Global Research News

Universal Man: The Seven Lives of John Maynard Keynes By Bryant Brown, November 09 2018

Most of us know little about John Maynard Keynes and although he lived a century ago, he continues to affect our lives. This book about him is written in a style that is as formal as the hyphenated name of

Yemeni War Deaths Underestimated by Five to One By Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 09 2018

In April, I made new estimates of the death toll in America’s post-2001 wars in a three-part Consortium News report. I estimated that these wars have now killed several million people.  I explained that widely reported but much lower estimates

Millions in Yemen Are Starving and UK, US and France Are ‘Behind This’: Oxfam Representative By RT News, November 09 2018

The US, UK, and French governments are behind millions of people starving in Yemen because they are “supporting this war,” an Oxfam representative told RT, urging London to stop beefing up Saudi Arabia’s military.

“We have 14 million people starving,”

Netanyahu Approves Death Penalty Targeting Palestinian Prisoners By Ace Hoffman, November 09 2018

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, approved passing a bill into law that allows execution of Palestinian prisoners, Hebrew-language news sites reported on Monday.Netanyahu reportedly gave the green light, on Sunday, to members of his Likud policitical party to

How to be a Reliable ‘Mainstream’ Journalist By Media Lens, November 09 2018

There are certain rules you need to follow as a journalist if you are going to demonstrate to your editors, and the media owners who employ you, that you can be trusted.

For example, if you write about US-Iran relations, …

Canada’s Trudeau Condemns BDS in Apology to Jewish WWII Refugees By Middle East Eye, November 09 2018

Justin Trudeau used an apology for Canada’s historical rejection of Jewish refugees during World War II to condemn the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian human rights.

The Canadian prime minister apologised in the House of Commons on …

Three Years On, Yazidis in Northern Iraq Have Nowhere to Return By Norwegian Refugee Council, November 09 2018

Three years since Sinjar was retaken from Islamic State group, more than 200,000 people, mostly Yazidis, remain displaced in northern Iraq and abroad, with no homes to return to.

While the plight of Yazidi victims was highlighted last month

Russia’s S-400 Sale to India Won’t Imperil Its Partnership with Pakistan By Andrew Korybko, November 09 2018

There’s been a lot of talk about how Russia’s decision to sell S-400s to India might negatively affect its incipient partnership with Pakistan, but such speculation reveals an improper understanding of these two Great Powers’ developing relations that recalls the

Mid-Term Divisions: The Trump Take: “Defeat is Victory” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 09 2018

President Donald J. Trump has a special, strained take on the world.  Defeat is simply victory viewed in slanted terms.  Victory for the other side is defeat elaborately clothed.  Both views stand, and these alternate with a mind bending disturbance

Citizens’ Petition to Lift All Sanctions Against Venezuela Is Rejected by Canadian Parliament By Nino Pagliccia, November 09 2018

Last November 27 of 2017 Alan Freeman who is a Canadian economist co-director of the Geopolitical Economy Research Group [1] based at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba, initiated an E-Petition to the Government of Canada. The petition was

None Dare Call It Victory: Analysis of US 2018 Elections By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 09 2018

For months, the leadership of the Democratic Party hyped the message that a ‘blue wave’ was on its way that would politically engulf Trump and reverse his policies. Well, the wave washed up on shore on November 6, 2018, but

Nicaragua and the U.S. Neo-fascist Offensive By Fabián Escalante Font, November 09 2018

In April of the current year, media headlines pointed to a ‘revolution’ breaking out in Nicaragua against the Sandinista Front government headed by Commander Daniel Ortega. Until then, and for 11 years, the government of that country, legitimately chosen

5G Corporate Grail. Microwave Radiation By Joyce Nelson, November 09 2018
These smaller waves cannot travel far, nor can they penetrate many types of materials. So this means that there will need to be millions of “small cell towers” (about the size of a refrigerator) close together – within a few feet of one another on every street.
Upside Down Mark Twain By Philip A Farruggio, November 08 2018

Mark Twain AKA Samuel Clemens (1835-1910) best known for his literary works like Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn, was also a man with deep rooted empathy for any underclass containing people of color. Few readers of his works realize that

Information Picket: The Resettlement of Syria’s White Helmets in Canada By Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, November 08 2018

On Friday, November 9th, members of the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War will be holding an information picket outside the CBC offices during the James St. North “Art Crawl.”

