Global Research News

The US Pretends to Support the Independence of Syria and Iraq By Elijah J. Magnier, November 05 2018

During the International Institute for Strategic Studies 14thdialogue in the Bahraini Capital Manama, Bert McGurk, the US envoy for the global coalition to defeat the Islamic State group (ISIS), took leave of his designated function by expressing unusual

Whither Russiagate? By Philip Giraldi, November 05 2018

Two years have passed since the 2016 presidential election. Allegations that foreign interference had influenced the result, perhaps decisively, began to surface even as the last ballots were being counted. Against all odds underdog Donald J. Trump had been

Impact Is Imminent: Getting Into Gold, Getting Out of the Euro (and Dollar) By Patrick Henningsen, November 05 2018

It’s been a decade since the financial crash of 2008 which we now know was orchestrated by Wall Street and a compromised US Treasury Dept. Many believe that the very practice which triggered the collapse back then – the

Treaties and Other Agreements US Consistently Breaches By Stephen Lendman, November 05 2018

Trump’s JCPOA and INF pullouts are the latest examples of why the US under Republicans and undemocratic Dems can never be trusted.

Both right wings of the US one-party state want everything their own way in return for empty promises,

Closing Loopholes: Taxing the Digital Giants By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 05 2018

The treasurers of various countries seem to be stumbling over each other in the effort, but taxing the digital behemoths has become something of an obsession, the gold standard for those wishing to add revenue to state coffers.  Back in

Trump’s War on the US Federal Reserve By Ellen Brown, November 05 2018

President Trump has stepped up his criticism of the Federal Reserve, saying of its aggressive interest rate hikes that it has “gone crazy.” The same charge has been leveled against Trump, but there may be a method to his madness

On the Consequences of the Okinawa Elections, US Military Presence, US-Japan Relations By Vladimir Terehov, November 05 2018

So, the snap governor elections of the Okinawa Prefecture that were critical for the Japanese federal government were held on September 30 this year and ended in an unpleasant surprise for it. Despite Tokyo’s anticipation (and to its sheer disappointment)

How US Sanctions on Iran Could Herald a Profound Global Power Shift By Peter Oborne, November 05 2018

On Monday, the US will ratchet up its brutal and merciless economic war against Iran, raising sanctions to a new level. The Trump administration has said its goal is to reduce Iranian oil exports to zero, although waivers were being

Watch the Film the Israel Lobby Didn’t Want You to See By The Electronic Intifada, November 04 2018

The Electronic Intifada has obtained a complete copy of The Lobby – USA, a four-part undercover investigation by Al Jazeera into Israel’s covert influence campaign in the United States.

It is today publishing the first two episodes. The Paris-based Orient

Rocks Are Not Guns: #AskJoseAntonio: Trump’s Call For Lethal Force By Justice for Jose Antonio Coalition, November 04 2018

Trump’s Call For Lethal Force Is Already On Trial In Tucson, Arizona

President Donald Trump said members of the U.S. military sent to the southern border to keep out thousands in a migrant caravan would “fight back” and “anybody throwing

Rescuing the Banks Instead of the Economy By Prof Michael Hudson and Bonnie Faulkner, November 04 2018

2018 marks the 10th anniversary of the stock market crash of 2008; the current financial malaise is the result of the bank bailouts, not the crash; an over-indebted economy cannot be saved unless the banks fail; debt deflation; the magic

Syria: The New “Terra Nullius” By Maximilian Forte, November 04 2018

Syria, seat of an Islamic Caliphate. Syria, site of the Middle East’s newest liberal democracy. Syria, socialist paradise. Syria, a corrupt and murderous dictatorship that practices genocide. Syria, a failed state. Syria a state that is too strong. Syria, soon

Dissecting the US-NAFTA 2.0 Deal By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 04 2018

Listen to my 30min. interview of November 2 with the Global Research News Hour in Canada dissecting the NAFTA 2.0 (USMCA) free trade of October and commenting on the upcoming November 6 midterm elections in the US.

