Global Research News

Video: Understanding NATO’s War on Yugoslavia. Historic Interview with Sean Gervasi By Sean Gervasi and Harold Channer, December 02 2018

I spoke to Sean Gervasi on several occasions prior to his untimely death in June 1996. His incisive understanding of  the process of breakup of  Yugoslavia, not to mention its cruel aftermath was far-reaching. According to Gary Wilson, “Gervasi

In Defense of ‘Conspiracy Theories’: From ‘Fake News’ to the Art World By Max Parry, December 02 2018

“To remain innocent may also be to remain ignorant.” ― John Berger, Ways of Seeing

This November 22nd marked fifty-five years since the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Perhaps no other major incident in U.S. history has generated more …

The Migrant Caravan: Canadian and US Business Interests Place Profits over People in Central America By Michael Welch and Tyler Shipley, December 02 2018

“They are fleeing a crisis. They are fleeing catastrophe. One in which not only is it almost impossible for people to economically survive, it’s increasingly difficult to just physically survive and not be subject to some kind of violence….The root

The Bottomless Dishonesty of CNN on Palestine and Marc Lamont Hill Firing By Prof. Juan Cole, December 02 2018

CNN has fired contributor Marc Lamont Hill for a speech he gave on Palestinian rights at the UN. The speech can be found here.

You can protest this outrageous firing at this petition site.

And here is a link …

Selected Articles: Killing the Prospects for Arms Control By Global Research News, December 02 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Journey into Obsolescence: Australia’s Adani Carmichael Mining Project By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 02 2018

The Carmichael mine being pursued in the Galilee Basin in Central Queensland is a dinosaur before its creation.  On paper, it is hefty – to be some five times the size of Sydney harbour, the largest in Australia and one

“Kerch Incident” Was Premeditated? US Military Contractor Hiring Personnel to Support Classified ‘Contingency Operations’ in Ukraine By South Front, December 02 2018

A US contractor accidentally revealed a US military specialist deployment in the combat zones in Ukraine via a Job Advertisement on LinkedIn.

Similarly to the Atlantic Council’s report on independence of Eastern European countries, as well as the meeting between …

US Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Kill Prospects for Arms Control By Andrei Akulov, December 02 2018

US Senator Tom Cotton and Congresswoman Liz Cheney have introduced a bill that prevents extending the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) with Russia or the Stopping Russia Nuclear Aggression Act. It says “Under no circumstances should the

Debt, Death, and the US Empire By Antonius Aquinas, December 02 2018

In a talk which garnered little attention, one of the Deep State’s prime operatives, National Security Advisor John Bolton, cautioned of the enormous and escalating US debt.  Speaking before the Alexander Hamilton Society, Bolton warned that current US debt levels

Trump Administration Approves Airgun Blasting in Atlantic Harmful to Whales, Dolphins By Center For Biological Diversity, December 02 2018

The Trump administration today approved five permits that allow harm to whales, dolphins and other animals so companies can search for oil off the Atlantic Coast using loud seismic airgun blasts. Allowing these exploration activities from Delaware to Florida

Political Succession and “The Bush-Clinton Nexus”: Permanent Criminal State. The Legacy of George Herbert Walker Bush By Larry Chin, December 02 2018
The final moves on the “Grand Chessboard” are before us: all of the Middle East and Central Asia, the world’s last reserves of oil, are in play, Syria is on the edge, Russia is under attack, and nuclear holocaust is a terrifying possibility. War with Russia and China are no longer “unthinkable”, but being planned in earnest.
Mercury Contamination of Atmosphere May Reach Orbit Through Regulatory Blindspot By PEER, December 01 2018

Federal regulators have turned a blind eye to the massive risks of using mercury as the propellant in thousands of communication satellites slated for launch in the next few years, according to a complaint filed today by Public Employees for

Video: Global Warming Testimony. Questions the IPCC Consensus. Prominent Scientist By Prof. Don J. Easterbrook, December 01 2018

Speech by Dr. Don Easterbrook, Professor Emeritus of Geology, Western Washington State University. This was delivered to the Washington State Senate – Energy, Environment & Telecommunications Committee on March 26, 2013.

