Global Research News

Saudi Inc.: The Arabian Kingdom’s Pursuit of Power and Profit By James M. Dorsey, September 20 2018

Ellen R. Wald’s timely, well-written history of the Saudi national oil company, Saudi Inc. The Arabian Kingdom’s Pursuit of Power and Profit (Pegasus Books, 2018), is as much the story of the Saudi oil industry as it is of

The United States of America – The Real Reason Why They Are Never Winning Their Wars By Peter Koenig, September 20 2018
None of these wars, hot wars or cold wars, has ever been won. Nor were they intended to be won. And there are no signs that future US-led wars will ever be won; irrespective of the trillions of dollars spent on them. Why?
Two African Heroes Leave Prison in Rwanda By Ann Garrison, September 20 2018

On September 15, Rwandan political prisoners Victoire Ingabire and Kizito Mihigo walked out of Nyarugenge Prison in Rwanda’s capital, along with nearly 2000 more Rwandan prisoners whom President Paul Kagame had granted “executive clemency.” Members of local and international media

The Pathology of Mass Surveillance: The UK, Bulk Interception and the European Court of Human Rights By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 20 2018

It’s fitting that the same society that produced George Orwell with his warnings of a totalitarian dystopia stacked with all-prying monitors, surveillance and paranoia should yield up some of the most invasive surveillance regimes imaginable.  While some states have found

Hold the Front Page. The Reporters Are Missing. By John Pilger, September 20 2018

The death of Robert Parry earlier this year felt like a farewell to the age of the reporter. Parry was “a trailblazer for independent journalism”, wrote Seymour Hersh, with whom he shared much in common.

Hersh revealed the My

Video: The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire By Independent POV, September 20 2018

The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire, is a documentary film that shows how Britain transformed from a colonial power into a global financial power. At the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of offshore

US Sanctions Reach a Turning Point. De-Dollarization and Collusion against the U.S. By Karsten Riise, September 20 2018

A defining moment for the US sanctions regime

Each year, the USA finds a new country or group of countries to target with sanctions. Each year the USA adds about 1,000 individuals to its ever longer sanctions list. Now, US

Russia Reveals the MH17 ‘Smoking Gun’ By Pepe Escobar, September 19 2018

The Russian Defense Ministry may have finally unveiled the “smoking gun” able to solve the mystery surrounding Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, shot down on July 17, 2014 over the Donetsk Oblast, a province in eastern Ukraine.

The MH17 crash killed …

Social Media and The Process of Deplatforming. Germaine Greer By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 19 2018

The flexibility of English, and thriving sign that it is not a dead language, permits repeated atrocities to be committed in the name of new terms.  We are told that what is new is supposedly good, a sign of evolution.

When Pharmaceutical, Vaccine and Medical Device Corporations Rule the World’s Healthcare Industries: Too Late, It Already Happened By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, September 19 2018

“Corporations should not be involved in any aspect of the democratic process. They should not be involved in education at any level. They should not be involved in health care. They should not be involved in the administration of social

US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Blasts America’s Support for Al-Qaeda in Syria, as Trump Threatens Further Military Action By Mohamed Elmaazi, September 19 2018

US military veteran and congresswomen for Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard, has slammed US foreign policy in Syria.

Arming al-Qaeda

On the 13th of September, Gabbard told [23:06] comedian and satirist Jimmy Dore:

“Since 2011 both overtly and covertly, the United States

Video: Al Qaeda Militants Reject Demilitarization Zone Agreement in Idlib By South Front, September 19 2018

An implementation of the demilitarized zone agreement in Idlib reached during face-to-face talks between Russian and Turkish presidents on September 17 has appeared to be not a simple task as it has been pointed out by many experts.

On September …

Russia Defense Minister: Israel Bears Full Responsibility for Downing of IL-20 Off Syrian Coast By South Front, September 19 2018

Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu officially stated that Israel bears full responsibility for the downning of Russian IL-20 plane off Syrian coast because its actions had led to this situation.

“The blame for the downing of the Russian plane and

Idlib: Lull Before the Hurricane. New US Military Doctrine for Intervention in Syria By Peter Ford, September 19 2018

It appears that the Russians have pressed the pause button on their plans for an offensive alongside the Syrian government to retake Idlib. By the time they return to play mode the martial music may have changed.

