Global Research News

Malaysian Airlines MH17 as a Prism of Disaster. Ukraine and the New Cold War By Prof. Kees van der Pijl, November 28 2018

Relevant to unfolding events in Ukraine, this article was first published on July 25, 2018

The uproar in the West, and in the United States in particular, that followed the summit meeting between presidents Trump and Putin in Helsinki on

Russia Is Key to Asia’s Future Development. Putin’s Asia Pivot. China’s Belt and Road. Towards A “Greater Eurasian Partnership” By F. William Engdahl, November 28 2018

As serious problems emerge with the further development of China’s ultra-ambitious New Economic Silk Road, the formally named Belt, Road Initiative (BRI) the Russian Federation, especially in the wake of Washington’s mis-named trade war, is finding a positive role that

Trump/Putin Meeting at G20: On or Off? Showdown with China’s Xi Jinping? By Stephen Lendman, November 28 2018

G20 leaders will meet on Friday and Saturday in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Kiev’s staged Black Sea provocation and Trump’s trade war with China hang over the summit, along with US hostility toward Russia, endless war in Syria, and other major

Steve Bannon at Oxford. Protest and Debate at the Oxford Student Union By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 28 2018

Steve Bannon.  The Oxford Union.  A university that has been the breeding, sculpting and minting ground for British prime ministers for centuries and the Establishment.  Here, Bannon, strategist of the Trump campaign in 2016, was in full swing,

The Inhumanity of U.S. Immigration Policies Exposed Again in a Single Image By Network in Defense of Humanity, November 28 2018

“The displacement from south to north is inevitable; fences, walls and deportations will not curtail it: they will come in millions. They come looking for what we stole from them. There is no return for them because they come from

Drama in the Kerch Strait: Teasing the Russian Bear By Pepe Escobar, November 28 2018

When the Ukrainian navy sent a tugboat and two small gunboats on Sunday to force their way through the Kerch Strait into the Sea of Azov, it knew in advance the Russian response would be swift and merciless. 

After all,

Trump Tries to Play ‘Cowboys and Indians’ with International Treaties Signed with Native American Tribes By Wayne Madsen, November 28 2018

Donald Trump is attempting to do something that no previous recent president of the United States has attempted. Trump is trying to abrogate longstanding legal international treaties signed by some of his predecessors with sovereign Native American tribes. The Trump

Canadian Armed Forces Must Do More to Screen Out Far-right Extremists By Yves Engler, November 28 2018

Given that people who espouse neo-Nazi ideology are attracted to the military, it is disappointing to learn what a poor job the generals do to uncover and expel them. Or perhaps the inaction reflects a deeper problem.

A recent stream

Will the Argentina-China Partnership Undermine Trump’s “Fortress America” in the Southern Cone By Andrew Korybko, November 28 2018

Despite the post-Kirchner government’s many faults, one thing that it’s doing right is retaining the Argentinian-Chinese Strategic Partnership, which holds the best hope for Beijing to balance Trump’s “Fortress America” plans in the hemisphere.

This week’s G20 Summit has drawn …

Trump Blocks CIA Chief Haspel From Testifying About Khashoggi’s Murder By Stephen Lendman, November 28 2018

Since Saudi crown prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) (allegedly) ordered the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi on October 2, White House strategy about the incident has been coverup, denial, and changing the subject.

Trump and regime hardliners want nothing interfering …

Judge Delays Decision Whether to Unseal Assange Criminal Complaint By Joe Lauria, November 28 2018

A decision whether to unseal U.S. government charges against Julian Assange was delayed for a week by Judge Leonie Brinkema in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia on Tuesday.

In her comments to the court, …

Video: Black Sea Crisis: Russia Deploys Anti-ship Missiles. Ukraine Says Russian Warplane Attacks Its Ships By South Front, November 28 2018

On November 27, Russia started deploying Bal coastal missile systems near the Kerch Strait, south of which an encounter between a group of 2 Ukrainian Gurza-class artillery boats and a sea-tug and Russian coastal guards had taken place on November

Global Research: An Important Message to Our Readers By The Global Research Team, November 27 2018

Dear Readers,

Our mandate has always been to provide our content free of charge. We want the truth to be spread far and wide and easily accessible to all. Our financial reality is another matter. To put it rather bluntly, …

Climate, Human Delusion and Our Destruction of the Biosphere: We Aren’t Even Trying! By Robert J. Burrowes, November 27 2018

Have you heard the expression ‘climate change’? That lovely expression that suggests a holiday in a place with a more pleasant climate.