He points out  ‘scientific’ points – which question

The UN General Assembly Adopts Six Resolutions in Favor of Palestine By The Palestinian Information Center, December 01 2018

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) overwhelmingly adopted on Friday evening five resolutions in support of Palestine and a sixth one on the Golan Heights.

The first resolution, titled Jerusalem, was adopted by the UNGA by a recorded vote of …

India-Saudi Relations: The Modi-MBS “Political Friendship” Is All About Iran By Andrew Korybko, December 01 2018

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) is literally trying to buy Indian Prime Minister Modi off by getting him to ditch his country’s energy imports from Iran in exchange for billions of dollars of Saudi investment, and there’s a

Video: 15,000 Al-Qaeda-linked Terrorists Remain in Idlib Province By South Front, December 01 2018

There are about 15,000 Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) terrorists in the province of Idlib and Russia is ready to provide the Syrian government with help to eliminate them, Alexander Lavrentiev, Russian presidential envoy for Syria, announced during

Gülen and Erdogan’s Islamic Rivalry and Its Consequences By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir and Arbana Xharra, December 01 2018

Until five years ago, Fethullah Gülen and Turkey’s President Erdogan were allies who supported each other. Both use Islam as the basis for their doctrine, which made them ideologically different from the revolutionary secularist statesman Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the

World Leaders Greet and Meet with Saudi Crown Prince at G20 By Stephen Lendman, December 01 2018

It was to be expected. Some G20 leaders treated Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) like nothing happened in the kingdom’s Istanbul consulate on October 2.

They ignored Riyadh’s genocidal war in Yemen (in cahoots with the US, UAE and other countries), …

“The Politics of Common Sense: State, Society and Culture in Pakistan” By James M. Dorsey, December 01 2018

Aasim Sajjad Akhtar’s The Politics of Common Sense: State, Society and Culture in Pakistan (Cambridge University Press, 2018) is an incisive study of continuity as well as change in Pakistan that has moved the country towards religious conservatism and

The Long, Brutal U.S. War on Children in the Middle East By Kathy Kelly, December 01 2018

On November 28, sixty-three U.S. Senators voted in favor of holding a floor debate on a resolution calling for an end to direct U.S. Armed Forces involvement in the Saudi-UAE coalition-led war on Yemen. Describing the vote as a rebuke

Here We Go Again: US Accuses Iran of Hiding Chemical Weapons By True Publica, December 01 2018

CNN reports last week that: “The Trump administration is set to accuse Iran of violating the international treaty that bars the use of chemical weapons.

The White House notified lawmakers on Friday that it would declare Iran is violating the …

George H.W. Bush, the CIA and a Case of State-Sponsored Terrorism By Robert Parry, December 01 2018

Fifty-eight years ago, a car-bomb exploded in Washington killing Chile’s ex-Foreign Minister Orlando Letelier, an act of state terrorism that the CIA and its director George H.W. Bush tried to cover up, Robert Parry reported on Sept. 23, 2000.


Is Nuclear War Our Destiny? By David Penner, December 01 2018

When evaluating the behavior of a sociopath, what constitutes success and failure can prove quite challenging. The US wars against Syria and Iraq were largely failures, as Washington failed to oust Assad and also failed to install a puppet government

A Dangerous Distraction: Seven Myths Industry Uses to Sell “Renewable Gas” By Corporate Europe Observatory, November 30 2018

The gas industry is currently hyping so-called ‘renewable gas’ and its low-carbon potential. But the industry hype does not live up to reality: this newfound enthusiasm for renewable gas is really an attempt to paint the gas industry green. The

Libya: Ten Things About Gaddafi They Don’t Want You to Know By Global Research News, November 30 2018

This article was first published by Global Research in November 2014. Today Libya as a Nation State has been destroyed by US-NATO.

What do you think of when you hear the name Colonel Gaddafi? Tyrant? Dictator? Terrorist? Well, a national

Vaccine Realities That Big Pharma Doesn’t Teach Us Doctors (or Our Patients). The Plight of “Vaccine Damaged Children” By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 30 2018

“In 1986 a US law was passed that protected vaccine maker’s from ever being sued in a a regular court regardless of how many babies or children were injured of killed from the aluminum, mercury (aka Thimerosal), formaldehyde, aborted fetal

Amnesia, Lack of Accountability Reign as Wall Street Celebrates Halliburton’s 100-year Anniversary By Lauren Smith, November 30 2018

“So for Halliburton’s 100-year anniversary wish, let’s wish its stock tanks and that its guilty are remembered, held accountable, and that justice is ultimately served.”