New US policies

Yemen’s Descent into Hell By Prof. Rajan Menon, September 19 2018

It’s the war from hell, the savage one that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, along with seven other Middle Eastern and North African states, have been waging in Yemen since March 2015, with fulsome support from the Pentagon

GMO industry
GMO Lobby Plots to Corrupt EU Court Ruling on Gene Editing By F. William Engdahl, September 19 2018

The GMO lobby, led by Bayer/Monsanto, Syngenta and others have begun to develop a counter-attack to try to neutralize the unexpected and, for them, devastating EU Court of Justice ruling in July requiring that plants modified through so-called gene-editing DNA

Canada and the Renegotiation of NAFTA: What’s Happening with the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)? By Joyce Nelson, September 19 2018

The re-negotiation of NAFTA ramped up again this week as Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland heads back to Washington for talks on Thursday. The business press is calling this latest round of talks crucial. 

Bloomberg News reported (Sept. …

NATO’s Fascist Wedge in Ukraine By Alex Gordon, September 19 2018

The latest advert for Ukraine’s armed forces depicts chiselled military hunks over a caption: “THEY WILL PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENTS — Ukrainian Army: protecting the borders of civilisation.”

In reality, Russia was Ukraine’s largest single investor in the first six months …

Norway Officials Admit They Knew Nothing About Libya But Joined Regime Change Efforts Anyway By Zero Hedge, September 19 2018

A new official report produced by the Norwegian government illustrates the continuing absurdity of NATO expansion and foreign adventurism in places very far away from the “North Atlantic” explicit in the name North Atlantic Treaty Organization — places like Afghanistan,

‘The Evidence Is Very Clear’: The US Has Aligned Itself with Al-Qaeda in Syria. Ron Paul By Adam Dick, September 19 2018

“This isn’t the first time that the evidence is very clear that we have aligned ourselves with al-Qaeda when we think it’s temporarily of benefit to our foreign policy,” declared former United States House of Representatives member and presidential candidate

Aramco IPO
Saudi Imperatives and The Two-Trillion Bubble: What Aramco IPO Reveals About Crown Prince MBS’s 2030 Vision By James M. Dorsey, September 19 2018

The disconnect between Saudi imperatives and the expectations of Western governments and financial markets who repeatedly focussed on unmet Saudi time indications of the Aramco IPO rather than broader policy statements fit a pattern of misperceptions.

A Saudi decision to …
IMF (Again) Makes a Fool of Itself Over Brexit By Rodney Atkinson, September 19 2018

Joining that merry band of doom mongers (HM Treasury, the Bank of England and Chancellor Hammond) the IMF’s Christine Lagarde has again warned of “substantial costs” of a no deal Brexit. In fact of course there is no such thing

The West Hates Peace in Syria: From De-Escalation to Almost World War III in Just Two Hours By Federico Pieraccini, September 19 2018

On the 17th of September, an important meeting was held in Sochi between Erdogan and Putin to discuss Syria, in particular Idlib. A few hours after the agreement between the two leaders was reached, there was a French-Israeli strike

Syrian-Russian Victory Only Way to Avenge Israeli-French Strikes By Tony Cartalucci, September 19 2018

Western and Russian media sources have reported an alleged joint Israeli-French strike on Syria on September 17. The attack included Israeli warplanes and French missile frigates operating in the Mediterranean off Syria’s coast. Amid the attack, a Russian Il-20 reconnaissance

Can Russia Survive Her “Partnerships”? Has Putin Made a Strategic Miscalculation? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 19 2018

In an act of intentional deception, Israel used a Russian airplane to cloak an Israeli attack on a Syrian ground position, with the consequence that Syrian air defense missiles downed the Russian airplane with the lost of 15 Russian military

Russia-USA-Iran and Syria – A Continuous Struggle to Avoid War By Elijah J. Magnier, September 19 2018

The Syrian defence system shot down by mistake a Russian Ilyushin IL-20M 90924 surveillance plane in Syria with 15 servicemen on board on Monday evening, the day after an Israeli F-16 destroyed an Iranian military cargo plane on the Damascus

How the Trump Administration Is Pressuring Palestine By Paul R. Pillar, September 19 2018

The Trump administration’s policies that bow totally to Israeli government desires have emboldened that government in both its words and its actions.

