Global Research News

Praise the Workers, Not Amazon By Jonathan Rosenblum, October 17 2018

“Power concedes nothing without a demand,” abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass declared 161 years ago.

Last week saw that truth on broad display as Amazon, facing growing political and organizing pressure, announced it was setting a minimum wage of $15/hour for

American Friendly Fascism: Not So Friendly Anymore By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, October 17 2018

“It is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship…Voice or no

Neo-Ottomanism Surges in Middle East Politics By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 17 2018

The fate of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman hangs in the balance. The common perception is that everything depends on which way President Donald Trump moves – go by his own preference to bury the scandal over Jamal Khashoggi

Mohammad bin Salman
Trump’s Alliance with Body-Choppers, Death Squads and Child Killers: Saudi Arabia, Brazil and Israel By Prof. James Petras, October 17 2018
Trump’s intimate ties with the world’s most unsavory regimes flows from several strategic interests. In the case of Saudi Arabia, it includes military bases; the financing of international mercenaries and terrorists; multi-billion-dollar arms sales and oil profits
Should the US Stop Enabling Israel? By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, October 17 2018

I maintain that regardless of the political, strategic, demographic, and regional vicissitudes, the two-state option remains the only viably sustainable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; the one-state solution is simply a non-starter. I also maintain that successive Israeli governments, irrespective

The Upcoming Putin-Netanyahu Summit Will Seek to Strike a Balance in Syria By Andrew Korybko, October 17 2018

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will see each other during an upcoming summit, which will be their first meeting since last month’s tragedy.

The Israeli premier said that he spoke to President Putin on 7 …

Mainstream Media
Mainstream Media Drives Getaway Car for Alt-Media Purge By Helen Buyniski, October 17 2018

Facebook purged more than 800 accounts last week, continuing its scorched-earth campaign of eradicating dissent as Americans prepare to go to the polls. The social media platform is nicely settling into its role as official censor, working hand in glove

The Antidote to Censorship: “Like Public Land, Water and the Air Itself, These Frequencies Are in the Public Domain” By David W. Mathisen, October 17 2018

An extremely noteworthy and negative event took place in early October, largely unreported by the corporate-controlled media: in a coordinated purge, Facebook and Twitter deactivated the accounts of hundreds of independent media pages, some of them with hundreds of thousands

Metropolitan Police on “Chepiga” and “Mishkin” By Craig Murray, October 17 2018

I have just received confirmation from the Metropolitan Police Press Bureau that both the European Arrest Warrant and Interpol Red Notice remain in the names of Boshirov and Petrov, with the caveat that both are probably aliases. Nothing has been

Climate change
Climate Change, Panic Scenarios, Killing Scientific Debate. The Dark Story Behind “Global Warming” By F. William Engdahl, October 16 2018

The recent UN global warming conference under auspices of the deceptively-named International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded its meeting in South Korea discussing how to drastically limit global temperature rise. Mainstream media is predictably retailing various panic scenarios “predicting”

Selected Articles: US Intervention in Venezuela? By Global Research News, October 16 2018

Do you value the reporting and in-depth analysis we provide, free of charge, on a daily basis? Do you think this resource should be maintained and preserved as a research tool for future generations? Bringing you 24/7 updates from all

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham
Video: Idlib Demilitarization Zone Agreement Reaches Its First Deadline By South Front, October 16 2018

On October 15, a first deadline in the roadmap for implementation of the Idlib demilitarization agreement passed. According to this agreement, militant groups had to withdraw all their heavy weaponry and equipment from the declared 15-20km deep zone and halt

Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank Have Indelible Links to Greek Financial Crisis By JD Mangan, October 16 2018

These are the degrees to which Goldman Sachs is responsible for Greece’s current woes and the highly indebted status of Deutsche Bank.

To start with the latter issue — arguably more immediately pertinent to current tribulations. The following events should …

Bypassing US Sanctions. Russia to Refine Iranian Oil for Export By Stephen Lendman, October 16 2018

US harshness toward Iran since its 1979 revolution achieved nothing. The Trump regime’s aim to crush its economy, mainly by blocking its oil sales, failed before implementation in early November.