When it comes to the ruling elite’s corporate plunder and crimes against humanity, the U.S.

US “Destabilizes” and Destroys Iraq for Decades, US Congress Now Has A Plan for “Stabilization” and “More US Intervention” By Adam Dick, November 30 2018

The United States attacked Iraq in the Gulf War in 1990, followed by years of US bombing of Iraq. Then, in 2003, the US invaded and conquered Iraq in the Iraq War. Since then, many US troops have been stationed

Trump Caves to Russophobes, Cancels G20 Meeting with Putin By Stephen Lendman, November 30 2018

Let’s see if I’ve got this straight. US-installed Ukrainian putschist leader, in cahoot with US and UK Russophobes, staged last Sunday’s anti-Russia provocation in the Black Sea’s Kerch Strait, Russian waters.

Entering them without permission violates Articles 19 and 21 …

Russia’s Strategic Waterways and the Northeast Arctic Passage By Andrew Korybko, November 30 2018

Russia would have obviously preferred that the Kerch Strait Crisis with Ukraine never happened, but since it did, Moscow’s wasting no time in taking advantage of the highly publicized defense of its maritime borders in the Black Sea to promote

Media Ignore Largest Foreign Military Aid Package in US History …. To Israel By Alison Weir, November 30 2018

In an astounding case of media negligence, U.S. news media are failing to tell Americans that Congress is about to enact legislation for the largest military aid package to a foreign country in U.S. history.

This aid package would likely …

Doug Ford’s War on Ontario’s Poor By John Clarke, November 30 2018

Ontario’s recently elected Tory government, headed by right wing populist, Doug Ford, did not wait very long to incorporate into its reactionary agenda, an attack on the province’s social assistance system and those living in poverty. Though their election

British Government ‘Pledges’ Cheaper, Unlabelled, Gene-edited Food. “An Agricultural Revolution” Predicated on Genetic Engineering! By Political Concern, November 30 2018

At a time when apprehensions about low-quality food entering the country post Brexit are rising, the Times reports that Michael Gove, the environment secretary has announced that “Britain will lead an agricultural revolution with the use of gene editing”.

“The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin”: Book Review By Bryant Brown, November 30 2018

In the mid 1950’s I was a teen, the cold war was at its peak and I subscribed to Pravda, The Russian newspaper to learn about propaganda. That turned out to be good training for understanding the news today. As

Building Global Palestine Solidarity By Junaid S. Ahmad, November 30 2018

In late November 2018, students, led by the Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC) at the University of Leeds, immediately mobilized to demonstrate as soon as they found out that Zionist war propagandist, Mark Regev, was visiting campus to speak. Regev

US-Saudi Ties: Drenched in Blood, Oil and Deceit By Joyce Chediac, November 30 2018

Why do Donald Trump and the CIA disagree about the recent killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Turkey?

The CIA concluded that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, …

Mutual Decline: The Failings of Student Evaluations By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 30 2018

That time of the year.  Student evaluations are being gathered by the data crunchers.  Participation rates are being noted.  Attitudes and responses are mapped.  The vulnerable, insecure instructor, fearing an execution squad via email, looks apprehensively at comments in the

Russia Is Disadvantaged by Her Belief That the West Is Governed by Law By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 30 2018

Ukrainian military ships have violated Russian restrictions in the Sea of Azov and Articles 19 and 21 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.  The Ukrainian Navy crossed the Russian sea border and entered a closed area

Public Trust Has Plunged in Recent Years as Corruption Plagues UK Politics By Political Concern, November 30 2018

A recent Telegraph investigation (paywall) revealed that senior MPs and peers, including many ministers, have given access to Parliament to spouses involved in lobbying for companies and campaign groups. Karen Bradley, the Northern Ireland Secretary, and Sir Kevin

Assange vs. the Trump-Pence Cabal By Renee Parsons, November 30 2018

It is widely rumored that, with sealed indictments pending in the US, Wikileaks founder and publisher Julian Assange may be imminently forced to leave the Ecuadorian Embassy which has provided him safe refuge since 2012.

