Global Research News

Netanyahu’s “Nowhere Land” Blunder. Accused Iran of Having a “Secret Atomic Warehouse” By Daniel Larison, October 03 2018

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave another one of his typical U.N. speeches last week in which he accused Iran of having a “secret atomic warehouse”:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel told the United Nations on Thursday that his

Syrian women
Syrians Matter: They have Chosen NOT to be Occupied by the West’s Al Qaeda Terrorists By Mark Taliano, October 03 2018

Colonial media is an instrument of Empire. Its unstated purpose is to advance the cause of war and terrorism. The Truth for Peace is not on the agenda.[1]

Colonial politicians mirror this agenda. They are fronts for the warmongers who …

Québec Solidaire (QS) Scores Important Breakthrough in Quebec Election By Richard Fidler, October 03 2018

The October 1 general election campaign in Quebec unfolded as two distinct contests. One was the competition between the Liberals and Coalition Avenir Québec for control of the government. The other was a battle between the Parti québécois and Québec

“U.S. Out of Africa!”: Black Alliance for Peace Calls on U.S. Government to Shut Down U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) By Black Alliance for Peace, October 03 2018

The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) has launched U.S. Out of Africa!: Shut Down AFRICOM, a campaign designed to end the U.S. invasion and occupation of Africa.

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of AFRICOM, short for …

Open Letter From UK Academics: The Harsh Sentencing of Anti-fracking Campaigners Sets a Dangerous Precedent By Andrea Brock and Prof. Lyla Mehta, October 03 2018

This letter was originally titled ‘Open letter from University of Sussex academics: The harsh sentencing of anti-fracking campaigners sets a dangerous precedent’. Although signers from other organisations have always been welcome, given the overwhelming support, we have officially opened it

Down by the River: Drugs, Money, Murder, and Family By Bryant Brown, October 03 2018

This brilliantly written book reads like a murder mystery; it’s been called gutsy, soulful, pyrotechnic, significant and transformative. I couldn’t agree more.

Bowden was a journalist with the Tucson Citizen who became fascinated by events around the U.S. – Mexico …

US “Investigates” Genocide in Myanmar, Commits Genocide in Yemen By Joseph Thomas, October 03 2018

Rarely is US hypocrisy so cynical and overt as a recent US State Department investigation into ongoing violence in Myanmar, all while the US continues its full spectrum support of Saudi Arabia’s genocidal war on Yemen.

In addition to Washington’s …

Child Concentration Camps in America By Eric London, October 03 2018

Across the United States, under cover of darkness, the government is rounding up immigrant children and sending them to a desert concentration camp in Tornillo, Texas, near the US-Mexico border. In recent weeks, hundreds have been transferred from foster shelters

Israeli Settlers Flood Khan al-Ahmar with Wastewater By Maan News Agency, October 03 2018

As Israel threatened to raid and demolish the Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar at any moment since the evacuation period ended, Israeli settlers stormed the village and flooded the area with wastewater, on Tuesday afternoon.

Locals said that Israeli settlers …

Iran’s Alleged “Secret Nuclear Facility” in Lebanon, according to Netanyahu By Elijah J. Magnier, October 03 2018

Israel, through its Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, is waving the flag of war in the face of Iran and Hezbollah, showing what is claimed to be a “secret nuclear facility in Iran and Hezbollah strategic missile warehouse in the heart

Wall street
Breaking with Wall Street: Los Angeles Puts It to the Voters By Ellen Brown, October 03 2018

Wall Street owns the country. That was the opening line of a fiery speech by populist leader Mary Ellen Lease in 1890. Franklin Roosevelt said it again in a letter to Colonel House in 1933, and Sen. Dick Durbin was

US F-35 Fighter Jet Fizzles, Totalled in Epic Crash Just One Day After Combat Debut By Whitney Webb, October 03 2018

According to several reports citing U.S. military sources, the Lockheed Martin-manufactured F-35 jet – the most expensive U.S. fighter jet ever and the most expensive weapon system in the world – crashed spectacularly on Friday, just one day after its

17 Years of Getting Afghanistan Completely Wrong By David Swanson, October 03 2018

We expect 17-year-olds to have learned a great deal starting from infancy, and yet full-grown adults have proven incapable of knowing anything about Afghanistan during the course of 17 years of U.S.-NATO war. Despite war famously being the means of

Syria and the S-300s: Re-Centering the People in the Global Struggles for Power By Ajamu Baraka, October 03 2018

Protecting Russian interests in Syria and the Mid-East was and is the driving force for Russian military and diplomatic activity, nothing else!