On Sunday, said Iran has ways around Trump regime …

US Plastic Waste Exports to Developing Countries, Causing Environmental Problems at Home and Abroad By Joe Sandler Clarke and Emma Howard, October 16 2018

US plastic waste exports to developing countries in south-east Asia rose dramatically in the first six months of this year, as the international fallout from China’s decision to shut its doors to “foreign trash” continues.

Unearthed can reveal that plastic …

Dozens Missing in Hurricane Michael as Death Toll Rises By Patrick Martin, October 16 2018

The death toll from Hurricane Michael continues to mount as rescue and recovery crews work through the vast area along the coastline of the Florida panhandle and further inland that was laid waste by the gigantic storm, the third strongest

Saudis to Admit Jamal Khashoggi Killed During Interrogation? By Stephen Lendman, October 16 2018

According to CNN, Reuters, AP News, the NYT, and other media, the Saudis will admit responsibility for Khashoggi’s death.

Citing unnamed sources, media reports claim Riyadh will say he died during a botched interrogation and plan to abduct him, what

Mexico Confirms Number of Disappeared at 37,485 By Telesur, October 16 2018

Mexico officials confirmed Tuesday that there are 37,485 people disappeared in the country, 340 of which have been declared dead.

Interior Minister Alfonso Navarrete while unveiling the new “National People Search System”, announced the number of missing persons in …

Heroes… and Villains. Perpetual War By Philip A Farruggio, October 16 2018

My late great friend Bill K. was a man rich in life experience. Bill had been a Chicago cop during the ‘turbulent’ 60s going against the grain by refusing to hassle Black faces and anyone who demonstrated at the 1968 …

The Tyranny of Fashion: Shredding Banksy By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 16 2018

The modern art world is filled with pranks and pranksters, the clowns who have decided that play counts for art.  Brattish artists foist a range of projects and conceptual themes upon art galleries who, foolishly, see emperors decked in the

American Media Seeks to Poison US-Russian Cooperation in Space By Ulson Gunnar, October 16 2018

After a string of suspicious incidents involving Russia’s venerable Soyuz rocket system, several prominent American newspapers have attempted to poison the last remaining area of significant cooperation between Russia and the United States.

This includes the Washington Post which has …

Khashoggi Mystery: Rogue Killers or Rogue Royals? By Andrew Korybko, October 16 2018

Trump’s claim that “rogue killers” might have been responsible for Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s possible murder is likely only half of the story in the sense that this operation probably wasn’t ordered by Riyadh but might have been

Video: Syrian Army Kicks Off Another Attempt to Eliminate ISIS in Al-Safa By South Front, October 16 2018

On October 11th, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), local militais, and former fighters of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) prepared to launch a new offensive on the remaining ISIS fighters in the al-Safa area with support from Russia,

Syria: Another US Forever War? By Stephen Lendman, October 15 2018

Is Afghanistan the prototype for all US wars of aggression? Forever war rages in the country, now in its 18th year with no prospect for resolution.

Is Syria following the same pattern, war in its eighth year with no end

Why Is the CBC Lying About Venezuela? Trudeau Government Favors US Intervention By Alison Bodine, October 15 2018

While in New York City for the United Nations General Assembly during the last week of September the Prime Minister of Canada spoke about Venezuela. As he defended the government of Canada’s outrageous decision to lead the right-wing attempt to

Dow AgroSciences Seeks to Expand Use of Bee-killing Pesticide to Additional 3 Million Acres in California, Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana By Center For Biological Diversity, October 15 2018

The Environmental Protection Agency is considering a request by Dow AgroSciences to dramatically expand the use of the bee-killing pesticide sulfoxaflor to rice, avocados, greenhouses, tree farms and residential ornamental plants sold at retail outlets.

The EPA has already concluded …

The United States Did It Again: Its Warplanes Use White Phosphorous Munitions in Syria By Peter Korzun, October 15 2018

The US-led coalition used white phosphorus (WP) munitions while delivering air strikes against the Syrian province of Deir Ez-Zor on Oct. 13. The attack resulted in civilian casualties. Last month, WP munitions were also used by two US Air Force

Scientists Freak Out Over Pandemic Potential of Genetically Engineered Smallpox By Zero Hedge, October 15 2018

Following the release of a paper earlier this year which describes how researchers stitched together segments of DNA in order to revive horsepox – a previously eradicated virus, scientists have been flipping out over the possibility that bad actors may

A Quarter-million Protest in Berlin Against the Grand Coalition and the Return of Fascism By Ulrich Rippert, October 15 2018

Nearly 250,000 people demonstrated Saturday in Berlin against racism, the far-right Alternative for Germany’s witch-hunting of immigrants, and the reactionary policies of the grand coalition government.

