Global Research News

A Two-Pronged Policy Needed to Stem the Flow of Migrants: Poverty Alleviation, Economic and Social Development By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, December 07 2018

To dramatically slow the flow of illegal immigration and even end it does not rest on building walls or sending troops to the border, or by heartlessly snatching children from their mothers’ arms, or by incarceration, deportation, or prosecution. A

Mainstream Media Assaults on Freedom of Speech. “The Truth” is No Longer “Important” By Shane Quinn, December 07 2018
Such was the barrage of propaganda directed at the US public that 69% believed Saddam Hussein was “personally involved” in the 9/11 attacks. A significant achievement in manipulation. The Times was not alone in selling the Iraq war to the American people: TV networks from Fox to CBS and CNN were overwhelmingly pro-war.
The Security Derangement Complex: Technology Companies and Australia’s Anti-Encryption Law By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 07 2018

Australia is being seen as a test case. How does a liberal democracy affirm the destruction of private, encrypted communications? In 2015, China demonstrated what could be done to technology companies, equipping other states with an inspiration: encryption keys, when

Brexit – Is the Final Tory Implosion Now Just Days Away? By True Publica, December 07 2018

When considering Brexit and the current constitutional and political crisis Britain finds itself in, it is interesting to note some of the words in the 2002 Conservative chairwoman’s speech to the party conference in Bournemouth. It included such phrases

US New World Order 2.0. Russia and China Constitute An “Obstacle” Which Undermines Washington’s Imperial Ambitions By Stephen Lendman, December 06 2018

Addressing the German Marshall Fund (GMF) think tank on Tuesday, Mike Pompeo sought to reinvigorate GHW Bush’s new world order extremism – endless wars of aggression its defining feature, world peace, stability, and mutual cooperation among all nations considered abhorrent

Suicide Bombing in Iran’s Chahabar Port: “Blowback” from US-India War against the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)? By Andrew Korybko, December 06 2018

The suicide bombing that just took place in Iran’s southeastern port of Chabahar was more than likely caused by blowback from the joint US-Indian Hybrid War on CPEC, in which case Tehran would do well to reconsider its strategic partnership

Moscow Meddling, Trump-Putin Dialogue: Secretary of Defense Mattis Tells All Without Any Evidence By Philip Giraldi, December 06 2018

The insanity runs deep in Washington but it has also briefly surfaced at Simi Valley in California at the Reagan National Defense Forum, which ran through last weekend. United States Secretary of Defense James “Mad Dog” Mattis was the keynote

Video: Netanyahu Kicks Off War on Hezbollah ‘Attack Tunnels’ in Northern Israel By South Front, December 06 2018

On December 4, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced that they had launched Operation Northern Shield in order to “expose and neutralize” alleged Hezbollah cross-border attack tunnels heading from Lebanon to Israel.

According to the Israeli side, the IDF eliminated …

Selected Articles: Truth and Human Rights vs. Fraud and Corruption By Global Research News, December 06 2018

Do you value the reporting and in-depth analysis we provide, free of charge, on a daily basis? Do you think this resource should be maintained and preserved as a research tool for future generations? Bringing you 24/7 updates from all

Pakistan’s Government in Military Hands — Again? By Asad Ismi, December 06 2018

Imran Khan, Pakistan’s leading ex-cricketer, became the country’s prime minister in August after his political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), or the Pakistan Justice Movement, won an election marred by shocking violence—including two suicide bomb attacks in Balochistan province

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70: Time to De-Colonize Human Rights! By Ajamu Baraka, December 06 2018

The post-WW II promise of human rights was a compact meant for white people only, but a People-Centered Human Rights framework seeks global liberation and transformation.

“If human rights are to have any incredibility, any “universal” applicability, any value, they

HuffPost’s Attack on Academic Integrity, Truth and Justice By Elias Davidsson, December 06 2018

On 4 December 2018, HuffPost published an article by senior editor Chris York, whose single purpose was to discredit Professor Piers Robinson of the University of Sheffield (UK).  Prof. Robinson is Chair in Politics, Society and Political Journalism and

US Senate Resolution Potentially Changes Middle East Dynamics By James M. Dorsey, December 06 2018

A draft US Senate resolution describing Saudi policy in the Middle East as a “wrecking ball” and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as “complicit” in the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, if adopted and implemented, potentially could change the

All US Presidents, Living and Dead, Are War Criminals By Glen Ford, December 06 2018

Especially at state funerals, media and politicians pretend that US presidents are honorable men, instead of the mass murderers that all of them become in office.