“The corporate grip on opinion in the United States is one of the wonders of the Western world

Miguel Diaz-Canal Bermudez
Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canal Bermudez’ Speech at UN General Assembly and Riverside Church, New York By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 03 2018

Making his first visit to the United States as head-of-state, Republic of Cuba President Miguel Diaz-Canal Bermudez delivered an impassioned speech before the 73rd Ordinary Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on September 26.

Defending the sovereignty …

President Putin’s Visit to India Will be a Moment of Reckoning for Both Countries By Andrew Korybko, October 03 2018

The Russian leader’s upcoming trip to India places the prerogative for deciding the future course of their strategic partnership squarely in his host’s lap.

President Putin will visit India later this week to participate in the annual India-Russia Summit, though …

NAFTA 2.0: US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is a Profit Driven “Corporate Coup d’Etat” By Stephen Lendman, October 02 2018

US free trade deals are profoundly unfair. They facilitate offshoring of jobs to China and other low-wage countries. 

They empower corporate predators at the expense of ecosanity, worker pay, benefits and other rights. 

Countless numbers of US manufacturing and other …

Nuclear Annihilation
Selected Articles: The Neoliberal Economic and Geopolitical Order By Global Research News, October 02 2018

The revelation in this continuation of the history is the high degree to which these policies were officially planned and ready for action starting up to four years before the 1967 six day pre-emptive war against the Arab states.Do you

Who Was Behind The Terror Attack in Ahvaz, Iran’s Khuzestan Province? By Andrew Korybko, October 02 2018

A military parade in the regional capital of Ahvaz led by the country’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IGRC) to commemorate the Iran-Iraq War (also known as the First Gulf War) was ambushed by terrorists who ended up killing 25

False Claims About Russia Mass-Killing Civilians in Syria By Stephen Lendman, October 02 2018

Propaganda war precedes and accompanies all conflicts – notably when US-led NATO and Israel wage naked aggression.

The so-called US coalition in Syria and other countries is largely a Pentagon operation with a little help from Washington’s imperial friends, mainly

Limiting Israel: Russia Deploys the S-300 Anti-Aircraft Missile System to Syria By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 02 2018

Relations between Russia and Israel have been those of an estranged couple punctuated by occasional breakouts of tense understanding.  As with other such couples, a public row does not necessarily reflect the more placid, if stern discussion that might happen

Nuclear Annihilation
“Unsafe and Unprofessional”: Chinese Warship Comes Within 45 Yards of US Destroyer in South China Sea By Zero Hedge, October 02 2018

If markets have been blissfully ignorant of potential fallout from the simmering US-China trade dispute (even if corporate executives are bracing for the worst), just imagine how they would react to the reality of a military confrontation.

Which …

Nuclear war
One Click Closer to Nuclear Annihilation By Philip Giraldi, October 02 2018

The nuclear war doomsday clock maintained on the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists website has advanced to two minutes before midnight, the closest point to possible atomic apocalypse since the end of the Cold War. In 1995 the clock was at

Palestine: The Biggest Prison on Earth – A History of the Occupied Territories By Jim Miles, October 02 2018

The history of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine is continued with Ilan Pappe’s recent work, The Biggest Prison on Earth. For those who have read Pappe’s earlier histories, it is clear the original Zionists recognized the existence of the

Iraq: A Ticking Time Bomb for Oil Markets By Dr. Cyril Widdershoven, October 02 2018

Iraq’s ministry of oil has published a very optimistic report on the country’s capability to ramp up production, but internal political issues could lead to a new crisis after this weekend.

At the same time that a new Iraqi government …

NAFTA 2.0 Is No Cause for Celebration By Brent Patterson, October 02 2018

While the full text of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) needs to be thoroughly analyzed, a preliminary review raises numerous concerns.

Mainstream media coverage this morning has focused on the implications of the deal on the automotive and dairy markets …

Israeli Home Demolition Terrorism Targets Khan al-Ahmar Village By Stephen Lendman, October 02 2018

Khan al-Ahmar and Abu Nuwar villages are home to around 2,000 Bedouin residents.

