Global Research News

Flight MH17, Ukraine and the New Cold War. Prism of Disaster. By Prof. Kees van der Pijl, September 16 2018

‘Based on wide-ranging meticulous research, van der Pijl utilises the case of the downing of MH17 as a prism to refract the political corruption of state-directed oligarchic capitalism in Ukraine coupled to the self-interest of a neo-liberal driven European Union. …

International Criminal Court
U.S. Crimes against Humanity: “President Bolton” Threatens to Sanction the International Criminal Court By Kurt Nimmo, September 16 2018

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Earlier this week, John Bolton—Trump’s national security adviser and basically the president of US foreign

Spain Sells Laser Guided Missiles to Saudi Arabia. Destruction and Death In Yemen vs. Unemployment in Spain By Peter Koenig, September 16 2018

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Spain’s President, socialist Pedro Sanchez, canceled a week ago the sale of 400 laser-guided missiles to

US, UK, Saudis, and UAE Want Yemenis to Starve By Stephen Lendman, September 16 2018

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Famine stalks Yemen because of US/UK supported bombing raids coupled with a naval blockade – ignoring

What Is the Left in Canada? By Kim Petersen, September 16 2018

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A claim to righteousness in international affairs is fundamental to Canadian exceptionalism, the idea that this

Israel-Palestine: The Humanitarian Consequences of an Occupation By Michael Welch, September 16 2018

It seems quite daunting, what the Palestinians are facing, but like Dr. Swee Ang who was with us and who was a long time Palestinian supporter, and who has seen the Sabra-Shatilla massacres – is a witness to the

South America
South America’s “Made in USA” Growing Crises. Economic Destabilization of Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela By Dr. Jack Rasmus, September 16 2018

First published by GR on June 11, 2018

Emerging market economies are heading for an economic implosion. From South America to South Asia conditions are deteriorating rapidly and heading for an even more severe economic crisis in which many are

The Alleged Involvement of Saudi Arabia in 9/11: Bob Graham and the Missing 28 Pages of the 9/11 Joint Inquiry Report By Kevin Ryan, September 16 2018

First published  by GR on May 13, 2015

The media has taken an increasing interest in the 28 pages that were redacted from the 9/11 Joint Congressional Inquiry Report. The stories usually feature one of the Inquiry’s leaders, former Senator

The Currency War Will Escalate as China’s ‘Petro-Yuan’ Challenges the U.S. Military-Backed ‘Petro-Dollar’ By Timothy Alexander Guzman, September 16 2018

Of relevance to the ongoing currency war, first published in November 2017

One quote that always crosses my mind regarding the decline of the U.S. dollar and the state of geopolitics associated with it, is by Gerald Celente, founder

Washington’s “Divide and Rule Strategy” in Basra, Home of Iraq’s Biggest Oil Fields By Dr. Dina Y. Sulaeman, September 15 2018

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Basra is supposed to be a prosperous province for its citizens. The province is a home

Skripal Case Suspects, CCTV Camera Footage, Official UK Statement and Timeline, RT Interview with Petrov and Boshirov By Alexander Petrov, Ruslan Boshirov, and Margarita Simonyan, September 15 2018

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Global Research Introductory Note

We bring to the attention of our readers three videos pertaining to …

Lynch Mob Mentality. The Boshirov and Petrov story By Craig Murray, September 15 2018

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I was caught in a twitterstorm of hatred yesterday, much of it led by mainstream media

Trump Administration Outraged at John Kerry for Talking to Iran By Middle East Eye, September 15 2018

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US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday lambasted his predecessor, John Kerry, for meeting

A Traditional Right: Jimmie Akesson and the Sweden Democrats By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 15 2018

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Sweden’s elections are normally dull affairs. The same political arrangements have been in place for decades,

UK Government
Freedom of Expression in the UK: Prominent British Scientist and Critic of the Skripal Poisoning Story Arrested By Kurt Nimmo, September 15 2018

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The UK government is now targeting critics of the fake chemical attack in Salisbury it has

Central Banks
Central Banks Have Gone Rogue, Putting Us All at Risk By Ellen Brown, September 15 2018

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Central bankers are now aggressively playing the stock market. To say they are buying up the

Marines Team Up with Islamists in Syria By Kurt Nimmo, September 15 2018

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Trump and the Pentagon have sent a number of Marines to al-Tanf in Syria where they

The Flag War: Ethiopia’s Competing Nationalisms By Andrew Korybko, September 15 2018

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The Ethiopian capital is on edge as Oromo from the surrounding region flock to Addis Ababa

The Strange Russian Alibi By Craig Murray, September 14 2018

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Like many, my first thought at the interview of Boshirov and Petrov – which apparently are

Video: Dr. Chris Busby on Novichoks and the Skripal Russia Poisoning Affair By Prof. Christopher Busby, September 14 2018

This report by prominent British Scientist Dr. Chris Busby was published in April 2018.