Nothing was said in the agreements of either Camp David or Oslo about the construction of Israeli settlements …

As Trump Commits to Endless War, Corporate Media Obsess Over Anonymous Op-Ed By Reed Richardson, September 19 2018

The anonymous New York Times op-ed  (9/5/18), purportedly written by a senior Trump administration official, coupled with the release of Bob Woodward’s new book, Fear—itself full of White House back-stabbing and anonymous quotes—unleashed a veritable tsunami of

Authoritarian Fordism in Ontario Trumps the Far Right Elsewhere By Leo Panitch, September 19 2018

On the day the Ford government’s ham-fisted attempt to alter the balance of political forces in Toronto came to a head in open confrontation with the judiciary, the international media’s attention was focused on a far right political party winning

Coca-Cola and Nestlé to Acquire Private Ownership of the Largest Reserve of Water in South America? Unconfirmed Report By Amanda Froelich, September 19 2018

Global Research Editor’s Note

According to a Reuters report “Nestle, Unilever & Coca-Cola are among bidders for GlaxoSmithKline’s Indian Horlicks nutrition business, expected to fetch more than $4 billion”.

Also of relevance is the privatization of water in relation to …

Israel, Turkey Hold Secret Talks in UAE By Middle East Monitor, September 19 2018

Israeli and Turkish envoys yesterday flew to Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to hold secret backchannel talks on restoring diplomatic relations.

According to a Hebrew language report by Ynet,

“an Israeli executive jet and a Turkish

Narcotics and Covert Intelligence: How the CIA Commandeered the “War on Drugs” By Douglas Valentine, September 19 2018

First published by Global Research on September 12, 2015

The outlawing of narcotic drugs at the start of the Twentieth Century, the turning of the matter from public health to social control, coincided with American’s imperial Open Door policy and

Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un Meet in Pyongyang. Preamble to a North-South Peace Agreement: Repeal of the ROK-US Combined Forces Command (CFC) By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 19 2018
The Trump administration has no intention of reaching a peace agreement. Under the Armistice Agreement of 1953 the US and the DPRK are still at war. It is therefore essential for the DPRK and ROK to reach a bilateral agreement which would render the 1953 armistice (US, DPRK, China) null and void.
What’s Really Happening in Syria: Who Started the War, Who Can You Trust to Tell the Truth? By Robert Roth, September 19 2018

This article, first published on GR in January 2017, provides an understanding of the history of the war on Syria, from the outset in mid-March 2011.

The U.S./NATO line

If you try to follow events in the mainstream media (MSM),

Selected Articles: The Downing of Russian Aircraft Over Syria By Global Research News, September 19 2018

Do you value the reporting and in-depth analysis we provide, free of charge, on a daily basis? Do you think this resource should be maintained and preserved as a research tool for future generations? Bringing you 24/7 updates from all

United States
Korea and the United States: Negotiating a Peace Treaty? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 18 2018
War against both Iran and North Korea are part of the same global military agenda. Confirmed by a 2007 (leaked) classified Pentagon document which envisaged a simulated scenario of global warfare, the US is intent upon waging war against four non-compliant countries: Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.
Video: Syrian Forces Accidentally Shot Down Russian IL-20 By South Front, September 18 2018

In the evening of September 17, the Syrian province of Latakia came under a large-scale aerial attack, which targeted a power station as well as two facilities belonging to the Syrian military. There were also reports on air strikes in

Israel-Russia Relations and the Downing of Russian Aircraft over Syria By Andrew Korybko, September 18 2018

Two of the latest developments suggest that Russia and “Israel” are backing away from the “crisis” that some in Alt-Media eagerly hoped would transpire between them as a result of the downing of a Russian Jet. 

The purpose of this …

Media Ignores Israeli Role in Downing of Russian Aircraft in Syria By Kurt Nimmo, September 18 2018

After the Syrians accidentally targeted a Russian surveillance aircraft over the Mediterranean and the Russians pinned the blame on Israel, the corporate propaganda media scrambled to spin the story. 