Organized around the central slogan “#indivisible—solidarity instead of exclusion,” the protest was one of …

Selected Articles: Facebook Censorship and the Atlantic Council By Global Research News, October 15 2018

For seventeen years, Global Research, together with partner independent media organizations, has sought Truth in Media with a view to eventually “disarming” the corporate media’s disinformation crusade.

To reverse the tide of Facebook and Search Engine manipulations, we call upon

US Sanctions on Riyadh Would Mean Washington Is Stabbing Itself By Turki Aldakhil, October 15 2018

I read the Saudi statement in response to the American proposals regarding sanctions on Saudi Arabia. The information circulating within decision-making circles within the kingdom have gone beyond the language used in the statement and discuss more than 30 potential

Jair Bolsonaro
Bolsonaro and Brazil’s “National Security Ideology”: Order and Progress Was Never a Civilian Slogan By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, October 15 2018

The apparent victory of Jair Bolsonaro in the 2018 Brazilian presidential elections has been analysed as the return of some kind of fascism to Brazil: electing dictators where they previously had to enter office in tanks. However, Brazilians, unlike Portuguese,

Ottawa’s Incestuous World of Pro-military Lobbying By Yves Engler, October 15 2018

How do you feel about taxpayer-funded organizations using your tax dollars to lobby elected politicians for more of your tax dollars?

Welcome to the Canadian military.

Last week Anju Dhillon told the House of Commons

“I saw first-hand the sacrifices

Andrew Jackson
Agents of Chaos: Trump, the Federal Reserve and Andrew Jackson By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 15 2018

“It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes.” — President Andrew Jackson, Washington, July 10, 1832

They are three players, all problematic in their own way.  …

Back in the (Great) Game: The Revenge of Eurasian Land Powers By Pepe Escobar, October 15 2018

Get ready for a major geopolitical chessboard rumble: from now on, every butterfly fluttering its wings and setting off a tornado directly connects to the battle between Eurasia integration and Western sanctions as foreign policy.

It is the paradigm shift …

Banned Weapons Used in All US War Theaters. In all Post-9/11 Wars, US used Banned Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Incendiary and Cluster Munitions By Stephen Lendman, October 15 2018

Whenever US forces aggressively attacks countries, dirty war is waged, including use of banned weapons.

Prohibited terror-bombing is longstanding US policy, indiscriminately harming civilians.

The Laws of War: Laws and Customs of War on Land (1907 Hague IV Convention) states:…

Former US National Security Adviser Michael Flynn Denies Claims He Was Bribed to Kidnap Wanted Turkish Cleric Fethullah Gulen By Steve Sweeney, October 15 2018

Former US national security adviser Michael Flynn has denied claims he was offered a bribe to kidnap an Islamic cleric and smuggle him to Turkey, where he is accused of masterminding the failed 2016 coup.

According to the Wall Street …

Why the Coordinated Alternative Media Purge Should Terrify Everyone: Soon Those Who Hate Freedom Will Have Unquestioned Access to the Minds of 2 Billion People By Daisy Luther, October 15 2018

Yesterday, the alternative media purge was boldly advanced in a coordinated effort to silence people who dissent from establishment views. It’s just one more step toward a monopoly on information by those who hate freedom. At this rate, they’ll soon

Ariel Sharon
Sabra and Shatila: The Secret Papers. Carefully Planned Israeli Atrocities Led by Ariel Sharon By Jeremy Salt, October 15 2018

Sabra and Shatila, September 1982, stands as one of the worst single atrocities in modern history. Up to 3500 Palestinians were massacred when Israel’s Falangist proxies surged through the two Beirut camps in September 1982. Israel sought to dump

Act Now to Protect Our Right to Protest By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, October 15 2018

Restricting Our Right To Protest Shows We Are Winning

The radical attack on our constitutional right to protest in Washington, DC needs to be stopped. The National Park Service (NPS) has published proposed rules that would curtail First Amendment rights

Positing Corbyn’s Labour Party as Practitioners of “Soviet Anti-Semitism” By Adeyinka Makinde, October 15 2018

A recent opinion piece by a certain Ben Cohen for the ‘Jewish News Syndicate’  entitled “Soviet anti-Semitism in a British guise” presented the view that the Jeremy Corbyn-led British Labour Party has adopted the trappings of an

Facebook Accused of ‘Full-Frontal Suppression of Dissent’ After Independent Media Swept Up in Mass Purge By Jake Johnson, October 15 2018

The massive shutdown affected many progressive sites devoted to covering war, police brutality, and other issues neglected by the corporate media.

