Global Research News

US Violation of Trump-Kim Singapore Agreement. Ban on Humanitarian Aid to North Korea. Sanctions From Hell. ‘Death by a Thousand Cuts’ By Carla Stea, November 13 2018

Washington’s behavior following Trump’s signing of the Singapore Summit Agreement with Kim Jong-un must be described as schizophrenic.  The Singapore Summit agreement states:

  1. “The United States and the DPRK commit to establish new U.S.-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire
Terrorists May Have Benefited From Millions Worth of US Aid for Iraq & Syria — Report By RT News, November 13 2018

A recent USAID audit report found that some of its humanitarian programs for war-torn Syria and Iraq might have assisted terrorist groups. The assistance in question amounts to nearly $700 million.

The agency in charge of foreign aid provided by

Mhardeh – A Syrian Christian Town Besieged and Targeted by the West By Vanessa Beeley, November 13 2018

“We are a Christian city here, we need peace, no more bloodshed. Stop killing our babies” a Mhardeh resident told me on the 9th September when I entered this Christian town on the border with Idlib province, an area dominated

Israel’s Strategy for War on Iran. The “Greater Israel” Project. The Dangers of an All Out Middle East War? By Stephen Lendman, November 13 2018

Iran is Israel’s main regional rival – yet poses no threat to the Jewish state or any others.

For decades, Israeli regimes urged Washington to wage war on Iran, wanting its main regional rival and all others eliminated.

The infamous

Steps Forward in Free Access to Urban Public Transport By Lukasz Lugowski, November 13 2018

Thirty years of neoliberal domination, culminating in the economic crisis that began in 2008, have resulted in the introduction of charges for public service throughout Europe, particularly for education and health services. But this is not the case in all

Canada’s “Sunny Ways”: “It’s About Business and Politics”, Cancelling Weapons Contracts with Saudi Arabia? Job Losses vs. Yemeni Deaths By Jim Miles, November 13 2018

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who declared “sunny ways” were back after the last election, continues to waffle on what is to be done about the Khashoggi killing in Turkey by the Saudi Arabians.  The problem is being “investigated” and

Video: Clashes Erupt Between Al Qaeda Militants and Syrian Army in Idlib De-escalation Zone By South Front, November 13 2018

On November 10th, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) announced that its special forces attacked a position of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the Turkman mount in Northern Lattakia. The terrorist group claimed that 10 Syrian soldiers were killed.

President Trump’s Iran Policy – Is It ‘Normal’? “The Lengths to which the Neocons are Willing to go to get their “Regime Change” in Iran” By Rep. Ron Paul, November 13 2018

It’s not often that US Government officials are honest when they talk about our foreign policy. The unprovoked 2003 attack on Iraq was called a “liberation.” The 2011 US-led destruction of Libya was a “humanitarian intervention.” And so on.

So, …

Cultural Imperialism: Linguistic Perversion and Obfuscation of Empire Building By Prof. James Petras, November 13 2018

In the contemporary world, western imperialist propagandists, particularly journalists and editors of the mass media, have resorted to perverting everyday concepts and the language of politics.

The use and abuse of the language of politics has served to blame victims …

Video: Gaza Is on Edge of Israeli Ground Invasion By South Front, November 13 2018

The Gaza Strip is on the brink of a large-scale Israeli military intervention.

The current round of escalation started on November 11 when a covert unit of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) opened fire at a patrol of the Izz

Video: U.S. Offensive Aerospace Capabilities Directed against the Whole Planet: America’s MUOS Satellite Communications System in Sicily By Manlio Dinucci, November 13 2018
The system, developed by Lockheed Martin for the US Navy, is composed of an initial configuration of 4 satellites in a geo-stationary orbit, and linked to four terrestrial stations – two in the US (Hawaï and Virginia), one in Sicily and one in Australia.
John Bolton Wins “Defender of Israel” Award From Zionist Lobby Group That Helped Appoint Him By Whitney Webb, November 13 2018

The ZOA, Bolton’s enthusiastic sponsor, led the campaign to remove former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster from his post after railing against McMaster’s “anti-Israel” positions, most notably his support for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), better known as

California: Woolsey Fire Burns Nuclear Meltdown Site That State Toxics Agency Failed to Clean Up By Physicians for Social Responsibility, November 13 2018

Last night, the Woolsey fire burned the contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL), a former nuclear and rocket engine testing site. Footage from local television showed flames surrounding rocket test stands, and the fire’s progress through to Oak Park indicates

Iraqi MPs Plan Motion to Seek Expulsion of US Troops By Press TV, November 13 2018

A senior Iraqi politician says the Iraqi parliament will discuss the withdrawal of US forces from the country amid rising unease at Washington’s meddling in Baghdad’s internal affairs. 