The Pentagon and State Department directed media insinuate the tragedy was …

The Anne Frank Test By Philip Giraldi, September 18 2018

The week leading up to the funeral of Senator John McCain produced some of the most bizarre media effusions seen in this country since the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963. McCain, who never saw a war or regime

Iran Hawks in Washington By Peter Koenig, September 18 2018

No doubt, anti-Iran propaganda out of Washington abounds. There are numerous Zionist-run think-tanks (sic) that make US Foreign Policy – and are ratcheting up anti-Iran anger in the US, but targeting especially the Iranian population at home, in Iran. The

Dalai Lama
Tibet and the Hidden History of The Dalai Lama By Max Parry, September 18 2018

This past week the 14th Dalai Lama, Tibet’s 83-year old self-declared spiritual leader in exile, made controversial remarks at a press conference in Malmö recognizing the 80th anniversary of the founding of Individual Humanitarian Aid, a Swedish development and philanthropic

McCarthyism on Steroids: Senior FBI Lawyer Admits No Evidence of Kremlin Meddling, Trump -Russia Collusion, By Stephen Lendman, September 18 2018

From inception, Russiagate was and remains a colossal scam, perhaps the most shameful political chapter in America’s history, McCarthyism on steroids.  

Robert Mueller never should have been appointed special counsel. His conflicts of interest alone should have disqualified him.


The Dutch Investigation into Flight MH17 and Kiev’s Veto By Prof. Kees van der Pijl, September 18 2018

Towards Kiev’s Veto 

The Dutch government, soon to be given charge of the investigation, ruled out any dealings with the insurgency. After foreign secretary Timmermans at the UN called local volunteers ‘thugs’ on 21 July, falsely accused them of robbing

Palestinians Take #GazaToUN Through Social Media By Afro-Palestine Newswire Service, September 18 2018

Frustrated by Israel’s 12-year blockade of the Gaza Strip, young Palestinians in the besieged coastal strip took to social media on Monday to communicate to the United Nations (UN) and the world the urgent need to lift the siege that

The Korean People Alone Must Decide on Their Future By Adam Garrie, September 18 2018

A substantial portion of the discussions surrounding the ongoing Korean peace process is centred around issues stemming from the positions of the United States, China, Russia and Japan towards both Korean states. But while the historic relations of Korea with

Syria or Southeast Asia: The West Lied, Lies, and Always Will By Andre Vltchek, September 18 2018

I’m sitting at the splendid building of the Singapore National Library, in a semi-dark room, microfilm inserted into a high-tech machine. I’m watching and then filming and photographing several old Malaysian newspapers dating back from October 1965. 

These reports were …

Trade War
Hegemony Will No Longer Pay Off for the US By Global Times, September 18 2018

The administration of US President Donald Trump will reportedly announce new tariffs on about $200 billion on Chinese imports. Meanwhile, Washington has invited Chinese officials to restart trade talks later this month.

While Washington extends a carrot to Beijing, it …

MS Estonia
The Sinking of MS Estonia: Still Doubts Over Official Story 24 Years After the Biggest Maritime Disaster in Europe Since World War II By Terje Maloy, September 18 2018

Just after midnight, in the first hour of September 28th, 1994, the passenger ferry MS Estonia sank in the Baltic Sea. It was sailing its regular route, from Tallinn in Estonia to the Swedish capital Stockholm. The vessel capsized and

Military Industrial
Invasion of the Empire’s Pods. “Discourse” and “Debate” on Behalf of the Military Industrial Complex By Philip A Farruggio, September 18 2018

Remember the famous 1956 film Invasion of the Body Snatchers? It was produced to show the American public just how terrible Communism was. The movie’s ‘fear card’ was played by having the pods suck away knowledge, along with the very

Video: Al-Qaeda Members in Idlib Pretend to be ‘Democratic Activists’ By South Front, September 18 2018

On September 14, thousands of people participated in Turkish-backed demonstrations across the militant-held parts of the provinces of Idlib, Lattakia and Aleppo in northwestern Syria to protest against a potential fully-fledged offensive by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its

Lehman Brothers
On the 10th Anniversary of the Lehman Brothers 2008 Crash: Can ‘IT’ Happen Again? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, September 18 2018

