Global Research News

Gaza Strip: Attacks in the Border Areas and Their Consequences, The “Buffer Zones” By Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, October 12 2018

The term “buffer zone” in land and at sea is used for land and sea areas, which were unilaterally and illegally declared by Israeli forces as areas with no access along the eastern and northern borders and in the sea

United States
Showtime in America: Idiots’ Delight, A Quasi Review. “It’s All A Lie” By Edward Curtin, October 12 2018
If believability is your gauge for discerning truth, you are living in a fantasy world. But that is the reality of life in the US today. This is the land of make-believe. Assertions made convincingly enough are the new facts for a population hypnotized by a stage-managed reality show.
Netanyahu Is Destroying Both Israel and the Palestinians By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, October 12 2018

Much of what Israel and the Palestinians are experiencing today has befallen them under Netanyahu’s leadership. He believes that the Palestinians will always pose an existential threat to Israel, which led him to pursue domestic policies that dangerously undermined the

Selected Articles: The Electric Revolution By Global Research News, October 12 2018

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Pentagon Report Points to US Preparations for Total War By Andre Damon, October 12 2018

Over the past two weeks, with next to no media coverage, the United States has moved substantially closer toward open military confrontation with both Russia and China, the second- and third-ranked nuclear powers in the world.

On October 3, the …

Albert Speer
History of the Third Reich: Hitler’s Armaments Minister Albert Speer’s Complicity in the Nazi Genocide By Shane Quinn, October 12 2018

One summer day in 1944, the Nazi armaments chief Albert Speer had a visit from his old friend Karl Hanke, the Gauleiter of Lower Silesia. Twelve years before, Hanke had “discovered” Speer when recommending the precocious architect to Joseph

The Electric Revolution: Move Aside Lithium, Vanadium Is the New Super-Metal for Bigger Batteries By James Burgess, October 12 2018
Vanadium is lithium on steroids—wildly bigger. We may have already reached the peak of our electric revolution through batteries with lithium. We need bigger batteries, preferably the size of a football field—or 20. That’s vanadium—Element 23
Hurricane Michael: Floridians Paying for Governor Scott’s Climate Denialism By Dahr Jamail, October 12 2018

For the first time in recorded history, a Category 4 hurricane is striking the Florida Panhandle.

Hurricane Michael made landfall today, packing winds of 145 miles per hour — strong enough to collapse houses and cause massive damage

Jamal Khashoggi
Missing Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi Rejiggers the Middle East By James M. Dorsey, October 12 2018

The fate of missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, assuming that his disappearance was the work of Saudi security and military officials, threatens to upend the fundaments of fault lines in the Middle East.

At stake is not only the fate …

Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso Is the New Flashpoint in France’s “War on Terror”. Al Qaeda Cells in the Sahel By Andrew Korybko, October 12 2018

France’s Sahel-wide “Operation Barkane” has recently been forced to pay increasing attention to the upsurge of terrorism in Burkina Faso, which is quickly turning into another flashpoint in the War on Terror.

The G5 Sahel & “Operation Barkhane”

Most of …

Trump Has Put America on Path to War with Iran While Nobody Is Paying Attention By Ben Armbruster, October 12 2018

Sixteen years ago this week, 77 U.S. senators and 296 members of the House of Representatives gave President George W. Bush the authority to wage war in Iraq.

That monumental vote enabled what is arguably the biggest strategic foreign policy …

“Good” Bombing: NATO Op Against Yugoslavia Was a War Crime: Christopher Black By Ekaterina Blinova, October 12 2018

Jens Stoltenberg’s claim that NATO “protected” Yugoslavia from the government of Slobodan Milosevic is nothing but propaganda, Christopher C. Black, a Toronto-based international criminal lawyer told Sputnik, stressing that NATO had no legal reason to attack Yugoslavia and de

Monsanto Seeks to Undo $289M Roundup Verdict as 8,700 Similar Lawsuits Await By Lorraine Chow, October 12 2018

Monsanto will ask a San Francisco judge on Wednesday to throw out a jury’s $289 million award to a former school groundskeeper who claimed the company’s glyphosate-based weedkillers, Roundup and Ranger Pro, caused his non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Superior Court Judge