Israel wants their land for exclusive Jewish development. Displacing their residents and stealing their land will divide the West Bank in two, isolating one Palestinian part from

Palestine-Israel and Trump’s Two-State Solution: News That Was No News By James J. Zogby, October 02 2018

If we’ve learned anything about President Donald Trump it’s that for him words have no meaning, or at least not their obvious meaning. Because he’s a performer/salesman, he loves being on stage, knowing that the things he says will get

The US Has Delisted Anti-Iranian MEK Terrorists Still Openly Committed to Violence By Tony Cartalucci, October 02 2018

In 2012, the US State Department would delist anti-Iranian terrorist group – Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) – from its Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) list. Yet years later, MEK has demonstrated an eager desire to carry out political violence on a scale

“Covert Wars”, Threats and Laughter in the Halls and Corridors of the United Nations By Dr. Elias Akleh, October 02 2018

Last week the UN halls have been the battlefields of aggressive speeches by world leaders. 

My interest is in the speeches concerning the Middle East; a very dangerous and volatile area, whose unfolding battles are affecting the whole world. The

Video: Israel-Iran Conflict Escalates Further as Netanyahu Comes with New Accusations Against Tehran By South Front, October 02 2018

In late September, Israel expanded its anti-Iranian propaganda efforts in order to consolidate the US-Israeli-led bloc and to justify further anti-Iranian actions by the Washington establishment.

On September 27, during a speech to the UN General Assembly, Prime Minister Benjamin

Making the Arctic Safe for Neoliberalism By Kurt Nimmo, October 02 2018

Let’s put aside for a moment the nonsense about Russia hijacking the vote with Facebook ads and focus on the endgame.

The neoliberal economic order is based on natural resource and market dominance, so it’s no surprise when it reacts

South-South Cooperation
South-South Cooperation (SSC) Has No Alternative. Indonesia and the Legacy of the Bandung Conference (1955) By Poppy S. Winanti and Rizky Alif Alfian, October 02 2018

The United Nations has declared Sept. 12 the International Day for South-South Cooperation. This year’s celebration marks the 40th anniversary of the adoption of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action for technical cooperation among developing countries. The adoption of this

Everyone Washes Their Hands as Gaza’s Economy Goes into Freefall By Jonathan Cook, October 02 2018

The moment long feared is fast approaching in Gaza, according to a new report by the World Bank. After a decade-long Israeli blockade and a series of large-scale military assaults, the economy of the tiny coastal enclave is in “freefall”.

Video: CIA Documentary: “On Company Business” (1980) By Allan Francovich, October 01 2018

Rare award winning CIA documentary, On Company Business painfully restored from VHS.

“Inside the CIA: On Company Business” PARTS I, II & III (1980) is a gripping and penetrating look inside the world’s most powerful secret institutionalized conspiracy organization.


Nostalgia and Sunshine: Bruce Beresford’s “Ladies in Black”. Sydney in 1959 By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 01 2018

This effort seems to be a bit of camping out on the part of director Bruce Beresford, whose list of cinematic achievements include Driving Miss Daisy and Breaker Morant.  There are many smiles, a few distributed tears and occasional sighs

Video: Facebook and the New Face of Regime Change By Kurt Nimmo, October 01 2018

Facebook and the National Endowment for Democracy have agreed to stop the spread of what the United States government and its corporate media denounce as misinformation, that is to say information in conflict with the establishment narrative.




Iraq Will Have a President and Prime Minister Who Take Account of Both Iranian and US Interests By Elijah J. Magnier, October 01 2018

Iraqi politicians have agreed on a new prime minister, Adel Abdel Mahdi, to replace Haidar al-Abadi, after over four months of difficult work. Adel Abdel Mahdi is an experienced politician who almost became prime minister in the 2000s when

How the American Media Was Destroyed By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 01 2018

In my September 24 column, “Truth Is Evaporating Before Our Eyes,” I used the destruction of the CBS news team that broke the Abu Ghraib story and the story of President George W. Bush’s non-performance of his

US Sanctions over Beijing’s Purchase of Russia’s S-400 Missile Defense System, China Cancels Security Meeting with the US By Stephen Lendman, October 01 2018

The annual meeting between defense officials of both countries was scheduled for mid-October, a sign of heightened bilateral tensions.