This past weekend, September 15-16, marked the 10th anniversary of the Lehman Brothers Investment bank collapse and the subsequent generalized financial system crash that followed. Business and mainstream media flooded the airwaves and print publications with recounts and assessments of

International Law
The United States’ Disregard for International Law Is a Menace to Venezuela and Latin America By Nino Pagliccia, September 18 2018

International community principles

At the 25th U.N. session of October 1970 the General Assembly adopted a Resolution titled “Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United

In the Wake of the 2008 Global Economic Crisis: Banking Structures Untouched. How the Financial Lobby Won the Battle in Brussels By Corporate Europe Observatory, September 17 2018

Despite their responsibility for the 2008 economic crash, the financial sector has successfully avoided major reform in the decade since. Their army of lobbyists has won almost all the major battles, leaving new legislation full of loopholes and conditions similar

Elections in Pakistan: A Populist Moment? By Ayyaz Mallick, September 17 2018

The third consecutive general election was held in Pakistan on July 25th, with the Pakistan Movement for Justice party (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, PTI) of celebrity-cricketer Imran Khan emerging as the largest party in parliament. For a country marred by long bouts

Ecological Civilization
Sustainability and Ecological Civilization: An Outline for Getting From Here to There By Roy Morrison, September 17 2018

Industrialism and business as usual is the path to ecological destruction.

Imperative task for the 21st century is to move toward a sustainable ecological civilization.

Working definition in a market society of ecological civilization (or ecocivilization) is to make …

Economic Colapse
The Aftershocks of the 2008 Economic Collapse Are Still Being Felt By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, September 17 2018

The Real Confrontation Is Yet To Come

There has been a spate of articles recently on the ten year anniversary of the financial collapse. We wrote about this anniversary two weeks ago, describing the cause of the collapse and the

US War
Selected Articles: Global Climate Instability? By Global Research News, September 17 2018

Our objective is to recruit one thousand committed “volunteers” among our 50,000 Newsletter subscribers to support the distribution of Global Research articles (email lists, social media, crossposts). 

Do not send us money. Under Plan A, we call upon our

Prayers: For Our Sins as Individuals and as a Society By Michael Lerner, September 17 2018

These Prayers by Rabbi Michael Lerner constitute a powerful and far-reaching humanitarian message, coupled with an accurate and incisive analysis of the unfolding global crisis.

What Rabbi Lerner puts forth is an understanding of the World we live in. 


America’s Founders
How Donald Trump Desecrates America’s Founders By Eric Zuesse, September 17 2018

George Washington’s Farewell Address — one of the most important documents of America’s Founders — warned against any and all permanent alliances; he said, on 19 September 1796:

The nation which indulges towards another a habitual hatred or a

Our Planet Is Angry By Sonali Kolhatkar, September 17 2018

Storm of a lifetime” is how the National Weather Service in Wilmington, N.C., described Hurricane Florence as it came lumbering across the Atlantic to hurl its ferocious winds and rain onto that coastal state. Pointing to the storm’s

PLO-UNWRA Meeting: Dr. Ashrawi Meets with UNRWA Commissioner-General Pierre Krähenbühl By The Palestine Liberation Organization, September 17 2018

PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi received Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) Pierre Krähenbühl who was accompanied by his Chief of Staff Hakam Shahwan at the PLO Headquarters in Ramallah.

Dr. …

A Record Seven Named Storms Are Swirling Across the Globe. Global Climate Instability? Has ‘the Day After Tomorrow’ Arrived? By Michael Snyder, September 17 2018

Is something extremely unusual happening to our planet?  At this moment, Hurricane Florence is just one of seven named storms that are currently circling the globe.  That matches the all-time record, and it looks like that record will be broken

The Bluffer’s Guide to Bombing Syria By Peter Ford, September 17 2018

The propaganda mills of the British and American governments – spokespersons, media, think tanks – are working overtime churning out ‘talking points’ to justify the upcoming large scale bombing of Syria on the pretext of use of prohibited weapons.