Global financial crisis
A Global People’s Bailout for the Coming Financial Crash By Adam Parsons, October 11 2018

When the global financial crisis resurfaces, we the people will have to fill the vacuum in political leadership. It will call for a monumental mobilisation of citizens from below, focused on a single and unifying demand for a people’s bailout

Kuwait Stops Exporting Crude to the U.S. By Irina Slav, October 11 2018

Kuwait has not sent any crude oil to the United States for at least four weeks, EIA’s weekly petroleum reports for the last four weeks, which also include a weekly comparison, have revealed.

The last week that saw Kuwaiti crude …

The Shaky Case That Russia Manipulated Social Media to Tip the 2016 Election By Gareth Porter, October 11 2018

In their long recapitulation of the case that Russia subverted the 2016 election, Scott Shane and Mark Mazzetti of The New York Times painted a picture of highly effective Russian government exploitation of social media for that purpose. Shane and

Brett Kavanaugh
The Two Brett Kavanaugh Stories By Philip Giraldi, October 11 2018

There were two simultaneous Brett Kavanaugh stories. Together, as part of the confirmation process regarding his nomination as Supreme Court Justice, they revealed how political discourse in the United States has reached a new low, with debate over the man’s

Russian ‘Collusion’ Is a Red Herring, Emergence of the Far Right, New Wave of Fascism By Max Parry, October 11 2018

As the 2018 U.S. midterm elections approach, there is still no evidence of ‘collusion’ between the campaign of President Donald J. Trump and the Russian government after nearly two years of inquiry. Thus far in the Department of Justice’s investigation

Meng Hongwei
The Detention of Meng Hongwei and the Western Media’s Insinuations against China By Andrew Korybko, October 11 2018

The Mainstream Media is approaching a very slippery slope after insinuating that Chinese citizens are loyal to the Communist Party of China first and foremost above any and all of their other duties, and that failure to obey Beijing could

‘Projects and interests will become clear in runoff’. MST leader on the presidential race between Workers’ Party’s Fernando Haddad and far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro By João Pedro Stedile and Brasil de Fato, October 11 2018

After votes were counted last Sunday and confirmed a second round between Brazilian presidential candidates Fernando Haddad (Workers’ Party – PT) and Jair Bolsonaro (Social Liberal Party – PSL), a member of the national board of the Landless Workers’ Movement

The Anatomy of a Great Deception
The Anatomy of a Great Deception. 9/11 is Not About the Past. It’s About the Future By David Hooper and Richard Gage, October 11 2018

Our good friend Dave Hooper, who created the 2014 hit documentary The Anatomy of a Great Deception, is making a “Part 2.” He’s already filmed most of it, and it’ll be released in September 2019!

Millions of people …

Influenza-like Illnesses (ILI) and Influenza: The Implications for Seasonal Vaccinations By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, October 11 2018

The CDC (the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) was born, just like the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), as an important regulatory agency of the United States government that was intended to regulate various corrupt and monopoly-seeking industries that

Hurricane Michael Makes Landfall in Florida Panhandle By Dr. Jeff Masters, October 11 2018

Update: Hurricane Michael made landfall at 2 pm EDT October 10, 2018 near Mexico Beach, FL with top sustained winds of 155 mph and a central pressure of 919 mb. This makes Michael the strongest landfalling mainland U.S. hurricane (by

Neoliberal Economics: The Plague of Iran’s Economy  By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh, October 11 2018

The Iranian economy is mired in a deep recession. The real or productive sector of the economy is paralyzed, largely by out-of-control (and often illicit) imports that have replaced domestic production. Rent seeking, corruption and the looting of national resources

Nikki Haley
Israel’s Plans for Nikki Haley to be the 46th President of the United States? By Hans Stehling, October 11 2018

Is Nimrata “Nikki” Haley (nee Randhawa), Netanyahu’s ‘candidate’ as Israel makes plans to have AIPAC use its powerful organisation to install her as the 46th President of the United States?