“The US has caused the deaths of 20 to 30 million people since World

The Anti-BDS Derangement Syndrome By Kurt Nimmo, December 06 2018

Democrat Ben Cardin, a senator from Maryland and a ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is determined to sneak through anti-BDS legislation during the lame duck session of Congress. 

Most Americans are either ignorant or vaguely aware …

Operation #Northern Shield: Countdown to Another Israel-Hezbollah War? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, December 06 2018

The State of Israel has conducted an operation to destroy tunnels on the Israeli side of the what is internationally known as the Blue Line between Israel and Lebanon. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tweeted “We have just launched Operation

China Outraged at Arrest of Huawei CFO, Warns It Will “Take All Measures” By Zero Hedge, December 06 2018

So much for a trade war truce between China and the US, or a stock market Christmas rally for that matter.

Shortly after the news hit that Huawei CFO Wanzhou Meng — also deputy chairwoman and the daughter of Huawei’s …

France: The Next Move! Organize “Independently”. There is no Middle “Progressive” Ideology. By Massoud Nayeri, December 06 2018

The next move for the French working people is to organize INDEPENDENTLY against a system that President Macron represents; a system that puts profit over people. This is possible only through unity with the closest allies, as well as the

EPA Sued for Records of Andrew Wheeler Meetings with Oil Lobbyists By Center For Biological Diversity, December 06 2018

The Center for Biological Diversity and Friends of the Earth sued the Environmental Protection Agency today for refusing to release public records concerning meetings and communications with the lobbying firm Faegre Baker Daniels, the former employer of EPA Acting Administrator

The Bomb That Did Not Detonate: Julian Assange, Manafort and The Guardian By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 06 2018

“This is going to be one of the most infamous news disasters since Stern published the ‘Hitler Diaries.’” — WikiLeaks, Twitter, Nov 27, 2018

Those at The Guardian certainly felt they were onto something.  It would be a scoop

Grappling with Clientelism: The Japanese State and Okinawa Under Abe Shinzo By Gavan McCormack, December 06 2018
South Korea’s Candlelight Revolution and the Future of the Korean Peninsula By Prof. Nak-chung Paik, December 06 2018
Failed Media Coverage of Extreme Weather Events: How to Hide Global Warming in Plain Sight By Prof. Tom Huckin, December 06 2018

Extreme weather events are occurring more and more frequently, in line with scientists’ prognostications about the increasingly-dire effects of global warming. Yet polls show that most Americans still do not take global warming seriously. What accounts for such a disconnect?

Hand Gestures or Human Lives? Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United States By Caleb Maupin, December 06 2018

The contrived outrage regarding Putin’s high five with Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman obscures the fact that Russia-Saudi and the Saudi-US relations are completely different.

The US relationship with Saudi Arabia, a longstanding outrage among those who take US …

On the Way to A Libyan Settlement? Khalifa Haftar and Fayez M. Al-Sarraj “Closed Meeting” on “The Sidelines” By Firas Samuri, December 05 2018

Another meeting on the Libyan settlement was held in Palermo, southern Italy, November 12-13. The leaders of the warring factions, EU and UN representatives, as well as the parties concerned, took part in the summit.

After two days of intense …

Iran: A Rumor of War. Such an Attack would be a “Leap into Darkness” By Dispatches from the Edge, December 05 2018

Want another thing to keep you up at night?

Consider a conversation between long-time Middle East reporter Reese Erlich and former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Charles Freeman, Jr. on the people currently directing the Trump administration’s policy toward Iran. …

“War Whores” Revisited. Flashback to Media Coverage of the 2003 Invasion of Iraq By Philip A Farruggio, December 05 2018

Isn’t Amerika great? I mean, look at the world of (so called) television journalism. The more these characters ‘lay down’ for the masters of empire, the more they get compensated.