However, after a recent visit …

Children – Civilization’s Future, Victims of Western Brutality By Peter Koenig, November 30 2018

The United Nations Universal Children’s Day– 20 November – has come and gone – and nothing has changed. No action that would now protect children any more than before, no move even by the UN to call on nations at

Guardian Escalates Its Vilification of Julian Assange By Jonathan Cook, November 30 2018

It is welcome that finally there has been a little pushback, including from leading journalists, to the Guardian’s long-running vilification of Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks.

Reporter Luke Harding’s latest article, claiming that Donald Trump’s disgraced former campaign …

United States
Inter-Korea Summits, US-DPRK Summit. No Peace on the Land of Morning Calm. What Is Going On? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, November 30 2018

For last ten months, the world has been watching at times with hope, sometimes with doubt and often even fear. There have been three inter-Korea summits and one US-North Korea summit. But we see no peace on the Land of

Video: Syrian Forces Eliminate Unidentified Aerial Objects Near Damascus. Israel Denies Reports on Its Warplane Shootdown By South Front, November 30 2018

Last night, the Syrian Air Defense Forces (SADF) shot down several unidentified aerial objects over the district of al-Kiswah south of Damascus, according to the state-run media.

Local sources told SouthFront that the SADF had also engaged targets over Damascus …

Canadian Wars More About Imperialism Than ‘Defending Democracy’ By Yves Engler, November 30 2018

Now that November 11 and the official “remembering” of our “heroes”, their “bravery” and “greatness” is over, it is a good time to take a deeper, more critical look at Canada’s participation in wars.

While on Remembrance Day we are …

The War on WikiLeaks: Trump’s Newest Puppet, Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno By Timothy Alexander Guzman, November 30 2018

In 2016, Presidential candidate Donald Trump said “Wikileaks, I love Wikileaks” as U.S. President, Trump recently said “I don’t know anything about him. Really. I don’t know much about him. I really don’t.” It’s clear that the Trump administration with

The Nuclear Lies of NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg. Brand New “Precision Guidance” Nukes Deployed All Over Europe By Manlio Dinucci, November 30 2018

“Russian missiles are a danger” – the alarm was sounded by the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, in an interview with Maurizio Caprara published in the Corriere della Sera*, three days before the “incident” in the Sea of

Scolding the Art World for Showcasing ‘Conspiracy Theories,’ The Nation Doubles Down on Its Defense of the Official 9/11 Narrative By Ted Walter, November 30 2018

Last week, I came across something I didn’t think I would ever see. But in hindsight, it shouldn’t have surprised me: one of the country’s leading left publications, The Nation, rebuking New York art museums and galleries for showcasing critical

Afghanistan, No Peace in Sight: The US Intends to Dissolve the Local People’s “Anti-Terrorist Uprisings” By Sami Karimi, November 29 2018

It is a distant dream to achieve the peace in Afghanistan. Despite the world media and Afghan government have repeatedly claimed about the imminence of peace with the Taliban, there is no beacon of peace in sight for at least

Australia: A Parliament of Irresponsibility By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 29 2018

It took place as the blades were being sharpened for a palace coup in August.  On Radio National’s breakfast program, Deputy Leader of Labor, Tanya Plibersek was tight lipped to her interlocutor.  The issue posed to her party was the

Syria: Alleged Chemical Attack Elicits 180 Degree Response from West. Twisted Media Coverage By Tony Cartalucci, November 29 2018

On the heels of another alleged chemical attack in Syria – the Western media has responded with skepticism – even silence. This acutely different response to its regular “chemical weapons” hysteria is because unlike previous incidents, it appears this most

Senate Advances Proposal to End US Support for Saudi Arabia in Yemen By Stephen Lendman, November 29 2018

War in Yemen was planned, orchestrated, and launched by Bush/Cheney in October 2001 – weeks after 9/11 and naked aggression in Afghanistan.