In a transparent move to infiltrate and control American politics, …

Video: Kurdish YPG Cells Attack Turkish-backed Forces in Afrin, Northern Syria By South Front, October 11 2018

The Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) carried out a new attack on Turkish-backed forces in the region of Afrin. According to the YPG, 4 members of Turkish-backed groups were killed by the YPG in the village of Mariam.

This was …

Future of Western Democracy Being Played Out in Brazil By Pepe Escobar, October 11 2018

Nothing less than the future of politics across the West – and across the Global South – is being played out in Brazil.

Stripped to its essence, the Brazilian presidential elections represent a direct clash between democracy and an early

Selected Articles: NAFTA 2.0 By Global Research News, October 10 2018

Do you value the reporting and in-depth analysis we provide, free of charge, on a daily basis? Do you think this resource should be maintained and preserved as a research tool for future generations? Bringing you 24/7 updates from all

Sergev Lavrov
President Assad’s Amnesty Decree to Military Deserters By Andrew Korybko, October 10 2018

The world should welcome President Assad’s latest decree granting amnesty to military deserters inside and outside of the country, but observers shouldn’t forget that it isn’t a new initiative and might therefore not be observed by the parties that matter

Effective Practices to Sustain Development in Morocco By Kerstin Opfer, October 10 2018

Natural landscapes are declining worldwide. Approximately 30 percent of the world’s natural forests are expected to be lost by the end of this century. Further, 25 percent of all land on earth is currently under threat of desertification, resulting in

Keeping Modi in Power: Why India Might Secure an Anti-Iranian Sanctions Waiver From the US By Andrew Korybko, October 10 2018

The US doesn’t want to do anything that could risk Narendra Modi’s reelection next year such as inadvertently contributing to the explosive growth of petrol prices in his country, so it’s possible that Trump might grant America’s new strategic

Review of the Renegotiated NAFTA: Benefits and Drawbacks to Canada By Prof. John Ryan, October 10 2018

There is something strange about this. Other than Maude Barlow and of Sujata Dey of the Council of Canadians, it appears that no other journalists or columnists from the mainstream media have mentioned two significant features in NAFTA 2.0 that

Nikki Haley
Haley Resigns as Trump’s UN Envoy By Stephen Lendman, October 10 2018

Nikki Haley is a neocon hardliner, a geopolitical know-nothing, the most unqualified ever US UN envoy, an embarrassment to what diplomacy is supposed to be all about. 

Supporting US aggression in multiple theaters, she uses the world body as a …

UK Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia: UK Should Not be Arming Regimes That Target Journalists By Andrew Smith, October 10 2018

The Turkish authorities have announced that they will search the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul as part of their investigation into the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was last seen going into the embassy.

The Saudi regime has one …

The EU’s Economic and Political Weakness. Remainers’ Callous Hypocrisy By Rodney Atkinson, October 10 2018

As we described in the previous post the European Union’s track record has been disastrous. It has been the least successful trade area in the world over the last 10 years. Global Finance magazine calculated EU GDP growth over this

UN: Over 700 Israel Obstacles to Palestinian Movement in West Bank By Middle East Monitor, October 10 2018

There are more than 700 obstacles to Palestinian movement across the West Bank imposed by Israeli occupation authorities, according to the findings of new research by the United Nations.

According to the comprehensive survey, conducted by UN OCHA in July, …

Britain and NATO Prepare for War on Russia in the Arctic By Brian Cloughley, October 10 2018

On September 30 the UK’s foreign minister, Jeremy Hunt, delivered an astonishing tirade, saying “The EU was set up to protect freedom. It was the Soviet Union that stopped people leaving. The lesson from history is clear: if you

Fear of Defeat and the Vietnam War By William J. Astore, October 10 2018

Fear of defeat drives military men to folly.  Early in 1968, General William Westmoreland, America’s commanding general in Vietnam, feared that communist forces might overrun U.S. military positions at Khe Sanh.  His response, according to recently declassified cables as

NDP Members Must Push for Pro-Palestinian Positions By Yves Engler, October 10 2018

When will NDP members push back against the party leadership’s all-too friendly relations with Canada’s leading Israel lobby group?

