Global Research News

Dollar Hegemony, Financial Warfare: Russia, China and Turkey Build up their Gold Reserves By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 18 2018
The price of gold is notoriously unstable. US financial institutions can act against Russia and China without actually possessing physical gold. They are able to influence the gold and forex markets through various speculative instruments including naked short-selling.
William Blum of ‘Anti-Empire Report’ Needs Help By Theodore Sayeed, November 18 2018

William Blum is a powerful voice. His analysis of US imperialism reaches out to thousands of readers. He has contributed to Global Research for more than ten years. To consult his writings click here


The historian and critic of

Syria: Interview with a Former Sniper with Ahrar al Sham “Rebel” Terrorist Group By Janice Kortkamp, November 18 2018

The following article is by Janice Kortkamp, a honest and courageous American citizen who visited Syria on several occasions.


I was offered the opportunity to interview this man and was thankful for it because this gets into the

The Myth of EU Sovereign Independence. The Persistent Fear of US Punitive Measures By Stephen Lendman, November 18 2018

Post-WW II US-orchestrated new world order transformed sovereign Western European countries into virtual US colonies.

Their status remains unchanged today, their sovereign independence more myth than reality – serving Washington’s geopolitical interests, even when harming their own.

Since the Trump …

Extreme Poverty and Human Rights in the United Kingdom By Philip Alston, November 18 2018

The UK is the world’s fifth largest economy, it contains many areas of immense wealth, its capital is a leading centre of global finance, its entrepreneurs are innovative and agile, and despite the current political turmoil, it has a system

Selected Articles: US-NATO Megalomania By Global Research News, November 18 2018

Global Research has over 50,000 subscribers to our Newsletter.

Our objective is to recruit one thousand committed “volunteers” among our 50,000 Newsletter subscribers to support the distribution of Global Research articles (email lists, social media, crossposts). 

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Washington Opposes UN Resolution on Syria’s Israeli-occupied Golan By Middle East Eye, November 18 2018

The United States opposed on Friday for the first time an annual draft resolution at the United Nations calling on Israel to rescind its authority in the occupied Golan Heights, drawing praise from Israeli officials.

The Golan Heights, Syrian territory …

Is CIA Leak of Bin Salman’s Guilt in Khashoggi Murder Aimed at Kushner, or Trump Himself? By Prof. Juan Cole, November 18 2018

The CIA has leaked against Jared Kushner and Trump that Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS), the Saudi crown prince, ordered the murder of Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

President Trump had asked the CIA to do an assessment …

Abolish US/NATO Military Bases By Nancy Price, November 18 2018

The First International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases will be held November 16-18, 2018, in Dublin, Ireland. The conference is jointly organized by the Peace and Neutrality Alliance (PANA), Ireland, and the Coalition Against US Foreign Military Bases, USA.


Video: Marlon Brando Speaks Truth on the Treatment of American Indians, 1973 By Marlon Brando, November 18 2018

Legendary Marlon Brando was interviewed on The Dick Cavett Show 6/12/1973 after he refused to accept the Oscar at 45th Academy Awards®, 1973 to protest the treatment of American Indians. Our kind of hero – should be a celebrity rule!

Hell Hath No Fury Like Raging California Wildfires By Stephen Lendman, November 18 2018

Months of unprecedented California wildfires keep raging – the most destructive and deadly in state history, so far around 1.7 million acres destroyed.

Through Saturday, 76 fatalities were reported, nearly 1,300 others missing – the number rising from 265 on …

Video: Italy: A Whole US/NATO Strategic Military Base, “Global NATO” By Manlio Dinucci, November 17 2018

Manlio Dinucci in this carefully documented Pandora TV production focuses on US-NATO military deployment in Italy and around the World in what might described as “Global NATO”.

Manlio Dinucci, distinguished Italian author, geopolitical analyst and geographer is a Research

Happy ThanksGetting Day. Poverty and Social Inequality in America By Philip A Farruggio, November 17 2018

Yes, we need to finally absolve ourselves, as Amerikans, from the con job concerning Thanksgiving Day. All the ‘pomp and circumstance’ revolving around this holiday is just that, to quote Ebenezer Scrooge (one month early): Humbug!