MP Ahmad al-Assadi, the leader of the Iraqi Construction Alliance, said …

Convenient Demonologies: Stopping Migrant Caravans By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 13 2018

President Donald J. Trump has been engaged with berating human caravans, a spectacle that might have been odd in another era.  At first instance, it all seems fundamentally anachronistic, a sort of history in reverse.  It was, after all, the

US Media Omission of Assange’s Grave Plight: Trump Is Free to Prosecute Assange for Airing US War Crimes? By Patrick Henningsen, November 13 2018

If you’ve been following the travails of WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange recently, you’ll know that moves are afoot by the US and Ecuadorian governments to try and draw a line under this eight year standoff. What’s essential to know

The Biggest Threat to Dollar Dominance By Irina Slav, November 13 2018

Russian oil exporters are pressuring Western commodity traders to pay for Russian crude in euros and not dollars as Washington prepares more sanctions for the 2014 annexation of Crimea by Moscow, Reuters reported last week, citing as many as seven

87% of the World’s Oceans Are Dying: Report By Joe McCarthy and Erica Sanchez, November 13 2018

The world’s oceans are rapidly becoming unrecognizable as impacts from human activity strip them of marine life, according to a report published in the journal Current Biology.

In fact, just 13% of the world’s oceans have intact marine ecosystems,

Racial Politics in America and in California By Ron Unz, November 13 2018

I wasn’t closely following the midterm elections campaign, but the results seemed to be about as expected for Donald Trump and the Republicans. With some races still undecided, the Democrats will apparently pick up close to 35 House seats, giving

The War to End War 100 Years On: An Evaluation and Reorientation of our Resistance to War By Robert J. Burrowes, November 13 2018

British author and social commentator H.G. Wells may have coined the expression that originally popularized World War I as The War that Will End War, as his book, based on articles written during that vast military conflict, was titled.

“Don’t Thank Me for My Service”: My Viet Nam Awakening to the Long History of US Lies By S. Brian Willson, November 13 2018

The US-waged war in Viet Nam was not an aberration, but one of hundreds of examples in a long pattern of brutal exploitation. A quick review of the empirical record reveals close to 600 overt military interventions by the US 

Gaza Needs International Intervention Now to Prevent Another Israeli Offensive By Yousef Alhelou, November 13 2018

Since the end of Israel’s 2014 military offensive against the Palestinians in Gaza, which lasted 51 days, the besieged coastal territory has been the scene of endless armed incursions. Hundreds of Palestinians have been killed, injured or maimed when a

US Calls for Ceasefire, Keeps Attacking Yemen By William Boardman, November 13 2018

In case you missed it, US efforts to prolong the world’s most serious humanitarian crisis in Yemen continue to succeed spectacularly. US military support enables the Saudi coalition to continue to bomb markets, docks, mosques, hospitals, school buses, weddings and

Aboriginal Rights: Canada’s Legal System’s Complicity in Genocide. “Canadian Law Courts Dare not Deliberate” By Kim Petersen, November 13 2018

[T]he US government no less than the government of Canada is required to obtain the consent of the Indian nations’ before assuming jurisdiction to invade, occupy and govern the yet unceded Indian national territories. Bruce Clark, Ongoing Genocide

Trump ‘Trade War’ Hides Military Industrial Agenda By F. William Engdahl, November 13 2018

In geopolitics events are rarely what they seem to be. This is especially true when we look more closely at the otherwise bizarre “war” launched this spring under the guise of trade war, supposedly redressing America’s huge annual balance of

World War I and the British Empire: The Gallipoli Campaign, The Untold Story By Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor, November 13 2018
A secret cabal of immensely rich and powerful men – the Secret Elite – was formed in England in 1891 with the explicit aim of expanding the British Empire across the entire globe. They planned a European war to destroy Germany as an economic, industrial and imperial competitor
World War I Commemoration: Macron Blasts Trump’s “America First”, Putin and Trump Shake Hands, Putin and Netanyahu Meet “Unofficially”, Netanyahu Orders Gaza Strikes By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 12 2018

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin confirms that President Macron had “specifically asked him not to hold one-on-one meetings with US President Donald Trump…” during the Commemoration.

