Global Research News

Behind the Anglo-American War on Russia. Prevent the Domination of Eurasia by Russia and China By F. William Engdahl, September 11 2018

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Perhaps they had a chance back during the Obama days when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

US Efforts to Halt Eurasian Integration Are Failing Miserably By Federico Pieraccini, September 11 2018

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The operation of the Syrian Arab Army in the province of Idlib represents the last step

Selected Articles: 9/11 Opens Up an Era of Global Crisis, Upheaval and Militarization By Global Research News, September 11 2018
The tragic events of September 11, 2001 constitute a fundamental landmark in American history, a decisive watershed, a breaking point. Millions of people have been misled regarding the causes and consequences of 9/11.
Video: Washington Claims That Assad Government Wants to Bomb Schools, Hospitals and Homes in Idlib under the Guise of Counter-Terrorism By South Front, September 11 2018

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The US-led propaganda campaign against the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance has reached a new level as the Syrian

Target Syria: Will a New War be the October Surprise? By Philip Giraldi, September 11 2018

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It’s official. The Syrian Army assisted by Russian air support is closing in on the last

Video: 9/11, Uncovering the Truth. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 11 2018

Seventeen years have passed since the World Trade Center attacks of September 11, 2001, and there are still many unanswered questions surrounding that fateful day.

In 2011, experts and scientists from around the world gathered in Toronto, Canada to present

Merkel’s Chasing a Failed Dream by Fantasizing About Bombing Syria By Andrew Korybko, September 11 2018

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Merkel is desperate to keep alive her failed dream that Germany is the world’s foremost “normative

Climate Refugees Will Vastly Outweigh Recent Migrant Numbers By Shane Quinn, September 11 2018

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Due to persecution, violence and wars often waged or funded by Western governments, almost 70 million

Trump’s Wars and the Threat to Free Speech By Kurt Nimmo, September 11 2018

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It looks like Trump will plunge us into war, either in Iran or Syria, and possibly

Demeaning Democracy: Turning Doug Ford’s Attack on Toronto into a Movement for Democratic Renewal By Prof. Dennis Pilon, Prof. Roger Keil, Prof. Bryan Evans, and Prof. Greg Albo, September 11 2018

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We, the undersigned group of scholars and teachers, deplore the autocratic and arbitrary reduction of ward

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Evaluation Nearing the Finish Line: An Interview with Dr. Leroy Hulsey By Dr. Leroy Hulsey, September 11 2018

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Andy Steele (AS): Dr. Leroy Hulsey got a BS in civil engineering I 1965 from the

Ethiopia: A Case Study in Take-Over by Western Interests By Peter Koenig, September 11 2018

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Ethiopia is a landlocked country, bordering on Somalia which is dominating the Horn of Africa. Due

Indonesia ‘Proudly’ Joins US-led Military Exercises to Antagonize China By Andre Vltchek, September 11 2018

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Featured image: Tankers at Strait of Malacca (Source: author)

Indonesia (RI), the 4th most populous

Why Are We Siding with Al-Qaeda? By Rep. Ron Paul, September 11 2018

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Last week, I urged the Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to stop protecting al-Qaeda

9/11 Unmasked By Professor Piers Robinson, September 11 2018

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Although not a topic for polite conversation, nor a widely recognized ‘acceptable’ issue for mainstream academics

9/11 Unmasked
The Fakest Fake News: The U.S. Government’s 9/11 Conspiracy Theory By Edward Curtin, September 11 2018

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If you want to fathom today’s world, absolutely nothing is more important than to understand the

Brexit and “Suicide Vests”: Boris Johnson Takes Another Shot at Theresa May By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 10 2018

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The next blow in Boris Johnson’s chapter of political suicide has been made: a piece in the Mail on Sunday which supplied him ample room to take yet another shot

The 9/11 Plan: Cheney, Rumsfeld and the “Continuity of Government” (COG) By Paul Schreyer, September 10 2018
Terrorism. Emergency plans. Political careers. The history of 9/11 can be written from many angles. But whatever point of view is chosen, Dick Cheney is a central figure.
Osamagate By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 10 2018
The main justification for waging this war has been totally fabricated. The American people have been deliberately and consciously misled by their government into supporting a major military adventure which affects our collective future.
Albert Einstein’s 1948 Letter to the New York Times Comparing Israeli Politicians to Nazis By Dr. Albert Einstein and Michael R. Burch, September 10 2018

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GR Ed.: Compared to 2018, the NYT in 1948 was visibly committed to opinion, analysis

Federal Grand Jury Petition Filed for New 9/11 Investigation By Bruce G. Morgan, September 10 2018

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Good news has finally come along for the many people who know office fires cannot bring down modern steel framed skyscrapers, and it’s good news for the rest of the world

We Can No Longer Afford a Fossil Fuel Economy By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, September 10 2018

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Featured image: #WeRiseForClimate protest in San Francisco, September 8, 2018 from flickr.