In response to illegally imposed US sanctions on Beijing over its purchase of Russian SU-35 combat aircraft and S-400 missile defense

Phony trade war
Mexico -US -Canada NAFTA Trade Agreement Reached — A Phony Trade War! By Dr. Jack Rasmus, October 01 2018

Trump’s ‘trade war’ with allies, including Mexico-Canada, was and remains a phony trade war. A war of words for the purpose of consumption of Trump’s domestic political base before the November midterm elections. Trump has been playing his ‘economic nationalism’

US Military Plans Thwarted, Washington’s “Strategy of Isolation” in Syria: Assad Government Now to be Made ‘as Miserable as Possible’ with Sanctions By Paul Antonopoulos, October 01 2018

The United States, along with its allies, will implement a “strategy of isolation” in Syria if President Bashar Assad maintains the political process aimed at ending the war in Syria, an American diplomat was quoted as saying.

US Special Representative …

‘Horrific’ Immigration Policy: In Dead of Night, Trump Administration Transferring Children to Tent Camp with No Schooling and Limited Legal Services By Jake Johnson, October 01 2018

“A reminder that the Trump administration is diverting money away from Head Start, the National Cancer Institute, the HIV/AIDS programs, maternal and child health programs, and the CDC to pay for these human rights abuses.”

With detention facilities overflowing due …

Venezuela’s Socialism…And Ours By Rep. Ron Paul, October 01 2018

This week we witnessed the horrible spectacle of Nikki Haley, President Trump’s Ambassador to the United Nations, joining a protest outside the UN building and calling for the people of Venezuela to overthrow their government.

“We are going to

Food, Art and Literature: How Israel Is Stealing Arab Culture By Prof. Nada Elia, October 01 2018

As a settler-colonial country, Israel has industriously sought to erase the existence of the people indigenous to the land it occupies, so as to better appropriate aspects of their culture that make it “local”, rather than implanted. 

Since food is …

UK’s Snoopers’ Charter Ruled Unlawful: What Does Privacy Mean to You? By Julian Vigo, October 01 2018

Two weeks ago the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) gave a landmark ruling against the UK government’s mass surveillance program, stating that it violated human rights and offered “no real safeguards” to the public.  This surveillance programme, according to

Participatory Socialist Economics: The Vision of British Labour’s Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell By Hilary Wainwright, October 01 2018

Tory-supporting media have been portraying Britain’s socialist Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn as a Soviet fellow-traveller. Meanwhile, Hilary Wainwright notes, Labour’s shadow chancellor and close Corbyn ally sets out a vision that breaks with the old bureaucratic state model.

Shadow …

Pivot towards India or China? The Maldives Might Not Become an Indian Satellite, at Least Not Yet By Andrew Korybko, October 01 2018

The opposition pulled off a surprise win in the Maldives’ presidential elections last weekend.

Ibrahim Mohamed Solih trounced President Abdulla Yameen by a 16-point margin even though the US, India, and many Western countries fearmongered that the incumbent would resort

Now Biggest Donor in All of US Politics, Sheldon Adelson Brings an Israel First Agenda to Washington By Whitney Webb, October 01 2018

Adelson’s massive expenditures in federal elections this cycle are being made because he believes that Republican control of the House and the Senate is vital to maintaining right-wing and pro-Zionist policies and his influence in Washington and at the White

US Hostility to Sovereign Independent States: Syria and North Korea Address the UN General Assembly By Stephen Lendman, October 01 2018

Bipartisan hardliners in Washington oppose these countries and all other sovereign independent states.

Peace and cooperative relations with them defeat US imperial interests – served by endless wars, instability and chaos.

In his UNGA address, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem

Gandhi Jayanti
Gandhi’s Despair and the Struggle for Truth and Love By Robert J. Burrowes, October 01 2018

‘When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think

Canada’s NDP Will be Judged by the Friends They Keep in Israel By Yves Engler, October 01 2018

Who exactly is the NDP making friends with in Israel?