Let’s look at what transpired in March 2003 via our

Video: The Spider’s Web. Britain’s Second Empire. Corrupting the Global Economy. The British Elites’ Network of Tax Havens By True Publica, December 05 2018

Since it was uploaded to YouTube just ten weeks ago, Michael Oswald’s seminal documentary film on Britain and its tax haven empire has gained over 1,000,000 views. “The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire” documents how British elites created a network

When America’s Media Contradicts America’s President By Eric Zuesse, December 05 2018

On November 16th, the Washington Post headlined that “CIA concludes Saudi crown prince ordered Jamal Khashoggi’s assassination” and reported that “The CIA’s assessment, in which officials have said they have high confidence, is the most definitive to date

History of Labour Rights in Canada: Big and Small Lies We Accept By Harry Glasbeek, December 05 2018

In 1979, Canada’s postal union (CUPW) bargained and bargained with the employer. Eventually, having exhausted all possibilities, it made the decision, supported by a huge majority of its voting members, that its members would no longer provide their services on

Israel Expropriates Almost 70 Acres of Catholic Church Property By Middle East Monitor, December 05 2018

Israel’s occupation authorities expropriated almost 70 acres of Palestinian land in the Jordan Valley and West Bank on Tuesday, Shehab news agency has reported. The land is owned by the Roman Catholic Church — the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem —

Assange Case: U.S. Espionage Act Is Illegal, Says John Kiriakou By Edu Montesanti and John Kiriakou, December 05 2018

While Ecuador is expected to extradite Assange to the US, John Kiriakou, a “reluctant whistleblower” considered the first US intelligence officer to reveal information about the American intelligence community’s use of torture techniques, comments the WikiLeaks’ founder case in the

“New Scramble for Africa”: The UAE Will Help India “Multi-Align” Against China in Africa By Andrew Korybko, December 05 2018

The announcement that the UAE and India signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly invest in Africa will see Dubai greatly assisting New Delhi in its grand strategy of “multi-aligning” against China there, though Russia could play a stabilizing role

The Film the Israel Lobby Does Not Want You to See By Chris Hedges, December 05 2018

The Lobby,” the four-part Al-Jazeera documentary that was blocked under heavy Israeli pressure shortly before its release, has been leaked online by the Chicago-based website Electronic Intifada, the French website Orient XXI and the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar.

The …

Video: Syrian Army Eliminate ISIS Terrorists in Al-Suwayda Province. US-controlled Zone of Al-Tanf Used by ISIS Terrorists as a Safe Haven By South Front, December 05 2018

Government forces have eliminated more than 270 ISIS members as well as seized a large amount of weapons and munition, including 12 TOW anti-tank guided missiles, in the province of al-Suwayda since middle November, Oleg Makarevich, a spokesman for

The Bush Family Dynasty and Prescott Bush’s Love Affair with Fascism By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, December 05 2018

I was involved in pro-peace, anti-war, anti-US Imperialism efforts during the most hideous years of the Reagan/Bush administrations (from 1980 – 1992) that resulted in the deaths and sufferings of millions of innocent people in virtually every South and Central

Sometimes a Pair of Pants Can Give You Vertigo. “The Drastic Conditions of Our World Today” By Edward Curtin, December 05 2018

“Between the experience of living a normal life at this moment on the planet and the public narratives being offered to give a sense to that life, the empty space, the gap, is enormous.  The desolation lies there, not in

The Saudi Dilemma: To Cut or Not to Cut Production By Irina Slav, December 05 2018

To cut and push up prices or not to cut and preserve market share, this is the question that Saudi Arabia is facing ahead of this year’s December OPEC meeting. It seems like just yesterday when OPEC met in 2016

Brexit: Theresa May Goes Greek! By Brett Redmayne-Titley, December 05 2018

Regularly presidents, prime ministers, congresspersons and parliamentarians worldwide negate the democratic will of their nation’s voters by refusing to support legitimate election results. Strangely, their treasonous actions continue without serious reprisal or punishment by the voter. This emboldens them. The

In Contempt of Britain’s Parliament: The Legal Advice of Brexit By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 05 2018

It is attrition, suffocation and contortion.  While Theresa May’s Brexit program, weak, compromising and cobbled as it is, endures that bit longer, her opponents from within and without government have been essentially undercutting her on various fronts. 