This informational picket will challenge the CBC’s unrelentingly favourable coverage …

Video: Saudi-led Coalition’s Military Operation to Capture Yemen’s Port City of Al-Hudaydah By South Front, November 08 2018

On November 3, the Saudi-UAE-led coalition kicked off a new large-scale military operation to capture the port city of al-Hudaydah from the Houthis and their allies. Prior to that the coalition had concentrated several tens of thousands of troops and

The Unraveling of the “Netanyahu Project”: The “Deal” Behind Trump’s Middle East Policy By Alastair Crooke, November 08 2018

Nahum Barnea, a leading Israeli commentator, writing in Yedioth Ahronoth in May (in Hebrew), set out, unambiguously, the ‘deal’ behind Trump’s Middle East policy: In the wake of the US exit from JCPOA [which occurred on 8 May], Trump,

Grand Egyptian Museum Demands Return of Rosetta Stone From British Museum By Cairoscene Team, November 08 2018

The Grand Egyptian Museum is calling for the return of the Rosetta Stone to Egypt, according to director of the new Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) Dr. Tarek Tawfik, after being displayed in the British Museum for more than 200 years.

Regime Change at the Justice Department: Trump Accepts Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ Resignation By Stephen Lendman, November 08 2018

The handwriting was on the wall since Jeff Sessions recused himself from Robert Mueller’s Russiagate probe in March 2017, along with other issues relating to phony accusations of Russian US election meddling.

Mueller never should have been appointed special counsel …

Bank of England Refuses Venezuela’s Request to Return $550 Million In Gold – Report By Sputnik, November 08 2018

Earlier, Caracas indicated that it was looking to repatriate some 14 tons of gold bars back from the UK out of concern that the bullion may be affected by harsh US sanctions against the Latin American country.

The Bank of 

What is the Significance of the Reopening of the UAE Embassy in Damascus. Syria’s “Pivot” towards “Reconciliation” with Saudi Arabia? By Andrew Korybko, November 08 2018

It would be foolish to believe that the uber-wealthy UAE needs war-torn Syria more than the reverse, so the reported reopening of the Emirati Embassy more than likely signals a significant change in policy on Damascus’ behalf and not Abu

US, Turkey Risk Direct Military Clash as They Escalate War in Syria By Barış Demir, November 08 2018

As it pursues its war with US-backed Kurdish-nationalist organizations, the Turkish government is threatening an outright military occupation of large parts of Syria that could provoke war with Syria and a direct clash with US forces.

On Tuesday, Turkish President

US institutions
The CIA’s Latest Greatest Failure By Philip Giraldi, November 08 2018

Government agencies that are skilled at invading nearly everyone’s privacy worldwide are sometimes totally inept at keeping their own internal communications secure. The problem is particularly acute for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which must maintain secure contact with thousands

UAE to Reopen Its Embassy in Damascus Within Few Weeks – Report By South Front, November 08 2018

The UAE is going to reopen its embassy in the Syrian capital of Damascus within the upcoming two weeks, diplomatic sources told the Lebanon news outlet Debate on November 5.

The Lebanese news outlet didn’t provide further information on the …

Disregard for World Opinion Defines the US Government By Prof. Vijay Prashad, November 08 2018

Last week, the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to condemn the US embargo against Cuba. A total of 189 member-nations said Cuba did not deserve this embargo, which began in 1961 and has continued unabated to this day. Only

US Election Midterms: Split Decision.“If Voting Changed Anything, it Would be Illegal.” By Stephen Lendman, November 08 2018

The disturbing reality is when things change electorally in America, they remain the same.

Dirty business as usual always wins, the underlying reality of Tuesday’s midterm voting like all earlier “elections.”

Mark Twain was right saying: “If voting made a …

Hurrah for Midterm Gridlock! Both Democrats and Republicans Love War By Kurt Nimmo, November 08 2018

Thankfully, the “most important election in recent memory” is over and the results have turned out as expected.