After Facebook announced on October 10 that it shut down and removed hundreds of pages and accounts that it …

On US Naval Blockades and a Hard Days War. Economic Warfare against Russia is not Working By Christopher Black, October 15 2018

On the 22nd of October 1962 the US 2nd Fleet began the blockade of Cuba, an action that immediately threatened the world with nuclear war and annihilation. Those of us old enough to remember President Kennedy’s statement on live television

Nikki Haley, We Hardly Knew Ye By Scott Ritter, October 15 2018

Nikki Haley surprised the American and international foreign policy establishment by announcing her intention to resign as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, effective at the end of this year. While President Donald Trump indicated he had known of her

Meet Ten Corporate Giants Helping Israel Massacre Gaza Protesters By Joe Catron, October 15 2018

As Israeli soldiers gun down unarmed Palestinian demonstrators in the Great March of Return, their lethal operations depend on an array of contractors and suppliers, many of them companies based outside Israel.

“The Israeli military relies on a network of

To the People’s Tribunal on U.S. Crimes Against Puerto Rico. “Suffocated by Neoliberalism” By Berta Joubert-Ceci, October 15 2018

Dear friends and comrades,

On October 27, 2018, activists and witnesses from Puerto Rico, the Puerto Rican diaspora, the U.S. and the world will gather in New York City to participate in a tribunal on the crimes of colonialism.

The …

Lopez Obrador
Can President-elect Lopez Obrador Pull Mexico Out of Slumber? By Andre Vltchek, October 15 2018

After decades of stagnation, corruption and deadly dependency on the United States, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is considered by many ordinary people, as well as by intellectuals, to be the last chance for Mexico.

Two important news developments are circulating …

Indiana Caught Illegally Purging 20,000 Voters – Are You One? By Greg Palast, October 15 2018

A team of database experts, statisticians, lawyers and investigators working with the Palast Investigative Fund discovered — and Indiana now admits — that these thousands of voters were cancelled in violation of a June 2018 federal court order that barred

Israel Confiscates 2,036 Acres of Palestinian Land in West Bank By Middle East Monitor, October 15 2018

Israeli occupation authorities yesterday, issued a confiscation order against 8,242 dunums (2,036 acres) of Az-Zawiya village’s lands in the Salfit district of the West Bank for alleged military purposes, Alghad TV reported.

The land is located in the west …

Hurricane Cost May Skyrocket as Billions in Stealth Fighter Jets Unaccounted for; Tyndall AFB “Complete Loss” By Zero Hedge, October 15 2018

After Hurricane Michael rendered Tyndall Air Force Base a “complete loss” from “widespread, catastrophic damage” – questions remain over nearly two-dozen F-22 Stealth Fighters which are unaccounted for. 

According to the New York Times, Tyndall is home to 55 …

The US Military’s Vision for State Censorship By Andre Damon, October 15 2018

In March, the United States Special Operations Command, the section of the Defense Department supervising the US Special Forces, held a conference on the theme of “Sovereignty in the Information Age.” The conference brought together Special Forces officers with domestic

The Routine Use of Fake Images and Video Footage by the Western Media By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 15 2018

Image. CNN Report: “Chinese Cops” in Tibet:  Footage of a protest movement in India, 2008

While Google and Facebook relentlessly target the independent online media in their campaign against “Fake News”, the routine use of fake videos and images by

Video: Israel Grounds Its F-35 Stealth Jet Fighters, Unable to “Challenge” Syria’s S-300 Air Defenses? By South Front, October 14 2018

On October 11, the Israeli military announced that it had halted flights of F-35I stealth fighter jets following the crash of the US Marine Corps F-35B jet in South Carolina on September 28. The Israeli Air Force (IAF) stated that

