egypt By Mark Curtis, August 12 2018

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Five years ago on 14 August, the new Egyptian military regime under General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi crushed a protest at Rabaa al-Adawiya Square in Cairo, killing at least 817 people. 

Since …

Yemen War Challenges Saudi Moral Authority By James M. Dorsey, August 12 2018

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Saudi conduct of its ill-fated war in Yemen coupled with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s alignment with the Trump administration and Israel, and his often coercive approach to diplomatic relations,

Selected Articles: Global Maelstrom of Political and Military Alliances By Global Research News, August 12 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Saudi Terror Bombings, US, UK, French Weapons Fuel Mass Slaughter in Yemen By Stephen Lendman, August 12 2018

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Saudi/UAE terror-bombing a bus in Yemen’s northern Saada province Thursday was the latest mass atrocity in the country.

According to an updated ICRC body count, 51 Yemeni civilians were killed, including

Acclaimed Venezuelan News Site Latest Victim in Facebook Censorship Spree By Sputnik, August 12 2018

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Publishers for the news outlet were informed by Facebook on Thursday that their page had been “unpublished” due to “recent activity” that “doesn’t follow the Facebook Pages Terms.” When a Facebook

The Self-Imposed Impotence of the Russian and Chinese Governments By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 12 2018

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The Russian and Chinese governments are puzzling. They hold all the cards in the sanction wars and sit there with no wits whatsoever as to how to play them.

The Russians …

Based on Bogus Charges of Anti-Semitism, Details Emerge of Plot to Oust Corbyn or Split UK Labour Party By Chris Marsden, August 12 2018

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Amid a tidal wave of coordinated media hysteria slandering Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters as anti-Semites, details are emerging of the plot to remove him as Labour Party leader or to

Secret Israeli Report Reveals Armed Drone Killed Four Boys Playing on Gaza Beach in 2014 By Robert Mackey, August 12 2018

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A confidential report by Israeli military police investigators seen by The Intercept explains how a tragic series of mistakes by air force, naval, and intelligence officers led to an airstrike in

US Jury Rules Against Monsanto. Glyphosate Residues Found in Western Foods and Drinks By Stephen Lendman, August 12 2018

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Monsanto puts profits over human health. The company has been selling carcinogenic glyphosate to farmers since 1974 – under the trade name Roundup, used to kill weeds without killing crops.


“Serious Incident” Unfolds as NATO Jet Accidentally Launches Secret Missile Near Russian Border By Zero Hedge, August 12 2018

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Estonia’s defense minister has halted a NATO war exercise in Estonia pending an investigation after a fighter jet deployed in northeast Europe accidentally fired a secret missile during training. Authorities

Russiagate Conceals Israeli Meddling and Coming War with Iran By Max Parry, August 12 2018

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Since taking office a year and a half ago, the allegations of ‘collusion’ between U.S. President Donald Trump’s election campaign and the Russian government have buried nearly all other substantive

Israel’s “Stamp of Approval” of Europe’s Largest Post-WWII Ethnic Cleansing. Croatia By Aleksandar Pavic, August 12 2018

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Back in February, we warned about the prospect of Israel selling F-16s to Croatia, a state in which WWII revisionism and Holocaust denial are running rampant, and memories of the Nazi

Why Trump Cancelled the Iran Deal By Eric Zuesse, August 12 2018

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The following is entirely from open online sources that I have been finding to be trustworthy on these matters in the past. These sources will be linked-to here; none of this

Video: Counter-Terrorism and Russia’s Military Campaign in Syria (2015-2018) By South Front, August 12 2018
Since 2015, Moscow has been employing its air power, military advisors and diplomatic resources to defeat a multitude of terrorist groups, to support the legitimate Syrian government, and to promote a peaceful dialogue across the country,
‘Sick of Media Lies’: Thousands Protest State Broadcaster Bias in #BBCswitchoff By RT News, August 12 2018

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A viral campaign calling out the BBC for alleged media bias and a lack of impartiality whipped up a huge Twitterstorm as citizens recounted examples of the state broadcaster’s prejudice under

Monsanto Loses Landmark Roundup Weedkiller Case; Jury Awards $289M to Cancer Victim By Organic Consumers Association, August 12 2018

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The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) today issued this statement in response to today’s verdict in the case of Dewayne Johnson vs. Monsanto Co., awarding $289.2 million in damages to plaintiff

Giving Trump Carte Blanche for War By John Kiriakou, August 12 2018

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Have you ever heard of Senate Joint Resolution 59 (S.J.Res. 59)? Neither had I. A friend of mine saw a blurb about it on an obscure national security blog

US Declares War in Space By Julian Rose, August 12 2018

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US Presidential  megalomania reached new heights today. As if the world had become too small for Trump’s hegemonic military interests, space is to be the new target for US military actions.