Democrats now control the House. Republicans picked up a couple seats in the Senate. Trump’s agenda will tread water. He will

True and False Accusations of US Midterm Election Interference. Fake Reports of Russian Election Meddling By Stephen Lendman, November 08 2018

Ahead of Tuesday midterms, investigative journalist Greg Palast said illegal voter purges went on in a number of states – including Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Nebraska and Nevada.

“I have never seen anything like it in 18 years,” he …

Why Did the US Issue a Sanctions Waiver for Iran’s Port of Chabahar? By Andrew Korybko, November 08 2018

Many observers are wondering why the US issued a sanctions waiver for the Indian-built port of Chabahar in southeastern Iran and the railroad project that’s supposed to one day extend from it to Afghanistan, but the reason is that America

Saudi Arabia Has to be Stopped and This Time It May Get Stopped By Andre Vltchek, November 08 2018

It appears that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has crossed all lines of decency, if there were ever any.

In the eyes of many in the West, it crossed them not because it has been brutally killing tens of thousands

Trump Goes to Paris: Will He Make Peace with Putin and Erdogan? By Andrew Korybko, November 08 2018

Trump and over 60 other world leaders will be in Paris over the weekend to attend an event commemorating the end of World War I a century ago, during which time the American leader is expected to have important sideline

UK Sets Up Yet Another Costly Spy Agency By Annie Machon, November 08 2018

The UK Ministry of Defence announced on 21 September the establishment of yet another British spy agency, an amalgam of military and security service professionals designed to wage cyberwar against terrorists, Russia and organised crime. The new agency will have

Selected Articles: Is Kissing a “State Sponsor of Terrorism” a “Terrorist Act”? By Global Research News, November 08 2018

For seventeen years, Global Research, together with partner independent media organizations, has sought Truth in Media with a view to eventually “disarming” the corporate media’s disinformation crusade.

To reverse the tide, we call upon our readers to participate in an

Dead Poppies: Militarism, False Patriotism and Remembrance Lead to a Lack of Peace By Lesley Docksey, November 08 2018

Update as of November 8, 2018:

Each year the Royal British Legion has to work harder to promote the fundraising ‘poppy campaign’.  Poppy sellers on the streets become fewer and older, and while people will donate to help support veterans

Debunking the Real 9/11 Myths: Plane Impacts, Fire Damage and Melted Steel By Adam Taylor, November 07 2018

2012 Article published by Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, republished by AEA911Truth and Global Research in October 2018


Popular Mechanics (PM) next turns to the issue of the plane impacts and fire damage and their roles in the

Global Research: Kicking Against the Establishment By Global Research, November 07 2018

“Global Research is one of the finest and most easily accessed research tools on the web. A vast array of articles by the best known researchers are instantly available. Michel Chossudovsky’s meticulous research, perspicacity and courageous reporting offer the

French Court of Appeal Delays Again Decision on Hassan Diab’s Case By Hassan Diab Support Committee, November 07 2018

On Friday October 26, 2018, Dr. Hassan Diab’s decade-long ordeal was prolonged yet further, as the French Court of Appeal delayed once again a decision on the prosecution’s appeal in Hassan’s case. Instead of upholding the decision of the

The Price of Peace. British Policy in Northern Ireland By Craig Murray, November 07 2018

I have never managed fully to understand the mechanism by which the media and political class decide when to leave a fact, a glaringly obvious and vital fact, completely excluded from public debate. That process of exclusion is a psychological,

“Flashpoint for War”: U.S. and Japan Plan Military Response to Chinese Incursions of Disputed Islands By Zero Hedge, November 07 2018

Things are again rapidly heating up in the East China Sea amidst already heightened tensions in a region where Washington is increasingly asserting the right of navigation in international waters against broad Chinese claims and seeking to defend the territorial

US Mid-term Elections: Strange Things Happened, Very Strange By Umberto Pascali, November 07 2018

Image Trump and Pelosi, December 2017

Conservative Fox News gave the House to the Democrats 90 minutes before the closing of the polls in California. Thus telling the Republican voters that the game was over, their vote is futile. This

Photo of Brazil President-Elect Bolsonaro’s Sons Wearing Israel’s IDF and Mossad Shirts Goes Viral By Randi Nord, November 07 2018

Just a week after far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro’s electoral victory in Brazil’s presidential election, the consequences of fascism and support for apartheid and ethno-nationalism rising to power are already coming to fruition.