Of course, even the

The Legacy of Néstor García Iturbe, Cuban Intellectual By Arnold August, November 17 2018

[Note from the author: Néstor García Iturbe, born in Havana, earned his BA in Political Science from the University of Havana and then his PhD in Science of History. In his long career, among other responsibilities, Iturbe was a

Saudi Sports Diplomacy: A Mirror Image of the Kingdom’s Already Challenged Policies By James M. Dorsey, November 17 2018

Saudi sports diplomacy is proving to be a mirror image of the kingdom’s challenged domestic, regional and foreign policies.

Overlorded by sports czar Turki al-Sheikh, Saudi sports diplomacy, like the kingdom’s broader policies, has produced at best mixed results, suggesting

Release of Top Secret CIA Document Reveals Deeper Medical Complicity in Torture Program By Physicians for Human Rights, November 17 2018

With the release of a previously top secret document – made public thanks to a legal victory by the ACLU – disclosing the role of the Office of Medical Services (OMS) in the CIA’s torture program, Physicians for Human Rights

Brazil Will Miss Cuban Doctors By Granma, November 17 2018

The National Council of Municipal Health Secretaries and the National Front of Brazilian Mayors warned rightwing President-elect Jair Bolsonaro of the imminent, irreparable damage to the population’s health, as a consequence of Cuba leaving the More Doctors program.

In a …

Rather Than Being Critics, Canada’s Liberals Actually Enable Saudi Crimes By Yves Engler, November 17 2018

One has to admire the Canadian government’s manipulation of the media regarding its relationship with Saudi Arabia. Despite being partners with the Kingdom’s international crimes, the Liberals have managed to convince some gullible folks they are challenging Riyadh’s rights abuses.

Saudi Crown Prince Ordered Khashoggi’s Murder, CIA Concludes By Stephen Lendman, November 17 2018

There never was any doubt about it all along. No one dares circumvent Saudi crown prince Mohammad bin Salman’s (MBS) authority over most everyone. 

Doing it risks ending up like Khashoggi.

MBS is de facto Saudi ruler. What he

United States Budgetary Costs of the Post-9/11 Wars: $5.9 Trillion Spent and Obligated By Prof. Neta C. Crawford, November 17 2018

The United States has appropriated and is obligated to spend an estimated $5.9 trillion (in current dollars) on the war on terror through Fiscal Year 2019, including direct war and war-related spending and obligations for future spending on post-9/11 war

Trump Said Considering Extradition of Turkish Cleric to Quiet Erdogan on Khashoggi Murder By Prof. Juan Cole, November 17 2018

NBC News maintains that four sources in US government agencies (probably the FBI and the State Department) told its reporters that the Trump White House is seeking ways to expel Turkish religious leader Fethullah Gulen. But the kicker is

Empire’s Currency: The Lie By Mark Taliano, November 17 2018

Empire’s currency is the Lie, which is why the Truth sounds bizarre to all but the well-informed. 

Largely unelected policymakers make the decisions in the West’s non-democracies, while fabricated narratives are amplified by politicians and colonial media.  

The transnational ruling …

House Members Block Resolution to End Yemen War By Stephen Lendman, November 16 2018

The US led war in Yemen has been ongoing almost as long as the one in Afghanistan – because both Republicans and Democrats oppose resolution in all US war theaters.

On November 14 House Republicans blocked a resolution to end

Video: Che Guevara Calls for “Good Relations with the US” (1964) By Che Guevara, November 16 2018


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Here’s What You’ll Pay for Neocon Wars: $5,900,000,000,000 By Kurt Nimmo, November 16 2018

More evidence the “war on terror,” now shifted over to a New Cold War against Russia and China, is nothing if not a money-maker for the merchants of death and the usury banksters. 