NATO member states, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and other nations are US  junior partners, directed by Washington, …

Crisis in the Sea of Azov, Confronting Russia, “Dangerous Madness… The Risk of War is Real By Andre Vltchek and Alessandro Bianchi, November 29 2018

Alessandro Bianchi: Let’s start from today’s crisis in the Sea of Azov. The European Union and NATO have given full support to Ukraine after the violation of Russian sovereignty by two Ukrainian vessels. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg gave

Saudi Diplomatic Offensive Seeks to Put Khashoggi Behind It and Thwart Qatar By James M. Dorsey, November 29 2018

As Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman tours friendly Arab nations in advance of the Group of 20 (G-20) industrialized nations summit in Argentina, Saudi diplomacy aims to achieve two goals: put the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi behind it

Syria Poison Gas: The French Connection? By Steven Sahiounie, November 29 2018

Chlorine packed rockets rained down on central Aleppo.  The barrage of deadly gas hit the residential neighborhoods of the most populated city in Syria.

Over 100 residents sought treatment at the Ar-Razi and University hospitals after rockets struck the Al-Khalidiye

Did British Spies Really Hack EU Negotiations? By Annie Machon, November 29 2018

Just after midnight on 16 August, I was called by LBC in London for a comment on a breaking story on the front page of The Daily Telegraph about British spies hacking the EU. A radio interview is

Poroshenko and the West: Trouble Brewing in the Sea of Azov By Tom Luongo, November 29 2018

Trouble has been brewing in the Sea of Azov all year. It started with Ukraine’s seizing a Russian fishing boat and detaining its crew in March. The Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko canceled the Friendship Treaty with Russia. After that he

China-Japan Arms Build-up By Tom Clifford, November 29 2018

Two myths, that Japan does not have an aircraft carrier and that China is sticking with two, have just been torpedoed.

Chinese authorities confirmed on Tuesday that they were building the country’s third aircraft carrier. But it was hardly an

Israel and the Jihadi Connection By Richard Galustian, November 29 2018

Earlier this year, with little publicity, the official position of Israel on terrorism was explained by Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon

“I would like to see ISIS rule all of Syria (by inference, the whole region – RG);

Selected Articles: Kerch Strait Incident: Preliminary to US-NATO War with Russia? By Global Research News, November 29 2018

Global Research, together with partner independent media organizations, has sought Truth in Media with a view to eventually “disarming” the corporate media’s disinformation crusade.

Global Research has over 50,000 subscribers to our Newsletter.

Our objective is to recruit one thousand

At Least 1 Million Bees Found Dead in Cape Town By Lorraine Chow, November 29 2018

Beekeepers in and around Cape Town, South Africa are facing significant losses of their pollinators in recent weeks.

The mass deaths have been linked to an insecticide called fipronil that was likely incorrectly used by the area’s wine farmers, according …

Assange Never Met Manafort. Luke Harding and the Guardian Publish Still More Blatant MI6 Lies By Craig Murray, November 29 2018

The right wing Ecuadorean government of President Moreno continues to churn out its production line of fake documents regarding Julian Assange, and channel them straight to MI6 mouthpiece Luke Harding of the Guardian.

Amazingly, more Ecuadorean Government documents have …

A Moment of Reckoning for Decentralisation in Morocco. Entrenched Rural Poverty By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, November 29 2018

Morocco’s parliament, at this moment, is deciding the nation’s Decentralisation Charter. Since its working draft is not currently made public, we can only hope that every parliamentarian realises that the human development course of the nation and the relationships between

Black Friday Amerika: ‘Shop Till We All Drop’!! By Philip A Farruggio, November 29 2018

The crowds arrived at the box store many hours before opening, or nowadays even on Thanksgiving night. They wait outside (sometimes in frigid Northern areas) for the opportunity to get ‘Once in a lifetime’ deals. Many of these shoppers are

Eyes Without the Prize: Stripping Aung San Suu Kyi’s Awards By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 29 2018

It is impossible to see peace prize or freedom awards as anything other than fragments of an industry.  In time, ideals become marketable and matters of commodity. Those who go against this market rationale face the fires of moral outrage. 

Russia Deploys S-400 Missiles to Crimea in Military Showdown with Ukraine By Zero Hedge, November 29 2018

Predictably the crisis that began on Sunday between Russia and Ukraine in the Kerch Strait is quickly worsening as Russia has announced plans to deploy more of its advanced S-400 surface-to-air missile systems to Crimea

Adding to tensions, Reuters

The Democrats Win and Black People Lose By Margaret Kimberley, November 29 2018

If the Democrats were a true political party Nancy Pelosi’s failures would have taken her out of the running for any leadership position.