In recent developments, Chris Busby’s home was raided by police. He was arrested on trumped up charges.

See screenshot below.

This arrest points to the suppression …

political sanctions
The Two Most Dangerous Warmongers in Political Office Today By Hans Stehling, September 14 2018

image: Trump and Netanyahu

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They work in concert to carefully lay the foundations and propaganda for

US Biological Warfare Program in the Spotlight Again By Peter Korzun, September 14 2018

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This is a scoop to bring the US biological warfare effort back into the spotlight. On

Turkey’s Political Agenda in the Balkans. Erdogan’s Islamic Influence in Bosnia By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir and Arbana Xharra, September 14 2018

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As Turkey’s President Erdogan runs out of money, he is now, more than any time before,

Why John Bolton Really Hates the International Criminal Court By Brett Wilkins, September 14 2018

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When Bolton expresses his desire to “strangle the ICC in its cradle,” what he really means

Europe Just Voted to Wreck the Internet, Spying on Everything and Censoring Vast Swathes of Our Communications By Boing Boing, September 14 2018

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Lobbyists for “creators” threw their lot in with the giant entertainment companies and the newspaper proprietors

Video: Turkey Deploys Battle Tanks at Observation Post in Northern Hama By South Front, September 14 2018

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On September 13, the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) deployed several battle tanks and armoured vehicles at

Criticising Israel: A Lesson From the Past. Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat Shake Hands By Robin Lustig, September 14 2018

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Twenty-five years ago, on 13 September 1993, the then Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and the

Counter-Terrorism Operation against Al Qaeda’s Stronghold in Northern Syria: The Liberation of Idlib By Firas Samuri, September 14 2018

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The successful actions of the Syrian Arab Army led to the almost total liberation of the

Selected Articles: The Chemical Weapons Issue in Syria By Global Research News, September 14 2018

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For almost seventeen years, Global Research, together with partner independent media organizations, has sought Truth in

Anger Soars as Israel Turns Mosque into Wine Shop By The Palestinian Information Center, September 14 2018

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Activists have unraveled underway Israeli efforts to turn a historical mosque in Majdal city, in territories

Neocons Plan: War in Syria, Then Iran By Adam Dick, September 14 2018

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Interviewed Tuesday by host Sharmini Peries at The Real News, Lawrence Wilkerson, a College of William

Venezuelans March to Commemorate Allende, Oppose Coup Threat By Paul Dobson, September 14 2018

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Featured image: A truck drove around Caracas with a banner from the grassroots commune movement, with

Hurricane Florence: Flood Danger to Brunswick Nuclear Plant on North Carolina Cape Fear River By Roy Morrison, September 14 2018

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The two reactor Brunswick nuclear plant on the Cape Fear River in North Carolina may be

Racism and America’s Prison Economy: Carceral Capitalism and Anti-Capitalist Politics By Dillon Wamsley, September 14 2018

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Jackie Wang’s Carceral Capitalism (MIT Press, 2018) is arguably one of the most wide-ranging, critical,

Bid to Starve 2 Million Palestinians into Submission as Trump Repays Zionist Backer Netanyahu for His Presidency By Hans Stehling, September 14 2018

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As the Trump-Netanyahu conspiracy to destroy the indigenous people of former Palestine gathers pace: as the

Censored Documentary Exposes the Israeli Government’s Attack on Black Lives Matter By Max Blumenthal, September 14 2018

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Exclusive footage from the censored Al Jazeera documentary, “The Lobby – USA,” shows Israeli government officials

Video: Turkey Abducts Suspect of 2013 Reyhanli Bombing in Lattakia By South Front, September 14 2018

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On September 12, Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT) announced that it had abducted Yusuf Nazik, a

Fiji in the Pacific Ocean Isn’t Fighting ISIS-Daesh, It’s Being Used by the US to Send a Signal to China By Andrew Korybko, September 14 2018

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Fiji’s inclusion as the latest member of the US’ anti-Daesh coalition in Syria has nothing at

The Tech-Driven New ‘Business Model’ for the US Education System By Dr. Jack Rasmus, September 14 2018

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A higher ed colleague of mine recently responded to my ‘Amazon the Job Killer’ piece (see

U.S. Again Cries ‘Chemical Warfare’ in Syria By Scott Ritter, September 14 2018

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Featured image: U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley at the UN this week. (Twitter/Nikki Haley/U.S.