Putin agreed  “not violate the schedule of the host party here [France]: At their request,

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 12 2018

Today, people are finally waking up to the dangers of a world war, which might emanate from the highest levels of the US government.  

We are no longer dealing with a hypothetical scenario. The threat of World War III is

Veteran’s Day. The Military Industrial Empire’s Chess Game By Philip A Farruggio, November 12 2018

Each and every year at this time in November our nation remembers those who fought and died wearing a US military uniform. But only a few of what they named ‘Wars‘ were ones in which our young military were rightfully

We Are Heading for Another Tragedy Like World War I By Eric Margolis, November 12 2018

We are now before the 100th anniversary of World War I, the war that was supposed to end all wars. While honoring the 16 million who died in this conflict, we should also condemn the memory of the politicians, officials

Remembering the Peace Makers: What the Armistice Commemorations Forgot By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 12 2018

Those in the war industry and the business of commemorating the dead have little time for peace, even as they supposedly celebrate it. For them, peace is the enemy as much as armed opposing combatants, if not more so. Dr

Selected Articles: Are We Heading Towards the Next World War? By Global Research News, November 12 2018

For seventeen years, Global Research, together with partner independent media organizations, has sought Truth in Media with a view to eventually “disarming” the corporate media’s disinformation crusade.

To reverse the tide, we call upon our readers to participate in an

Canada and the First World War: Opposition to Conscription in Canada and Quebec By TML Weekly, November 12 2018

On the occasion of the centenary of the end of World War I, TML Weekly has been producing an excellent series of informative Supplements on the war and related matters of concern.

This is the second in the series. Click

Raging California Wildfires By Stephen Lendman, November 12 2018

Extreme weather related events are becoming more common in America and elsewhere, including severe hurricanes, droughts, and blazes like what’s ravaging California.

They’re likely related to global warming, a reality Trump and regime hardliners ignore. According to bioclimatologist Park Williams:

“Kosovo Will Again be a Part of Serbia” By Petr Bystron and Dragana Trifkovic, November 12 2018

Interview conducted by Dragana Trifkovic, Director of the Centre for Geopolitcal Studies with the MP of the German House of Representatives (Bundestag), Mr. Petr Bystron.


Dragana Trifkovic: Dear Mr. Bystron, recently we have met at the International Conference on …

Who Is Afraid of American Sanctions? By Dr. Elias Akleh, November 12 2018

The American administration under Trump has become so addicted to waging economic sanctions; a new form of war, against other countries to a point where it does not hesitate to break international laws, to impose sanctions against its strategic

World War I Centenary: “War Is a Racket”. Unlimited Imperialism By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, November 12 2018

Don’t know how any of you feel about this. Been watching the Centenary Coverage on BBC and teaching origins of World War I to my law students because today it is looking like the run up to World War I

Bitter US-European Tensions Mark Centenary of World War I Armistice in Paris By Alex Lantier, November 12 2018

This weekend, heads of state from 70 countries met in Paris to mark the centenary of the end of World War I, amid rising conflicts between the great powers and growing popular anger. Despite the ritualistic criticisms of nationalism and

Court Orders Moratorium on Offshore Fracking Off California By Center For Biological Diversity, November 12 2018

A federal court today ordered the Trump administration to stop issuing permits for offshore fracking in federal waters off the California coast. U.S. District Judge Philip S. Gutierrez concluded that the federal government violated the Endangered Species Act and the

Shark Attack in Queensland: Fearing Monsters in the Whitsundays By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 12 2018
Federal Judge Rejects Trump’s Approval of Keystone XL Pipeline By, November 12 2018

Last night, a federal judge invalidated Trump’s “presidential permit” for Keystone XL, ruling that the Administration violated key laws when it approved the pipeline.