How it’s a …

The Untouchable US-Saudi Relation Is a Core Element of US Imperialism By Federico Pieraccini, November 04 2018

In the last few weeks, numerous articles and analyses have been produced relating to the murder of Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. However, the relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States has not been questioned, and

Pre-emptive Peace. The Current System is Shattered. Is Military Confrontation the Next Option? By Massoud Nayeri, November 04 2018

Today, the world political situation resembles the conditions that lead to World War II. The Right-wing forces mixed with the fascist elements are gaining in the “democratic” and corrupted elections of Capitalist countries. Brazil is moving toward Fascism, of course

Did the Fledgling United Nations Have a Legitimate Mandate in 1947 to Partition Palestine? By Hans Stehling, November 04 2018

It is a fact that is hardly credible, but a fact nevertheless, that the vast majority of people, whether Jewish, Christian or Muslim, have now little or no idea of the political machinations that brought about the establishment of an

Are Oil Prices Rising or Falling? By Marwan Salamah, November 04 2018

Not only are the current views contradictory but each is supported by arguments and evidence, which increases the confusion and frustration of anxious listeners worried about their economic future.

Who Sets Oil Prices?

Oil prices are set at the various

Hillary Emails Reveal NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop Libyan Creation of Gold-Backed Currency By Sheep Media, November 04 2018
One of the 3,000 Hillary emails has revealed evidence that NATO’s plot to overthrow Gaddafi was fueled by first their desire to quash the gold-backed African currency, and second the Libyan oil reserves.
Rigged US Elections and the new NAFTA By Michael Welch, Bob Fitrakis, and Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 04 2018

“I think it’s just easier to kind of approach the problem by blaming it on an outside foreign nation, as opposed to admit that we’ve had a non-democratic, non-transparent system since at least 2000.”
– Bob Fitrakis, from this week’s …

Video: The Globalists Have Created A ‘Humanitarian’ Immigration Crisis: Why Is This Happening Now? By Truthstream Media, November 03 2018

Behind the endless throngs of desperate Central American children arriving on the U.S. border and a steady wave of illegal immigrants from Mexico and beyond is a plan for global economic warfare — those building up the world of globalization

Building a Strong Left: Black Alliance for Peace By Black Alliance for Peace, November 03 2018

Last night’s #AntiwarAutumn panel discussion was a success!

Speakers from BAYAN, the Black Alliance for Peace, the Black is Back Coalition, Friends of the Congo, People’s Organization for Progress (POP) and the United National Antiwar Coalition

It’s Official: Erdogan Accuses Saudi Crown Prince of Ordering Khashoggi’s Murder By Stephen Lendman, November 03 2018

For a month after Jamal Khashoggi entered the Saudi’s Istanbul consulate, never to be seen or heard from again, Turkish President Erdogan refrained from accusing kingdom crown prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) of ordering his murder to silence him.

In …

US Policy of ‘Returning’ Crimea to Ukraine May Not Work for Europe By Patrick Henningsen, November 03 2018

One of the main set-pieces of US, EU and NATO member state foreign policy towards Russia is the claim that “Russia invaded Crimea,” a cardinal sin which can only be expunged by Moscow relinquishing its new acquisition. As punishment, the

Will Saudi Arabia Survive Unchanged After Jamal Khashoggi? By Askiah Adam, November 03 2018

While the body of the murdered Jamal Khashoggi, a columnist for the Washington Post has not been found, the government of Saudi Arabia has admitted that he is dead, killed during an interrogation gone wrong in their Consulate in

US Threatens Pullout From the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and The International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Which Survived Hitler but Not Trump By Wayne Madsen, November 03 2018

The United States is threatening to withdraw from two international organizations that survived World Wars I and II but may not survive the retrogressive neo-conservative foreign policy of Donald Trump. The world’s third-oldest international organization, the Universal Postal Union (UPU),

Israeli PM Set to Attend Inauguration of Brazil’s Bolsonaro, Highlighting Likud Support for Ethno-Nationalist Politicians Abroad By Whitney Webb, November 03 2018

Following the victory of Jair Bolsonaro in Sunday’s Brazilian election, events have suggested that the consequences of the far-right politician’s rise to power will reach far beyond Latin America. Indeed, the Middle East is set to feel the effects of

The Next Generation of Warfare: Genetically Engineered Viruses By Mac Slavo, November 03 2018

Genetically engineered viruses could very well become the next generation of warfare. Deadly viruses modified in labs could be released eliminating entire communities of people as they infect making them a valuable asset to militaries worldwide.