Recently, former NDP Premier of Nova Scotia Darrell Dexter joined the board of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) …

British Intelligence Now Officially a By-word for Organized Crime By John Wight, October 10 2018

An intelligence service given free rein to commit ‘serious crimes’ in its own country is an intelligence service that is the enemy of its people.

The quite astounding revelation that Britain’s domestic intelligence service, MI5, has enjoyed this very freedom

The IPCC’S Final Warnings of Extreme Global Warming By Dr. Andrew Glikson, October 10 2018

Scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicate that global temperature rise of 1.5°C above pre-industrial temperatures would constitute a threshold the planet cannot cross without suffering the worst effects of climate change. Yet according to the U.N.

As Nikki Haley Resigns, Critics Forced to Clarify That “Pro-War, Pro-Imperialist” Sycophant for Trump Is No “Moderate” By Jon Queally, October 10 2018

U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley “was probably the most pro-war, pro-imperialist high-ranking Trump official, and therefore the most beloved Trump official by the war-loving U.S. media. She held every conventional foreign policy view that has generated so much

A Multibillion Dollar Question: Is the 1989 Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Still in Effect? By David Orchard and Marjaleena Repo, October 10 2018
On October 1, 2018, after some 14 months of negotiations, the prime minister and the minister of foreign affairs unveiled the new United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA), replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
Rembrandt at the Scottish National Gallery By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, October 10 2018

The Scottish National Gallery in Edinburgh is currently exhibiting a substantial selection of Rembrandt’s paintings, drawings, and prints – focusing on those works that reveal the story of “Britain’s Discovery of the Master.” Exploring the significance of Rembrandt to British

‘With Kavanaugh on the Court, Checking and Balancing Is Not Going to Happen” By Prof. Marjorie Cohn and Janine Jackson, October 10 2018

Janine Jackson interviewed Marjorie Cohn about the Brett Kavanaugh nomination for the October 5, 2018, episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript.


Janine Jackson: Donald Trump’s public mockery of Christine Blasey Ford, the woman …

Video: The Pentagon’s Insect Army By Manlio Dinucci, October 10 2018
Swarms of insects, transporting genetically modified infectious viruses, attack the agricultural crops of a country & destroy its food production – this is not science-fiction but a plan that is actually being prepared by DARPA, the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
The Sessional Curse: Universities and the Casual Work Force By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 10 2018

Universities have become bastions of sessional torment, feeding grounds for despair.  The term “sessional” is merely a euphemised way of describing an academic employee who has no ongoing employment other than what is offered, a person ever at the mercy

The Two Party Food Fight: Brett Kavanaugh and “The Torture Memos” By Philip A Farruggio, October 10 2018

The Torture Memos, … was a term originally applying:

“…to a set of three legal memoranda drafted by John Yoo as Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the United States and signed by Assistant Attorney General Jay S. Bybee, head

Chevron, Corporations and the Law Versus Life and Lives By Harry Glasbeek, October 09 2018

The decision in Yaiguaje v. Chevron Corporation by the Ontario Court of Appeal denied justice owed to some 30,000 Ecuadorian people grievously harmed by profiteering oil companies. The story is an example of how the routine application of formality in

What Is the Best Solution to the Ukrainian Crisis? By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, October 09 2018

The current Ukrainian crisis and, in fact, the civil war which started at the very end of 2013 are grounded in for decades lasting internal interregional antagonisms between the western and the eastern regions of Ukraine. The crisis is fully

Aux Barricades Mes Enfants! The Insanity of US Foreign Policy. The Danger of War By Philip Giraldi, October 09 2018

On October 21st there will be a Women’s March on the Pentagon hosted by the Global Women’s Peace Action. My wife and many of our friends will be going and even I will tag along in support in spite

Growing US Hostility towards China: US Pacific Fleet Show of Force in the South China Sea. Frosty Pompeo Reception in Beijing By Stephen Lendman, October 09 2018

Deepening US hostility toward China is all about wanting to curb its growing economic, financial, and military might.