This momentous ruling is a major delay that sends the Trump administration and TransCanada back to …

Israeli Forces Detain 8-year-old Palestinian Child Near Hebron By If Americans Knew, November 12 2018

According to Defense for Children International, Israel is the only country in the world that automatically prosecutes children in military courts that lack basic and fundamental fair trial guarantees.

The majority of Palestinian child detainees are charged with throwing

Poverty and Extreme Poverty: Filming in the Most Depressing City on Earth — Jakarta. By Andre Vltchek, November 12 2018

It stinks, it is the most polluted city on earth, but that is not the most terrible thing about it.

You can drive for ten or even twenty kilometers through it, and see only ugliness, fences and broken pavements. But

As We Honour the 15 Million Dead of 1914-1918, a Demented US President Flies into Paris with Plans to Attack Iran By Hans Stehling, November 12 2018

As the leaders of Europe and the world gather in Paris to honour the millions of war dead of WW1, 100 years ago, the current US President together with his counterparts from Saudi Arabia and Israel, are even now finalising

Five Countries Listened to Khashoggi Murder Tapes, Erdogan Says By Times of Malta, November 12 2018

Turkey has given recordings on the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi to Saudi Arabia, the United States, Germany, France and Britain, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday.

Turkish sources have said previously that authorities have an audio recording purportedly …

War Criminals in High Office Commemorate the End of World War I By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 12 2018
In a bitter irony, several of the World’s leaders who were “peacefully” commemorating the end of World War I in Paris including Trump, Netanyahu, Macron and May are the protagonists of war in Afghanistan, Palestine, Syria, Libya, Iraq and Yemen.
Ireland’s President Michael D Higgins Honours 200,000 Irish Soldiers Who Fought in WWI as He Speaks of ‘Official Amnesia’ After Conflict By Laura Lynott and Ralph Riegel, November 12 2018

President Michael D Higgins led Ireland’s Armistice commemorations, marking one hundred years since the end of World War One and honouring the 200,000 Irish soldiers who fought in it.

Thousands of people defied wind and heavy rain today to attend

The 100th Anniversary of The Tragic End of World War I .“Those Who don’t Know History are Doomed to Repeat It” By Stephen Lendman, November 12 2018

Edmund Burke put it this way, saying: “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.”

George Santanyana said “(t)hose who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Kurt Vonnegut said “I’ve got news for Mr. …

Goldman ‘Bear Market Indicator’ Nears Record High: The Signal is Red. By Zero Hedge, November 12 2018

“Get used to this kind of volatility,” warns Hussman Funds’ John Hussman in his latest comment.

“Unfortunately, the moment interest rates hit zero, [historical risk and valuation] limits vanished, and preemptively responding to speculative extremes became terrifically detrimental.”


The Jeff Sessions Matter By Gary Leupp, November 12 2018

(This is intended as a study-aid to anyone trying to make sense out of the unfolding scandal. I proceed from the premise that the study of history is fundamentally the study of causal relationships over time. What leads to what?

Ten Lies Told About World War I By Dominic Alexander, November 12 2018

This Remembrance Day will doubtless see strenuous efforts by some to justify the fruitless bloodbath that was the First World War. Revisionist commentators have long attempted to rehabilitate the conflict as necessary and just, but the arguments do not stand

Trump Bans Asylum for Unwanted Aliens By Stephen Lendman, November 11 2018

Israel is the only developed nation prohibiting non-Jewish refugees and asylum seekers from entering the country – treating unwanted arrivals oppressively like criminals.

Post-9/11, America is heading in the same direction. Obama was notoriously called the nation’s “deporter-in-chief.”

Trump way …

Yemen: A US Orchestrated Living Hell By Stephen Lendman, November 11 2018

Media reports on devastating war in Yemen, including from most alternative sources, fail to explain the conflict was planned and orchestrated in Washington.

It began under Bush/Cheney shortly after US naked aggression was launched in Afghanistan on October 7, 2001 …

Iran Sanctions – Trump Gives Waivers to Iran’s Major Customers? By Peter Koenig and Press TV, November 11 2018


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says the new US sanctions against Tehran show that Washington has targeted ordinary people.