The Global #RiseForClimate actions are just one example of many that the climate justice movement is building the

New Pro-US Alliance Emerges in Eastern Mediterranean to Reshape Regional Security Landscape, Divisions within NATO By Peter Korzun, September 10 2018

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The military-political landscape in Europe and the Mediterranean is changing. NATO is not as unified as it once was, and Turkey’s membership has become more of a formality than a real

Israel Should Not Have to Ask Washington’s Permission for Settlements: US Ambassador Friedman By Yemenpress, September 10 2018

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The US ambassador to Tel Aviv says Israel checks all settlement expansion plans in the occupied Palestinian territories with the United States which never challenges them.

In an interview published in …

Empire Journalism: Venezuela, the US and John McCain By Media Lens, September 10 2018

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The US political commentator Michael Parenti once observed that:

‘Bias in favor of the orthodox is frequently mistaken for “objectivity”. Departures from this ideological orthodoxy are themselves dismissed as ideological.’

Once …

Pompeo’s Fingerprints Are All Over Trump’s New Syria Regime Change Policy By Whitney Webb, September 10 2018

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Despite his having expressed his desire to get U.S. troops out of Syria only months ago, a report published Friday in The Washington Post claims that President Donald Trump is allegedly

Are the US and UK Empowering Al-Qaeda in Yemen? By Mark Curtis, September 10 2018

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A recent investigation by the Associated Press found that militias in Yemen backed by the Saudi-led coalition, of which the US and UK are a de facto part, have been recruiting

US Air Forces Strike Deir Ez-Zor with Banned Phosphorus Shells – Mod By Muraselon, September 10 2018

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The US Air forces ” Two US F-15 jets ” on September 8 carried out strikes using banned phosphorus bombs in Deir ez-Zor province, the Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation said

Moscow Has Upped the Ante in Syria By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, September 10 2018

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As Syrian forces back by Russian launch the final showdown in Syria against jihadist extremists, the potential for a U.S.-Russia confrontation has never been greater, as VIPS warns in this memo

How the U.S. Does Propaganda By Eric Zuesse, September 10 2018

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A typical example was on NPR’s “Weekend Edition Saturday,” on September 8th, when the program-host Scott Simon interviewed the Obama Administration’s diplomat Robert Malley, in a segment titled “What’s Next In

The Amazon Business Model is A Job Killer: The Shift Towards E-Commerce. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 31 Million Jobs Destroyed By Dr. Jack Rasmus, September 09 2018

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Prominent in the news this past week was the report that Amazon and its CEO, Jeff Bezos, reached record levels of market valuation and wealth. Amazon is now worth more than

Russia and Iran Versus Turkey: Strange Bedfellows on Syria By Stephen Lendman, September 09 2018

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Vladimir Putin, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, and Turkish despot Recep Yayyip Erdogan met in Tehran on Syria. They agreed to disagree despite pretending otherwise in their communique following talks.

Trump Cuts $25m in Aid for Palestinians in East Jerusalem Hospitals By Middle East Eye, September 09 2018

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US President Donald Trump ordered that $25m earmarked for the medical care of Palestinians in East Jerusalem hospitals be directed elsewhere as part of a review of aid, a State Department

Trump’s Mission of Distraction: Finding the NYT “Anonymous Author” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 09 2018

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The Trump presidency has proven to be a set of publicity driven punctuations and blows, riddled by distractions contrived and accidental.  Controversy and accusation characterise the next revelation, the next announcement

Trump Commits US to ‘Indefinite’ Military Presence in Syria By Jason Ditz, September 09 2018

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According to State Department officials, President Trump has recently abandoned his desire to “get out” of Syria and bring US troops home.  He has signed a new strategy, which includes new