In refusing to heed a call from 200 well-known musicians, academics, trade unionists and NDP members to withdraw from the Canada-Israel Interparliamentary Group (CIIG) the party leadership cites the need

The Other Side of the Wall. An Eyewitness Account of the Occupation of Palestine By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, October 01 2018

This book is a personal account of a US American professor about his volunteering with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) against the Israeli occupation in Palestine in the summer of 2014. His eyewitness report tells the story about oppression, subjugation

Professors and Politicians Gather to Warn Us About the New World Order (NWO) By Arjun Walia, October 01 2018

“We are dealing with a criminal undertaking at a global level … and there is an ongoing war, it is led by the United States, it may be carried out by a number of proxy countries, which are obeying orders

Russian air force
The US Military-Industrial Complex’s Worst Nightmare: The Deployment of Russia’s S-300 Air Defense System In Syria May Destroy and Expose the F-35 By Federico Pieraccini, October 01 2018

The tragic episode that caused the death of 15 Russian air force personnel has had immediate repercussions on the situation in Syria and the Middle East. On September 24, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu informed allies and opponents that the

Global Research
Selected Articles: The World Is Sinking. Dictatorship by Democracy By Global Research News, October 01 2018

For seventeen years, Global Research, together with partner independent media organizations, has sought Truth in Media with a view to eventually “disarming” the corporate media’s disinformation crusade.

To reverse the tide, we call upon our readers to participate in an

Information Data
Lost in the Theatre of Data, Dada, and Emotional Manipulation By Edward Curtin, October 01 2018

“It is not only information that they need – in this Age of Fact, information often dominates their attention and overwhelms their capacities to assimilate it…What they need, and what they feel they need, is a quality of mind that

China and the Struggle of Oppressed Nations for Self-Determination, National Liberation and Socialism By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 01 2018

Note: The following paper was delivered in part at the Workers World conference on the Chinese Revolution held on August 29, 2009 in Detroit. We are republishing this document in 2018 in recognition of the 69th anniversary of the

Trump’s Middle East Policy Takes a Kicking at UN Assembly By James Reinl, October 01 2018

It was not just US President Donald Trump getting laughed at in the UN General Assembly this week. On Iran, Palestine and other Middle East issues, Washington has drifted away from its global allies and partners, veteran diplomats told Middle

Mass Murder
Mass Murder, Violence and the U.S. Social Structure By Vince Montes, September 30 2018

C. Wright Mills had warned about the excessive bureaucratization in the social sciences during his time, but he could not have envisioned the tremendous amount of fragmented analyses that occurs when attempts to understand the structure of U.S. society.

The …

Both the UK and the US Now Overtly Honor Al Qaeda By Eric Zuesse, September 30 2018

The United Kingdom is resettling Al Qaeda’s Syrian medical unit, called the “White Helmets,” as “refugees” in UK. The White Helmets organization is funded by UK’s MI6 and America’s CIA, and is headed by Raed Saleh, who was

Global Wealth Concentration: The Global Power Elite Drive Amazon Share Value to a Trillion Dollars  By Peter Phillips, September 30 2018

Exciting news for capitalism was the recent achievement of trillion-dollar value for both Amazon and Apple, making them the first corporations to obtain such a lofty status. Amazon’s skyrocketing growth makes its CEO, Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest person

Security, Safety, Security! Dictatorship by Democracy By Peter Koenig, September 30 2018

The other day, checking in at a European airport for an international flight – within about an hour it took to deposit my luggage, going through airport security, the metal detectors, body screening machines, the automatic passport reading procedure, waiting

Bombing Libya: The Origins of Europe’s Immigration Crisis By William Blum, September 30 2018

The world will long remember the present immigrant crisis in Europe, which has negatively affected countless people there, and almost all countries. History will certainly record it as a major tragedy. Could it have been averted? Or kept within much

Occupation, Bound for Conflict: US Builds New Military Base on Syrian-Iraq Border By Joaquin Flores, September 30 2018

Despite the losing position of the US in its bid to destroy and divide Syria, the illegally occupying Atlanticist power is apparently making a statement that it intends to make its eventual exit as lucrative for the military industrial complex

Mahathir Mohamad
Malaysia’s Dr Mahathir Mohamad at the UN General Assembly: Want to End Terrorism? Recognise Palestine and Stop Israeli Atrocities By Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Yushaimi Yahaya, September 30 2018

Recognise Palestine and stop Israel’s blatant atrocities to stand a chance of ending terrorism.