A photo of Bolsonaro’s sons donning shirts …

The West Is Failing Julian Assange By Stefania Maurizi, November 07 2018

Let’s start with the cat. You never would have thought one of these beloved felines would play a crucial role in the Julian Assange case, would you? And yet look at the latest press coverage. The mainstream media’s headlines weren’t

Remember Obama’s 2008 Climate Promises? By Brendan Montague, November 07 2018

Barack Obama’s decision to give Shell permission to drill for potential oil reserves in the Arctic undermined his legacy as the American president who took climate change seriously.

The public outcry as he comes to the end of his …

Challenges for Cuba’s New Constitution By Tom Hansen, November 07 2018

Cuba is writing a new constitution, part of a lengthy process of political change that can be traced to the 6th Congress of the Communist Party in 2011. The Congress approved a document known as the “lineamientos,” a detailed domestic

US Midterm vote: Democrats Win Control of House of Representatives By Patrick Martin, November 07 2018

The Democratic Party won control of the House of Representatives in the midterm elections on November 6, gaining more than the 23 seats required for a majority. With many House races too close to call or with large numbers of

Syria: “Russian Mercenaries Casualties” Narrative Resurfaces in Western Media By South Front, November 07 2018

Russian-linked private military contractors (PMCs) have suffered new casualties in Syria, Syrian pro- and Russian pro-opposition militant media outlets claim.

Initial speculations on this issue appeared on November 3 and November 4 when several outlets claimed that an explosion reportedly …

Universal Healthcare in Africa Is a Necessity for Genuine Development By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 07 2018

Many of the news stories about African Union (AU) member-states focus on the outbreak of infectious diseases which are a direct result of the legacy of colonialism and neo-colonialism, where the healthcare institutions were deliberately left underdeveloped.

A conference held …

Trump’s Project of a Middle East Strategic Alliance (MESA), An “Arab NATO-like Alliance” to Confront Iran By Dr. Elias Akleh, November 07 2018

The major media outlets had totally ignored the important three days October 26-28 IISS Manama Dialogue 2018 conference that was organized by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in the city of Manama; the capital of the tiny island

Election 2018 and The Unraveling of America. The Great Distraction. Rising Social Inequality By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 07 2018

As Americans go to the polls today, November 6, 2018, no doubt some will be thinking of the hordes of immigrants we’re told are invading the US southern border. Or they may be remembering the pipe bombs, the killings in

Cell Phone Radiation Leads to Cancer, Says U.S. NTP in Final Report By Microwave News, November 07 2018

“We believe that the link between radiofrequency (RF) radiation and tumors in male rats is real,” says John Bucher, the former associate director of the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP).

The announcement accompanies this morning’s release of …

A Record-setting $30.1m Sale of an Assyrian Relief at Christie’s Raises Red Flags By Menachem Wecker, November 07 2018

A 3000-year-old Assyrian relief sold at Christie’s New York on 31 October for $30.1m, tripling its estimate and setting an auction record for Assyrian work. The sale, however, has provoked the Iraqi Ministry of Culture to call for the repatriation

Are Trump Regime Hardliners Heading for War on Iran? By Stephen Lendman, November 07 2018

Was the Trump regime’s JCPOA pullout and harsh sanctions prelude for something far more aggressive – aiming to weaken and try toppling Iran’s government forcefully?

Most world community nations oppose Trump’s unacceptable and illegal toughness on Iran.