Unfortunately, only the rarest individual has the capacity to see through the elite-promulgated delusion that generated this benign …

The Refugee Crisis in Greece’s Samos Island: Open Doors Now Open! By Chris Jones, November 27 2018

On Thursday 22 November 2018 Open Doors opened its doors! It is proving to be all that we hoped for. It is not simply that the grocery store has almost sold out after just a few days but it has

A Big Step for a Greater Israel. Trump’s New Position on Syria’s Golan Heights By Eric Margolis, November 27 2018

Hardly anyone noticed. The Trump administration quietly changed America’s long-held position on Syria’s strategic Golan Heights while attention was focused on the raucous political carnival in Washington. Though barely noticed, the policy change had enormous importance and will lead the

Video: Russia-Ukraine Black Sea Military Crisis: On the Brink of War? By South Front, November 27 2018

On November 25, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) Border Service was forced to open fire on and damage Ukrainian warships, which were carrying out hostile actions and advancing in Russian territorial waters in the Black Sea off Crimea.

After …

The US – China Pending Trade War on the Eve of the G-20 Buenos Aires Meeting. Announced Tariffs in the Hundreds of Billions of Dollars By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 27 2018

The US and China now approach the cliff of a real trade war. Tariffs in the hundreds of billions of dollars have been announced, but not yet implemented except for $50 billion on carefully selected mutual imports designed to

Ukraine Provokes Russia to What End? Growing Tensions in the Sea of Azov By Tony Cartalucci, November 27 2018

Russia has seized three Ukrainian military vessels violating its territory near Russia’s newly completed Crimean Bridge. The incident is a clear provocation carried out by Kiev and possibly engineered by Kiev’s Western sponsors – particularly those in Washington and London.

With Tensions Mounting over Kerch Strait Incident, Will Ukraine Replace Syria as Focus for US’ Russia Containment Strategy? By Whitney Webb, November 27 2018

Seemingly out of nowhere, Ukraine nearly declared war on Russia over the weekend after a confrontation in the Kerch Strait, which straddles Crimea and the Russian mainland, between Ukrainian naval boats and Russian authorities that resulted in Russia seizing three

Canadian Woman Continues to Fight to Obtain a Passport By Rick Sterling, November 27 2018

In the fall of 2012, 20-year-old Damian Clairmont of Calgary received a new Canadian passport. He received it despite the fact the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) had been monitoring him and knew he intended to fly to Turkey and

Brazil’s Bolsonaro, “More Doctors” from Cuba , and a Déjà Vu By Lisandra Fariñas Acosta, November 27 2018

It was 2013, in Brazil President Dilma Rousseff was launching the program Mais Médicos (More Doctors) to establish Brazilian doctors and those from other nations in poor areas and remote settlements around the country, an initiative that thousands of Cuban

The Global Financial Crime Wave Is No Accident By Nat Dyer, November 27 2018

There was a little bit of good news this month for those worried about a tidal wave of McMafia-style financial crime. A new UK government agency tasked with fighting it – the National Economic Crime Centre (NECC) – opened its

The Berlin Declaration 2018: Adopted by 64 Regional GMO Free European Governments By Chemical Concern, November 27 2018

The Network GMO Free Regions in Europe, comprised of 64 regional governments, have adopted the Berlin Declaration, that called for a European and global moratorium of Gene Drives and demanded that national governments as well as the EU

US Department of Interior’s Plan to Destroy Public Records Is “Unacceptable” By Common Dreams, November 27 2018

Today, Western Values Project (WVP) submitted a formal comment to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) requesting that they not grant the US Interior Department’s request to delete public records. Interior’s request comes as the department and Secretary Zinke

How Saudi Arabia Is Trying to Erase Yemen’s History By Ghada Karmi, November 27 2018

The war in Yemen is heading towards its fourth year, its only tangible result so far being the gradual destruction of the country and its people. 