According to a study produced by Brown

War Very Rarely Unfolds as Planned. The Soviet-Afghan War By Shane Quinn, November 16 2018

The USSR’s Christmas 1979 intervention into Afghanistan was foreseen as a swift, near-costless and necessary conflict. Days after the military move, Soviet president Leonid Brezhnev assured his diplomat Anatoly Dobrynin that, “we will end this war in three or four

Relocating the Australian Embassy From Tel Aviv To Jerusalem. Scott Morrison’s Recognition Policy Stumbles By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 16 2018

Jerusalem, deemed a holy city, and seen as trade item, bargaining chip and bartering tool over the centuries.  Sought by the major faiths, despoiled at stages by various empires, revived and chalice of poison in international law.  Australia’s Scott Morrison

Video: Israeli Defense Minister Resigns Amid Setbacks in Gaza, Syria By South Front, November 16 2018

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra), the Turkistan Islamic Party, Jaish al-Izza and other so-called “opposition groups” continue to exploit the ceasefire in the Idlib de-escalation zone to launch attacks on the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies.

On …

November 1918: Red Revolution in Strasbourg By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, November 16 2018

In the context of the revolution that erupted in Germany as the country suffered defeat in November 1918, a revolutionary situation also arose in Strasbourg, capital of Alsace, a province that still belonged to the Reich at that time.


China: A New Philosophy of Economics By Peter Koenig, November 16 2018

China’s economic philosophy is a far cry from that of the west. 

The west consistently seeks to undermine the interests of their partners, be it for trade or political agreements; be it partners from the west, their smaller and weaker …

The Cost of American Militarism and an Absence of Debate By Adeyinka Makinde, November 16 2018

A recent report by Brown University’s Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs on the cost of America’s wars in the aftermath of 9/11 estimates a sum totalling $5.9 Trillion. It is a figure virtually identical to the $6 Trillion

Military Escalation in the Gaza Strip, Israeli Missile and Bombing Attacks on Civilian Buildings By IMEMC, November 16 2018

New Israeli Military Escalation in the Gaza Strip: Israeli warplanes carried out dozens of airstrikes, launching 197 missiles at civilian buildings and military sites belonging to Palestinian Armed Groups.

2 Palestinian civilians were killed and 20 others were wounded, including

Public Pressure to Rescind Canada’s 15 Billion Dollar Light Armored Vehicles (LAV) Sale to Saudi Arabia, Lobbyists Will Likely Rule By Yves Engler, November 16 2018

Will they cancel the contract or won’t they? In order to understand Ottawa’s decision making process regarding General Dynamics’ massive arms deal with Saudi Arabia one must look closely at industry lobbyists.

While the Trudeau government is under substantial public …

The US “Leading From Behind” in Africa Lets Russia “Lead From the Front” By Andrew Korybko, November 16 2018

The Pentagon’s decision to downscale its footprint in Africa makes Russia’s military efforts there more important than ever. 

A Pentagon spokeswoman announced that the US will withdraw hundreds of troops from Africa in the next few years in order to …

Money, Silver, Gold and Cars: ISIS Fighters Received “Bonuses” for Using Chemical Weapons – Report By South Front, November 16 2018

Official ISIS documents, which have been obtained by the Russian RT TV, reveal that the terrorist group has financially motivated its fighters conducting attacks with chemical weapons.

According to the documents, many ISIS fighters received gold, silver and even …

The Trump Regime Secretly Indicts Assange for the Crime of Truth-Telling By Stephen Lendman, November 16 2018

Julian Assange is an investigative journalist/whistleblower, publishing material supplied by sources believed to be credible, unidentified for their protection. 

WikiLeaks is not an intelligence operation. Nor is it connected to Russia or any other country. Claims otherwise are fabricated.


Prime Minister May’s “Brexit Deal” Is an Insult to the British People By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, November 16 2018

The British Prime Minister Theresa May presented the draft of the so-called Brexit deal with the EU to the House of Commons. The three-hour long confrontation showed that she would never get this deal approved, not even by her party.

Selected Articles: People Fight for Peace By Global Research News, November 16 2018

Do you value the reporting and in-depth analysis we provide, free of charge, on a daily basis? Do you think this resource should be maintained and preserved as a research tool for future generations? Bringing you 24/7 updates from all

Trump Escalates “New Cold War” with China. President Xi Refuses Washington’s Demands By Stephen Lendman, November 15 2018

Cold war with Russia and China could turning hot. The risk of unthinkable war between nuclear armed states is real.