It’s about Washington’s imperial aims, wanting dominance over all other nations, its opposition to mutual cooperation and multi-world polarity, its rage to

Did the Saudis Kidnap and Murder Journalist Jamal Khashoggi? By Stephen Lendman, October 09 2018

On October 2, prominent Saudi journalist/critic Khashoggi disappeared after entering the Saudi kingdom’s Istanbul, Turkey consulate, needing documents for his upcoming wedding, scheduled for this week.

He hasn’t been seen or heard from since, likely victimized by foul play. Turkish …

Brazil’s Haddad and Bolsonaro to Go Head to Head in Second Round By Morning Star, October 09 2018

Brazil’s presidential election will go to a run-off between far-right Jair Bolsonaro and Workers Party candidate Fernando Haddad on October 28.

Mr Bolsonaro came first in the first round yesterday, with 46 per cent of the vote — just four …

Climate Alarm: ‘Most Important Years in History’ By Karl Mathiesen and Natalie Sauer, October 09 2018

Warming beyond 1.5C will unleash a frightening set of consequences and scientists say only a global transformation, beginning now, can avoid it.

Only the remaking of the human world in a generation can now prevent serious, far reaching and once-avoidable …

Trump Admin Follows Corporate Media Playbook for War with Iran By John C. O’Day, October 09 2018

Three years ago, as Americans debated the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran—popularly known as “the Iran deal”—I highlighted a troubling media trend on (8/20/15): “For nearly all commentators, regardless

Benjamin Netanyahu Is No Friend to America By Scott Ritter, October 09 2018

Benjamin Netanyahu is no stranger to the American spotlight. A career Israeli politician who attended school in the United States, he specializes in the kind of rhetoric that his American counterparts revel in—a kind of narcissism that’s more used car

Wolf at the Door: Prospects of US Military Intervention in Venezuela By Aram Aharonian, October 09 2018

The persistent insistence of US President Donald Trump at the General Assembly of the United Nations when he stated that “all options are on the table” to solve the crisis in Venezuela has aroused alarm in political circles in Washington

Oil Price Rally Boosts Electric Car Sales By Tsvetana Paraskova, October 09 2018

Tesla’s competition is about to get more crowded next year with many legacy automakers and luxury brands launching a record number of battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids.  

All EV makers will have one common element that could help lift …

Video: Clashes Between Militant Groups Ongoing in Western Aleppo By South Front, October 09 2018

Idlib militants who refuse to lay down arms and continue attacks on government forces have to be arrested or eliminated, Russia’s Special Presidential Representative for the Middle East Mikhail Bogdanov told the country’s state-run news agency RIA Novosti on October

Orson Welles, Broadcasts and Fake News By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 09 2018

Orson Welles’ spectral return to the screen, ingeniously in posthumous mode, should have come as a comfort to the magicians skilled in the arts of trickery.  Beyond the grave, he seems to be exerting a continuing influence, with his

Video: Iran’s World Court Win Exposes U.S. as Rogue State By The Real News Network, October 09 2018

After the International Court of Justice ruled in Iran’s favor on U.S. sanctions, the Trump administration pulled out of a 1955 treaty and announced a review of its relationship to the court.

Trita Parsi, author and founder of the National

The Post-US Midterm Elections Bombshell By Dr. Jack Rasmus, October 09 2018

Liberals and the left were shocked by the Kavanaugh confirmation this past weekend.  They may experience an even greater shock to their political consciousness should the Democrats fail to take the House in the upcoming midterm elections.

The traditional media …

America Is on the Road to Becoming a Fascist State By Robert Scheer, October 09 2018

In a compelling essay for The New York Review of Books this month, Christopher R. Browning, a leading historian of the Holocaust and Nazism, outlines the frightening parallels between the United States and the Weimar Republic. “No matter how and

How the Tentacles of the US Military Are Strangling the Planet By Prof. Vijay Prashad, October 09 2018

In June this year in Itoman, a city in Okinawa prefecture, Japan, a 14-year-old girl named Rinko Sagara read out of a poem based on her great-grandmother’s experience of World War II. Rinko’s great-grandmother reminded her of the cruelty of