Ostensibly, it is being fought to restore the rule of Yemen’s deposed president, Abd

U.S. Foreign Policy Has No Policy By Philip Giraldi, November 27 2018

President Donald Trump’s recent statement on the Jamal Khashoggi killing by Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince might well be considered a metaphor for his foreign policy. Several commentators have suggested that the text appears to be something that Trump wrote

UK Commits Extra Military Forces to Ukraine: Irresponsible Policy, Dangerous Repercussions By Arkady Savitsky, November 27 2018
The US military already runs a maritime operations center located within Ukraine’s Ochakov naval facility designed to deliver flexible maritime support throughout the full range of military operations. Hundreds of US and Canadian military instructors are training Ukrainian personnel at the Yavoriv firing range.
Ukraine Provocation in the Black Sea Directed against Russia. Was it a Staged Event? By Stephen Lendman, November 27 2018

Ukraine is a virtual US colony – the way it’s been since the Obama regime’s February 2014 coup, replacing democratic governance with fascist tyranny in Europe’s heartland.

Ukraine shares a near-1,500 mile land and sea border with the Russian Federation, …

Russia-Turkey Relations and the Kremlin’s “Kurdish Card” By Marcus Papadopoulos, November 27 2018

Turkey involved itself in Syria without having properly thought-through all eventualities, and one of these eventualities was Russian military intervention, in support of the Syrian people, which, as we know, materialised in September 2015.

As a result of Moscow having …

Ecuador in Cahoots with US and UK Against Assange. Ecuador Ambassador to UK Carlos Abad Is Removed By Stephen Lendman, November 26 2018

Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno earlier said Julian Assange must eventually leave the country’s London embassy – at the time indicating it would be through dialogue.

According to an Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruling, asylum granted to anyone is irrevocable …

Britain Has Blood on Its Hands for the Balochistan BLA’s Terrorist Attack on China’s Consulate in Pakistan By Andrew Korybko, November 26 2018

The UK’s granting of political asylum to “Balochistan Liberation Army” (BLA) leader Hyrbyair Marri and its hosting of this fugitive means that Britain has blood on its hands for the latest terrorist attack that he masterminded against the Chinese consulate

‘Liberal’ Establishment Whitewash Former CIA/NSA Director Michael Hayden By Mohamed Elmaazi, November 26 2018

Michael Hayden, the former director of the CIA and NSA has been hospitalised following a stroke. Predictably, well-wishes and praise has been pouring in from national-security journos, self-proclaimed #resistance members, and other figures from across US ‘liberal’ society:

Olivia …

NATO Economic Straightjackets: Military Spending Drains Public Coffers, Triggers Collapse of Social Programs By Mark Taliano, November 26 2018

Canada’s NATO contributions are directly linked to the current diseconomy plaguing this country. Last year alone, Canada spent $32 billion on military spending, according to Public Accounts Canada, largely to bolster US imperialism abroad, to the detriment of humanity.

U.S-led …

US Trade War with China: Desperate Move to Save Western Empire By Andre Vltchek, November 26 2018

Most of those who have had a chance to witness Chinese internationalist mega-projects, clearly understand that the West is near to collapsing; it will never be able to compete with tremendous enthusiasm and progressive spirit of the most populous country

Fanciful Notions: European Armies, Trump and NATO By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 26 2018

The idea of a standing European army, one dedicated to the specific needs of Europe as opposed to being an annex of another power is far from new.  In gestation alongside notions of European federalism and its defence have come

Orwellian Climate Newspeak By Dr. Andrew Glikson, November 26 2018

In so far as it may have been assumed that the growing manifestations of global warming through extreme weather events will cause people to realize the reality and the implications of carbon emissions, this is only partly happening, due to

Drone Warfare: Should We Focus on Autonomous Weapons Or the Remote “Human Agencies” Directing Them? By Drone Warfare, November 26 2018

A member of Scientists for Global Responsibility has drawn attention to a report by Peter BurtOff the Leash: The Development of Autonomous Military Drones in the UK.

In a Guardian article, Jamie Doward points out that …

Obama’s Broken Legacy Led to the Rise of Trump. Obama’s “Global War on Terrorism” By Shane Quinn, November 26 2018

Barack Obama’s election victory in 2008 received various top public relations awards, including “Best Marketing of the Year”, easily beating Apple.