According to the Washington Post,

“(i)f  China wants to avoid an all-out cold war with the United States and its

Unwrapping Armageddon: The Erosion of Nuclear Arms Control By Conn Hallinan, November 15 2018

The decision by the Trump administration to withdraw from the Intermediate Nuclear Force Agreement (INF) appears to be part of a broader strategy aimed at unwinding over 50 years of agreements to control and limit nuclear weapons, returning to an

Medicare for All: An Idea Whose Time Has Come By Stephen Lendman, November 15 2018

Marketplace medicine prioritizes profits over human health. In America, it leaves growing millions uninsured.

Most others are way underinsured because exponentially rising costs of coverage are unaffordable for most US households, double the cost in other developed nations, things worsening,

Libya – A Prime Example of Secularism Versus Extremist Islam By Richard Galustian, November 15 2018

For years I and other commentators on MENA developments, have consistently written that Field Marshall Haftar is the only solution for Libya. And yet again the latest ridiculous Italian attempt to broker a solution after dozens of similar conferences took

The Moral Fiber of Justin Trudeau. Palestine and the BDS Movement By Kim Petersen, November 15 2018

For any appeal to ethics and morality to have any legitimacy, the principles so enounced must be applied rigorously, without favor or prejudice, to all human beings whatever grouping they may be slotted into. In other words, favoritism and morality

General in the Room: Trump Names Abizaid Ambassador to Saudi Arabia By Alison Tahmizian Meuse, November 15 2018

President Donald Trump has announced his intent to nominate retired general John Abizaid as US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, marking the end of a nearly two-year vacancy, the White House said.  

As America’s longest-serving Central Command chief, Abizaid oversaw the

Washington’s Weak Hand in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, November 15 2018

With Damascus and its allies firmly in control of Syria’s largest cities and the vast majority of Syrian territory west of the Euphrates – not only has the US-led proxy war against the nation failed – with Russian and Iranian

US Intel. Will Bring Assange to US in Chains By Ann Garrison, November 15 2018

It appears increasingly likely Wikileaks founder and publisher Julian Assange will wind up in the clutches of the U.S. government.

It’s hardly surprising, given that in ten years’ time, Wikileaks published more classified information than all other media combined. It

Midterm Elections Generate Further Polarization in the United States By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 15 2018

November 6 was a day in which people across the United States and indeed the world were watching for some indications of the future political prospects for the leading capitalist state.

It had been predicted that the House of Representatives …

US Military
Israel Wins America’s 2018 Midterm Election By Philip Giraldi, November 15 2018

Judging from the mainstream media, Israel was not a major issue in the midterm election but it sure did come up a lot when candidates for office were wooing Jewish or Evangelical voters. To cite only one example, Florida Congressman

America Has No Peace Movement – Blame the ‘White Supremacists’ By Philip Giraldi, November 15 2018

We bring to the attention of Global Research Readers this incisive article by Philip Giraldi on the absence of an anti-war movement in the US.

The collapse of the anti-war movement  occurred in the wake of the invasion of Iraq.

Google Absorbs UK Subsidiary with Access to NHS Patient Data By True Publica, November 15 2018

American behemoths such as Google, Facebook and other transnational corporations are now so big that ethics plays second fiddle to profit and legislators feel somehow emasculated to act in the public interest. Revolving doors obviously plays a role in the

Israel Always Initiates Violence in Occupied Palestine By Stephen Lendman, November 14 2018

Western governments and supportive media go along with the deception, part of the diabolical plan to let Israel get away with mass murder and much more.

Since creation of the Jewish state, Palestinians have endured virtually every form of indignity,

Cutting Through the Lies: Peace Through Awareness and Action By Global Research, November 14 2018

While we must always hold on to hope, true peace can only be achieved through awareness and action. According to Professor Peter Dale Scott: “The future of our threatened world urgently requires the strengthening of a global public opinion, to

Selected Articles: Israel to Police European Coastlines By Global Research News, November 14 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


New Arab Women-centered Films Are Not Just About Women By Barbara Nimri Aziz, November 14 2018

Too often, we are overwhelmed with woeful tales, painful memoirs and worn analyses of Arab/Muslim women. Most depictions, whether we’re besieged in a war, or if we’re just trying to get by making small advances like women anywhere, we are

Gaza Children’s Nightmares on the Rise By Norwegian Refugee Council, November 14 2018

Children living in the Gaza Strip are experiencing unusually high rates of nightmares and are showing increasing signs of psychosocial deterioration as a result of the violent response to the Gaza protests, just over a month since they began.