Rouhani said the US has spared no effort to mount pressure on Iran through what he called wrong sanctions. He noted …

This News Is Not Fake. It is just Ordinary Deceit, i.e. a Lie By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, November 11 2018

Any scanning of the headlines both in standard and critical postings, especially since the 2016 US elections, will suffice. In the interest of brevity, reference is made to almost any pages published concurrent with this remark.

All one of the …
$240-billion-a-day Market Set to “Move Out of London” Ahead of Brexit By Jack Peat, November 11 2018

A $240-billion-a-day market has announced today that it is to switch London for Amsterdam ahead of Brexit.

CME Group Inc. is moving its European market for short-term financing, the largest in the region, out of London because the exchange operator

US-Saudi-Israel Offensive Against Iran Damages World Peace, Global Trade and European Security By Hans Stehling, November 11 2018

The JCPOA, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, known as the Iran nuclear deal, is an agreement on the nuclear program of Iran reached in Vienna on 14 July 2015 between Iran, the P5+1, and the European Union.



“The Ocean is Dying”: Marine and Animal Life Die Offs, California Coast By Mac Slavo, November 11 2018

This article was first published by Global Research in May 2015

It was the dying cry of Charlton Heston in the creepy 1973 film Soylent Green… and it could resemble our desperate near future.

The ocean is dying, by all

BRICS: A Future in Limbo? By Peter Koenig, November 11 2018

The BRICS are not what they intended to be, never really were.

Today it’s clear that fascist-turned Brazil is out – so we are at RICS. There is not much to argue about. The world’s fifth largest economy, Brazil, has …

Iran Needs to Address the Broader Issue of Its National Economy: A Macroeconomic Strategy in Response to US Sanctions By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh, November 11 2018

Faced with the relentless U.S. economic war, Iran needs a to address the broader issue of its national economy

To say that the brutal economic sanctions on Iran, which are effectively tantamount to an economic war, require a “war economy”

BRICS and the Future of Multilateralism By Beenish Sultan and Andrew Korybko, November 11 2018

Ms. Beenish Sultan, a Ph.D. student at Pakistan’s National Defence University, conducted the following interview with Andrew Korybko as part of her research on the topic of BRICS and the post-Cold War order:


Andrew Korybko: What in your …

Maduro in the Cross-hairs: What You are not Being Told about the Crisis in Venezuela By Michael Welch and Mike Prysner, November 11 2018
The economic noose has been tightening around the Venezuelan population over the last year. The US economic sanctions directed at the Maduro government have taken their toll contributing to the plight of ordinary Venezuelans.
Not Saving Private Ryan: The Murderous Finale of the Great War. November 11, 1918, One Hundred Years Ago By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, November 10 2018
The German army began to disintegrate, discipline broke down, the number of desertions & surrenders skyrocketed. Some historians have described this situation as an undeclared “military strike” or “refusal to fight,” a “refusal to carry on with the war.”
Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi: The Most Important Torture Story Never Told, Used as a Pretext to Invade Iraq By Clive Stafford Smith, November 10 2018

Sad to say, the US has taught us various things about abusing detainees in Abu Ghraib and beyond. We learned another sorry lesson in Ian Cobain and Clara Usiskin’s expose (November 6, 2018) in which they filled in some

Scolding the Art World for Showcasing ‘Conspiracy Theories,’ In Defense of the Official 9/11 Narrative By Ted Walter, November 10 2018

Last week, I came across something I didn’t think I would ever see. But in hindsight, it shouldn’t have surprised me: one of the country’s leading left publications, The Nation, rebuking New York art museums and galleries for showcasing critical

White Helmets Serve US Military Agenda in Syria: Operate Missile Detection in Idlib, Protect Al Qaeda Safe Haven By Mark Taliano, November 10 2018

White Helmets terrorist factions, supported directly by the US and its allies including Canada, are currently operating missile detection systems in Idlib, Syria.