On the Brink with Russia in Syria Again, 5 Years Later By Ray McGovern, September 14 2018

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The New York Times, on September 11, 2013, accommodated Russian President Vladimir V. Putin’s desire

Trump Administration Threatens International Criminal Court Judges and Prosecutors for Doing Their Jobs By Jamil Dakwar, September 14 2018

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In an unprecedented attack on one of the most important judicial bodies in the world, National

E-40 Waterway Project
The New Viking Silk Road: The E-40 Waterway Project Linking the Baltic to the Black Sea By Andrew Korybko, September 13 2018

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The successful realization of the E-40 waterway project, a little-known initiative to link the Baltic

Trump Administration
Bringing Down a President? By Philip Giraldi, September 13 2018

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If anyone doubted that the top level of the intelligence agencies in Washington have dedicated themselves

First They Came for Alex Jones, Then for Russian Cable News RT and Syrian TV. Going to War with Russia, Syria, Iran? By Ann Garrison, September 13 2018

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Rolling Stone writer Matt Taibibi calls Alex Jones “the media equivalent of a trench-coated stalker who

Top Three Charges on Which John Bolton Should be Tried at the International Criminal Court (ICC) By Prof. Juan Cole, September 13 2018

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National Security Adviser John Bolton appears to be spiraling down into the same miasma of madness

International Criminal Court
The Trump Administration’s Intent Is to “Let the ICC Die”.The International Criminal Court is “Illegitimate” according to Bolton By J. B. Gerald, September 13 2018

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In a speech to the Federalist Society September 10th National Security Adviser John Bolton announced the

The Iran-Russia-Turkey Summit on Syria. Towards Multi-Polar Geopolitical Alliances By Mark Taliano and Tasnim News Agency, September 13 2018

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A political commentator from Canada, who is the author of “Voices from Syria”, praised a recent

UK Mass Surveillance Ruled Unlawful in Landmark Judgment By Big Brother Watch, September 13 2018

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The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) today ruled that the UK’s mass interception programmes breached

Weather Events
Extreme Weather Events and the Seventh Mass Extinction of Species By Dr. Andrew Glikson, September 13 2018

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The history of Earth is marked by at least seven major mass extinctions,  including asteroid impact

Toward ‘Fisheries Justice’? The Global ‘Fisheries Crisis’ and How Small-scale Fishers Are Fighting Back By Elyse Mills, September 13 2018

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The global ‘fisheries crisis’—in which fish stocks are depleted, environmental destruction has reached an apex, and

More Than 1,000 Prisoners Left Behind in Carolinas Hurricane Evacuation By Naomi LaChance, September 13 2018

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More than 1,000 inmates at several prisons across the Carolinas will not be moved during a

Trump Administration Publishes Plans to Tax Protests and Close White House Sidewalk to Protests By Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, September 13 2018

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In a major reversal of long-standing federal policy, the Trump Administration has issued a new plan

Video: Largest US Weapons Store – in Italy By Manlio Dinucci, September 13 2018
Among the weapons transported monthly by sea from Camp Darby to Jeddah, there are also, without any doubt, US airborne bombs that are used by the Saudi air force to massacre civilians in Yemen (as proven by photographic evidence).
Video: Militants Filming Staged Chemical Attack in Idlib? According to Idlib Inhabitants By South Front, September 13 2018

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On September 11, the US-led coalition and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that the

Trump May Replace Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis with a Neocon By Kurt Nimmo, September 13 2018

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According to Bob Woodward’s latest book, Secretary of Defense Jim “Mad Dog” Mattis believes President Trump

Thanks to Obama Bailouts and Trump Tax Cuts, Five Largest US Banks Have Raked in $583 Billion Since 2008 Crash By Jake Johnson, September 13 2018

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The 2008 financial meltdown inflicted devastating financial and psychological damage upon millions of ordinary Americans, but

The US-Turkey Stand-off in Context: The Weaponisation of Global Finance By Vassilis K. Fouskas and Bulent Gokay, September 13 2018

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The US, a declining superpower, is trying to use the power of the dollar as a

Doctrines of Impunity: John Bolton and the International Criminal Court (ICC) By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 13 2018

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The Trump administration’s national security advisor John Bolton has never been a fan of international law,

US and Israel
The Geopolitics of War Crimes, Israel and America: Trump’s Taking Putin’s Earlier ICC Moves to a Qualitatively New Level By Andrew Korybko, September 12 2018

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President Putin’s decision to remove Russia from the International Criminal Court in 2016 over its hyper-politicized