The reality is Obama and his campaigners conned tens of millions of people, not just in the United …

Video: Over 100 Civilians Suffered from Militant Chemical Attack on Aleppo City By South Front, November 26 2018

In the late hours of November 24th militants launched several rockets containing chlorine gas at residential areas in the northern part of Aleppo city, according to Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA). 107 civilians reportedly suffered asphyxiation, including many women

Tensions Increase Between Russia and Ukraine Over Kerch Strait By Telesur, November 26 2018

Russia calls for an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council over a recent incident involving three Ukrainian vessels and its own navy and air force to stop the alleged illegal use of international waters. 

On Sunday, three ships belonging

Theresa May Accused of “Major Cover-up” Over Brexit Donor By Peter Geoghegan and Jenna Corderoy, November 26 2018

Theresa May is under increasing pressure to clarify reports that she blocked an investigation into Brexit bankroller Arron Banks in the run-up to the 2016 referendum after the Home Office refused to reveal information about the controversial Leave.EU and UKIP

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly Signs “Cabinet Order” That Allows Troops to Shoot Refugees at Border By Native News Online, November 26 2018

Lost in much of the media was the fact on Tuesday, the White House signed a memorandum allowing troops stationed at the southern border of the United States to engage in some law enforement roles and use lethal force, if

U.S. Military Intentionally Targets Afghan Civilians. “Oppress and Destroy”. “The Lives of Afghans has No Value for the US” By Friba and Edu Montesanti, November 25 2018

As the UN reports year by year a dramatic increase on civilians killings in Afghanistan, and the International Criminal Court does not advance in investigating such crimes by the local government, terrorists and US-led forces, Friba, the Revolutionary Association of

Iran, Saudi Arabia and a History of U.S. Aggression By Seyed Hossein Mousavian, November 25 2018

In a recent op-ed in The New York Times, Thomas Friedman criticised former US President Barack Obama‘s bet on Iran and President Donald Trump’s bet on Saudi Arabia, noting that both countries responded with their worst impulses. 

Friedman …

The Language of 9/11 Unmasked: Edward Curtin By Edward Curtin and The Mind Renewed, November 25 2018

We welcome to the programme the writer and lecturer Edward Curtin, who teaches sociology at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, for a conversation on his research into the subject of September 11, 2001, and in particular his analysis of the

Selected Articles: 230,000 “Jihadists” in 70 Countries By Global Research News, November 25 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Why is the European Union Opposed to It? By Joseph Thomas, November 25 2018

The European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) put together a day-long seminar chastising the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Organised by Jonathan Bullock, a UK Independence Party (UKIP) Member of the European Parliament (MEP), it gathered European critics of

Three Charts: What Trump Doesn’t Want You to Know About the Climate Emergency By Prof. Juan Cole, November 25 2018

The Trump administration dropped the 1,000-page second volume of a congressionally-mandated study of the impact of the climate crisis on the United States late on Friday of Thanksgiving weekend in order to bury it. This sort of move is designed

Syria: Allegedly Over 100 Injured in Aleppo Gas Attack By Telesur, November 25 2018

According to SANA news agency, militant shells containing chlorine-gas were fired at the al-Khalidiye and Al Zahraa neighborhoods causing over 100 civilian injuries.

Shelling allegedly conducted by insurgents wounded more than 100 people in a suspected toxic gas attack in …

The Yellow Vests Rebellion, Fierce Political Opposition in France. Emmanuel Macron’s Harsh Hikes in Fuel Prices By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 25 2018

Governments and ruling regimes tend to face revolution in the face of harsh hikes in prices. Margaret Thatcher’s rule in Britain was rocked by the poll tax.  In France, the once enthusiastically embraced Emmanuel Macron has decided to leave the

China Denounces UN Security Council’s Promotion of the West’s Political Agenda in Myanmar By Carla Stea, November 25 2018

Although China’s statements at the UN Security Council are most often brief and general in content, the afternoon of October 24 China’s Ambassador Ma spoke at length and brilliantly exposed the fraudulent use of “concern for human rights” to conceal

The Canadian Missionary Connection to Tanzania’s Homophobia By Yves Engler, November 25 2018

Canadians should express their solidarity with Tanzanians facing politically inspired homophobia. But, we must also be suspicious of journalism that ignores Canadian complicity in the promotion of anti-gay ideology.