Hurricane Florence: Sixty Foot Flood to Inundate Brunswick Nuclear Plant on Cape Fear River NC By Roy Morrison, September 17 2018

On Saturday morning, CNN reports that National Weather Service forecast flood waters on Cape Fear River in Wilmington N.C. to crest at 60 feet (sixty feet) early next week. Wilmington is near Southport, home of two reactor Brunswick nuclear plant

The Liberation of Idlib: Turkey Is in the Way, with Russia Slowing Down By Elijah J. Magnier, September 17 2018

Turkey is pushing further reinforcements of troops, commando units and tanks into the northern Syrian city of Idlib and around it, for a specific objective: to disrupt the attack against the city by the Syrian forces and their allies supported

Fat Cats Private Club
Overheard at the Fat Cats Club. Political Satire By Philip A Farruggio, September 17 2018

Being a ‘fly on the wall’ is not such a bad thing… unless of course you get swatted. Listen to what this fly overheard at the Fat Cats Private Club the other day:

Fat Cat #1: Well I’ll tell you

Trump’s Reckless Hostility Unites China and Russia By Eric Margolis, September 17 2018

Good work Mr. President! You have now managed to lay the groundwork for a grand Chinese-Russian alliance. The objective of intelligent diplomacy is to divide one’s foes, not to unite them.

This epic blunder comes at a time when the …

US Military
US War Strategists: Military Defeats and Political Success By Prof. James Petras, September 17 2018


In a previous article (“US: The Century of Lost Wars”) I recorded the repeated US military defeats over the past two decades. In this discussion I will describe the role of military strategists who bear responsibility for

Agent Orange: 17 Chilling Photos of the Vietnam War Crimes the US Got Away With By Amanda Froelich, September 17 2018

This article was first posted on Global Research in September 2017.

For ten years during the Vietnam War, the United States used a toxic concoction of two herbicides, labeled ‘Agent Orange,’ to wipe out large areas of Vietnam which were

Needled Strawberries in Australia: Food Terrorism Down Under By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 17 2018

There is something peculiar doing the rounds in Australian food circles.  The land down under, considered something of a nirvana of fruit and vegetable production despite horrendous droughts and calamitous cyclones, is facing a new challenge: human agency, namely in

Syria’s Christian City: Seven Years Under Fire at the Idlib Frontline By Tom Westcott, September 17 2018

Each night, the streets of the Christian town of Mhardeh teem with life.

Young people in trendy attire drink beer and smoke Shisha pipes, shyly eyeing up attractive passersby and posing for group selfies, while off-duty soldiers with their girlfriends 

War Criminals
John Bolton Escalates Blackmail against ICC to Shield US War Criminals By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, September 17 2018

Once again, the United States is blackmailing countries that would send Americans to face justice in the International Criminal Court. Trump’s National Security Adviser John Bolton is leading the charge to shield US and Israeli war criminals from legal

Trump Can Kill Oslo, But Not Palestinian National Aspirations By James J. Zogby, September 17 2018

In recent weeks, the Trump administration has taken a series of drastic punitive actions against the Palestinian people. Some analysts have accepted the official White House explanation that many of the actions were done either out of displeasure with actions

CIJA, B’nai B’rith Smear Palestine Activist Instead of Racists, Anti-Semite By Yves Engler, September 17 2018

Like British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn Canadian lawyer Dimitri Lascaris is the victim of a “Big Lie” slander campaign. Defenders of the most aggressive ongoing European settler colonialism have once again smeared a “proud, anti-racist advocate for

World Trade Centre
Who is Osama bin Laden. Interview with Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Philip A Farruggio, September 17 2018

A few hours after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, the Bush administration concluded without supporting evidence, that “Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda organisation were prime suspects”. CIA Director George Tenet stated that bin

US Holding Nearly 13,000 Migrant Children in Detention Centers By Telesur, September 17 2018

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A recently published report shows the number of detained migrant children is almost five times greater

Emboldened by Trump, Israel Bombs Damascus International Airport By Miri Wood, September 16 2018

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Emboldened by Trump’s continuing threats to protect al-Qaeda in Syria, Israel has chosen the joyous

Demonization of Russia in a New Cold War Era By Mairead Maguire, September 16 2018

In examining the future, we must look to the past.

As we watch the media today, we are spoon fed more and more propaganda and fear of the unknown, that we should be afraid of the unknown and have full …

Australia and the Woes of Climate Change States By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 16 2018

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As Australia’s tattered yet new government, led by the increasingly oafish and amateurish Scott Morrison trundled