Israel, its lobby, …

‘Grim Irony’: Saudi Strikes Use British Intel to Destroy UK Aid Facilities in Yemen By Telesur, November 06 2018

British-backed Saudi bombing destroyed Oxfam facilities in Yemen, said the United Kingdom charity. The information about the destruction of facilities of the humanitarian organization emerged during last week’s parliamentary debates in the House of Commons where U.K. ministries were evaluating

Iran Is Preparing for a Long Siege as the Global Squeeze Begins By Elijah J. Magnier, November 06 2018

Today the harshest and highest level economic and energy sanctions that can be imposed on any country are being imposed unilaterally on Iran. The US establishment will try its best to bring the Islamic Republic to its knees and Tehran

On the Edge of Nuclear Armageddon: Donald Trump Welcomes in the Age of “Usable” Nuclear Weapons By James Carroll, November 06 2018

It was only an announcement, but think of it as the beginning of a journey into hell. Last week, President Donald Trump made public his decision to abrogate the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), a 1987 agreement with the Soviet

Yemen Ceasefire: The Best Thing the UK Government Can Do for Yemen Is to Stop Arming Saudi Arabia By Andrew Smith, November 06 2018

The UK government has urged the UN Security Council to act over the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, saying there now “appears to be a window” for a peace deal.

This follows documentation from the UN that shows Yemen is on

Scum vs. Scum By Chris Hedges, November 06 2018

There is perhaps no better illustration of the deep decay of the American political system than the Senate race in New Jersey. Sen. Bob Menendez (image below), running for re-election, was censured by the Senate Ethics Committee for accepting bribes

What Difference will the US Midterm Elections Make? Iran Sanctions, Towards A Global Financial Crisis By Jim Dean, November 06 2018

The US midterm elections will soon be over. Some will be celebrating, with others passing the crying towel around. Another group of spinmeisters will then go to work for those who have lost, claiming Russian interference or whatever they can

Brazil’s Deep-seated Economic and Social Crisis By Edu Montesanti, November 06 2018

“No data supports such a deceptive narrative. The oligarchy prefers to definitively bury the country, than to acknowledge mistakes,” Economist Ladislau Dowbor

Dialogue has been stuck in Brazil today not only for hate, indiscriminately spread by characters like Jair Bolsonaro

China Vows to Continue Iran Trade Despite U.S. Oil Sanctions By Tsvetana Paraskova, November 06 2018

China will continue its trade with Iran and opposes the U.S. sanctions on the Islamic Republic as unilateral and “long-arm jurisdiction,” a spokeswoman for the Chinese foreign ministry said on Monday, when the American sanctions on Iran’s oil, shipping, and

Video: Pompeo Announces Iran Sanctions ‘Waivers’ By Zero Hedge, November 06 2018

While several European countries that applied for a waiver didn’t receive one (reports last week noted that the US had refused to grant a waiver to the European Union as a whole), Italy and Greece did receive waivers. Pompeo noted …

Democratic Candidates Praise Trump’s Attacks on Immigrants as Troops Arrive at the Border By Eric London, November 06 2018

Hundreds of armed soldiers have deployed to the US-Mexico border, setting up over 170 miles of razor wire, erecting barricades at border crossing points and staging armed military drills in full view of immigrants waiting to cross.

Speaking at a …

With Brazil’s Bolsonaro, Israel Finds Another Natural Partner on the Far-right By Jonathan Cook, November 06 2018

The victory of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil’s presidential election last week has won Israel a passionate new friend on the international stage. The world’s fifth-most populous nation will now be “coloured in blue and white”, an Israeli official said, referring

A Carefully Scripted Election Campaign. “Don’t Step in the Tawanka!” By Philip A Farruggio, November 06 2018

You remember the old political joke: The candidate goes to an Indian Reservation to drum up votes for the upcoming election. The Chief greets him and introduces him to the community. The candidate starts giving a speech, filled with (false)

Video: Former US-backed Militants “Switch Sides” in Syria War. Now Fighting against US-led Coalition By South Front, November 06 2018

Former members of US-backed militant groups are joining forces with the Lebanese Hezbollah movement, operating in Syria, the WSJ reported on November 1. According to the report, approximately 2,000 fighters had joined the forces and have even started receiving salaries.