Britain Should be in the Dock Over Skripal Saga, Not Russia By Strategic Culture Foundation, September 09 2018

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The latest announcement by British authorities of two named Russian suspects in connection with the alleged poison assassination of a former Russian spy and his daughter is more absurd drama in

Why I Don’t Speak of the Fake News of “9/11” Anymore By Edward Curtin, September 09 2018

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Tuesday, September 11, 2001, was a non-teaching day for me.  I was home when the phone rang at 9 A.M.  It was my daughter, who was on a week’s vacation with

Tony Blair Confirms Receiving Millions in Donation From Saudi By Middle East Monitor, September 09 2018

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Tony Blair’s relationship with Saudi Arabia has come under scrutiny following the revelation that the non-government organisation set up under his name has received millions of pounds from Riyadh.

Accounts …

US Cuts off Aid to Pakistan, Obstructing Pakistan’s Economic Cooperation with China By Andrew Korybko, September 09 2018

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The US military suspended $300 million in aid to Pakistan.

Technically speaking, the US didn’t cut off actual “military aid” in the physical sense that it’s widely perceived to have done

Elections in Sweden: Opening the Door to the Far Right By Petter Nilsson, September 09 2018

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Featured image: The crowd at a Sweden Democrats event in 2013. News Oresund / Flickr

The sociologist Walter Korpi once quipped that “the revolution will not come to Sweden through armed

Video: The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw By Barrie Zwicker and Michael Welch, September 09 2018

“They say a conspiracy this large could not be kept secret, but most large covert operations are kept secret. People say ‘they’, meaning the Bush Administration, wouldn’t dare for fear they’d be found out. As for being found out by

Demonization of Middle East Leaders Prior to Invasion and “Regime Change”. Trump’s Iran Policy By Farhang Jahanpour, September 08 2018

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1. The US Iran policy aims at nothing but conflict-building followed by economic, political and military violence

From all the remarks made by President Donald Trump and his senior officials, it

Netanyahu Regime Secretly Arming and Funding Twelve or More Terrorist Groups in Syria By Stephen Lendman, September 08 2018

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On September 6, Foreign Policy (FP), an establishment media  discussed Israel’s “secret program to back Syrian rebels” – code name for terrorists, supported by the Trump and Netanyahu regimes, along with

Where’s the Rest of Our Country? America’s Illegal and Immoral Invasions and Occupations By Philip A Farruggio, September 08 2018

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In the 1942 epic film King’s Row actor Ronald Reagan (of all people) played a down and out working stiff (Drake McHugh)  who just had his legs amputated due to an

Idlib: Al Qaeda’s Last Stand By Tony Cartalucci, September 08 2018

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The United States has raised tensions further amid Syria’s ongoing conflict. It has issued a threat in the form of a “warning” against Damascus against retaking the northern region of Idlib.

New York Times
The New York Times Anonymous Op-Ed – A Neocon Generated Document? By Philip Giraldi, September 08 2018

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It seems that the entire world now knows that an Anonymous senior official on the White House staff has described an administration in chaos, headed by an “amoral” ignoramus, which only

More Jobs Fictions. Payroll Job Reports and Labor Statistics in America By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 08 2018

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According to today’s payroll jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the economy created 200,000 new jobs in August.  These jobs, assuming that they exist, are reported to be in

“We Love the CIA!”—or How the “Left” Lost Its Mind By Ann Garrison, September 08 2018

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On July 22 this year, nearly two years after Trump’s election and the rise of “The Resistance,” I tuned in to KPFA-Berkeley’s Sunday Show and heard host Philip Maldari speaking to

Triggering War. A Manufactured “Catalytic Event” Which Will Initiate An All Out War? Are We Going to Let this Happen Again? By Prof. Graeme MacQueen, September 08 2018
As we watch Western governments testing their opponents – today Iran, the next day the DPRK, and then Russia and China – we hold our breaths. We are waiting with a sense of dread for the occurrence of a catalytic event that will initiate war. Now is the time to reflect on such catalytic events, to understand them, to prepare for them.
The Hysteria in the Conservative Press Indicates That There Will Now be a Labour Government in Britain By Hans Stehling, September 08 2018

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The question is when?