Foppish and

America and Britain Complicit in Saudi Acts of Genocide in Yemen: 85,000 Children Dead, 14 Million at “Risk of Starvation” By Dr. Leon Tressell, December 04 2018

The recent death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has helped shed more attention on the Saudi war of aggression in Yemen. According to the UN up to 14 million people are at risk of starvation in Yemen. Yet the American

Top Ecuadorian Diplomat Destroys Guardian’s Claim that Manafort Visited Assange By Zero Hedge, December 04 2018

A former consul and first secretary at the Ecuadorian embassy in London has put the final nail in the coffin of credibility for The Guardian, refuting the paper’s fantastical and wholly unsupported claim that former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort

Football: Combat as Spectator Sport By Stephen Lendman, December 04 2018

Football is the modern-day equivalent of violent chariot races in ancient Rome, the most popular “sport” at the time, mano a mano, no holds barred.

Extreme violence defines modern-day US and Canadian football, especially at the professional level – what

What Foreign Threats? By Philip Giraldi, December 04 2018

One of the local Washington television stations was doing a typical early morning honoring our soldiers schtick just before Thanksgiving. In it soldiers stationed far from home were treated to videolinks so they could talk to their families and everyone

Selected Articles: George H. W. Bush, Yellow Vests, Trade Wars, Israeli Apartheid By Global Research News, December 04 2018

Global Research has over 50,000 subscribers to our Newsletter.

Our objective is to recruit one thousand committed “volunteers” among our 50,000 Newsletter subscribers to support the distribution of Global Research articles (email lists, social media, crossposts). 

Do not send us

Trump Foreign Policy: Doing the Same Thing and Expecting a Different Result By Rep. Ron Paul, December 04 2018

After a week of insisting that a meeting with Putin on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in Argentina was going to happen, President Trump at the last minute sent out a Tweet explaining that due to a Russia/Ukraine dispute

Trump Administration to Auction Off 900,000 Acres for Fracking in Nevada By Center For Biological Diversity, December 04 2018

The Trump administration plans to auction more than 900,000 acres for oil and gas extraction on the doorstep of Nevada’s only national park and other protected public lands. It would be the largest single lease sale of public lands in

Why Is India Bragging About Allegedly Tracking a Chinese Submarine in the Indian Ocean? By Andrew Korybko, December 04 2018

India is sending several messages by bragging about its alleged ability to track one of its “frenemy’s” submarines in the “Indian Ocean”, though the timing of this announcement might inadvertently raise further suspicions in Russia about its South Asian partner’s

Video: Syrian Military Deploys Troops, Battle Tanks Near Idlib By South Front, December 04 2018

On November 30th, Khalid al-Mahamid, a prominent figure of the Syrian opposition, revealed that there is “an international agreement” to eliminate Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in Idlib. Al-Mahamid is known as the godfather of the reconciliation process

Yellow Vest Protest Movement: Inequality and the Hollowness of the French Regime By Richard Greeman, December 04 2018

Ignored by French President Emmanuel Macron, distorted by the media, courted by the Right, snubbed by the Left, the self-organized mass movement known as the Yellow Vests (Mouvement des gilets jaunes) is seriously challenging the political and economic order

Working for the Man… Not the Masses. The Corporate Predators By Philip A Farruggio, December 04 2018

In 1973 I was still a somewhat naive college senior ready to face the business world. My major had been in Speech and Theater, with a minor in Sociology. As the year was ending and the new one upon us,

The Latest Victims in a Dark Story of How Northern Ireland Deals with Its Past By Barry McCaffrey, December 04 2018

In August two Belfast journalists were arrested in dawn raids involving up to 100 police officers for exposing state protection of the perpetrators of a notorious sectarian massacre. This Thursday they will speak at a special screening of their documentary

George H. W. Bush: “October Surprise” Denials, Iran Contra By Robert Parry, December 04 2018

First published by Consortium News on April 6, 2016

“Deny everything,” British traitor Kim Philby said, explaining how the powerful can bluff past their crimes, something known to George H.W. Bush when he denied charges of his own near treason

Les Gilets Jaunes – A Bright Yellow Sign of Distress By Diana Johnstone, December 04 2018

Every automobile in France is supposed to be equipped with a yellow vest. This is so that in case of accident or breakdown on a highway, the driver can put it on to ensure visibility and avoid getting run over.