The Sentry system[1] – funded in part by the Canadian government – will warn against Syrian and

America Must Not Live and Die by the Gun By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, November 10 2018

When I woke up yesterday morning, I was shocked yet once again to read about Wednesday’s mass killing of 12 people during “college night” at a country music bar in southern California, sending hundreds fleeing in terror. I have young

A Decalogue: The Ten Theses of American Empire-Building: A Dialogue By Prof. James Petras, November 10 2018
US empire builders of all colors and persuasion practice donkey tactics; waving the carrot and wielding the whip to move the target government on the chosen path. Washington offers dubious concessions and threatens reprisals, in order to move them into the imperial orbit.
Counter-propaganda as an “Instrument of Peace”. Fidel Castro and the “Battle of Ideas”: The Dangers of Nuclear War. By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 10 2018
War is a criminal undertaking. What is required is to break that legitimacy, to criminalize war through a global counter-propaganda campaign. The lies and fabrications which provide legitimacy to America's "humanitarian wars" must be fully revealed.
Mike Pompeo, Psychopath By Kurt Nimmo, November 09 2018

During an interview with BBC Persia, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the United States will starve millions of Iranians to death if the country’s leadership doesn’t bend to its will. 

Pompeo said Iran’s “leadership has to make a … By Global Research News, November 09 2018
Today, more than ever before, war depends on deception. To oppose war without seeing through the deceptions currently being practiced by governments of the West is to act in vain. Global Research bravely takes on this task, and that is why it is a vital resource for us all.
Yemen War Intensifies After Washington and London Call for Ceasefire By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 09 2018

Since March of 2015 the United States has engineered and guided a genocidal war against the people of Yemen.

Daily bombing operations by the Saudi Arabian-led Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has killed tens of thousands of people, injured and sickened

A Mother’s Plea to Save Her Son… Julian Assange, Held 8 Years Without Charge by the UK Government By Mairead Maguire, November 09 2018

On 4th November, 2018, Christine Assange, mother of Julian Assange, made a deeply moving video public  appeal to  save the life of her son Julian.  

Julian Assange is Editor in Chief of Wikileaks. Because of Wikileaks reporting of …

Why Cash and Connections Remain Somalia’s Most Popular Currencies By Abukar Arman, November 09 2018

In the moral version of human history – expressed in the Quran, Bible, and Torah – corruption is considered the worst reckless impulse that caused men to fall from grace. It was the betrayal of trust and loyalty for purely

India-Pakistan Relations: Nuclear Doctrine, Militarization and Security Dynamics of the Indian Ocean Region By Anum A. Khan, November 09 2018

According to Cold War notion of strategic stability, deterrence will prevail if both countries have second strike capability due to the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). Likewise, deterrence will be fragile if only one state has second strike capability.

Selected Articles: 5G Corporate Grail. Microwave Radiation By Global Research News, November 09 2018

Do you value the reporting and in-depth analysis provided by Global Research on a daily basis? Do you think this resource should be maintained and preserved as a research tool for future generations? Bringing you 24/7 updates from all over

Video: Syrian Forces Freed All Hostages Captured by ISIS in Al-Suwayda By South Front, November 09 2018

On November 8, the Syrian Special Forces freed all hostages, who had been captured by ISIS in eastern al-Suwayda and then held in eastern Homs, the Syrian state media reported. According to the report, the operation took place in the

UK Government Goes Full Orwellian. DNA, Fingerprint, Face, Voice: Biometric Data for Every Single Citizen in the UK By True Publica, November 09 2018

We’ve been warning about this moment since the first day TruePublica went online. We said that the government would eventually take the biometric data of every single citizen living in Britain and use it for nefarious reasons.  DNA, fingerprint, face,

Ukraine-Russia Tensions Rise in Church Row. The Canonical Authority of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Moscow Patriarchate (MP) By Dmitry Babich, November 09 2018

The Istanbul-based Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, an authority completely outside Ukraine, on Oct. 11 stripped away the canonical authority of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church—Moscow Patriarchate (MP), sparking a crisis with Russia.

The 1030-year old church is …

Universal Man: The Seven Lives of John Maynard Keynes By Bryant Brown, November 09 2018

Most of us know little about John Maynard Keynes and although he lived a century ago, he continues to affect our lives. This book about him is written in a style that is as formal as the hyphenated name of