“We must say no to the false dichotomy of Trumpian fascism or the pretend Democratic Party

US Midterm Elections Leave Crisis in Political Leadership. Racist Power Structure. Mississippi, Georgia, Florida By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 29 2018

Results from the Mississippi Senatorial runoff elections where Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith defeated Democratic candidate Mike Espy by an 11 percentage points margin illustrates the formidable obstacles placed before the opposition party within the United States body politic.

Hyde-Smith was captured …

NATO’s Largesse: “Nuclear Sharing” By Ann Garrison, November 29 2018

On November 10, a 5,290-ton Norwegian warship sank into one of the country’s inner fiords after colliding with a 62,557-ton tanker carrying almost 100 million liters of oil. CNN reported, “Now all that remains above the waterline is the frigate’s

Argentina and France – Opponents of IMF versus Yellow Vests – Where Is the Correlation? By Peter Koenig, November 29 2018

What do Argentinian protesters have in common with French protesters? – They both strongly dislike their governments, and their leaders (sic).

The protests in Argentina against the upcoming G20 meeting and around the IMF are just a pretext for an …

The Power of the Documentary: Breaking the Silence By John Pilger, November 29 2018

The Power of the Documentary is an unusual film festival, because its aim is to break a silence that extends across much of film-making, the arts and journalism.

By silence I mean the exclusion of ideas that might change the …

“Secular States, Religious Politics: India, Turkey and the Future of Secularism” By James M. Dorsey, November 29 2018

Sumantra Bose‘s new book Secular States, Religious Politics: India, Turkey and the Future of Secularism (Cambridge University Press, 2018) is a fascinating comparison of the rise of religious parties in the non-Western world’s two major attempts to establish a

Our Man in Riyadh: Abizaid of Arabia By Andrew J. Bacevich, November 29 2018

What does President Trump’s recent nomination of retired Army General John Abizaid to become the next U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia signify? Next to nothing — and arguably quite a lot.

Abizaid’s proposed appointment is both a non-event and an …

Microplastics Pollution in Falklands as High as UK By Anglia Ruskin University, November 29 2018

The first study to investigate microplastics around Ascension Island and the Falkland Islands — two of the most remote locations in the South Atlantic Ocean — has found levels of contamination comparable with the waters around the UK.

The research,

Video: US Is Establishing ‘Observation Posts’ on Syrian-Turkish Border By South Front, November 29 2018

On November 28, Russian air-defense forces deployed intercepted and destroyed an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) near the Russian Hmeimim airbase in the province of Lattakia, according to local sources.

The intercepted UAV was probably an armed UAV launched by militants …

Pushback Against Israel Is Beginning in US Congress By Philip Giraldi, November 29 2018

The Anglophone Israel Lobby benefits from its ability to mold the media narrative while at the same time using financial incentives to corrupt the political class. For those who do not succumb to the corruption, there is always the option

Video: ‘Moderate Rebels’ and Western Media Speculate that “Assad was Guilty” of Chemical Attack in Aleppo By South Front, November 28 2018

739 ISIS members have been killed by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the province of Deir Ezzor, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) claimed. 452 members of the SDF were killed during the same period, according to

A European Army Obeying US Interests Will Only Promote More Imperialism and Military Corruption By Federico Pieraccini, November 28 2018

The idea of creating a common army for the countries of the European Union has been repeatedly proposed by numerous advocates of the globalist elite for at least a decade. The latest example came from French President Macron, who took

India’s “Connect Central Asia” Strategy Will Heighten Regional Competition By Andrew Korybko, November 28 2018

This possibility was discussed in mid-November during the bilateral Investment Forum and signifies the natural outgrowth of India’s connectivity investments in Iran. Reaching the Russian marketplace is the prime reason why India’s investing in the Islamic Republic’s infrastructure, but it

Video: British Special Forces in Ukraine. Alleged Chemical Weapons and Black Ops Against Donbass? By Vesti News, November 28 2018

We bring to the attention of our readers a Donbass report pertaining to the presence of British Special Forces in Ukraine. Yet to be verified these special forces are said to be experts in chemical weapons.  

British military personnel have …