Last weekend the Globe and Mail and CBC both reported on …

Rejecting Claim of Presidential Immunity, Judge Allows Lawsuit Against Trump Foundation to Proceed By Jake Johnson, November 25 2018

Rejecting the immunity defense put forth by President Donald Trump‘s lawyers, a New York state judge on Friday ruled that a lawsuit accusing Trump and members of his family of using their “charitable” foundation as nothing more than a

In Historic Move, Sen. Rand Paul Places Hold on $38 Billion to Israel By Jackson Richman, November 25 2018

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who has a history of being skeptical about U.S. taxpayer funds going towards the Jewish state, has placed a hold on the U.S.-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018, which provides Israel with $38 billion in

Conspiracy and Cover-up: The Secret Origins of World War One By Michael Welch, Rick Rozoff, and Gerry Docherty, November 25 2018
“The history of the First World War is a deliberately concocted lie.  Not the sacrifice, the heroism, the horrendous waste of life or the misery that followed. No, these were very real, but the truth behind how it all began
230,000 “Jihadists” in 70 Countries: Since 9/11 the Number of Al Qaeda Affiliated Terrorists Has Quadrupled. Study By RT News, November 25 2018

Despite Washington’s extremely costly worldwide ‘War on Terror’, nearly four times as many Sunni Islamic militants are operating around the world today as on September 11, 2001, a new study has found.

As many as 230,000 jihadists are spread across

Twilight of the American Century By Jim Miles, November 25 2018

The histories of empires and the histories of war are generally written by the winner to put themselves in a positive light. It has been difficult for the U.S. empire to maintain their facade of goodness for their endeavours after

US-Israeli Open Secret: Supporting Al Qaeda, Recruiting Jihadists By Stephen Lendman, November 25 2018

The US, Israel, and their imperial partners support the scourge of ISIS and other terrorists they pretend to oppose – in all active US launched war theaters.

Washington and Israel partner in each other’s wars of aggression. US use of

French President Bans Fuel Tax Protest in Paris as Strikes Expand By Alex Lantier, November 25 2018

At present, the Facebook pages associated with the fuel tax protests, referring to themselves as “yellow vests,” have defied the government order and are maintaining calls for protests at Place de la Concorde. Tens of thousands of people are expected

Minimal Media Attention Helped Sink Crucial Climate Initiatives By Justin Anderson, November 25 2018

Climate change took a backseat to other issues in this year’s midterm elections, and humanity may end up paying the price. The majority of climate change-related ballot measures failed, many climatedeniers in the Republican party won or kept

India, Pakistan, Nepal. Geopolitical Rivalries in South Asia By Andrew Korybko, November 25 2018

Neither allied Great Power can admit that their own missteps are the reason for the two major strategic failures that they’re facing, with it being much easier to conveniently blame Pakistan as the regional bogeyman instead of taking responsibility for

Video: Khashoggi and the Take Down of Saudi Crown Prince MBS By Michael Welch and Whitney Webb, November 25 2018

The real reason the knives have come out for MBS is not a single extrajudicial killing – a practice the Saudis have long used with impunity – but instead the fact that, in the six weeks prior to Khashoggi’s sordid

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church Schism By Israel Shamir, November 24 2018

The Russian world is caught up in a drama. Its leading Orthodox Church faces a schism over the Ukraine’s drive for its own independent church. If Kiev regime succeeds, the split between Russia proper and its breakaway Western part, the

Video, Syria War: US-backed Forces Clashing with ISIS in Deir Ezzor Province By South Front, November 24 2018

On November 22, ISIS advanced on positions of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) around the al-Tanak oil field in the province of Deir Ezzor. According to reports, the ISIS advance started with an attack by two suicide vehicle-borne improvised

Chinese Consulate Attack Puts Pakistan Between a Rock and a Hard Place By James M. Dorsey, November 24 2018

Two attacks in Pakistan, including a brazen assault on the Chinese consulate in Karachi, are likely to complicate prime minister Imran Khan’s efforts to renegotiate China’s massive, controversial Belt and Road investments as well as an International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Black Internationalists Demand Closure of Hundreds of U.S. Military Bases By Black Alliance for Peace, November 24 2018

Three Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) members participated in the First International Conference Against U.S./NATO Military Bases, a historic gathering that has elevated the global anti-war movement. BAP National Organizer Ajamu Baraka introduced attendees to Dr. Aleida Guevara, Cuban