1. There is now apparently a majority in the country who are increasingly anxious for both the railway system and public utilities to be brought under state …

Trump’s Tariffs Might Jumpstart Japan’s “Eurasian Pivot”. Russia-Japan Rapprochement? By Andrew Korybko, September 08 2018

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Japan will probably remain one of the US’ “unsinkable aircraft carriers” for the foreseeable future, but its government has been making remarkable progress in its rapprochement with Russia in recent years,

Will Brexit Drag Britain into Poverty? By True Publica, September 08 2018

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The government’s own economic advisors are clearly stating that a no-deal Brexit will see a worse recession than the ‘great recession’ Britain has already endured over the last decade. With one

New York Times
The New York Times as Iago: Undermining Peace Efforts by Sowing Suspicion By Diana Johnstone, September 08 2018

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The New York Times continues to outdo itself in the production of fake news. There is no more reliable source of fake news than the intelligence services, which regularly provide their

Donald Trump
Donald Trump to the Rescue of the Same Al Qaeda “Freedom Fighters” Who Attacked America on 9/11? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 08 2018
This terrorist stronghold in Idlib is of strategic importance to the US. It constitutes a means to maintaining US and allied military presence in Northern Syria. And that is precisely why the US and its allies are planning to intervene militarily in liaison with their Al Qaeda proxy forces.
Citizens of the World
Global Research: “The Indispensable Resource for Citizens of the World” By The Global Research Team, September 07 2018

“Global Research provides penetrating analysis with breaking news for a planetary audience and remains the indispensable resource for citizens of the world.” – Michael Carmichael (President of Planetary Movement, political consultant in the presidential campaigns of RFK; Eugene McCarthy; Jimmy

Video: Israel Censors News on Its Support to Al Qaeda Militants in Syria By South Front, September 07 2018

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The Israeli military is censoring news reports on Israel providing weapons and supplies to militant groups in Syria. The Jerusalem Post was told by the military censor to remove its story

War on Terrorism
Al Qaeda and the “War on Terrorism” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 07 2018
Ironically, Al Qaeda --the "outside enemy of America"-- is a creation of the CIA.
Parliamentary Elections in Sweden. Shift to the Right? Towards “A NATO Sweden”? By Peter Koenig, September 07 2018

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The current Swedish Government, led by the Social Democrats, is governed by a coalition with the Green Party since 2014. Incumbent PM, Stefan Löfven, intends to continue his government and

Trade War
China and the United States: Cooperation and Competition Instead of Trade War and Cold War By Roy Morrison, September 07 2018

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The relationship between the United States and China is sliding toward trade war tinged with threat of militarization. The explicit subtext of Trump administration animus toward China is to undermine China

Invasion and Interference: US Designs on Venezuela By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 07 2018

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The irresistible allure of invasion and interference has never been far from US law makers.  The imperium needs its regular feed and what a feed it has been over the decades,

West Support Al Qaeda
Civilization Versus Barbarism. Why Does the West Support Al Qaeda? By Mark Taliano, September 07 2018

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The civilized world should be celebrating the fact that Syria and its allies are on the cusp of defeating al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria.

If Canada, the West, and their allies conducted …

Latin America: Rightwing Interlude and the Death Rattle of Neoliberalism By Prof. James Petras, September 07 2018
By the beginning of 2015 and extending to 2018 a series of rightwing neo-liberal regimes came to power in Latin America. These included Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador and Colombia. They joined a cluster of existing ‘free market’ regimes in Mexico, Peru, Honduras and Paraguay.
Senator Rubio
Senator Rubio’s “Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative”: How Scared is the U.S. of China’s “Belt and Road”? By Andrew Korybko, September 06 2018

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The “Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative” jointly proposed by Senators Marco Rubio and three others threatens the US’ partners with the downgrading of bilateral relations and possible suspension of

Saudi Arabia
Criticism of Saudi Leadership Seeps Through Cracks as Report Questions Kingdom’s Utility for Britain By James M. Dorsey, September 06 2018

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Featured image: Saudi Prince Ahmed engages with protesters

Signs of opposition to policies of Saudi King Salman and his son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and potentially increased domestic polarization

The Gaza Strip: Funding for Emergency Fuel Needed Immediately to Avoid Catastrophic Breakdown in Essential Services By UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, September 06 2018