Blanket Silence: Corporate Media Ignore New Report Exposing Distorted and Misleading Coverage of Corbyn By Media Lens, October 09 2018

If there’s one thing we’ve learned in the 17 years since Media Lens began, it’s that media professionals generally hate being challenged, critiqued or criticised. This fierce antipathetical belligerence underlies the corporate media’s total refusal to mention, far less discuss,

The Coming Military Vision of State Censorship By True Publica, October 09 2018

At TruePublica, we have continually warned that in Britain the government is becoming ever more authoritarian with its underhand attack on civil liberty and human rights. We have warned about the illegality of mass surveillance and state intrusion into the

Dilma Rousseff
Selected Articles: 2018 Brazil Elections. Coup against Democracy By Global Research News, October 09 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support.

Lies, distortions and omissions are part of a multibillion dollar propaganda operation which sustains the “war narrative”.

While “Truth” is a powerful instrument, “the Lie” is generously funded by the

Today’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, October 09 2018
US Senate Elevates Right-wing Judge Brett Kavanaugh to Supreme Court By Patrick Martin, October 08 2018

The US Senate on Saturday confirmed Brett Kavanaugh as associate justice of the Supreme Court in a near-party-line vote of 50 to 48. Kavanaugh was sworn in only a few hours later by Chief Justice John Roberts in a private

Fun at the United Nations and in Congress: Israel Wins the Comedy Competition By Philip Giraldi, October 08 2018

Most people are unaware of the fact that the annual opening of the United Nations General Assembly, which takes place in September, is actually a major audition opportunity for aspiring stand-up comedians. This year, American President Donald Trump was

Criticism of Israeli Policy Is Not Anti-Semitic By James J. Zogby, October 08 2018

I was provoked to write this discussion of what is and what isn’t anti-Semitism by an article in Ha’aretz on the “controversy” created by the awarding of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to George P. Smith. According to the

NAFTA 2.0: Free Trade or Central Planning? By Rep. Ron Paul, October 08 2018

Last week the United States, Mexico, and Canada agreed to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with a new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Sadly, instead of replacing NAFTA’s managed trade with true free trade, the new USMCA expands

The Final Truth of Russia-gate By Justin Raimondo, October 08 2018

The conspiracy to overthrow a sitting US President extends far beyond our own “Deep State.” As I’ve been saying in this space for quite some time, it’s been an international team effort from the beginning. Setting aside the British origins

No More Torture Says France By Eric Margolis, October 08 2018

‘This is La Main Rouge,’ said the gruff voice on our home telephone in Geneva, Switzerland.. ‘Stop your activities on behalf of the FLN or we will kill you.’ The mysterious caller hung up.

I was petrified. La Main Rouge …

MST Open Letter on Brazil Election By MST - Landless Workers Movement of Brazil, October 08 2018

Comrades and Friends of MST around the World,

We would like to share some of our views on this delicate moment of Brazilian politics in the last week of the election campaign:

1. This election is very special because it …

In Upholding the “Muslim Ban”, the Supreme Court Ignored International Law By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, October 07 2018

Published in July, this article by Dr. Marjorie Cohn reveals how the US Supreme Court routinely violates international law and the US Constitution


The Supreme Court’s opinion in Trump v. Hawaii, affirming Donald Trump’s Muslim ban, allows the

Sino-US Tensions: Pentagon Accuses China of Threatening America’s National Security By Stephen Lendman, October 07 2018

Sino/US tensions risk boiling over into something much more serious than already.

Washington considers China’s significant political, economic, trade, and military strength as a threat to US national security.

Accusations by US officials against China, Russia, and other countries are …

Brazil’s Non-Elections: A Crisis of Trust, a Failure of Democracy By Asad Ismi, October 07 2018

This article was first published by The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives in early September. The article provides a historical overview. It does include recent developments pertaining to the election campaign following Lula’s  decision to drop out of the race

Even in “Revolutionary Countries”, Mass Media Is Still in the Hands of the Right By Andre Vltchek, October 07 2018

How could a country win her fight against Western imperialism, how could it become truly independent, if its people are fully conditioned, through the mass media and education, by the North American and European doctrines and world view?

Wherever I …