Network 2018 By Philip A Farruggio, October 14 2018

Forty two years ago director Sidney Lumet brought to the big screen writer Paddy Chayefsky’s brilliant story of Network. This great satirical film can now be looked at through the prism of our current state of Amerikan culture, or lack

IMF – WB – WTO – Scaremongering Threats on De-Globalization and Tariffs – The Return to Sovereign Nations By Peter Koenig, October 14 2018
Local economy with local investments for the benefit of the local population, is, of course, not what the ultra-capitalist system wants. It doesn’t fit the neoliberal economic doctrine – driving globalization forward, pushing its bitter medicine of austerity, creating more poverty, ...
Sharing the Defense Burden: What Europe No Longer Can – or Knows How to – Do By Isabella Martinez, October 14 2018

Cracks are forming within the Western alliance: but they are not of a political nature. Western European countries are struggling to remain in line with their American ally, and a change in strategy has nothing to do with it: they

One Day in Afghanistan By Abigail Fielding-Smith and Jessica Purkiss, October 14 2018

The first death was soon after midnight, a policeman killed on night watch near the Tajik border. The bloodshed continued as the sun rose then set again, ending only as the day did.

Three beheadings at a school, and an …

Aufstehen! (Stand Up!) – A New Left Movement Emerging in Germany? By Klaus Dräger, October 14 2018
‘We Are Afraid’: Anti-Bolsonaro Voters, Journalists Targeted in Wave of Political Violence Across Brazil, Activists Call for Action By Telesur, October 14 2018

Thousands of activists, women and young Brazilians marched in Sao Paulo Thursday to protest against right-wing presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, who won the first round of the Brazilian presidential election on Oct. 7.

Angered by Bolsonaro’s sexist, misogynist, and …

Information Data
Pages Purged by Facebook Were on Blacklist Promoted by Washington Post By Andre Damon, October 14 2018

Media outlets removed by Facebook on Thursday, in a massive purge of 800 accounts and pages, had previously been targeted in a blacklist of oppositional sites promoted by the Washington Post in November 2016.

The organizations censored by Facebook include …

Daniel Ellsberg’s The Doomsday Machine: A Prescient Warning of the Danger of Nuclear War By Kevin Martinez, October 14 2018

Daniel Ellsberg is an American anti-war activist who in 1971, while working for the RAND Corporation, leaked a series of documents called “The Pentagon Papers” to the New York Times and other news outlets. The papers revealed to the American

If NAFTA Has Been Replaced by USMCA, Is Canada Still Haunted by the FTA? By Prof. John Ryan, October 14 2018

In a recent article by David Orchard and Marjaleena Repo, concern has been raised that even if NAFTA has been replaced by the USMCA, Canada may still be subject to the provisions of the 1989 Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

Media Companies, Executives Quit Saudi Event Over Missing Journalist By Middle East Eye, October 14 2018

Media companies including the New York Times and CNN are pulling out of a Saudi investment conference because of growing outrage over the disappearance of a prominent Saudi journalist in Turkey.

British billionaire Richard Branson has also announced that his …

Facebook Partners with Hawkish Atlantic Council, a NATO Lobby Group, to “Protect Democracy” By Elliott Gabriel, October 14 2018

The partnership between Facebook and the Atlantic Council is an attempt to ensure the grip of dominant imperialist powers – militaries, multinationals, banks, and philanthropists – who feel threatened by the unrestricted flow of information and anti-systemic narratives on social

Brazilian Elections and the Stakes for Democracy By Michael Welch, Pepe Escobar, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 14 2018

Bolsonaro is a symptom of a much larger disease. He has only reached this level, a head-to-head in the second round against Lula’s candidate Haddad, because of a sophisticated, rolling, multi-stage, judicial/congressional/business/media Hybrid War unleashed on Brazil.

-Pepe Escobar [1]…

HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather Modification, Electromagnetic Warfare By Fred Burks, October 14 2018

This carefully documented article on Weather Warfare was first published by Global Research on August 1, 2010.

Some small edits have been made. The CBC, History Channel and documentaries quoted in the article can now be viewed. They by …

US/Saudi Relations Remain Unchanged. Jamal Khashoggi’s Abduction and likely Murder By Stephen Lendman, October 13 2018

Both countries are longstanding allies, partnered in Washington’s imperial agenda, waging war OF terror in the Middle East against nations Republicans and undemocratic Dems target for regime change.