Foreign Power Intrusion in American Democracy? Guess Who? By Frank Scott, August 12 2018

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Americans schooled by films, comics, sitcoms and other forms of capital media might well believe Russia invaded the USA during our 18th century revolution and that’s why we’ve been enemies ever

Authoritarian Revocations: Australia, Terrorism and Citizenship By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 12 2018

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Contrary to any popular perceptions of Australia’s legal system, a dislike of rights reigns with pious conviction on both sides of the political aisle.  Rights are the stuff of nonsense and

Gunshot Gaza: Hospitals Struggle to Treat Surge in Firearms Injuries By Jonathan Owen, August 12 2018

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More than a thousand people in Gaza have been left with life changing injuries after being shot by Israeli soldiers at demonstrations in the past few months, doctors have said, leading

Israel Is the Real Problem By Media Lens, August 12 2018

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Elite power cannot abide a serious challenge to its established position. And that is what Labour under Jeremy Corbyn represents to the Tory government, the corporate, financial and banking sectors, and

Farcical “Ceasefire” in Gaza By Stephen Lendman, August 11 2018

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Israeli ceasefire terms are one-way, demanding everything, giving nothing in return but empty promises – breached every time made.

They’re all about affording to itself the right to use indiscriminate, disproportionate

Yemen: Fake ‘News’ That’s Mixed into America’s Mainstream News — and Why By Eric Zuesse, August 11 2018

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On Friday, August 10th, CNN headlined “Saudi-led strike kills dozens of children on school field trip in Yemen” and reported as if the United States doesn’t have any important role to

UN Sanctions Against North Korea, Encouraging De Facto Biological Warfare By Carla Stea, August 11 2018

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“UN sanctions announced last August stepped up the pressure by removing the parts of prior sanctions that had attempted to avoid humanitarian consequences.”  The Washington Post, July 20, 2018.


Saudi Airstrike on Yemen School Bus Kills at Least 50, Mostly Children By Jason Ditz, August 11 2018

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Saudi warplanes attacked a school bus in northern Yemen on Thursday, hitting the bus just as it was passing through a crowded marketplace. At least 50 civilians were killed in the

NATO’s Actions Contradict Their Stated “Values” By Gabriella Lima, August 11 2018

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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg regularly confirms the alliance’s commitment to strive for peace, safety and stability in the Euro-Atlantic region, in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN-Charter.

Washington Has Lured the EU into An Anti-China Trade Front By F. William Engdahl, August 11 2018

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While many in the EU breathed a sign of relief at the apparent success of the recent Washington trade tariff talks between EU Commission President Juncker and the Trump Administration, in

Giants: The Global Power Elite By Peter Phillips, August 11 2018

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My new book, Giants: The Global Power Elite, follows in the tradition of C. Wright Mills’ work the Power Elite, which was published in 1956.  Like Mills, I am

Trump’s “Space Force” Is About to Take Off in a Huge Way. Strategic Threat to Russia and China By Andrew Korybko, August 10 2018

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Popularly derided by critics from the Mainstream and Alternative Medias as a delusional dream of a megalomaniac president, Trump’s Space Force is actually an initiative to be reckoned with and poses

“Life Canada” vs. the Kinder-Morgan Oil-Tar Scheme By Prof. John McMurtry, August 10 2018

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If it was refined first in Alberta to a form where it is not irreversibly polluting to perhaps the most beautiful  mountain-and-sea life and waterways in  the world, and if it

Afghanistan: The Legacy of the British Empire. A Brief History By Dana Visalli, August 10 2018

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Relevant article selected from the GR archive, first published on GR in March 2013.

A brief review of the recent history of Afghanistan explains some of the background pertaining to today’s

Saudi Arabia and Iran Woo Incoming Pakistani Prime Minister By James M. Dorsey, August 10 2018

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An offer by a Saudi-backed bank to lend financially strapped Pakistan US$4 billion is likely intended to bolster Saudi influence when former international cricket player Imran Khan is sworn in in

Russia-Pakistan Relations: Towards a Strategic Partnership? By Andrew Korybko, August 10 2018

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Russia and Pakistan are well on the their way to reaching a strategic partnership with one another in light of four very high-profile events from the past two weeks, and sticking

Economic Reforms and Workers’ Rights in the People’s Republic of China By Prof. Chris King-Chi Chan, August 10 2018

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China’s economic reforms started exactly forty years ago. Labour scholars today are debating the extent to which labour relations and the labour movement in China have changed, and where they may

Economic Warfare: New Trump Regime Sanctions on Russia By Stephen Lendman, August 10 2018

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Illegally imposed sanctions by one country on others is war by other means. If too harsh, they can be as devastating as conflict between standing armies.

Washington is waging economic and

BRICS Leaders Are Reinforcing, Not Replacing, the Global System of Power By Prof. Patrick Bond, August 10 2018

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Can the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa (BRICS) bloc rise to the occasion, as Donald Trump jerks Western imperialism out of traditional alignments? With war-talk against Iran blowing through Trump’s tweets, and with Washington’s

The Unpleasant Truth About the 1941 Parachuting of Rudolf Hess in England By Sylvain Laforest, August 10 2018

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Even though a vast majority of the population admits the saying that history is written by those who win the wars, most are unwilling to question its core and rather choose

Economic Warfare against Russia: Moscow Condemns New “Draconian” Sanctions, Weighs Banning Rocket Engines to US By Zero Hedge, August 10 2018

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A furious Russia condemned a new round of U.S. sanctions as “draconian” on Thursday and threatened to retaliate as news of the measures sent the ruble tumbling to two-year lows and