Scroll down for complete text of  Mahathir’s presentation at the UN General Assembly

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the present war against terrorism would

Washington’s Farcical “Certifications” Enable the War Crimes of Allies By Ted Galen Carpenter, September 30 2018

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s certification that the Saudi-led military coalition in the Yemen war was taking adequate steps to avoid inflicting civilian casualties may have achieved a new low in U.S. foreign-policy ethics. There is abundant evidence of

Israel: The Nuclear Hegemon That Poses a Potential Threat to Europe By Hans Stehling, September 30 2018

It is calculated that in addition to the secret arsenal of up to 400 nuclear warheads, according to American Scientists, the Israeli state also reportedly possesses chemical and/or biological WMD, making it a dangerous nuclear hegemon that poses a potential

The Earth Is the Common Home of All Inhabitants By Riccardo Petrella, September 30 2018

The first vast work of “worldwide” occupation and predation of the Earth and its inhabitants was that begun in the sixteenth century by a number of European states (Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, England and France). After the First World War,

The Palestinian People’s Principal Problem Is Their Own Leadership. Mahmoud Abbas’ Address to the UN General Assembly By Abdel Bari Atwan, September 30 2018

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ address to the UN General Assembly was disappointing. It repeated the same phrases used in his last eight speeches. Nothing new at all. The same appeals for international sympathy. Even the wording of his complaints about

Nikki Haley
Madam President Haley? By Kurt Nimmo, September 30 2018

For months now, indeed for over a year, the corporate media has tossed around the prospect of Trump’s UN ambassador Nikki Haley becoming president. They say it is entirely possible Americans will vote for this woman. She’s perceived as tough

Russia and the Taming of the Israelis By Israel Shamir, September 30 2018

Russia’s unexpected decision to supply Syria with S-300 surface-to-air missile systems and to integrate Syria’s air defence within the Russian command calls for a quick reassessment of our views. It turned out that Russia is able to learn and respond

The 17th Anniversary: 9/11 Family Members, Technical Experts Stand Tall for Truth and Justice at U.S. Capitol By Richard Gage, September 30 2018

The AE911Truth team recently returned from an inspiring series of events we held on September 11, 2018, in the heart of the nation’s capital.

We were joined by a handful of eloquent and moving speakers — including British 9/11 family …

Oil Market Shocked as China’s Top Refiner Halves Iranian Oil Imports By Tsvetana Paraskova, September 30 2018

China’s top refiner Sinopec is halving its oil imports from Iran as of September, bowing to pressure from the United States, which is seeking to bring Iranian oil exports down to zero with the sanctions returning in November, Reuters reported

Free Quebec! Saudi Foreign Minister Launches Sarcastic Attack on Canada By Middle East Eye, September 30 2018

The raging feud between Saudi Arabia and Canada has hit the United Nations. 

On the margins of the 2018 UN General Assembly session in New York City this week, Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister equated Canada’s call for the release of

Palestine Files Lawsuit Against US at the International Court of Justice By WAFA, September 30 2018

The State of Palestine has filed a lawsuit against the United States at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the main judicial body of the United Nations, for violating international law by moving its embassy in Israel to the occupied

United States Government-Military-Industrial-Deep State-Media Complex
Cold War 2.0: The Russian Peace ‘Threat’ and America’s Addiction to War By Michael Welch, Dmitry Orlov, and Ron Ridenour, September 30 2018

“It is namely the Russians who have prevented world war and any use of nuclear weapons, while it is the leaders of the United States Government-Military-Industrial-Deep State-Media Complex that does all it can to rule the world by using war

Ten Modern Methods of Mind Control By Nicholas West, September 29 2018

This article was first posted on Global Research in January 2015.

The more one researches mind control, the more one will come to the conclusion that there is a coordinated script that has been in place for a very long

27th Straight Bloody Friday in Gaza. Israeli Forces Kill Children By Stephen Lendman, September 29 2018

Israel gets away with murdering Palestinians and other horrific human rights abuses because the international community fails to hold it accountable.

Peaceful Gazan Great March of Return protests began on March 30, continuing each Friday, yesterday for the 27th consecutive …

History and Political Thought: South Slavic Ideologies, Greater Croatia By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, September 29 2018

Read Part I, II, III.

An importance and influence of P. R. Vitezović’s ideological concept

P. R. Vitezović’s works had a great impact on the development of the South Slavic national ideologies, national consciousness, and nationalism. Paradoxically