“Bibi – The Turbulent Life and Times of Benjamin Netanyahu” By Jim Miles, December 04 2018

This morning I read online the current problems Benjamin Netanyahu is having within the Knesset and within his own political party,

“Now, Netanyahu’s once stable coalition is hanging by a thread, with the support of only 61 members in the

A US-China Trade War ‘Armistice’? Trump Blinks and Retreats at G-20 By Dr. Jack Rasmus, December 04 2018

The first reports emerging from the G20 meeting in Buenos Aires today, December 2, 2018, are that Trump and Xi have agreed to put their trade war on hold, a kind of ‘trade war armistice’, at least for the next

The Nobel Peace Prize in Support of War By Terje Maloy, December 04 2018

On December 10, the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony will be held in Oslo, the capital of Norway. This analysis will try to look at how the prize fits into the bigger picture, but first, some general background is

Climate Crisis Made Worse by “Presidential Mis-Leadership”: Protecting Big Oil, From Bush-Cheney, Obama to Trump By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, December 04 2018

Barack Obama, speaking to the Baker Institute, made sure the audience of wealthy Texans, many in the oil business, gave him credit for making the United States a world leader for oil and gas production. He said, “American

Canada Backs Repression, Killing of Protestors in Haiti By Yves Engler, December 04 2018

The Ugly Canadian has shown his elite-supporting, poor-bashing repressive face in Haiti.

Ottawa is backing the repression of anti-corruption protests and Justin Trudeau is continuing Canada’s staunch support for that country’s reactionary elite.

Over the past three months there have …

Israel’s New War of Attrition on Jerusalem’s Palestinians By Jonathan Cook, December 04 2018

Czech president Milos Zeman offered Benjamin Netanyahu’s ultra-nationalist government a fillip during his visit to Israel last week. He inaugurated a cultural and trade centre, Czech House, just outside Jerusalem’s Old City walls.

At the opening, he expressed hope …

No French Revolution in America By Kurt Nimmo, December 04 2018

More than 80% of the people of France—ordinary working people, not the professional bureaucrate class—support the “gilets jaunes,” the yellow vests in the street protesting against the globalist policies of Emmanuel Macron, defender of the mega-wealthy and upholder of EU

George H. Walker Bush: Cold War Ends and New World Orders By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 04 2018

The death of certain political figures, notably those of a vast imperium, is bound to provoke less criticism or critical insight than soul searching pursuits.  With the US in the mauling clutches of Donald J. Trump, the nightmare that was

Controlling the Israel Message: How to Manage the American Sheeple By Philip Giraldi, December 04 2018

There has been another defenestration of a television-based political commentator for touching the only real electrified third rail remaining in reporting what passes for the news. Marc Lamont Hill, a Temple University professor of Media Studies and Urban Education, who

Ukraine: US-installed Fascist Tyranny in Europe’s Heartland By Stephen Lendman, December 04 2018

Ukraine matters. It’s territory is Europe’s largest after Russia’s. It borders seven countries in Europe’s heartland – Belarus, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Russia.

It shares a strategically important 1,500-long land and sea border with the Russian Federation.

The …

George H. W. Bush: The Man Who Embodied What Putin’s Accused of Being By Andrew Korybko, December 04 2018

President Putin’s been accused by the West of being many things, but ironically enough, it’s former President George H. W. Bush who embodied many of them.

The passing of former President George H. W. Bush over the weekend prompted a …

British Hunters Bring Home Elephant Ivory By Brendan Montague, December 04 2018

British trophy hunters brought home two tonnes of elephant tusks from Africa over the past decade, new figures show.

Nearly 400 ‘trophies’ from the world’s most endangered animals have been brought into Britain by hunters in recent years.