Masquerading Reforms: The Tricks of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 06 2018

The surgical dismembering of Jamal Khashoggi has sent the military establishments of several countries into a tizz. Arms manufacturers are wondering whether this is an inconvenient blip, a ruffling moral reminder about what they are dealing with.  Autocratic regimes indifferent

Abe Meets Xi Then Modi: A New Asia ‘Cooperation Sphere’? By F. William Engdahl, November 06 2018

One of the more important consequences of the Trump Administration trade war against both China as well as Japan is the recent diplomatic and economic meeting between Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and China’s President Xi Jinping in Beijing.

Ghosts of Hiroshima By Charles Pellegrino, November 06 2018
Australian Politics: Wentworth Blues, Another Nail in the Scomo Coffin By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 06 2018
US Midterm Elections By Stephen Lendman, November 06 2018

US elections most often reflect no more than rearranging deck chairs on America’s deeply debauched ship of state – conditions for ordinary people worsening over time, not improving, things heading for totalitarian rule with bipartisan support.

America is governed under …

Selected Articles: Trump’s Most Dangerous Moves Yet By Global Research News, November 06 2018

For seventeen years, Global Research, together with partner independent media organizations, has sought Truth in Media with a view to eventually “disarming” the corporate media’s disinformation crusade.

To reverse the tide, we call upon our readers to participate in an

Save Us From Freedom! By Julian Rose, November 05 2018
Freedom once meant ceasing to be suppressed and imprisoned by forces that endeavour to control one. The word ‘freedom’ conjured a sense of what it means, at least to some degree, to be master of one’s destiny. No longer, For many, the new freedom has almost exactly the opposite meaning. Now freedom seems to be associated with having someone or something doing one’s thinking for one...
Mouthy Moguls: Our Latest Disappearing Species. Billionaire Bonanza 2018 By Sam Pizzigati, November 05 2018

Can American democracy survive the grand — and growing — personal fortunes of America’s billionaires? A just-released Institute for Policy Studies report, Billionaire Bonanza 2018, offers ample cause for worry. The families of America’s top billionaires, the study shows,

Withdrawing From the INF Treaty Is One of Trump’s Most Dangerous Moves Yet By Martin Fleck, November 05 2018

In December 1987, U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev signed the landmark Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. On October 21, 2018, President Donald Trump announced at a rally that the United States would formally withdraw from

Legal Battle Over Falsely Labelled Wines From Israel’s Illegal Settlements Heats Up By Dimitri Lascaris, November 05 2018

In January 2017, Dr. David Kattenburg of Winnipeg, Canada filed a complaint with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) about two wines produced in Israel’s illegal settlements. Those wines are sold in Canada bearing labels which falsely proclaim them to

Your Kid’s Vaccines May Actually be Making Them Sick… By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 05 2018

Thousands of children are silently being poisoned by deadly toxins in government-mandated vaccinations — many without showing any immediate symptoms…

Among the many vaccine-induced chronic illnesses are these disorders:

1) Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (ASIA) – a recent syndrome

Genetically Engineered Viruses May Become the Next Generation of Warfare By Tomasz Pierscionek, November 05 2018

Many technologies have dual use potential and can be applied to either civilian or defense projects, depending on the intent of those in charge.

German rocket technology led to the creation of V2 ballistic missiles in WW2 and later enabled

US Threatens SWIFT with Sanctions if Iran Isn’t Cut Off By Zero Hedge, November 05 2018

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin threatened the global financial messaging service SWIFT on Friday that it could be penalized if it doesn’t cut off financial services to entities and individuals doing business with Iran. The warning came just days ahead of

Break-in Attempted at Assange’s Residence in Ecuador Embassy By Joe Lauria, November 05 2018

An attempted break-in at Julian Assange’s residence inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on Oct. 29, and the absence of a security detail, have increased fears about the safety of the WikiLeak’s publisher.

Lawyers for Assange have confirmed to …

The Google Walkout: An International Working-Class Movement. Sparked by Anger at the Company Policies By Dan La Botz, November 05 2018

Thousands of Google employees throughout the United States and around the world walked off their jobs yesterday, Nov. 1, “to protest sexual harassment, misconduct, lack of transparency, and a workplace that doesn’t work for everyone.” Beginning in Singapore and working