As dystopian as that

American Terror Is Not New By Margaret Kimberley, November 03 2018

The casual, endemic and racist violence that characterizes American behavior at home and abroad cannot be laid at the doorstep of the current buffoon in the White House.

“The most prevalent racially motivated murders are carried out by police across

Warehousing Immigrant Children in the Texas Desert By Victoria López, November 03 2018

Since June, the federal government has been operating a massive tent city in the West Texas desert to detain immigrant children who have traveled to the United States seeking protection from persecution and abuse in their home countries. 

Last week, …

Washington Imposes New Sanctions Against Venezuela and Cuba By Bill Van Auken, November 03 2018

US National Security Adviser John Bolton announced an escalation of US sanctions against Cuba and Venezuela during a bellicose speech delivered in Miami on Thursday to an invitation-only audience of right-wing exiles and Republican functionaries.

Bolton’s speech on the Trump …

Harsh US Sanctions to Have Limited Effect on Iran? By Stephen Lendman, November 03 2018

For nearly 40 years since the Islamic Republic’s 1979 revolution, ending a generation of US-installed fascist tyranny, Iran withstood the effects of multiple rounds of illegal US sanctions.

This time will likely be no different, Iran seeking ways to overcome …

Video: Syrian Army Discovers ISIS Depot with US-Supplied Ammunition By South Front, November 03 2018

On November 1, Hayat Tahir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) announced that its members had attacked positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) near the village of Abu Qamis in southeastern Idlib. Three SAA soldiers were reportedly killed.

A source in …

Selected Articles: Trump Sanctions, War Crimes in Syria By Global Research News, November 03 2018

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Losing Users: Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook Problems By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 02 2018

His detractors and enemies have been waiting some time for this, but it must have given them moments of mild cheer.  Facebook, the all-gazing, accumulating system of personal profiles and information, poster child, in fact, of surveillance capitalism, is losing

Is the US-China Trade War for Real? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 02 2018

This incisive article was first published in May 2018 at the outset of the trade war

If Trump’s trade policy toward US allies is ‘phony’, by seeking only token adjustments to trade relations, then the US trade offensive targeting China

Financial Press Cheers Election of Fascist in Brazil By Alan MacLeod, November 02 2018

Brazil’s controversial elections pitted far-right Jair Bolsonaro against the center-left Workers’ Party candidate Fernando Haddad. But it was clear which candidate international markets—and therefore the financial press—wanted.

Bolsonaro was elected with 55.5 percent of the vote in an election …

Netanyahu Hails New Brazilian President’s Plan to Move Embassy to Jerusalem By Middle East Eye, November 02 2018

Brazil’s president-elect Jair Bolsonaro has confirmed he intends to defy the Palestinians and most of the world by moving his country’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Brazil would become the second major country after the United States to do …

Raqqa: A City Laid Waste, the Law Laid Low By Christopher Black, November 02 2018

We must demonstrate that those who have committed the most serious crimes of international concern can have no place to hide. There must be no impunity for the horrendous acts taking place on a daily basis in Syria. There

Why Do We Need a National-Security State? By Jacob G. Hornberger, November 02 2018

Given President Trump’s impulsive decision to suddenly send 5,200 armed U.S. soldiers to the U.S.-Mexico border to prevent a few thousand women and children and others from seeking refugee status in the United States, which foreign citizens are entitled to

Your Commander-in-Chief Is Lying to You: Veterans Issue Open Letter to Active Duty US Soldiers By Rory Fanning and Spenser Rapone, November 02 2018

To All Active Duty Soldiers:

Your Commander-in-chief is lying to you. You should refuse his orders to deploy to the southern U.S. border should you be called to do so. Despite what Trump and his administration are saying, the migrants

New Iran Sanctions Risk Long-term US Isolation By Patrick Lawrence, November 02 2018

The next step in the Trump administration’s “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran comes this Sunday, Nov. 4, when the most severe sanctions will be imposed on the Islamic Republic. Crucially, they apply not only to Iran but to anyone who

Indigenous Peoples Declare State of Environmental Emergency in the Peruvian Amazon By Miluska Elguera, November 02 2018

Indigenous communities on agro-industrial frontier declare state of environmental and territorial emergency amidst land grabs and deforestation.