56 …

What’s Mike Pence Talking About? The US and China Are Already in a Cold War! By Andrew Korybko, November 14 2018

Pence’s ominous warning about an imminent “all-out cold war” between the US & China is only newsworthy because it bluntly, albeit belatedly, states the obvious.

Pence seemed to shock many observers who were taken aback by his ominous warning about

Video: Turkish-PKK Conflict Escalates Amid Fresh PKK Attacks By South Front, November 14 2018

The People’s Defense Forces (HPG), a military wing of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), claimed that it had attacked 6 military bases in the southern Turkish provinces of Hakkari and Sirnak on November 9 and November 10. The HPG stated

Telling NRA #ThisIsOurLane: Doctors’ Photos Show Blood-Soaked Reality of America’s Gun Madness By Julia Conley, November 14 2018

Note: This article contains graphic images that some readers may find disturbing.

Offering visual proof that emergency room doctors are some of the United States’ top experts on the daily impact of insufficient gun regulations in communities across the country,

Israel to Police European Coastlines: Protecting the Continent from Refugees? By Peter Koenig, November 14 2018

This sounds like a bad joke. It ain’t. Its real. One fascist government helps another fascist government. Yes, I have written about fascism invading the west before – warning that the European Union (non-union) is being gradually, but ever faster

This Election Deepened America’s Tribal Divide By James J. Zogby, November 14 2018

This election was the meanest, dirtiest and most disgraceful in my lifetime, and it will have consequences. Even before the results began to be reported on late Tuesday night, we already knew who the losers were going to be;

Decoding the Hypersonic Putin on a Day of Remembrance By Pepe Escobar, November 14 2018

The Elysee Palace protocol was implacable. Nobody in Paris would be allowed to steal the spotlight away from the host, President Emmanuel Macron, during the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day marking the end of World War I.

After all, …

“Nationalism” and the Missing Dialogue Between the “East” and the “West” By Lucian Tion, November 14 2018

For someone who has written extensively on the dangers of nationalism, the following may come as a surprise. However, I believe we should make a distinction between the types of nationalism that are resurfacing in the world today, and more

California Wild-Fires: Paradise Lost, The Town of Paradise in Northern California Destroyed By Andy Rowell, November 14 2018

As the deadliest wild-fires ever to hit California continue to rage, an estimated 31 people are known to have died, with over 200 still missing. Some 250,000 have been forced to flee their homes. Over 100,000 acres of land has

Environmental Disasters Foretold: Toxic Waste from Mining Disasters. Tailings Dam Spills at Mount Polley and Mariana By Judith Marshall, November 14 2018

Chronicles of Disasters Foretold

On August 4, 2014, the dam holding toxic waste from the Mount Polley copper and gold mine in the Cariboo region of British Columbia (BC) collapsed. More than 24 million cubic metres of metals-laden fine sand

Escalation of Israeli Attacks against Gaza: Global Solidarity Campaign with the Palestinian People By Salah Abdelati, November 14 2018

Let us urgently work together in the biggest global solidarity campaign with the Palestinian people against the Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip, in order to boycott, alienate and hold accountable the Israeli occupation.

Dearest Comrades, Brothers and Sisters, …

Video: The Destroyers of Libya Are Now “For/With Libya” By Manlio Dinucci, November 14 2018

A crescent moon (a symbol of Islamism) designed like a stylised hemisphere which, flanked by a star and the words “for/with Libya”, represents a world which “wants to be on Libya’s side” – this is the logo of the “Conference

Video: Che Guevara Talks About Imperialism (1965) By Che Guevara, November 14 2018

Video: The World War I Conspiracy By James Corbett, November 14 2018

What was World War One about? How did it start? Who won? And what did they win?