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This week, final stocks of emergency fuel will be delivered to critical facilities in the Gaza Strip, through the United Nations-Assisted Emergency Fuel Program. The Humanitarian Coordinator, Jamie McGoldrick, has written

Conspiracy Theory
Apparently the “Deep State’s” a “Conspiracy Theory” But the “Steady State” Isn’t By Andrew Korybko, September 06 2018

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A supposedly anonymous high-ranking member of the Trump Administration published an op-ed in the New York Times bragging about the existence of the so-called “steady state” that’s resisting the President’s policies

British government
Once Again, Palestinians Are Shafted by The British Government, Responding to Pressures from pro-Israeli Lobby By Rima Najjar, September 06 2018

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I am appalled and angry at the British government’s adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism following pressure by various Jewish Zionist groups for the

Controversy Regarding China’s Investments in Africa By Andrew Korybko, September 06 2018

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The Mainstream Media has been propagating the narrative that China’s only interest in “Global South” countries is to deviously ensnare them in so-called “debt traps” so that it can squeeze territorial

Skripals – The Mystery Deepens By Craig Murray, September 06 2018

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The time that “Boshirov and Petrov” were allegedly in Salisbury carrying out the attack is all entirely within the period the Skripals were universally reported to have left their home with

Donbass Leader Zakharchenko: A Hero Is Dead. Killing the Minsk Peace Initiative. Kiev Troop Movements Near Donbass By Christopher Black, September 06 2018

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The cruel assassination of Alexander Zakharchenko, leader of the Donetsk Republic, in Donetsk on August 31 by elements of the Kiev regime’s forces backed by NATO, and the wounding of

The Burning Down of Brazil’s National Museum: A Capitalist Crime Against the Heritage of Humanity By Bill Van Auken, September 06 2018

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Brazil’s National Museum in Rio de Janeiro was gutted Sunday night by a massive fire that consumed not only the historic 19th century palace that housed the institution, but a vast

Israel to Sell Freedom Flotilla Boats to Support Settlers By Middle East Monitor, September 06 2018

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Israel plans to sell four boats seized while sailing towards the besieged Gaza Strip and distribute the funds among two settlers families.

Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper reported yesterday that the move came …

US Ambassador: Jerusalem Made Israel’s Capital ‘Under God’s Direction’ 3,000 Years Ago By Middle East Monitor, September 06 2018

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US Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, has praised President Donald Trump’s administration for putting US-Israeli relations on “more solid [ground] than ever before”, reported the Jerusalem Post.

Speaking …

Brexit: Chaos in British Politics, Thoughts for the Next Six Months By True Publica, September 06 2018

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The next six months means little more than brace yourselves for the ride folks. There’s so much skullduggery, chicanery and backstabbing going on there’s sure to be a political bloodbath one

Video: Who Is Instigating “Hot War” Between NATO and Russia? By South Front, September 06 2018

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Over the past few months NATO member states have sharply increased their pressure on Russia. The Euro-Atlantic establishment is strengthening the image of Russia as a fierce enemy. It is very

Global System Collapse: Genes and “Human Nature” Are Not the Cause of “World Chaos” By Prof. John McMurtry, September 06 2018
One of the enfeebling consequences of human-nature-gene diversions from the reigning system disorder is that it puts the onus on individual human beings to solve the problem by being “nicer” to and “kinder” to each other.
India, Russia and the Post-American Century By M. K. Bhadrakumar, September 06 2018

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India’s impending purchase of the Russian S-400 missile system has come to be the leitmotif of the “2+2” dialogue of the foreign and defence ministers of India and the United States

The Burning Blaze of Neoliberalism in Brazil By Massoud Nayeri, September 06 2018

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On Sunday, September 2nd, 2018; thousands of the worlds’ invaluable and precious cultural and historical items at the National Museum of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro burnt to ashes due to

US Continues to Resist North Korean Calls for Peace Declaration By Jason Ditz, September 06 2018

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White House and State Department officials are reiterating that they have no current interest in making a deal with North Korea that would involve a peace declaration ending the Korean War.

UN Says the Obvious: Al-Qaeda Able to Produce Chlorine Gas in Syria By Paul Antonopoulos, September 05 2018

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Al-Qaeda affiliated Al-Nusra terrorists have the resources and ability to produce chlorine gas to use against the population, UN special envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura told a news conference on