Communities in the Bajo Huallaga area of the Peruvian Amazon declared an “environmental and territorial emergency” on 16 September this year following serious …

Two Koreas Halt Military Exercises and Close Gunports Once Aimed at Each Other By Zoom in Korea, November 02 2018

At 12:01 on November 1, North and South Korea began a halt to land, air, and sea military exercises and began the operation of a designated no-fly zone along the military demarcation line (MDL). The measures are in line with

US and South Korea Defense Chiefs Agree to Keep US Troops in Korea After OPCON Transfer By Zoom in Korea, November 02 2018

At their annual Security Consultative Meeting, held in Washington DC on October 31, the South Korean and US defense chiefs signed the “Guiding Principles Following the Transition of Wartime Operational Control,” which says US Forces in Korea and

Bolsonaro and Indigenous Rights in Brazil: A Glimmer of Hope in Difficult Times By Vanessa Jiménez, November 02 2018

In the past month, Brazil’s first indigenous woman was voted to Congress while the nation’s newly elected President is expected to pursue assimilation policies toward indigenous peoples and seek an end to demarcations of their lands and protections to the

Cuba Scores 27th Victory at the UN on “Ending the US Blockade”. Overwhelming Vote in Favor, Two Against (U.S. and Israel) By Nino Pagliccia, November 02 2018

A new round of vote at the United Nations on Cuba’s resolution “Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba” has just ended. [1] This was the 27th year in a

History of World War II: Conduct of Hitler’s “Operation Barbarossa” against Russia By Shane Quinn, November 02 2018

The method of warfare fought by Hitler’s forces in the Soviet Union would, before long, come back to haunt them. By pursuing a conflict in extreme ideological terms against Russia, it steeled the Red Army’s resolve in overcoming the “fascist

“Without Our Forest, We Have No Life, We Disappear”: Cameroon’s Baka Community By Jean-Jacques, November 02 2018

*Jean-Jacques, a member of one of Cameroon’s Baka Communities in the Ngoyla Mintom area, talks about being driven out of his ancestral forests, and the issues his people face on a daily basis through lack of land rights and lack

Trump’s Back Door Return to the TPP Free Trade Agreement in 2019/20? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 02 2018

This week the nations that were formerly part of the Transpacific Partnerships Free Trade Deal, that the US refused to join in 2017, concluded their TPP free trade agreement without the US.

Since January 2017 Trump the free trader has

US Midterm Elections: Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) Will Not “Restore Democracy to America” By Barbara Nimri Aziz, November 02 2018

There’s a big push underway- it appears to be primarily a Democrat plan– for GOTV. GOTV is not a videogame; it’s the acronym of Get-Out-The-Vote. Behind this drive is the conviction: ‘If registered Democrats will simply get off their butts,

Brazil: Quilombo Campo Grande Suffers Threats From Fascism By MST - Landless Workers Movement of Brazil, November 02 2018

We, the MST families of Southern MG, of Quilombo Campo Grande, denounce fascist action against our 20-year struggle.

Here, families, after so many years, already have electrical energy infrastructure, houses and produce a great diversity of agroecological production, such as

Stiff New US Economic Sanctions against Iran Imminent. Implications for the EU. Circumventing Dollar Transactions. Will Brussels Bypass the SWIFT Interbank Financial System By Stephen Lendman, November 01 2018


In July 2017, the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) imposed illegal new sanctions on Iran, Russia and North Korea – legislation passing both houses near unanimously (five no votes alone in both houses), signed into law by

Britain’s Social Policy Disregards the Rights of Disabled and Chronically Sick People By True Publica, November 01 2018

Mo Stewart, an Independent disability studies researcher and fellow of the Centre for Welfare Reform, sent a letter to the Guardian newspaper last week to acknowledge the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) by

Ukraine and Georgia Joining NATO Crosses an Unacceptable Red Line for Russia By Stephen Lendman, November 01 2018

Reagan era Secretary of State James Baker’s “ironclad” pledge to Mikhail Gorbachev not to expand NATO “one inch eastward” was flagrantly breached by the Clinton presidency and subsequent US administrations. 