A motion …

Qatar: We’re Quitting OPEC in 2019 By Middle East Eye, December 04 2018

Qatar said on Monday it was quitting OPEC from January to focus on its gas ambitions, taking a swipe at the group’s de facto leader Saudi Arabia and marring Gulf efforts to show unity before this week’s meeting of exporters

Video: Hezbollah Warns Israel: ‘If You Dare Attack, You Will Regret it’ By Sayed Hasan, December 03 2018

On the evening of Friday, November 30, Hezbollah’s war media broadcasted this video addressed to Israel and subtitled in Hebrew, in response to recent Israeli military exercises simulating an aggression against southern Lebanon, an escalation of violations of Lebanese airspace

Mexico on the Eve of AMLO – “So Far from God and So Close to the United States” By Roger D. Harris, December 03 2018

The full quote by Porfirio Díaz is: “Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States.” Mexican President Díaz (1876-1880 and 1884-1911) got it at least half right. Mexico has suffered in the shadow of the

Royal Road Ahead: Saudi Crown Prince Leaves G-20 Confident, Turning Corner After Khashoggi Scandal By James M. Dorsey, December 03 2018

There was a high-five from Vladimir Putin. And for Xi Jinping and Narendra Modi it was business as usual.

At home, Saudi Arabia’s media trumpeted Mohammed bin Salman’s meetings with world leaders, tweeting pictures of his encounters, which …

Did Ukraine Coordinate Its Provocation in Black Sea with ‘Western Partners’? By South Front, December 03 2018

It appears that Western experts and Ukrainian diplomats successfully “forecasted” the November 25 escalation in the Black Sea in middle November.

On November 21st, the Atlantic Council “an American think tank in the field of international affairs,” which …

World War II: Hitler’s Early Victories in the USSR and the Wolf’s Lair Headquarters By Shane Quinn, December 03 2018

In Hitler’s goals to attain Germanic dominion of the planet, he enjoyed some of his most triumphant days secured away at the vast, virtually unheard of Wolf’s Lair. The complex was known in the German tongue as Wolfsschanze. Hitler had

Mexico: AMLO Opens Presidential House ‘Los Pinos’ to the Public By Telesur, December 03 2018

From the moment Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was sworn in as president of Mexico, the presidential house known as ‘Los Pinos’ was opened to the public as a museum and art gallery as a sign of the new government’s austerity.

The 2018 Firestorms: There Is No Planet B By Dr. Andrew Glikson, December 03 2018

It takes only a spark, from a lightning or human ignition, to start a fire, but it involves high temperatures, a period of drought, a build-up of dry vegetation and strong winds to start a bush fire, such as is

The Deadliest Operation. Truman on “The Purpose and Operations of Our CIA” By Robert Gore, December 03 2018

Choose your battles wisely.

One month to the day after President Kennedy’s assassination, the Washington Post published an article by former president Harry Truman.

I think it has become necessary to take another look at the purpose and operations of

Emmanuel Macron: The Little Emperor and Humpty-Dumpty By Deena Stryker, December 03 2018

After less than two years, France’s youngest President, Emanuel Macron, has become the de facto leader of Europe but the object of violence at home.

Having spent a total of thirty-odd years living and working in France, I am only …

India’s Agrarian Crisis: Father of Green Revolution Rejects GM Crops By Colin Todhunter, December 03 2018
MI6 Officials Said to be Lobbying Trump to Prevent Declassification of Russian Collusion Documents By Elizabeth Vaughn, December 02 2018

In September, President Trump announced he would declassify pertinent documents relating to the Russian Collusion investigation. Four days later, he cancelled this order because two allies, believed to be England and Australia, had requested the documents remain classified. Recently, Trump

Tanzania Orders Destruction of Monsanto / Gates’ GM Trials Due to Illegal Use for Pro-GM Propaganda By African Centre for Biodiversity, December 02 2018

Tanzanian civil society organisations (CSOs) welcome the decision of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Mathew Mtigumwe, to bring an immediate stop to all ongoing GM field trials taking place in the country. These are

Video: Rwanda. The Crimes of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) against the Hutu By Jambo Asbl, December 02 2018

This video talks about crimes committed against Hutu, before, during and after the genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda.

Talking about (and/or seeking Justice for) these crimes should not be considered as neither an act nor an attempt to deny, minimise, …