Now, 100 years after those final shots rang out, these questions still puzzle historians and laymen alike.

But as we shall see, this

Trump, Pence, Bolton and Kushner Won’t be Posted Overseas or Drafted into the Military: It’ll be Your Husband and Your Sons! By Hans Stehling, November 14 2018

The US National Archives contains the records of 58,220 U.S. military fatal casualties of the Vietnam War. These were American casualties, men from families just like yours and mine.

The human costs of the long conflict were harsh for all …

On Veterans’ Day, Remember the Lies That Filled Military Cemeteries By James Bovard, November 14 2018

Politicians will be heartily applauded for saluting American’s soldiers today. But if citizens had better memories, elected officials would instead be fleeing tar and feathers. Politicians have a long record of betraying the veterans they valorize.

Veterans Day 2018 has

The Return of a US Imperialist Monroe Doctrine By Martin Varese, November 14 2018

The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – Peoples’ Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) issued a declaration restating its commitment to the unity of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean through political agreement and integration, after a meeting

Why Fascism Won in Brazil? By Carlos Serrano Ferreira, November 14 2018

In these recent weeks my fellow social scientists have been saying that it would be necessary to refound Brazilian social science to explain the growth of fascism in Brazil. The surprise is due in particular to the adhesion of impoverished

Are Actions Against the Venezuelan Government Really About Oil? By John Foster, November 14 2018

Last week, on September 26, Canada and five Latin American countries referred Venezuela to the International Criminal Court, citing “numerous, credible reports alleging the commission of serious international crimes.” 

The announcement comes after several years of heavy US critique of …

Trump’s Full Spectrum Assault on Palestinian Politics By Ilana Feldman, November 14 2018

The Trump Administration announced on August 31, 2018 that it was ceasing all US contributions to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), rejecting what it termed “an irredeemably flawed operation.” [1]

UNRWA provides education, healthcare, job …

Western Media “Discovers” Saudi Atrocities in Wake of Khashoggi Fallout By Tony Cartalucci, November 14 2018

Nothing illustrates the cynical and deceitful nature of Western “journalism” better than the recent, apparent US-Saudi fallout in the wake of the alleged death of Washington Post Saudi correspondent, Jamal Khashoggi.

Khashoggi allegedly disappeared and has been reported killed at …

A Veteran’s Death: “Vietnam left me so Alone. How Could I take the Life of a Human? Why was Killing Humans fun? Can God Forgive Me?” By Daniel Borgstrom, November 13 2018

Back in 1972, near the end of the Vietnam War, I was living in San Francisco, and my friend ex-Sgt. Van Dale Todd, a combat veteran of the 101st Airborne, lived next door in the same building, an old Victorian

Trump Is Not Welcome in France! He is the Man Who Ordered the Increase in War Budgets… By POID and Jeunesse Révolution, November 13 2018

French President Emmanuel Macron invited Donald Trump and 60 heads of State to attend a “Peace Forum” in Paris on November 11-13. It was  preceded one day earlier by a ceremony at the Place des Invalides to pay tribute to

The Drug Catastrophe in Afghanistan. The Narcotics Economy Has Destroyed Our Country By Brian Cloughley, November 13 2018

On November 5 yet another US soldier was killed by a member of Afghanistan’s military forces, as the country continues to be wracked by violence in its seventeenth year of war.

Donald Rumsfeld was US Secretary for Defence from 2001 …

The Dramatic Situation in Hodeidah, Yemen: Relentless Air Strikes, The Suffering of Millions By Norwegian Refugee Council, November 13 2018

Quote from Mohamed Abdi, NRC’s country director in Yemen:

“Hodeidah is at risk of being obliterated. We warned the international community that an offensive on the city was coming, and it has. We warned that the violence would see another

China-US Dialogue: Polite Diplomacy, Illegal Sanctions, Washington’s Unspoken Intent is to “Contain” China By Stephen Lendman, November 13 2018

Washington has interests, not allies. China and Russia are rivals, not partners.

After Beijing cancelled last month’s high-level security talks with Trump regime officials, Pompeo and Mattis met with China’s Central Foreign Affairs Commission Office director Yang Jiechi and Defense