Today, US-led NATO forces surround Russia, posing a major …

Video: SDF Halts Operations Against ISIS in Euphrates Valley Because of Turkish Attacks By South Front, November 01 2018

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which consist mainly of members of various Kurdish armed groups, declared on October 31 that they had halted their operation against ISIS in the Euphrates Valley because of Turkish attacks on their positions in

Billions of Euro ‘Disappeared’ From Frozen Accounts of Muammar Gaddafi. They Were Used to Finance War in Libya By South Front, November 01 2018

The UN is investigating the alleged embezzlement of up to €5 billion that disappeared from accounts owned by Muammar Gaddafi, the former Libyan leader, according to Belgian MP Georges Gilkinet.

“UN documents confirm that Belgium failed to comply with

No, Mr. President. You Can’t Change the Constitution by Executive Order By Omar Jadwat, November 01 2018

President Trump said this week that he is preparing an executive order to try to take away the citizenship guarantee in the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which says that people born in the United States are United States citizens.

Britain’s Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson Accepted £14,000 in Hospitality From Saudi Regime By Andrew Smith, November 01 2018

This afternoon it was revealed that the former Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, accepted £14K worth of hospitality from the Saudi regime.

According to the relevant entry in the House of Commons register of members’ interests, the purpose of the

True Dimensions of Trump’s $4-5 Trillion Tax Cuts By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 01 2018

With Trump and Congress promising to deliver another $1T in tax cuts before year end 2018, with the US Budget Deficit and Debt projected already to exceed $1T a year, annually, for the next decade ($32T US debt by 2028),

Why Canadian Prisoners Are Participating in the US Prison Strike By Jordan House, November 01 2018

Prisoners in the US are once again on strike. Since August 21, prisoners have been engaging in various forms of protest in at least ten states. And prisoners in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, have also joined the protest wave,

A Tale of Two Elections By Philip Giraldi, November 01 2018

Some political observers in the United States are saying that next week’s midterm voting for seats in the Senate and House of Representatives as well as a number of governorships is the most important national election since those in 1968

Hollow US Calls for Ending War in Yemen Which Washington Has Supported From the Very Outset By Stephen Lendman, November 01 2018

Throughout his tenure, Obama waged US aggression in Yemen. The drone war launched by Bush/Cheney in October 2001 was continued by Obama for eight years.

It was and remains part of Washington’s war OF terror, not ON terror, escalated since

The New U.S. Strategy in Syria Is Bound to Fail. Trump Wants “Regime Change” and the Withdrawal of Iranian Forces By Firas Samuri, November 01 2018

The leading analysts repeatedly stated that the U.S. has failed to overthrow President Bashar Assad. Recently, The National Interest reporter and researcher, Doug Bandow, has made sure of it during his trip to Damascus. He claims “at long

Financial Warfare and the Float of China’s Yuan. Weaponization of the Forex Market By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 01 2018
At the height of a US trade war against China, not to mention what Beijing considers an act of provocation by the US Navy in the Taiwan Straits, the Renminbi is indelibly under attack. For the People’s Bank of China to faithfully follow IMF guidelines is tantamount to abiding by the Washington Consensus.
Where Is Brazil Heading in Bolsonaro’s Presidency? By Edu Montesanti, November 01 2018

Brazil above everything, God above everyone,” Jair Bolsonaro’s campaign motto, plagiarized from Nazi Germany.

“Today at 9 p.m. I was stopped by the military and lynched because, they said, I look like a drug smuggler. They said now Bolsonaro

Moving Right in Brazil: The Rise of Jair Bolsonaro By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 01 2018

Moving left has been a Brazilian political tendency for some time, a tendency affirmed through the 1990s and 2000s with the presidential administrations of Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.  But this is the same country also

President Xi Jinping Orders China’s Military to “Step up Combat Readiness …, Enhance Servicemen’s Capabilities and Preparation for War.” By Stephen Lendman, November 01 2018

President Xi Jinping ordered his nation’s military to boost its capability to meet all threats to the nation’s security, saying:

“It’s necessary (for China’s armed forces) to strengthen (their capability), concentrat(ing) preparations for fighting a war,” adding:

“We need to

Libya, Seven Years On: A Shame for the West By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, November 01 2018

The FUKUS Axis France-UK-US turned the country with the highest Human Development Index in Africa into a failed state. Accountability? Are you joking?