What Happens After the Donbass Elections? Unprecedented People’s Support for Donesk and Lugansk Sovereignty By George Eliason, November 24 2018

On November 11, 2018, I was in Lugansk People’s Republic (LNR) as an election observer for the national election along with people from twenty-two countries. The elections in Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics (DNR) were necessary because of the assassination …

Satire: Donald Trump’s Black Friday Discount. Save 20% on All Trump Merchandise “Using the Code THANKFUL” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 24 2018

“There is only one thing better than a Black Friday deal … and that is a Trump Black Friday Deal”

I got this message directly from Donald Trump who offers his supporters 20% discount on all “Official Trump Merchandise”, including

China’s Conundrum: What to Do About the “Young Marxists”? By Andrew Korybko, November 23 2018

The constitutionally communist People’s Republic of China has found itself in a conundrum about what to do with the student activist groups popularly known as “Young Marxists”, since their well-intentioned attempts to carry out grassroots reform of the country’s current

Bringing God and Finding Death: A Christian Missionary on North Sentinel Island in the Bay of Bengal By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 23 2018

Curiosity for the undiscovered last tribe, that tantalising moment when eyes are cast upon the previously unseen, remains the anthropological Holy Grail.  But to do so would lead to the natural consequences that come with contact and invasion: the foisting

Hezbollah’s Role in Lebanon and the Region. Is the US Loosing its Hegemony in the Middle East? By Elijah J. Magnier, November 23 2018

The policy of the US establishment towards Lebanon is evidently changing and unstable, with a President who lacks general knowledge about the Middle East and above all of Hezbollah’s role in the region. It seems President Donald Trump is willing

Evacuation of 700 Palestinians from their Homes in Occupied East Jerusalem Approved by Israeli Court By IMEMC, November 23 2018

In direct contradiction of the Geneva Conventions, the Israeli Supreme Court has approved the evacuation of 700 Jerusalemite Palestinians from their homes in the Silwan neighborhood of east occupied Jerusalem, Makan Israeli Broadcasting Corporation informed.

It explained,according to Al Ray, …

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince MBS’ “Nuclear Ambitions”? By Stephen Lendman, November 23 2018

 Saudi crown prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS), de facto kingdom ruler, is involved in negotiating a nuclear power plant deal with Trump’s Energy and State Departments – worth a reported $80 billion dollars or more.

In a country with the

The Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) Attack on China’s Consulate in Karachi, Ahead of President Xi’s Meeting with Donald Trump By Andrew Korybko, November 23 2018

The so-called “Balochistan Liberation Army’s” suicide attack on the Chinese consulate in Karachi is a serious escalation of the Hybrid War on CPEC designed to put unprecedented pressure on China ahead of President Xi’s planned meeting with his American counterpart

Inside the British Army’s Secret Information Warfare Machine. Disinformation and Deception By Carl Miller, November 23 2018

Abarbed-wire fence stretched off far to either side. A Union flag twisted in a gust of wind, and soldiers strode in and out of a squat guard’s hut in the middle of the road. Through the hut, and under

Trump Authorizes Lethal Force Against Asylum Seeking Aliens By Stephen Lendman, November 23 2018

Refugees, asylum seekers, and others from the wrong countries are unwelcome in Trump’s America – notably people of color and Muslims.

His November 8 immigration order has nothing to do with protecting national security or US sovereignty – everything to …

Madness of Military Advancement and Modern Warfare By Shane Quinn, November 23 2018

World War One caused terrible bloodshed as millions of soldiers slaughtered each other for no apparent gain. Yet, directly due to fighting, the civilian death rate in this conflict numbered perhaps 15% of all those killed. In the Second World

More European Governments Promise to Stop Arming Saudi Arabia: The UK Must Do the Same By Andrew Smith, November 23 2018

This morning the Danish  and Finnish governments pledged to end arms sales to Saudi forces. Germany has recently promised to do the same. This follows an intensification of the ongoing bombardment of Yemen and the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

U.S. Family Separation: 129 Kids Won’t be Reunited with Parents By Telesur, November 23 2018

About a hundred migrant children separated from their families by immigration authorities when crossing the U.S. border without documents won’t be reunited with their families, according to a report by the Federal government.

A report issued by the Health and …