As long as Saudi oil keeps flowing and the kingdom continues spending …

Washington State Ends Capital Punishment By Stephen Lendman, October 13 2018

Around one-third of world nations impose the death sentence in judicial rulings.

Of all known state-sponsored executions, 12 nations carry out most of them: America, Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Sri Lanka, – according

Médecins Sans Frontières
Evacuating Nauru: Médecins Sans Frontières and Australia’s Refugee Dilemma By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 13 2018

It is an organisation not without its problems. Conceived in the heat of idealism, and promoted as the vanguard of medical rescue and human rights advocacy, Médecins Sans Frontières has had its faults.  Its co-founder Bernard Kouchner went a bit

From GM Potatoes to Glyphosate: Regulatory Delinquency and Toxic Agriculture By Colin Todhunter, October 13 2018

Food and environment campaigner Dr Rosemary Mason has just produced the report ‘Shockingly high levels of weedkiller found in popular breakfast cereals marketed for British children’. In this 68-page document, she draws from new research in the UK that mirrors

Brazil’s Neo-Liberal Fascist Road to Power By Prof. James Petras, October 13 2018


The decisive electoral victory of far-right Brazilian presidential candidate, Jair Bolsonaro startled politicians and analysts of the traditional parties of the left and right.

The possible implications for the present and near future raises a number of fundamental questions …

The Killing of Saudi Journalist Khashoggi Could Spell the End for Mohammad bin Salman? By Federico Pieraccini, October 13 2018

The (unconfirmed) death of famous journalist Saudita Jamal Khashoggi is likely to have important repercussions, revealing the hypocrisy of the mainstream media, tensions inside the Saudi regime, and the double standards of Western countries.

On October 2nd, 2018, Saudi journalist …

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt. The “War on Terror” is a Fraud By Mark Taliano, October 13 2018

Canada is fast-becoming a safe-haven for terrorists. 

Al Qaeda/al Nusra Front and ISIS are openly being welcomed[1] and protected from public scrutiny and juridical consequences, including “Anti-Terror” legislation.[2]

All of this exposes yet again that the “War on Terror” is …

Social media
Social Media Censorship Intensifies By Kurt Nimmo, October 12 2018

Both the Free Thought Project and The Anti-Media lost their social media accounts in a coordinated attack today by Facebook and Twitter. 

Facebook alone removed 559 pages and 251 accounts. 


Revolution at Risk: ‘Humanitarian Intervention’ in Venezuela Aims at Regime Change By W.T. Whitney Jr., October 12 2018

Turmoil reigns in Venezuela. A story serves to illustrate and to introduce the report presented here.

The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) on its website claims that the national police in Táchira state recently arrested and tortured PCV member José

Maduro: White House Ordered Colombia to Kill Me By Press TV, October 12 2018

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has said the Trump administration is seeking to assassinate him, as relations strain between the two nations. 

Maduro said in a nationally televised speech on Thursday that the United States had instructed the Colombian government to …

Don’t Let Trump Weaponize Space By Ed Lehman, October 12 2018

In a number of countries, the week of October 6-13 is being observed as Keep Space for Peace Week. This year the theme for the week is No Space Force, in reaction to U.S. President Donald Trump’s proposal to

Video: ISIS Seizes Toxic Agents Intended to be Used for Provocations in Idlib By South Front, October 12 2018

ISIS terrorists have been able to seize toxic chemicals due to the irresponsible actions of the representatives of the Western countries, Lieutenant General Vladimir Savchenko, chief of the Russian center for the reconciliation of the conflicting sides in Syria, said

Mohamed Bin Salman
Mohammed Bin Salman: The Character Behind the Caricatures By Andrew Korybko, October 12 2018

Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman, popularly known by his initials as MBS, is either one of the world’s most admired leaders or its most reviled depending on who one asks. His friends characterize him as a noble reformer

In Trade, as in Foreign Policy, America Goes for ‘Broke’ By Alastair Crooke, October 12 2018

Trump’s Administration is putting its ‘all’ on red on the roulette wheel of a radically leveraged US trade and foreign policy.  It is a bet that a ruthless ‘no prisoners taken’ pursuit of naked US commercial interest can restore American