The White House Countdown Begins for the Death of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) By Motasem A Dalloul, September 12 2018

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After months of speculation about the contradictory remarks delivered by American officials and spokespersons about the

Canada: Please Sign Petition for Public Inquiry into Hassan Diab’s Case By Hassan Diab Support Committee, September 12 2018

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Dear Friends and Supporters,

Please sign our petition calling on the Government of Canada to conduct

America: One Big Commercial. The Post 9/11 Marriage between the Sport’s Media and the Pentagon By Philip A Farruggio, September 12 2018

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I love sports, since I was a young kid. I can remember, vividly, sitting in our

Haider_al-Abadi, Photo by Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
US Favorite Candidate for Iraq PM, Haider al-Abadi Has Fallen with the Burned Walls of the Iranian Consulate in Basra By Elijah J. Magnier, September 12 2018

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The US favourite candidate for the prime ministership Haider Abadi lost his last chance to renew

International Criminal Court
Beyond Bolton and the “Law of the Jungle”: The Path to a Progressive U.S. Foreign Policy By Nicolas J. S. Davies and Medea Benjamin, September 12 2018

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America’s miserable record over 30 years should make it clear a serious and genuine commitment to

Holding the Line on Torture, US Torture Policy, One Organization at a Time By Rebecca Gordon, September 12 2018

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Sometimes the good guys do win. That’s what happened on August 8th in San Francisco when

September 11, 1973: Remembering Canada’s Support for the Right Wing Coup in Chile By Yves Engler, September 12 2018

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On Sept. 11, 1973, the democratically elected president of Chile, Salvador Allende, was overthrown by

Climate Change
Selected Articles: US Led Wars and Climate Change By Global Research News, September 12 2018

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Global Research has over 50,000 subscribers to our Newsletter.

Our objective is to recruit one thousand

Is There a Real Way for English to Retain Its Primacy Across the EU? By Grete Mautner, September 12 2018

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If one is to take a look at EU’s language policies, we note numerous attempts to

Venezuela Poses No ‘Threat to the World’— But WaPo’s Claim That It Does Is Dangerous By Joe Emersberger, September 12 2018

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A Washington Post article by Ishaan Tharoor (9/10/18) states that it “can be plausibly

Gramsci, Passive Revolution and 20th Century Iran By Marziyeh Asgari Vash and Karim Pourhamzavi, September 12 2018

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The struggle for democracy, development, independence and an egalitarian society in Iran is a century old.

The US: The Century of Lost Wars By Prof. James Petras, September 12 2018
Despite having the biggest military budget in the world, five times larger than the next six countries, the largest number of military bases – over 180 – in the world and the most expensive military industrial complex, the US has failed to win a single war in the 21st century.
Will the U.S. Let India Continue to Import Iranian Crude? By Tim Daiss, September 12 2018

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India is increasingly finding itself caught between competing alliances.

On one hand, ties between Washington and …

The Natural Enemy: US Open Women’s Tennis Final, Serena Williams and the Sporting Umpire By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 11 2018

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Should it matter this much?  A wealthy, successful individual expressed fury at the most popular object

Is Our World Cultural Heritage Worth Saving? Activists Call Out Saudi Arabia on the Disappearing of History By Catherine Shakdam, September 11 2018

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“A concerted effort to preserve our heritage is a vital link to our cultural, educational, aesthetic,

Eight Reasons 9/11 Could Not Have Been “An Inside Job” By Washington's Blog, September 11 2018
There’s no way government officials who are sworn to protect and defend America – would do something like that! True, the U.S. government officials have admitted that they’ve repeatedly carried out false flag attacks. But 9/11 was obviously different.
September 11, 2001: The WTC Towers Were Brought Down by Controlled Demolition By Richard Gage and Michael Welch, September 11 2018

Richard Gage  is founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11Truth.

AE911 Truth is a non-profit organization of architects, engineers, and affiliates dedicated to investigating the events of September 11, 2001.

This GRTV video interview, recorded for the 17th anniversary of …

Armageddon Rides in the Balance. Has the Left Lost its Mind? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 11 2018

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For some time I have pointed out the paradox of the American liberal/progressive/left being allied with

Russia’s Pivoting to the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea via Eritrea and the UAE By Andrew Korybko, September 11 2018

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Featured image: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met Eritrea’s Foreign Minister Osman Saleh, August 31, 2018,

The Costs of 9/11 Continue to Mount. The Official Government Account of 9/11 is False By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 11 2018

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This is the 17th anniversary of 9/11.  During the years that have passed large numbers of