After Messrs. Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy committed a spectacular mission creep violating the terms of the UN …

Selected Articles: How Google Wipes Palestine Off the Map By Global Research News, November 01 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Pipe Bombs: Frantic Denunciations of the False Flag Concept By Prof. Graeme MacQueen, November 01 2018

Onto the 24-hour reality show that is U.S. politics, 15 package bombs recently made their entrance. 

The devices were sent to vocal opponents of Mr. Trump, most of them prominent members of the Democratic Party.  The incident became public on

Bolsonaro: A Monster Engineered by Our Media By Jonathan Cook, November 01 2018
Social media and fake news are apparently the reasons Bolsonaro won at the ballot box. Without the gatekeepers in place to limit access to the “free press”, itself the plaything of billionaires and global corporations, with brands and a bottom line to protect...
The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): The Asian Parliamentary Assembly Meeting in Gwadar Was Good News for CPEC By Andrew Korybko, October 31 2018

It was a very prudent move for Pakistan to have Gwadar host this year’s Asian Parliamentary Assembly instead of any other of the country’s cities because Islamabad showed off the progress that’s been made thus far on CPEC, encouraged its

How Google Wipes Palestine Off the Map By Asa Winstanley, October 31 2018

Like the other Silicon Valley monopolies, Google habitually takes the side of Israeli occupation and war crimes in Palestine – the very term Palestine is not used by their highly influential maps app.

A new report by a Palestinian

The New Global Tinderbox. A Far More Complex Global Conflict Map than the Cold War By Michael T. Klare, October 31 2018

When it comes to relations between Donald Trump’s America, Vladimir Putin’s Russia, and Xi Jinping’s China, observers everywhere are starting to talk about a return to an all-too-familiar past. “Now we have a new Cold War,” commented Russia expert Peter

Scientists Warn That Canadian Glacial Melting Is “Outside the Scope of Normal” By Andy Rowell, October 31 2018

Canadian scientists are becoming progressively alarmed at the increasing rate of melting of the country’s glaciers, warning that climate change is having a severe impact on the region.

Anyone concerned about climate change and sea level rise often thinks about …

Video: Media Reports About Mysterious Israeli Airstrikes Go Wild By South Front, October 31 2018

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have continued attacks on targets in Syria even after the downing of the Russian Il-20 military plane on September 17, Reuters reported on October 29 citing “a senior Israeli official”.

“The IDF have attacked in

The Return of the Latin American Caudillos By Wayne Madsen, October 31 2018

Latin America’s “springtime of socialism” is at a close. After over a decade of progressive socialist presidents putting people ahead of cronyism, Latin America’s oligarchs, through the abuse of the courts, parliaments, and electoral systems, have put caudillos in office

Lawsuit Charges Trump Organization a ‘Racketeering Enterprise That Defrauded Thousands of People for Years’ By Jessica Corbett, October 31 2018

A new federal lawsuit charges that President Donald Trump, his company, and his three eldest children—Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric—deliberately defrauded working-class Americans by convincing them to invest hundreds or thousands of dollars in sham business opportunities

Does US Withdrawal From Another Nuclear Treaty Really Benefit Russia? By Tony Cartalucci, October 31 2018

No. Obviously Russia does not benefit from the scrapping of yet another treaty designed to prevent a nuclear exchange amid a war with the United States.

Yet, as an attempt to frame blatant US provocations as somehow “Russia’s fault,” a …

Russia’s Reshaping Syria’s “Deep State” in Its Own Image By Andrew Korybko, October 31 2018

The recently promulgated pact between Russia and Syria to have the former’s Defense Ministry train the Arab Republic’s children in cadet schools for free is a sign that Moscow intends to reshape Syria’s permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep