Global Research News

The Saudi Butchery in Yemen and the World’s Apathy By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, October 26 2018

The cold-blooded killing of the journalist Khashoggi, however gruesome, pales compared to the brutality and gross human rights violations Saudi Arabia is committing in Yemen. The Saudis are deliberately preventing food and medicine from reaching areas where children are dying

Canada: Starting Down the Path to Marijuana Legalization By Bryant Brown, October 26 2018

In the late 1960’s my wife and I shared an eclectic circle of friends in London Ontario that included business colleagues, social workers, artists, university professors, hippies and students. We were starting a family and I was on the fringe

Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s Political Nightmare: a Neo-Nazi ‘Phenomenon’ Made in the USA By Edu Montesanti, October 26 2018
Bolsonaro promises, among many other fascist “policies” to make the "police free to kill" without any investigation. As fear increasingly permeates Brazilian society, Bolsonaro’s campaign is based on a total absence of rational thought & critical political analysis
In Major Concession, Trump Will Allow Iran to Remain Connected to SWIFT. Alternative Currency Transfer System Currently Developed by Russia By Zero Hedge, October 25 2018

In a stark reversal from its position just days earlier, the Trump administration is expected to allow Iran to remain connected to the SWIFT banking system the Washington Examiner reports, in what amounts to a major concession to European allies

Facebook Censorship of Alternative Media “Just the Beginning,” Says Top Neocon Insider By Max Blumenthal and Jeb Sprague, October 25 2018

This October, Facebook and Twitter deleted the accounts of hundreds of users, including many alternative media outlets maintained by American users. Among those wiped out in the coordinated purge were popular sites that scrutinized police brutality and U.S. interventionism, like

Bombs Mailed to Prominent Democrats and Trump Critics By Patrick Martin, October 25 2018

Six mail bombs were sent to prominent Democrats and critics of President Trump, it was reported on Wednesday. None of the devices exploded and no one was injured, but the attacks dominated the US media and caused widespread alarm, including

Khashoggi, Erdogan and the Truth By Craig Murray, October 25 2018

The Turkish account of the murder of Khashoggi given by President Erdogan is true, in every detail. Audio and video evidence exists and has been widely shared with world intelligence agencies, including the US, UK, Russia and Germany, and others

The State of America – as Described by Americans By True Publica, October 25 2018 is an online dictionary and encyclopedia. It has, according to online tracking company SimilarWeb, nearly 50million monthly visitors. They are ranked the 454th most visited website in America. asked its American website visitors a simple question.

What Is

Understanding the Rise of the Radical Right By Mario Candeias, October 25 2018

It is the time of monsters. The organic crisis of the old neoliberal project has also brought forth the rise of a new radical right. Yet these monsters are quite different from one another: we have strong men like Trump,

The Importance of Alternative Media. The Mass Media and our Present Crisis By John Scales Avery, October 25 2018

Social critic Neil Postman contrasted the futures predicted in Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World in the foreword of his 1985 book “Amusing Ourselves to Death”. He wrote:

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared

“Trump Breaks the Historic Nuclear Treaty with Moscow”: The White House Prepares the Return of the Euromissiles By Manlio Dinucci, October 25 2018

The announcement that “Trump breaks the historic nuclear treaty with Moscow” – the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) – was no surprise. Now, however, it is official. To understand the scope of this act, we should review the historical context

The Political Hypocrisy — Skripals and Khashoggi By Gordon J. Brigsley, October 25 2018

Russia is accused, without substance, proof, nor evidence of a Salisbury poisoning saga; a saga played out, in almost boring repetition, by Prime Minister May and her Cabinet, supported by Trump, Merkel, et al with sanctions, and the expelling of

The Triumph of Evil. “Armament Profits take Precedence over Murder and Genocide” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 25 2018

The murder of Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi Arabian embassy in Turkey is unprecedented in its audacity. The response from Washington and the Canadian government is to sell more weapons to Saudi Arabia, weapons that are being used by the

Video: The Mega War Game “Trident Juncture 2018” From Naples to North Atlantic By Manlio Dinucci, October 25 2018

US Marines disembarked from convertibles and helicopters from the amphibious attack ship “Iwo Jima”, and “secured” Keflavik airport in Iceland, where Poseidon P-8A aircraft had arrived from Sigonella to take part in the hunt for enemy submarines. That was the

What Is It About Bears? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, October 25 2018

My editor at Natural History Magazine once remarked how, whenever their cover features a bear, sales rise. A koala bear, a young panda, a sunbathing polar bear or a menacing American grizzly; it doesn’t matter. People like bears.

Occasional attacks

Heritage Foundation in Shadow of Haiti’s PetroCaribe Protests? By Dady Chery, October 25 2018

The Heritage Foundation came forward on September 20, 2018 to set the rules for Haiti’s PetroCaribe investigation and protests.  Most Haitians are delighted about any audit of the corrupt government that was foisted on them by the fraudulent presidential and

Nikki Haley for President? “So it’s Israel All the Way for Haley” By Philip Giraldi, October 25 2018

The New York Times has produced an astonishing editorial, “Nikki Haley will be missed,” on the resignation of America’s United Nations ambassador.

It is comparable in some ways to the whitewash afforded to the hideous warmonger and self-promoting liar Sen.

Griffin and Woodworth Release New Book on the 9/11 Consensus Panel’s Findings By David Ray Griffin and Elizabeth Woodworth, October 25 2018

On September 11, 2018, veteran 9/11 researchers David Ray Griffin and Elizabeth Woodworth released the book 9/11 Unmasked, which details the 51 points published by the 23-member 9/11 Consensus Panel since its formation in 2012.

We encourage all 9/11

The Rule of the Uber-Rich Means Tyranny or Revolution By Chris Hedges, October 25 2018

At the age of 10 I was sent as a scholarship student to a boarding school for the uber-rich in Massachusetts. I lived among the wealthiest Americans for the next eight years. I listened to their prejudices and saw their

Northeastern Syria: Kurdish Anarchy and Sultan Erdogan Dreams By Firas Samuri, October 25 2018

During the past several months the situation around Syrian Kurdistan remains tense. The protests of the locals from the city of Manbij in Aleppo province against the actions of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are occurring on a regular basis.

Why Do Yemen’s Dead Not Merit the Attention of Jamal Khashoggi? By Pete Dolack, October 25 2018

The apparent murder of Saudi Arabian dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi is a shocking crime that merits the international attention it has received, but nonetheless it is impossible not to wonder why the death of a single person receives vastly more

Denials Down Under: Climate Change and Health in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 25 2018

Richard Horton’s note in an October 2015 issue of The Lancet was cautiously optimistic.  It described the launch of Doctors for Climate Change Action, led by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) in the lead-up to the

US Slap on the Wrist Response to Khashoggi’s Murder By Stephen Lendman, October 25 2018

There’s virtually no doubt that Saudi crown prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) ordered Jamal Khashoggi’s brutal abduction and murder.

No lower level regime officials would dare order elimination of a prominent figure within or outside kingdom borders without his …

US Fueling Terrorism in China By Tony Cartalucci, October 25 2018

The West’s human rights racket has once again mobilized – this time supposedly in support of China’s Uyghur minority centered primarily in the nation’s northwestern region of Xinjiang, China.

Headlines and reports have been published claiming that up to a …

Trump Nominates Pesticide Industry Insider to Run U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service By Center For Biological Diversity, October 25 2018

The Trump administration has nominated a former Monsanto employee to run the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Aurelia Skipwith has been at the Department of the Interior since April 2017 and has helped oversee virtually every effort to dismantle protections

Unbending US Hostility Toward Russia. Bolton Meets Putin in Moscow. Will Trump and Putin Meet in Paris in November? By Stephen Lendman, October 25 2018

John Bolton’s two-day trip, meeting Putin, Sergey Lavrov, and other top Russian officials, did nothing to soften US hostility toward the country.

Bilateral relations continue deteriorating, not improving. Nothing in prospect suggests positive change.

On Tuesday, Putin and …

So It Turns Out That Saudi Arabia Isn’t Exactly an American Puppet After All By Andrew Korybko, October 25 2018

The US’ decision to revoke the visas of 21 Saudis who it claims are responsible for dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s killing and possibly impose Magnitsky Act sanctions against them proves that Saudi Arabia isn’t exactly the “American puppet” that

“Contingency Plan” for a No-deal Brexit: Disruptions? Panic Scenarios, Proposals to Ferry in “Critical Supplies”, Food, Medicine, Car Parts By Political Concern, October 25 2018

The FT reports that David Lidington, Mrs May’s de facto deputy, has briefed the cabinet that under a no-deal Brexit, the Dover-Calais route could be running at only 12-25% of its normal capacity for up to six months.


Video: US Troops Clash with Turkish-backed Militants Near Manbij By South Front, October 25 2018

Troops of the US-led coalition have been clashing with Turkish-backed militants near the Syrian city of Manbij, currently controlled by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), according to a video, which appeared online this week.

Commenting on the incident to …

Spreading the Anti-War Message: New Challenges to Freedom of Expression By Global Research News, October 24 2018

The situation for independent media has changed significantly over the past year. In the face of large corporations attempting to censor our content and curtail our traffic and revenue, we are still here – largely thanks to you, our core …

The Recklessness and Confusion of US Foreign Policy. Preemptive Nuclear Threats against Russia? By Martin Sieff, October 24 2018

Does the US Deep State really want to provoke a thermonuclear world war with Russia, China and Iran at the same time? The recklessness and confusion of US policies provoking major crises on every side certainly suggests so. Yet the

Jamal Khashoggi
Selected Articles: Brazil – Bolsonaro Towards a Military Dictatorship By Global Research News, October 24 2018

For seventeen years, Global Research, together with partner independent media organizations, has sought Truth in Media with a view to eventually “disarming” the corporate media’s disinformation crusade.

To reverse the tide, we call upon our readers to participate in an

Syria. The Creeping Partition By Peter Ford, October 24 2018

The September crisis over Idlib was brought to a conclusion by the Russian Turkish agreement to create a partially demilitarised border strip. This should have been implemented by 16 October but hasn’t. 


Some armed groups have pulled back their …

The EU, Russia, China Plan to Avert Iran Oil Sanctions: New Banking Architecture, Bypass US Dollar Trade By F. William Engdahl, October 24 2018

It may well be that the unilateral wrecking ball politics of the Trump Administration are bringing about a result just opposite from that intended. Washington’s decision to abandon the Iran nuclear agreement and impose severe sanctions on companies trading Iran

The Khashoggi Crisis: A Blessing in Disguise for Pakistan’s Imran Khan By James M. Dorsey, October 24 2018

The death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi is proving to be a blessing in disguise for cash- strapped Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. Mr. Khan’s blessing is also likely to offer Saudi Arabia geopolitical advantage.

On the principle of …

New Data Shows a 45% Spike in Tariffs Being Paid by American Businesses and Consumers By Tariffs Hurt the Heartland, October 24 2018

Today, Tariffs Hurt the Heartland – a nationwide, nonpartisan, grassroots campaign against tariffs – published new data about the costs of tariffs across the United States. The data was released during a town hall meeting in Pennsylvania to discuss the

“Dismantling of Democracy in Israel”. Death Threats for B’Tselem, Racism Lawsuit for a Chief Rabbi By Middle East Eye, October 24 2018

Retired judge fears dismantlement of democracy in Israel like in “the Germany of Bach”

Retired Israeli Supreme Court Judge Aharon Barak warned that the country’s democratic institutions could very well be dismantled, just as occurred in “the Germany of Bach,

Jair Bolsonaro
Brazil – Bolsonaro Towards a Military Dictatorship – Worse Than 80 Years Ago By Peter Koenig, October 24 2018

One week before the second round of voting in Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, the extreme right-wing candidate from the Social Liberal Party (PSL), against Fernando Haddad from the Worker’s Party (PT), Lula’s Party, for Brazil’s Presidential run-off elections – Bolsonaro leads

Israel Invokes Its “Fight for Survival” as It Descends into a Racist State By Miko Peled, October 24 2018

Israel’s former Chief Justice Aharon Barak stated in a recent lecture that “what happened in Germany [the rise of the Nazis] can happen here [in Israel].” He went on to say that a regime that does not respect the separation

Poking the Russian Bear with the NATO Umbrella By Ted Galen Carpenter, October 24 2018

Some terrible foreign policy ideas seem to have eternal life. One example is the proposal to expand NATO yet again by offering membership to Georgia and Ukraine. That campaign has gone on for more than a decade and is a

International Law
Venezuela under Siege: The West’s Ongoing Campaign against President Maduro By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, and Steve Ellner, October 24 2018

Maduro is more dependent on the military as a result of the possibility of a military intervention in Venezuela. So, these sanctions, and this hard-line approach that really dates back to the Obama Administration is having a big impact

The Three Evils: “Racism, Excessive Materialism and Militarism” By Philip A Farruggio, October 24 2018

The late Martin Luther King Jr. gave a stirring speech on August 31st 1967, and it (sadly) rings true today. In his comprehensive look at what ails not only America but most of the western world, King focused on this

French Court of Appeal to Render Decision on Dr. Hassan Diab’s Case By Hassan Diab Support Committee, October 24 2018

On Friday 26 October 2018, the French Court of Appeal will announce whether it will uphold the decision by the investigating judges (juges d’instruction) in January of this year to drop the case against Dr. Hassan Diab.

The investigating judges …

Ditching Nuclear Treaties: Trump Withdraws From the INF By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 24 2018

President Donald J. Trump has made it his signature move to repudiate the signatures of others, and the latest, promised evacuation from the old US-Soviet pact otherwise known as the intermediate range nuclear forces (INF) treaty was merely another artefact

Can We Canonize Khashoggi? And, for the Love of God, Why? By J. Michael Springmann, October 24 2018
President Trump has waffled on what to do. He initially claimed that the Saudis were being pilloried as guilty until proven innocent. Then, he asserted that there would be severe consequences if the Kingdom had killed Khashoggi. Then, he claimed that if America didn’t sell weapons to the Saudis, the Russians and Chinese would.
Western Media Attacks Critics of the White Helmets. The New McCarthyism By Rick Sterling, October 24 2018


The October 16 issue of NY Review of Books has an article by Janine di Giovani titled “Why Assad and Russia Target the White Helmets”. The article exemplifies how western media promotes the White Helmets uncritically and attacks

The British Labour Party: In and Against the State By Leo Panitch and Prof. Sam Gindin, October 24 2018

Just a few years ago, it would have seemed most unlikely that developments in the British Labour Party would attract widespread international attention among those looking for the renewal of socialist possibilities in the 21st century. That this is the

Jamal Khashoggi
The Saudis Keep Changing Their Story on the Murder of Khashoggi. What Should We Do? By Rep. Ron Paul, October 24 2018

The Saudi version of the disappearance and murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi seems to change every day or so. The latest is the Saudi government claim that the opposition journalist was killed in a “botched interrogation” at the Saudi consulate

The Psychology of Fascism By Robert J. Burrowes, October 24 2018

The continuing rise of fascism around the world is drawing increasing attention particularly as it takes firmer grip within national societies long seen to have rejected it.

Some recent studies have reminded us of the characteristics of fascist movements and …

Top Secret: Rwanda War Crimes Cover-Up By Christopher Black, October 23 2018

The United States and its allies are experts at covering their crimes and finding scapegoats to take the blame for them. They are doing it now with their disinformation campaigns against Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, and Syria. The

Jamal Khashoggi Murder: What More Would It Take for the UK to End Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia? By Andrew Smith, October 23 2018

The Saudi regime has admitted that journalist Jamal Khashoggi was  killed in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir has claimed that the murder was a “tremendous mistake.” One member of the 15-man team suspected to have killed

“Cowboy Diplomacy”: Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton in Moscow. Mutual Trust is Nonexistent By Stephen Lendman, October 23 2018

Trump’s national security advisor John Bolton is militantly Russophobic, pro-war, and anti-peace and stability.

Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation director Alexandra Bell earlier said Pompeo and Bolton reflect “neocon foreign policy jacked up on steroids.”

Last February, shortly before …

China Slams Mike Pompeo for His Hostile Remarks. “Ignorant and Malicious” By Stephen Lendman, October 23 2018

Through its media, China strongly slammed Mike Pompeo for warning Latin American leaders against seeking Beijing investments.

In meetings with Mexican and Panamanian presidents last week, he turned truth on its head, saying

“when China comes calling it’s not always

Selected Articles: For the U.S. Palestine No Longer Exists By Global Research News, October 23 2018

Do you value the reporting and in-depth analysis we provide, free of charge, on a daily basis? Do you think this resource should be maintained and preserved as a research tool for future generations? Bringing you 24/7 updates from all

The White Helmets Ride Again By Philip Giraldi, October 23 2018

I am often asked to explain why countries like Iran appear to be so aggressive, involving themselves in foreign wars and seeking to create alliances that they know will provoke the worst and most paranoid responses from some of their

Atlantic Council Podium Used to Force European Allies to March in Step By Alex Gorka, October 23 2018

Wess Mitchell, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, the administration’s top diplomat focused on Europe and Eurasia, has warned that Europe’s energy dependence on Russia is unacceptable for the United States. That official was addressing the

What the Closure of the US Consulate in East Jerusalem Means By James J. Zogby, October 23 2018

This month’s prize for dangerous moves and disingenuous press releases goes to the US State Department for its October 18 notice, headlined “On the Merging of US Embassy Jerusalem and US Consulate General Jerusalem”. The release was a statement

Israel Advances Bill Linking Cultural Funding with ‘Loyalty’ to State By Middle East Eye, October 23 2018

A ministerial committee in Israel’s parliament voted on Sunday to advance a bill that would cut subsidies to cultural organisations accused of not showing “loyalty” to the state, the culture minister said.

The proposed legislation, denounced by artists and freedom …

Nottingham – Steals From the Poor – Gives to the Rich By True Publica, October 23 2018

Human rights campaigning organisation Liberty has called on Nottingham City Council to abandon plans which will penalise some of the city’s most vulnerable people – and anyone trying to help them.

The organisation responded to a consultation on the …

East-West Confrontation. The Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. It Is Like a Western Movie: A Showdown Is in the Making By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 23 2018

It has taken the US military/security complex 31 years to get rid of President Reagan’s last nuclear disarmament achievement—the INF Treaty that President Reagan and Soviet President Gorbachev achieved in 1987.

The Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was ratified by …

New Twist in Khashoggi Mystery: MBS Spoke to Journalist Moments Before His Death, Report Claims By RT News, October 23 2018

Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman phoned Jamal Khashoggi and tried to convince him to return to Riyadh, just moments before the dissident journalist was killed in the kingdom’s Istanbul consulate, a new report claims.

The prince contacted Khashoggi shortly after

Russia’s Poised to Reap the Rewards of the West’s Fallout with Saudi Arabia By Andrew Korybko, October 23 2018

Russian strategists must be rubbing their hands with glee as they watch the West sacrifice its strategic and highly profitable relationship with Saudi Arabia all because of Jamal Khashoggi, knowing full well that their country is more than capable

Québec Solidaire Prepares to Confront a New Government of Austerity and Social and Ethnic Polarization By Richard Fidler, October 23 2018

Québec solidaire’s 10 members of the National Assembly, elected October 1, took their oath of office on October 17 in two parts.

The oath of allegiance to the Queen, required by the British North America Act (now the Constitution Act

Norway in the Middle of NATO’s Arctic Wargames By Jonathan Sigrist, October 23 2018
As we speak, NATO is deploying 50.000 troops, 250 aircraft, 65 vessels and 10.000 vehicles all across Norway, as well as in some areas in Sweden, Finland, Iceland and other Baltic countries. More than 30 NATO members are participating in this exercise named Trident Juncture 18, the largest ever of its kind,
Dangerous Crossroads: Extensive Russian and Allied War Games in Response to US-NATO Military Buildup By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 23 2018
Barely reported by the Western media, Russia has launched a series of war games in Europe and the Far East together with several of its allies. These war games are largely in response to NATO's military buildup on Russia's Western frontier, in Eastern Europe, The Baltic States and Scandinavia.
Trump Says US Will Withdraw From Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty By Alex Lantier, October 23 2018

Speaking at a campaign rally in Nevada on Saturday, President Donald Trump said Washington will repudiate the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty and develop intermediate range nuclear missiles. “We’ll have to develop those weapons,” he said. “We’re going to

Jordan Cancels Part of 1994 Peace Treaty with Israel By Stephen Lendman, October 23 2018

In 1994, Jordan became the second Arab country to sign a peace treaty with Israel, Egypt the first in 1979.

Neither country recognized Israel as a Jewish state, nor was the provision part of the 1993 Oslo Accords or Bush/Cheney’s

(Un)Happy Anniversary! 17 Years of War (and More to Come) By Tom Engelhardt, October 23 2018

We’re already two years past the crystal anniversary and eight years short of the silver one, or at least we would be, had it been a wedding — and, after a fashion, perhaps it was. On October 7, 2001, George

Brexit and Its Discontents. “The Condition of Democracy in Britain” By Prof. Gregory B. Whitfield, October 23 2018

If protection rackets represent organised crime at its smoothest, then war risking and state making – quintessential protection rackets with the advantage of legitimacy – qualify as our largest examples of organised crime. Without branding all generals and statesmen

Will an Arms Race Follow Trump’s INF Treaty Pullout? By Stephen Lendman, October 23 2018

Trump is a geopolitical know-nothing, a businessman turned politician, America’s first realty TV president.

He’s captive to corporate interests and sinister political forces controlling him, capitulating to them virtually straightaway, likely after his electoral triumph – before entering office in

International Hypocrisy. Reprimanding the Saudi Kingdom By Dr. Elias Akleh, October 23 2018

By now all international media resources; newspapers, magazines, TV channels, and internet social media, are busy reporting the gruesome murder of Jamal Khashoggi; a Saudi reporter, who was loyal to the regime until he turned against Muhamad bin Salman (MBS)

Jordan Confronts Israel: King Abdullah Cancels Annexes Leasing Two Territories to Israel By South Front, October 23 2018

On October 21, Jordan’s king Abdullah bin al-Hussein announced that his country had decided to terminate the Peace Treaty annexes on Baqura and al-Ghamr, which allowed Israel to use these town areas.

“Baqura and al-Ghamr are Jordanian territories. They will

Erekat: Abduction of Jerusalem Governor a New Step Against Palestinian Presence By IMEMC, October 22 2018

On Saturday, October 20, at around 7:00 pm, three vehicles carrying Israeli occupation authorities intercepted the car of the governor of Jerusalem, Mr. Adnan Ghaith, pulling him out of the vehicle and taking him to an unknown location. Governor Ghaith

2018 U.S. Midterm Elections: Politicize Israel Issue So No One Will Touch It By Philip Giraldi, October 22 2018

Jewish congressmen and other officials in the Democratic Party are increasing their efforts to make sure that candidates running for office in November toe the line on support for Israel. The Republicans meanwhile are seeking to portray themselves as the

Green Zone Amerika. The Phony Electoral Scam By Philip A Farruggio, October 22 2018

After our nation illegally/immorally invaded and destroyed much of Iraq, we set up a mega city for our new embassy. The Bush gang named it ‘The Green Zone’, a fortified city in itself. The invaders/occupiers were able to keep most

France’s President Emmanuel Macron Denounces Inequality as Root Cause of Current Global Crisis. UN General Assembly By Carla Stea, October 22 2018

With dazzling clarity, French President Emmanuel Macron addressed the UN General Assembly in a remarkable speech highlighting:

“Now we must tackle the deep causes of our imbalances, we must look together at the weaknesses of our international order and –

The Shadow of the Deep State Over Today’s Brazil By Daniel Espinosa, October 22 2018

For those of us critically attending at US foreign policy and world politics in general, the rise of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil could hardly seem outside the scope of interest and –even more important–, influence of the US “Deep State”.

Geopolitics and Financial Warfare: The Reconfiguration of the Global Balance of Power By José Miguel Alonso Trabanco, October 22 2018

Far from operating in a purely economic sphere, the action of market forces is also manifested in the geo-political dimension. Hence, the behaviour of the financial sector is not exempt from this logic, especially taking into account the density and

A New Imperial Power? Media Campaign against China By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, October 22 2018

Is China a new imperial power threatening some of the developing economies in Asia and Africa? This is a perception that is being promoted through the media by certain China watchers in universities and think-tanks mainly in the West, various

Why Are French Forces in Madagascar? By Engin Ozer, October 22 2018

In the year 1960 during the Madagascar’s independence process, it was geostrategically important for General De Gaulle to demand that Mayotte, Reunion and Scattered islands (in French Îles Éparses) be left as French soil. According to the General, it was